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22.22% A Gamers Guide to Conquest, Remastered / Chapter 2: Chapter 02: The First Rule of…

Capítulo 2: Chapter 02: The First Rule of…

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my own original characters and works, if you recognise it from somewhere else, surprise it isn't mine.

Betad by morde24, OoalGown, Hermes and TheDonFluffles

The Gamers Guide to Conquest

Chapter 02: The First Rule of…

— Death —

There was an imbalance in the universe, located in the strangest of places. Sitting on the table she watched a wife and husband eat dinner with their nephew, the soon to be Spiderman, in confusion and interest.

Benjamin Parker was one of many that had lived when they should have died during the attack, but he was the most important one. His death would push Peter Parker on to becoming the hero the world needed him to be.

Though, his near-death seemed to have a similar effect.

She didn't know why he was alive, or how, but to be sure she called on her powers and marked Ben. She couldn't act directly, but she could trust the strings of fate to suit her whims.

She didn't truly care about the fact that a few mortals had lived past their allotted time, the stream of fate could not be so easily diverted after all, but she wanted to know how he had survived, and if he could do it again.

Vanishing from view, she rerunning to the higher plane from which she watched the mortal realm, and silently observed.

Because if there was someone or something able to break fate, that was something she could use.

Even she couldn't break fate, that was the responsibility that came with being one of the higher beings.

So she was very curious who held such power to bend fate to their whims.

— Kuro Tepes —

So, it looks like my identity isn't going to stay hidden for long.

Because there are videos of fucking Dracula running around New York slaughtering Chitauri and bellowing for me.

You see, my dad is from a different time and he doesn't really understand secret identities because he's fucking Dracula, he's never bothered hiding his identity and would see cowering behind a mask as weakness unbecoming of the son of Dracula.

He has no one to hide from, because if his boasting is true, even Death, the very embodiment of said concept, has given up trying to kill him. He's a monster in every sense of the word.

So keeping the fact that I'm the hooded figure that healed a lot of people and killed even more Chitauri secret isn't really going to fly.

People are already trying to work out whether he actually is Dracula or just some delusional mutant.

But the fact that a Kuro Tepes lives in New York with pale skin, black hair and red eyes isn't exactly subtle.

Honestly I'm not that concerned. Even if people try to use it to get to me, what the fuck are they going to do, kidnap Dracula?

Attack me at my home, in another dimension?

If they can do that, they don't need to attack me out of costume, and I have bigger concerns than my identity, so I decided to roll with it.

You can't control everything, and it's unhealthy to even try so I'm just going to go with the flow.

So as I wander the city at night, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, I chuckle to myself. This is my new chance at life, I'm not going to hide away when I could play.

I do have some problems.

Money to start with, mine was hidden in my wardrobe, in a secret compartment under the false floor. It was a good hiding place until a leviathan landed on it.

Secondly, I need to 'slay my enemies' to level up my quest, but I can't just kill a hundred people in Marvel.

Oops, sorry master! I didn't think of that.

The quests were pre-made, lemme fix that.

[Dark Lord Class Quest]

Crush your enemies (0/100)

Corrupt do-gooders (0/10)

Acquire a Dark General (0/1)

Acquire a Mistress (0/1)

Huh, thanks Isis.

You're welcome master!

She's much nicer than the old game, and crush? Crushing I can do.

As a Dhampir I have very good senses, which makes finding crimes fairly easy.

New York is a shitshow after the attack, crime is skyrocketing, both opportunistic career criminals and desperate unlucky fools are out and about seeking to better their fortunes.

Hearing a struggle, I speed up my jumps and reach the rooftop nearest to the sound, looking down at a woman trying to push away a man who is grabbing at her purse and with my prey found, I smile.

I've decided that all the criminals of New York are my enemies, so it's time to start crushing them.

Jumping down, I don't even bother getting fancy as I grab the back of his shirt and pull him back violently, tossing him into the alleyway wall as the woman clutches her purse tightly, fleeing with a quiet word of thanks as I nod at her

Since this isn't a situation where I have to pretend to be human, I don't have to hide my real strength, and as the man crumples to the ground I calmly walk up to him and grab him by the throat, glaring at him with a pair of glowing red eyes coming out from my shrouded hood.

It's an illusion of course, but it still makes him scream in terror, blubbering pleas for mercy as I stare at him.

"You picked the wrong night to do this." I say, my voice echoed by a dozen more as he shudders. "I have a very good memory for faces, if I catch you again I'll rend you apart." I growl, dropping him as he gasps for air

"I-I can go?" he whimpers as I smirk under my hood, my hand reaching down and slipping into his slightly bulging pocket, pulling out his wallet and opening it as I look at the notes haphazardly stuffed inside.

"Busy night?" I ask idly, taking the notes.

"W-what are you-"

"I believe it's called 'a mugging', where I beat someone and take their money. You should be familiar with the concept," I say with a lazy drawl, pocketing the notes and pulling out his ID for a moment. "And now I know your name, so you should be careful, you never know when I'm going to come and double check that you're still behaving," I finish, tossing his much lighter wallet back at him as I chuckle, the echoing making it much creepier and more intimidating.

