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100% ...I'm Just A Toy... / Chapter 25: ...I don't know, I don't know why I am like this...

Capítulo 25: ...I don't know, I don't know why I am like this...

It was 9 in the morning. Izuku was getting out of the shower. He put on quite comfortable clothes and went to the dining room.

Breakfast was ready. He went for a coffee so he could go and sit at the table.

Bakugou: *yawning* Damn, I feel like a truck ran over me.

Izuku: Was training that bad?

Bakugou: Yes, I had a friendly fight with Mirio. His intangibility is a problem. He dodged any explosion I made, and he hits like a drunk dad.

Izuku: Now that you mention it... I wonder if Tiger woke up, I overdid it.

Bakugou: Nah, he was in the infirmary when I went to get some painkillers.

Izuku: Damn it, I'm sure I'll get in trouble for that.

A little black-haired boy came to Izuku and Bakugou's table.

Kota: Good morning.

Izuku: How are you doing?

Kota: I have the goods.

He passed an envelope over the table. Izuku opened it and checked the content. There were ten photographs in total.

Izuku: Mmmm, these are quality.

Kota: It cost me a lot to get them. They almost discovered me.

Izuku: *looking at a picture* Mmm *reading* Eh? I hope you enjoy them, Midoriya. Signature: Shino? What the hell?

Kota: Sorry, she didn't catch me, but Pixie did... they tortured me until I gave my reasons. I had to say who they were for... by the way, it's 150 dollars more, they come signed.

Izuku: Yes, they increased their value quite a bit.

He took two 100 bills out of his wallet.

Izuku: Keep the change.

Kota: My pleasure doing business with you.

Izuku: By the way, why do you need so much money? With that, you already have about 600 dollars.

Kota: I don't know, maybe a PS5, or a bathtub full of Cheetos... dreaming doesn't cost.

Izuku: *putting the envelope away* Well, at least you know how to get the money on your own.

Kota: I risk my neck, but for about 500 dollars, I can get photos of my aunt with nothing on...

Izuku: You have my attention.

He took out his wallet, but Momo arrived at that moment.

Momo: What are you doing, Midoriya?

Izuku: *passing the money to Lota* Spending my money stupidly and unnecessarily, but in a smart way, at the same time.

Kota: Well, if I don't come back, I can tell my mom that I love her myself.

Kota left the place, leaving some confused by his words.

Bakugou: Wasn't it, "if I don't come back, tell my mommy I love her?"

Izuku: His parents are dead...

Bakugou: OOOOOH, that was funny.

Izuku: Yeah, I have to admit it, but it is better that he take things with humor, and not end up as someone bitter.

Bakugou: You are right.

Momo: Why do you take it with such humor?!

Izuku: My parents left me about a year and a half ago, Bakugou's parents are divorced, dysfunctional families. We have the right.

Momo: That's not true. That doesn't give you the right to mock him.

Izuku: Why don't you go watch Shoto having sex with Tsuyu and then go cry behind a tree?


She left really angry. It already hurt her to see her love interest with someone else, and now Midoriya came and reminded her.

Bakugou: Are you still on that Shoto thing?

Izuku: Yeah, now I have to put up with her even more because Shoto and Tsuyu became a couple at who knows what time... it really sucks.

Bakugou: You are fucked.

Izuku: You'd understand if you had a girlfriend.

Bakugou: I'm sorry, it's that with your mother, I didn't want to go for more.

Izuku: How curious. Your mom and I have only started.

Bakugou: Enough of your mother's jokes, or this will end badly.

Izuku: Are you afraid of losing?

Bakugou: Bigger than the earth, and guess, I'm stepping on it.

Izuku: You don't have the balls to even...

BOOOOM!! A huge explosion was heard. The tables and some of class A were blown away by the magnitude of the shock wave.

Aizawa: What the hell!!! Can I sleep in Peace???

