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89.88% I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU) / Chapter 78: Avengers: Vs King, Vs God

Capítulo 78: Avengers: Vs King, Vs God

Chapter 78 - Part 1 - Vs King



Putting a foot ahead, Spider-Man pushed the Chitauri King back a couple of inches as he raised his hand and blasted him with his lightning at point-blank range.


The Chitauri was blasted back a few meters but he proved to be more durable than he expected as he emerged from the aftermath of the attack with only a few scratches on his chest plate. It growled before lunging at him ready to swing.

Spider-Man tossed his blade above as he leaned back and onto his hand, dodging a slash aimed to cleave him in half as he twisted his body kicking the Chitauri in the chin sending it tumbling before spinning back onto his feet and grabbing the sword.

Grabbing the sword he used the momentum of the spin and transitioned the energy into a slash which the King blocked, putting up his sword but the impact sent him back a few feet.

"Grrrr." The creature growled as its bottom two hands pulled out two guns from its back and aimed at him.

"What's wrong? Twitchy already?" Spider-Man asked as he cracked his neck raising his hands as runes surrounded his wrists. "We are just getting started."

Gesturing his rune-lit hand ahead, spikes of iron emerged out of the ground from various directions as the Chitauri King began to fend off the attacks giving Spider-Man the moment to cast a magic circle below his feet.

The rune glowed, complete, as Spider-Man blasted towards the Chitauri King, sword trailing on the ground behind him as he leaped ahead for a horizontal swing.

The Chitauri King fended off the last iron spike just in time as it turned around and raised its sword for an upward slash to deflect Spider-Man's attack but its sword never meet his as Spider-Man suddenly disappeared in a flash of black-red lightning.

Its eyes darted around, alert as even though Spider-Man had disappeared, his oppressive aura hadn't. Its worries turned out to be true as with another flash of lightning, Spider-Man appeared right behind it, grinning savagely as he brought down his sword for a vertical slash.

The Chitauri King managed to retain its life as it dived forward rolling to avoid the slash as Spider-Man destroyed the ground creating a crater in it.

Though it didn't come out unscathed as there was a glowing red gash on its back. The armor glowed red, the metal had melted off from the force of the slash as blue blood flowed out of the wound.

The Chitauri King growled as the demonic smirk on Spider-Man's mask infuriated it. To it seemed like he was mocking it, which wasn't far from the truth.

Spider-Man was amused and interjected as he contemplated if he should finish the fight now that he had figured out the creature's capabilities or if should he wait.

"How long will it take Sue?" He asked over the line as Susan responded.

"A couple of minutes more." She said as he hummed to himself.

"Alright, I'll humor you a couple of moments more." Spider-Man said as he made a 'come at me' gesture to which the Chitauri King didn't take kindly as it began to fire at Spider-Man whose hands lit up with runes as he deflected and deflected the energy attacks with a simple swat of his wrist.

Spider-Man began walking towards the Chitauri as it began to fire more and more at him, almost as if it was desperate to land a hit. Understanding that the laser projectiles were going to even reach Spider-Man, let alone hurt him, it snarled throwing its guns away as it grabbed its broadsword with four of its arm as the edge of the blade began to glow.

"Ohh?" Sensing an attack coming, Spider-Man smirked to himself as he started running toward the Chitauri King.

"Perish, human..." The Chitauri King hissed slashing toward Spider-Man as its blade released a huge crescent shape energy projectile that cleaved the ground in half as it blasted its way toward Spider-Man.

Instead of dodging, Spider-Man ran toward the projectile, dodging the attack by an inch at the last moment as he jumped aside and rushed toward the Chitauri.

Growling in frustration, the Chitauri King began to swing its sword around wildly releasing a barrage of crescent projectiles that Spider-Man weaved through, dodging as he performed acrobatic maneuvers, sometimes using his sword to deflect the attack.

Gritting its sharp teeth in frustration, The Chitauri King was about to pour all of its sword's energy to release a last devastating attack but it was surprised as Spider-Man suddenly spun on his heel and launched his sword at it.

Startled, caught by surprise it hastily raised its sword just in time deflecting it towards the sky and it was surprised even further as Spider-Man suddenly appeared above him in a flash of black-red lightning as he grabbed her sword and brought it down.



The Chitauri King braced raised its sword up and grabbed its blade to soften the impact of Spider-Man's attack but even then it was forced onto its knees while the clash of the sword released a shockwave that destroyed the ground further.

"What? Feeling a little woozy down there?" He quipped as the creature growled looking up. Suddenly it grabbed Spider-Man's leg using its lower two arms before grabbing both of his wrists using his middle two arms and then it spun, slamming Spider-Man onto the ground.

