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88.88% ...I'm Just A Toy... / Chapter 22: ...Long Days...

Capítulo 22: ...Long Days...

Sunday morning, Izuku only slept for 2 hours. He didn't feel tired.

He got dressed and went down to the kitchen for a glass of water, though when he got there he saw Tyson sitting in the middle of the floor chewing on something.

Izuku: Huh? What are you doing, puppy?

Tyson turned around, and yes, he had a knife in his mouth that he was waving around.

Izuku: Wow, wow, calm down, where did you get that from?

The pup was closing in on Izuku.

Izuku: What are you going to do with that knife?

The pup kept coming closer.

Izuku: Wait!! We can negotiate it... it shouldn't end like this.

Tyson: ...

Izuku: Auch...

The knife was stuck in his leg, the blood began to flow in a thin line that reached the ground.

Izuku: If you want me to feed you, you shouldn't stab my leg, you know that?

Tyson: Woof!

The green-haired boy ripped the knife out of his leg, staining the floor.

He looked for something to clean the floor with, but when he returned...

Izuku: Wait!! Don't eat that, you stupid dog!!!

Too late, the cub had licked the blood off the ground.

Izuku: Damn it...

He took the puppy in his arms and checked it, indeed, it weighed more than the day before.

Izuku: Aren't you feeling bad or something?

The puppy looked at him with a face of not understanding.

Izuku: I'll take that as a no... you shouldn't do that, my blood is very special, and it could harm you or something.

He left the Tyson on the ground, went for the croquettes, and put them in a bowl, the puppy began to eat in a hurry and barked repeatedly to ask for more.

Izuku: This is the third time you repeat yourself... is that even normal?

Tyson: Woof, Woof!

Izuku: Well, I'd better eat anyway.

He went to the kitchen and began to prepare his breakfast. An absurd amount of meat was served on a plate, the green-haired boy began to eat calmly.

Fuyumi: *going down the stairs* Huh? What are you doing?

Izuku: I was hungry... you should go back to sleep, you've only slept for about 3 hours.

Fuyumi: B-but you haven't slept either.

Izuku: But I am me, these things don't affect me thanks to my regeneration.

Fuyumi: W-Well, I wanted to make you breakfast.

Izuku: Okay... I'm still hungry.

He ate the steak in one bite, chewing only once and swallowing.

Fuyumi headed to the kitchen so she could prepare Izuku's breakfast again.

Eri walked down the stairs, still dressed in her pajamas and sleepy.

Eri: *yawn* Mm, daddy, have you seen Tyson?

Izuku: Yeah... when I woke up, he was here in the kitchen asking me to feed him.

Tyson: Woof!

Eri: *taking him in her arms* Ugh?! You weigh a lot, Tyson!! Were you eating in secret again?

Tyson: Woof, Woof :0

Eri: I'll take that as "I'm a glutton."

The minutes passed, and Fuyumi already had breakfast ready. She served breakfast on three plates and went back to Izuku.

Fuyumi: Did you like it?

Izuku: Yes, it tastes great, thanks for making breakfast.

Eri: Yes, it tastes much better than what daddy cooks.

Izuku: I should be offended, but Eri is right.





Breakfast time was over, it was a pretty quiet day, they wasted most of the day watching TV or just doing nothing.

Eri: Daddy, can I borrow your phone?

Izuku: For what?

Eri: I want Jinn to meet Tyson.

Izuku handed her the phone. Eri went to the patio where cool Tyson was, doing what cool Tyson does best, being cool.

Eri: You overflow with cool looks, Tyson :3.

Tyson: Woof, Woof, Woof!

The little girl dialed a number on the phone and made a video call.



During the video call.



Jinn: Hi Eri!

Eri: Hello~

Jinn: I want you to see something... since Mr. Cheeks is small again, we had to put him in a plastic sphere...

He went to his room.

