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92.59% ...I'm Just A Toy... / Chapter 23: ...Look at me in the eyes...

Capítulo 23: ...Look at me in the eyes...

It was quite early in the morning. Izuku woke up, not because of the alarm or on his own merit. He woke up with a start when he felt something soft and warm on his lips.

Izuku: What are you doing?

Fuyumi: Eeeeeh?!!! I, I... forgive me!!!

She quickly left the room completely red and embarrassed.

Why? Maybe satisfying her curiosity and kissing Izuku while he was sleeping was not such a good idea...

Izuku: Well, it wasn't a bad way to start the day.

He got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After putting on his uniform, he took out a suitcase from the closet, took enough clothes for five days and put them away, went down to the kitchen and from the high shelves he took out three bottles of whiskey and one of vodka.

He returned to the room and put them among the clothes in the suitcase, quite well camouflaged in case there was baggage inspection. He looked at his watch, 6 am, there was still plenty of time.

He went down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, But there was Fuyumi, it seemed, she would take care of it again.

He came over and hugged her from behind.

Fuyumi: Kyaaaaa!! I-iz-izuku!! W-what are you doing??!!

Izuku: I'm hugging you, isn't it obvious?

Fuyumi: Yes, I know, but, um, I...

Izuku grabbed her chin and forced her to look into his eyes, and yes, there was fear in those eyes. They began to shine, threatening to shed tears.

Izuku: You know, I wanted to sleep a little longer, but you woke me up... and you have to take responsibility for it.

He caressed Fuyumi's cheek. They were soft and warm. He got closer little by little, until they had a light brush of lips, stimulating the senses, until culminating in a kiss, soft and gentle, that's how it could be described.

It lasted a couple of seconds. Izuku ended the kiss, still caressing her cheek while looking directly into her eyes.

Izuku: If you ever want something, you just have to ask me, understood?

Fuyumi: *blushing* I-I will.

He kissed her on the tip of the nose and left the kitchen to leave her alone.

She was red as a ripe tomato, she collapsed and fell to her knees on the floor, her pulse was racing, and her breathing was heavy, he had kissed her, it was much more embarrassing than when he was asleep and thousands of times more intense. She tried to calm down, took a deep breath until her pulse normalized, got up from the floor, and went on with her business, although the red tone did not leave her cheeks at any time.

Izuku was checking some news on the internet the robbery of the armored car was already in the forums and the news.

He turned on the television, switched to the news channel, and sure enough, it was already on more than 12 different channels, and it was not for less, four murders, 21 million dollars stolen and an armored car completely destroyed, and most importantly, there was no witnesses nor suspects.

Tv: The information provided by the police has not been very helpful, apparently, everything happened late at night. The vehicle that was transporting 21 million dollars was found completely destroyed, along with the lifeless bodies of 4 employees. An attempt has been made to find a witness to the event, but the robbery was carried out in the middle of the road, apparently, the thieves were aware of their surroundings and had large caliber weapons. Two 122mm caliber projectiles were found, up to the moment there are no suspects, it is believed that they may be a criminal organization, of at least 10 or 12 people who carried out the robbery... that is all the information we have on the case at the moment.

Izuku turned off the television. He had already heard what he needed. Apparently, everything went according to plan, now he just needed to do some money laundering, and everything would be solved. He took out his notebook and crossed out objective number one.

Izuku: *checking his watch* I better go wake up Eri.

He went up the stairs and went to the little girl's room.

She was sleeping peacefully, cuddling with Tyson, who was snoring, and yes, it was quite an adorable sight.

Izuku: Eri, it's time to wake up...

Eri: Hmm, 5 more minutes...

Izuku: Tyson.

Tyson: *snoring*

Izuku: What a guard dog... with this security, it was more reliable for me to buy a little pig. That way, at least I would have bacon.

Eri: *drowsy* Tyson is better... he's just as chubby as a pig, but that's all.

Izuku: Okay, I take it back, but you have to get ready to go to school, today I have to go camping so I'll have to take you earlier.

Eri: *yawning* Okay, let's go, Tyson...

Tyson: *more snoring*

Eri: Treacherous Judas.

Eri left her pet to continue sleeping and headed to the bathroom to wash her face and change into her uniform.

Izuku went down and went to sit on the sofa again.

Fuyumi: Breakfast is ready...

Izuku: Hmm? You are very red, do you have a fever?

Fuyumi: N-no, it's not that... I-I'm just hot, that's all.

Izuku approached and touched her forehead, but that was just an excuse to steal a kiss from her, it was quite funny to see her reaction, how she blushed furiously and her legs trembled, her crystalline eyes threatening to shed tears but lacking in fear or something similar.

Izuku: Hehehe, you were right, you're not sick, but, I better make sure.

