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100% fate alternative / Chapter 18: chapter 15 The Seal of Atlas and the Moon Shield.

Capítulo 18: chapter 15 The Seal of Atlas and the Moon Shield.

Toc; Toc;

Lord El-Melloi was in front of Lord Animusphere's cabin.

-Hears! What are you supposed to be doing!? Marie yelled from the other side of the door. We're supposed to stay inside until Ainnash is killed!

However, Altrouge opened the door showing the Lord on the other side.

-I can pass? Waver asked.

Ignoring the girl's cries, Altrouge let the Lord enter, followed by his apprentice.

"Lord Animusphere, may I speak with you?" Waver asked.

"If you want to discuss the murder, that's not necessary." It is obvious that Karabo is the killer.

"Excuse me, but I still don't believe it. He then knelt in front of the girl. Also, this time, the one responsible is my enemy.

-This time? You mean the one who murdered Trisha? Or who did you steal the relic from? Marie got up. To the master of the servant?

"Without a doubt, they are the same person," Waver answered.

This surprised Lord Animusphere.

"I want you to help me...

This made Marie angry, for a moment, she thought of slapping Lord El-Melloi, thought of yelling at him about how much she hated him for not needing anyone's recognition; when she sought acceptance from the rest of her family in an attempt to be recognized as a Lord on her father's level. But most of all, telling him how much she hated him for probably being part of the reason Trisha died. However, she held back, he was Lord Animusphere and he must live up to it, he must live with twice the strength for her and for Trisha, and he couldn't let everything they both had built come crashing down like nothing. .

She couldn't do anything about her friend's death, she wouldn't come back; but she could do something about her killer, she couldn't set him free, yes, she had to focus on that.

"I really don't like you, Lord El-Melloi, and I hate Legislation, they only see us as pawns.

-I know; but even so, I will face whoever is behind this.

"I know, that's why I'll help you...


-But! Marie interrupted. If you really were part of the reason Trisha was killed, I hope you're prepared for the consequences...

Waver nodded and smiled. You are strong Lord Animusphere, I would have liked to have had that strength years ago...

"Hmn?" What are you talking about?

"I'll tell you a story." Waver lit a cigarette. I also stole the relic that was stolen from me. Instead of facing my master with my own strength, I thought I could make him recognize me with something like that. I... didn't have enough strength to reveal what I felt to the adults, all I did was survive...

"Master…" Gray exclaimed.

He turned to Marie. If I had had the strength you have, perhaps I could have done more. But this time, I want to win. Waver stood up. If the one responsible for this incident is my enemy, this time I can't lose. You want to win too, don't you, Olga Marie? You want to show that you won't just cry over the loss of your servant, right?

Marie nodded determinedly. Yes, but remember, this is a deal.

Waver nodded. There is also another thing you should know…


—Trisha was researching the holy grail war, she did it to find out why your father had decided to go into it, even knowing its dangers, and why he abandoned you in the process. It is likely that, in addition to his mystic eye and my presence on the train, the killer was trying to stop his investigations.

Marie lowered her gaze. Why is everyone holding on to a reflection of the past?

Waver thought about it for a minute, then smiled. That's right, it's just a reflection, I didn't expect less from the heiress of the Animusphere… —Then, she turned to Altrouge. There is also something I want to ask you: Why did you let him go?

The Princess sighed. Because he asked me.

"He asked you to let him face a murderous forest?" asked the Lord incredulously.

Altrouge nodded. He decided to follow a very dangerous path. In the future, it is very likely that he will end up facing more dangerous things, even more dangerous than Ainnash himself. For him, this is a test, a test to see if he can continue down the path he has chosen.

Gray looked down. "His own way..." Those words echoed in his head.

-You can win? Do you have a chance to make it? asked the Lord.

"Only one, probably." Altrouge turned toward the forest. It's still missing, but it will reach the center soon...

Toc; toc.

Gray went to the door and opened it, from the other side, both Rin and Melvin entered.

"I'm sorry Waver; but I couldn't get them to delay the auction, they'll be holding it in a few minutes," Melvin said.

"Then we must hurry." Waver turned to Rin. Did Reines give you the investigation reports of Sisigou and Luvia?

Rin nodded. Everything points in one direction... Although it is not yet complete.

Waver took the papers. Almost all the pieces fit; but still, how was he able to move so freely…?

"By the way, Professor, you remember our deal, right?" Rin asked.

Waver nodded. I'll give you lessons once the trip is over.

Rin smiled. I hope I can learn as much as Yvette.

"Yvette?" What are you talking about?

Now it was Rin who was missed. Wasn't it you who recommended Yvette for Spiritual Evocation classes?

"Spirit Evocation?" Yvette's sorcery is based on her artificial mystic eye, she has never asked me for any letter of recommendation to study…" Waver paused for a moment, then smiled. I see, so he did. He then turned to Rin again. When will the rest of the report arrive?

"It will take several minutes; Ainnash's influence is returning and slowing down the transcription. On the other hand, that bouncer added extra information that can be useful against the killer.

This surprised the Lord even more. Rain? I didn't think he would do something without asking for something in return.

Rin nodded. Maybe he did ask for something, just not from you. She was apparently asked by Shirou to investigate Trisha Fellows, and one thing led to another.

"I figured it would be something like that…" Then he turned to Lord Animusphere. Lord, do you have one of those maps that the Astromancy faculty lends to General Foundations classes?

"The prototypes?"

Waver nodded.

Marie went to a suitcase that she had in her room, from there, she took out a prototype. Bright," she said, and the world map appeared as if it were a hologram. It is not the definitive model, is it enough?

Lord El-Melloi nodded. Yes, it is a very precise map with the spiritual lines. Waver touched the map and the spiritual lines lit up green, however, along the map, several points, or stretches, were shown where the lines glowed red. One of these was over the Fuyuki location.

"I see, this is more worrying than I thought.

"What do you mean Master?" the gravedigger asked confused.

"At first I thought my enemy had copied the ritual by connecting it to the Fuyuki lines; but this proves the opposite. The other thing that occurs to me is that he was able to win a false war and keep the servant on his own account; however, fake wars are often carnage, and it takes an extremely gifted magus to be able to keep a heroic spirit on their own. Waver turned to the princess. Was it the Mage Marshal who sent them?

Altrouge nodded.

—I see, I suppose that confirms everything; but, there is still one last piece missing. Miss Adashino must have hidden it, aside from Trisha's head, there was something else in that pocket of imaginary numbers...

"Hmn… do you mean this? asked the Princess showing a small statuette with two intertwined people. Shirou gave it to me in the morning, he told me to give it to him in case it was important.

-Yes! That was the one I saw," Gray exclaimed before looking away.

Waver took it in his hands. I knew it. Adashino left it out of his hypothesis because it didn't fit his puzzle.

"Is it the key to finding the culprit?" Mary asked.

Lord El-Melloi nodded. Yes, this undermines the Legislation theory.

"We will proceed to start the mystic eyes auction, please proceed towards the Pandemorium warehouse." Speakers inside the train sounded.

"We have time against us, we better hurry." Waver turned to Rin. Wait for the rest of the report and bring it to me as soon as you can, then come with Yvette to the auction, you will find her in her room, make sure you bring her. Y…

Waver whispered something in the girl's ear, although somewhat confused, Rin nodded.

—We will try to buy as much time as we can during the auction; but we must catch him before we leave Ainnash, or we cannot catch him.

Saying this, Lord El-Melloi left the room, heading for the auction car.

"Hey, wait, Waver!" Melvin yelled, following him.

