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3.4% Anime is an Outer God's Playground / Chapter 3: CH. 3: The REAL First Chapter...

Capítulo 3: CH. 3: The REAL First Chapter...

Akira started waking up in what seemed like an endless void. His body just finished the process of recreating itself into a body worthy to be that of a god. His already beautiful charm got even more intense, a beauty incomprehensible by even immortals.

"Hmm. What happened?" He asked

(Master! You're finally awake. And sooner than I thought! Good news for us!) She said cheerfully.

"Sooner? How much did I sleep?!" He asked.

Alice then thought for a second before replying.

(You have slept for... Let's say A LOT) She said.

"Wait you've waited for me all this time?!" He asked.

(I have pledged my eternal undying loyalty to you, Master. I have lost the concept of time in my mind and it wasn't that bad. Though the lack of communication with you Master, made me quite sad...And lonely...) She said.

Silence resonated throughout the void.

(Anyway, your body just finished adjusting to your evolution and you have attained a level of power worthy of an Outer God) She said smiling.


(Indeed. While you were asleep, I cultivated all the energy available in this void, and the other void, and the other one, and an infinite amount of other voids. You have become as strong as a high-classed Outer God) She said.

Akira stayed silent for a few seconds.

(Let me show you your new omnipotent skills, Master) She said casting a big holographic screen in front of Akira and sending him a big amount of information about the skills to his mind.



(Congratulations! You have obtained new skills!)

• [Boundless Creation]

• [Boundless Manipulation]

• [Infinite Accumulation]

•[Merciless Revenge]

• [Absolute Erasure]

• [The One Yin]

• [Master of All]

• [The One Yang]

• [Multiversal Predation]

• [ALL Records]

• [Nirvana Omniscience]

• [Nirvana Omnipresence]

• [Logic Breaking]

• [Imagination Breaking]

• [Boundary Breaking]

• [Imaginary Blow]

• [Truthful Words]

• [Multiversal Barrier]

• [Multiversal Resistance]

• [Self-Made Artificial Immortality]

• [Infinite Mind]

• [Boundless Results]

• [Perfect Physic]


Akira's eyes widened upon reading those words and knowing their potential and information.

This was unbelievable, this power far surpassed that of trillions of EoS Rimurus in one army.


"Kukuku~ I hope you know what that means, Alice~" He said.

Alice smiled evilly with a terrifying grin.

(I know Master. With this power, you will be able to accomplish anything you want, just think of it and it will come right to you. Use me however you like and I'll do it without question) She said.

Akira smiled.

And it was all true. He has reached a level of power so absurd only Azathoth himself could stop him now, with a power that rivals that of Yog-Sothoth Herk and many other Primordial Outer Gods.

(Master, during your sleep, we were attacked by the Rimuru Tempest at the end of the Tensura novel. I mercilessly erased him and his friends and family. Now gimme praise~) Alice casually mentioned.

"W-Wait Alice just give me a second to think this through... We were attacked by the actual Rimuru from the novel?" Akira asked.

(Umu! Exactly Master! Though I handled him just like how it should be!) Alice says.

"Hmmm... Then I guess he was no match for you my dearest assistant. After my evolution, I obtained an infinite amount of knowledge, now I understand why it's so difficult to reach the Boundless Tier of Power. But the fact that you've waited for me all this time, dear." Akira says with a frown at the end.

He gets closer to Alice and holds her chin seductively. His height was higher than hers which made her make the effort of looking up to see her Master with glowing eyes that shook with every movement from the latter, "It just makes my desire grow for you more dear..." He says with ignited fires marked by determination and growing desire for this girl who sacrificed all concepts and moral logic for the sake of his time-irrelevant evolution.

(M-Master... I was configured to serve you... I do not care how cruel you treat me or how much you hate this lowly servant or how much I have to dirty my hands for your sake... I have destroyed so many timelines... So much blood was spilled... SOO many lives were tortured... But it does not matter, as long as you're satisfied~) Alice exclaims.

"..." Akira could not respond to such bold and bloody sentences. He was still wondering if this was reality or just a dream.

