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5.4% System Gacha Multiverse (For rewriting) / Chapter 4: Chapter 04: Memories

Capítulo 4: Chapter 04: Memories


- Bankai - Tensa Zangetsu -

For a moment I was stunned watching Tom wistfully fighting with Berserker.

I couldn't help but remember those days

Before I became a GC


- Master, things are going to get difficult, I should run away together with Rin and Archer - Tom said seriously as he got into battle stance

- Don't even think, about it I'm staying here with you! - I said determined, I wasn't willing to run away and leave him alone.

[I really thought I could help him -] thought EMIYA with a bit of self-deprecation for what he was in the past.

- You're such an idiot - he said with a fond smile as he stroked her head

[- 'I remember being quite surprised that time' -]

- Well, it's time to play - He said with a serious face, and a blank stare as he fired a slash from his katana

Berserker quickly dodged that attack while making use of his immense speed to appear in front of Tom.

- Ora Ora Ora, are you only good for dodging? - He said mockingly with a big smile as his eyes sparkled.

- GROOOOOOOAAAAARR - A furious roar was the only response he received to his mockery.

- Shut up - he said drawing a bead of sweat from Rin, Shiro and Archer - GETSUGA TENSHO -

This time the slash charged with a ridiculously large amount of prana, connected, splitting Berserker in two.

Resisting the urge to vomit

Tom turned to look at where the girls and the Servant were staring at him in surprise, a bored expression appeared on his face.

- Hey, we should run away fast, preferably before he recovers - He said with a bit of impatience, after all power cut had left him low on reiatsu.

- What are you talking about, You have already defeated him- Tried to say the mage before her Servant stood in front of her.

- Master, see for yourself - The Archer (Arash) pointed to the front where the horrible and disturbing scene of all the flesh gathering and repairing the whole body to an optimal state was taking place.

- What the hell is that?! - Shiro said in horror as he watched all the shredded flesh come back together to form Berserker.

- Master/Shiro - Said both of them to which the two masters looked towards them - Time to go - said Tom before taking the two girls in his arms and making sure Arash had taken one of their shoulders.

Soon they used Tom's ability to escape from there leaving a furious Berserker and a very confused Loli about how the hell they escaped from there.


{Emiya House}

- Ufff what we were saved from - Tom said as he took a flan out of the fridge and sat down on the couch to eat.

Until he felt a look that made him panic, as he lifted his head he could see a very terrified Archer looking in horror at where his masters were releasing dark auras of such magnitude that even Angra Mainyu would feel inferior to them

- 'I'm a dead man' - he said mentally as he saw them slowly approaching towards him with sweet smiles and veins standing out on their foreheads

- Tell me Tom-san - He looked at Shiro who with a face that gave Tom absolute terror said - You could have gotten us out of there earlier but.... -

- You chose to fight with Berserker? - finished Rin while looking at him with a look that promised much much pain - Shiro Do you know what happens to bad men when they scare some pretty and defenseless girls? -

- I don't know Rin - Shiro said with the same smile as his fellow master - But I think I have an idea or two Fufufufufufu - He said while letting out an evil laugh

- 'I should definitely escape' - He thought trying to ask Archer for help only for Archer to apologize to him using his gaze.

- 'Sorry, I don't want to die yet' - Archer said to him with an apologetic look.

- 'Ugh traitor' - he thought as he was about to teleport to safety.

Only to see his efforts shot down by Shiro who had knocked him down bringing him now in what could be considered a compromising position over him.

- Ara, you didn't think I'd let you get away did you? - he said innocently with a devilish grin

- Shi-Shiro did you even see what position they're in!!!!! - said Rin visibly embarrassed

- Huh? - she said surprised only to then turn as red as her hair and then quickly run away.

- I saved myself' - Tom thought cheerfully.

Too bad things are never that simple

- She may have gone somewhere else, but I'm still here, right? - Said Dark Rin

- Oh god!' - (Tom)

- Fufufu let the fun begin - She said as she licked her lips and pulled out a whip from who knows where causing deep terror in Archer and Tom.


{Next day}

- Shiro! breakfast is ready eat so you have lots of energy for school - Tom said with a motherly smile that warmed Shiro's heart.

