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50% God of Ice in Fairy Tail / Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1

Being reincarnated was always a dream of mine and when it actually happened, I was ecstatic. I felt like jumping around and dancing, but I couldn't since I was just born which I wasn't a fan of.

Being a baby wasn't fun I'll tell you. You want to use the bathroom? Oops you already did. You want to go outside? Can't. You can't stand up or move. Want to train magic? Can't do that since you can't be awake for more than 4 hours and even then, you have everyone's attention constantly.

So that's why my story truly began when I was about 1 and half years old. This was the age where I could stay up long enough to actually try and use magic. Oh yeah that's right! I was reincarnated into the world of Fairy Tail which is good since I watched all of Fairy Tail! I have an advantage though it will get ruined in the future. Even me being here could have messed it up somehow so I'll get strong enough to do something about it!

Anyways! I was born in a small town called Frostbell in Iceberg, one of the countries in Ishgar and also the country where Gray may have lived, so basically, it's really damn cold! I've barely gotten used to it after living here for my whole new life!

Anyways, I was born in 766 and it's been a pretty normal life with nothing too exciting happening but that's what happens when you're a baby who can't do anything.

Now let's try magic! I remember Zeref saying that I have to meditate and sense Ethernano and absorb it into our body by meditation so let's try that and then try to absorb Ethernano while training my body! Let's go!


It's been about an hour, and I can finally feel Ethernano in the atmosphere and I was able to absorb them! It felt kind of like grabbing invisible little air particles and dragging them into my body. It was pretty cool.

"Hell yeah! I did it!"- Albus

I was able to feel my origin where my magic is stored which I probably should have done first but whatever! Now let's keep going to make sure I don't forget the feeling!


It's been three years since I began my training, and I finally reached an age where I can train my body! Well, I'm only 4 years old but I really do have to train my body soon or else I won't be able to progress anymore.

You see you need a solid container or origin to contain your magic which means a stronger body. In other words, with more magic, you need a stronger body to handle it which is why most mages have strong bodies.

Well, there's also the technique that is commonly used where you infuse your body with Ethernano to make it stronger over time but that works better when training, so I've been waiting pretty anxiously for this day.

I actually told my mom that I wanted to go exploring and she let me since there really isn't anything dangerous.

Now for my training menu I really have no idea. I plan on doing the OPM training and increasing the difficulty until it gets hard but that's really all I got. It isn't like there is some strong old man who would be willing to teach me since this is a normal small village where the strongest person is a non-mage hunter.

Anyways let's begin working out and hope for the best. I don't think it'll go extremely well but I can hope.


It worked surprisingly well. Like really surprising. I thought I wouldn't be able to do anything but that technique I talked about earlier really made things easier since every time I would get tired, I would infuse my body with Ethernano making it a lot stronger which is always nice.

I plan on doing this for the next few years and also training my magic and its control for when I learn a magic type which I still haven't got a plan about. It's not like I can just go up to somebody and ask, "hey you guys have any magic I can learn?" they'll just kick me out. Well, I'll cross that bridge when I get there.


It's been 3 years since I started my training, and it was less than a year in that I realized I was becoming completely unbalanced. My stats were going to be high but my control over both my body and Magic were going to be subpar, so I came up with a plan to fix it.

This plan of mine was to fight the wildlife nearby like Vulcans and such that most people don't like being around and surprisingly it was good training.

Those monkeys are incredibly strong physically but as long as you're careful you can beat them no problem which is the reason it was good training. They were a lot stronger than me so I needed technique to beat them which I didn't have at first which meant I got beat up a few times and my parents weren't exactly happy about that.

I won't say I'm the strongest, but I'd like to say I'm a C-Rank wizard right now even without having a magic of my own.

Anyways I just finished my battles for the day, but I found something weird which in itself is weird since I've explored every inch of this place.

This weird thing I found is an entire shrine. It's huge but it isn't fancy it actually seems to be falling apart.

Walking inside and looking around it's much cleaner on the inside with fancy golden inscriptions on the white walls describing something but I don't know what it is.

What I do know though is that there is a pedestal in the middle of the room with a closed book floating over it. This book was pure white with light blue inscriptions floating around it moving making a picture that constantly shows something new. It was a mystical sight.

Walking up to the book I feel a sense of attraction to it so listening to my desires I grab the book and as soon as I do the book turns into a glowing white liquid and is shot into my forehead before I could react.

From that liquid cane knowledge of a God and his adventures on earth. How this God, Boreas, became known as the personification of Winter and the magic he used. All of that was shoved straight into my head causing quite a bit of pain.

"Ahhh! Damn this hurts!" -Albus

I take it back. It hurt a lot. However, this pain was worth it since I learned something invaluable. That being [Ice God Slayer Magic] from the God Boreas and Boreas was not a weakling.

The Gods had a sort of hierarchy, and he was way at the top. His magic had unimaginable strength but equally high demands. Luckily, I just happened to fit them, and I was able to gain this magic.

I would love to go to a safer location to try my magic but I'm way too excited for that, so I'll hope for the best!

"[Ice God's Pity]!" -Albus

My attack created a beam of pure white cold air and ice that destroyed the area in front of it for 10 meters and froze the area around where it hit.