Jinn: Okay... I know you're around Mr. Cheeks... I can feel your silent presence...

A sphere came out from under the bed.

And yes, it was Mr. Cheeks... a tactical Mr. Cheeks.

Jinn: It's the new tactician Mister Cheeks.

Eri: Woow, it's like a mini tank, but it doesn't have horsepower, it has hamsterpower :3.

Jinn: Yes, it's awesome... but he doesn't want to leave that sphere, although he is safer.

Eri: Well, I have a pet too, daddy bought me one.

Eri switched to the rear camera.

Eri: His name is Tyson!

Jinn: Woooooow, just look at it, so far I feel the excess of freshness and good looks.

Eri: Yeah, it's cool, though, he's too gluttonous, and he weighs more every day, I don't know why.

Jinn: Well, he must be growing, Mr. Cheeks weighs less than an apple.

Eri: With caramel?

Jinn: No, a simple one.

Eri: He measures the same as a grape, must weigh the same, right?

Jinn: Rather he weights the same as a bean... I don't know how he can move that sphere.

Eri: Pokemon Magic ^-^

Jinn: Yes, it can be.

Izuku's voice was heard in the background.

Eri: I'm coming, daddy!! I have to go to lunch now, bye Jinn.

Jinn: Goodbye, Eri... say goodbye Mr. Cheeks...

Mr. Cheeks: ...*shoots a pellet*

Eri: Hehe, a tactical hamster..... you too say goodbye, Tyson.

Tyson: Woof!



End of video call.



Eri went back inside the house so she could have lunch, she handed the phone to Izuku and went to wash her hands so she could eat.

Fuyumi: Izuku?

Izuku: Yes, what do you need?

Fuyumi: C-Can I go visit my mother?

Izuku: As you wish.

Izuku's phone rang...



During the call.



Izuku: Yes? What do you want now, Yaoyorozu?

Momo: I need your help, I want you to be at my house as soon as possible.

Izuku: For what or what?

Momo: Don't ask questions.

Izuku: I thought I told you I'd have the whole weekend off.

Momo: Please, I need your help urgently!!

Izuku: Okay, okay, you don't need to yell.... fine, I'll be there at...*looking at his watch* about 40 minutes.

Momo: Hurry up.



End of call.



Izuku: And goodbye to my tranquility... anyway.

Fuyumi: Is something wrong?

Izuku: I have to go out again.

Eri: Again?!! Why are you never home?!

Izuku: If I knew, I'd tell you, but I don't.

Fuyumi: Will you take long?

Izuku: I don't know, maybe a couple of hours... can you take care of Eri, please?

Fuyumi: Y-yeah, don't worry, have a good day.

Izuku kissed Eri on the forehead and left.





He was just outside the huge Yaoyorozu mansion, he walked to the metal gates and rang the bell.

T.: Yes, what do you want?

Izuku: I'm Yaoyorozu Momo's bodyguard, she requested my presence.

T.: Wait a moment please........ well, you can come in, they are waiting for you.

The gate opened, Izuku drove to the entrance, where there were at least 30 maids who were only there to answer the door...

He left his parked motorcycle and headed inside the mansion, where a butler guided him to a room where Momo, her parents, and three people he didn't know at all were.

Izuku: I feel awkward.

Hitoshi: You can have a seat, young Izuku.

He sat down nonchalantly.

Izuku: Why did you call me Yaoyorozu?

Momo sat next to Izuku and took his hand.

Momo: I'm sorry, but I can't marry your son, I already have a boyfriend, and I love him.

Izuku: ...... Sorry, what?

Momo: For this reason, I reject this marriage proposal.

Hitoshi: Is what she says true, young Izuku?

Izuku: No idea, I'm just as surprised as you are.

Momo: Don't talk.

Kana: I'm sorry, Momo, but you can't refuse the proposal, the Kimura family is the fourth richest and most powerful in Japan.

Momo: I don't care, I don't want to marry him.