He went to see the cause of the explosion. Izuku came out of the small crater dragging Bakugou by one leg. He was unconscious.

Aizawa: You guys did this?!!

Izuku: Would you believe me, if I told you that a gas pipe blew up?

Iida: But if we are in the middle of the forest, there are no gas pipes.

Izuku: You are not helping.

Bakugou regained consciousness for a few seconds.

Bakugou: Shut your fucking mouth, nerd.

And he fell unconscious again.

Aizawa: You are going to get punished! You two will clean up this mess yourselves, and rebuild the cabin you destroyed!! Do you understand?!

Izuku: Hai, sounds fair.

He slapped Bakugou in the face to wake him up.

Bakugou: Eh? What happened?

Izuku: You lost again.

Bakugou: Damn it.

Izuku: And now we have to clean up the mess.

Bakugou: Damn it!

Izuku: In addition to repairing a cabin, just the two of us.

Bakugou: God fucking DAMN IT!





After about half an hour, both were cleaning the area of ​​the remains of metal and other materials that were damaged by the explosion, being supervised by Nemuri and Rumi.

Nemuri: And that sweatshirt?

Rumi: Is mine, what?

Nemuri: Nothing, I think I've seen it somewhere.

Rumi: Coincidence.

Nemuri: Yeah, it could be that.

Meanwhile with Izuku...

Izuku: And what do we do with all this garbage?

Bakugou: What do I know?

Izuku: Do we burn it or blow it up?

Bakugou: Nah, with an explosion it would spread again.

Izuku: Then we burn it.

Bakugou: From where do we get gasoline?

Izuku: Let me ask.

He went to Mandalay's office to ask for gasoline or a place where he could throw the trash.

*Knock Knock knock*

Mandalay: You can come in.

Izuku: Excuse me... I was wondering what we do with the garbage we collected.

Mandalay: There is a garbage container a kilometer from here, you should have seen it when you arrived, there you can take the garbage.

Izuku: Thank you... fine, I'm leaving.

Mandalay: Wait a minute... tell me, did you like them?

Izuku: What are you talking about?

Mandalay: The photos.

Izuku: At that... yes, I can't complain.

Mandalay: Take it as a reward for saving my nephew.

Izuku: *whispering* Yeah, a reward that cost me 600 dollars.

Mandalay: What?

Izuku: nothing, I just appreciate that you signed them and that... well, I'm leaving.

He left the office and returned to Bakugou.

Bakugou: And?

Izuku: Now we have to take this garbage to the container that is a kilometer away.

Bakugou: Don't fuck with me... the one next to the entrance?

Izuku: That one.

Bakugou: Who the hell would think of building a container this far away?

Izuku: Cheap engineers.

Bakugou: Ok, let's finish this quickly, I'm already hungry, and I've been sober for a week.

Izuku nodded.

Izuku: I think we misdistributed each other's weight.

Bakugou: You think?

Izuku: Yeah, like, what's the difference between the 50 kilos you're carrying and the 300 that I'm carrying?

Nemuri was on top of the cargo that Izuku was carrying on his back. She still had the task of supervising them. Rumi had returned to her lookout post.

Nemuri: I don't weigh that much, do I?

Izuku: If you get off, I'm sure the load will be cut in half.

Nemuri: You dare to speak like that to your pretty sensei?

Izuku: We can discuss the pretty thing.

Nemuri: Your punishment just increased, and you still have to repair the cabin you damaged, you won't get a break.

Izuku: Bakugou is also to blame.

Bakugou: You started it.

Nemuri: Both of you keep quiet and quickly finish your tasks.





Izuku was carrying a log on his shoulders, they were still with their punishment, and now they were repairing the cabin that was damaged by the explosion.

Izuku: Well, that would be the last one.

Bakugou: Ok... let's see... according to the blueprints... I don't know how to read blueprints.

Izuku: *takes away the blueprint* I already found the mistake... it's the blueprints to build a table.

