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78.65% I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU) / Chapter 68: Week Worth Of Trouble: Blood River

Capítulo 68: Week Worth Of Trouble: Blood River

"Shall we dance?"

That single line sent shivers down Azazel's spine as his eyes darted around frantically. He had to get out of here quickly. The killing intent was already making him nauseous.

Azazel vanished trying to teleport away, but the dome lit up zapping Azazel and throwing him to the ground. Azazel scrambled on the ground, quickly getting up to his feet. His eyes landed on Felicia's unconscious form as a plan formulated in his brain to use Felicia as leverage.

"Oh, no you don't." Needless to say, Spider-Man didn't quite agree with his train of thoughts and he certainly did not appreciate it.

Lighting flickered around his form as Spider-Man dashed towards Felicia. Azazel vanished in a show of smoke appearing before Felicia and as he extended his hands to grab Felicia, he felt his hand being ripped off his body as Spider-Man appeared before him. Spider-Man performed a spinning hammer kick and cleanly tore Azazel's arm from his shoulder sockets.

"Ahhhhh!" Azazel screamed as Spider-Man followed up with a kick, this time aiming to turn his head into a bloody mist but Azazel managed to avoid certain death as he smartly teleported away. Appearing a few feet away, he gritted his teeth as he sealed shut the open wound using his energy.

He had lost limbs before, it was nothing his master couldn't heal but he needed to be alive for that. His master wouldn't be able to heal him if he died now. He needed to think.

He needed time.

"You... How do you know magic?" Azazel asked trying to stall as his eyes looked around for a solution to his predicament.

"I don't know. What do you think?"

"I think you are a lap dog for the monks." Azazel snapped as Spider-Man stared at him before bursting into laughter.

"Hahaha! I'm sorry... It's just incredibly hilarious to me how stupidly retarded you sound. Just which part of me would appeal to a monk let alone earn the approval of the acts that I commit?" Spider-Man chuckled. "Bitch, I breathe violence."

Azazel's eyes lit up as he found an opportunity. While he wasn't a magician, his master was a magical being and his experience with Magik and Monroe had thought him something. To break the spell, one has to break the caster.

He had to break Spider-Man.

"And I think you confused my whole brand, I have no master."

"You talk too much. Now die!" Spider-Man didn't get a chance to react as Azazel teleported in front of him and grabbed his face. Smirking Azazel blasted Spider-Man with a ray of condensed energy.

To Azazel's shock, Spider-Man didn't flinch, scream or move an inch. As the smoke cleared out, a part of Spider-Man's mask was gone exposing his glowing red eyes and the lower half of his face showcasing an amused smirk.

"I was merely humoring you." Spider-Man replied as Azazel felt death caress his spine. "Did you buy yourself enough time?"



Spider-Man brandished his talons and trusted his hand into Azazel's gut. Azazel's eyes were wide open in shock and pain. His mouth moved but no words came out, what came out was blood, flowing out of his mouth like a river. Azazel's legs flattered as he tried to fall back but Spider-Man would let him.

His body shook in pain as Spider-Man tugged at his cord. Azazel's hands griped and clawed at Spider-Man's hand but what could the dying man do? The time he borrowed wasn't more than a minute. Azazel's lower body was detached from the rest falling to the ground with a sick sound as Spider-Man crushed his Spinal Cord and tore it out of what remained of his upper body.

"Pass my greetings to your sky daddy as well." Spider-Man said tossing his spine down. Wiping the blood smeared on his lips, his face scrunched up in disgust as he tasted the blood. The AI came to life as it analyzed Azazel's DNA and displayed data of what his body would be absorbing. "Tell him that, soon I'll be sipping on his blood."

Azazel's teary eyes stared at the night sky before they lost the light in them.

"By the way, your blood tastes like shit. But hey, if it means that I'll be able to teleport, I'll take it." Spider-Man shrugged. The rest of the hand ninja felt death stalking them as Spider-Man turned his attention to them.

