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42.55% Pokemon: Blood Bonds / Chapter 17: A Dragon-type Pokemon

Capítulo 17: A Dragon-type Pokemon

(A/N: Bit of info dump to set up things for a future chapter, I did not know how I could have done better.)


If you randomly picked people from around the world and asked, 'which pokemon-type is the strongest?' All of them will give the same answer.

A Dragon-type pokemon.

And why wouldn't it be? Not only did all the Dragon-type pokemon have superior physical strength than the rest of the pokemon since birth, but they also had incredible firepower. Of course, they were weak to fairy, ice and other dragon-type pokemons, but that did not mean they could be easily defeated.

When a Dragon-type pokemon enters a battlefield, it almost always ends in a massacre.

It was a species with the highest average potential in all pokemon types. Depending on their parents, there would never be a Dragon-type below Green potential.

While the potential of other pokemons could vary from red to blue, the weakest potential of a Dragon-type reported was Light-Green.

If you randomly picked people from around the world and asked them, 'would you use a dragon-type pokemon as a starter?' All of them will give the same answer.


One cannot raise a Dragon-type pokemon, at least not a regular trainer. The amount of money that goes into a Dragon-type pokemon is more than any other type. New trainers who might struggle with feeding Bug-types could never take on the expenditure of a Dragon-type Pokemon.

A normal-type pokemon could increase its potential by eating the corpse of other normal-type pokemon, but then what about Dragon-types? Was it really easy to just kill them and feed them to your pokemon?

Nobody with a sane mind would even come close to attempting it.

Ironically, as powerful as dragon-type pokemons are, it is only when they are in their final stage of evolution do they show their greatest strength.

Of all the dragon-type pokemon known, almost every Dragon-type pokemon would evolve only when they reached level 30, with one exception. That was just for the first evolution, while the second, if they have a one, may come somewhere between level 40 to level 60.

That is to say; a Dragon-type pokemon would not show its full potential until it had reached, at minimum, level 40 or above. Not to mention the monstrous amount of resources that would go into a Dragon-type pokemon.

Would anyone look down on not a fully evolved Dragon-type? If their answer is yes, they need to look at the current match to understand that a Dragon is a Dragon even if not fully evolved.

"Drake, wait for it."

As soon as it heard its trainer's command, Gible stood still, waiting for its opponent to appear. And just as its opponent appeared right behind it, it turned around, not waiting for its trainer's command; the Gible held the yellow pokemon in its mouth.

"Use Draco Meteor," said Cynthia as Gible looked upwards and shot the pokemon high into the air along with a small meteor that burst apart as it reached its highest point.


As the debris scattered around the sky, a yellow pokemon fell, seriously injured. It tried to get up, but it was of no use as Gible gave it no chance and struck it with a light tackle to finish it off.

Sabrina held her doll tightly as she saw Abra get hurt so badly; she did not speak but immediately recalled her pokemon before walking towards the Pokemon Centre.

"Abra is unable to fight; the winner is Gible. The victory goes to Cynthia of Sinnoh Region."

Cynthia gave a small smile before she praised gible for his hard work, "good job, Drake."

"She is going to change the power structure of Sinnoh when she grows up," said Oak as he looked at Carolina.

"She is very talented when it comes to Aura and Pokemon, even more so than me," replied Carolina with a proud face.

Alan saw Sabrina walk towards the Pokemon Centre with her doll and the Pokeball. The staff took the Pokeball before they started treating the injured Abra.

"Do you want some snack?" asked Alan as he saw Sabrina constantly stare at her pokemon. She may not speak much, but he could feel her care for her pokemon.

Sabrina looked at Alan and then turned back to stare at Abra.

"He will be fine," said Alan as he stood up and walked up to her before he too started staring at Abra, "you must be mad about the loss?"

She again did not say anything but just increased her grip on the doll.

"I am about to fight my best friend, and if I win, I will be fighting her as well," this time, Sabrina looked at him while tilting her head a little, "I may not win, and Eve might be at the same place as your Abra. I know how it feels when someone you care about gets hurt."