Bakugou: And why did they give me that?

Izuku: And what am I going to know? Give me a moment...

Izuku took out his notebook, walked around the cabin, and was drawing for a moment. After ten minutes, he had everything ready.

Izuku: Well, I think this will work.

Bakugou: Do you think you're an engineer or what?

Izuku: I'm hungry, and I want to finish quickly, so bring the tools.

After an hour and a half, they were finally done.

Bakugou: It doesn't look bad...

Izuku: Playing with legos in elementary school did pay off.

Bakugou: At least we learned something from school.

Izuku: That and how much plasticine can a child eat before getting poisoned.

Bakugou: Yeah, we shouldn't have forced him... but it was fun.

Izuku: You're right, *looking at his watch* it's time for lunch.

Nemuri: Bakugou can go, but you stay half an hour more Midoriya, your punishment is still on.

Bakugou: Fine, you take care.

He left, leaving the green-haired boy and Nemuri alone.

Nemuri: Tell me why Rumi had one of your sweatshirts.

Izuku: How curious.... she asked me the same question as you.

Nemuri: So she was in your room yesterday?

Izuku: Yes, she went to ask me why you had one of my sweatshirts.

Nemuri: Did you sleep with her too?

Izuku: Does that matter to you?

Nemuri: Answer me!

Izuku: No, I didn't sleep with her, now leave me alone, I'm hungry, and I'm not in the mood to put up with you.

Nemuri: What's going on between you two?

Izuku: What do you mean?

Nemuri: Do you have something with her?

Izuku: Depending on where you look at it, I was literally sold to Rumi, so our relationship is a bit complicated.

Nemuri: So you two do have a relationship.

Izuku: I have no idea, the same thing happens to me as to you.

Nemuri: And yet you don't feel guilty? You're despicable, you know? A disgusting human being.

Izuku: I remind you that you were the one who seduced me, so you're no different.

Nemuri: How many more?

Izuku: What?

Nemuri: How many more women have you deceived with your words, and seduced them?

Izuku: No idea, most of the time I don't do anything... so I haven't seduced anyone.

Nemuri: So, you just ignored me?

Izuku: Take it as you wish, I had my reasons for not being interested in you... now I have a reason to like you, and that's it.

Nemuri: Now you will admit that you love me?

Izuku: You don't get tired right? You know the type of person I am. If you want, you can get away from me and not bother me anymore.

Nemuri: No thanks, I still have my reasons to be with you... so come and take care of me.

Izuku: You have a very serious double standard.

Nemuri: You are not one to talk about it.

Izuku took her by the waist and pulled her towards him to kiss her, taking her behind the cabin in case someone happened to pass by that place and find them in the middle of the act.

He kissed her for a couple of seconds, exploring her entire mouth. The hunger he had at that moment forced him to bite her lip.

Nemuri: You're being pretty rough today.

Izuku: You taste much better than yesterday, I just want to have more of you.

Izuku put his hand under Nemuri's shirt and massaged her breasts, listening as she let out small moans that were completely silenced by his kisses, although they had to stop when Izuku heard Aizawa's footsteps:

Nemuri: Eh? Why did you stop?

Izuku came out of hiding and sat on the ground.

Nemuri: Hey, don't ignore me!

Izuku: Three... two... one...

Aizawa: Midoriya, your punishment ended 20 minutes ago. Why didn't you go to eat?

Izuku: I received extra punishment for offending Midnight-sensei.

Aizawa: Well, I'll be considerate for today, you can leave now.

Izuku nodded, brushed the grass off his pants, and left. Finally, he could eat something. He hadn't been able to eat his breakfast because of the explosion they had caused with Bakugou.





Izuku was bored, Bakugou was in the same situation, and Kota joined them minutes later.

Bakugou: I never thought that a camp was so boring.

Izuku: The activities will start tomorrow, at least we can go fishing in the river.