He went to sit down so he could eat his breakfast and go to the UA.

Eri went downstairs, carrying her pet in her arms, went to a shelf and took out Tyson's croquettes, served them in a bowl, and let him eat. She washed her hands so she could sit at the table and have breakfast.

Izuku: As you know, I won't be home this whole week, I'll be back on Friday afternoon.

Eri: Where will I stay?

Izuku: I was thinking about having Fuyumi take care of you this week, of course, if she doesn't mind.

Fuyumi: Don't worry, I'll take care of Eri.

Izuku: Well, that's one problem less, you'll have to drop her off at school and pick her up in the afternoon.

Fuyumi: Alright!

Izuku: Do you know how to drive?

Fuyumi: N-no...

Izuku: Ok, I'll leave you money to pay for the taxi.

Fuyumi nodded.

The breakfast was quite calm. Izuku stopped for a moment and observed the situation. They seemed like a family, wife, daughter, and pet. For some strange reason, it felt quite good, that warm feeling of having a family again was nice... that thought vanished when he felt Tyson bite his leg trying to take off a shoe.

Izuku: *looking at his watch* It's time to go, Eri. Go get your helmet and backpack.

Eri went to her room for her things...

When she was at the door, she faced a difficult situation. She had to leave Tyson at home. She had not left him alone since they bought him at any time. It was a difficult situation for the mind of a girl.

Eri: I'm sorry little one, but I have to go to school.

Tyson: Woof?

Eri: It's like a prison, but with homework.

Izuku: That's a good description... don't worry, Eri, cool Tyson should stay home and take care of it.

Tyson: Woof woof woof >:3!! [translation: don't you see that I'm still a cub, you fool]

Fuyumi: Don't worry Eri, I'll take care of him while you're gone.

Eri: It's fine, but you have to feed him six times a day. He likes to have his belly scratched and his dark glasses.

Fuyumi: Ok, I'll remember.

Izuku: Alright, we're leaving now.

Fuyumi: Good luck to you two.

Eri put on her helmet, gave the cool Tyson a final head rub, and left.

Izuku approached Fuyumi and kissed her forehead. He didn't want to bother her anymore for today. He put on his helmet and went to the garage for his motorcycle.

Izuku: I almost forgot.

He went for some documents that he had to give to Nezu.

He put Eri on the bike, turned it on, and left for the UA.





After dropping Eri off at her school he carelessly sped off to UA, arriving with plenty of time to spare.

He parked and immediately headed for Nezu's office.

Knock Knock knock.

Nezu: You can come in.

Izuku: I brought the documents you asked for.

Izuku handed them over.

Nezu: *reading* Let's see... okay... yes, everything seems to be in order.

He took out a folder from his desk. He searched through the files until he found the ones indicated for Izuku to sign.

Nezu: Well, sign this, and you'll be all set, and congratulations on your marriage.

Izuku: I don't know if it can be called that right now, but thanks anyway.

Nezu: *checking* You can go now, young Midoriya.

Izuku nodded, leaving the principal's office and going to his classroom.

They all had their luggage, some traveling lighter than others.

Izuku: *checking his watch* It seems that sensei is late.

Aizawa: No, I am here.

Izuku: You sleep in the classroom, and you're still late.

Aizawa: I don't sleep in the classroom. I just got there real early and fell asleep. Okay everyone, get your things and head to the bus. It's going to be a long trip, so go to the bathroom before you get on.

Izuku took his things, and before getting on the bus, he made a little trip to the bathroom.

In the halls, he saw something quite interesting, Shoto and Tsuyu kissing.

Izuku: Well, officially, I won't be able to get rid of Yaoyorozu for a looooong time... fuck.

He deviated from the path since he had the decency not to interrupt a couple's moment, and it was a good decision. He could make out with someone of prickly green hair...

Izuku: Looks like you got tired of praying.

Ibara: Eh? Izuku...

Izuku: It's a pretty lonely hallway... and there's no camera... how convenient.

He approached Ibara and kissed her. She didn't resist. She simply let herself go, why? Resisting would be even worse, she was still somewhat afraid of Izuku's presence, but that was overshadowed by other feelings that little by little developed into something. Was it love? Who knows, it was closer to hate with certain touches of attraction and a pinch of satisfaction, a combination that worked for both parties. Little by little, the kiss was losing intensity until giving it up finished.

Izuku: I still don't understand why your lips taste like fresh mint.

Ibara: And I still don't understand why you always have to show up when I'm at peace.

Izuku: Who knows, maybe fate wants me to be the owner of your lips.

Ibara: You got what you wanted, now go.

Izuku: And that coldness?

Ibara: I still hate you, and I don't want to see you either.

Izuku: Well, you can be glad. You won't see me for a week.

