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94.85% Honkai Impact: Invictus. / Chapter 255: Side Story 42: Dance Dance Revolution

Capítulo 255: Side Story 42: Dance Dance Revolution

After a few hours, the other servants have just finished up school and returned back home with Asia in tow. The nun didn't have accommodations and she will be living in the Aesir estate now.

"Umm, Jeanne-sama. I don't know about this, can I really live here at your holy abode?" Asia thought that a saintess' home was too good for her.

"Oh dear oh dear, Asia. Call me Jeanne, just Jeanne okay? And don't worry, you can live here too. Or you do not want to live with me?" Jeanne pouted at her and Asia started panicking.

Jeanne and Artoria gave a chuckle, Asia was just too pure. The other servants took a liking to her as well immediately, seeing such a good person was a breath of fresh air in their convoluted lives that is filled with too much drama, back stabbings, betrayals. It was a miracle for a human to be that kind.

"Asia-chan, you are too nice. How about I teach you some skills on how to survive in this world?" Semiramis looked at Asia and licked her lips. Noting that Asia would be a great assassin and seductress. Luring the stupid targets with her cuteness and clumsiness. Then poison them to death.

"Shush, Semiramis. Asia, do not take lessons from her. You're fine as you are." Shakespeare covered Asia's ears and Semiramis clicked her tongue.

"Umu, we welcome you here Asia. Jeanne here will be the perfect person to accompany you. Just ask her or any one of us if you have trouble." Arcueid patted her on the head and Asia teared up, praying once again for her good fortune.

Everyone then thought that she should be protected. Artoria and Mordred nodded in satisfaction when they remembered that Diodora was now having an eternal barbecue party in the underworld.

"Asia, we welcome you to our home here in Kuoh. Do enjoy yourself here." Celeste gestured for her to enter as the servants and masters stepped inside, gesturing for her to go in as well.

Asia bit her lip and thought that they were wonderful people. "Yes!" The nun gave a bright smile and she walked with them to go to her new home.

Once they entered inside, everyone saw Surtr watching television. Analyzing his fight with Hades. But the Jotunn was hyper focused on Sushang's fight. He knew that the woman was strong beyond imagination. Thinking he could learn a lot from her display of extreme restraint.

"Welcome back kids, dad already prepared dinner. Wash your hands and let us start eating." Aponia welcomed them.

"For real!? Yatta!" Bellatrix cheered and the Kaslana sisters immediately went to the bathroom to wash their hands.

"Hoh? Such a pure girl, who might you be?" Aponia looked at the others and saw a new person with them. She was quite amazed by Asia's optimism and outlook in life.

"Uhhh, hello. I am Asia Argento, Jeanne-san told me that I will be living here now?" Asia gave a nervous smile and Aponia walked up to her, patting her head.

"Yes you are, now go wash your hands as well. You will be having a meal with everyone." Aponia smiled at her and Asia nodded with a smile.

"Hmmm, that's rare for you Aponia. You never really show that much attention to anybody." Hua showed up, already eating a bowl of noodles.

"Hah, you just couldn't wait, can you? Anyways, that girl is quite special. One in millions, if more people like her existed. Then things will be easier for everyone." Aponia looked at the excited Asia that was so thankful for everything.

"That's high praise, coming from you. Anyways, all of you. How about you watch what Surtr just did in the realm of the dead. You can also see Sushang do her thing. You've never seen one us battle right?" Hua looked at the servants and they nodded.

"They'll do that later, everyone will be eating first. Now wash your hands, or I will be forced to discipline you." Aponia raised her hand a bit and Hua paled.

"Go! Go and wash your hands and go to the dining room you twats!" Hua immediately ushered them and the servants were confused for a moment.

They then paled, seeing how the chaotic and free spirit Hua panic. The implications of Aponia's discipline was not lost on them.

"Umm, Hua-sama. What does Aponia-sama mean by discipline that got you worked up like that anyways?" Karna asked and everybody was curious.

"Let me tell you something, kid. Do you remember your most horrifying memory? Your worst fear? Nightmares that keeps you awake until now?" Hua replied and Karna nodded with everybody else.

"Aponia will make you live those and crank it up to 11. And the fun part is you'll be trapped in that memory with all your senses intact. Living in hell for weeks at the mildest. In just a blink of an eye." Hua shuddered as she remembered her first discipline. Placed into a colorless world where she just watched paint dry for weeks. Bored out of her mind, almost going insane.

She also have to write in detail how it dried, second by second in a logbook. How the paint settled, what the differences were between other brands and mixes.

"That's just the mildest? Then what about the worst one?" The servants asked and Hua shook her head. "I don't know, but Ein told us it will last for almost an eternity. Living in hell inside your mind for eons. And she spices it up too, give you new traumas. Aponia is very nice, but don't push her buttons or you'll turn into a limp vegetable on the ground." Hua shrugged and the servants nodded slowly. So they wanted their hands immediately to comply with Aponia's wishes.

Everybody went to the dining room and of course, Ein filled the large table with food. Even Semiramis thought it was a feast. And she is an indulgent royal.