He wants to argue, but with two glowing red eyes leering at him, he cuts his loses and runs for the street.

I absolutely won't remember his name or face.

But I also just cast my first curse, a curse of cowardice, will it work? I have absolutely no idea.

Jumping back up, I easily stick to the wall through some vampiric bullshit I don't understand and climb back onto the rooftop, looking for my next prey.

Checking my quest confirms that it counted, which makes me smile to myself.

You didn't really crush him physically, but mentally is another story so I figured it counted!

So much nicer.

A couple muggers later, and a rather full wallet as well, my nose picks up something rather familiar.

It takes me a moment to recognise what I'm seeing as I grin, following the scent as it moves through the night air.

Hearing the sounds of fighting, I speed up and silently perch on a rooftop as I watch the fun below, a small figure in an obviously homemade red and blue outfit fighting three men in dark clothes, crowbars in hand.

An attempted break in

Not that I can talk about outfits, I'm literally wearing a pair of black jeans and a matching black hoodie.

If they could see my shirt my prey would probably be a lot less intimidated, the white and pink Dazzler tee was one of the few that survived the destruction of my apartment because it happened to be in the washing machine in the basement, it's one I liked to wear to bed.

Spidey obviously has no actual idea how to fight, but his strength, speed and instincts are very good and carry him through the fight. I watch as he dodges under the crowbar that was about to smash into his skull, kicking back and sending the man stumbling backwards, a flick of his wrists sending globs of webbing at him, and sticking him to the wall.

One of the men finally loses their cool as they go for what I assume is a gun under their jacket, but with a lazy wave of my hand I call on my light magic and summon chains made of solidified light. I direct them to wrap around him and bind his arms to his sides tightly enough to make him groan in pain. Then I cause one of the chains to shoot upwards and wrap around the lampost, quickly reeling the man up and leaving him hanging. Noticing this, Spidey freezes for a second before he dodges another swung crowbar, grabbing the weapon and yanking it away before punching the final man in the face, sending him tumbling back to the ground, where more webbing makes sure he won't be going anywhere.

Looking around rapidly, I take pity on Spidey and drop my illusion letting him spot me sitting on the rooftop, giving him a lazy wave as I stand up and walk out of sight.

Hearing him land behind me, I turn and smirk behind my mask as I sit on what I assume is probably an air con unit.

"Not bad," I say simply, making Peter pause.

"I- thanks, for the help I mean," Peter replies, trailing off. Ah right, this is the awkward teenage Spiderman not the quippy confident Spidey.

"No problem, pretty sure you had it covered but I was in the area," I say before pausing. "Full disclosure, I know you're the kid who was with the man who I healed. Is he doing okay?" I ask, watching Peter almost stumble in shock before he sighs, pulling the red balaclava off his head, the young face of Tom Holland looking back at me.

"That obvious? You barely saw me for a few seconds before…" Peter sighs, making me chuckle. "But yeah, Uncle Ben's great, thanks again for that."

"You should probably try and do a different voice when you're doing this stuff, but it was your scent that gave it away. I have a very good sense of smell, and every person has a unique odor," I say truthfully.

"Not everyone can do that cool voice thing… What even is that, do you have a voice modulator under your hood or-" Peter starts before I laugh.

"It's an auditory illusion, and the shadows that hide my face are visual illusions," I admit, briefly changing the illusion to match his own face before I turn it back.

"Wait, illusions like holograms or-"

"Magic, illusions and light magic are the two schools I'm most skilled in, but I'm learning fast," I say, manifesting my light magic in the palm of my hand as I hold it open.

"Magic," Peter replies flatly, making me laugh.

"Yup, welcome to the wider world. You're gonna have to get used to it if you want to play hero. Aliens are far from the only unbelievable thing you'll run into. The entire attack was orchestrated by the Norse god Loki, and his illusions make mine look like petty parlor tricks," I point out, not that he ever really uses them properly in the MCU.

Disappointing frankly, I can replicate basically every illusion Loki did on screen already, he should be so much more imaginative. I'm pretty sure Loki could have hidden the portal and the entire Chitauri fleet until it was already through if he actually wanted to.

At least I think he should be able to, power levels are weird with so many different source materials to work with. But come on, he's the fucking Trickster God.

"Okay fair enou- wait, was that armoured guy actually Dracula?!" Peter asks excitedly, making me chuckle.

"Yup, and since he bellowed my name through half the city, I might as well do this," I say, dismissing my illusions as I push my hood down, giving him a smile. "Kuro Tepes, Dhampir Mage and vigilante, it's a pleasure to meet you." I say, giving him a fanged grin as I offer him a hand.

"Peter Parker, Friendly Neighbour Spiderman, and also a vigilante I guess," Peter responds, shaking my hand. "So… Dracula for a dad?" he asks, his lisp twitching slightly.