- Yes! -


{Later that day}

It was a day like any other day for Emiya Shiro, helping her friend Issei Ryuudo and listening to Taiga's strange advice on how to win the hearts of men, although she found it ironic since she was still single.

Which even though she pretended not to be interested she really couldn't deny that her heart was pounding when she thought of a certain black-haired boy.

She thought as she climbed the stairs

Before she knew it, she was already eating lunch on the rooftop.

He was surprised to see the door open and the person who entered was none other than Shinji Matou his former friend

An immense rage flooded his mind when he remembered that night


Tom had told her that they should patrol to check what happened with the problem of people fainting, they would end up in the hospital

They had gotten separated and she had ended up getting lost along the way

- Hoo look no more, what are you doing here Emiya-chan? - A familiar voice was heard

She turned towards the voice and with a smile she greeted her friend.

- Shinji! - she said happy to meet the seaweed head, it was always good to meet acquaintances and even more if she was lost.

- You know, it never occurred to me that you were a master too hahaha - He said with a disgusting and revolting smile - but it just makes it that much more fun.... You know I've always been tempted by those ridiculously large breasts, yeah I think I might enjoy them before Rider turns you into his food heheheheheh - He said with a face and a voice that almost made Shiro puke with how disgusting he could be

- Shinji? - She was puzzled she knew that even though the blue haired boy was a jerk most of the time he wasn't that bad or was he?

At least if this was a joke, she definitely didn't think it was funny.

Rider appeared behind Shinji, his daggers ready to attack Shiro when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks.

She had to dodge a black swing made of energy that was headed straight for her.

- Who said a scumbag like you - Tom said with a bored expression and an emotionless look but with a voice betraying his extreme anger, at that moment Shiro didn't understand until much later that Tom really cared too much about her - You even have the right to lay a hand on my Master - she said while giving Shinji a look of utter contempt

- Ri-Rider kill them kill them at once!!!!! - Shouted the Matou trash terrified by the sheer murderous intent that the Servant in front of him was unleashing, there was no doubt that he would be killed immediately as soon as he got his hands on him

Rider moved quickly trying to hit what seemed to be Tom's weak points.

- Dumb - said Tom mocking her, he had totally fallen for her feints.

He punched the gorgon in the stomach causing it to spit the saliva in its mouth, flying backwards crashing into the walls of the alley they were in while knocking down several boxes and objects in the process

- What the hell are you doing you useless piece of crap!!! Go and fight, kill them all at once damn it!!!! - Said the seaweed head while kicking Rider - But let Emiya live, hehehehehehe I'll play with her body while Sakura watches us, she definitely won't resist anymore seeing her beloved senpai reduced to nothing more than a whore who exists only to please me -.

I commented while trying to ignore Tom who was ready to make mincemeat out of him.

- Really for someone like you who is not even a Magus, in front of me, to say such words I really don't know whether to call you an idiot or praise your bravery," Rin said coldly.

She had arrived in time to stumble upon a rather horrifying scene, even if her words were horrible she couldn't let it kill Shinji.... at least not while Shiro was present

- Tohsaka - Said the seaweed annoyed, his voice was pronounced with such annoyance.

- Rin - Shiro and Tom said in unison, while the Servant seemed to be slightly annoyed by her arrival.

Shiro seemed happy to see her

Rin greeted them politely then her gaze focused on Shinji and when she was about to order Archer to finish him off

- Rin don't kill him! - he said urgently as he looked at Rin with puppy dog eyes.

- What the hell Shiro?! Didn't you hear what he wanted to do to you?! - Rin said surprised at how stupid Shiro was being.

Seeing that she didn't seem to change her mind about this, both Rin and Tom could only sigh at the girl's idiocy.

- Take advantage and run away now, because the next time something like this happens, don't even dream of getting out alive," Tom said coldly.

As he looked at Shinji, who far from feeling grateful for being forgiven, seemed more furious.

- Tch, Rider let's get out of here.... There will be another time to have fun Emiya hehehehehehehe - said between whispers the last part

Tom looked particularly ready to cut her head off at that very moment.


- You were really expecting me, weren't you Emiya-chan? ~, Rider bring me my new toy now! - He shouted to his Servant while giving a lustful look at the redhead's body.