Mr. Kimura: My son is a great catch, he is intelligent, athletic, and has a magnificent quirk, it is an insult to our family that you are rejecting him for a guy like him. *pointing at Izuku*

Izuku: Am I supposed to be offended?

Aiko: It doesn't matter father, I know I can solve this.

He approached Momo but was stopped by Izuku's hand.

Aiko: Can you let me get closer?

Izuku: Not really, I have orders to protect Momo from any danger.

Aiko had an arrogant smile, he was losing his patience, but he wouldn't show it.

Aiko: Do ​​you have any idea who I am?

Izuku: My bitch.

Aiko: It is more than clear that you are an idiot, I am Aiko Kimura, the eldest son, and heir to the Kimura family... and if you don't let me pass, I will make your place clear.

Izuku: Well, my name is Izuku Midoriya.

Bone spikes that gave off electricity came out of Aiko's hands, these were stuck in Izuku's arms.

Aiko: Know your place, trash.

Izuku: It was supposed to hurt?

This one broke the spikes and instantly regenerated...

Izuku: Well, it looks like I'll be visiting Horitoshi sooner than I thought.

Aiko: Don't brag, I'm not done yet.

He was going to attack again but was stopped by Hitoshi.

Hitoshi: Stop!! I don't want fights in my house!!

Mr. Kimura: This is unacceptable, I ask that dirty servant to apologize right away and leave immediately...

Izuku: Aha, I didn't even do anything, he attacked, I didn't even defend myself.

Aiko: I have the right to be able to be with my future wife.

Momo: I will not marry you.

Mrs. Kimura: This is going to go nowhere honey, we'd better go and forget about the proposal.

Mr. Kimura: No.... it won't stay that way... I challenge you Hitoshi, to a KENGAN match.

Hitoshi: Why this declaration of corporate war?

Mr. Kimura: You have insulted the Kimura family, and that will not be paid with apologies, tell me, Hitoshi, do you accept?

Hitoshi: Okay, we'll settle this the old-fashioned way, I accept the Kengan match.

Mr.kimura: Hehehe, well, let's make this interesting, if I win, I want 50% of your company, and your daughter will marry Aiko.

Hitoshi: And if I win?

Mr. Kimura: If you win, you will have 50% of my company and I will forget the disrespect towards my family and marriage.

Hitoshi: Sounds great.

They both shook hands.

Momo: *looking at Hitoshi* You bet me as if it were an object!!

Hitoshi: Keep quiet, Momo, you live in my house, and you are still a minor, so you will follow my rules and carry out my orders.

Momo: I hate you... I hate you father, you never let me make decisions, you always interfere in my life!!

Kana: Momo, behave yourself, you are a high-class lady, behave like one.

Momo: But *interrupted*

Hitoshi: If I let you choose the fighter, will you stop your little girl tantrums

Momo: That doesn't solve anything.

Hitoshi: ...

Momo was really angry, in case she already had problems being able to be with Shoto, now some strangers arrive saying that she should marry his son. Her father had arranged a marriage that she was not even aware of... she thought about it for a few seconds.

Momo: Well....... I choose... I choose Midoriya.

Hitoshi: Well, Yaoyorozu companies present Izuku Midoriya as the representative and Kengan fighter.

Mr. Kimura: Hehehe, whatever you want, it's your downfall... Kimura companies present Long as a manager and Kengan fighter.

One of the family's bodyguards stepped forward, about two meters tall, with a stocky build.

Hitoshi: Follow me, please.

They were all led into an empty one-bedroom hall, where an elevator was hidden behind a fake bookcase.

The elevator went down a couple of floors underground until it reached a kind of giant underground, where in the center of the place, there was a large circular arena.

Hitoshi: This is our Kengan Arena.

Kimura: Well, since I'm the challenger, I have the right to make the rules... killing your opponent and quirks are allowed... all other normal rules should be followed, no weapons, no power-up drugs.