"Yup, that's my Vlad-Dad. My mom is apparently a powerful magic user as well. It's an interesting life but mostly he just shows up every now and then to see if I'm ready to fight him to the death, tells me some exaggerated story about his youth then disappears again," I say with a shrug. "Anyway, wanna exchange numbers? I figure if we're both going to be doing this hero thing, we might as well be able to call in some back up if things get too hot for us to handle."

"You want to work together?" Peter asks, pulling his phone out as I shake my head, typing my number into it and ringing myself.

"I'm not really a teamwork guy, and we can cover more ground separately. That said, I doubt we're the only people with powers around, and not all of them are gonna be as friendly as me, so it's going to be better if we can call each other for help if we need it," I explain, before laughing. "Plus, I don't think healing is a spider power, and some injuries you aren't going to be able to explain to a hospital," I deadpan, making him grin.

"Yeah, I have a few powers but that's outside my area of expertise. I'm strong, fast, I stick to stuff and I can sense danger," Peter explains, his eyes widening as he flips himself out of the way of an arrow I formed behind him. "Dude."

"Cool, nice reflexes. And don't scowl, I aimed to scratch you at worst, and even then I would have healed" I say, waving my hand as he gives me a dirty look. "Funnily enough I'm also strong, fast, I stick to stuff, have super senses, oh and I'm a powerful Mage," I say, grinning as I ruffle his hair, which annoys him as it would any teenager. "Basically I'm you but cooler."

"I have web-shooters?" Peter half brags, half asks as he shows me them. "I made them myself, I'm still perfecting the webbing formula," he trails off.

"I'm just fucking with you, it's not a dick-waving competition," I say lazily. "All I'm saying is that if it was a fight, I'd win."

— Peter Parker —

He'd quickly gotten an idea of what Kuro was like, the older teen giving him a smug grin as he rolled his eyes, registering Kuro's number.

Kuro wasn't wrong, if they'd were going to do this, they might need the backup at some point and he certainly wasn't going to turn down a magic vampire healer for a friend.

As he went to reply, his police scanner went off attracting his attention.

"Huh, I should really get one of those," Kuro said idly, pulling his hood back up and redoing the admittedly kinda freaky illusion he used to cover his face.

"Wait, how do you find crimes without a scanner?" Peter asked, pulling his far less impressive mask back on.

The balaclava and goggles were just a temporary fix while he worked on a proper uniform.

He chose bright colours so people wouldn't mistake him for a criminal, well a bad criminal since vigilantism was definitely breaking a few laws.

"Oh, I can sense negative emotions, turns out people tend to feel pretty fucking negative about being mugged or assaulted. If that doesn't work, I also have super hearing, so I make it work," Kuro replied easily.

…damn, that was so much cooler than using a police scanner.

"Anyway, I believe that is our signal to get back to work," Kuro said, making him nod before he stopped.

"Wait! What should I call you, you know when you're masked up?" Peter asked, making him pause.

"That is an excellent question. I probably should have worked that out before I started beating up muggers. Alucard, Arcane, The Shadow? Eh, I'll think of something, or I'll just wait until I have a rep and steal the best one I see online. See you around, Spidey," Kuro said, clicking his fingers as shadows formed around him and he vanished.

Spidey, yeah that sounded good.

He knew it was just an illusion, but it didn't make it less cool.

Sending an anonymous tip about the three thugs, he ran towards the edge of the roof and jumped off, shooting his web out and swinging into the night.

He'd had his powers for little under a month, but this was only his second night out.

He'd kept putting it off, for a hundred different reasons, but that backfired hard.

When the aliens attacked, he was completely out of his depths, and honestly he was afraid. Afraid of people treating him differently if they realised he had powers, afraid of fighting, too afraid to do anything but run with his family.

And even when they were attacked, he hesitated, he should have attacked the alien immediately, even if it meant revealing his powers to Ben and May, they loved him and he knew that wouldn't change because he got some powers from a weird spider, but he hesitated for just long enough for the invader to fire a shot at Ben.

Then he'd been too frozen to do anything, and Kuro had shown up out of nowhere, probably sensing their emotions, killing the alien on the spot with no hesitation, healing Uncle Ben and vanishing into the chaos to help more people, not even stopping for thanks.

He didn't think he could kill like that, even aliens, but it woke him up. He could be to other people what Kuro had been to his family.

The only part that sucked was that he couldn't tell Ned that he'd met the mystery hero.

— Kuro Tepes —

If I have the choice, I'd rather Spiderman be a friend than a foe. Not only because I respect what he does, but because Spidey is usually really fucking powerful, and I don't want to have to fight him if I don't have to.

I'm going for an Anti-Hero image, mostly because with my personality I'd never be able to pull off the traditional paragon, I'm a Villain at heart after all.

But I've done my research, and this isn't the place to be an outright villain, at least not yet.

The Fantastic Four exist, so do the X-Men and obviously the Avengers.

Plus I'm probably already on S.H.I.E.L.D. 's radar, so I don't want to cause too much trouble, but I'm also not willing to hide away and play civvie.

I'm the Overlord, it might not mean much in this world but it means a lot to me. Pride is a weird thing, you'd think after getting stomped by Lucille I'd be humbler, but it's just hardened my resolve.

