The shadow was dumbfounded as she stared at the elven prince claiming to be the human she killed years ago. Reincarnation? Never believed in it.
"Now tell me why did you kill the boy!" Luke was struggling to keep his cool, as his eyes had already started to glow. He wasn't going to let this creature go no matter what!
"Man, I was just bored so I asked the Dragon God for a mission. He asked to eliminate a potential threat, and that's what I did." Miss Shadow said as she took a battle stance and continued, "So I shall do to you, elven prince of chaos."
"Hehe, then you are my enemy." Luke shook his head as he closed his eyes, and sighed, "Just don't die very easily, I want to have a little fun."
<Internal To External Chaotic Explosion>!
Luke opened his eyes sharply, as a thick shock wave was released from him. Digging a three metre wide and 2 inches deep crater with his feet, Luke propelled himself into the air.