"Now to deal with you all."

Soon enough, blood splattered against the walls left and right as Spider-Man viciously slaughtered them and by the time the massacre was over Spider-Man was standing in front of a pile of dead bodies. Snapping his fingers, he canceled the spell as the runic dome flattered according to his wishes. A few moments later the ground bridge opened behind him as the Punisher and Deadpool stepped out of the portal along with Wraith and She-Hulk.

Everyone was taken by the gory scene except for Wade who just sighed dreamily.

"Now, this is a masterpiece!" Deadpool exclaimed putting his hand in front of him as if he was enjoying a piece of fine art. "Eh, eh? Emo boy, don't you agree?"

"Zip it, Deadjoke." Frank bit back as Wade giggled.

"Quite the scene you've caused." Wraith said as she walked towards Spider-Man. "I take it was warranted?"

Turning his head to look at her, Spider-Man smiled. "Very much so. You'll need to take Gwen and Felicia back to your old place and keep it low."

"Aight." Wraith nodded. "Jen, give me a hand will you?"

"A-Alright." She-Hulk replied with a stutter which caused Peter and Wade to raise an eyebrow.

"You alright lady?" Wade asked with a giggle, most likely coming up with a bad joke. "You look a bit green there bwahaha!"

"Just not used to this." She-Hulk looked at the pile of bodies and quickly looked away.

"Ahh, don't worry~ You'll get used to it! If it doesn't, here is my visiting card! I'll give you one-on-one coaching on how to eat, sleep and breathe violence! I have a fantastic proficiency rate of 100%! I mean just look how sexy I turned our Petey!" Wade exclaimed pulling a card out of nowhere and flailing his arms around animatedly. "Come on! You gotta join!"

"I... I think I'll pass." She-Hulk replied picking up Felicia and walking back into the ground bridge.

"I'll see you later, babe." Wraith blew Spider-Man a kiss as she followed She-Hulk before the ground bridge closed behind her.

"You are the only person I know who gets a hard-on from butchering people." Frank replied shaking his head before turning towards Spider-Man. "So... What is the plan?"

"Fisk and Nefaria are holed up in one of Fisk's old towers. The plan is obviously to raid it, gut those bitches and burn that shit down." Spider-Man replied.

"Is the source legit?" Frank asked as Spider-Man looked down at the man who was squirming under his feet.

Each bone in his hand and legs were snapped in half and all he could do was wiggle pathetically like a worm, not even able to scream or beg for mercy as Spider-Man had his foot on his face and the pressure was increasing bit by bit until.


"It was." Spider-Man replied wiping his feet on the dead man's body.

"So, no court house shit, huh?"

"None. Just execution." Spider-Man replied. "The court can fuck themselves for all I care."

"That's why you are my best friend." Frank grinned hoisting his assault rifle over his shoulder. "Let's do this shit guns blazing. Wade you ready?... Wade?"

"Hmm." The xanny man in question was crouched over a dead hand ninja's body as he tugged on their uniform thinking about something.

"The fuck you on now, Wade?"

"Ahh! Yeah, yeah! Guns blazing right? Yeah! That's always fun! But hear me out..." Wade began to speak as he undressed a ninja and presented the dress as if that explained everything. "Or we can do something... Mildly hilarious."

"Alright, I'm listening." Spider-Man replied, amused.

"Oh! By the way, Eryl asked me to give your this, catch!" Wade said as pulled out a cylindrical container and tossed it to Spider-Man, who causally received it. "She said it's just a prototype but damn dude... It's fucking gorgeous."

Looking at the black metallic liquid inside the confines of the glass container a smirk appeared on Spider-Man's face.

"What is its name?"

"I'll call it, Rorschach."


Kingpin was a man of a massive build, not only did he tower over most of the tallest men, but he was also built like a tank. And as such there was something strange about the fact a man this intimidating would be pacing, back and forth in his office, rubbing his hand in nervousness.