I'm going to become far stronger than she could ever even dream of being, and you don't become strong by being timid.

Fortune favours the bold, after all.

No-one will beat me like that again, and I'll do anything to make that a reality.

Right now, that means beating up random thugs.

In the future? Who knows. This is Marvel after all, and there are no limits to the ways one can become very powerful here.

Stopping on a rooftop, I stare into the distance at a tower with a lingering gaze.

Oscorp Industries.

There's no Green Goblin, and Norman Osborn is the Mayor of New York, but it's existence has planted a seed in my head.

Does the Goblin Formula exist? And if so, what would happen if I used it myself?

I'm not exactly human, and I already have a lot of what the formula would give me, but could I enhance myself even further?

I probably shouldn't tell you this, Master, but the Game (that's me) makes your body highly adaptable. There's not much you can't absorb into yourself, but there could be… side effects.

Good to know, because I'm gonna be honest. I'm probably gonna stick basically anything I can get my hands on into myself and hope for the best.

Well, I can say you won't die, but it might not be a fun time for a while.

True, but I do need more power. I'm strong, at street level, but Marvel is a big place and it's full of monsters so I need to be prepared.

That means grabbing whatever scrap of power I can get my hands on. Super-powers, tech, artifacts, anything.

Continuing my reign of terror over the criminals of New York, I beat a few more dumb thugs before I spot something different flitting across through rooftops.

Turning into a bat, I follow my new target for a while, watching her jump from rooftop to rooftop, easily climbing the walls as her claw-like gauntlets dig into the bricks, but she never does any jumps that an athletic human couldn't pull off.

The duffle bag she's got hanging around her waist looks heavy, so as she finally pauses, looking over the edge of the rooftop for any pursuers, I grin.

She's looking the wrong way, and flying down towards her I change back and land a few feet behind her, my landing making very little sound as she leans over the edge, unaware of the threat behind her.

Dressed in a very tight black bodysuit with a white fur trim around her wrists, ankles and neck and a long white mane of hair, the Black Cat chuckles to herself as I slowly approach, but despite my supernatural agility, my amazing reflexes, the floor beneath my feet creaks loudly as I step forwards, my eyes widening as she instantly reacts, a spinning kick catching me by surprise as it collides with my chin.

That was unluc- huh, Black Cat, bad luck. Got it.

Her eyes widen as she sees just how little effect the kick has on me, light blue eyes staring from behind a small black domino mask.

"Well that wasn't nice," I say calmly, rubbing my chin dramatically as she backs up, her amazing ass hitting the wall around the edge of the roof.

She can't go any further back, we're a few stories up and she can't make the jump across the street.

"You're one to talk, didn't your mother teach you not to sneak up on women late at night?" a sultry voice responds, even as her eyes flicker around the roof as she takes in her options.

"Funnily enough, no. Now, I don't suppose you're going to be the first criminal tonight to be smart enough to give up?" I ask, making her eyes narrow.

— Felicia Hardy (Black Cat) —

And tonight had been going so well until now.

The museum she hit didn't even manage to raise any alarms until she was three streets away, one of the guards probably either found his knocked out co-workers or noticed an empty display.

It was looking like an almost flawless heist, with the police more focused on other things.

Looking back at the hooded figure, strange shadows covering his face, she scowled slightly.

"Isn't 'criminal' a bit harsh? I'm just… reallocating some wealth, it's not like my victims can't afford it," Felicia said, trying to buy time as she stepped forwards.

The only way she had to go right now was down, and as good as she was, it was a long fall with very little to break it.

She recognised him from the videos of the attack, though nobody had decided on a name for him yet, and she didn't want to get stabbed by an arrow of light, but she certainly wasn't giving up her haul either, nor was she going to jail.

"Perhaps. You're definitely a different breed than the thugs I've been beating up all night, that much is for certain," He said, making her give him a flirtatious smile as she strutted towards him, placing a hand on his cheek as it sunk through the weird shadows.

"Exactly, nobody has gotten hurt, and nobody who matters is going to miss my shinies, so what's the harm?" Felicia asked, leaning forwards slightly to give the man a good long view of her cleavage. "I'd be ever so grateful, and I'm sure there are plenty of thugs for you to spend your time with, instead of wasting it on little old me."

"Oh I don't think spending time with you would be a waste," he replied, making her smirk as she saw her opportunity.

Claws extending, she pulled back the hand on his cheek and struck, slashing at his face as she grabbed his arm with her other and tossed him over her shoulder, making him grunt even as he chuckled.

"Now who's being rude," he muttered as she laughed, making a run for it. A glow warned her of the danger, but as a golden arrow shot past her she laughed again.

"You missed!" Felicia teased, before she missed a step, a sudden lightness making her eyes widen.

"No I didn't."

Spinning around, she spotted the duffle bag she'd stashed her loot in on the ground between them, it's strap cut.

Glancing at him as he slowly stood back up, she scowled.

Run and get away, or go back for the loot?

Dashing forwards, her eyes widened as he did the same, far faster than her as he crashed into her, knocking her to the ground as he chuckled.