Bakugou: Did you bring fishing rods?

Izuku: I knew I was forgetting something... well, I can convince Yaoyorozu to create some.

Bakugou: That doesn't solve anything, I'm bored today.

Kota: Let's go to my secret place.

Bakugou: Do you have something to do in that place?

Kota: No, but they won't be able to see us there if we do something.

Izuku: Not a bad idea... give me a moment.

Izuku ran to his room, searched his suitcase for the whiskey bottles, put them in the inside pockets of his sweatshirt, and returned to Bakugou.

Bakugou: What did you go looking for?

Izuku: How many days have you been sober?

Bakugou: Six days, why?

Izuku: Make that zero.

Bakugou: Good, I was already thirsty.

Kota: What about me?

Izuku pulled a bag of Cheetos out of his pocket.

Kota: Interesting, let's go now.

They walked for about half an hour until they reached Kota's new secret hiding place, which he had recently found.

Izuku took out the three bottles of whiskey.

Bakugou: Well, I hope I know how to go back later.

Izuku: Kota is our ticket.

Kota: What am I supposed to do?

Izuku: You can use your quirk to take us back, it was telekinesis right?

Kota: Hydrokinesis.

Izuku: Damn it.

Bakugou: Once my mom threw me in the shower with ice to get rid of my drunkenness.

Izuku: It could work.

Kota: Fine, but I'm not responsible if they get sick.

Izuku: Leave that to us.

The green-haired boy opened the first bottle and drank a quarter of it in one sip, it was smoother than the vodka he drank yesterday, but it still burned his throat a bit.

Bakugou imitated the action and drank the contents of the bottle until it was half full.

And Kota did not understand what was the taste of drinking alcohol.

Kota: Why do you like to drink that?

Izuku: I don't know, why do you like Cheetos?

Kota: Because of their flavor and because they are crunchy.

Izuku: The same with alcohol, it has a nice taste once you get used to it.

Bakugou: Do you want a sip?

Kota: Just a little bit...

He took a sip and spat it out right away, his tongue burning a little.

Kota: No, it doesn't taste good at all... I'll just stay with my apple juice.

Izuku: You're too young to appreciate alcohol.

Kota: Whatever you say, sir, you are 16 years old. Don't tell me I am young!

Izuku: The alcohol took its toll on him.

Kota: Your mom.

Izuku: No, your mom.

Kota: I don't have one.

Izuku: Me neither.

Izuku/ Kota: Hehehehe.

Izuku took out a cigarette and lit it, relaxing completely. He was calm, listening to the wind that moved the trees and the sound that Kota caused when eating his Cheetos.

Bakugou: *lighting a cigarette* I think I left the stove on at home.

Izuku: But you don't cook.

Bakugou: Oh yeah, that's true.

The bottles were running out until they were having to share the last one.

Kota: It smells like something is burning.

Bakugou: Excuse me, it's me.

The effects of the alcohol were starting to kick in. Bakugou was trying to light a cigarette and ended up burning the sleeve of his sweatshirt.

Izuku took a puff of smoke, finished his fourth cigarette of the evening, took a sip of whiskey, and went out for a moment to pee...

Izuku FUUUUuuuuck!!!

He fell, rolling downhill, hitting a tree, and staying there.

Kota: Are you okay?!

Izuku gave a thumbs up.

Izuku: I am fine, did one of you see my shoes?

Bakugou: Hahaha, stupid Deku, no wonder your mom doesn't love you.

Izuku: Mine not, but your mom does.

Bakugou: You are dying today...

He took a step and stumbled, rolling down the hill, only this time, there wasn't a tree to stop him.

Bakugou: FUUUuuuuuck!!!

Kota: This one is dead *eating a Cheeto*

Izuku: Are you alright?!

Bakugou: AAAAHH... I think I fell on a rock... yes, I'm fine.

The green-haired boy stood up with great difficulty. He adjusted his shoulder which had come loose due to the impact against the tree.