Sighing, Rin and Marie walked out after them. Finally, only Altrouge and Gray were left.

"Is something wrong, Rouge?" she asked upon seeing the Princess's gaze.

She shook her head. No, it's just that it's not long now.


The Princess nodded.

Almost in a whisper, Gray asked. His way… What is his way?

"Hmn?" Altrouge turned to see the girl looking at her expectantly. That is not something that can simply be put into words, when I refer to his path, it is the same as saying what he has done and what he will do with his life. For example, I said that your path is very dangerous, right?

Gray nodded.

-It means that he has decided to go through many dangers to make his wish come true, the path you take, that is, the life you have and will have, depends on the decisions you make and, many times, those decisions are made because people have, dreams, goals, and desires.

Gray lowered his gaze. What if I don't have...?


"I mean, what if I don't have a wish?"

Altrouge walked in front of her. Everyone has a wish, even just not wanting to die out of fear is a valid reason to stay alive. If what you mean is that you don't have a clear goal, that's not a problem either, part of life is finding that goal.

-It is?

Altrouge nodded. For humans, life is very short, it is not worth wasting your time wondering what you should do. Just live how you want...

Saying that, Altrouge left the room, shortly after, she was followed by Gray.

In the store…

-Twenty millions!

-Thirty million!

-Forty millions!

The sound of the hammer echoed through the room. Awarded forty million.

Yvette smiled as she made a peace gesture with one of her hands.

"The family known for mystical eyes, they can't resist a good one.

Leandra smiled as she placed the next container of mystic eyes in front of the counter. Our next specimen is a mystical eye of precognition, its magic circuits have been preserved decently, however, it is not at its maximum capacity, so compatibility is a much more factor to consider with this eye than with others. Let's start the auction with 15 million.

-20 million.

—30 million.

—70 million. —The one who made this offer was none other than Galvarosso Scladio

"80 million," shouted another.

"120 million," Galvarosso replied.

"No more offers?" Seeing that no one was bidding, Leandra gave way to the blow of the hammer. Awarded for 100 million. You can find the tricks and the correct way to use it in the manual that we give you at the beginning of the auction.

Old Galvarosso smiled as he smoked a cigar.

"Okay, now, today's star: Jewel rank transient mystic eye, its magic circuits are in perfect condition, so there should be no problem as long as the eye's quality is not inferior to its user's."

Several of those present smiled when they saw the eye.

"Let's start the auction at $30 million."

-40 million.




"80," Marie said, then turned to Altrouge with a smile. Even if you're my bodyguard, nothing stops you from bidding. Weren't you going to participate?

Altrouge smiled. I already participated.


"Don't worry, you'll soon understand...

—90. Melvin offered.

"100 million," Yvette said.

This surprised Gray, she looked at her partner in shock.

—A Picasso would cost more or less that. A jewel-ranked mystic eye will accomplish much more," Waver said.

"130 million," Adashino bid.

"You're joking, Miss Legislation," Yvette said.

"I'm very serious," Adashino replied.

The El-Melloi student grunted in response.

"140," offered Melvin.

"150," Marie countered.

"160," Adashino continued.

Yvette growled louder and screamed. Two hundred million!

"230," Adashino said quietly.

The girl growled again.

"Does anyone give more?" Leandra asked. No one?

"240," Waver raised his hand.

They all stared at him.

-What happen? I said 240 million.

Gray looked at him worriedly.

'Go on with the auction.

Leandra smiled. Good.

-One moment! Melvin stood up. We are getting too hot. Can we take a break?

—Proposal accepted.

Melvin got up and followed Waver closely as they left the warehouse, when they were inside a cabin and he was sure there were no other magus nearby, he slammed Waver against the wall.

"What does this mean, Waver?" It is impossible for you to get that much money!

-And you!? You were planning to stop at 230!

He shrugged-. It's that it's a lot of money. Melvin smiled. I think Yvette's purse is starting to sweat too.

"Then how much money will Legislation be able to pay?" Gray asked worriedly.

"They don't care about the price.


"Because that mystic eye is under your control," Melvin said as he moved around the room. The payment will go to Legislation, not Mr. Karabo.

"Will they pay hundreds of millions that will come back to them!?

Waver pushed himself away from the wall. Yes, although naturally Adashino must have a limit amount, and they will not get back all the money invested. A move worthy of someone without scruples.

"And what do you want to achieve, Waver?" Are you going to compete against the Legislation budget? Melvin asked.

—We have to buy time until we have the complete report; furthermore, the enemy would not expect this price increase, that will force him to concentrate during the auction.

He smiled-. It is a very expensive distraction strategy. You could buy a stealth plane with that. Melvin laughed heartily. I'll ask you again, Waver. Can you promise me it will be fun? Melvin spoke to the Lord face to face. Can you say that it is worth gambling on the ruin of a friend?

Waver smiled. I promise you. I'm sure you will like it.

-Perfect! In that case…" Melvin reached for his cell phone. Yeah that's me, do you remember the tuner you wanted? I will not give it to you; but how much could you insure it for? Thirty million? No way! I should be in my seventies.

Gray watched in surprise as Melvin negotiated.

"I don't have time, let's leave it at fifty." Yes, yes, very good.

Waver smiled.

Melvin hung up the phone. You have 130 million more. They will serve for battle, right?

Waver nodded. By the way, Gray, Reines gave you a card, right?

"Yes, this is it," she said as she took a card out of her coat.

Waver took the card almost as if he was afraid of it. I would prefer not to increase my debt; but this gives us 30 million more.

"My bank savings and secrets would be missing," Melvin smiled. Well, how far will we go? This gets interesting.

Suddenly, Rin opened the door. Master, the rest of the report.

Waver took the papers that Rin offered him.

"About the other...

Waver nodded following Rin out of the room, leaving Melvin and Gray alone.

"Why do you offer so much money?"

"Well, I'm a heartless person who enjoys other people's misfortunes." Melvin wiped the blood that ran from his mouth with a handkerchief. I've been like this since long before I found out I can't be a normal magus.

This surprised the girl.

"But even the heartless have their pride." If something seems funny to me, I would risk my life or that of my own parents so as not to miss a single detail. Because if I were in a safe position, then I wouldn't be heartless." Melvin looked at Gray with a proud smile. I would lower myself to being a mere chicken.

After a few minutes, the auction continued.

"We resume bidding at 240 million," Leandra spoke.

"250 million," Adashino bid.

—270 —pujo Wavre.

"280," Yvette went on.

"300," Adashino continued.

"320," Waver went on.



All the magus watched in amazement as the bidding rose even higher.


"370," Adashino declared.

—400 —pujo Wavre.

"410," Yvette countered.

At that moment Adashino lowered his hand and stopped pushing.

"Does anyone give more?" Leandra asked.

Gritting his teeth and trembling slightly, Waver declared. 420.

"430," Yvette went on.



Waver grunted as he looked at his cigarette case which had a small symbol on it, it glowed slightly.


"There will be no second break.

"It's not about that, I want to reveal something about the death of Trisha Fellows.

"What is it, Lord El-Melloi?" You didn't like my deduction? Adashino said standing up with Yvette at her side.

"Even if your logic was flawed, your deductions were correct. That's exactly why I want you to see this.

Saying that, Rin entered the room carrying Trisha's head.

Marie turned her eyes to avoid looking at her.

"Unbelievable…" Adashino said sarcastically.

"It is necessary to solve this case, which is why I allowed myself the luxury of bringing it."

"Let's hear the deduction of the great detective, then...