As she fell on her back, she placed both her feet against his abdomen and kicked, angling it to toss him away from her (and more importantly her loot), springing back up as she made another run for the bag, utterly unsurprised as he caught up with her again.

Tackling her with his heavier body, he knocked her to the ground, grabbing her and preventing her from breaking her fall as she fell facefirst, both her arms held above her head, golden chains forming around them.

Freezing her struggles, she became well aware of her current position, face down on the ground with her legs spread apart, him kneeling between them with his body pressed against hers, his crotch pushing against her ass as he chuckled into her ear.

"Easy, kitty cat, you don't want to see my claws, I promise you they're sharper than yours," he whispered, something hard pressing against her buttocks as she forced down her response.

Now wasn't the right time to be snarky.

"Fine, you caught me. I'll behave," Felicia lied as she looked at the chains. Nothing to pick, figured. She wouldn't be breaking them either.

"We both know that's bullshit," he chuckled as he moved off her, making her breathe a quiet sigh of relief as the pressure disappeared, watching him walk up to the duffel bag and pick it up, making it vanish with a flash of light.


Getting to her feet, her hands bound in front of her, she gave him another flirtatious smile.

"Do you always go around tying girls up on a first date?" Felicia asked teasingly, weighing her options.

"Not usually, but my dates don't normally show up in such tight outfits either," he replied, his hand coming to her waist. "Scratching me wasn't very nice."

"Fair~ so, why don't you get rid of these chains and we can talk about how I can… make it up to you?" Felicia asked, stepping forwards and pressing her breasts against his chest with a smile.

As the chains disappeared, she immediately struck, her knee rising rapidly as she aimed for the universal weak spot all men shared.

If there was one thing she could count on, it was that if you hit a guy in the dick he'd usually go down.

As she made contact, her eyes widened, looking down at where his hand had caught her rising knee.

"Naughty, naughty. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice-" he chuckled, pushing her knee back down and grabbing her in a tight bear hug as she went to move, her arms caught by her side as he lifted her off her feet, unable to even struggle against his crushing grip.

More chains formed around her, binding her arms to her side as he let her go, laughing as she immediately tried to kick at him, catching her leg with ease and pushing her back.

Stopping herself from falling, she tried one more time to run now that the loot was out of her reach, gasping as another chain formed around her neck, a second chain connecting to it and the digging into the rooftop as the short chain forced her to bend over, two more chains around her ankles connecting to the ground, spreading her legs wide as she get gasped.

How the hell was she supposed to fight against this? It was downright unfair.

Bent over at the waist, legs spread wide, she knew struggling was a waste of energy, she couldn't break the chains and as he slowly walked behind her, she felt a throb of true fear as he stopped right behind her, his hand coming down and pressing down on the small of her back.

"Now, now… what should I do with a naughty little kitty like you?" he asked, running his hand down her back and gently caressing her ass as she froze.

This was very much not good.

"Let her go because she promises to be on her best behaviour?" Felicia asked hopefully, yelping as he pulled his hand back and spanked her harshly.

"Do you want to know a secret, little kitty?" he asked as she squirmed, falling forwards as the chains vanished. "I would have just let you go if you hadn't scratched me, because you're right, I don't care about a heist," he added in amusement as the chains holding her up disappeared, and she fell to the ground in an ungraceful pile without the support.

Glancing up at him she carefully stood up and took a step back, seeing him make no move to stop her, his hands in his pockets.

"Wait, seriously?" Felicia asked, making him nod, only noticeable by the way his hood moved.

"Yup. But then you went and hurt my feelings, very uncalled for," he replied lazily, making her mentally curse. "So I decided to teach you some manners."

That would have been great to know before he'd made her loot disappear.

"I don't suppose you could bring my loot back if I asked really nicely? I won't even try to knee you in the balls this time," Felicia asked, making him chuckle and click his fingers, the duffel bag appearing in his hand.

She'd learnt her lesson this time, attacking him is obviously a very bad idea. He'd been treating her with kid gloves, she'd seen how fast he was after all, not to mention those glowing chains.

Opening the bag, he reached in and pulled out a large blue gem, tossing it into the air and catching it as he stared at it.

"Words are meaningless, but I'm feeling nice so let's see… flash me," he said, making her blink. "Show me your breasts, and I'll let you have your toys back."

"…you promise?" Felicia asked, that was a lot of money's worth of stolen art and treasures.

"I'm a man of my word," he said calmly as she groaned.

"Perv," Felicia said, even as she grabbed the zip of her bodysuit and pulled it down, her other hand pulled it apart as her breasts popped out of the tight-fitting suit, wrapped in a partially see-through black lace bra.

She liked to dress sexily, even if she didn't plan on anyone seeing it.

Knowing it wasn't enough, she grabbed her bra and pulled it up, her breasts bouncing free from their confines, the cold night air (and only that) making her tiny pink nipples harden as he presumably looked down at them, his expression still hidden away.

— Kuro Tepes —

I'm tempted to take her right here and now, but Overlord or not I don't want to end up classed as a villain so soon, and rape is one hell of a way to do that.

