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81.25% Honkai Impact: Invictus. / Chapter 218: Side Story 18: A Little Exercise

Capítulo 218: Side Story 18: A Little Exercise

It was a pretty slow day, all things considered. Nothing really exciting happening, just relaxing and laying down at a bed of clouds. So Ein finally addressed the one that was infringing on his relaxation with Shenhe and Ganyu.

"Sheesh, alright already. You've been staring at us like a creep for like hours." Ein clicked his tongue at Morax that was intently staring at them at a corner while Shenhe and Ganyu were relaxing at his chest.

"F-forgive me. But this matter is of high importance to me, I hope you understand." Morax apologized and felt bad that he was pushy.

"Hnnn, Ein. Is it time for lunch already?" Ganyu woke up and she rubbed the sleep off her eyes. Stretching, the accursed cloud bed bringing out the laziness in her and Shenhe that perked up as she heard the word lunch.

"Sadly, no. But we do have a little mission in her hands. And I know just the perfect squad that can take care of it." He smiled at them and patted their heads.

Ein called upon the Loli squad, they then teleported one by one in a couple of minutes. Abandoning their duties and jobs of course.

"Ein-nii, do we have an exciting adventure at our hands today?" Klee was really enthusiastic as the Knights of Favonius weren't doing anything today as well. Especially because Lisa and Jean were stoned out of their minds.

"Umu, we are going on a trip! Now, Morax. Lead the way." Ein stood up and pointed at the horizon dramatically. Morax nodded and quickly went to where Azhdaha was sealed.


While they were travelling, Morax believed it would be in their best interests to tell them the story of how Azhdaha. His once loyal friend has lost himself to erosion.

"Ein-sama, thank you for gracing us with this opportunity. I know that Ei was worried about erosion. And you cured her of any signs of it. My friend Azhdaha is a noble and compassionate dragon." Morax started his story and at first, the kids and everybody else were interested.

"But as time went on, we immortal beings came upon this accursed status. Erosion..." Morax felt melancholic as he reminisced his times with Azhdaha. But he was inevitably forced to seal his friend.

"At first, it was only minor alterations to his emotions and personality. But as time went on and his erosion grew stronger. He thought that the me, and the people has conspired against him." Morax closed his eyes and got emotional.

"Nee, Ossan. So this guy we're going to meet is a dragon? Just like Dvalin?" Diona inquired and Morax nodded. "Yes, yes he is. But he is an earth dragon. Unlike Dvalin who sails the skies."

The kids' eyes shone and they got really excited. "Ohhhh! A dragon! Ein-nii, are we gonna beat up a dragon again?" Klee remembered the rpg and javelin that Ein gave her that day.

"Ohhhh. I want to snipe one again." Qiqi imagined using her weapon back then while drinking a coconut milkshake from Ein.

"Really!? Am I going to use that machine gun once again?" Diona's ears twitched and her tail swayed left and right from her excitement.

"Hehe~ You girls are going to have better equipment! I'll be upgrading your weapons as Azhdaha is tougher than Dvalin." Ein patted their heads and gave them some gummy bears.

They cheered and Ganyu gave a tender smile at the kids that had spring in their steps from the prospect of an adventure.

"Ein. Can I fight too?" Shenhe looked at him with desire to be involved, wanting to exercise and feeling a little murderous these couple of days. Her desire to kill something, rising.

Ein had an idea so he shook his head. Disappointing Shenhe, but he smiled at her and patted her head. "We're going somewhere a little more exciting later, though you can throw a boulder or two at Azhdaha."

Shenhe perked up and she gave an innocent smile, the complete opposite of what she was desiring right now. Which were murder and carnal pleasures. As the more her murderous streak rose, the hornier she got.

"Ein-sama... Don't tell me." Morax looked at the kids that were acting like they were going to a park and Ein. "Umu, it won't be interesting if I just swoop in and incapacitate Azhdaha, better have some fun in it. Right girls?" Ein smiled at the Loli squad and they cheered.

Ganyu gave a wry smile as Azhdaha was one of her comrades in the archon war. And she had no doubt that Ein's equipment for the kids would let them beat him to submission.

"Azhdaha might have lost some of strength due to erosion, but he is immensely powerful! Our battle with him lead to the destruction in the chasm to Nantianmen." Morax got really worried, but Fiona took offense to that.