Hitoshi: Sounds good to me.

Momo: K-killing?!

Kana: You don't need to see Momo, you can go back to your room...

Momo: No, it's m-my future that's at stake, I-I want to see.

Kana: It's okay, you're at your own risk.

Hitoshi: Let both fighters go down to the arena.

Izuku took off his shirt and only wore shorts they lent him, showing the green dragon that adorned his back and arms.

Izuku and Long went down to the arena, staying in the center.

Long: It will be a waste to kill someone so young.

Izuku: Yeah yeah, whatever you say, I left my daughter and wife home alone, so let's hurry up.

Long: This is not a game, kid.

Izuku: Are you trying to intimidate me or something? Because it's not working.

Mr. Kimura: Hehehe, they trust this brat a lot.

Aiko: It will be fun to see how he dies at the hands of Long.

Mr. Kimura: Long is a former professional fighter, it will be a piece of cake, that easy I will get 50% of the Yaoyorozu company, and when you, my dear son, you marry the daughter of that family, we will have that other 50%.

Aiko: The fight is about to start, I want to see how they massacre that Midoriya guy.

Meanwhile with the Yaoyorozu...

Hitoshi: I think this was a bad idea.

Momo: Midoriya won't lose, right? I don't want to marry that Aiko guy, he kept looking at my breasts.

Kana: That will be decided after the fight, after all, you chose him, should you trust him or not?

Momo: I don't know... just, I have to hope for the best.

Already in the arena...

Izuku jumped a couple of times and punched the air, for what? Just for fun, the fucking fight hadn't started, and he was bored listening to Long's intimidation attempts. Now that he thought about it, this was pretty close to the rain of blood… he just hoped he would get a good trophy.

Mr. Kimura: OK... ARE YOU READY?!

They both nodded.

Mr.Kimura: 3.....2.....1... START!!

Long was the first to attack, karate chops mixed with Kung fu.

Izuku resisted the blows without using any technique.

Iron Breaker, was the first punch he landed on Long's jaw, followed by a right hook.

Long recomposed himself, recovered his posture, a game of hands, soft movements that resembled a dance...

He tensed his leg muscles and pushed himself up, he didn't use his fists, only his palms, a serious mistake, every attack attempt or blow was instantly deflected with Weeping Willow...

With the Yaoyorozu...

Momo: Why isn't he fighting?

Kana: What do you mean?

Momo: In training, he massacres anyone looking for a fight. Why doesn't he do anything now? Could it be that... that idiot wants to get rid of me.

Kana: Eh?

Momo: It's nothing important, mother...

Mr.Kimura: This is not going well, that brat resists quite a bit, but...... LONG, STOP PLAYING AND FINISH HIM AT ONCE!!!

Long nodded.


Izuku: Wow, that's motivating, too bad she shouldn't have said it... I never lose.

Long: This is your end, it was a pleasure fighting with you...

He activated his quirk. His muscles increased, his body became covered with striped yellow fur, his fingers became claws, his teeth became sharp fangs thirsty for blood. A mixture of man and beast, a fighter by nature.

Too bad Izuku watched that transformation...

Izuku, or rather Ashura, was impatient to get out, every part of his body screaming to claim a new trophy, every part of his being desperately asking to be bathed in blood and satisfy his murderous instinct.

His heart rate tripled, his blood flow increased suddenly, his veins began to stand out, his skin began to redden, and his presence was like static.

Ashura was free again, and this time, there was no need to hold back...

Long: This will be interesting...

Long lunged forward and attacked Izuku with a kick, followed by a claw blow, which couldn't even break the skin or flesh.

Izuku: HeheheHAHAHAHAHA, it's about time... good night!

Long: Wa- WH-

He couldn't finish his sentence, one last look at his last moments of life, one person, only one person managed to make him feel afraid, that psychopathic smile, no, what he was seeing, it wasn't human.