Besides, I can still get what I want. It'll just take longer this way.

Walking forwards, I pull my glove off and reach up, gently groping her pale bare flesh as she stifles a moan.

"That wasn't part of the deal," Felicia says quickly, not resisting as I squeeze the handful of tit I have in my grasp, my thumb rubbing against her nipple as I call on my Eromancy and enhance her pleasure.

"I'm altering the deal, pray I don't alter it any further," I say seriously, making her roll her eyes.

"Great, I'm getting molested by a Star Wars quoting nerd," Black Cat says with a sigh.

"For money," I add, making her glower at me for a moment.

"Don't say it like that," she says quickly, scowling as she realises I'm right.

"Fine, fine," I say lazily, removing my hand and holding out the bag, and watching as she quickly fixes her clothes.

I don't have a fence, and I don't want to carry a bunch of stolen goods around, even in my inventory. Beating people up is much easier money.

"Be careful, next time I might not let you off so easily," I warn her, making her smirk at me.

"You'll have to catch me again first," Black Cat replies, a cocky smirk on her face even as her tone doesn't quite ring true.

She knows I'm the more powerful one, and I could definitely catch her again if I put my mind to it.

"Don't tempt me, I'm very fast when I want to be," I tease, watching her grab the bag and back away quickly, half expecting me to go back on my deal.

"So, I can go?" she asks, still on guard as I chuckle.

"You may. This time," I say, making her smile.

"Well, it hasn't been a terrible first date, all things considered," Felicia Hardy says with a flirtatious grin. "But I have places to be, see you around tall, dark and scary."

"You will, but I'll see you first," I reply, turning invisible again as her eyes widen, and as I walk past her I spank her again, making her yelp in surprise and spin around helplessly.

"Well that wasn't foreboding at all," she mutters, heading off herself as I watch her go, my eyes fixed on her curvy ass wrapped in the tight black catsuit.

I have a problem. I am very horny.

And horny Kuro is dumb Kuro. Horny Kuro gets talked into doing troublesome things by hot women, of which there are a great many. I know myself enough to know that, but it's not usually a problem because I usually have no shortage of lovers.

As I contemplate my problem, hopping from rooftop to rooftop, my phone rings making me pause as I come to a stop.

"That was quick, so who did you piss off that you can't handle?" I ask, hearing some panicked talking in the background.

"Kuro, how quickly can you get to Queens?" Peter asks quickly, his tone panicked.

"Two minutes if I rush, why?" I ask, frowning as I listen to him explain. "Wait, what the hell do you mean he's been shot again."

— May Parker —

Holding Ben as he coughed up blood, whispering soothing words, she knew the ambulance wouldn't make it in time. Even if New York wasn't currently rebuilding, the emergency response time wasn't exactly great.

All their public services were overworked and underfunded, the funds being used elsewhere under Mayor Osborn's reign.

Feeling the tears running down her cheek, she finally looked away as she heard Peter open the back door, spotting an all too familiar hooded figure walk in quickly, her eyes widening as her despair gave way to a spark of hope, barely pausing to push his hood down revealing a fairly handsome younger face.

"Seriously Peter, does he just have a sign saying 'shoot me' on his back?" the man said, walking past Peter as he went to reply.

How did Peter know their savior?

Not even pausing to speak to her, he gently pushed her aside, his hand glowing with a soothing golden light as he placed it on his chest.

"Will he be alright?" Peter asked, making the man nod.

"The bullet went straight through, lucky since it'd be more complicated if it was still inside. Trust me, you don't want your body trying to heal around something stuck inside you, it isn't pretty," he agreed, frowning for a moment before he simply grabbed Ben's shirt and tore it open, revealing a blood-soaked chest.

Watching as the wound slowly closed, she let out a sigh of relief before she realised Ben wasn't waking up.

"Don't worry, he's lost a lot of blood and I don't know how to fx that yet. He needs rest, and a lot of food, but he'll recover in time," the man said calmly, spotting her expression.

Grabbing him in a tight hug, she let out a sigh of relief, thanking him profusely.

She had some questions for Peter, but they could wait.

"Thanks Kuro, seriously," Peter said, making the man chuckle.

"Just part of the job, this isn't going to be a common occurrence is it? I'm not always going to be nearby. You're lucky I wasn't that far away, he had a few more minutes at the most," Kuro replied, making Peter shake his head.

"It was a break-in gone wrong, probably figured the house would be empty, a lot around here are. It wasn't, Ben was getting a drink and I guess they panicked," Peter explained. "Is it safe to move him? I should probably take him up to his bed."

"Yeah, it's fine. His wounds are healed, he just needs rest and food to get his blood levels back up," Kuro replied, watching Peter lift Ben up and carry him upstairs. "We really need to stop meeting like this," Kuro added as they watched him leave, a watery laugh leaving her as she finally broke the tight hug, remembering that she was only wearing a thin purple nightie and her panties, her breasts visible through the thin cloth as his eyes flickered to them.

