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A chance encounter!

Late in the evening, Alan walked back towards his house with Eve resting on top of his head and a bag hanging on his shoulders. He had a satisfied smile on his face after he had sold all the pokemon and made around 53 million pokedollars.

It may sound like a lot of money, but only Alan knew how little it could be once he had done his shopping.

He had bought another TM: Rest and a bag that Devon Corporation made. It was a storage bag meant for trainers, and it had a space as ample as Alan's room inside it. These two items cost him around 1.6 million pokedollars, with 100,000 for TM and the rest for the New Gen Mega Bag.

What followed next was a Pokeball worth a million pokedollars. Unlike other pokeballs, this one was the best for the pokemon and one of the 'unique' collection pokeballs produced by Devon Cop every other year. There were only a few of this kind in the whole world hence they were expensive.

Alan had always dreamed about it but never had the money, so now he did not want to hold himself back from it now that he had money.

He also bought some potions, even though he did not need them yet, which did not mean he did not need them later, or you never know when Eve might injure herself.

Now came the most expensive thing he had bought; a Normal-type singularity.

What was singularity? It was a special 'food' made by different pokemons dead bodies or parts that helped increase their potential. Just one of them was worth ten million pokedollars which was enough to buy a green grade pokemon.

Only now did Alan realize the importance of money and resources because even after eating that singularity, it was not sure if Eve would have a rise in potential even though it was very close to Dark Blue potential. Hence, Alan had bought three of those taking away more than half his money.

He could have bought more, but that was the limit of the shop's singularities.

Once he walked out of the Pokemon Centre, he was left with twenty million dollars. He, however, was satisfied by the way he spent his money. The only thing that left a bitter taste in his mouth was that he could not buy a weapon for himself, or more specifically, he could not buy a weapon that was good enough.

'I guess I will have to go to a bigger city or someplace that specifically sells weapons like Devon Weaponry.'

While he thought about possible things he would buy and do in future, he was already in front of his house. He was about to enter when he suddenly thought about what he had done in the afternoon. Stealing his nerves, he opened the door and what came into his view was something he had not expected.

"Maybe I should take my leave," he immediately turned around and walked back outside.

'Somebody give me holy water.'

It was one of the children's nightmares: walking into their parents making out.

"Eve Evee?"

"You won't understand what just happened; you are still a baby," he said while shaking his head at what Eve was trying to ask, "forget what you saw."

He was old enough to know many things, and with the help of the internet, his knowledge was as vast as the sea.

While he was contemplating what to do next, he heard the door open, and Alex came into his view, "you should knock."

"And you should go to the bedroom," he said while rolling his eyes, "how did you even go from mom being angry to t-that."

"One of the perks of being good-looking, you will know when you grow up a little," replied Alex with a smirk, "now come inside; I have great news and surprise for you."

Alan walked back inside the house and sat on the couch while Eve jumped down from his head and started exploring the house.

"Come back," before he could even stop her, she was gone.

"Let her be," said Ellie as Alex went and sat beside her.

"So what is this surprise you are talking about," he asked his father, totally trying not to think about what he had seen a few moments ago.

"I see that you have done some shopping, don't spend your money on useless things," said Ellie before she told the big surprise, "you know that your dad would be working with a very famous professor, right?"

"Yeah," Alan just nodded his head.

"Well, that same professor is holding a camp for the kids who had just gotten their starters, and when he found out your father had a son of the same age, he invited you to take part in it as well," with the brightest smile Ellie told the new to Alan leaving the young man stunned.

And why would he not be? Attending a professor's training camp was not easy; unless you had a perfect connection, you could never even imagine being a part of it or unless you were fortunate.

Unable to hold his excitement, Alan hurriedly asked, "which professor and where?"

"I can tell you are pumped, but I think what I am about to tell you will make you even more excited," said Alex as he saw the expressions Alan was making.


"Tell me already before that little brat break something else," said Alan as he got restless.

"We are going to the Kanto region, and training camp is held by none other than Prof. Oak."


Alan's brain short-circuited when he heard who was holding the training camp.

"Prof. Oak? You mean, THAT Prof. Oak?" he could not help but ask again for confirmation.


He once again ignored the sound of Eve breaking things as he looked at Alex for an answer.

"Yes, we were supposed to leave within a month, but due to this invitation, we will be flying to Kanto in six to seven days as the training camp starts soon," replied Alex, but then he asked something else, "you do want to attend it, right? or should I tell Professor that you..."

Before he could finish, Alan went godspeed towards his room to pack his luggage.

"EVE, WE ARE GOING ON A TRIP," he shouted as he went upstairs looking for his partner.

"Eve? Eveeeeeeee," she did not understand why Alan was happy but seeing him grinning, she too jumped at him with excitement.

"And it is time for your food."

While he was busy upstairs, Alex and Ellie were also happy seeing Alan excited.

"One of the rare times he acts like his age," said Ellie while placing her head on Alex's shoulders.

"I knew he would love it," said Alex.


High in the air, a plane was flying very fast. It flew over a large body of land before everything around it was nothing but water.