"Ouch." Spider-Man said blankly, not really hurt as it grabbed the hilt of its sword with its upper two arms and raised its sword intending to stab the blade through Spider-Man's chest. "Well, that's not fair."


The aline stabbed towards Spider-Man's chest, the blade hit his chest but wasn't even able to penetrate the suit as Spider-Man merely chuckled to himself, amused at the Chitauri's confusion.

"Vibranium, bitch." Spider-Man said his lances shot out of his back, tearing through the asphalt that he was lying on, and shot toward the Chitauri King's face. The sharp tip of the deadly lance stopped only a centimeter away from its eye Spider-Man smirked to himself. "By unfair, I mean..."

"It's unfair for you."


The lance pulled back and instead hit the Chitauri in the chest knocking it back and sending it flying into a wall as Spider-Man got up. Elevating a few feet above the ground courtesy of his lances while he looked at the disheveled Chitauri.

The blow had done a number on the Chitauri King, it's chest plate was broken, falling to the ground as it got up, wiping the blue blood off the corner of its mouth.

"Peter?" Susan called out over the Comms as Spider-Man blinked to himself while the Chitauri King rushed at him, brandishing its sword.

"Yeah?" He responded back as the Chitauri King jumped blade hoisted overhead as it brought the blade down, intending to cleave its adversity in half.

"I've called the XIIs back." Susan answered.

"Oh." Spider-Man said as he simply raised his left hand and caught the blade.


"It's done." She finished as Spider-Man's mask shifted yet again, setting into the demonic smirk but this time, somehow it was only more feral.

"Alright." Spider-Man said as he tightened his grip on the blade of the Chitauri King's sword a crack began to appear on the sharp blade. The Chitauri King tried to pull its sword back, but Spider-Man wouldn't budge as he kept applying more and more pressure until the cracks had covered the entirety of the blade.

"Well, now let's kill a king and a wannabe god."


On cue, the blade shattered as Spider-Man webbed the Chitauri King's exposed chest and pulled it toward him. As the Chitauri King was near, he ejected his stingers and stabbed the creature in the gut causing it to scream in pain.

"Grahhh-mph!" Its scream was cut short as Spider-Man headbutted it, shattering its face plate as it was sent back tumbling onto its armored extraterrestrial ass.

Flicking the blue blood of his stinger, Spider-Man retracted it said he raised his hand and his sword flew towards him. The creature scurried back putting some distance between them as it clutched its wound but Spider-Man instead of grabbing the sword, let it turn back into an amorphous liquid as it merged with his suit.

Once done, Spider-Man cracked his knuckle as he looked at the baffled Chitauri King with a menacing look in his eye.

"I don't need no blade to gut you." Spider-Man said black-red lightning covered his hand.

"My bare hands are enough to rip your intestines out."

"Grrrr." Offended, that its honor was sullied the Chitauri King growled, launching itself at Spider-Man who grabbed it by the throat and slammed it onto the ground before raising his leg to stomp its head in.

Lucky for the Chitauri King, it was able to roll out in time as the stomp further devastated the asphalt. It rushed at Spider-Man again, two of its upper right first cocked back as Spider-Man simply spun out of the way while grabbing onto its upper hand by its wrist.

Rolling the creature over his back by its wrist, he slammed it into the ground yet again but face first this time as he still held onto its hand.

Putting his leg on its back so that it doesn't move too much, he twisted its arm with a sick crunch-



-before reading its arm off causing it to scream and thrash in pain. Turning his head, he smirked looking at the top of the Stark Tower where Loki was fuming to himself.

Turning his attention down onto the now one-arm-less Chitauri, he saw it struggle more trying to elbow his leg off its back but Spider-Man simply stabbed one of his lances through its offending elbow causing it to shriek even more.

Stepping off its back, he tossed the Chitauri King high up in by its punctured limb before pulling his lance back and ripping the other arm off. Now in the air, the Chitauri King was like a fish out of water.

It was like a fly with its wings clipped and spiders, know best to make prey out of helpless flies and Spider-Man was going to make sure that he was going to live up to his name.

Spreading his hands to the side, two portals opened in front of them as he fired a web line into the portal. At the same time, two portals opened near the airborne Chitauri King and grabbed it mid-air. One grabbed onto one of its remaining four arms and the other onto one of its legs.

Spider-Man pulled two web lines together and tied them into a knot and looked up to see the trapped Chitauri King thrashing around, trying to free itself but Spider-Man had a different idea for it.

Making a gun gesture he pointed it at the Chitauri King as the same magic circle he used to absorb the Nuke appeared and began to glow hot red.

"Hasta la vista, amigo." Spider-Man winked at the Chitauri King as he looked past it and used his accelerated vision to look into the Portal. He saw more and more reinforcement arrive but they were too late as Spider-Man had made a decision.