Waver stood in the center of the room. Let's start by reviewing the murders from 10 years ago. All the victims were decapitated and their heads disappeared. What can we extract from all this? It's simple, they were dead...

-Hey? Yvette exclaimed.

"Hey Waver, it's clear that one dies when one loses one's head!"

"And why did Trisha Fellows hide her head?"

Yvette raised her hand. To leave a message, right?

"Thirty points, Yvette Lehrman.

The girl was disappointed.

"She had a mystical eye...

Yvette raised her hand again. Did the killer want to steal it?

"But only this train is capable of extracting a mystical eye from a dead person," said Fernando, who was on the other side of Yvette.

"It wasn't about that. The victims who had their heads stolen were not dead. To think that they would die from losing their minds is a preconceived idea.

This surprised Marie. Was Trisha's head still alive?

Waver nodded. That's how it is. A dexterous magus can keep a head alive and could use the mystic eye without the need to pierce it, he just needs to steal a head.

This surprised Gray. You say that 10 years ago several mystic eyes were stolen to use?

"That is my theory," replied the Lord.

"YY… Why kill Trisha? Mary asked.

—I was investigating the murders from 10 years ago, if someone got the eyes of the victims, they could help you get information about the holy grail war. To get that information, he tried to contact me and Karabo.

"You don't deny that Karabo Frampton was the culprit 10 years ago?" Adashino asked.

"Miss Adashino, do you know what this is?" said the Lord as he showed the statuette. Seeing her surprised Adashino. Trisha Fellows hid it in the pocket of imaginary numbers along with her head. Sight was the first mystical eye, and from there came endless ways to block them. Waver showed the statuette to the rest of those present. For example, looking away with an object that represents an obscene image. If watched closely enough, it can even repel it.

Saying this, Gray, who was looking at the statuette, looked away in shame.

—A mystical eye repellant, I didn't fall for that possibility. This is how you can manipulate a mystical eye out of control —said Fernando.

"He hid this so we wouldn't think of that possibility," Waver stated.

"Are you implying that Trisha was manipulating Karabo?" Adashino asked.

"You're getting too far ahead of yourself." I'm saying your theory didn't take into account that a third party could influence Karabo's mystic eye.

"I see, the brain may not have done the operation," Melvin said. What else do you have to say?

Waver took the case of his cigars and opened them. Trisha must have seen that she would meet Karabo in the future and got on the train to get the truth of what happened ten years ago.

-Y? the legislation envoy asked.

—That was where he went wrong, his vision of the future could not foresee a cut from the past. And died…

"You mean whoever was responsible manipulated Karabo into committing all those murders?" Yvette asked.

Waver lit the cigar and proceeded to smoke. Yes. There is an individual with a cell phone who could have done it.

"Hmn?" Who?

"This is what I mean.

In that instant, Adashino raised her hand towards Yvette and her familiar lunged at her, quickly surrounding the girl and restraining her. Afterwards, she placed her fingers trying to form an oval and purple circles were also placed around the girl.

-Hey? What does this mean, professor? Yvette asked a little nervously.

-What you see. You're the one who manipulated Karabo into killing Trisha Fellows.

"B-But, Master…" Gray said.

"There's no evidence, and I don't have a cell phone.

"Yvette surely has no reason to do so, does she?" Waver looked down the corridor that connected the room.

"Ha, ha, ha, I guess we couldn't fool you, Professor…" Yvette said, entering through it.

"Two Yvettes?" Gray asked confused.

Melvin clapped his hands. Incredible Waver! What's going on?

"Yvette" smiled. When did you notice? I thought I had replicated Yvette perfectly.

"Personality-wise, your acting was perfect. But, you failed to replicate his sorcery.

"Yvette," he sighed. It would have been irresponsible of me to let a female student wander into Ainnash's forest. On the other hand, the wizardry of the Lehrmans is difficult to replicate, even more so with my own mystical eyes.

"But Yvette used her mystic eye on me, didn't she?" Gray asked.

Waver nodded. They were exchanging throughout the tour. Isn't that right, Yvette?

The real Yvette smiled awkwardly. He promised me that he could analyze the mystic eyes that I bought.

Waver sighed. That's why I asked Miss Adashino for help.

"Yvette" smiled. I understand, it was all to gain time.

-Who are you?

"Don't you know already?"

Waver nodded. Yes, although I wish you would admit it on your own. Still, nice to meet you, former Dean of Modern Sorcery...

Saying this, a black mist covered Yvette and she transformed into a man. He was tall, with pale skin and long reddish hair, as well as reddish eyes.

"Doctor Heartless," Waver finished.

"Doctor Heartless, the man whose heart was stolen by the fairies," Adashino said.

Heartless smiled.

"You're the only one able to offer Yvette enough capital to compete in the auction, and also the only one able to open the safe at the College of Modern Wizardry.

"Indeed, I wanted to see you, Lord El-Melloi II…

"But that's not all," Waver interrupted.

-It is not? Heartless asked.

"Your transformation resembles Gurdoa Davenant's spells. You, like Davenant's patron, also invested in the Marbury Workshop and tried to use the spirit lines for something. Simply put, you left a lot of traces. Like a tutor who protects his worst students...

"I see, you still have more deductions, don't you?" What about why done it?

"Your goal... must have been the holy grail war, right?"

Heartless nodded.

"Is Heartless related to the war!? Adashino asked in amazement.

Waver pulled the report out from inside his suit. Luvia did an excellent job of research. In theory, you had disappeared; but you were actually inquiring together with Lord Animusphere.

"My father asked this man for help?" Mary asked.

Waver nodded. 10 years ago, you secretly collaborated with Astromancy, and committed serial murders by manipulating Karabo. You stole the heads with the mystic eyes and used them to monopolize information about the war.

"Great, really great." But that's just circumstantial evidence and theory, you can't tell.

—The grail was corrupted, it wasn't capable of granting wishes, that certainty plunged Lord Animusphere into despair, that's why he secretly went to meet with one of the founder families, isn't it? Waver said.

Heartless nodded again. Lord Animusphere secretly met with the Einzbern family, he did it with the purpose of asking them why they would perform a ritual that was destined to fail...

-Then!? Why did my father participate in the war!? Mary asked.

-The response of the Einzbern was the following: "We have implemented a security system within the ritual, a new class that will purge the corruption so that the ritual is carried out as planned, the extra class, Ruler The Ruler class is a means of defense for the grail in case it notices something overstepping or trespassing its authority and could jeopardize the concept of the holy grail war." However, the summoned servant was an aberration; but not in the sense of being corrupt, but in the sense that he was a servant who did not meet the class requirements to be Ruler. He was a servant who wished to use the holy grail, and the main requirement for the Ruler class is to have no interest in using the grail. Doctor Heartless turned to Marie. That is why,

"Your goal has already been met, right?" It was not the war itself, but the summoning ritual. Heartless, somehow you generated a grail.


—However, I don't know how the hell you did it, at first I thought that, through the Rail Zeppelin and the forest of Ainnash, you would create a distortion that would generate a kind of subgrail; but… even so, that would not be enough, you would have to intervene; for example: connecting the spiritual lines with the lines of Japan, but that's impossible...

"Because Japan's ley lines have weakened so much that it wouldn't work, wouldn't it?" Heartless said.

Waver nodded. If my deductions are anything like reality, to summon something belonging to this new class, Faker, you must need an imitation of the ritual, as well as an ancient master to fake, right? A fake war would qualify to fake the ritual, but it would be too flashy and risky, on the other hand, you'd still need a master to fake, I don't know how you did it, but somehow you found a way to summon Faker and You used me to become a master of imitation.