That was the last thing he saw when his lights went out.

Izuku had knocked him out with an accurate blow to the trachea, being careful not to damage his spine, he wanted him still alive, he wanted the satisfaction of killing him while he was still breathing...

Izuku: Bye...

He grabbed Long by one leg, and lifted him like air, hitting him from side to side. Blow after blow, with each impact it was heard how the bones could not stand and gave way, breaking or separating. The broken bones pierced flesh and skin, leaving them in view of those present. One last impact, Izuku made sure it was special, a single impact that broke all of Long's ribs...

With the Kimuras.

Mr. Kimura: No no no, how could he lose, how could Long lose? No no no, I'm ruined!

Aiko vomited, and it was not for less, but, it still wasn't over.

With the Yaoyorozu.

Hitoshi: He said trophy, right?

Kana: That's right, dear.

Hitoshi: Momo, cover your eyes.

Momo obeyed right away, she knew what Izuku was capable of, and she was more than sure that he could go even further.

Already in the arena.

Izuku: Hehehe... this is fun but, there's still something missing...

Long was still alive, but not that much.

Izuku bit his finger, letting a drop of blood fall into Long's mouth, who woke up instantly.

Long: HAAA, fuck you son of a bitch HAAA!!!!!!

He could barely breathe, the pain was unbearable, he felt like one of his broken bones pierced his internal organs.

Izuku: I just want to see your suffering... I want to hear how you writhe until you die.


Izuku didn't answer, he just let Ashura act, he grabbed him by the neck and lifted him into the air.

He watched him for a second....he was ready to claim his trophy...


The screams were heartbreaking, pain, a lot of pain, he had Izuku's hand embedded in his back, holding his spine.

Long vomited blood and part of his entrails.

Izuku had the column between his hands, he began to pull slowly. Vertebra by vertebra they came out, bringing parts of the ribs and lungs. He kept uprooting the column until the screams ceased to be heard. Long was dead, but it was not the end... the skin began to give way. They could hear the flesh ripping apart, Izuku pulled hard one last time.

He had Long's skull in his hands, along with his spine. Blood, a lot of blood, was what dyed Izuku's skin, filling him with joy and satisfaction. He had what he wanted, he had the trophy that Ashura longed for...

His blood flow decreased, Ashura completely disappeared...

Izuku tossed his head to the side of what could be said to be the body or what was left of it...

It was all over... the green-haired boy went for his things, with a handkerchief he had in his pocket he wiped the blood from his face and hands, his whole body was still dyed red.





Hitoshi: Sign here and here.

Mr. Kimura: Yes yes, I accept my defeat, but keep that child away from me and my family.

Hitoshi: As you wish...... ok, 50% of your company is owned by me, and my daughter Momo's marriage is completely annulled.

Mr. Kimura: Well, I hope we never have to see each other's faces again.

Izuku: If I was you, I would be thankful...

Mr. Kimura: What??

Izuku: There's something quite curious... actually, even weird. Your wife and Long did have closeness... so much so that she suffers a lot from his death.... so much as to... make it clear that that son you brag about so much was never yours. It's pretty funny, right?

Mr. Kimura: What are you talking about?!!

Izuku: Just add… your wife can give off electricity and Long can modify his bones and mutate. What do you think would come out of that meeting? And add the fact that he was her personal bodyguard... curious, right?

Mr. Kimura: W-what, n-no, it can't be, it can't be happening to me.

Izuku: Hehehe, yes, it can be, and yes, it's happening.

Mr. Kimura: ...

He just left, that's right, he was broken, the family he bragged about so much, the perfect son, the ideal wife, everything, everything was a lie, his eyes dimmed.... he left the Yaoyorozu mansion.

Izuku: 8.... 12..... 23.... yes, I'll give him 23 days before he commits suicide... what do you think, Mr. Yaoyorozu.

Hitoshi: What did you do?