The red magic circle glowed white as it release all of the stored nuclear energy into a single beam that tore through and past the ashen Chitauri King and traveled into the portal. The beam hit the mothership where the attack then expanded, consuming; destroying everything it touched.

Spider-Man had killed an army and he had killed its king. Now the only thing remaining was to kill, was its so-called god.

And with that intention, Spider-Man turned his head back towards the Stark Tower where a dumbfounded Loki was staring at him with wide eyes.

But first, Spider-Man raised his hands towards the portal as a magic circle appeared before his palm, soon runes began to cover the mouth of the portal as a barrier covered it before the flames could escape through the hole in the sky.

Nodding to himself, satisfied with his handiwork Spider-Man bent his knee and jumped towards the Stark Tower. Mid-air, he was unable to react as suddenly a ray of blue energy hit him square in the chest blasting him back into the ground, courtesy of Loki who smirked to himself twirling his scepter.

"Pathetic." He spat to himself as he looked down at the smoking, motionless body of Spider-Man who laid onto the ground his suit in tatters. Loki suddenly blinked in surprise which turned into horror as Spider-Man supposed dead body began to twitch and move grossly before it suddenly dissolved into a cluster of small menacing spiders. "What is this sorcery-"

"Well, for beginners it's a basic body duplication spell hitched with an advance transmutation spell based around the center of a summoning spell, with the target of the summoning spell being you guessed it-" Loki turned around reacting almost instantly, attacking with the scepter, but Spider-Man who was crouched over the parapet of the Tower's rooftop just tilted his head letting the attack sail past him harmlessly. Resting his cheek onto his palm, Spider-Man smirked as he looked at the alarmed Loki with an amused look. "-spiders."

"You... You have a soft spot for them it would seem." Loki said as he took a step back as Spider-Man hummed to himself getting off the parapet.

"That too and well, you know... It's my MO. The whole spider thing, yeah, that's my brand." Spider-Man smirked as he began walking towards Loki whose hands glowed green with Norse magic as a smirk made its way to his face.

"I have no care for that, this isn't the last time you'll be seeing any of me Spider-Man." Loki called out as he prepared to teleport away. "This isn't the end-"


Just as he was about to activate the spell and teleport worlds away, his spell suddenly dispelled his mana dispersing into nothing. Loki's face froze in an expression of pure horror as his words died in his throat.

"No. This is the end." Spider-Man said as he walked towards Loki and pointed a finger at his chest. "What? Can't run away? Oh, poor his highness."

"What have you done-"

"You should have ran away a long time ago, Loki." Spider-Man said his amused tone turning into a threatening one as the tip of his finger sparked. "Now there is no place you can run to. This is your end, you lousy excuse of a god."

"You cretin-"



The small spark turned into a hail of lightning that blasted Loki off the rooftop. The force of the attack had sent Loki flying and crashing into other buildings.

"I hope you have life insurance on Asgard."


Captain America and Thor were running towards the battlefield but suddenly stop mid-step as they saw the huge Leviathan blow apart courtesy of Spider-Man's charged spear.

"What the-" Captain America was about to curse once again as Thor turned to look at him.

"Is this your Spider-Man?" He asked as Cap turned his head over to him.

"I... I don't know." Steve shook his head unable to answer. "Even though his presence is in our faces all day, all night his entire existence is a big mystery. Sometimes, it's as if he is a ghost. Just a bad boogeyman to scare people senseless. You go to sleep telling yourself he is gone or he doesn't exist then when you wake up you see his handiwork all across the city, the streets, and the internet."

"He sounds dangerous." Thor nodded as Steve gritted his teeth.

"He is. He has Fury scared shitless." He replied as Thor blinked in surprise.

Fury was dismissive of his claim of his godhood and when he had proven his lineage to him even then he wasn't given any courtesy but Fury was scared of this Spider-Man?

"He is like a disease without a cure." Steve said through his teeth as Thor grinned as he tightly gripped his hammer.

"Yet." Thor said twirling it. "Once we capture Loki from Spider-Man, I will deal with him personally."

Steve smiled and nodded as Thor smiled back at him before speeding towards the battlefield but-


Thor slammed face-first into something he couldn't see and fell to the ground, bleeding from his nose.

"Thor!" Steve called out as he rushed towards Thor who grabbed his nose. "What happened?!"

"W-What in Odin's beard is this-"

"It's the barrier." Tony said over the comms.


"The barrier besides stopping the aliens from escaping is also preventing anyone and anything from entering." Tony explained.

"Why didn't you say that sooner?!"

"Well, I thought that was only logical but apparently not everyone is a genius like me." Tony retorted as Steve rubbed his temple.