-Correct. The holy grail war interests me, it's basically a fable even for magus, which attracted me even more.

"Trisha's murder was just a bonus, it would remove the mystic eye of precognition that could identify you, and hopefully you'd get that too.

"Along with Mr. Karabo's eye," Heartless said happily.

"But he foresaw his murder and hid his own head."

Mary bit her lip.

"It was your decision that brought me here.

"It's touching," Heartless said.

"If I understand correctly, you're the one who attacked and manipulated the train into the Predator Forest, right?" Leandra asked.

"It seems that way, doesn't it?"

—In the case of attacking the train, you lose the right to leave in the auction.

With a smile, Heartless responded. Wow, wow, that's what I was afraid of. It's a shame, I wanted the farce to last until the end of the auction, I managed to find out that they will auction a rainbow rank legendary eye.

This caught the attention of all the magi present.

"Sorry, the transient eye is the last one up for auction today." Although we originally planned to auction the Rainbow Rank Eye, thank you, we had to remove the Rainbow Rank Eye from the auction options.

-Thanks to me? Heartless asked somewhat confused.

Leandra nodded. The eye will belong to Mrs… Crimson, right?

Altrouge nodded.

—This, along with another eye of her choice, were used as means of payment to carry out a contract where both she and Mr. Emiya agreed to kill the seventh apostle in order to free the Rail Zeppelin.

-What!? —The first to jump was Marie, she quickly looked at Altrouge waiting for a confirmation.

The Princess smiled. You know something Olga Marie, tell me, what are the best battles?

"The best battles?"

Altrouge nodded. I'll save you the effort, the best battles are the ones you win without having to participate in them. As I told you, I already participated in the auction.

"You…" Marie turned her eyes and tried to take it with the dignity she was supposed to possess. I'll keep it in mind…


-That's it!? Rin asked.

Altrouge nodded. At this time, Shirou must have reached the core of the forest...

"Murder Ainnash?" Heartless frowned. That is problematic for me.

"Adashino!" Waver yelled.

"With my command spell I command you, come to me!"

A red light invaded the room and, once it disappeared, Faker appeared out of nowhere, very quickly, she pushed Adashino, causing her to crash into the wall and end up unconscious.

Falling unconscious, the bonds and magic circles that held Heartless disappeared.

—Finally you call me, master.

—The Lord's deductions were so interesting that I kept listening.

-What's this? Mary asked.

"A heroic spirit," Gray replied.

"I've been doing more research on who you were," Waver said.

Faker turned to him. I thought you already knew...

"I'm not just talking about that, I'm talking about your class, a fake grail, a fake teacher, and fake command seals. Ordinarily, the ritual would not work this way.

-It means that…? Gray said.

Waver nodded. Faker is without a doubt the perfect name for this class, one that symbolizes imitation. It is a class that should be used to summon imitation Heroic Spirits, in other words, fakes and body doubles of real Heroic Spirits.

"Indeed, that's why I called this new class, Faker," Heartless confirmed.

"Which means that Faker, you are Iskandar's double, aren't you?"

This surprised Altrouge. Hey? Wasn't Iskandar a gigantic man with red hair? How could this be his double?

Although surprised that the girl knew Iskandar's appearance, Waver nodded. But in some legends he is described as small, with black hair and heterochromatic eyes, with one eye black as night and the other blue as the sky. Faker, the one who falsified her sex, appearance and identity to protect the king, a magical double, a reflection of the conqueror, in short, his shadow.

—That's right magus; but I'm tired of listening to you —answered the servant.

"I don't mind fighting here. But that would entail sacrificing several mystical eyes, could he open the pandemorium?

"Okay…" Rodin said.

Saying that, the roof of the car opened.

"What are you going to do, Yvette?"

"Accept my punishment, I don't want to live on the run," she said, shaking her hand.

"Wow, you turned me down. In that case…" Faker grabbed Heartless and jumped out of the car.

"You will not escape!" Gray said as he left the car to, along with Waver and Rin, face Faker and Heartless...



Meanwhile, inside the forest...

It was official, the forest had assimilated each and every one of the characteristics of a dead apostle.

Shirou ran around the "Throne of Ainnash", the gigantic tree constantly throwing its branches at him. He was being attacked from all directions, the branches were attacking him from the front, and the roots were attacking him from below if he strayed too far, on the other hand, if he approached the rest of the forest, the trees that made it up would attack him from behind. .

Simply staying in one place for a long time would mean death for him. The branches attacked him again and Shirou skidded away from them, roots sprouted from the ground and he jumped to the side and rolled on the ground. He couldn't stop, he had to move forward, the branches of the forest weren't common, a simple brush against them was more than enough to hurt him. At this moment, he really appreciated having studied runes, to increase his defenses, he used Algiz, "Fear has its place in every heart. Courage is just an answer", this is a rune related to the Valkyries, it wraps you with its power and protects you, weakening any attacks you may receive.

And yet, even so, the power of the forest was too much for him.

From one moment to the next, even with his Reinforcement, added to his Time Manipulation Sorcery, and the Raidho rune to increase his speed, he was covered by the branches. Merem had told him that the branches of the forest were able to cover one of their creatures, which was apparently about 200 meters tall, in a matter of a few minutes, the fact that there was a small clearing around the gigantic tree was a surprise. blessing for him and yet it was not enough. Branches shot out from all directions against him, hastily, the boy used the two runes that Manaka had taught him about Vorpal: Yr and CWeorþ.

Shirou plunged the sword into the ground, and the weakening effect of the sword was transmitted to the ground more easily thanks to Yr, further weakening the authority of the Throne of Ainnash, on the other hand, CWeorþ's flames were transmitted through the blade burning the ground and the branches that tried to impale it, as well as the trees around it. Generally, the CWEORÞ rune would be much more powerful, but because his mastery over runes was not as advanced, as well as because this was an elemental rune, so it was a little more difficult for him to use it than the rest, that the rune was nowhere near being able to unleash its full power, and yet, from one moment to the next, the entire clearing was completely engulfed in flames. Also, the boy was shocked by her mana consumption, which was above the others,

However, and to his misfortune, the boy observed how the forest began to regenerate at great speed. With the forest being eight hundred years old, ever since it absorbed the original Ainnash's blood, the tree had also obtained the Time Regression Curse from the dead apostles. Furthermore, this was a living mystery at eight hundred years old, he was not like the children of Louvre who were barely a hundred years old, nor was he a magus like Louvre and his children before they were transformed and, more importantly, the phases of the moon were not on his side either, in short, the Bullets of Origin, or failing that, the Phantom Punishment, were useless against him.

So he had only one option left, destroy the original tree from its roots to its highest branches. Saying that, Shirou took out Vorpal and charged at it running in a zigzag while dodging the branches and roots of the tree. He had to attack at point-blank range, otherwise the gigantic tree was likely to be able to survive.

Seeing how that strange creature approached and how the flames continued to burn him, the gigantic tree roared and unleashed a huge blizzard that hit the boy, sending him flying backwards and putting out the flames.

Shirou was forced to retreat momentarily, unaware of a gigantic branch bearing down on him sending him flying to the side. The redhead rolled across the snowy field; but he didn't stop, as soon as he stopped rolling he got up and kept running; however, the branches attacked him faster and more ferociously, so the boy had to increase his speed even more to be able to deal with them. Time Alter, Triple Accel! —Although he had to move faster, he also moved more cautiously, the blizzard was so strong that he didn't know where he was moving, if he wasn't careful, he could turn his back on his enemy and run towards him. Forest.