Then suddenly... "AAGH!! MY HEAD!! IT HURTS! HURTS LIKE SHIT!!" Akira screams, suffering and agonizing from an unbearable pain starting from his head and extending to the other parts of his body.

(M-MASTER!!) Alice shouts in worry.

" *pant* *pant*... I can feel my mind being corrupted by infinite information and wisdom... My personality and remaining human morals are disappearing..." Akira says with fear in his voice, scared from the abominable sequels left over by his transformation.

(M-Master... I'm afraid with unmeasurable power goes away all sympathy and feelings for lower life forms... Not just that but you will lose your emotions like those you had when you were a free human...) Alice says, Akira stares at her, focusing on her words while his head hurts.

(This path you have chosen is no innocent choice. And as your loyal and eternal servant, I am bound to agree with anything you desire. So, are you ready to face what this chosen pathway reserves for you?) Alice asked.

Her words are filled with wisdom, speaking the undeniable facts devoid of hyperbolism and covers. Akira takes a second to embrace his human self for a second.

He was being reborn, from Akira Katsuragi, to Akira Nava the yet-to-be officialized as Outer God.

"I will, Alice. Count on me when it comes to leading you and myself around this madness of existence." Akira announced firmly. A grin appeared on Alice's face next.

(Great Master! Now, as you can see we're standing in the middle of an endless void with no escape. Where should we start?) Alice asks.

Akira takes a few seconds to think before responding, "Well I kinda overslept until Tensura decayed and all its sub-timelines entirely... So let's rewind time a bit will ya." Akira says.

Alice raises a brow, (Master we're gonna go back by an amount of time transcending what's possible. Kehe~ This is gonna be fun!) She exclaims.

Akira smirks and deliberately closes his eyes in confidence, " [Absolute Manipulation], Time Variant." He orders.

Then, a virtual old-looking clock appears in front of him, suiting his desires, the clock was exactly for what he wanted and WILL have the same results as his expectations.

Akira holds the 'eternity' hand of the clock, which was the smallest and starts pivoting it backwards.

"Day one of my reincarnation, let us see how the word reacts." Akira says, then immediately after, he starts pivoting the clock hand, and time rewinds.









[[ World POV ]]

Everything was going just fine, another day among others, nothing to worry about. Until the prophecized birth of Akira, a dragon god whose existence could not be left secret. A grandiose announcement from the voice of the world was imposed, one that would shake the whole world and announce the arrival of a new god free to roam in this already existing system and destroy the balance of All.

<<Announcement: The Ultimate Dragon God has been born into this world>>

This announcement shook everyone and plunged the world into chaos. Hell and the heavens weren't an exception, even the strongest entities in this universe couldn't help but feel despair at that moment. Not only did the voice of the world announce the birth of a new True Dragon, but this one was an Ultimate Dragon God, even Veldanava who was the creator of this world only reached the Stellar Dragon God rank, this entity surpassed the creator, and the fact that it's name was 'Nava' only supported this theory.

It was clear that this true dragon was a direct descendant of the creator just like Milim Nava which would be terrible if he decides to become a demon lord like her seeing how Milim created havoc wherever she went. Something's wrong, I can feel it.

[[ Guy Crimson POV ]]

In a far Wasteland in the Nord-East of the Jura Forest, was the frozen palace of the primordial red, Guy Crimson. Beside him, was the true dragon Velzard. Everything was going smoothly. Until...

<<Announcement: The Ultimate Dragon God has been born into this world>>


Silence filled the room at that moment, even the demon soldiers, arch demons, Primordials Mizary and Rhein who were supposed to be perfect incarnations of loyal maids, couldn't help but feel despair once hearing the disastrous news.

Guy- ''This is bad... This is bad if not the worst news that I could hear in my entire life... The birth of this new dragon had to be in this moment of crisis... Talk about bad luck..'' Said Guy in despair.

Velzard- ''Oh? Looks like I have a new brother if we can even call him that. But it is indeed bad news.'' Sighed Velzard.

Guy- ''If his powers are equal to Veldanava's we're done for' Before he finished what he was trying to say, a second universal announcement took place which shocked Guy and his surrounding soldiers even more to the point that any sane person would have gone mad at the instant.