This magic instantly made me many times stronger even if I can't use many spells since it costs so damn much to use! It easily costs triple other normal spells, but it deserves that with how much power it has.

After my first test I had some fun with my magic, trying out all of the spells I could and even trying to do a secret art but that one didn't go so well. I ran out of magic before I could even start the spell. Secret arts really are too advanced for me.

Well, I have time to get better. I am still young after all! Doesn't mean I won't try to use them as soon as possible though since my secret arts are pretty cool! Let's get training!


It's year 774 which means it's been a year since I got my magic and I've made some good progress. I'd rank myself just weaker than a normal S-Rank wizard. That's pretty good progress if you ask me.

It's been a fun training since I copied Ur's training a bit, but I made sure not to get a stripping habit, though I do tend to wear more revealing clothing now than I used to.

Anyways I haven't been able to use [God Force] or my secret arts but I'm still doing pretty well for myself.

My magic is kind of weird compared to other God slayer magic though since most of them are a black color but mine are white, but I think I know why.

I mentioned that Gods have a hierarchy and Boreas is at the top, but I assume the other god slayers are closer to the bottom which is why their magic is less 'pure' than mine is.

Anyways I've just finished my magic training for the day so it's time to go back.

We're actually moving since Deliora is getting closer to our little town, so we have to move.

"Hm, what's with the smoke? Is there a bonfire today? Hm people are screaming pretty loudly too I wonder what's going on. It's not like Deliora could make it here already." -Albus

As if proving me wrong a large reddish-purple beam was launched destroying the clouds it went past.

"Deliora! How is he here already!" -Albus

Forcing my legs to run as fast as possible I see a scene straight out of hell. My town is in flames with every building nothing more than rubble.

"Uncle Ronalds store? Aunt Alice's house? All destroyed?! Mom Dad!"

I may not have spent a lot of time with them, but I truly did think of them as my parents, so I won't let them die!

Running towards my house I see something I never wished to see. My mother, pierced by several fallen boards and my father on the ground with his upper half missing.

I couldn't help but throw up all the food I ate that day and cry my eyes out. I may be a decently strong wizard but that doesn't mean I have no feelings. Seeing my parents die horrible deaths is not a pretty sight or one I wish for anyone to see.

And the best way for nobody to see this again is to remove one of the problems. I could feel my hair spike upwards and turn white and there were little white stars floating around me. It's my [God Force].

Standing up from my crying on the floor I point my hands at Deliora with vengeance the only thing in my mind.

"[Ice God's Joy]!" -Albus

From my hands were dozens, maybe hundreds of sharp icicles that could easily pierce a normal person were created and immediately flew towards Deliora with a vengeance going straight for his neck.

"ROARRR!" -Deliora

However, the Demon of Destruction isn't weak, and those icicles barely poked him making only a few drops of blood in damage.

"I didn't think that would kill you. [Ice God's Bow of Repose]!"-Albus

Creating a bow and arrow of pure white ice in my hands I pull the ice string back to the fullest making the ice bow bend and crack, but I don't care.

As I was creating my own attack Deliora wasn't sitting and waiting he created a purple beam in its mouth, and it was much more dangerous than the previous ones. He must be angry that I was able to make him bleed.

Releasing my arrow at the same time Deliora releases his beam. The two attacks clashed midair creating an extremely cold mist that froze the ground on one side and an incredibly hot sauna like other side that melted the ground.

However, things weren't looking great for my side since my arrow was slowly but surely being pushed back. However, since Deliora used a roar attack he can't do anything else other than move it whereas I can do plenty.

Running outside the range of the beam I run towards Deliora at full speed I run near his back where he can't hit me and bring my hand toward him with my palm forward.

"[Ice God Slayer Secret Art: God's Wrath]!" -Albus

This attack of mine is, like I said, a secret art that creates a palm of absolute zero that freezes anything on touch. It's basically [Iced Shell] but slightly different.

Only problem is my hand is also forced to the temperature of Absolute Zero which is something I definitely can't take right now and the only reason I didn't die from it is because of my [God Force] but my hand will definitely be frozen and unusable for the next month or so at least.

"I did it. Sorry Mom, Dad. I wasn't fast enough to save you."-Albus

After that I spent the next few hours sitting on the frozen floor staring into space with a frozen Deliora standing next to me reminiscing of all the memories I had with my parents.

My mother owned a small coffee shop that was popular in the town as a good place to sit and read a book and my father was a baker who loved his craft and would always make new types of bread for us to try. Sadly, they usually weren't the greatest and we often ended up throwing it away and laughing at him.

We were a happy family but that's ruined now. They're gone and there's nothing I can do. I was late. I could have saved them if I was just a little faster.

"Hey kid, what happened here?! This place is a mess! Is that Deliora!?" - Random Guy

"What are you doing here old man? I doubt you'd come to a small town like ours for no reason."-Albus

"I came to help out with evacuations since I was nearby, but it looks like I was too late."- Random Guy

"Yeah. You and me both. Who are you old man?" -Albus

"I'm Gildarts Clive of the Fairy Tail guild. Hey, you wanna join our guild? I think the guild would like you."-Gildarts

"I have nowhere else to go so sure. Want to help me give the town a proper grave?"- Albus

I'd like to be alone but if I did it myself it would take years to bury everyone myself with my hand like it is.

"Sure Kid."-Gildarts

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