"Stark I swear to God-"

"Save it for someone who is interested in it." Tony replied in a dismissive tone as a slurping sound was heard over the Comms. "Wow! This smoothie is really good! Thanks, Stan! Anyways, all the best to you too trying to get in."

Tony cut the comms off as Steve grumbled to himself looking at the ahead as Thor rubbed the blood of his nose.

"What do we do now?" Steve asked as Thor opened his mouth to reply.

"I am going to-" Thor stopped mid-sentence as a large ray of energy shot towards the portal which was accompanied by a huge booming sound that rocked Steve back a few inches while Thor frowned. As the beam disappeared, a few moments later black-red lightning flashed across the sky, followed by a crashing noise. "We have to save Loki now!"

"But how?!" Steve's question was answered as the barrier flashed materializing to the naked eye for the first time, covered in various runes of which Thor recognized some.

"This... This is ancient eldritch magic! How does Spider-Man know this?!"

"It's what-" Steve's question went unanswered as the runes glowed before disappearing along with the barrier. "The barrier... It's gone!"

"Let's hurry now!"


Chapter 78 - Part 2 - Vs God

(A/N: I was going to make this another chapter but decided to merge it not wanting to extend the arc more than necessary. Btw, shout out to one of my favorite readers 'ThisNovelSucksBro.' You can thank him for this extended chapter considering that he has been holding me at a gunpoint for a double release lol. Jokes aside, much love and thanks for all the support over the months XOXO.

Anyways, back to your favorite Spider-Monarch!)


Blasting Loki off the rooftop. Spider-Man caught Loki's scepter with his web before pulling it toward himself. Inspecting the scepter, he twirled it around before gripping it hard and he smiled to himself as the gem in the crown of the spear glowed responding to Spider-Man's mana.

"Interesting." He muttered to himself as his AI automatically began to scan the scepter and download tonnes and tonnes of research data. Making a hand sign, Spider-Man made the scepter levitate in front of him before waving his over its spine as four white magic circles encircled the scepter. Connecting his AI to the magic circle Spider-Man stored the scepter in his remote dimension allowing the scan to continue in the background while he dealt with Loki.

He then turned his head to look at the Tessaract before humming to himself.

"You stay here darling, I'll come and get you in a few." The Tessaract still in the machine seem to pulse as Spider-Man chuckled to himself before running and jumping off the rooftop.

Twisting his body mid-air he webbed two buildings and created a magic circle at his feet for additional boost as he launched himself toward Loki who was pulling himself out of the rubble.

"That damned Spider-" Loki who was cursing Spider-Man suddenly looked up, his instincts screaming at him to protect himself and he did. Putting his hands up in the nick of time, he created a barrier to protect himself from Spider-Man's onslaught.

The barrier shattered upon impact but it saved managed to save Loki's life as he was only sent flying a few meters back. Landing on his feet, Spider-Man stretched his neck as Loki pushed himself back onto his feet.

Wiping the blood off his cheek, Loki hissed to himself as he pulled two daggers out from his garb.

"You ruined everything! My plans! My army! My king! You ruined it all!"

"Well, yes." Spider-Man hummed, shrugging uncaringly. "That's exactly what I do. I foil people's plans and make them spoil their pants and it is your turn now."

"I'm going to make you regret it! I am going to maim you! Turn you into a gutless pig and make you watch as I do the same to everyone you care about before splitting your skull and drinking wine from it!"

"That's... A weird kink." Spider-Man made a disgusted face as Loki fumed to himself. "Why would you do that? Do you know how unsanitary that would be? Aren't you a God? Did your mother teach you no manners or did she ever not educate you on ways to not be a dum dum retard pissant? Oops! I forgot you have no mother! Awww, poor orphan god, Loki~"

"You dare-"

"Oh, please spare me fucking lecture, Loki. In fisticuffs between men, words are unnecessary." Spider-Man said as Loki snarled rushing towards Spider-Man. "Yes. Come at me."

"Ha!" Loki attacked with a right slash at the Spider's throat, who leaned back while kicking Loki in the knee, keeping him from closing in on the distance as he grabbed Loki's second attack by leaning to the side.

Twisting his hand, he made him drop the dagger before he grabbed it mid-air and stabbed Loki in the shoulder making him grunt in pain. Twisting the dagger, he screamed and attacked with his right dagger which Spider-Man easily deflected and punches Loki in the gut making him double over in pain.

Loki grunted guarding his stomach, as Spider-Man grabbed his stupid helm and kneed him in the face making him stumble back onto his knee without to helmet.

Tossing the helmet in his hand, Spider-Man inspected it before tossing it again and grabbing it by one of its two elongated horns and then using it to smack Loki across the face so hard that it disfigured the helmet.