"Mom, where's dad?" Aurum asked Eden as they tried looking for him. Wanting to tell him what happened at school as they played with Koneko.

"Daddy's visiting a friend honey. Don't worry he'll come back tomorrow. You can tell him what you did at school today later." Eden smiled at her and the kids understood that he must only be going to be gone for a while. He could stop time for them after all if he was going to be away for a long time.


Ein went to Teyvat because he received some news from Makoto that a certain Loli had been technically imprisoned. Basically, house arrest.

He went to the Narukami shrine and sneaked up on Makoto. "Hmm, guess who?" He changed his voice and put his hands on Makoto's eyes.

"Ein... I know it's you, no one will ever do that to me except you." Makoto smiled and put her hands over at his, slowly pulling it down as she gave a smile.

"Tche, you're too perceptive. So, how is governing Inazuma by your lonesome? Is the Kamisato clan and Watatsumi island helping you?" Ein patted her head and gave her a chaste kiss.

"They do, it has been really peaceful. But I do wonder, what is Ei and Yae doing right now? I don't quite receive news from them as much lately." Makoto was a bit worried.

"Ohh, they're waging a holy crusade against the enemies of mankind and their empire. They just finished cleansing basically hell and are going back now." Ein gave Ei a view of their little adventure in the warp.


Shenhe, Ei, Eula, and Childe were in the thick of battle, bathing in blood as their weapons cleaved daemons left and right.

Childe roared, a tsunami of water crashed onto the opposing army from her vision. She was limit testing herself and the huge body of water she made turned into weapons. Cleaving anything in sight as it turned blood red from all the lifeblood it shed.

Yelan was firing arrows with Enki like it was a damned machine gun. Giving them unrivaled cover fire that even Imperator class titans can't give with Yae. A barrage of arrows made of denser water that was harder than steel was like raining down. And Yae created a storm of lightning with Lisa.

"Ya gitz! We can't let the lady bosses do all da work! It's time to send out an krork waaagh! Give em hell boys!" The main krork general psyched up his boys and they unleashed a massive warp storm with their gestalt psychic interference.

It was a titanic war that the neo Eldar and emperor has never seen before. And seeing frail looking ladies like Shenhe rip a bloodthirster of the blood god Khorne with her bare hands was a sight to behold.

She then picked up the war axe they left behind and started dual wielding it. A weapon so large that the 15 meter Krorks could use. Shenhe is a raging berserker that tear through the daemons like she has a grudge.

With Ei's every swing of her blade, kilometers of enemies got vaporized by the energy sword she made. Her divine prowess with the blade and spear showcased the reason why she won the archon war for Makoto.

"Wow, that war is enormous... Even if all the 7 archons and their nations came together to battle in that. We would've lost, the enemies are like a horde." Makoto was amazed and thought that the world there was insane.

"Yup, that would've made their wills really solid. I doubt anything could faze them anymore when they return here." Ein shrugged and Makoto nodded in agreement.

"Anyways, you told me that you received some news from Morax?" Ein raised a brow and put Makoto on his lap, hugging her waist. Spoiling her a little bit.

"Hmmmm~ yes. It seems our little friend's escape from her country and going to our party had made things worse for her." Makoto leaned into him, she then frowned, remembering what Morax told her.

"Nahida's basically imprisoned in Sumeru Ein. And I know why you're here, you want to take her away from there right?" Makoto looked at him with suspicion and thought that Sumeru would either just lose their archon or have a very very bad time.

"You're right, did I told you that I really like smart girls who understand what I want?" Ein chuckled and Makoto blushed.

"So, what do you wanna do? I might not be as perceptive as Shenhe. But I can sense that you're getting angrier by the second." Makoto thought it was the second option. And Sumeru's higher ups will have a really bad day.

"Let's meet up with Kusanali first, so Nahida's her name huh? I thought that archons are respected in this world. But of course, humans will take advantage of anyone even if they are basically a god. Yare yare, she's just a kid. She might be smart, but she basically has Klee and Qiqi's logic." Ein had a glint in his eyes and Makoto sighed.

They then teleported to where Kusanali was. The two saw Nahida jumping inside a bucket that was filled with water and some detergent.

"Chap~ Chap~ Chappu~" The girl sang cutely as she jumped up and down on the fabrics and cloths inside the bucket.

"Is she... Doing laundry?" Makoto raised a brow, thinking that Nahida looked really cute. But she had a realization that the archon of Sumeru was doing menial labor because nobody takes care of it for her.

"Kusanali, what's up?" Ein called out to her and the girl tilted her head as she looked at them. She then got wide eyed from surprise, quickly going out of the bucket and went to them.

"Ein, Makoto. Hello, why are you here in my home?" Nahida was confused and Makoto frowned. As she thought that her prison was home, that's all she ever knew.

"Hmmm, I'm gonna teach you something. Come here and follow me." Ein set up a tv and platform with arrows.

"What's this contraption?" Nahida looked at it curiously and inspected it really well. "This... Nahida, is dance dance revolution. Observe." Ein started it up and began playing some difficult songs. Like Beethoven virus.

Nahida watched on with sparkling eyes, seeing such a cool and fun thing to play on. Makoto thought it was so sweet of him to play with Nahida. But what she didn't know, is he was training her at the same time.