- T-You Trace On - said Shiro while trying to block Rider's blows with an iron bar that he reinforced but barely withstood the Servant's merciless assaults.

Little by little she was being cornered to the edges of the rooftop, if she didn't do something she was sure she would be thrown off the roof.

- Come on, it won't be as bad as you think - She said with a disgusting smile, her hands moved straight to her breasts.

Her intentions were clear and without a single doubt.

- 'Tom I need you..... Please come' - she said in her head as she jumped off the rooftop.

She would never in a million years let Shinji lay a hand on her

One of her command seals glowed and the next thing she knew she was in Tom's arms and he was smiling at her as he soothed her with pats on the head trying to calm her down

-'I could get used to this..... No! What the hell am I thinking! Shiro mala this is no time to feel happy!' - She thought as her face melted into a smiling and somewhat awkward expression from the power of Tom's patting.


- 'I must admit that was one of the happiest and most embarrassing moments I've ever spent in my entire existence' - EMIYA thought as she blushed and smiled foolishly.

While the others focused purely on Berserker and Tom.

- 'Although, there was also that time during the war where we had to do mana transfer' - The Archer was blushing even more intensely to the point of looking like a lobster as she recalled "that moment" where she handed everything over to Tom


Tom and Arash used their noble ghosts.

They managed to defeat Berserker completely.

But there were great consequences in return for getting the mighty Servant out of the way, Arash died.

Tom was badly wounded after using a strange technique called Mugetsu, she didn't understand it well, because when she tried to see his history and the memories engraved on the blade with structural grip all she saw was a pale young man with blue eyes and black hair next to a guy with a white mask that would be more appropriate to call helmet besides having huge horns with black eyes and irises just like Tom's.

- Rin, what should we do Lancer and Assassin or any other Servant could hunt us, Tom will not be able to fight in the state he is in - Shiro said, in his head was very clear the concern he felt for his Servant.

It hurt him a lot to see the weak and miserable state he was in.

- So-there's only one thing left to do pe - Rin looked too embarrassed to mention it completely, if her reddened face and her hands that were moving from one side to another were taken as a sign.

- What is it! - Emiya was beginning to feel very impatient at the tsundere's embarrassed attitude.

- Shut up and listen to me!!!!! - she shouted forcefully to her friend, the annoyance was more than obvious in Rin's threatening face.

- Y-Yes - Being between life and death, Shiro nodded avoiding a possible rain of Gandr on herself.

- W-We should do mana transfer with Tom - said Rin with a reddened face and a trembling voice.

- Wh-What?! - Said Shiro while looking at Rin with total disbelief - Well, if it's for Tom I wouldn't mind - said the redhead girl ashamed and at the same time expectant.

- I-I'll do it too... But don't even think about telling anyone else what happened here! Understood? - Rin said in the same way as Shiro but with a deadly threat at the end.


{Inside Tom's room}

-'Haa what a bore' - thought Tom while watching some TV.


Until the door kicked open and in walked Rin and Shiro with very red faces as they approached Tom.

Shiro still embarrassed thought that, since they were about to do that it wouldn't hurt to tell Tom about their feelings

- To-Tom I... I wanted to tell you that I-I like you! - Shiro with his face even redder than before.

Before Tom could come out of shock from his master's words.

He watched as she brought her face closer to his as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

- I like you very much - Her eyes were teary as she looked into the eyes of the very embarrassed Servant

She confessed once more before snatching a kiss from Tom, it wasn't at all a French kiss let alone an experienced one

No, it was just the first kiss of an awkward girl in love.


Leaving aside a very jealous and embarrassed Rin to see that both of them had forgotten about her existence while they were lost in their own world.

Hell, she could even see the yellow background filled with roses and the little birds singing.

Meanwhile in Tom's mind

- No, wait, did she say she liked it?! - His mind was a total mess as he tried to sort out his thoughts.

Then as she tried with all her might to come up with a suitable answer, she felt a warm and sweet sensation in her mouth.

His mind quickly went out of his control as he realized that what he had felt were the lips of his master.

Tom.EXE has stopped working

Tom's body began to be driven by his primal instincts.

Taking the initiative he grabbed Rin's waist, pulled her closer to him and began to kiss her passionately, with his other hand he took it upon himself to caress Shiro's ass.