Tossing the useless helm aside Spider-Man walked towards Loki who began using Norn magic to heal his wounds. Loki's eyes lit up green from the magic as he enhanced himself to fight Spider-Man who had proven to be too overbearing for him.

"Well, alright." Spider-Man said simply as Loki leaped at him. Spider-Man and Loki grabbed each other hand, fingers intertwining as they engaged in a contest of strength. It seemed like they were evenly matched until Spider-Man decided to increase his strength a bit and it was soon evident who was more stronger as Loki was being forced back, his fingers turning pale white as Spider-Man grip on him was restricting the blood flow in them. In a desperate attempt for a comeback, Loki headbutted Spider-Man in the face who blinked as his nose twitched a bit from the attack. "Oh, really?"

"What-" Loki began but was silenced as Spider-Man transitioned his grip from Loki's fingers to his wrist as he grabbed them tightly and pulled his head back before brutally headbutting him.

"I'm bout to turn your face in a meat patty as well." Spider-Man said as he pulled back his head again before head-butting him again and again until there were several cuts and bruises on Loki's face. Loki whose vision was getting more and more blurry with each hit, channeled his Norn magic yet again for a boost as he transitioned into a front flip after yanking his hands out of Spider-Man's vice.

"I've seen what you did to the Red Hulk! I won't allow you to do the same to me!"

"Awww, I knew you were a fan! Lucky me~"

In a show of flexibility and agility that one would expect from a female gymnast, he landed a scorpion kick on Spider-Man's face sending him back a few feet.

"Well, that's new." Spider-Man muttered to himself as he shrugged off the attack. Loki then went in for a spinning kick aimed at Spider-Man's face but Spider-Man ducked under the attack and grabbed Loki by the thigh of the leg he was standing on and hoisted him up before power slamming his back into his knee.

"Ahhh!" Loki screamed as Spider-Man broke a couple of his bones but lucky for him, his spine was still intact.

"Ohh, so you do have a backbone." Spider-Man joked. "And you even managed to keep it intact. Man, I'm impressed."

Spider-Man was indeed impressed as Loki, although injured picked himself back again, treating his injuries with Born Magic.

"You know what? That's annoying." Spider-Man said as he created a runic spell and blasted Loki who was forced onto his knees as several cuts appeared on his body as black boiling blood seeped out of his wounds.

Loki writhed on the ground, twisting and turning trying to put out the fire that was burning him from the inside.

"Ahhhhh! W-What?! What h-have you done to me?!" Loki asked, his eyes wide open in horror and pain as more and more wounds appeared on his face, black blood soiling most of his fancy wardress.

"Ah, this is just Norn magic." Spider-Man explained as Loki just looked at him in horror. "Well, I just learned it right now so I have yet to figure out the potency of the spell I just created out of my ass."


"Ah, alloweth me to elaborate. You see, I read a book on Norn magic from my teacher but sadly it was only a brief story about the Norn goddesses and a simple, Penta-star eight-sigil magic circle. So, there wasn't enough information on the construction of core Norn Magic for me to reverse engineer it." Spider-Man began explaining as he circled a downed Loki forgetting about killing Loki as he began to geek out about the magic he just learned. "So, when I saw you casting a Norn Magic version of what appears to be a healing spell, which I recognized from the unique sigils that aren't found on Gaea as they deviate from the Deva script, I was able to reverse engineer the 48 sigil magic circle. Through elimination and cross-examination I was able to determine that Norn Sorcery is based on 28 unique sigils and then, the rest was pretty easy to perform. As once you have all the alphabet all you have to do is put them together in various manners to form new words. Which in this case being, spells. But it wasn't easy as Norn Sorcery uses both vertical and horizontal construction formats to create a single word and it gets even harder once you have to link one word or spell with another to create a greater spell array and I believe this is the reason why Norn magic is more effective than anything else. But lucky me, I have a big brain."

"W-What... Just what are you?" Loki asked blood flowing out of his mouth as Spider-Man just looked at him and then sighed looking down at his hand as he clenched it as it lit up with runes and black-red lightning.

"At this point... Even I'm not sure." Spider-Man chuckled as he extended his arm as it transformed into a black curved, jagged blade. "But you don't need to know that. A dead man does not need such useless information."

Just as Spider-Man was about to cleave Loki's head off, he sensed something incoming and turned his head as Captain America's beloved shield sailed through the hair and hit him square in the cheek.


Which did nothing, as it just hit him and dropped onto the ground as Spider-Man's suit which too was made from a Vibranium alloy absorbed the energy.

"Hey! That's enough..." Captain America's words died in his throat because his shield didn't come sailing back to him as he had expected it to.