The world of pokemon, also called Lore, was a massive planet that many continents, but most of it was water. Each continent was divided into two or three regions, depending on its size.

The continent that Alan was resident of was called, Elian Continent; however, it was small compared to other continents, so the whole continent was considered one region: The Elian Region.

The plane was headed towards the Kanto Region, one of the biggest and the strongest regions in the world of pokemon. The number of legends born in that region could not even be compared to the rest.

Every generation of Kanto had a Champion, unlike the others regions. While their Elite four were also one the strongest compared to the rest.

Elian region was not even close to Kanto when it came to strength since its Elite four were weak compared to Kanto and maybe even worse than Unova. At the same time, both regions had no Champion at the moment.

The only region weaker than Elian was Arese Region, which, just like Elian, was an independent region but smaller.

The distance from Elian to Kanto was an 18 hours flight.

The Elian continent was the farthest landmass from the other continents; it was less prevalent among trainers, and a region people looked down on by a lot. With weak leaders being the key reasons for it.



"That was so tiring," said Alan as he opened his eyes and stretched his body while sitting on his seat, "good thing we were flying premium class."

"We can thank Professor Oak for that; he owns the Oak Airlines, after all. He gave us free tickets and return plane tickets for you," said Alex, who was reading through his Pokedex for new stuff posted online, "you should check your Pokegram; Eve has become famous with that cute pictures you posted."

"Eveee?" as soon as she heard her name, Eve perked her ears.

"How long will it take for us to reach Kanto?"

"We are already there, and we will be landing in exactly ten minutes. You can look outside in case you want to see the beauty of Kanto," said Alex before he went back to his Pokedex, leaving Eve and Alan alone, who now looked out of the window.

Alan could not see any pokemons, but the dense forest below them made him excited, just the number of pokemons in it and all the challenges it would give.

After ten minutes, the plane landed, and the Salvador family went off the plane. They all looked tired, but a new spirit was inside them as they looked forward to their stay in Kanto.

"I need to use the washroom," said Alan before he hurried towards the closest washroom he could find.

"Stop," shouted Ellie, but Alan was already gone.

"Don't worry, he will be fine, let's just wait here for a few minutes," said Alex; he knew the last thing Alan would get was lost. Maybe.

As he ran among the sea of people, Eve, following him on her legs, made their way towards the closest washroom Alan could see.

But as he was running, suddenly a person appeared in front of him, and the very next moment, they both crashed into each other.

"Uggh," a feminine cry was heard, followed by a stern voice, "watch where you are going."

"I am so sorry about that," he hurriedly apologized before he stood up and extended his hand, "here, let me help you up."

"Thanks," a soft and gentle hand grabbed his own and finally had a clear look of the person he had crashed into.

White skin, blonde hair with black clips on them, she wore a white dress. She was the most beautiful girl Alan could have ever seen, and it was apparent how his eyes were focused on her face.



While they both were busy getting up and staring at each other, the pokemons behind them immediately got heated up when they saw their partners get 'hurt.'

"Eve, it's alright," as he sensed the anger in Eve, Alan immediately held her up before she finally calmed down, and the girl did the same to her pokemon.

"Drake can get pretty possessive at times," she said as she carried her pokemon in her arms.

"I can say the same for Eve," replied Alan.

"You are not from Kanto region right?" the girl said with a sly smile on her face.

"Huh? How do you know that?"

"From that," she pointed at the thing hanging from Alan's bag. A tag used on bags that were going overseas.

"My name is Alan and I am sorry for earlier, but I really need to go to a washroom. I will see you later," as he said that, he once again started running towards the washroom.

"Alan," she said with a soft voice, "will we really meet again?"

Shaking her head she too walked away towards the exit where a black car was waiting for her with a man standing beside the door.

"Welcome young miss," said the driver as he opened the door for her and then closed it for her.

"You are a bit late," said a well dressed woman sitting inside the car.

"I met someone on the way and we had a small chat," she replied with a small smile.

"Anyways, we will soon reach Oak Laboratories, make sure you do your best in the training camp. I have heard that there is a great reward for the best performers at the end of the camp. Many high potential kids like you would be attending, specially the sons of Red and Blue, followed by young master of Joy and Jenny clan, the next heir of Devon Corporation and many more. And that girl you wanted to meet would be there too, so make sure you do your best and come on top."

As the woman spoke she noticed how the girl was looking out the window absentmindedly.

"Are you listening to what I am saying, Cynthia?"

"Yes mom," replied Cynthia but she did not took her eyes off where she was looking at.

She looked at the figure of a boy who was walking with his parents while an Eevee rested on his head.

'He has strong aura.'

Once he was out of view she petted the Gibble in her lap, "lets do our best."


Alan_demonic Alan_demonic

Hello everyone,

I will post a chapter everytime I have written two extra ones.

I hope you will like my work, please let me know in the comment section. Do leave a review if you like it as well.

I will take any positive criticism there is or any suggestion which you all may have. I will make sure to change those things if I think should be changed.

Thank you!

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