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70.78% I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU) / Chapter 61: Week Worth Of Trouble : Kitty Cat Claws

Capítulo 61: Week Worth Of Trouble : Kitty Cat Claws

"It's a beautiful morning, don't throw it away, If I gave you the sunset, you'd wish for the rain." Peter hummed as he opened his locker. "Do you even notice what I'm tryna say? If I gave you the ocean, you'd complain 'bout the waves~"

"Is that Fiji Blue?" Peter heard a familiar voice call out as he cursed under his breath. Turning around with a smile, he came face to face with one Felicia Hardy. The beautiful silver-haired babe had an inquisitive look plastered on her face as she causally stepped into Peter's personal space.

"Yep, Waves." Peter nodded.

"So I was right! The Harmony sounded familiar to me." Felicia grinned as Peter smiled.

"Since when do you listen to Chill House?"

"I've always listened to Chill House. I have a... Stressful hobby you see, and this kind of music is just right up my alley for those times." Felicia giggled as Peter sighed internally. A mischievous light suddenly gleamed in her emerald eyes as she pressed herself against Peter pinning him to the locker. "In fact, I'm quite stressed now as well."

"What are you doing?" Peter asked with a blank face as Felicia pressed her thighs between his legs and began grinding it against his member in a painfully slow manner.

"Isn't that obvious?" Felicia smirked as she leaned in only for Peter to turn his head away. Felicia grinned to herself as she slowly dragged her long fingers against his arms. "Seducing you?"

"Allow me to rephrase that. What the actual fuck are you trying to achieve by doing so?"

"You. I want you."

"Well, I don't."

"Well, that isn't true is it?"

"I already have enough women, why would I need you?"

"Because I'm better than them." Felicia smirked as she tried to kiss him but Peter wasn't having any of it. Peter stopped the kiss using his hand surprising Felicia. What surprised her, even more, was the fierce look in his eyes. "I-It was just a joke!"

"It better be." Peter warned sighing to himself as he calmed down his agitated nerves. "This is sexual harassment, ya know?"

"Women don't harass men." Felicia shook off the shivers she got as she began to tease him once again.

"Yes, they do."

"No one is going to believe you."

"Well, I'm sure they won't but they will believe the evidence." Peter said pointing towards the end of the empty hallway. Felicia looked at the camera he was pointing at and just giggled.

"No, they won't."

"Why not?" Peter raised an eyebrow.

"Because the camera isn't working dummy." Felicia giggled as Peter nodded to himself while Eryl confirmed Felicia's claim.

"I see... How do you know?" Peter asked as Felicia made a face.

"Ryan tried to kiss me here last week. And when I said he'll get into trouble he said that no one would find out as the camera is dead. I don't know how he knows about the camera." Felicia shrugged as Peter narrowed his eye. Looking at Peter's expression Felicia grabbed his cheek and pulled him towards her. "Are you jealous? So cute, hehe. I didn't kiss him. I saved my first kiss for you, you know?"

"I'm not jealous. I'm concerned for you."

"Hmph! Whatever, you don't need to worry about him. I can handle myself if he ever gets out of hand." Felicia hissed out as Peter shrugged.

"We'll see." Peter shrugged as Felicia suddenly began sniffing him. "What are... Are you sniffing me?"

"Yes, I am."

"What are you? My freaking cat?"

"I can be." Felicia hissed out as she narrowed her eyes at Peter. "And this cat doesn't like when her things are touched by others."

"What do you-"

"Why did that blonde bimbo call you into her office?"

"You do realise you are a blonde too, right?"

"Fuck off! I am platinum blonde! Also, don't deflect the conversation!" Felicia hissed as Peter just sighed.

"Nothing, special. She just wanted to give me an attitude adjustment. It didn't work clearly-"

"That's why she blew you?"


"If it was just an ideal chat then why his her fucking scent all over you?" Felicia growled as she gripped Peter's collar. The constant tugging of his body was starting to annoy Peter now.

"That's none of your fucking concern Hardy." Peter retorted as he grabbed her hand and pulled it down even though Felicia was resisting him.

"Do Gwen and MJ know about it?" Felicia smirked as Peter's hand stopped in its track.

"What the fuck are you trying to say, Hardy?" Peter asked his face twitching in agitation.

"You don't want them to find out do you-"

"Shut the fuck up, Hardy." Peter growled as Felicia scowled back in return. "Don't make me do something that I'll regret later on."