And as if it was not enough, the voice of the world projected Akira's message throughout the whole world, letting know of his unlimited manipulation.



''...This... Is... Horrible''

''H-He.. can control... The voice of the world??"

''Only gods and- No, only the progenitor Veldanava was able to control the voice of the world and made sure that it's programmed perfectly for it to never encounter any problem!".

Complete Silence filled the room, only some chuckles from people going insane could be heard, but could you blame them? Who wouldn't go insane after the apparition of a descendant of Veldanava? Even Guy Crimson, the strongest demon lord among demon lords, felt that he could be killed at any moment, the same thing for Velzard, Mizari, and Rain.

Guy- ''Mizary, Rhein. Start the preparations for a Walpurgis as soon as possible. Send the invitations- No, orders to every single one of the demon lords. We need to discuss this matter as soon as possible. Do it now!'' Shouted Guy while shaking, after all, the system was starting to deteriorate these days which only made him worry more about the future of this world, and this law-breaking entity who was -probably- never supposed to exist would only add more fuel to the fire.

Rhein- ''U-Understood Master'' She responded in confusion.

Guy put both his hands on his face and started muttering.

Guy- ''If Rudra manages to make this guy on his side, all demon lords will be extinguished from existence..'' He feared.

The demons confirmed that they'd never seen Guy in this state.

[[ Rudra POV ]]

Rudra- ''This is bad news, worst news in the history of news in this world. VELGRYND DID YOU HEAR THAT?'' He said.

Velgrynd- ''Yes I did Rudra, looks like a new True dragon has been born to this world. However, I've never heard of an Ultimate Dragon God. Even our oldest brother Veldanava was only at... I think Dragon God. So this dragon must be the strongest in existence without a doubt, there's no denying it who are we even trying to fool at this point? Everything's going down bad'' She said in frustration.

Rudra- ''What do you think we should do about this?" He asked.

Velgrynd- ''I don't know, but if we could get him to our side, our odds of winning against the Demon Lords are almost one hundred percent'' She said remembering the little game between Rudra and Guy.

Rudra- "You're right, we mustn't panic. We should take advantage of the situation, can you send some people to scout and look for this guy?" He said.

Velgrynd- ''Of course. But we don't know where he currently is... We should just wait and see how the situation progresses'' She said.

Rudra- ''Yeah... I think you're right, if you find any peace of information, be sure to make me know as soon as possible''.

Velgrynd- ''Understood... My Darling~''She said smiling.

Rudra then, suddenly, started feeling intense pain in his torso, he grabbed his clothing and fell on the ground from the pain.

Velgrynd came in a hurry to help him get up, worried, she started spamming him with questions.

Velgrynd- "RUDRA! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" She asked.

Rudra, however, did not respond. His eyes which were golden yellow became black and a wicked smile appeared on his face, black lines appeared on his hair and he got up.

Michael- "Yes, I'm fine." He replied.




Having reminded back time exactly to the first second of his reincarnation and the moment it was announced to the world, Akira watched every creature's reaction simultaneously and was quite delighted by this entertaining show.

(I can't imagine this! Master was able to rewind ALL his time of evolution in under a second! Master Akira is incredible in every sense of a way!) Alice says honestly, amazed by her beloved Akira.

"Don't worry about that... This makes me think, I wanna test out my mastery of base powers and kinda let off some steam. I suggest I gotta take this excitement somewhere adequate?" He said while taking a small glance at Alice with his sharp eyes.

(How about Tensura's Underworld? It's filled with sinners down there. I'm sure those pesky devils will make great punching bags! No, they need to feel honored for being Master's carryon bags. Yes!) Alice said sadistically while tilting her head.

"Fufu~ Then it's decided. Alice, I want you to go inside my mind for the time being, I'll start by inspecting the Underworld before anything else. Who knows? Maybe I'll find some souls worthy enough to be enslaved?" He said.

(Yes, Master~!) She replied obediently, fading and transforming into a spiritual lifeform inside Akira's mind just like with Rimuru and Ciel.

(We're making one~!) Alice said with a blush on her face, "You can look at it that way.." Akira replied, unsure of a proper response.

Then, Akira set off to the Underworld.

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