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9.09% OPMC in the Multiverse / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Reincarnated…
OPMC in the Multiverse OPMC in the Multiverse original

OPMC in the Multiverse

Autor: Jovami6729

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1: Reincarnated…

~??? POV~


Where the fuck am I!

Observing around myself I happen to see a doctor here… wait a minute…

Looking around myself I see that there was a woman with red hair and blue eyes along with a man with yellow hair holding on to her wife in front of me.

That was when the woman with red hair began to give me a look of joy as she began to hold me tightly as she spoke to me softly, "Oh my beautiful baby boy my little boy… My little Saito Yagami."

Wait wah!

Hold it did she just say Saito Yagami!

That is not my name!!

Hold on I'm not screwed here yet thinking quickly I acted like the baby I am as I began to act cute in front of them as I try to learn my situation here.

But fuck why did I have to be born here and where exactly am I to begin with?

That was when my current father began to speak to me in a soft tone while holding me, "Now look here my Saito you will be a proud little guy in Z-City. We promise to take good care of you from now on."



I think I might've died for real and been reincarnated into one world that is different from my own… For now, though I should use everything I know to my advantage think about what is different here compared to my old one.

I hope it's nothing too dangerous…

For now, though it looks like my mom is taking me to her breast as she spoke sweetly to me as she holds me, "Here my little boy I bet you must be hungry?"

Oh God, I have to go through this again?

My life is going to be humiliating…

[Time Skip 1 Month]





No, wait a second maybe this could be a golden opportunity if I'm in One Punch Man world then it's highly possible for me to break my Limiter.

A limiter is a theoretical barrier that restricts the physical growth of a being. Genus first coined the term to explain how Saitama obtained his strength.

According to his theory, God placed a growth limitation on every being to prevent them from losing purpose. No matter how much one grows, one will eventually hit this upper limit where there is no potential to develop further strength.

However, an individual can remove their limiter, which results in the development of immeasurable strength.

And a method is already found to break such a limiter thanks to the help of the caped baldy. Saitama training method. Saitama claims to have developed his strength by following the One Punch Man workout, which consists of 100 situps, 100 pushups, 100 squats, and a 6.2-mile (10-km) run.

Simple I just have to do all of that at a certain age for me to accomplish my goals. Oh, wait!

There are also some fighting styles I could pick up along the way for me to use in this world, but it would be pretty boring if I was the only strongest around like that.


Actually, couldn't I just try to punch hard or scream loud to break the barriers of space that will allow me to escape the confines of my reality like what Majin Buu did? I mean Saitama is stronger than that guy so it's possible…

Guess the only way to find out is by growing up for it.

[Time Skip 1 Year and 11 Months.]

2 years have passed as I was now walking around as I have been trying to be active for a while now as I learned to walk and still am but at least I'm closer to where I live at home with my parents.

My parents are your normal every day no potential kind of people… Perfect than that means the training of Saitama will be more worth it for me.

Now I just need to wait a bit more before I could get stronger but learning some martial arts first would be ideal. While the sword is useful it's plain overused honestly because some anime characters ruin it.

If all else fails use the Fist.

[Time Skip 3 Years.]

Five years old and now I'm currently inside the Dojo belonging to the future Hero Bang the master of the <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist> and currently still having the <Exploding Heart Release Fist>. Fortunately for me though I have plenty of time to train here free before Garou shows up and ruins the poor guy's work.

How I managed to enter this place was because at this time Bang is still having hundreds of students at the time and the admission fee was easy to pay. That was mostly because of where it was located though.

The dojo is located on top of a mountain in Z-City. There are hundreds of stairs on the path to the dojo and a waterfall that starts from said mountain nearby, but the techniques are worth it for my goal to become OP as hell.

Currently, Bang age is about 56 years old meaning that the rest of the main cast of heroes aren't ready yet but that also means I have time to become strong in the next 25 years because Bang age at the beginning of the series is about 81 years old.


I wonder if it's wrong of me to date the two hottest girls in OPM Tatsumaki and Fubuki at the same time. And as a great bonus, they are sisters is what I'm thinking wrong?


That was when I was smacked by Bang as he reprimanded me in a harsh tone as he spoke to me seriously, "Young Saito Yagami-san! Be sure to focus more on your form to master the <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist> and <Exploding Heart Release Fist>! Even with no talent, I won't let you waver in your training boy!"



Fuck you old fossil bastard!

You know what fuck it once I learn from you Master Bang I will go towards your brother Dojo Bomb to learn the <Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist> just to fucking spite you!

Mark my words you old bastard!