He walked over to where Bakugou was and helped him up.

Bakugou: I think it's time to go.

Izuku: Yeah, *looking at his watch* it's kind of late.

Bakugou: I don't remember where I am.

Izuku: Me neither... where are we?

Kota: Was it the alcohol or the hit that made you two dumb?

Izuku: A little bit of both.

Kota: Let's go, if I'm too late my aunt will ask me questions, and then we're all screwed.

Izuku nodded, carrying Bakugou on his back and following Kota back to camp.





The green-haired boy was coming back to his room. He had already left Bakugou in his room and had said goodbye to Kota.

He took the keys to his room and went inside to throw himself on his bed, he had missed dinner, but he was too drunk to eat anything.

*Knock Knock knock*

Izuku: And now, who the hell is it?

He opened the door, Momo walked in without even asking. Apparently, it was quite popular to invade the green-haired boy's personal space.

Izuku: What do you want Yaoyorozu?

Momo: I only came to... you smell like alcohol... were you drinking?!

Izuku: Just a little bit.

Momo: You're irresponsible, and besides being an idiot, you're a drunkard.

Izuku: Tell me what the hell you want, and then get out.

Momo: I just wanted to talk to you about Todoroki.

Izuku: That you couldn't talk to Jirou?

Momo: No, I don't want to talk to her about this.

Izuku: And why do you think I'm interested in knowing how you hate seeing Shoto happy?

Momo: I don't hate that he's happy. I just hate that it's not with me. I hate that he kisses Tsuyu and not me.

Izuku: Go to hell and stop bothering me. Shoto fell in love with someone else, and accept it once and for all.

Momo: Don't talk to me like that!

Izuku: How do you want me to talk to you, huh?! You bother me every fucking day with your shitty problems. I couldn't spend time with my daughter because of a lady who didn't want to get married... FUCK YOU!!

Momo: You don't understand. You don't know how much I suffer for not being able to hold him in my arms and be able to kiss him!

Izuku was already tired of this situation. The alcohol and his mentality gave him the courage to stand up.

He grabbed Momo by the wrists and pinned her against the wall, forcing her to look him straight in the eye.

Izuku: Understand what?! You're just a spoiled girl who, if she can't get what she wants, pesters others to get it for her!!

Momo: GET OFF ME!!

Izuku: Why should I? Right now, I can get my revenge for all the times you bothered me.

He took her to the bed. He was on top of her preventing her from moving.

Momo: I told you to GET OFF ME!! What the hell is wrong with you?!

Izuku: I just got bored, and you know what, I'm going to take away something pretty important to you.

Momo: What are you going to do to me?!!

Izuku: I'm just going to take your lips. Shoto didn't want them, why waste them?

Momo: If you do, I swear I'll sue you for r*pe!!

Izuku: Hehehe, let's see if your lips are worth the years in jail.

Izuku grabbed her chin, she still had her wrists imprisoned.

Momo tried to get away, but it was impossible. She was completely subdued before the green-haired boy, without any chance to escape.

Tears began to fall when she felt how her first kiss was stolen by force, although he did not try to invade her mouth, even so, his lips had the essence of whiskey...

The kiss only lasted a couple of seconds. The green-haired boy left her lips alone. He appreciated Momo for a moment, her tears, her hatred... he approached Momo to whisper in her ear.

Izuku: *whispering* Please, forgive me.

Momo: *crying* Just let me go... let me go...

There was no response, Momo felt how Izuku's body weighed more, and his grip began to loosen.

Momo: *sobbing* Please let me go, Izuku... Izuku... Izuku?

The green-haired boy had fallen asleep.

Momo with effort got rid of him...

She was angry, she felt hate, fear, a mixture of emotions... but, she still felt weird when she heard what Izuku was babbling in his sleep.

