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43.75% HP - The Metamorphmagus / Chapter 7: Shapes and Colors!

Capítulo 7: Shapes and Colors!


{I bought you a Kaleidoscope.}

[What am I, five?]

(3 minutes later)



They walked into the store, and saw dusty shelves, filled with what looked like long bracelet boxes, all with scribbles of numbers on them, with each box a different color, and the ink more so. They felt a presence behind them reach out for their inner shoulders, only for them to grab the hands and flip them over said shoulders.(As in stand next to someone and the touching shoulders are the 'inner' shoulders.)

Or, at least that's what they hoped would happen. After the figure performed a flip in midair and landed on his feet, they saw a man of Asian descent turn to face them. He was wearing a Zhongshan suit, in a dark green color with light red, almost pink highlights adding detail to the gold embroidery depicting dragons. He had grey hair that started at a line that was behind his ears, and it was long and braided with a small yellow ribbon.

He then started speaking out loud in Chinese, which was the only language the twins had yet to learn. They heard another faint reply come from somewhere upstairs, along with the sound of a group of people moving. The man then turned to the twins and Adrian, where the twins were in a martial stance while Adrian had his wand out and ready.

The man held his hands out in a gesture of peace in front of him, "I am sorry for surprising you so, but I figured if my friend were to try it, he'd lose his back. My name is Shao Shen, a pleasure to meet you."

"And I told you, not to do that! There is no one that is able to feel my presence, I doubt two young ones could be able to flip me." They saw an old man come down the stairs, with a few old men and women following him.

"Excuse my friend, he came to visit me today. I am Ollivander, the creator of every wand since Dumbledore was born, and of the family since 382B.C. How may I help you?" The man introduced himself and his friend moved to the others by the stairway while he moved in front of the trio, who had relaxed.

Ollivander seemed to sense something, and looked at Adrian, "Dogwood, 9 and a half inches, and Kneazle whisker as a core. Mr. Adrian, I never expected you to have children."

Adrian stiffened, then relaxed, "Mr. Ollivander, it's good to see you too, glad to see you haven't changed. I never had kids, my sister did and they were magicals, so me leading them around was a given." The twins had relaxed fully at this point, and had gone back to holding hands instead of leaving their hips together. "We're here for their wands, as they have everything but a wand for the first year."

Ollivander nodded at this and looked to the twins, who were looking back at him, one in curiosity, and the other in slight suspicion and fascination. He waved his wand and a measuring tape flew off the shelf and into his hand. "Very well then, let's start."

He moved toward the twins and unrolled the tape, and started asking questions with the twins responding, such as, "Which is your dominant hand?" "Both." "Which one do you usually use to write?" "[Left]." "{Right}."

While the questions were being asked, they were having their shoulders measured, their arm length measured, and even the height of their hand from the ground when raised and hanging. "Can you two let go of each other's hands please? It's harder for me to get the wand right when you can't measure all the fingers."

"{No}""[More like we can't sir.]"

Ollivander paused, and backed off a little bit, "What do you mean by 'We can't'?"

The twins then looked to Adrian, who nodded and gestured toward Ollivander. They then turned back to Ollivander and said while shifting into their 'Shiva' form, "We can't, because we share the same body."

When they finished, a woman that was with the group by the stairwell gasped, "Shiva.", while the rest of them started muttering among themselves, with different languages and dialects being thrown around. Ollivander was stunned, and had dropped his measuring tape. He couldn't see the twins, but he saw the balls of light that were connected by their hands, merge into one deep, aquamarine orb around the size of their chest.

"Well, that complicates some things," Ollivander started as the twins went back to holding hands, "But it should be fine, I should have enough to give you the right wand." He walked to a shelf, and pulled out two different boxes before heading back towards the twins. "Willow and Unicorn Hair for the mister, and Blackthorn with Dragon Heartstring for the missus. When ready, wave them around a little bit."

The twins started studying the wands before looking up and saying, "They won't work." while handing them to Ollivander. Ollivander and the group in the back were stunned.

"What do you mean? You haven't even tried it yet!" Ollivander sounded aggrieved as he said this.

"I can feel my magic going through the wood, but the unicorn hair is refusing to work with me."

"The same is happening here, the wood is allowing my magic to go through it, but the lizards' string is outright killing my magic."