"Where? Where?! Where are they?!" Kingpin gritted his teeth slamming his hands onto the table as an older-looking man wearing a cape clicked his tongue, standing in the corner of the room.

"Being angry would do us no good, Mr Fisk." The man began pushing himself off the wall as he approached the raging Fisk. "I shall-"

"You shut it Nefaria or I'll tear your goddamn mouth out!" Fisk hissed pointing towards Count Nefaria who frowned.

"I've already apologized, Mr Fisk. It was a mistake on our part and we are willing to compensate but you better show me some respect or otherwise, I'm afraid even taking your life would be enough to compensate incurring the wrath of the Maggia." Nefaria retorted as Fisk clenched his fists.

"Oh, I would love to see you try-"


Kingpin and Count Nefaria were startled as Fisk's office door slammed open as a frantic-looking hand ninja interrupted their love session.

"You... You finally decided to show your face-Wait, where are others?" Wish asked already knowing that the answer wasn't going to be to his liking.

"M-Mr Fisk! They are dead! Everybody! He killed all of them!" The man stuttered in Japanese before talking in English. Fisk rubbed his temple gesturing for the man to go on and explain. "We didn't see him coming! We didn't see anything at all! We found the thief and we were bringing her over and the next thing I know is feeling dizzy! I heard screams of my dying brothers and I lost consciousness."

"You... You didn't see who it was?" Fisk asked baffled as the man shook his head.

"When I woke up I was in the back of a truck but I managed to escape using my secret kunai! You... You said this was going to be a small errand! You lied to our lord!" The ninja said pointing a finger at Fisk in accusation.

"I didn't lie. This was a small errand! You just had to catch a bitch while I was fending the cops off my back and wrapping up my business in this country! But you incompetent fools couldn't even do that?! I swear to... Hah." The kingpin extended his hand ahead, taking a deep breath as he curbed his anger. Breathing out he turned a critical eye towards the last-hand ninja. "Please tell me that you have something for me. Something that can prove that the Hand is as great as your elders preach."

"Of c-course, I didn't come empty-handed! After killing the driver and the guard, I found the Pendrive you were looking for and I have it in my possession right here! But you'll have to talk to my superior first and apologize for your insolence-"


The ninja wasn't able to react as Kingpin raised his cane and with a flick of his finger, shot a bullet out of his cane which pierced through the man's head. The ninja's body wobbled before falling back to the ground in a puddle of blood.

"You... You understand who they are right?" Count Nefaria asked pointing at the now dead ninja.

"They are Failures. They failed me." Fisk replied crouching down and searching the ninja for the Pendrive. "And I have no use of such failures."

"They are the Hand! Mr Fisk with all due respect this is incredibly bad for our business. We have to maintain-"

"You don't have to worry about our business anymore, Nefaria." Fisk replied getting up and flashing Nefaria the Pendrive. Nefaria narrowed his eyes as Kingpin cut him off. "We are officially done here. I won't do any business with your from now on."

"You... You can't do that! You promised us the shipment by the end of this year! How are you-"

"With everything you have done, you are in no place to negotiate Nefaria. Because of your negligence, I was exposed! The whole world knows my face now! I had to burn down my Miami factory to keep the fucking dogs off my tail! Haven't you done enough?!" Fisk asked raising his voice as Nefaria gritted his teeth but was unable to reply as it was true. "You should leave, now. I'll take care of the last shipment-"

"Ah! Thank you-"

"-but only if you pay me double." Kingpin added as Nefaria was startled. Sitting in front of his desk, Fisk inserted the Pendrive and began to access it. "If you agree then we can make a last deal."

"I... I agree." Pondering for a while Nefaria gave up as he truly needed that shipment to happen at all costs. His loyalty to his master wouldn't allow any failure.

"Good, now come around and look. I'll show you which route I'll be transporting the shipment." Kingpin began as Nefaria walked to him, Kingpin smirked entering the password but his good mood came to a screeching halt as instead of accessing a file something bizarre happened.


