I shake my head, not the time to worry about it. Only time will tell if we meet again or if this will remain another mystery in my life. I turn to face Lucas "Any updates?".
"No, everything is going as planned" I nod at his reply. I'm satisfied with their actions, they're good at their jobs.
"You got what I ask for?" now I ask Ben and he nods, a hefty number of books fall on the floor, big thick books.
Jos and Lucas look at me with confused expressions "Lucas" my monotonic voice calls for him. He squints his eyes and purses his lips. I smirk lightly "Read all these".
He slowly walks towards the mountain of books and grabs one in each hand "'How to successfully lead people'? 'leadership'? 'The strategist book'? 'How to plan a war'?" he grabs book after book and reads the title, his face contorting more and more into a confuse expression "Allie, what is this?"
I smile tenderly and they flinch. I frown at their reaction "She's smiling like that again!" Jos shouts with urgency.
"Oh shit. Here we go again, what are you planning?" Lucas shivers and hugs Jos. I tilt my head confuse. Why are they acting like that? "Allie... what is this for?" he asks cautiously.
The smile returns to my face "It's to help the pack, read it" Jos and Lucas pale, and my smile thickens. He didn't tell me what he wanted to be, and he told me I was the one that had to decide. That's why I made the decision.
After we fuck up Nick, this pack will need someone to step up and guide them. That will be Lucas but he doesn't need to know, he will get nervous if he does.
"...I-I've been meaning to ask this for a long time but..." Lucas stays silent and then with a trembling voice asks me a question I was not expecting from him "A-are we really killing Nick?"
I slowly start to talk "We're not going to kill him" Lucas sighs in relief. "We're going to destroy him" I explain myself and he frowns.
"How is that any different?" he chuckles.
"There's a huge difference".
Killing someone is just taking their life, destroying someone means breaking him while he's still alive. Just killing him wouldn't be satisfying, if that was the case, I could've just killed him in his sleep.
Lucas doesn't ask anything else, so I just continue with today's tasks. I extend my palm towards Ben "Phone" I say, and he immediately places the phone in my hand.
I need two things for this: guns and a cover. I don't need cops showing up when I'm enjoying my mischief. I look through the contacts, I just need to call two people today, one of them a crazy bastard ready to do stupid things and the other, a good man with a huge sense of justice.
I find the crazy bastard's number and tap on the number "Who are you calling?" Jos asks curiously and I turn to her.
"The mafia" I reply casually, everyone around me opens their mouths wide, even Ben does.
"W-W-What!? Allie! We're not supposed to drag humans into this, also the mafia's dangerous!!" Lucas starts to shout.
I frown "but I'm human..?".
If they're so against dragging humans into their problems, why am I here?
"I'm human, and I'll deal with this the human way" they might go on all-out wars without a care, but I don't. That's not the way I deal with things.
The phone stops beeping, and someone answers "who is it?" a rude voice answers. I smile lightly, still a rude bastard.
"Hello, Damian. I'm the one that loves a good mess" I reply calmly, and he starts laughing. 'The one that loves a good mess' that's how I introduce myself when I met him.
"I knew someday I would get your call!" He starts laughing and I frown. He's just like I remember, a person that fell way too hard into madness. I met him when I was 12, he massacred a child trafficking gang, I was there after following a ghost girl, she was killed by them after being used in ways a child should never experience. I let them capture me, after all, I could leave whenever I wanted but Damian didn't know that and 'helped me'. I decided to follow him for the day.
I helped him destroy them, make sure they would never see the light of day, he doesn't know of my abilities, but I think he suspects I'm not normal, after all how could a 12-year-old know where to find the main base of a gang?
"I need guns, and silver bullets, lots of silver bullets" he doesn't need to know much, he told me he was in my debt, and he would do one thing for me when I call him. He told me he always keeps his word, whether it's to kill or to help'. Time to see if he was not lying.
"How many guns, and where?" that's all he asks, I'm surprised he's not asking much.
"1000 guns, and silver bullets, around 100,000 would be enough" I reply nonchalantly.