I swear I'll be the one to laugh last Bang-sensei!

When I was walking down from the kung fu panda version of anime I met my dad as he smiles sheepishly me at me as he talked to me kindly, "Hello there sport how does it feel to learn from the best of the best from Hero Bang. I bet you must be very tired Yagami-chan."

I looked at my father dead in the eye in a tired voice as I managed to climb inside the car as he handed me water to drink as I responded to him, "Gulp… Ah~… Yeah, it was hard dad but… it was enjoyable to learn from my idol like Bang on how to fight. I can learn to become a hero or have self-defense. Nothing wrong with a normal life right dad?"

He smiled brightly at me as he rubs my head affectionately as if I have done something great in his eyes, "That's right my boy. Even though becoming a hero is hard it's best to have some self-defense against some scary monsters."

Yeah, yeah, father.

I only came here to learn some martial arts before I break my limiter as someone so talentless as I am a good thing that comes to surpass my limits with hard work.

Let's see if I remember correctly though I'm 5 years old the same age as Tatsumaki and in two years she should be 7 years old and that is when she is sold off to some scientist to be tested on for her psychic powers.

Trash family really to abandon their daughter like that but it does provide for me the opportunity to rescue her from this and that in turn gets her trust as well as affections… maybe…

I'm such a bad person thinking of taking advantage of girls like that when I'm already an adult in mind and soul but in a body of a kid…

How the fuck do isekai or transmigrated people deal with this?

Fuck it I already plan to get those two and I might as well try if they don't like me then that's ok as well. Life happens in strange ways and if it wasn't meant to be then it wasn't, I'm not going to stalk them for them to like me.

What the hell am I? Fucking Hinata Hyuga, desperate otaku, or Yandere?


I just got to prioritize how I handle the situation hopefully Bang's fighting style will help me out with me using the <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist> and < Exploding Heart Release Fist>.

When the time is right, I will become powerful enough.

~Saito POV~

[Time Skip 1 Year]

Currently, I'm now at a young age of 6 years old and I still attend the <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist> and <Exploding Heart Release Fist> Dojo that is taught by the strongest hero in Japan Bang.

I have one year away from finding out where Tatsumaki is being taken as I have been busy tracking down her home address using the online sources of the internet as well as learning by going around Japan.

How a kid like me can do this was don't question it or lie saying waiting for my parents when they are far apart of where we live. It didn't matter as I was busy searching for her till I found the name address online.

Thank you google chrome maps!

Once I figured out where she was, I stopped from that point onward as knowing the location is enough and she hasn't unlocked her psychic powers yet so I'm safe for now. But for now, though I managed to focus on my thoughts being private for the time being for the encounter.

Since I have found her in those months I focused back on learning the ways of the <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist> and <Exploding Heart Release Fist>.

<Water Stream Encampment> Performed by Bang. He creates an area where his fists destroy anything that enters, protecting that inside.

<Instant Movement> Performed by Bang. Bang jumps at his opponent using special footwork, elegantly and quickly moving as if he were flowing. He then confuses them with a swift feint before performing a fast-piercing attack. He precisely aims for the enemy's weak points from places they cannot predict.

<Fang Interpolation> Performed by Bang. Using the fingertips that he has trained he can hit the smallest weak points with single hits of incredible accuracy. This move is known to be smooth like water but powerful enough to destroy rocks with unparalleled destructive power.

<Abandonment> Performed by Bang. By training his dynamic visual acuity and anticipating the enemy's movements, he can demonstrate the terrifying power of abandonment. He can catch and pierce even the quickest of enemies with precision.

<Awakening Breath> A breathing technique that draws from the very limits of one's body. After being performed, the user's mobility, agility, and maneuverability are heightened.

Next is when Bang demonstrated <Exploding Heart Release Fist> during his fight with Bomb in the past, his arms appeared to leave afterimages.

Unlike Bang's current fighting style, which is defense-based and focused on redirecting attacks, this martial art is instead oriented around brute force and destructive power, pummeling opponents into submission.

This fighting style works by causing the user's heart to pulse explosively in time with the impact of their punches, allowing them to surpass their bodily limits due to massive flow of adrenaline, and enabling them to hit much harder than the maximum force their body can normally exert.

Depending on the strength of users, their punches can even generate powerful shockwaves that can cause injuries for those who attempt to deflect the punches.

These techniques are what Bang is teaching us but the main issue with them is that no one is powerful enough to completely match them against Bang. By that I mean we have full access to them but the issue comes with our bodies not being developed enough to use properly.