- Ahh ~ - drawing a pleasurable moan from the inexperienced girl as she looked up at him panting loudly.

Soon the clothes of the three of them ended up scattered all over the room

- KYAA - Shiro shouted, Tom wanted to start with her, with his other hand he decided to please Rin.

- Haaah... Haaah - Rin gasped heavily for air, her body shuddered from the pleasurable touch of the Servant's hands, her expression was a perfect mix between joy and lust, the teary look in her beautiful blue eyes did nothing but arouse the protective desire in Tom's chest making him no longer able to resist his desires over her.

Shiro could no longer stop moaning at Tom's merciless onslaught, which only continued to increase in strength.

- More... Harder Tom! Haa - Hearing that adorable voice, as well as feeling the slight pain produced by the bite on his shoulder he was giving her, he could no longer keep his mind intact and began to do it even harder.

After 2 hours, Shiro passed out with a ahegao and a silly grin on his face.

Tom would be lying if he said that it didn't turn him on to see that perverted expression on his Master's usually awkward and innocent face.

Tom turned to look at a very nervous Rin.

...A few minutes later loud moaning could be heard all around the area

That's how far Shiro remembered before his consciousness was clouded and he was taken to dreamland.


- 'And after defeating Kotomine how I was enchanted when I saw his Reality Marble, then the moment I wished would never happen.... Our farewell' - The white-haired girl thought a little sadly.


- Hmph a half-breed like you think you could do against me? - scoffed Gilgamesh, he was totally confident in his pride, in Gates of Babylon.

- Big words for a failed attempt at a Gary Stu - Tom scoffed infuriating the Archer - You and your treasury are a cheap joke and very poorly told, how many treasures did you have in life? hundreds? no, maybe thousands?, if your treasury contains so many treasures it's only because you carry the concept of having "all the treasures in the world" attached to your legend, the first hero? maybe if we were talking about your version Caster would believe it - His eyes filled with disdain as he gave Gilgamesh a dead stare - You're just trash -

- Enough talk just die like the damned insect you are!!!!! Gate of Babylon - He said as he fired large amounts of nameless swords and Noble Phantasm at him but what he never expected was....

- You wish, Gluttony - An aura of limitless malice, a manifestation of the human desire to always devour more and more.

Gula had manifested and with it...

Each and every one of his swords

Were devoured without a trace

- Really a good appetizer - said Tom caressing his stomach with a satisfied expression that only increased the irritation of the former king - Tell me King of heroes, do you think you have enough swords? - Said Tom without letting go of his contempt for his enemy.

- You-you dare to eat this King's treasure?!!!!! - he said completely enraged - I'll tear you apart you damned mongrel!!!!! - Shouted Goldie, it was more than obvious to Tom that Gilgamesh was barely keeping his sanity intact.

Tom assembled a shield with Gluttony, As he devoured the weapons thrown at him by Gilgamesh, he quickly put his right hand on his chest and extended his left hand to the front while ignoring everything around him.

- Of steel are my bones, Fire is my blood

Tempered by the evils of the world, burned by the flames of hatred and resentment

I have devoured more than a thousand swords

I have forged hundreds of dreams and hopes

Searching for the place of eternal rest the ever distant utopia

My promised dawn

My body was... - he paused for a moment and opened his eyes that shone with an immense ambition to fulfill that wish - Made of infinite blades!

Unlimited Blade Works -

A tearing sound was heard all over the place...

Then the world changed

All that was in sight were...


Gigantic, small, daggers, western, eastern... everything in sight was a green meadow full of beautiful flowers, trees and swords

All under a sky full of bright stars

He couldn't help but marvel at this beautiful scenery, but seeing all this, all he felt was.....

Loneliness and despair

Those were the feelings that permeated the entire landscape

- I won't hold back anymore Goldie - Said Tom determined - Here is my dream paradise, you should be grateful to be able to see it with your own eyes... although it's not like you can tell anyone about it -

He opened his arms while pointing all around him with a smile.

- Hmph, you're just a Faker someone like you will never defeat me - He said sure of himself despite seeing the huge amount of swords pointing at his body, at no time had he given in, his pride would never allow him.