Ollivander was silent at this, but then spoke once more, "You, you both can feel your magic going through the wand?"

"Yes sir, we are a metamorphmagus, so we feel our magic as if it is hair, and feel how it is affected, when outside our body." The group in the back started chittering again, and started to pull out things from their pockets before setting up against the wall and putting the items on the ground in front of them.

Ollivander looked toward Adrian, and Adrian just nodded, silently confirming this. They had practiced magic, and when they were learning protego, they could feel where the shield had weakened, and repair it quickly.

"That is, well, unique. Do you think that you can do that to all the wands without destroying the store?" Ollivander asked hopefully, not wanting to repeat what had happened on occasion. ^_^

"Of course." The twins nodded toward Ollivander, before sitting down on the ground facing each other. They put their palms facing each other. While this was happening, a haunting melody had started to play out of nowhere, with Ollivander looking around for where the music was coming from. The music reached a small crescendo, before both twins let go of each others palms entirely.

The music started to move faster and to a beat as the twins stood up, and started walking down the different aisles with the boxes glowing and shaking for a second. As they walked everyone could see the different boxes start shivering when a deep undertone started to play before sorting themselves by colors, flying off the shelves and swapping to places, making it seem as if jewelry was flying around. When they finished, all the boxes had stopped glowing, with the music slowing down as the twins walked to each other. They joined hands, with the only glowing things being a few of the trinkets that some of the group in the back had left on the ground. The twins walked to each of the items and picked them up, before putting them in a line in front of each of them.

Ollivander sighed, "Why is it that whenever you all come over, you always seem to steal some of my customers?"

An old Indian lady came forward and started speaking as she went towards the twins, who were observing the items gained, "That is because, unlike you, little Olly, we know that there are times where what we specialize in as a focus, can't be used for some customers. I had a vision where the god Shiva visited me and asked for a necklace. He also requested for something to walk with," at this point she looked toward the African woman who was wearing a headdress and ceremonial wear (shamanka), "And something to protect himself." and then looked toward an man that was wearing Spartan Armor with a cloak covering him.

Adrian started walking toward the twins as well, who had let some of their spirits out and were observing the collection of items on the ground. A few of the group along with the man and woman started to walk toward the twins. A 'Finite Incantem' was cast, and the items in front of them grew.

John had a leather and gold studded tower shield, Silver armguards with claws at the ends, a wooden staff with a diamond skull at the top, and a beaded wooden necklace with rubies on each bead. The shamanka, Greek man(Spartan), and Indian woman started to walk to his side, with a person wearing a simple tunic with pants and a neck torc fashioned of gold with moonstone inlays close behind.

Oriana had gained a silver Type XIII longsword with copper inlay, Chakrams made of steel with a gold mandala pattern inlaid within the blade, A silver Karambit knife with a amber and gold marbled hilt, and a rope dart that had a silken metallic string, with a green jade hilted dagger at the end. Another Indian man, a person of Nordic origins with pelts covering his body, an Indonesian woman with a dress and Shao Shen moved forward to assist her with her weapons.

Before the three parties could reach them, the armaments were engulfed in lights, John's in red, and Oriana's in green. The orbs of light moved toward each other, and started to form small pillars. The twins climbed into the pillars and the light brightened for a bit, before fading away entirely. John had a gold armor that covered his arms and collared his neck to join both arms together, with both forearms having gauntlets that held a tower shield that extended past his knuckles by an inch and ended with silver claws controlled by his fingers. Near his head, the tower shields both had ruby skulls, with a light wooden armor covering his body.

Oriana had a dual-ended halberd that segmented into two smaller, different sized halberds, with a chain holding onto her hand. The maces were able to separate into two smaller chakrams, which would separate further into two karambits, all held together by a silk that came together to form a chain that lead into the halberds.

Everyone watched in wonder, and after a few seconds, both armaments disappeared and changed once more to everyone's dulled surprise. John's armament changed into two small silver and gold studded leather gauntlets with a wooden chain that connected to a ruby and diamond collar on his neck. Oriana ended with a necklace with copper inlay with an amber and gold centerpiece, a metal bracelet connected by silk to a Jade ring and a set of steel rings that were connected to one another through a fine gold thread.