Especially for me considering I'm still a kid that is six years old so that is to be expected and I can't even do most of these fighting styles of the <Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist> and <Exploding Heart Release Fist>.

At best the ones I could do are <Fang Interpolation> and <Water Stream Encampment> from what I learned. Still, it's best than nothing and I'm still just a kid I need to have patience for this sort of thing.

But still, though I seem to impress Bang with my endless effort on working on perfecting the techniques I have. Even though he's a harsh old man his at least considerate of how his students progress.

Expecting to learn all of this in the time frame I have is a fool's errand but these two would hopefully do the trick as I hope it would help me out. I can already feel my body getting strong I suppose but it's never enough…


Patience Saito Yagami I need to wait for the time to be right to become stronger the best I can do is observe my seniors on how they progress their fighting styles of the same technique as Bang and learn as I go.

Although I can make do without Bang sending me some weird stares…

Fuck I hope he isn't a booty warrior and pedophile…

[Time Skip 6 Months.]

As I was training again in the Dojo of Bang's he suddenly called me out from the training mats against the stone rock as I was perfecting my <Fang Interpolation>, "Hey! Yagami-san make your ass up here this instant whippersnapper and don't make these old folks waiting for you!"

Great now what does the old fossil… wait a second did he say, other old folks?

Who else do you have on you Bang-sensei?

Quickly going inside his master room I began to sit down on the mat respectfully as I see Bang and another old guy as he spoke to me about the other guy, "Ah. Here is my hard worker Nichirin. The kid is good at keeping his eyes on the ball with the good willpower of focus. What you think Nichirin?"

The guy now called Nichirin is an elderly man with his face covered in wrinkles. He had short white hair and his eyes appeared to have been cut and pure white. His attire consisted of a black kimono and a white haori.

What the hell do these old guys want with me today?

That was when the old man Nichirin began to talk to me in an honest tone just as he spoke to me, "I see confusion, my lad. Don't worry I have gotten permission from your parents if you were interested in some swordsmanship? From my old friend Bang as told me you are a very hard worker and I happen to look for an apprentice to use my swordsmanship."

Blinking in confusion at this I then asked them why specifically me as I was honestly curious about their choice, "Uh… not to be rude Nichirin-san but why choose me specifically? I mean you could choose the other senior members than I?"

That was when the two nodded their heads as Nichirin began to speak to me in an honest tone as he holds his hand on his chin, "Hmm… very insightful young boy I could choose others or search from scratch… But my good friend Bang here recommended me to see if anyone was willing, but I wanted my student to be hardworking as I happen to see that in you Yagami-chan."

Nodding my head at this I guess hard work does pay off?

I mean recalling this guy he was with a group calling themselves the Councilmen of Swordmasters and this Nichirin is part of them along in the future Atomic Samurai as well he joins.

The Council of Swordmasters is a group of the most renowned master swordsmen that convenes in times of crisis. According to Haragiri, the council was created to improve the swordsmanship of its members. Nichirin later revealed another important goal of the council is to find the mythical Moon Blade.

The place is located at G-City a large city somewhere around that place.

But still the offer to train in the art of swords though…


For now, though it does add some versatility for me to use plus having some more skills when I finally become OP would be good since I can't use psychic abilities than physical skills it is.

I know that swords aren't my thing but hey a guy with a sword in an anime-related world is a Man's Romance kind of deal no. Also this might help me learn how to control my body when the time comes to remove my limiter.

Hmm... it's worth a shot at the very least.

With some thinking though I then nodded my head but not before asking Nichirin if I had to go to G-City just to meet him in a confused tone, "Before I accept Nichirin-sensei do I have to go to G-City for your training I would rather be hard for my parents to come sir?"

That was when the old man laughed at me in a soft tone before he began to reply to me in an honest tone, "Ho ho ho! No Yagami-chan I already talked to your parents about this and with my friend Bang here. I'll be staying here to train you my pupil in the ways of the blade along with Bang sensei to help you in your fist."

Ok, it sounds like to me I have some good teachers to teach me the art of cutting people up and the art to beat the living shit out of people for a living.

Truly I have been blessed by these two here by pure chance and luck but I will use those skills since those are handy for what I have in plan for the next 6 months. It's better to absorb everything that these old geezers have for me or else I might be in some trouble…

Now it's time for me to be a man and train like a great typhoon with Disney Mulan music montage for me to become the most OP man alive!

Now that just sounds like cringe in my head perfect…


A/N: Hello everyone thanks for reading the first chapter of OPMC in the Multiverse and do note the main character is just like Glasses in the series a normal guy like Saitama so don't expect him to master any fighting genius like Garou level.

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