"What? You want this, shithead?" Spider-Man asked looking down at the Shield that was at his feet. But before Steve could reply, Spider-Man stepped on the edge of the shield laughing it in the air before he hit it with a backhand with such force that it blasted back towards its owner at a speed that could cleave him in half.

But Captain Rogers managed to avoid the dissection of his being as he flipped out of the way as his shield lodged deep into a broken-down bridge.

Leaving the writhing Loki on the ground, Spider-Man turned his attention toward Captain America who eyed him cautiously.

"You wanna have a go at me, Rogers? Feel free to do so." Spider-Man said as he gestured towards himself. "Let's see if I can't skin that righteousness off your skin like that of a rabid dead dog."

Rogers frowned not overly fond of the vulgar threat but decided to hold his tongue as he raised his hand trying to ease the maniacal man.

"Calm down, Spider-Man."

"Huh? Why should I?"


"Well? I'm waiting."

"Loki is SHIELD's offender, a war criminal of the US under many accounts, and most of all he is a prisoner of Asgard." Steve said as he saw Spider-Man rub his chin in thought. "If you kill Loki you wouldn't not only break US law but also become an enemy of Asgard. The land of Norse Gods. I suggest you stop with your ramage and come with me unless want to make us all your enemies?"

"Hmm. Let me think." Spider-Man said as if he was really thinking about it before he looked at Steve and waved it off. "Nah, fuck that."


"Fuck diplomacy. It's boring. Especially if I have to be diplomatic with self-serving stuck-up retards who know and worry not of anything else but their own fat asses." Spider-Man shrugged. "I'd rather piss each and every one of you off and revel in your anger and misery as I lay my hell upon you. No Captian..."

"The only answer to your question is violence." Spider-Man smirked. "And violence is something that I am so fucking good at."

"You are a sick bastard." Steve said with a grimace as he looked up. "Now! Thor!"


On Steve's cue, Thor descended from above his hammer hoisted above him crackling with lightning as he descended upon Spider-Man intending to splatter his skull but his efforts would be for naught as Spider-Man simply lifted his left hand.

Two portals opened beside Thor and black chains made from the darkest steel. It first grabbed Thor's hammer-wielding hand before it wrapped around Thor's other hand as well as his legs catching him mid-flight and making him lose all of his momentum.

Steve flinched in surprise as he realized that his plan on catchy Spide-Man by surprise had failed.

"Coward! Let me out of these things and I'll show you the night of my thunder!" Thor yelled, calling out for Spider-Man who turned his eyes away from Steve and looked at the trapped Thor.

"Oh? Do you think you are the only one with lightning in a bottle, Oh mighty Thor?" Spider-Man asked curiously extending his hand towards Thor whose eyes widened in realization as black-red lightning began dancing around Spiderman's fingers. "Have a taste of my thunder first, Mr. Odinson."


With that, Spider-Man released a huge hailstorm of black-red thunder as Thor was blasted back, the chains breaking and disappearing from the force.

Dismissing the binding spell, Spider-Man turned his attention back to Loki who had managed to pull himself into a kneeling position as he leaned forward.

"Interesting." Spider-Man said as he saw Loki's wound disappear as his skin began to turn a pale blue, turning almost frosty as the sky began to darken and the winds pick up. "Looks like Thanos even enhanced Loki's true lineage unwittingly."

"I'll destroy you!" Loki screamed in rage as he began to grow and expand in size. Spider-Man strained his neck to look up as Loki grew to a height of almost 40 feet which for a frost giant is still quite small but he was quite big even when compared to Hulk.

"But as they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall." Spider-Man said he raised his hands to cast another Norn Spell but blinked in surprise as the blinking spell had little effect on the Frost Giant Loki who merely rubbed his eyes to regain his vision as he raised his hand and formed a huge mace that seemed to be made from ice. "Magic resistance, right."

Dismissing the spell he began to walk towards Loki as he began to channel lightning as well as gamma energy through his hands.

"Looks like I have to do this the old-fashioned way." Spider-Man said as he smashed his knuckles together, which glowed red hot gamma as black lightning danced around them.

Seeing this Steve stepped ahead to intervene but found himself unable to move forward prompting him to look down. His eyes widened in surprise as he realized he had stepped on a sticky web trap. He raised his feet, using all of his enhanced strength to break out of the web binds but his surprise would soon turn into horror as from the sticky trap emerged thousands of little spiders that began to crawl up his body.

"What the-Get off me! Get off me!" Steve tried to dust the spiders off but their sheer number overwhelmed him and he could only scream in horror as thousands and thousands of little spiderlings crawled on his skin as they began to cacoon him with their webs. By the time the little spiders jumped off Steve, he resembled a webbed-up mummy, frozen in a place with only his eyes and nostrils exposed so that he could see and breathe.