"Definitely, hopefully next time we can meet under better circumstances. If you ever need anything, just ask, we owe you our lives, Ben's twice over," May replied quickly.

"Actually, I don't suppose I can crash on your couch, my motel room is on the other side of the city and I don't feel like running across the city again," Kuro asked, making her smile.

"Of course, we have a guest room you can use," May said quickly, watching him stifle a yawn.

"Thanks, try not to get mortally wounded before I wake up please, it's been a busy night," Kuro said, making her giggle slightly before she realised he was being serious.

What had he been doing all night?

"I'll try my best to only be grievously wounded," May said, deciding that some things were just best left unasked.

— Kuro Tepes —

Aunt May is a Milf, well technically a Ailf but it just doesn't feel right to say it like that, as she leads me to the small guest room, my eyes barely leave her panty-clad backside.

Her nightie is practically see-through, and while her breasts are fairly small (at least in comparison to Black Cat's) they are still very appealing, which has me thinking.

I've found the first do-gooder to corrupt, I mean sure, do-gooder normally means heroes but May is undeniably good, and I don't have to turn her into a villain, I just need to make her break her morals.

Like for instance, with an affair.

That'd do it, master!

As we walk, I use my new power to craft a special curse. Curses don't have to be all physical, and I have something special in mind for May.

"Here you go, let me know if you need anything," May asks as I walk past her, my hand brushing against hers as I give her a smile.

"This is fine, thanks. Good night, Mrs Parker."

Sleep well with pleasant dreams of me, my curse of longing should see to that. Plus, the curse of impotence on Ben should help in the long run.

As I said, heroic actions or not, I'm still a villain at heart.

— May Parker —

Waking up with a flushed face, she quickly got out of bed and stripped her nightie off, hoping Kuro and Peter were still asleep as she headed to the bathroom, pushing her panties down and taking a cold shower.

She didn't even want to think about what her dreams had been filled with. It just didn't make sense, Kuro was a handsome enough boy, but he was a boy, only a couple of years older than Peter, and definitely not her type.

And yet…

Shaking her head, she cleaned herself quickly, especially the sticky dampness between her legs, a blush on her face as she sighed.

Getting out of the shower quickly, she toweled herself dry and wrapped the towel around her body, her clothes still in her room as she snuck back out, almost unsurprised when she walked right into Kuro, dressed in his jeans and a white and pink t-shirt.

Caught by surprise, she slipped on the wooden floor, Kuro's eyes widening as he moved at inhuman speeds, se her in his muscled arms before she hifloor, making her gasp in surprise, seeing the concerned look in his eyes.

Lifting her back to her feet, she went to thank him, well aware of how close her body was pressed against his, moving out of his grasp before her words died in her mouth, feeling the cold air hit her naked body directly, her towel having fallen with her.

His eyes tried not to wander, but she caught the way he gave her nude body an appreciative once over, her face burning as he reached down and picked up her towel, handing it to her and looking towards the wall.

"T-thanks," May practically squeaked, really hoping he hadn't noticed how hard her nipples were. "And sorry for running into you like-"

"It's fine, accidents happen," Kuro said, his voice far calmer than hers. "Do you mind if I take a shower? I ran a lot last night and it's starting to show."

"Of course. You can use Ben's stuff, it's all in the cabinet above the toilet," May said as she quickly fixed her towel, wanting out of this conversation as he finally turned back to her and gave her a smile.

"Thanks, I appreciate it," Kuro said, walking past her into the bathroom.

"Please, it's the least we can do. I don't think I'll ever be able to fully repay what we owe you, but I'm certainly willing to try," May said quickly, before pausing.

That wasn't the right thing to say to the boy she'd been fantasising about, after flashing him while half naked, and as his eyes flickered downwards again, she felt her face heat up.

"I'll keep that in mind, but for now I'm more than willing to call it even. The motel shower is… not so good," Kuro joked, making her pause.

"Why are you sleeping in a motel anyway?"

"Oh, because my apartment has a giant alien snake corpse on top of it. Pretty much everything I own is buried under rubble," Kuro said, his voice still light as her eyes widened. "The funny thing is I'm pretty sure I killed that one, never really thought about where it'd land."

"I'm so sorry, that's just not fair. If you ever need a place to stay, you're more than welcome here." May said quickly, placing a hand on his shoulder.

She wanted to ask about his parents, but figured now wasn't the time.

"I appreciate it, but I'll be fine. The motel is just a temporary solution, I have the means to get a new apartment once the dust settles. Honestly I'm one of the lucky ones," Kuro said with a carefree smile.

Giving him a smile, she had to admit his optimism was endearing. Not many people would be so unconcerned about losing so much, he wasn't wrong though. If he had the money to replace it, he was luckier than a great many people, her work at F.E.A.S.T. had definitely shown that.

"Still, the offer's there," May said, making him chuckle.

"And I'm grateful for it, but umm… your towel has slipped again, so perhaps you should go and get dressed," Kuro said politely, watching her face turn red as she looked down and spotted a small pink nipple peeking out from the towel.

"Yes! Yes I definitely should," May said quickly, watching Kuro head into the bathroom, chuckling quietly.