Ibara: I forgot that class A would have a camp. It will be a great relief that you are not here. God, he answered my prayers.

Izuku: God, the principal, Aizawa-sensei, call him what you want.

Izuku's watch rang, he had to go to the bus, he hurried, quickly kissed Ibara and went to the bathroom.

Ibara: *sighing* I'd better go back to my classroom.

She returned to room B. She saw for a moment through the window. She was able to observe class A waiting for Aizawa to give the seating order. Izuku arrived a minute later in a nonchalant way. Something crossed her mind, an idea to change Izuku and make him a good man. Everyone has a weakness. If she found out which was Izuku's, she could manipulate him to change his attitude. She got up from her seat since she knew perfectly well who could help her discover izuku's weakness.

Ibara: Reiko, could you come here for a moment, please?

Reiko: Okay... what do you need?

Ibara: When you presented your quirk, you said you could tell a person's weakness, right?

Reiko: Yes, I can see the presence of people to know some things.

Ibara pulled her to the window.

Ibara: You can see them, right?

Reiko: Course A?

Ibara: You see the green-haired boy with wild hair?

Reiko: Yes.

Ibara: Can you tell me what his weakness is?

Reiko didn't know the reason for her classmate's request, but she wanted to help her, so she saw Izuku for a moment, and when she managed to see his presence...

She began to sweat. Shivers ran through her body, a cold and upset stomach, she was afraid, very afraid, she trembled, Ibara worried, she moved her trying to make her react.

Ibara: Reiko, Reiko! Are you okay?!

Reiko: He, he, has n-no weaknesses... no, don't make me see him again, please!

She was still shaking, she was scared, what she saw was horrible, worthy of a horror movie.

But what did she see? Hundreds and hundreds of mutilated bodies, people who begged for mercy, souls in pain who begged for freedom, all that presence came together to shape a beast, or rather, a demon.

An oversized, blood-red, sharp-toothed presence that looked more than dangerous to the naked eye, she watched as the demon took a head from a mutilated-looking corpse and used it to feed dragon heads.

It all culminated when the demon noticed the sight they had an eye on him.

Reiko was in the sight of the demon. That's when all the terror she felt increased. She didn't want to continue watching. She didn't want to continue watching how the demon tore apart bodies to feed those heads, she could even hear the screams of agony from each body, head, or limb that was used as food for the demon, and it was worse when Izuku still noticed her gaze on his back.

Reiko: *altered* He s-saw me, he knows about my pre-presence.

Ibara: Who?!

Reiko: The demon, he looked me straight in the eye, he knows I can see him, I'm scared Ibara, please don't make me see him again, I don't want to see him.

She began to sob, which upset the entire room.

With Izuku...

Izuku: Weird, I felt like someone was watching me... meh, maybe it was my imagination.

Aizawa: Okay, has everyone already chosen who to sit with?

Some nodded.

Momo thought that this was her chance to have a breakthrough with Todoroki, she was about to ask him, but a hand on her shoulder stopped her.

Izuku: If I were you, I wouldn't.

Momo: What are you talking about?

Izuku: Just watch.

Momo paid attention, and she saw it, Shoto and Tsuyu were holding hands, and yes, she felt a small pain in her chest, it seemed, the chances she had to get Shoto's love were gone.

Izuku: Wow, he acts fast... who would have thought. He got a girlfriend even before me...

The image of Fuyumi flashed through Izuku's mind, but she didn't count, since she became his wife directly without even having a relationship.

Momo: You knew about this?

Izuku: Well yeah... I saw them kissing in the hallway a moment ago.

Momo: Why didn't you tell me right away?

Izuku: I wanted to enjoy a few more minutes of freedom.

Momo: And now what do I do? The person I love is happy with someone else.

Izuku: I don't know, you can drink some booze, look for someone else, marry a son of a rich family, fall into depression, and the list goes on.

Momo: Do ​​you ever say something useful?

Izuku: Actually, no.

Momo: Take me by the hand too.

Izuku: And now what are you looking for to happen?

Momo: Just hold my hand and don't ask questions.

Izuku: Will you ever leave me alone?

Momo: Yes, when Todoroki realizes that he wants me as his wife.

Izuku: With those words you said, I even had a hard time holding your hand.

Momo didn't care about the comment, she took Izuku by the hand and dragged him inside the bus both sharing seats.





The trip had been long, but they had finally reached the camp. Izuku got off the bus and took his luggage and Momo's, which she forced him to carry.

Mandalay: It's nice to be with you again this year... please follow me, I'll show you where you'll sleep.

Izuku: Hmm, and the security that was supposed to be here? It looks like Tyson in that sense... hehe I can't be mad at him.

Aizawa: They'll be here later. They're on a different bus.