That was one of the few good points Tom could see in the man in front of him.

- Are you sure you want to call me "Faker"? - he said puzzling his opponent - you should see better - His tone was full of mockery, clearly he was quite happy to break his bastard's confidence as an enemy

To which Gilgamesh took a second look at the ones that were nothing more than "cheap imitations", similar to the ones he had seen that reddish-haired girl producing

- Impossible?!!! - he said totally surprised

Tom smiling replied

- None of them are fakes and if you don't believe me well - He got into a battle stance while holding Kansho and Bakuya - You will prove it for yourself in the flesh - He quickly ran towards Gilgamesh.

He ran quickly towards Gilgamesh hitting and dodging his attacks and intercepting with other swords when he wanted to rain down his treasures.

- You really surprise me - Gilgamesh said smiling - Looks like I'll have to erase your filthy existence with my best weapon!!!! - His smile was turning into a dark, cold one accompanied by a nefarious feeling.

He began to pull a very strange thing out of a golden portal, it looked like a sword but it was not, he lifted it into the air while it was surrounded by a red swirl.

- It is time to start this ceremony of rupture - Gilgamesh said - Exterminate them Enuma Elish -

A chaotic red lightning bolt headed towards Tom destroying everything in its path while making a deafening sound.

- Hahaha really - Tom said with a laugh before getting serious and saying - Do you think I don't have something on that level? -

Then a katana that even the word beautiful would be an insult to its beauty appeared in his hand, he raised it high and said.

- Eternal Night!!! Gluttony!!!! - Combining that cursed katana with Gula, her power grew as she devoured the energy of Gilgamesh's Enuma Elish and did her best to devour it and empower possible evolution.

- What?! -

- This is the end of you - Tom roared cutting Gilgamesh and wounding him badly.

They were back in the real world Tom was very tired and Gilgamesh was badly wounded.

- What the hell do you think you're doing?! You can't use a Servant as a new core!! - Gilgamesh shouted and Angra Mainyu appeared trying to devour Gilgamesh.

- Heh [Gluttony - Devouring Darkness and Space] - Tom made his Gluttony devour all the evils of the world and weakened Angra Mainyu and Gilgamesh even more.

While bleeding he stood up with Zangetsu in his hand, while he was surrounded by that strange black energy

- GETSUGA TENSHO - finally the battle was over, Rin had arrived happy to have finished her work.

Tom turned to look at them both in his face you could see sadness and reluctance as he said

- It was really scary to be with you - His words made them stop in their tracks, as they wondered if they had misheard him.

They both looked at him with tears in their eyes, they must have been really bad to feel that they would miss this idiot's bullshit.

- Must you go? -

- Do you really think we are going to let you leave just like that after what you did to us?!!!" Rin shouted furiously while looking at him in a threatening manner.

- It's not that I want to, it's that I have to leave - Said Tom - You really make me wonder how I ended up falling in love with you two - He said on purpose while covering his ears.

- What?!! - Shiro said as steam came out of his head and he buried his face in Tom's chest so he couldn't see it.

- D-don't say it like that you idiot!!!!! - Rin shouted at him as she punched him in the face and sent him flying through the air.

As he did a swift somersault in the air before falling face first to the ground.

- Surely you're not Berser -

- Don't you even dare to continue what you were about to say - A Dark Rin told him ready to let him know a world of pain and despair.

- Well, in any case take care of the idiot so she doesn't get too lost in her ideals - Tom said to Rin seriously, trying to ignore what happened a few moments ago for the sake of her mental health

- Hey!!! am I that unreliable?! - Shiro asked angrily

- Calm down I'll keep her under control - Rin said while patting his chest

- Grrrr - Shiro growled only instead of looking threatening he looked super adorable.

- I trust you will do well - Tom said with a gentle smile - I love you both very much, take care of yourselves properly, don't drink alcohol and make sure you brush your teeth daily every day - he said embarrassing both girls.

Are you our mother?

they both thought with a wry smile as they wiped the tears from their eyes.

As they began to fade away Tom said

- I hope to see them again someday - he smiled again, but this smile was one that would remain engraved in the hearts and minds of both girls.

The memory of an idiot who only wished for a place to rest.


Updated 09/07/22

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