"We're no strangers to love, You know the rules and so do~"

Fisk and Nefaria stared at the screen blankly unable to process what they were seeing. A man wearing black and red spandex was dancing in front of a standing mic as he sang a song that for some reason was grating on their nerves.

"What the fuck is this?..."

"A full commitment's what I'm thinking of, You wouldn't get this from any other guy~" The spandex-wearing man then shoved his butt in front of the camera and gave it a spank as if teasing both of the men. "I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling, Gotta make you understand~"


"Ahhhhhhh! Damn it! Goddamn it!" Fisk screamed in rage as he punched the screen in unbridled rage.

"Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you~" Both of the men were startled once again as they heard the song still go on but this time it eerily came from the direction of the ninja Fisk just shot. Fisk cautiously got out of his chair as the 'dead body' moved, standing up and stretching its arms wide open. "Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you~"


"Ha... Ha... Bwahaha!" The 'ninja' burst into a fit of lecherous giggled which gave Nefaria the chills of his life while Fisk aimed his cane at it. "Damn you bitches fell for it! Hahaha~ Sometimes, my genius even surprises me! Damn, I did a good job."

"Who... Who the fuck are you?" Fisk asked as the 'ninja' turned towards Fisk and tilted his head in confusion.

"Me?" He asked grabbing the red ninja robe and tearing it off his body, exposing a man dressed in black-red spandex. "Don't you remember me?"

"You are the same guy from the fucking video! Who the fuck are you and where is my Pendrive?!"

"The name is Deadpool, Captain Deadpool." The man said spreading his arms in a show of dramatic flair. "And about that Pendrive, I don't know where it is-"


Fisk shot Deadpool again without hesitation but Deadpool was anything but dead.

"Owwww! Oh, no! You made another hole in my suit! Now, Vanessa is going to think I was getting banged by someone else! Fuck, fuck! What do I do-"

*Bang!* x 2

"Ahhhhh! Two more?! Yo, calm down dude! Don't shoot the messager! Well, you already shot me thrice but I'll let that slide since your bitchass is incapable of killing me anyways, haha. It did tickle my funny bone though, not gonna lie."

"What the fuck are you?" Wisk asked getting serious as he grabbed his cane and twisted the handle pulling a blade out.

"I'm just a humble follower of my master? Wanna meet him? I bet you do~ So allow me to introduce him to you~"


Fisk was startled as he heard the screams of his men from outside his office as a sick feeling of death flooded the entire room.

"So, without further ado! I bring to you! The star of our show! His name is-"

*Crash!* The doors were busted open as Fisk's eyes widened taking a step back while Count Nefaria narrowed his eyes. A headless body came rolling towards him, stopping in front of him as the man responsible for the execution stepped into the room.

"S-Spider-Man..." Wisk muttered.

Standing in front of him, with the severed head in his hand was Spider-Man indeed but he looked much different than what he knew.

The suit he was wearing was as black as the void. So black, that it seemed to absorb the light, glistening with a pristine metallic luster. The blood-red patterns on the suit seemed to shift endlessly as if it was a bloody Rorschach on a black canvas.

This didn't resemble a mortal. It was a monster. A blood-blotted spider.

(A/N: Now I couldn't get an image that could accurately describe the suit but I found a picture for reference. This picture is canon on Earth-19338, Rorschach-Spider does exist. The suit is black and the pattern is red. And just like Rorschach's mask's patterns, these red patterns do the same all over his body. So what do you think? I think it's a pretty good idea. I wish I was good at drawing illustrations lol.)

"Well, hello there." Spider-Man said the pattern on his mask shifting to resemble a sick demonic smile. "Considering this is our first date, I brought you a gift honey."

(A/N: Also, the patterns on his mask shift mirroring his emotions. Here are some images for reference.)

Spider tossed Fisk the severed head who just snarled and smacked it away.

"Awww, he is grumpy~" Deadpool said dramatically cupping his cheeks as if in adoration. "Kawaii~"

"You... I should have known it was you!" Fisk gritted out. "The government is after me because you set me up! Why?! It should be you who they should be going after!"