"Ein, can I try?" Nahida was excited and really wanted to play. Ein nodded and started her in some pretty average songs. But of course, she was an archon. So she quickly got the hang of it and began playing difficult songs like she played it since she was a baby.

"That's so sweet, Ein. But are you just gonna leave her here after giving her that game?" Makoto was confused as to why he didn't just take her right now.

"Trust the process, woman. I'm gonna teach Nahida a valuable lesson." Ein nodded sagely and Makoto was curious.

"Well, what is it then?" Makoto smiled and thought that he was going to impart wisdom to Nahida and make her more mature.

"That freedom isn't cheap. And violence is always the answer." Ein gave a self satisfied smile and Makoto dead panned at him.

"I knew it... That thing... It isn't just for fun for her, is it?" Makoto squinted her eyes at him and Ein shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a damned genius, just watch. Those old fucks are coming in hot. And they'll be knowing why Nahida is an archon with a gnosis."

Nahida finished her current song and looked at Ein to start up a new one. But Ein called her over and she gingerly went up to him.

"Nahida, I'm gonna impart to you my teachings and words of wisdom as a supreme god." Ein stroked his non existent beard and Nahida nodded, awaiting his next words.

"Murder is great, you should love murder. A lot of things can be solved with murder. Say it with me, I love murder." Ein patted her head and Nahida tilted her head.

Nahida tilted her head and Makoto sighed at the side. Massaging her temples as they chanted the words like a mantra. And because Nahida respected him, it was imprinted into her mind like a branding iron.

"Murder is what, young Padawan?" Ein crossed his arms and asked. "Murder is good, it solves every problem that comes in your way. I love murder!" Nahida chanted and Ein nodded in satisfaction.

"Though you must remember, it is quite situational. Only murder, when I tell you so. Do you want to be more happy? Be free? Have a life with your friends?" Ein looked at her seriously and Nahida thought about her fulfilling life at her prison. But she did want to have friends and spend time with them more.

"Un... I want to be with my friends, it would be more fun." Nahida looked up at him as she made her decision.

"Then what did I just taught you?" Ein patted her head. "Murder is good, I love it?" Nahida tilted her head cutely and Makoto was getting concerned.

"Good girl, now six guys will be coming in here soon. And they don't want you to have friends, do you want that?" Ein asked her and Nahida went wide eyed.

"R-really? But why?" Nahida started questioning things and she started to feel something new. It was anger.

"So what do you do?" Ein raised a brow and gestured for her to think. "Murder... It's the best solution. And I love murder." Nahida started mumbling and Makoto pulled on Ein's sleeve.

"What the hell are you teaching her!?" She shouted in a whisper and Ein sighed. "Hah, Makoto. You're too nice. You should be more like Ei. Violence solves everything, I'm not saying that little Nahida here does it every time. I even told her to ask for permission before she kills someone. It'll be fine~" Ein waved his hand nonchalantly and 6 old dudes entered the place.

They observed the loud arcade machine of dance dance revolution and saw two people with Nahida. And they were quite surprised by their presence. It was the Raiden Shogun of Inazuma and the illuminated beast that runs Walmart after all.

They started to get really anxious. Thinking that they must already know what they've done to Nahida. A comrade of Baal.

"Uhhh, Kusanali-sama. You do know that visitors must come before us first before they could come here." Their apparent leader's voice trembled and Makoto gave them the stink eye. She was already clenching her fists and lightning was crackling on her form.

"Un, can I go with my friends?" Nahida asked and the leader denied subconsciously. "No! Uhhhh." The six of them saw Makoto was going to blow and Ein patted Nahida's head.

"Nahida, what did I told you?" Ein smirked at the six old coots and Nahida gave a wide smile. "Murder is good, it solves tons of problems. This is a problem right? And I love murder." Nahida mused and they were horrified.

"No, you can't do this! Sumeru needs you, Kusanali-sama!" The sages panicked, but Ein gave his judgement.

"Go, Nahida! Show them the dance dance revolution!" Ein shouted out and Nahida nodded. "Domain expansion. Touch some grass." Nahida willed her powers to change the surroundings and a green dome appeared as wild plants and grass grew.

She then started break dancing and the sages got hit by Nahida's energy. They went splat on the walls of her little prison.

Ein then snapped his fingers and sent their souls to the shadow realm. They knew what they were doing. The sages saw an opportunity, experimenting on Nahida and using her as a battery for their smartphones, the Akasha system.

"See? Now, no one will stop you from going with your friends." Ein patted her head and Nahida smiled.

"Un, murder really is good. I love murder, I'll do it again." Nahida thought she would do it all over again to have some fun with her friends.

"Umu, good riddance of those trash. Good job Nahida." Ein gave her a jelly donut and looked at Makoto.

The electro archon nodded and she would house Nahida for now. Sumeru would notice the sudden failing of the Akasha system with Nahida not powering it up anymore. Inazuma will then conquer Sumeru, swallow it up nicely and maybe give some land to Watatsumi so they could have more stable farm lands.


Thanks for reading everyone, anyways. Ciao.

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