"I will beat her next time."

"Huh?" stunned by the sudden sweet voice, Alan looked at Sabrina with shock, "did you just speak?"

But this time, she did not say anything and stood there silently. Alan was about to say something when he heard his name being called out.

"Alan Salvador and Steven Stone, please come to the battlefield."

"It's my turn; I will see you later," he waved his hand and walked away.

As soon as he was away, Sabrina turned back, looking at Alan, "good luck!" she said softly before she started staring at Abra.

Alan and Steven walked up to the battlefield and stood face to face.

"Introduce yourselves."

"Alan Salvador."

"Steven Stone."

"Bring out your Pokemons," said the referee.

"Did not know it would come to this," said Steven with a wary smile.

"Let's do our best, no holding back," said Alan as he did not want Steven to hold back.

"I never planned to," said Steven before taking out his Pokeball and throwing it towards the field. Alan did the same, and with a bright flash of light, both Eve and Bell appeared, facing each other.



"Bell-Bell," cheered Bell when he saw Eve and started floating around her.

"God Dammit, this makes it difficult," said Alan as he saw Bell cutely float around Eve, playing with her.

"Let's do our best," suggested Steven, and Alan nodded his head.

"Bell, come here," he said Steven as he prepared Bell for a tackle.

"Eve, use Agility."

"You ready, Alan?" asked Steven, and Alan nodded his head, "Bell, go headbutt, Eve."

"Belllll," as if asked to play, Beldum flew towards Eve.

"Stay still and dodge it at the last moment, then use Iron Tail," said Alan as he knew how linear Beldum's attacks were. As heavy and strong it was, it could not make sharp movements.

Eve nodded her head, she did not want to fight her friend, but she understood this had nothing to do with friendship; neither was it about winning or losing.

If they wanted, Alan and Steven could have just given up on the fight, but they did not. It was not for anything else but the respect they had for each other. It was respect towards someone who deserved it, and they saw each other as friends and rivals.

The moment they entered the field, they had left their friendship outside, and here they were rivals, competing with each other. Eve looked at Bell, and her eyes became determined.

[I will be your rival on the battlefield too]

By now, Beldum was close to Eve, and just as it was about to crash into her, Eve jumped upwards before spinning in the air and swinging her tail towards Beldum.


Unlike Gary, Alan never underestimated Steven. He knew his friend was a genius, and he had to go all out from the beginning.

"Bell, turn around and tackle Eve once again," ordered Steven as he saw Bell get planted into the ground with the Iron Tail.

As Bell floated once again and looked for Eve, she had already charged a Shadow Ball, which was coming straight for it. As the Shadow Ball hit Bell head-on, it got dragged across the field before it started floating again.

'That defence is ridiculous,' thought Alan as he saw Bell take two hits head-on from Eve and still get back up, "Eve use work up."

"Bell, use tackle."

"Eve, finish Work Up and dodge then Agility."

"Bell, keep doing Tackle."

As the Bell kept Tackling while Eve kept dodging, the fight became monotonous, with none of them getting an apparent hit.

"What are they trying to do?" thought Cynthia out loud as she looked at the fight.

"Tsk, just running away from each other, bunch of cowards," said Gary, who sat close to her with Oak.

"Last time I saw you got defeated by a pokemon who can only us Tackle," mocked Cynthia when she heard Gary try to bad mouth Alan.

"You wanna fight?" asked Gary as he stood up, his voice a bit loud.

Everyone looked towards him, waiting for a show.

"Gary, sit back," said Oak as he tried to mediate the fight. Gary quickly sat back down as he realized how he had challenged Cynthia in anger.

"Coward," but Cynthia did not back down, "it must be nice having a grandfather you can hide behind. See if you can get him to train your pokemon for you as well."

The whole stadium went quiet as they heard Cynthia's words while the only noise coming was from the battle between Alan and Steven, who were too busy to care about what was happening.

Carolina was too stunned to speak as she looked at Cynthia, looking back at the fight without caring what others were thinking.