Izuku: *asleep* Forgive me, mother... I didn't want to do it... it was an accident... I'll behave better... please don't leave me alone... I don't want to be alone... don't go... she's my friend... why can't I see her?... I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, please forgive me, I can't be your friend anymore... don't hate me, please... Don't leave me alone, please...

Tears began to fall, it seemed, he was not having a nice dream.




In the dream...




Inko: Understand Izuku, you can't have female friends, so you'll stop playing with that girl.

Izuku: But she's my friend, I don't want to.

Inko: I told you that you can't, period. Now go and tell her that you can't keep playing with her or you'll stay home alone... you want me to go and leave you with your father.

Izuku: *sobbing* No, no please, don't leave me alone, I don't want to be with him... please don't leave me...

Inko: Then do as you're told.

Izuku nodded, took his red shoes, and went to the park to talk one last time with his friend.

Izuku: I'm sorry... but mom won't let me play with you.

???: She also thinks my quirk is scary, right? Or is it an excuse because you're scared of me too?!

Izuku: It's not that... I just can't... I'm not afraid of you, but mom ordered me to.

???: No, you're lying!! You're afraid of me too, you're lying!! You don't want to be with me!!... *sobbing* If you didn't want to play with me, you just had to tell me, you shouldn't have pretended you were my friend.

Izuku: I didn't pretend.

???: You are lying, lying, you are LYING!!! You are like the others!! I hate you!! I hate you so much!!

Izuku: *sobbing* I'm not lying, you're my best friend... please don't hate me Toga... please don't...

Toga: I don't want to see you anymore!! I hate you!!

She ran off, leaving the park... that was the last time he would see her.

Izuku: *sobbing* Please don't go... please don't leave me alone... I don't want to be alone...

The little green-haired boy stayed there for half an hour... it hurt him, his heart hurt a lot. Even if there was no wound, even if he activated his regeneration, the pain persisted with no sign of being able to calm down.

He got up from the ground and went home.

Inko: You already talked to her and told her that you couldn't keep getting together?

Izuku: Yes, mother.

Inko: Aren't you lying?

Izuku: No, I'm not lying to you, mother.

Inko took a knife and approached Izuku, her eyes showing no good intentions.

Inko: Izuku, tell me the truth... will ya?

The little one went into trance... and nothing...

Izuku couldn't remember anything...

He kept shedding tears asleep...

Momo began to worry, for a second she stopped thinking only about her and tried to help him.

Momo: Izuku!! Izuku!! Wake up!! It's just a nightmare, wake up!!

Izuku woke up for just a few seconds, took Momo by the arm, and threw her next to the bed, while he kept asking for forgiveness, over and over again...

Momo: Wake up!! Hey, let go of me!

Izuku: *asleep* Don't leave me alone... please... I... I... I don't want you to leave me...

Momo: I'm not the one you're dreaming of, so wake up and let me go!

The grip became firmer, he seemed not to want to let go of her, as if he wanted to prevent her from leaving at all costs... wanting to keep her with him...

Momo: It's okay, I give up... once you're conscious, you'll pay for what you did to me... and I'll never see your face again... ever... ever...

As the minutes passed, Momo was still in the arms of the green-haired boy, she began to caress his head, running her hands through his hair, finding one or another twig or dry leaf.

Momo: Look at you now... you soaked my clothes with tears... you're always rude and defensive, teasing me... and now... you're so helpless. I hope you hear this in your dreams... but I really hate you...

Momo yawned, she felt really tired... she looked at the green-haired boy and then at the ceiling of the room...

Momo: I am a nuisance to you, right?... And I bother you every moment for something that I doubt is of interest to you... sometimes I hate to see the smiles of others... especially yours. You make fun of everyone, you are an idiot, violent, drunk.... and still, you smile for who knows what...

Her eyelids were heavy, and little by little she began to fall asleep... she closed her eyes for a moment, and didn't open them anymore... Unconsciously she looked for Izuku's warmth, snuggling into his chest.

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