"Don't worry Ossan! We'll beat up your friend, just like that drunk Barbatos' dragon, Dvalin!" Diona announced confidently and Ein nodded, he then noticed that they were close. So he gave them the equipment everyone will be using.

He gave a set of radio equipment to Klee as well as a map on a holographic screen that attached to her wrists like braces. The knowledge on how to use them entered her head and she went giddy.

Diona received some heavy armor and it was equipped with two sets of weapons that were more apt to be called artillery. A pile driver like mechanism on her right hand. And a high caliber firearm that was twice as long as Morax when deployed.

Qiqi got some light armor and there were metal wings on her back. Indicating that she was the commando unit. Wielding an energy weapon called the dragoon lance. Able to fire high energy projectiles of concentrated plasma at triple bursts.

"Ein, something is missing." Ganyu looked at them and Shenhe nodded. "It's the little bomber's uniform." Shenhe commented and indeed, Klee looked a little out of place with her obviously high tech comrades.

"Ahhh, that's right. How can I forget?" Ein snapped his fingers and Klee was now in a uniform. Looking like a special forces soldier with her gear on her.

"Ohhhh! Klee looks cool." Qiqi and Diona were amazed by how she rocks the uniform and Ganyu hugged her tightly by how cute she is in them.

"Hehehe~ Thanks, Ein-nii! Now let's go!" Klee couldn't wait anymore and Morax was feeling something ominous on what will happen next.

They quickly arrived at Azhdaha's seal as they saw the sizeable dragon that was chained down by a barrier with multiple pillars that were created by Morax's powers.

"Ohhh! He has a tree as a tail, that's unexpected." Klee observed and the Lolis were excited to beat him up. Especially Diona, as the dragon was giving them the stink eye.

"Okay, girls. Remember, have fun okay? That's why I brought you here in the first place." He patted their heads and they saluted.

Shenhe then looked for things to throw and saw that the place was filled with tons of rocks. Nodding in satisfaction at the ammunition lying around.

Ein took off the ceiling of the cave and Morax wondered why. But he rid himself of useless thoughts and looked at the combatants if they were ready.

He received an excited cheer from the three children and Shenhe gave her signal by hefting tons of rocks with her bare hands.

Morax didn't need further words and released the seal. Azhdaha's red eyes immediately glowed as it took off the accursed bindings it had on itself.

"This ends now, Morax!" Azhdaha roared and the cave shaked from his mighty bellow. Qiqi immediately used her equipment and loaded her weapon with the reactor she had with her. Flying true to her target, she blasted Azhdaha square on the face.

Azhdaha felt the searing hot plasma on its face, receiving some damage. But it quickly recovered and glared at the little pest hatefully.

"Coconut requesting for backup, over." Qiqi used their comms and Diona was the one who came. Her heavy armor's thrusters roared and she rushed to Azhdaha's side. Her right weapon then loaded itself with an audible pop and released the payload it had.

Her weapon called the high velocity splitter did just that. It shelled Azhdaha with a solid Soulium rod that were designed to split emperor class honkai beasts.

Azhdaha gave a cry at the immense pain. His scales and natural armor being pierced through by Diona's weapon. But she wasn't done yet, as her left hand firearm deployed and Diona pulled the trigger. A scattershot of slugs that were 10 pounds each hit it in the face.

"W-woah. Ein, those weapons of theirs do not play. Those are designed to take down enemies of Azhdaha's caliber, right?" Ganyu felt that the weapons the kids were using are insanely dangerous. Imagining squads of people wreaking havoc at a city while equipped by those.

"Umu, but it's not really that dangerous. Those are really outdated." Ein shrugged and Ganyu can't imagine the state of the art ones.

"This is Meowsome, Bomber do you copy?" Diona saw an opportunity and talked to Klee for some air support.

"Meowsome, do copy. Requested air support coming in hot." Klee fiddled with her holographic map and designated Azhdaha as the target.

"Coconut, this is Bomber. Clear to engage, support will arrive in 30 seconds." Klee informed their commando unit. "Roger that."

Qiqi started pelting Azhdaha with her plasma cannon and the dragon tried to splatter her, but with her wings. Her maneuverability and speed was too much. As she flew circles on the dragon.