"Do as I say if you don't want to-"

Grabbing Felicia by the shoulder Peter spun her around and pinned her against the locker. Grabbing her chin Peter made her look in his eyes.

"Listen and listen well, Hardy. First of all, I am not your fucking toy." Peter hissed out as Felicia tried to struggle against him. "Don't treat me like a fucking thing and even if you don't act like you own me. You don't."

"Leave me-"

"Second thing, I have had enough of your bullshit. If you say one word against my fucking women I'm gonna smack your face into the asphalt so hard that you are going to vomit out the fucking entitlement you so fucking drunk on." Peter growled as he let go of Felicia's face.

"You are going to hit a woman-"


Felicia's words died in her throat as Peter punched the locker beside her face putting a dent in it.

"I can smack a damn bitch in the face if she ever gets out of hand. And trust me... You don't want to be that bitch right now."


"You and I, we are through. Don't approach me anymore." Peter pulled his hand back as he stepped away from Felicia. "This is the first and the last time you ever insult my women."

Tears welled up in Felicia's eyes as Peter turned to leave. Stifling down a sob, Felicia quickly wipes the tears from her eyes.

"You are going to regret this Parker! I swear to got I'll make you regret it." Felicia screamed down the empty hallway but Peter did spare her a second glance.

"No, Hardy. I will not." Peter replied. "You will regret this."

Felicia slumped against the locker as Peter turned around the corner.

"Well, well. Aren't you a heartbreaker?" A teasing voice called out as Peter rolled his eyes.

"Zip it, Romanoff."

"You broke poor miss burglar's heart." Natasha ignored Peter's words walking beside him as she continued her teasing. "What a heartless man."

"You do realise that she was demanding me to stay away from you, right?"

"On a second thought, she is a bit obsessed with you." Natasha corrected herself as Peter scoffed.

"Like you?"

"Exactly, and I don't like unnecessary competition."

"And here I thought that you were a good sport?"

"I am. Just not when it is about you." Natasha smiled to herself as she saw Peter almost lose his cool composure from the corner of her eye.

"*Ahem* Well, you sure are quick and slick with your words, aren't you?" Peter deflected as Natasha smiled.

"Hmm, not as much as you though, I'm afraid." Natasha teased as Peter rolled his eyes. "Two girlfriends, huh? And your relationship is even public, eh? I'm assuming Dr Storm is also one of your women?"


"Jennifer Walters who is still missing and Officer Watanabe who supposedly died in the line of duty also your lovers are safe and sound I take?"

"You are pretty smart, aren't you?"

"Anybody else, I may have left out?"

"May Parker."

"Ah, right... May Parker-Wait a minute?! Isn't she your aunt and your only legal guardian?"


"And... Nothing."

"That's what I thought."

"Holy shit... You transcended my expectations." Natasha smiled to herself awkwardly. "I don't mean to be rude but that's some nasty Alabama type-"

"We aren't blood-related, she just raised me. Also, she consented."

"How does that make it any better?!"

"It doesn't. I'm just telling you to get used to it."

"I think you dumbed me down to Barton's level." Natasha rubbed her forehead while Peter just shrugged.

"Whatever." Peter just waved it off as he reached the destination for his next class. "Do you need anything from me?"

"Ah! I almost forgot. Come meet at Central Park tonight, 11 PM sharp."

"I thought fancy restaurants were your first choice for a date." Peter teased as Natasha sighed.

"They still are. Sadly, we'll have to date out on rooftops in your uniforms." Natasha replied as Peter raised an eyebrow. "I need your help with something. I told you, didn't I?"

"This wasn't about you originally?"


"I'm kind of hurt, Black Widow." Spider-Man faked a groan as he playfully nursed his heart. "I didn't know these were your type of men. I must say, you have poor taste."

Black Widow activated her gauntlets as she peeked below into an abandoned warehouse through the skylight.

"These are the work mission that I have to complete and you, my darling are my personal mission that I want to complete." The beautiful woman teased Spider-Man as he just chuckled slowly.

"Alright, alright. I'm sold on that one." Spider-Man chuckled before turning completely serious as his senses picked incoming footsteps. "Shhh, they are coming."

"Mr D-Donato! Welcome, welcome-"

"Figlio di puttana! Marco! Where the fucking hell is my fucking money!" A man with a heavy accent barged into the main room as a fat, nervous-looking man, wearing an expensive suit reluctantly stepped ahead to greet the enraged man.