Then a single spider leaned down from up his head and looked at Steve dead in his eye. Its multiple eyes gleamed with murderous intent as it was only a command away from injecting him with his most deadly venom. This spider was Voras, and he didn't take kindly to insects interrupting his Monarch. It tapped its one hairy leg onto Steve's nose as if telling him to stay put before he climbed back up his head to inspect the fight between the puny god and his king.

"Enough! Enough, of your charade you insect! I am a God and you will treat me like one!" Loki yelled as Spider-Man didn't pay any attention to his words.

Lowering his center of gravity, Spider-Man dashed ahead taking Loki's charge head-on as he jumped over the Frost Giant's overhead attack. The ice club shattered the ground upon impact but Spider-Man jumped over it and landed on it annoying Loki who swung his club sideways to throw Spider-Man off, but Spider-Man's namesake would be for naught if he wasn't able to stick around a measly shove. Jumping he let the club slide under him as he attached a web to it and began to utilize the momentum of the swing to his own advantage as he leaped forward to Loki's face with his fist cocked back.

Understanding Spider-Man's attack pattern Loki turned his head to his right side, away from the trajectory of the punch but he would soon understand just how shallow his 'understanding' was as Spider-Man disappeared and then appeared on his right and it was too late for Loki to react.

The first connected with his cheek and Loki was rocked off his feet as his jaw was fractured and dislocated. Crashing through several walls of concrete, Loki felt his ear right as he tasted his own blood on his tongue.

He crawled back, trying to help himself up as he created a sword of ice as Spider-Man landed in front of him, before rolling forward and then diving as he transitioned into a diving drop kick.

Loki hastily lifted his sword but it shattered as the sole of Spider-Man's feet connected with his gut tossing him through the walk as he began to fall towards the ground.

Spider-Man appeared behind him blindsiding as he punched Loki in the back, fracturing his back before grabbing him by the back of his neck and turning him over as he made Loki crash face-first into the ground.


Using Loki as a cushion to soften his fall, Spider-Man raised his feet and stomped on the back of Loki's head as he tried to get up. Raising his feet back again he stomped again and again until Loki's face was imprinted onto the asphalt and he was bleeding from various faces. Getting off of Loki, Spider-Man grabbed Loki by his foot and with a swing slammed him face-first into a pillar of a large building before doing to same with other pillars causing the structure to shake, unstable as it began collapsing.

Turning Loki around, he grabbed him by his neck and he brought him close to his face.

"Puny god." Spider-Man scoffed as he kicked Loki into the Fallin building as it collapsed onto him. Spider-Man stepped back and watched his handiwork as Loki was almost buried underneath the rubble.

"Like the pharaohs of the old." Spider-Man joked to himself, chuckling as he idly leaned sideways avoiding being hit by a sneak attack as a hammer sailed past him.

"Loki no!" Thor screamed, arriving late as usual, his face armor and cape were tattered all thanks to Spider-Man venom blast attack. "Spider-Man! For what you have done to my brother, I will have your head mounted on the throne room of Asgard! I swear in-"

"Yeah, yeah." Spider-Man raised his hand and waved it off as he turned to look at Thor. "Please spare me thou bull shite and just be done with me. If you want my head, come severe it off."

Spider-Man said in a challenging tone as he tilted his head while spreading his arm as if embracing Thor's threat in stride.

Growling as tears welled up in his eyes Thor began to run towards Spider-Man while raising his hand calling for his hammer to return to him.

Spider-Man just started at Thor with an amused look not reacting until Thor was within swinging distance and just then his Spider-Sense went off.

Spinning on his heel he grabbed Thor's hammer mid-air and snatched it from its trajectory before using the same momentum and striking Thor across his face, stunning the Asgardian as he was forced to take a knee, his vision turning blurry as he almost lost his consciousness.

Gripping the handle of Mjölnir, Spider-Man felt the hammer quake in his hand before his magic flooded the hammer as its runes on it turned red and the hammer began to darken. Spider-Man felt his body being enhanced by an ancient force causing Spider-Man to smirk.

"Mjölnir... How... Why...?" Thor mumbled out as he spat out blood falling onto his hands.

"Blowing your head off with your own hammer would have been as easy as clipping a dragon's wing off for me but that would sour all the fun and none of you Asgardians would learn from it except for the fact that I am their greatest adversity but alas! You need to learn something, young Asgardian." Spider-Man said as he placed the hammerhead under Thor's chin and used it to make Thor look at him. "Your brother is a monster."

"S-Shut... up..." Thor retorted as he spat in Spider-Man's face. But since Thor had unwittingly spat his blood at Spider-Man, he let it slide since he got more blood to fuel his next evolution.