Diona replaced her current set of weapons for the 2nd one. Equipping two 30mm Vulcan hand cannons. "Eat this, overgrown lizard! These babies can fire millions of dollars per minute!" She shouted out as bullets the size of redbull cans rained on Azhdaha.

The dragon was getting a royal beatdown and it had to do something. So it harnessed the elemental power of fire from the ground. Hoping to destabilize the endless gunfire from Diona.

It worked, as the ground burst into flames and she had to reposition herself. But Klee's air support finally arrived and they were the bearer of bad news.

As the b52 stealth bombers carpet bombed the area. Raining down anti-bunker payloads that were designed to pierce 200 feet of solid concrete before exploding. Piercing through Azhdaha's scales.

The dragon screamed and was now a wreck. Klee was cheering as her 2nd set of air support arrived, a Lockheed ac-130 circled the skies, the spectre gunship.

Shenhe wasn't going to lose though, as she carried a giant rock with her hand and threw it like a baseball. Hitting the dragon right on the noggin and the gunship's weapons rained hell on him.

"EDF! EDF!" Ein shouted out and the Lolis chanted with him. "HQ, this is Bomber. Requesting for a Tempest." Klee contacted Ein and he approved.

"Bomber, this is HQ Tempest on your way. ETA 40 seconds. Clear the area, over." Ein said to the comms and Diona immediately reloaded her vulcans. Unloading every bullet she can at Azhdaha as even her power armor recoiled from the power of her 30 mm guns.

"Coconut, Meowsome. This is Bomber, Tempest payload arriving in 10 seconds over. Clear the area if you don't want to go boom." Klee instructed them and the two immediately ran away. Morax had a bad feeling and Shenhe covered their six by chucking rocks at the beat up Azhdaha.

Though the dragon still had some fight in itself as it smashed its tail at the ground, creating earthquakes in the area.

It then noticed that something was wrong and looked at the skies. There is a missile inbound, it then had alarms ringing in its head as the missile hit them. The world turned white and a massive fireball appeared.

The shockwave from the missile flattened any tree nearby and it raised dust everywhere. "Meowsome, this is Bomber. Check if tango is down, over."

Diona equipped her shotgun once again and fired a couple of times at the middle of the crater. "Tango down." She concluded and everybody started to come up at the blast site.

"Ein-sama..." Morax didn't know what to say and was speechless. Noting that everybody in Liyue must have noticed the explosion.

"Now, now. Nobody was hurt, except that guy." Ein shrugged and gestured for him to fix up the area immediately so people that will investigate won't know what happened.

Ein then went up to Azhdaha and used the same treatment he did like with Ei. Though it wasn't quite the same and just reversed erosion.

"There, he's all fine and dandy now." Ein healed him up as well and the dragon's voice rumbled. "Morax... Forgive me my friend."

Azhdaha closed his eyes and reflected on what he did. "My old friend, do not be sorry. I am partly to blame for your condition. And when your erosion finally took its toll. I sealed you here for years as I cannot do anything to help you." Morax felt pity and sadness at his friend's fate.

"Okay, that's a wrap I guess." Ein shrugged and Shenhe stared at him. "Of course I haven't forgot about you~" He patted her head and Shenhe closed her eyes, enjoying his ministrations. But she wanted to kill something and fast.

"Ein-nii! Are there other dragons to beat up? I wanna do it again!" Klee asked and the other Lolis nodded. "Hmmm, there isn't really. But tell you what, when I find something interesting to do. I'll call for you guys, okay?" Ein smiled at them and they were disappointed. But they had trust in him that an adventure would be near.

Ein then gave them some treats and transported them back to their proper places. "T-thank you for your help." Azhdaha felt complicated at Ein giving the kids immense power with equipment and incapacitate him. But he was thankful nevertheless.

"Eh, no biggie. I agreed to help Morax after all. But I need to get going, now run along now and enjoy your friendship or something." Ein teleported with Ganyu and Shenhe for some lunch as Shenhe would really appreciate having some before exercising.

"A drink?" Morax saw something that was left for them and it was a barrel of osmanthus wine. "Ahhh, Osmanthus wine. It tastes the same as I remember, but finally. There's someone to share the memories." Morax sampled it and Azhdaha gave a chuckle.