She knew Cynthia was good friends with Alan, and she also knew it was nothing more than just being friends. But she did not know Cynthia would protect him like this.

"It is good to be young," laughed Oak, but no one could guess if it was real or fake.

Back on the field, Bell chased Eve while she kept dodging him and used Iron Tail to chip away its health.

Alan kept his concentration as he looked at Steven and Beldum. He would not make the same mistake as Gary to think they are weak. Steven had beaten Gary with just Tackle, which meant he still had not used...

As Alan instructed Eve to move around, he suddenly noticed something. Every time Beldum would use Tackle, it would hit the ground, creating small pits all around the field and currently, Eve was about to step into one of them.

"Eve, watch your step," warned Alan, but it was too late; as she stepped over the small pit, she suddenly lost her balance, tripping.

'Dammit, I was too busy watching them both. I forgot to pay attention to Eve,' as Alan noticed his mistake he immediately gave his next command, "use Protect just in front of you."

As he he had been waiting for this opportunity, Steven raised his hand as he ordered Beldum, "Bell use Meteor Mash. Full Power!"

Alan sacrificed the 360 degree defence of protect and focused on just front so shorten the time taken.


As a Meteor Mash collided with Protect, it created a small explosion of dust covering both the pokemon.

"Use Iron Tail."


They both gave orders without even waiting for the dust to settle. They used their Blood Bonds to feel their presence to know that they were not unconscious.

Another clash took place and the dust cloud was blown away revealing both Eve and Bell who were locked in a battle between Tackle and Iron Tail.

"Eve, pull back," said Alan suddenly as Eve moved aside and Beldum went past her, losing its balance, "Iron Tail and then finish it with a Shadow Ball."

Eve made a sharp turned before using Iron Tail, sending Beldum flying across the field and soon shot a Shadow Ball straight towards it.


As it once again rolled on the ground, Eve looked at it with is haggard appearance. Her fur was covered in blood, her feet were wobbling, she could barely stand.

She looked at Bell who was struggling to float back up.

"Eve, one last push," said Alan as he saw the state in which Eve was, "we will end it with this."

"Bell, use tackle again," said Steven as he was trying his best to make Bell float back and attack. As it had just used its innate skill, it was running low on energy.

Both the pokemon struggled at first but soon they were moving towards each other.

Beldum powered by its hidden ability, Light Metal, rushed towards Eve.

This was a very important moment and everyone was focusing on what the outcome would be. Who will be the one to fight Cynthia for the top rank?

Eve too knew how important this fight was and how important it was to win it. Just as Bell was about to reach it, her eyes widened in surprise.

This was second time it was happening to her in the battle. The world around her turned black and white, the time seem to slow down as she could see her friend coming her way with a Tackle.

It was then that she heard Alan's voice, "Eve ****************"

She heard Alan give her instruction and she knew exactly what Alan was hoping for; without any hesitation she pushed herself to run faster and just as they both were about to come in contact, Eve disappeared.


Bell struck nothing but ground creating a small pit and from a similar pit, right beside the one Bell just made, Eve appeared with her Iron tail charged at her current maximum capacity.

She gave it a small spin before she hit Bell straight in the face. It flew across the field once again but this time it did not float up.

She showed a small smile as she looked at Alan who was looking towards her as well. His fist clenched and his whole body was tensed up.

The referee came to field as he declared the final results.

"Beldum is unable to battle, Eevee is the winner. The victory goes to Alan Salvador of Elian Region."

As soon as they both heard it, they both collapsed on the ground.

Now it was time for the final battle.


Author's Note: I am officially moving to Canada tonight which means I will not post for 2 days. I have connecting flights and then I have to set my place where I will be living again, new home and new everything. Will take me about a week to be back to normal. But I will keep posting chapters whenever I write them. The week after the coming week, I will be back on track.

I will make sure there are at least 5-6 chapters posted next week, either one at a time or i will post bunch of em at same time.

And you guys are insane, We are in top 10 ranking, THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Alan_demonic Alan_demonic


I hope you like the chapter.

Let me know in the comment section


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