"What? You don't believe me?" Spider-Man tilted his head, as he dropped the hammer onto the ground and grabbed Thor's hair roughly as he made him watch at the rubble Loki was buried underneath. "Just watch."

On cue, the ground began to shake as the rubble began to shift as Thor's eyes widened in disbelief. Suddenly the ground spilt open as a huge serpent emerged from the earth. The snake was green with red evil eyes and sharp fangs that bore the vilest of venom known to any man, mortal or immortal.

"Sssspider-Mannnn..." The snake-dragon hissed looking at the two people it had grown to despise the most.

"L-Loki..." Thor muttered in shock and horror as a sudden realization hit him.

"Indeed." Spider-Man nodded.

This was true, Loki in his final form. A Jötunn serpent. The very mythical serpent that was prophesied to kill Thor.

(A/N: I know Jormungandr and Fenris are Loki's soon but since it's AU anyways, so I decided to make more changes. Loki has three forms basically, Asgardian, Frost Giant, and a giant ass snake one. You will understand why I did this in the future. Wink, Wink.)

"Do you still want to save a monster like this, Thor Odinson?" Spider-Man asked as tears welled up in Thor's eyes. He couldn't believe, the brother he grew up with, he grew up fighting with, grew up laughing with was the one prophesied to kill him.

Was this the reason for Loki's hatred for him?

"N-No... That can't be." Thor muttered, shaking his head in denial as Spider-Man rolled his eyes.

"Indecisive bum." Spider-Man said as opened his palm as Mjölnir flew into his hand and he smacked Thor in the face sending him flying back. Tossing the hammer in his hand, he then tossed it toward Thor as it landed on Thor's chest.

Thor shook his head, as blood dripped out of his nose and the huge cut on his face made by his own hammer as he saw Spider-Man walk towards the monsterized Loki.

He tried to get up but found himself unable to do so as the Mjölnir still under Spider-Man's influence, pinned him to the ground, disabling him from moving even an inch. Thor gripped the hammer as he tried to lift it but found himself unable to do it even as he channeled his magic through it. He didn't understand why or how, but Mjölnir for some reason considered Spider-Man more worthy than Thor for who this hammer was specifically made for.

"J-Just... What is t-that man...?"

Walking towards the serpentine Loki Spider-Man began to roll his shoulder as he began to take in deep breaths.

"You know Loki? I am impressed. From one fall to another, but you just don't know when to go down. We are so much alike. You will do anything to get stronger even if it means turning yourself into a monster and do you want to know something interesting?" Spider-Man said as the Serpent started at Loki as it got ready to attack Spider-Man.

"You aren't the only monster around here." Spider-Man said and for the first time, he let the Gamma energy flow freely through his body and he felt 'it'.

Unparalleled strength bubbling under his skin, just itching to let loose and wreak havoc on the world outside. His bones and his muscles began to shift as he began to transform. He began hulking out as with his suit transformed and evolved with him.

His simple expressive, Rorschach-patterned mask transformed into a demonic maw that of a true symbiote with numerous sharp teeth and four glowing red eyes. Two huge black and red wings sprouted from his back as the Serpentine Loki dived ahead sensing danger as his maw opened wide, intending to chomp him down before he could do anything else but...

It was too late.

"I, too am a monster..." Spider-Man began, his snapping upwards as he raised his hands and grabbed Loki's maw, preventing it from closing on him as he was dragged several steps back. His muscles bulged as he came to a halt, his face stretching into a demonic grin. He finished transforming into a hybrid monster as a black ominous halo materialized over his head.

"I am the Spider-Monarch!"


Alternative Titles:

- Peter, The Alien Beater

- All Hail The Monarch!

- The Only Things Better Than Double D's Are Double Chapters.


Yo, sorry for the late release but I think I am quite early this time. Well, compared to previous times. Also, you can already tell, why I am late.

I had to rewrite fight with Loki two times to make it look epic and I hope the final product has just done that. Personally, I am really happy with it. It made me feel giddy like a kid.

So, if you put Hulk + Cybernetic-Klyntar + Spider-Man + Magic + Divinity, what do you get? And is it OP enough? If not, then let me know your ideas so that we can make it more OP.

Also, even though I didn't want to extend the arc more than it needs to be done, I feel like one more chapter might be necessary for a satisfactory conclusion with this one. So, next chapter we will wrap the arc up and if I can, we will deal with the aftermath of the arc with a double chapter as well.

Anyways, thank you very much for the support and I love you all.

With that said, I'll see you in the next one.

P.S: Is it just me or the women 80s, 90s or even 00s were more really gorgeous?! The fuck happened man?! Did the camera just get better or did plasticity in the fairer sex become much more common and prominent?

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