Suddenly, the boy was terrified to see how the air, in addition to being covered by mist, began to be covered with something else, a kind of gas, suddenly, the air was becoming poisonous, Shirou held his breath and tried to get away. as fast as he could, and yet the gas expanded much faster than he could move away. When he reached the end of his stamina and was about to breathe the gas, the protection gained by combining Berkano and Raidho dispelled the mist and gas showing him a path to his destination, the original tree.

The branches attacked him and Shirou dodged again, knowing that he couldn't stop to charge his sword attack, he decided to do it in full run. He held Vorpal with his teeth putting it in his mouth and making sure its effect was maintained and at the same time drew Neocaliburn.

The young man ran as fast as he could, the branches came from in front and Shirou dodged them by skidding forward or destroyed them with Ascalon. This was his only chance, he had spent too much energy keeping his Reinforcement, Time Manipulation Sorcery, and runes active. When he was close, he could see the huge tree where the bloody sap was emanating from, all the branches of the tree shot towards him, Shirou dematerialized Ascalon and held Neocaliburn with both hands, when he was as close as possible, he thought of that prayer that echoed in his head every time he released the light that could burn everything it touched. Firmly, he swung the sword in an upward slash…

The holy light shot from its edge and relentlessly advanced incinerating all the branches that came against it, it quickly advanced to the trunk of the tree and, although it did everything possible to protect itself, covering itself with its branches, raising its roots to create a shield, none of that had any effect, the light burned everything and rose to the heavens...


Back on the Rail Zeppelin…

"I think it would be best to say goodbye here," said Heartless together with Faker on the roof of the train.

"You still haven't returned the relic to me!" Waver replied.

—Oh! I see..." Saying this he threw the piece of the cloak at her as if it were a ball. Taking.

Waver caught it in mid-air, after wrapping it in a cloth, he put it inside his coat.

"Goodbye." Saying this, Heartless turned around and proceeded to leave together with Faker.


Hearing the Lord, the two of them turned around.

"Faker, I have a question for you.

"I already said I'm tired of listening to you," she answered.

"You don't have a name, do you?" asked the Lord. To be a magical double...

Faker laughed. Yes, that's right, I don't have a name. I was born the twin of Hephaestion and given to the gods.

"Without a name you could draw curses meant for Iskandar." It's an advanced application of anaphora," Waver explained.

"The King tried to give me a name on several occasions; but I refused in all of them. That's all, mage.

"Then I have another question, why don't you show up with the King's army?"

This question made Faker's expression contort in sheer irritation. Be quiet! —Faker ran quickly with the intention of attacking Waver; however, Gray got in the way.


The mystic code adopted its shield version and stopped the Servant's short sword.

"Thank you, Gray."

"Say what you want to say, Master!" the girl replied.

—Unfortunate! Faker kicked the shield, knocking Gray back.

"Faker, I ordered you to stand down.

"When I cut off his head!"

Faker surrounded his body with magical power.

"Is it sorcery?" Waver asked in amazement, for Faker was Iskandar's body double, and Iskandar had never used sorcery during the time he had been his teacher.

"Add, eat it!" Gray said.

—I'm on it, free buffet, baby! Faker's magical power was absorbed by the scythe. Hmm... how much power! reveled the mystic code.

"What a nuisance…" growled the heroic spirit.

"You said the King tried to name you. That meant I didn't accept your situation. He would not tolerate treating you like a nameless object! You're not in his army because you disown him yourself! It's not like that!?

-Unfortunate! Faker ran towards the Lord, Gray tried to stop her, but she was roughly pushed away by the maid.

Faker was about to attack him; but she was forced to dodge several curses that flew against her.

-Again you! The maid yelled as she saw Rin climb up the wagon.

"Master, the auctioneer told me to be careful, Ainnash's influence is getting out of hand!" The girl said as she placed herself between Faker and Waver.


Gray took the opportunity to get up and tried to attack Faker from behind; but she dodged it by jumping back.

A light illuminated the night in the distance, this one emerged from deep in the forest. GGGGGGROOOOOOOWWWWWWWW! The forest roared; but this time it wasn't anger like the last time, it was a roar of agony and pain. The roots and branches of the forest went crazy and grabbed all the train cars with force.

Doctor Heartless gave a strange, uncomfortable smile. It was entertaining to see the resolution of Faker's puzzle.

"Thank you," replied the Lord with slight indifference.

"Tell me, Lord El-Melloi, even if you don't know how I forged the ritual, you must be able to imagine why I am here, why I brought the train into Ainnash?"

"There's only one thing that comes to mind. You are being persecuted, aren't you?

-Bravo. Exactly, for a while I worked for an organization; But, it seems they weren't particularly amused by my idea of ​​summoning a servant, so I've been running away from both of them for months.

-Both of them?

Heartless nodded. I wanted to change the world of wizardry, destroy the old system, that's why I worked together with Lord Animusphere and later with other organizations. However, his ideas of "changing the world" were very different from mine, so I decided to reveal myself.

"And now they're after you..."

"Even with all the knowledge and skills I've gained through time, I'm not able to oppose them. That's why I've been on the run for months...

"And what has all this come to?" If you wanted to use Ainnash as some sort of protection, you could have done so without us getting involved.

Heartless smiled. That's right, during these months I have been looking for a way to deal with them and, although I was able to find a method and start the procedures to achieve it, I realized that it was unlikely that I would survive long enough to see it done, and I did not trust on my new co-workers.

"You were looking for someone else...

"That's right, then I remembered you." You are my successor as Dean of Modern Sorcery, and you have already had experience with the holy grail wars, furthermore, despite understanding the logic of the magus, you do not follow it to the letter. After analyzing you, I decided to entrust it to you… You have to untrain everything, Lord El-Melloi! I've already given you the necessary clues…" After saying this, Heartless turned around with the intention of leaving.

"Stop Heartless, your experiment ends here!" Waver yelled.

"Probably, but in that case, let me resist. Heartless closed her eyes, placed a hand over her heart, and sang. Turn around, my heart.

The place where his heart should be lit up in a greenish color and a great portal opened in the heavens. From within, a tree emerged similar to the one at the center of Ainnash, but smaller.

-That's it…!

—Yes, he is one of Ainnash's sons, I took advantage of the fact that he was nearby to transport him here.

"Do you intend to devour the train?"

"This comedy ends now," said Faker, who had jumped onto one of the original Ainnash's branches that surrounded the train.

-Teacher! Gray jumped up and stood in front of Waver and Rin.

—The earth is round and the sea is not infinite. He said he resisted after finding out. Vassals resemble the king," Waver sighed.

"His empire to the ocean collapsed and his dreams were lost," the servant said hatefully. The result could not be more pathetic.

Waver laughs.

"What are you laughing at!?"

Waver answered with a smile. It's just typical of him, he never finished anything. Maybe he had no talent...

-Teacher…? Gray asked upon hearing her words.

-What are you saying? Faker asked.

I've been thinking about it for almost a decade. What could I do to reach his back... If I told him that I defeated his other self, I'm sure he would laugh out loud.

Faker smiled. Do you think you can beat me?

"Gray, Rin, will you help me?"

-Yes! I'll do it! the tomb keeper said before leaping at Faker.

"I suppose there is no other..." Rin walked towards where Ainnash's son had manifested. Ainnash is holding up the train, so they can't use the projector, I'll have to take care of that thing myself. leave it to me

Waver nodded.

Between the branches of the trees, Faker and Gray began to exchange attacks.

—Forgive me, master, I thought to be loyal to you; but…

Heartless sighed. What a remedy, you managed to provoke her. I guess you survived the holy grail war for a reason.