Everyone finally moved as the twins's spirits moved to catch them as they fell to the ground. The bear came out from their body of its own volition and caught the twins before they hit the ground. Florence had jumped off and now padded toward them. Every one of the focus makers had drawn back, and had pulled out their personal focus in fear of the bear. Adrian still ran forward to check on the twins who were being cradled by the bear.

"Oslo, how are they?" Adrian# asked the bear. The bear grumbled slightly, and made a few noises as it licked the twins' foreheads. "So they're just exhausted, that's good."

Everyone else lowered their guard, while Ollivander@, put away his wand entirely. "What was that? And where did the bear come from Mr. Adrian?" he asked.

"#The twins have quite a few tricks up their sleeves, one of them being the ability to absorb a creature and being able to chimerize their body with the creatures' properties. This one here," he motioned to the bear, "Is Oslo. A cub when the twins found him in America, he allowed them to take care of him after his mother lost him in a flooding river, so he is now what the twins call a 'Spirit'. He gets taken care of, and provides them company and protection. Florence," He motioned to the cat in John's lap, "Is a Black-Footed Cat, the most dangerous predator in Africa. She was saved by John from a jaguar as a kitten, and now she is another spirit. They can assimilate multiple animals, so all the animals here," he now motioned to the animals who had come out of the twins, "Are their spirits, not all of them were rescued or saved, some were fought," he motioned to the reptiles, "But all willingly follow them, because they offer a chance for a new life.#"

By this time everyone had put down their weapons, and were amazed at the story. To think that these children are able to pull off these feats, "And that light show Mr.~Adrian, was it? What was with those lights and our creations disappearing?" the Greek man% asked.

"I honestly have no idea, my guess is that since they had so many different focus', their innate metamorphmagus magic came out and chimerized the weapons to suit both their personality and fighting style, as I have fought both of them with them using a spare wand, and it always looked as if they were uncomfortable holding it. What they had before before it turned into what it was now, suited the way they would fight I think."

"@You've fought with them?@"

"#Yes, when I taught them the magic in this world, I also realized one glaring flaw of wand users. Most of them don't know how to deal with close combat.#"

"What do you mean?" the shamanka* asked

"#Most of us use our wands to the point of us turning fat and lazy, like slugs. When I told them this, they wanted to learn how to fight, to keep fit and for self defense should they ever lose their wands, which I now think won't be possible.#"

Adrian stood up and looked toward the small brown boa^(2) that was strung across their necks. "Juju, how're they doing?" The reptile looked up and performed a small series of movements. Adrian nodded and asked, "When are they going to wake up?" Juju produced another series of movements and Adrian said, "Okay then, how much do I owe you, because I noticed that was a total of eight different items."

As he turned toward the Artisans, they were looking at him weirdly, as if he had a spider on him.


"Are you a parseltounge?" Shao Shen asked.

Adrian was taken aback at this question, "No, why?"

Shao Shen pointed at the boa, "Because you're able to talk to the snake."

"No, its because after a few years of them passing out," Adrian said motioning toward the twins, "You learn to tell what their first spirit says. Anyway, how much do I owe you?"

The artisans that had their creations taken formed two different groups and started to discuss something for minute, before looking between each other and nodding. "It'll be 240 galleons total."

Adrian started, not expecting such a low price. "That's too low, I couldn't possibly pa-"

"It's not up for discussion," The man with the torc cut him off, "Consider it an investment for great things, you don't see things like this in every half a millenia." he finished.

Adrian paused at this, and sighed. He nodded sullenly as he reached for the twins and the bear handed him the bank pouch. "240 Galleons, 8 stacks." He turned it upside down and poured 30 galleons in each artisans' outstretched hands. Oslo started to grumble, and the twins started to stir. As they stood up, they noticed the adults staring at them.

The artisans bowed toward the twins before reaching into their respective pockets and pulling out books about their focus, and handing them to the twins. The twins looked a the small booklets, and bowed in return as the artisans left the room.

Ollivander sighed, "Will that be all Mr. Adrian?"

"Yes sir, sorry for the disturbance." Adrian responded as he ushered the spirits toward the twins to merge back together.

The spirits merged into the twins under Ollivander's gaze. As the twins stood up, they said, "Sorry for causing you problems sir, we'll take our leave now."

Ollivander nodded, and as he watched them go through the door, he thought, 'Another special customer, I already had the boy with a twin wand, and now this.'

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