Izuku: Nothing, I just played with his pride. I sent everything he loved to hell and I broke his fragile mentality... he won't stand it and will kill himself in about 23 days, maybe 25 if he takes refuge in alcohol for a few days...

Hitoshi: What did you gain with that?

Izuku: If he dies, his company will decline, without management, it will quickly go bankrupt, his wife will have to sell, and you will get the other 50% for a fraction of what it currently costs.

Hitoshi: Why are you doing this?

Izuku: I just did it for fun and a raise, I got you a whole company and destroyed the competition. You win, I win, we all win... well, except for that guy, details... anyway, I want my raise.

Hitoshi: Answer me something... if you set your mind to it, will you harm my family?

Izuku: If I want, I can... but I don't want to, as long as you pay me, you'll be safe, and well, maybe you'll get another company along the way, I don't know.

Hitoshi: Okay, you'll get your raise, you can leave now.

Izuku left the office, he was about to leave, but Momo stopped him.

Momo: Wait, Midoriya!

Izuku: And now what do you want?

Momo: I wanted to thank you... even though it was your obligation anyway... well, thanks, Midoriya.

She came closer and kissed his cheek.

Izuku: I preferred money, but hey, it wasn't that bad.

Momo: You should be more than delighted to receive one of my kisses.

Izuku: You're right, I'll show it off to Shoto.

Momo: No! Wait!

Izuku: It's just a joke, don't think so highly of yourself, you're not worth as much as you think.

Momo: You are an idiot!

Izuku: That and more, so, if you'll excuse me, I'm hungry, and I want to get home so I can have a quiet dinner with my family... well, bye.

He left, started his motorcycle, and went back home.





It was 8 pm, he had taken too long, he hoped that at least there was something in the fridge to eat.

He put his motorcycle in the garage and closed it.

He stayed about 30 seconds looking at nothing, he gave a header to the concrete, thus being able to order his ideas.

He entered the house, the first thing he saw was Eri playing with the cool Tyson in the living room, Fuyumi was watching TV.

Tyson: Woof, Woof!

Izuku: Hello to you too, Tyson.

Eri: Hello, daddy!

Izuku: Hello Eri.

Fuyumi: Hi Izuku, how did it go?

Izuku: I think good, I got a raise at my job.

Fuyumi: Huh? Job?

Izuku: It's hard to explain, so let's just leave it at that.

Fuyumi: Okay... do you want to have dinner?

Izuku: Yes, please.

The green-haired boy went to wash his hands and sat at the table while he waited for Fuyumi to bring dinner.

He ate calmly, it was quite delicious, apparently, Fuyumi knew how to cook quite well, but, he still felt something strange in her, as if she was still afraid. He wouldn't blame her, he was still a complete stranger to her.

He finished eating and lay down for a moment on the sofa, while Tyson began to nibble Izuku's hand, Izuku didn't give it much importance.

Hours passed, it was time to go to sleep.

Izuku said goodnight to Eri and her pet.

He went to his room to put on his pajamas and sleep.

Although someone knocked on the door of his room.

Izuku: Yeah? What do you need?

Fuyumi: Uh... well, I, I wanted to ask you if I can sleep with you for tonight.

Izuku: Are you sure?

Fuyumi: Y-yes, I'm ready, I don't feel so nervous anymore.

Izuku: As you wish.

She entered the room and slipped between the sheets.

Izuku gave a light sigh, turned off the lights, and went to bed.

He adjusted himself as best he could so as not to make Fuyumi uncomfortable.

Although she approached little by little until she hugged him... she was trembling, afraid? Cold? Who knows?

Izuku hugged her lightly, closed his eyes, and fell asleep, today had been a long day, and tomorrow would be too.

JustSomeone_69 JustSomeone_69

If you want to support the Author you should give stars to his fanfic on Wattpad. Even if you don't understand a single word it may help him to upload more chapters in the future. The source is in the synopsis.

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