"It is rare for a master and servant to meet," the Lord replied. I'm sorry, but I'll stop you here.

"Are you saying you're going to stop me?"

"No, that's my job.

A black key nearly pierced Heartless and he had to jump back to avoid it.

"Karabo Frampton?" And also with his mystical eyes," said the doctor.

Karabo walked forward on the roof of the train. I got them back after the sale of the last eye in the auction was cancelled.

The Church agent jumped into the tree branches and placed himself between Gray and Faker.

- Karabo! Gray exclaimed.

"You should have died," Faker said before launching himself at the Church agent.

Karabo's black keys danced against Faker's short sword, with quick movements, both trying to create an opening that would allow them to hurt each other; however, Karabo was careful not to confront her directly for any length of time, knowing how dangerous the maid could be. Although this exchange was short-lived, Karabo's mystical eyes shone, and a slash from the past was reflected in the present, splitting the servant's short sword in two.

"This is…" Faker's suit was also cut, causing a slight injury to his arm.

"If a cut comes from the past, no physical or spiritual body can block it," the Lord said as he watched the fight.

Numerous slashes from the past began hitting Faker one after another. This forced the Servant to withdraw from the man's field of vision.

"You will pay for manipulating me, Heartless!"

Heartless smiled. Wow…

Karabo lunged to attack the magus; but Ainnash's maddened branches began to attack him, blocking his path.

"What will you do against all those branches?"

"On our own, there's little we can do…" Waver declared, but, to Heartless's confusion, he was smiling.

While the entire battle was taking place, Rin was dodging the branches of the forest as she got as close as possible to where the portal through which Heartless summoned the son of the forest was located.

"Hurry up Olga Marie, I need a little time to load it." She thought as she took out a sword from the bag she was carrying; this was similar to the sword he had tested on Shirou weeks ago.


On the roof of another of the cars...

"Are you sure you shouldn't have gone with him?" Altrouge asked, looking both at the battle raging a few carriages away and at the Ainnash Forest in the distance.


"Even PM agrees with me, letting him go alone was very dangerous," continued the apostle while holding Muramasa.

"There must be trust…" the spirit answered.


—It must build trust between the student and the teacher. The student must have confidence in the teachings and knowledge of the teacher, as well as in his decisions and, reciprocally, the teacher must have confidence in the abilities and decisions of the student. The spirit sighed. If there is no trust, the teaching will fail. Also, a teacher must know when to let the student take charge on their own, otherwise they will not be able to grow.

"Is that why you forbade him to take you with him?"

"Yes, he must fight some battles on his own. You must realize how to deal with different enemies, you must know the limits of your abilities, and you must learn firsthand how difficult the path you have chosen is. He won't be able to do it if I'm always taking care of him.


Inside the train...

Olga Marie, that girl with a raven, Fernando, the real Yvette, and Adashino, all of them stood in a circle.

Marie began to say the aria. The shape of the stars… The shape of the sky… The shape of god…" Marie raised her arms as a sphere of violet light formed above her head. "I don't understand… What did you want to achieve by finding out the reasons why my father decided to abandon me? Did you want me to be angry? What would stop chasing his shadow? Trisha, I… I am the new Lord Animusphere. I can be angry when I should be angry, that's why I'm angry right now. If you had told me, maybe then… But… I get it, now it's my turn, now I'm the one who has to stand up!" Gods, animus, antrum, unbirth, anima, Animusphere!

The sphere turned into a magic circle, and on top of the train, numerous small meteorites fell from the sky like green flashes striking and burning the branches, as well as the trees, that were around the train.

"It's Olga Marie's sorcery!" said Gray seeing how beautifully the meteorites fell and incinerated the branches of the forest.

"Just as I expected," Waver said.

—What a surprise, did you have it planned? Heartless asked.

"It was an elementary deduction…" Waver turned and watched as Rin raised a sword he had never seen before to the heavens. It seems that the second arrow is also ready.

A magic circle incomprehensible to everyone present, with the exception of Rin herself, emerged from it, wrapped around her, and engraved itself on the ground. Suddenly, an absurd amount of magical energy began to emanate from it and concentrated on the blade of the sword.

I hope this time it works... Rin got into position, she spread her feet apart and strengthened her body as much as she could, gripped the sword with both hands, stretched her arms back and thrust them forward in a lunge. Energy shot out in a flashing bolt from the edge of the blade at Ainnash's son, and like his father, he cried out in pain, his branches burned, his trunk snapped, and he fell from the top of the portal groaning. in agony and suffering.


The energy stopped being emanated and Rin could barely keep from being pushed back, she looked at the blade, she had had to minimize both the energy draw and the output of it so that the magic circle would not overload and the blade would not explode and, even so, the magic circle overheated and the blade of the sword cracked rendering it unusable. Right now, the sword was nothing more than a single-use tool far inferior to the original.

Rin sighed. Well, at least this time it didn't explode…" She consoled herself.


On the other hand…

"How awful… You really do have some pretty promising students, though on the other hand, it's also pretty disappointing. We're leaving, Faker! He said as he turned around.

-No! Not yet! Faker surrounded his body with magical energy.

-I wont allow it! —Gray pointed his scythe towards the servant absorbing her magical energy.

Taking advantage of the opening, Karabo threw his black keys at Faker; but she dodged them and used her mystical eyes of compulsion to take control of both of them; however, Karabo used his to reflect the cut left by his keys and thus inflict a wound on the servant's face.

"I'll start with you." Faker lunged at Karabo and, with a hard kick, sent him flying.

Taking advantage of the effect of her eye, Faker ran towards Gray to finish her off. For his part, Gray used all his willpower to raise his scythe and try to counter Faker's blow; but he was barely able to lift it over his head.

Faker jumped up and prepared to land the final blow on Gray; but, at that moment, a small object caught his vision. It was the figurine Trisha used to deflect the mystical eyes, it allowed the effect of the eyes to be nullified and, on sheer momentum, Gray's scythe slashed down in a downward slash at the servant.

Faker recoiled in dismay as a large gash across her chest opened up, causing a great deal of blood to flow. D-Did you wait for me to use my mystic eye?

"Yes," said Waver, who had thrown the statuette. Although we wouldn't have made it in time without Karabo.

Waver jumped off the train and walked over to Faker. Glory waits in the distance, we fight because we aspire to something we don't have. We take a combative path, because of the vassals behind us, that's what he said.

Those words had a great impact on their student, who listened to them attentively.

"You only spent half a month with him. Don't you dare speak of my King! Faker yelled as he clutched his chest.

"Shadow of the King, even if you are cut off from history, that doesn't mean you lose your meaning. That's why I'm here right now!

"In that case, try to survive!" Raising his hands to the sky Faker summoned his heroic treasure. And the chariot pulled by the skeletal wyverns descended with a red bolt.

Although there was a hint of a smile on his face, Heartless's words were cold and precise. Faker, finish this now, we don't have time.

Falling to his knees, the Lord said. Gray, I leave it in your hands.


The Lord's glasses shattered. Now I… I'm frozen too… — Waver turned and said with a smile. My life is in your hands.

Gray nodded and prepared to finish off Faker once and for all.

"My loyalty is to the King!" Lend me the name of lightning to face my enemy! the maid said as lightning flashed around the cart. If you really mean to keep your word, attack me with everything you have brat!

—Gray… Rave… Crave… —Numerous spheres of light began to surround the girl; but still she was trembling. D-Deprave… Serious… I…

At that time, she felt something on her shoulder, a hand. That spear is packed with prayers, prayers compacted into thirteen forms. Prick up your ears to hear his voice, listen to the prayers of ancient times," Karabo said as he held his bloodied chest, Faker's kick had been strong enough to nearly pierce him.