The rooms were individual since this time, there was no class B, and there was plenty of space.

After putting his things in order, he went out for a moment to get some fresh air.

Mandalay: Midoriya!!

Izuku: Yeah, what's up?

Mandalay: I just wanted to say thank you, last time I couldn't thank you for saving my nephew.

Izuku: Yes, it doesn't matter, it's what a hero would do and that... he's here?

Mandalay: Yes, he must be somewhere in the forest.

Izuku: Well, I think I'll take a walk.

Mandalay: Don't go too far, lunch will be ready in another half hour.

Izuku: I'll keep that in mind.

He left, walked calmly through the forest, until he reached where the matter with Muscular occurred, sat on a rock, took a cigarette out of his pocket, and lit it, filling his lungs with nicotine, appreciating the landscape better.

Kota: What are you doing here?

Izuku: Huh? Oh, it's you.

Kota: You shouldn't be smoking.

Izuku: I don't have parents that forbid me so...

Kota: I don't have parents either.

Izuku: Well, we already have a similarity. What are you doing in this place?

Kota: I come here to eat Cheetos. My aunt won't let me eat them. She says they are harmful to my health.

Izuku: You have to die of something.

Kota: I won't say anything if you don't say anything.

Izuku: Sounds like a fair deal to me.

He took a puff on his cigarette. Kota sat down to one side and pulled out a bag of Cheetos from a backpack.

The minutes passed, Izuku lit another cigarette. After putting up with Momo throughout the trip, he needed it badly.

Izuku: And how are you lately?

Kota: Sometimes good, sometimes bad, you know, the usual. *eats a Cheeto*

Izuku: You don't feel bad about your parents anymore?

Kota: No, it doesn't affect me anymore. After knowing that they left you when you were still alive, I felt more sorry for you.

Izuku: That was a low blow.

Kota: It wouldn't be the first time.

Izuku: Did you think you were the nutcracker or what?

Kota: With my height, it's not like I can reach many places.

Izuku: You have a point. *smoking*

Izuku looked at his watch. It was already lunchtime.

Izuku: It's time to go. You better clean your face. You have traces of Cheetos even in your ears.

Kota: And you smell like a cigarette up to your hair.

Izuku: Touche.

Kota wiped his face, and Izuku ate some mints to disguise the smell of tobacco.

They both walked back to camp, just in time for lunch.

A small bus arrived a few minutes before.

Izuku stopped a kick from behind, aimed directly at his head with his hand.

Izuku: It's cowardly to attack from behind.

Rumi: With you, it doesn't apply.

Izuku: You are the security that UA sent?

Rumi: Is there a problem or what?

Izuku: No, I was just asking.

Rumi: What else would I be doing in this place?

Izuku: I don't know, building a burrow?

A punch was connected to Izuku's face.

Rumi: I don't like the way you talk to me, brat.

Izuku: Was that supposed to hurt?

She hung around Izuku's neck and kissed him. In a way that was beyond being romantic or something similar, it was rather wild and somewhat grotesque, ending with a bite on Izuku's neck, where blood began to flow, leaving a clear wound.

Rumi: Well, I already marked territory.

The wound was instantly closed without even leaving traces of ever existing.

Izuku: Okay, it was nice talking to you and all, but I have to go eat... if you'll excuse me.

Rumi: I'll go with you!

Izuku: It would be pretty weird if you do.

Rumi: The UA sold me your ass. I'll do what I want.

Izuku: Yeah, yeah, as you say, but unfortunately, I'm not good for what you want. I have a wife, a daughter, a pet, and a mortgage to pay.

Rumi: As you say, but I found the perfect man, so I'm not going to waste it.

Izuku: Well, do I know him? Is it one of the top? Hawk maybe?

Rumi: You know well that it is you.

Izuku: And you know that you are much bigger than me.

Rumi: Ah yeah? I have to hang onto your neck to be able to kiss you. You're much bigger than me.

Izuku: And now who's being sarcastic... do whatever you want, but let it be after eating, I'm pretty hungry.

Izuku went to the dining room, followed by Rumi.





The hours passed, the dark night came.

They all went to sleep in their respective rooms.

Izuku was lying down looking at the ceiling, he was bored, and his mind was asking questions.

Izuku: How would Eri be?? Is Tyson obese, or is he just growing up? Why is Fuyumi's face so warm and her lips so alluring? Why did Ibara's mouth taste like fresh mint?

All those questions went through his mind, and none had a certain answer. He began to close his eyes and fell asleep a few minutes later.

JustSomeone_69 JustSomeone_69

If you want to support the Author you should give stars to his fanfic on Wattpad. Even if you don't understand a single word it may help him to upload more chapters in the future. The source is in the synopsis.

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