"S-Sir, I am afraid there have been some unfortunate developments that we weren't prepared for. Someone stole the money-"


Donato slapped the fat man across the face with such force that it almost sent the guy crashing into some crates nearby.

"Stronzo! You promised me you'll keep my money safe if I gave you another chance! I did and now I want my damn money moved!" Donato yelled at the down fat man repeatedly kicking him as the rest of the men just looked at the scene impassively. "Where is it, Marco?! Where! Is! My! Damn! Money!"

"I don't have it! I swear to God I don't have it! It was stolen! I swear-ugh! Please no more! Please!" Marco pleaded but Donato wouldn't relent as he kept smashing the sole of his boots into Marco's swollen face.

"The Count is constantly sniffing down my neck! What do I tell him?! We have to move that fucking pile of money to the fucking Kingpin for the damn weapon route! What do we do now?! What do I do now?!" Donato asked as kept kicking the guy in the face. The guy had stopped breathing a while ago, his face was a mangled mess but Donato had lost all sense of reasoning.

After a while, Donato regained somewhat of his sanity as he looked at the mess below.

"Merda! You spoiled my new shoes with your pig face you fat fuck. A fanabla cornuto!" Donato cursed as he retrieved a handkerchief from his pocket. Wiping the sweat from his forehead he dropped on the mangled face of the dead Marco, before wiping the sole of his shoe with it and stepping back. "First my money gets gone and now some stupid fucktard violated my shop! Twice! I was robbed twice! Fuloci?!"

"Yes, Sir?" A composed tall yet slender, originally from Marco's side stepped ahead as Donato lit a cigar.

"I want a full report of what was stolen and I want a solution to how to get it back when you give me the report, do you understand?" Donato asked as Fuloci nodded with a bow.

"As you wish." Fuloci replied as Donato drew a big puff of smoke.

"Do you have the Pendrive, at least?" Donato asked.

"..." Fuloci kept his silence, not looking from his bow. Fuloci's silence seemed to piss Donato even more as he pulled out a gun and shot one of Fuloci's men in the gut.



"Fuloci, I hope I don't have to do this to you." Donato warned as Fuloci nodded. "Good, I want everything that was taken back along with the one who took it."


"Good... Now get the fuck out of my sight!"

"What do you think, Spidey?"

"Maggia supervisor Marco Vassili, operated in Italy directly under Count Nefarai before he was demoted and stationed in LA. There are no records of Vassili operating in NY last six months, no drugs, no guns so the shipment must be on papers." Spider-Man concluded as Natasha nodded.

"You sniffed out most of the Maggia members a while ago. These guys might be unstable but they are intelligent enough to learn from their mistakes. They must have found how you were keeping tabs on them so they decided to do it the old-fashioned way." Natasha agreed.

"The shop he is referring to that Felicia broke into twice is registered under his wife's name. It's legal." Spider-Man rubbed his chin as Natasha hummed. "On the front at least. It seems they were selling something more than just some shiny rocks in that shop." Spider-Man added. "I'll raid the shop. Meanwhile, you try to catch Felicia. She is most likely to have the Pendrive with the Kingpin's foreign shipment details."

"Are you sure?" Natasha asked as Spider-Man shrugged.

"Sure, as long as you don't overly exploit my kindness." Spider-Man said. "I have an issue with Felicia anyway so I don't want to deal with her now. Especially, physically."

"Alright then. Let's meet up back at the park once we are done."

"Aye, aye." Spider-Man gave a mock salute as he began cracking his knuckles.

"Now, to the part of the show that's my favourite."


Alternative Titles :

- Keep Their Name Out Your Fucking Mouth!

- Ladies Man Parker

- Oh Boy~ Here I Go Killing Again


Yo, a new chapter. I'm a maniac for writing and editing till this late lol.

Anyways, I've worked hard on my dialogue writing. Let me know if it has gotten any better or if it's worse. Also, I created a small conflict between Peter and Felicia as it will increase the impact of the ending of the arc even more. So stay tuned.

Also, my new book, 'Z-Dayz: Crafting In An Apocalypse' is out. Go check it out and vote.

Anyways, I'll see you in the next one.

P.S.: BTW Jordan Peterson was de-platformed by Twitter for some 'Hateful Tweet' lol. What are your thoughts?

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