"The prayers, he says... But all you did was cower in the corner of the room, Gray!" The one who shouted was none other than Add. But the time has come to listen to you, what do you want to do? If you don't tell no one will know!

—I… I want to protect the teacher and the others, I want to walk my own path and find out what I really want!

"That's enough, hesitant Gray!" Suddenly Add's voice lost all emotion. Suspended artificial personality, minimum magic power agglutination value exceeded. Starting the release of the second level limit, thirteen seals, initializing decision...

The light took the form of thirteen people and each one began to speak:

"This battle is not against an elemental, I agree."

"It's a battle against someone more powerful than yourself, I agree."

"It's a fight to survive, I agree."

—It's a fight for the truth, I agree.

"The battle is not against humanity, I agree."

'Comrades-in-arms are brave, I agree.

"The battle is not inhuman, I agree."

"The battle is not against someone who is pure of heart, I consent."

"Initiating third level limit release," Add finished.

—Grave for you… Ancient mystery reaches your death, sweet enigma, return to nothing! The light took the form of a spear over Gray.

-Ahead! My Hectic Wheel! —The chariot was surrounded by Zeus's lightning bolts, and these, in turn, were empowered by the ability, Lightning Conqueror, once again, Faker seemed to be the storm itself and, between thunderous and thunderous bolts of lightning, she descended like an electrical storm as he imbued the cart with his own magical energy. VIA EXPUGNATIO!

"Holy spear, raise the anchor!" RHONGO… MYNIADDDD!

The light shot up to the heavens like a tower and, despite how imposing the Hekatic Wheel seemed to be falling with extreme fierceness, it was barely able to face and resist for a few seconds the pure power of the spear that shines to the ends. of the world, thus, the spear of light collided with the Hekatic Wheel and the storm was pierced in a matter of a few moments.

Faker was stunned by the power of the spear and not even her screams could be heard as she was struck by the light.

"Turn around, my heart...

Once it disappeared, there was nothing left but the clear sky.


The forest roared once more, but that didn't matter... With a smile, Heartless clapped her hands. Bravo, who would say that he would be able to see the display of such a legendary treasure.

"You lose your servant and still behave as if nothing had happened?" Karabo asked in astonishment.

"Lost, what are you talking about?" Faker is right here.

Though, his skin burned and severely injured, Faker materialized in front of Heartless.

Waver growled. You saved her the same way you teleported Ainnash's son...

The doctor nodded. Very sorry, I have to retire, I have already wasted a lot of time.

"Stop Heartless, this must end here!" Karabo yelled as he tried to get up.

"No, this won't be over yet. We're leaving, fak-

However, Heartless could not finish his sentence, a sword pierced his chest.

—No, the man is right, this ends now, doctor. —The sword cut the man from the chest to the shoulder and he fell forward, before he could do anything, the hand where he had his command seals was cut as well.

-More-…! Faker tried to shout; but was riddled by various weapons from various spectral beings, despite being injured, she was able to dodge and repel some of them, and to move away taking Heartless away from the attacker.

-What are those things? Gray asked.

Just as surprised, Waver replied. N-No, I don't know.

The doctor with much effort looked up and saw how Faker was pierced by the weapons of several dark specters. Shadow servants." Heartless turned carefully and was able to look at her.

She wore a tight black suit that covered her entire body, red lines running from her feet to her neck. On top of it was a tight black metal armor, it resembled an extremely short mini dress. He also wore black gloves and boots, a garter on his right thigh, a large cross-shaped shield, and a sword with which he had pierced him. The only thing visible about her was her short dark blue hair and white skin, the upper part of her face was covered by a black visor similar in style to the rest of her armor. She also seemed to be quite young, 16 or 17 years old.

Heartless gave him a resigned smile. You came fast this time, sent from the Moon.

"I've been watching him since long before, but I needed to wait for a suitable moment when Faker was off guard, thanks to this I was able to attack him without her being able to use the Blessing of the Nameless to protect him, thanks to their recent fight, the timing was perfect. The shadowy servants turned their gazes to the doctor, waiting for the order to attack again. Doctor Heartless, for the crimes you have committed against the Moon Cell, I have been sent to deal with you, this time you have no escape. Surrender at once," the girl said.

"I-I'm afraid that's not possible for me, Shielder. I can't stop after coming this far...

—Your goal is not possible, this world will not change no matter how hard you try.

As if he had recovered some of the human feelings that he never seemed to express, at least, beyond his strange smile, Heartless resisted. I refuse.

Several minutes before, in the center of the forest…

Shirou struggled to his feet, the force of his attack sending him back several meters.

"Was it enough?" —The snowfall was no longer so great as to prevent him from seeing his surroundings; but the place where Ainnash's throne should have been was covered in smoke.

Carefully, and holding a sword in each hand Shirou approached the place where the tree should be, at this moment he had almost run out of energy and could not keep the Reinforcement and protection runes active.

"I don't see anything, it's too much smoke... Hab-" But the boy couldn't finish his sentence, roots emerged from the ground and hit him in his arms with such force that they made him throw his swords, and a huge branch emerged in front of him pierced his stomach and launched him several meters away.

Memory ... Memory ...

Shirou coughed up blood, he got up; but roots came up from the ground again, digging into his feet, and from the trees behind him, branches came out and attacked him, digging into the bare part of his back. If it weren't for Avalon and the blades that came from deep within his body to seal his grievous wounds then he would already be dead.

Held back by the branches and roots, the boy watched as 50% of the tree was incinerated by Neocaliburn; but the other 50% was still safe.

"Shit…" Shirou couldn't move, both Neocaliburn and Vorpal were thrown away, so Ainnash's effect came back and she couldn't use her magic circuits. He couldn't project anything, he couldn't free himself from the roots and branches of the forest, and he watched as the lopsided tree prepared to devour him by opening what was left of its mouth and stretching out its branches, as it slowly began to regenerate.

"What I do!? I have to free myself somehow! But without his weapons and his sorcery, that was impossible. "W-Wait, I still… I still have something!" With the little strength he had left from all the effort he had made and from being seriously injured, Shirou unfastened the weapon he carried on his back.

The few remaining branches of the tree shot at him at high speed and as fast as he could Shirou fired the Black Barrel to destroy them, luckily the gun's bullets were powerful enough to destroy the branches and stop his advance, but It wasn't enough, he had to kill the tree before it regenerated.

Hoping that, in his weakened state, the bullets would be enough to wound him, Shirou aimed the gun at what appeared to be the heart of Ainnash's throne.

-It is all or nothing!

Shirou aimed the big rifle at the ghostly species, and at that moment, something happened. The black rifle began to glow with a reddish light and a voice emerged from deep within it.

—The seal of Atlas is being unlocked. The conditions have been met: An immortal being shrouded in high amounts of mystery has been targeted and the bearer is a human being. The true function of the weapon will be activated: Imposition of natural life on beings who are unaware of it.

-What? exclaimed the boy, something had happened, and Ainnash's domain had been momentarily interrupted.


At the same time that was happening, Heartless was getting up as best he could to face the mysterious enemy together with Faker.

For the first time since the Lord had met him, she saw him frown, removing his always enigmatic smile. I refuse to accept the fate of the world, it was bad enough that the system does not change and all wizardry falls into decay; but, that all sorcery is destined to disappear... I refuse to accept it! If so, a regression is the best course.


At the same time, with Shirou, the voice that sounded robotic continued to speak. Paradox effect in progress, starting countdown.