"You sound like an old man Morax, you didn't change one bit." The two friends then started talking about what happened as the years went by. Giving Azhdaha some insight on the nations.


Ein was planning on taking Ganyu with them. But the world that he would be going to was a little bit too crazy. And Ganyu was such a sweetheart that he didn't really know how she would react.

"Ganyu, Shenhe has needs that has to be taken care of. And we're going to another world for it. Do you want to go as well? It's a world of bloodshed and war." Ein probed her and Ganyu was thankful that he asked, but she thought of it and shook her head.

"No thank you, Ein... But can you give me a little souvenir when you return? I'm also going to work on my job today without your inventions, I feel like I'm gonna get too lazy and lose my touch." Ganyu smiled and he nodded.

He then gave her a kiss goodbye and promptly went away with Shenhe that was starting to twitch and behave erratically. "Ein... I'm having some trouble here." She was starting to have physical pain from holding back and he quickly soothed her.

"Come on then, but let me get one person too. It would be interesting." He snapped his fingers and one wild Childe appeared. She surveyed her surroundings from the sudden change in environment. She then gasped and pointed at him accusingly.

"Einheri! Y-you..." She felt complicated and didn't know what to do. As her skills got sharper and she has never felt more alive in his dungeons. Starting to accept the fact that she was a female now.

"Hey, don't get hostile now. I'm actually going to make it up to you. You're a little pervert that wants to fight all the time right? Then I have a nice place where you can fight like your life depends on it." Ein gave a smirk and Childe was suspicious. But she was also curious, though Ein didn't gave her any leeway and they disappeared from sight.


Ein, Shenhe, and Childe arrived at what seemed to be a desert. Though it wasn't quite one anymore. As blood, guts, limbs, corpses, and organs littered the place as far as the eye can see.

The smell of blood and the gruesome sight immediately hit Childe and Shenhe, eliciting different reactions.

Childe wasn't new to violence, but the gore and horrifying sight was all cranked to 11. Making her scowl in disgust at the smell and sight of death at the battlefield. Thinking that it must be a war of brutality that she believes almost nobody had the pleasure of seeing before.

Meanwhile, Shenhe saw red and her murderous intent rose by the second. Eyeing Childe like a predator as her desire to rip her apart limb from limb deliciously popped into her blood frenzied head.

"Go get em tiger!" Ein spanked Shenhe on the butt and she immediately ran off like the wind. Eager to find anything to rip apart. Ein then protected her soul so some unsavory characters won't be able to influence her.

"E-Einheri... What is this place, it is awful. I've seen a lot in my time, but this... This brutality is on a whole nother level." Childe was shocked at the scene as she observed it more. And all of the bodies were fresh, with some not even human. Not recognizing them.

"This my dear, is war. Welcome to the grimdark future of this universe, where there is only war." He patted her back and they followed Shenhe. Childe then started hearing gunfire from the distance, muzzle flashes everywhere. Feet trampling on the ground as the earth vibrated from the fierce battles.

"Oi, ya ummies! Seems you'z need a gud Krumping! Luv me da smell of foitin. Ain't that right lads!" A humungous orc stated as it stomped on a soldier.

One of his hands were mechanical and painted red. Multiple cybernetics were on him and he has a massive gun attached to his forearms while he held a huge axe.

"Oh my god. Einheri, t-that thing looks really dangerous." Childe pointed at the orc warboss and he nodded. "Well of course he is, he's got tons of dakka you git."

"Green skinned xenos scum! Die! For the emperor!" A group of soldiers that towered over normal humans wearing what is basically a fortress charged, guns blazing.

"Aye, da beakie Boyz ave sum fight in em!" The orc warboss started charging with entourage and bodies were already falling to the ground. But the orcs were having the time of their lives.

"Hmmm, they're like the perfect buddies for you Childe. They all love fighting, don't you think." He nodded in satisfaction and Childe looked at him like he was crazy.

"A-are you insane? Look at those guys, they're killing everyone with joy in their faces. And they're dying by the dozens as well. But they just charge without any hesitation." Childe shivered and thought that she might be a battle maniac, but not that much.

"Eh, close enough. Now onwards! Look at Shenhe go over there. Don't you have any shame? Are you even a warrior? Go, now." Ein pointed at the rear where Shenhe was wreaking havoc, using her ornate spear to stab or slice orcs while laughing in glee.