"Allie?" Jos's trembling voice makes me turn my head to her "Who... who are you talking to?"
"...a crazy bastard"
"I heard that!" he laughs loudly on the other end, and I have to move the phone away from my ear. Definitely a crazy bastard "You haven't told me where to deliver them to" he says happily.
"You don't need to deliver them, put them in your warehouse, mark them with a red X, and make sure no one is in that warehouse in 3 hours, I just need 30 minutes".
"I can't do anything if they catch you~" he snickers and sings his words amuse. I frown, always with that weird way of talking. Let's just ignore him.
"They will not catch me" I reply calmly and end the call. "Ben, go to this location in 3 hours, take everything marked with a red X, and make sure no one sees you, not even a camera, nothing. You have 30 minutes once you're there" I say sternly, and he bows.
"It will be done" I nod, I know he will manage with the instructions I gave; this should be easy for him. Ghosts and technology often get along.
I start looking for the other phone number and dialed it once I found it. The call gets connected after a few beeps "Derek speaking" a firm voice answer. He's always like that, serious when on the job but kind to those in his circle, he could've been a prankster had things been different while growing up.
"Hello, Captain" I ask calmly.
"Who's this?" he asks confused; I'm not surprised he doesn't remember me, he and his group have never seen my face and my voice is changed when using this phone. I should sound like a middle age man. I just helped them when they were trying to infiltrate on a couple of missions, they only saw a shadow or emails I send. I could've called Nate for this. Well, had I called Nate they would've been on edge, and that wouldn't be good. I don't want to be hacked; I can hack too but not as well as him.
"You don't remember me? I thought my emails would make me hard to forget" I keep talking calmly. I hear gasps on the other side, well, it seems he was in a meeting with his team… bad timing.
"I will keep things short, there will be a fight and gunfire near the area in the direction in the email I send. Don't act on it, no civilians will be hurt but things will escalate, and people will get hurt if the police get involved".
"This is not even in our area" I hear Diana's voice and I smile. I'm sure she must be worried about this, she's always kind to civilians, so kind she often forgets she can also get hurt. Their parents were the reason I decided to help them a little a couple of years back, they loved them so much and were proud of their children.
"I know, but I also know you can make sure no cops arrive" I say calmly.
"...why?" Derek's skeptical voice asks.
"Because that way innocent people will not get hurt" the Silver Dagger and the Red River don't care if they have to drag innocent humans into the mix, that's why I have to make sure no humans arrive here, no innocent people die and I'm sure cops are not going to be ready to deal with non-humans. I could create a dome to trap the sound but that would strain me way too much.
"Why should we trust you?" that must be Nate.
"Because I've never given you reasons to think I could hurt civilians, I only hurt those who hurt me, and those who hurt me tend to be bad people" George should know since all the evidence I've ever given was to help them get rid of bad people, I wasn't doing it because I wanted to be an ally of justice or anything, but after helping them due to their parents constant nagging, for a time I started to get ghosts victims of the mafia and I had to destroy a couple of gangs, which led to me crossing paths with these three more than once.
"Don't do anything, that's the best way to help" I tell them once again. They don't reply, I like this about them, they're annoying to deal with since they're such good people, but I can't help but like them, they do what's right. They could just accept what I'm saying and keep going with their day, but they want to protect as many people as they can.
"I understand" Nate says firmly "We're not going to act".
"Nate!" Diana shouts
"The higher-ups just send me the same info as you, they told us to stay away from the area" I see, so this was unnecessary, it must have been one of the alphas, apparently werewolves do care about keeping humans away. I thought they didn't care for this extra step.
"I promise I will keep civilians safe" I mean it, I will make sure no innocent gets hurt while I enjoy my mischief. I end the call before they keep talking. I like them but dealing with such good people tends to be tiring and annoying.
I turn to face Jos, Lucas, Ben, and Anisha. They all look shocked "Y-you know the mafia? And cops?" Jos says astonished. I tilt my head confuse, why is she so shocked?
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