"Oh, they tried you know. But I sent my guests back in body bags after giving them a dose of my... hospitality." Spider-Man smiled as he looked around the office room in wonder. "Probably pissed them even more but meh, it's not like I care. Nice office, by the way, it's better than the last one I blew up."

Fisk opened his mouth to lash out but wisely opted to close it shut and instead he grit his teeth in a failing attempt to curb his exploding rage.

"Spider-Man it seems you aren't quite dead yet." Count Nefaria began only to have his mouth webbed up. "Maybe we can fix that-Mmphmm!"

Nefaria fell to the ground, squirming trying to remove the web.

"Shut it. It's not your turn yet." Spider-Man said turning his attention back to Kingpin. "And why you say? It wasn't much in the beginning. Nothing personal, I had some needs and you had the goods which I'll agree I shamelessly borrowed and that I am not planning to return. I cleaned up the streets because it was convenient for me, the streets were safe, I had a good rep, kept people off my back and I got some pretty good karma out of it too."


"I didn't go after you before because you bitched out of the country like a fucking weasel when I slaughtered your men, I had shit to do here so I didn't chase you around and now I baited you back in you know why?"


"Because a pretty girl asked me to. See nothing personal." Spider-Man replied happily.

"What did you just say?" Fisk gritted out.

"Are you deaf? I said it was for a friend, nothing personal at all and I was just planning to hand you over to her after giving your face a new makeover but no, you just had to make it personal." Spider-Man's tone suddenly shifted as he ejected his claws. "You laid your fucking hands on my damn family."

"You will regret it if we take this any further Spider!" Fisk said bringing up his hands. "I only wanted the thief for my Pendrive! I didn't know she was connected to you!

"You ignorance means shit to me. I could care less about why you did it. You did it and now the only thing you get is me." Spider-Man snarled as black-red lighting crackled around his hand. "Now, you better believe that nowhere is safe and nobody can save you from me!"

Spider-Man launched himself at Fisk who cursed under his breath and dashed ahead. Meanwhile, Count Nefaria finally managed to remove the web from his mouth, breathing heavily he reached for his phone and dialed a number real quick.

"What are you guys fucking doing?! Send those three in and get me out of here-"


"Na-ah~ Please, don't do that." Deadpool said blowing the smoke his the muzzle. Getting to his feet, Count Nefaria pulled out a dagger that seemed to glow as Deadpool just whistled in amazement.

"You and your friends are going to die tonight!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Okay." Deadpool stretched out before simply shrugging. "What? I mean... Feel free to try."


Taking a punch to his face Spider-Man didn't even flinch while Fisk was already suffering from a broken nose. "I'll be honest... I didn't even feel that."

"Argh! Damn you, Spider-Man!" Fisk slashed in Spider-Man's direction who leaned back avoiding the attack, before kicking Fisk behind the knee. Fisk tried getting up but Spider-Man was already in his guard. Spider-Man buried his talons into his shoulders before lifting him and slamming him to a wall. Spider-Man laced his talons with corrosive venom and stabbed them into his gut. "Ahhhhhhhhh! L-Let go! I said let go!"

Fisk desperately dished out devastating punches to Spider-Man's face but Spider-Man wouldn't bulge. Spider-Man twisted his talons severing more internal organs while simultaneously injecting the corrosive poison into his system. In a final attempt, Fisk slashed at Spider-Man's face cutting open the mask revealing an amused smile.

The smile turned into a smirk, revealing fangs as Fisk slashed at his face once again capitalizing on the opportunity. To his shock instead of letting him go and dodging backwards, Spider-Man opened his mouth and caught the blade between his teeth before applying pressure and breaking it into pieces.

"That wasn't so nice of you. But, that's fair since what I'm about to do with you won't be nice either." Spider-Man said as his mask patched itself automatically before retracting his talons from Fisk's abdomen. Spider-Man punched Fisk in the face stunning him before webbing him to the wall.