Childe was offended by his statement and he looked once more at the battles. The space Marines were using what looked to be oversized guns and melee weapons. And it made her quite excited to have a battle of this caliber.

"I... Thanks I guess." She blushed in embarrassment and dashed into the fray. Not really knowing who to kill, but she decided on the orcs for now as the humans were obviously defending themselves.

Ein watched Shenhe more closely as Childe was still testing the waters. Shenhe was tearing up their ranks as she moved with elegant brutality. Using her strength that can heft up several ton rocks with ease. Killing orcs like she was harvesting wheat.

"Oye! Ya gitz! Now dis is a propah foight!" The orcs got excited and swarmed Shenhe's location. Leading to more deaths and blood that soaked the battlefield.

Childe went to the sides as she thought that getting in the battle of a warrior was disgraceful. Leaving the orc warboss to the space Marines. She used her vision and created weapons of water, cutting through the orc horde with grace and fercoity as Ein supplied them energy for their visions.

"A psyker! We didn't receive word of this from the Astra Militarum! Shoot her down before the accursed Daemons possess her!" A commisar ordered and the imperial guard started shooting their lasguns and rifles at Childe.

She was able to dodge and weave through the attacks. Defending with her water as well, but she was pissed. "Hey! I'm on your side you ungrateful fucks!"

"Shut up you witch! Unsanctioned psykers that are rogue will doom us all!" The commisar replied and Childe was confused as she was not a psyker.

"You shut up you fucker! After I'm done with these ugly guys, I'm making sure you're next!" Childe cut deep into the ranks of the orcs to use them as meat shields and so she won't get targeted.

A trifle matter with her skills and weaponry. Changing ever so often, from swords, lances, spears, bows. Her versatility was unmatched and the orcs could only look on as they got slaughtered.

"Diz ummie's too fast." An orc commented and another whacked him on the head. "Dat's cuz she's wearin red ya git!"

Childe then became even quicker. Receiving the anomalous powers of the warp through the orcs. As they were a little special, if they believe enough. They can change reality through their connection with the warp.

Childe appreciated the speed boost and continued her battle. The orcs coming in droves to die by her hands, quickly making her sharpen her focus to the max. As she just saw what those guys can do. Witnessing a space marine getting ripped apart when a particularly large orc got their hands on the man.

"Fucking hell, these guys are relentless and super strong. I guess Einheri is right huh?" She gave a fiercless smirk and continued her charge.

Shenhe was still wreaking havoc, not even blinking as she took her spear to the sides. The thrill of murder and fighting was better with her bare hands she thought.

Entering CQC, just like the doomslayer. She teared them apart limb from limb. Then using the said limbs to beat the others to death with it.

The orcs were in paradise as they started seeing Shenhe as a more than capable warrior. Taking pleasure in fighting her to the death. As their endless horde kept on throwing themselves to her.

"Aye, this a good fight Boyz! And da ummie's ain't tirin." The orcs cheered and Shenhe was happy to indulge them. Creating tons of ice spikes as she hurled the ice daggers at her enemies like a shotgun.

"Go girls! EDF, EDF!" Ein chanted from the side and no orcs nor humans came close to him. As he emitted a horrible aura that plucked any being's feelings of fear.

"S-shut up!" Childe was embarrassed at his actions and the humans were gaining ground. After some more time, the orcs got pushed back and Shenhe was finally satisfied. Admiring her work as she left a trail of corpses, mutilated bodies, limbs, and blood at her wake.

Meanwhile, Childe was exhausted and had some pretty nasty bruised on her. Thanking her quick wits and newfound flexibility that saved her numerous times. Only receiving hits that has gotten their momentum hampered by her counterattacks or evasions.

They then returned to Ein and Childe gave the dead commisar on the ground a self satisfied smirk. His brains on the floor because of a stray round.

"Halt! You people are unsanctioned psykers. You will answer to the inquisition." The captain of the space Marines tried to stop them. But Ein just stuck his tongue out at him. "Tell Kitten and Bob I said hi." Ein then teleported away.

The space marine was baffled and thought of who the hell those were. But he had more pressing matters to attend to. And that is to take out the green skins from this planet. But he will surely make a report later.


Thanks for reading everyone, anyways. Ciao.

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