The rifle lit up with reddish light and an enormous amount of energy gathered around the barrel and in the muzzle of the weapon.

—The enemy has been detected 130 meters away. Giving shape to the Black Barrel… Converting the paradox and giving way to the real theory. User stabilize the weapon!

Due to his current state, the boy's hand was trembling; but the warning from the gun brought him back to his senses. Y-Yes! The boy replied as he made sure the shot was accurate.


At the same time, with Heartless…

—I already told you doctor, that is impossible for you. This world is destined to become a world designated for its elimination, a world far from the correct history of humanity and that will later be erased, it began to separate from it a long time ago, and little by little it has begun to return. increasingly unrecognizable, at this point, the only value and goal it has is only one: to die. This world must die so that other worlds don't separate in the same way this one did, that's all —the girl answered.


In unison, with Shirou…

—Energy at limit, maximizing offensive capacity, weapon body ready.

The branches began to regenerate once more and launched themselves at the boy, seeing this, and with Ainnash's dominance broken, he used his reality marble to not only seal his grievous wounds, but also to cause numerous leaves to shoot out from within. inside by cutting and protecting it from branches.

Shirou gritted his teeth and swallowed the pain as the steel blades shot out from his body impaling him from the inside out, even though he had used them strategically so they wouldn't cause irreparable damage, that didn't mean the pain of being stabbed over and over again. again it had no effect. Fast! Fast! Fast! QUICK!

—Synchronization range: 30%...50%...70%...80%...100%,


At the same time, in the vicinity of the Rail...

Heartless smiled once more, but this time it wasn't a fake smile or one without human feelings, it was a genuine smile, the first one he had smiled in a long time. Lord El-Melloi, it seems you are right, my experiment ends here. I've already given you all the clues you need to continue on your own." Then he turned to Shielder. However, there is something that I have to clarify, what you say will not happen, of that I can be sure. In a world with so many people, it is impossible that there is not one who stands up against.

"Rise up?" the girl asked.

Heartless nodded. Such people must exist, people who will rise up against fate, who ignore the dangers and high walls they will face, and push forward until they succeed.

"Even if they exist, none of that will matter, even statistics can't help you here, because fate subjugates everything to its will," answered the girl.


Alongside, in what was left of the clearing...

The roots regenerated and launched themselves at the redhead.

—Camera entering critical point.

— SHOOT AT ONCE! The desperate boy yelled.

—Black Barrel, full trance. ¡Proceda a disparar!

— FIRE! Shirou pulled the trigger.

The bullet shot out as a small black sphere that was engulfed by the reddish energy like a huge, gigantic reddish-black lightning bolt. The black lightning reached the tree destroying all the branches and the magical energy that it had, once the bullet touched the ghostly species, it exploded from the inside out into a thousand pieces with no chance to regenerate in any way. The lightning by his side continued on his way rising through the skies.


And finally with Heartless...

"M-Master…" Faker said as he did his best to stand up in front of the doctor.

Heartless smiled resignedly. I guess the lord is right, it's rare for master and servant to agree. I no longer have my command seals; but this is my last order to you, Faker, take all that is left of my magical energy and eliminate Shielder!

Despite his current state, Faker smiled. Understood, master! —Once again a reddish lightning descended from the heavens and from this a wyvern appeared, his Hekatic Wheel had been destroyed by Gray and with the little magical energy he had left this was the best he could do, even so, Faker did not hesitate, he mounted the wyvern and rode against the girl with the shield and the shadowy servants.

"Attack," she ordered, almost emotionlessly.

The shadowy servants standing between Faker and the girl automatically followed her order and lunged at the maid; however, using her ability to fight where many mobilize, she was able to evade or push away most of the shadowy servants in her path, several attacking her with what appeared to be degraded and much less powerful versions of Heroic Treasures, but she didn't hesitate and, for a moment, a certain Lord in the distance could see it, the shadow of that same servant he had summoned nearly a decade ago overlapping Faker's silhouette. Crimson lightning covered the wyvern and Conqueror of Lightning increased his power even more.

The girl did not move from her position at any time, nor did she try to run away or dodge the maid's attack who, despite everything, seemed to attack her no matter what. She simply raised her great shield with icy firmness at the maid's desperate attack, and a large amount of blinding magical energy engulfed both of them.

When the light produced by the shock dissipated, Faker had disappeared, and the only thing left was the shield and the maid firmly planted in the same place, and the land in front of it was completely destroyed. The grim servants surrounded the people near the train, making sure that no one interrupted the girl, who approached the doctor. Goodbye, doctor, I wish your words could come true.

She didn't even give him time to respond, with her sword, she prepared to decapitate the magus, but not before he saw how the Black Barrel's shot rose to the heavens. After this, he was killed, his neck was severed and his head severed from his body falling to the ground right next to it.

"Even with the extra time provided by his time paradox, he couldn't stop fate, how do you expect someone from this time to be able to pull it off?" —However, she looked up at the sky and saw how the reddish ray rose until it created the illusion of touching the moon.

She was spellbound by that scene, then, she looked at those present, a young man, a girl close to her age, a man who seemed to be about to take his last breath, and a woman several meters away, without seeing no relationship with Heartless, she turned and left the place without saying a word. The servants followed her, and when they were all together, they disappeared in a pillar of light.

The others couldn't do anything, they were outmatched in every way, the only thing they could do was witness Heartless's murder. Even after the girl left, they didn't dare move from the place until several minutes later. The shock and fear were too great, they knew that if they moved, their fate would be no different from that of their enemy.

The one exception was Altrouge, who couldn't care less about the situation; however, there was one thing that did catch his attention. PM, bring it to me, please —she said as she watched with a smile as the forest of Ainnash disappeared to give way to a normal forest, leaving the train and getting ready to go into it.


The Shirou…

Several minutes passed and he did not move, luckily, Avalon managed to heal his most serious wounds; but the pain still remained and his other wounds were badly patched by the effect of his reality marble, every move he made hurt him enormously, honestly, at this moment he regretted not letting Gray come with him, Avalon had ceased its effect and until he reunited with her, it would not work again. He was lucky the tree had exploded in the opposite direction from which he fired, otherwise not even Avalon would have saved him from the blast. With much effort, he put away the rifle, which had returned to its normal appearance. He placed him on his back and proceeded to pick up Neocaliburn and Vorpal, carefully and at an extremely slow pace, the boy approached the place, there was nothing left but a big hole; but, deep down, there was something...

"Is that it, a fruit?"

Apparently it was the same fruit that he had seen on the highest branch, the tree must have moved it to protect it. He grabbed the big fruit and got ready to take it with him, maybe it would be of some use to Altrouge. Once with this, Shirou proceeded to leave the forest, he no longer had anything to do here and it was possible that the train would leave without him.

The redhead didn't pay attention to Merem who had remained silent throughout the fight; but she was still watching him intently. And he just walked slowly towards the train, tired and exhausted, about to pass out and on the verge of death, obviously, he didn't get very far before collapsing; but he couldn't stay here either, he knew he would die if he didn't receive medical attention quickly. He forced himself to stay conscious; but he could not move, his body no longer obeyed him, the exhaustion from the expenditure of his Od, the multiple blows and stabbings of the branches and roots, his own swords stabbing him from the inside out, overwhelmed his senses, he no longer felt pain, he had far surpassed that threshold, but the feeling of being hit and impaled from the inside out and vice versa remained, like thousands of needles sticking into his flesh. In the end, before exhaustion overcame him, the last thing he saw before losing consciousness was beautiful crimson eyes and a cute smile...

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