Which of them was the adult again?

Oh god, her damp panties were still on the bathroom floor… could this get any more embarrassing?

Ben was thankfully still asleep, and Peter had already headed out, leaving a note that he was going to meet Ned, which didn't strike as entirely truthful.

She'd had Ned sleepover enough times to know he wasn't an early riser.

Hearing Kuro shout her name as she made some breakfast, she headed back upstairs, spotting him looking out of a crack in the bathroom door.

"So, you took the last towel and I didn't notice until I was already done showering," Kuro admitted sheepishly as she facepalmed.

Damnit, May, she should have known that. She could have sworn there was another towel in there.

"Oh, I'm sorry, just give me a second," May said quickly, getting a new one from downstairs and rushing back up, holding it through the gap.

As he took it, the door opened just a bit more as he let go of it to grab the towel and despite her best efforts she couldn't stop herself from peeking through, her eyes widening at the sight of his naked wet body.

He was impressively muscled, but it wasn't his muscles that her eyes locked onto, her face burning as she stared at the thick cock hanging between his legs, not even hard.

"Well, I suppose turnabout is fair play," Kuro said simply, making her look up into his amused eyes.

Unable to come up with an excuse, she simply fled downstairs, his quiet chuckling following her.

What the hell was wrong with her?

— Kuro Tepes —

Making a spare towel disappear with illusions was entirely too easy, and I have to say.

There's a certain thrill to the chase now that I don't have an exact number to tell me how close I was to catching my prey.

The affection system was useful, but I've outgrown it.

Drying myself off, I get dressed again and head downstairs, accepting the offer of breakfast from an embarrassed May. I could push mores but I let her try and forget about everything as I eat, thanking her for the meal and excusing myself.

I have a busy day ahead of me after all, because I know where another underground fight club is taking place.

A few hours later, my wallet is quite a bit heavier as my bets on myself pay off, but diminishing returns are starting to get me.

The more I win, the less money I can make since my odds are getting better and better.

Grabbing a drink at the bar, I watch the lesser fighters brawl it out, bored by how slow and clumsy they seem.

"It must seem rather amateurish to you, right?" a voice says, making me turn to the side, seeing a rather well dressed man standing beside me.

"I've beaten most of the regulars a dozen times over, hell I'm pretty sure my last opponent threw the fight, took one hit and decided to stay down," I admit, taking a sip.

"Well, you can't really blame the man. Last time you two fought you broke his jaw, and you've been the unbeatable big fish in this little pond for quite some time," the man replies, making me chuckle slightly.

"Let me guess, you want to take me out of the pond and put me in the sea?" I ask, making him smile.

"Exactly, my friend. Your talents are wasted here, beating junkies and ex-cons for pocket change," he says, pulling out a card and offering it to me. "My employer is arranging a tournament of all the best fighters in the city. Even the sign-up bonus is more than you could make here in a month, win enough matches and you'll want for nothing ever again."

Taking the card, I look down at it with a raised eyebrow. It marks the carrier as a competitor, aside from that all it has is a time, a date and an address.

"And who exactly is this employer of yours?" I ask, making him smile.

"Someone who is looking to bring order to the chaos that is New York's criminal underworld. The Kingpin invites you to join him for the most important fights of your life," the man says, making me pause.

Wilson Fisk, huh?

"Lemme guess, he's going to "recruit" the winners?" I ask, making the man chuckle.

"Your paranoia is wise, but unnecessary. He'll make an offer to those who distinguish themselves, but it's just an offer," he says, making me hum noncommittally as I pocket the card.

You know what a Dark Lord needs? An organisation to rule. And I do love it when someone else does all the heavy lifting for me.

"I'll think about it," I say after a moment, turning back to the fight, and the man is smart enough to not push it as I sip my whiskey.

"That's all I ask."

Bonus Scene — Natasha Romanoff —

Bugging the fight club Kuro frequented was a smart move, and as she watched the man walk away from her target she frowned.

Looks like S.H.I.E.L.D weren't the only ones that wanted Kuro, which could be a problem. The Kingpin was a known threat, not enhanced but very smart and ambitious, also a member of the Hellfire club which was why he was mostly left alone.

But she had a job to do, and she didn't fail.

So now it was time to find out when and where this tournament was going down.

Current Quest

[Dark Lord Class Quest]

Crush your enemies (18/100)

Corrupt do-gooders (0/10)

Acquire a Dark General (0/1)

Acquire a Mistress (0/1)

DarkWolfShiro DarkWolfShiro

I have a discord server (technically someone else’s but my name is on the server so it’s basically mine) with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. Here’s the link for that:

I also have a bad P word that FF doesn’t like, what’s on it? Right now, nothing that you can’t find elsewhere and I don’t know if that will change to be honest, I don’t like the idea of paywalling content but I also like money to fund my pizza and games addiction, so here’s the link for that as well: www.*******.com/TheDarkWolfShiro

Author’s Note: So, I’ve been sick for the past few days and I give no guarantees to the quality of the chapter since I wrote most of it while I was ill. 

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