"Ugh! Damn it... Damn it! No... Nonono!" Wisk cursed shaking his head. His eyes widened in horror as he saw Spider-Man step back a bit.

Fisk screamed in defiance as Spider-Man kicked him square in the chest like a spartan. The force of the kick not only shattered his ribs but broke the wall Fisk was webbed to, sending him flying out of the building.


Spider-Man looked down as Fisk hit the ground and get splattered across the cold asphalt like a giant blood stain as even the echoes of his scream faded away.

"Damn, talk about a letdown." Spider-Man said shaking his head. His HUD confirmed the kill as he turned back setting his eye on Nefaria. "Now, onto you, Luchino."

(A/N: Btw, Count Nefaria isn't enhanced in this one.)

Count Luchino Nefaria was a sore sight, already bleeding and vomiting his stomach out as Deadpool toyed around with him.

"Ah~ I see you are done Spidey! I was about to finish this fucker off anyways glad you came~" Deadpool said as he pointed his gun at Nefaria's head. "Any last words?"

"You... You won't leave this building alive! None of you will." Nefaria said spitting at Deadpool's feet and even though Deadpool had a mask on, one could still see him rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, I don't think so buddy-"

Spider-Man who was watching Deadpool with amusement felt his Spider-Sense go off as he sensed incoming danger. But his malicious intent wasn't aimed at him for once.

"Wade watch out!" Spider-Man yelled as Deadpool ducked instinctively as a beam of laser sailed past him. Spider-Man side-stepped the attack, channeling lightning through his body. With a burst cracking the floor Spider-Man appeared behind Deadpool his hand cocked back as a man wearing a red and orange suit burst through a wall only to get punched through another once courtesy of Spider-Man.

Landing on his feet behind Deadpool, Spider-Man's hand glowed as he quickly weaved a spell and raised a shield, deflecting a laser beam and a blade made out of wind.

"What is this?" Said a man curiously whose entire body seemed to have been made out of energy.

"I have no idea. When you said this was an easy job, I would have never imagined you'd mean THE fucking Spider." Said another man who was shrouded in a blanket of wind. Dressed in a green and grey suit, the man observed Spider-Man cautiously.

"I had no idea that he was even involved."

"Hah! It doesn't matter." The first man said getting up from the rubble without a scratch. The man grinned like a maniac as he smacked his fists together. "That punch stung a bit. He will be good entertainment for a while."

Observing the three individuals Spider-Man sighed to himself. "Classic Parker luck, I could have gone a week more without this bullshit but, Nah."

"Are you ready to die, Spider-Man?" The overly muscular man asked with a smirk as Spider-Man sighed audibly. "Because I am going to enjoy crushing you."

"I've shit to do today and I have a date tomorrow so, no. No, I'm not." Spider-Man said as cracking his neck. Runes appeared around Spider-Man's arm as viciously sharp metallic lances shot out of his back. "But go ahead..."

"Bite me."

(A/N: Ohhh, Kinky~)


Alternative Titles :

- Tugging At (Spinal) Cords

- Never Gonna Give You Up!

- New Drip


So, there you go.

Sorry for the delay, this one took me quite some time to write. I had to rewrite this chapter three times before I finally settled with this. The first one was too bland like the fight scene was boring, the dialogue was robotic and it was just meh. The second one was too emo and just felt off. I finally settled on this one, I added Wade to balance off the seriousness.

Let me know what you think about this one, I hope this was good. Anyways, the next one will be the finale. So, stay tuned and keep your eyes glued to the screen for the update.

Also, what did you think about the new suit? While there isn't an image I hope my description and the reference image were able to help you imagine it. Personally, I think it's a nice concept. Once, I have some money I think I'll ask some digital artist to illustrate it for me.

The discord link will be in the chapter description and Author's Thought so consider joining and helping me build a community of story lovers.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.

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ashes_ ashes_


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