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18.75% FNAF - The Night Guard's Job / Chapter 2: Chapter 1

Capítulo 2: Chapter 1

As soon as he had arrived home, he had immediately called the same place where it seemed to be looking for a guard to work at night.

He doesn't know anything about being a guard but, he has always worked late into the night, apart from working, until morning itself, which can ensure that if one gets used to it, that person can really last for days without sleep, which he does not recommend at all. But if it is for work that helps you survive, okay, it is understandable.

Everything had ended very well.

He had been, somehow, hired. That had made him breathe a heavy sigh of relief, bringing his hand to his forehead, smiling with some joy. He was more than happy with this, and he had to take a shower, and then he had to bump himself a bit because he didn't think this was really too easy. It was weird, but, hey, a job is a job, and knowing that they will pay him $120 a week, honestly speaking, it is not the best pay in the world, but it is something, and it will help him to continue surviving.

He saw the newspaper once more.

Saw all the news and articles themselves. He glanced once more at the search article for a nightguard that said place needed. Once again, he glanced over it and did not see again the warning that seemed to be even underlined.

It was a little bit of a coincidence that he actually found this.

But more than anything, he was surprised that the manager told him that no one, has called since he posted the ad for almost two weeks. Did no one really want to take such a job?

Not that it was bad either. It is staying awake, possibly, and checking if no one has stayed there. It is nothing to worry about at all.

Could the years of hard work he has put into his life really pay off and finally give him a good chance to get another job?

He is not particularly a man of God, but he cannot stop feeling grateful to the one above for such a beautiful opportunity from heaven itself.



The next day, 8:00 p.m.



Up to that point, he hadn't done anything at all.

He had dressed in a somewhat appropriate way to go to the place. It wasn't a suit, of course not. He was dressed casually. Beyond going casual, he chose good clothes. White shirt, dark pants, dark shoes too, okay, you could say that the jacket is not that casual.

There were some other doubts. He called the place again, and the manager replied, in the best way possible that he should come after the security guard's shift who works during the day. He would give him an explanation of his job and what to do apart from other little things. On top of that, he asked about his clothing size. He replied, and well, that would have been it. After that, the manager told him that he had high expectations of him and if everything went well, his salary would increase.

Well, after cutting off the call, he couldn't help but sigh and feel somehow happy. He already wanted to put 100% into this job completely and be able to charge more and more.

Although, there was something that sometimes made him feel some doubts.

Almost a month without finding a security guard? Did nobody want this job? Was the pay so low for them? Was the place so bad no one called for this job?

The place is good. With the announcement on the radio that when he returned home yesterday he had heard it about six times and they were all different themselves, he could get an idea that this place was quite good from how they make it look. Entertainment for children, food like pizza that was great for them, to be able to have a good time, it was quite good, more for children.

He didn't want to ask himself more about this. He really didn't want to think too much since he was in front of the place and looked curiously at the logo for a few seconds.

"... is that a bear?"

Since he was underneath, he looked at the huge name and saw that there was something like a bear on top of the letters. He thinks he's a bear, he's sure of it, although he looks a little skinny for a bear, maybe a hungry bear? No, it wouldn't be that.

He decided to not waste any more time.

Enough of what he had to endure until now in not doing much. He didn't want to waste any more time, really. He sighed, stretched a bit, and confidently entered the establishment.



Inside the establishment



He looked around curiously.

The place seriously exuded what was a restaurant for children specifically, and even though he has seen some teenagers, he was sure that they are accompanying their younger siblings, which is something cute. Although it is not something they share because he doesn't know what it feels like at all.

Also, he had to move aside because as soon as he entered, some children ran past him with big smiles. They seemed very happy, aside from running around with some cheese in their mouths, for sure from the pizzas they have eaten.

"Ah! You must be the man who called yesterday!"

His sight was averted from those children. He looked straight ahead. According to that voice, it seems to be the manager of this place who seemed to be waiting for him with a big smile.

"Yes, it's me," he replied as he shook hands with him. "Nice to meet you."

"Yes, the pleasure is also mine." After the handshake, he separated it and looked at him with a smile. "It is also a pleasure that you are going to be part of this beautiful family that are the establishments of Freddy Fazbear. I hope you adapt quickly. Although this is not a place to chat, come follow me." He nodded. He then followed the manager behind him. As he followed, he couldn't help looking around, passing some places. "At this time, we do not usually have many customers, especially because soon we will be about to start closing the place." The manager said then. He was nodding from behind. He was concentrating a little on looking at the place, to tell the truth. "Since we didn't have a nightguard, we can't risk staying open a bit longer."


"Because usually, the nightguard comes around at this time, maybe an hour earlier. Hence, although he was not officially working, he was lending a hand. That way, it wasn't too difficult for a day worker," he replied. "We had some problems with the same nightguard too so, it's great that you called to get the job."

"Something bad happened?"

"Um... you could say it did. Something like things moving at night or some silly hallucinations, nothing serious."

"..." Hallucinating that things are moving doesn't sound like an unserious thing. "I understand." He did not want to touch the subject any further. "At what time should I come?"

"We'll discuss that here." He opened the door to his little office here. He decided to come in because he opened the door for him. "Take a seat, it won't take more than 10 minutes." He obeyed and sat down in front of the desk. The manager sat across from him. He was tall, but not that much. He was your typical food establishment manager. "Well, first of all, and, I repeat, welcome to the Freddy Fazbear family! We hope that your stay with us is the best and we hope that you give 100% for our family. Don't worry about anything, we care about our employees. As long as you work with us, you can eat for free, up to a point, our pizzas." He made some gestures with his hands as he spoke. "We will worry about your health and safety."

"My safety?"

"Yes. Don't worry, nothing bad will come of this anyway," he said, "try to do an excellent job, and everything will be fine. If it goes wrong, well, I'm sure you already know what happens."

"I'm gonna get fired, I understand that."

"It's great that you understand. With that said." He rose from his seat as he walked and walked in front of him. "Freddy Fazbear's family is happy to have you as a nightguard." He put his hand on his shoulder. "We expect a lot from you."

"Thank you for your trust," he replied.

Years of work and work make him understand that those words of "security" and "well-being" that he said to him, are usually a big lie. He hopes that it is not like that, but he is prepared in case of being the opposite.

"Now come," he said. "It is time for you to meet the guard who will give you a short tour of the place and explain your work to you."

"I understand."

He followed behind then, without much more to say and without much more to think.



Security office



The office itself was not very big to say, it was a somewhat small room, but it was enough to have screens to be able to observe the cameras of the establishment, ensure that no one enters places that they cannot, and incidentally, make sure that everything is in order.

He was looking at the cameras, each one of them, there was nothing to highlight. Everything was in order. There weren't many kids anymore, and little by little, they were leaving. As they don't have a nightguard who can more or less lend a hand, things would be going very well, and let's say they could have stayed a little later.

What is the influence of said nightguard?

Well, to be honest, the same guard in the office, was wondering the same thing.

He simply came before his shift, which was midnight, gave a hand to the guard, which was him, with a few things before he could start his shift, and voila, everything would be fine so that the place stays open for a few more hours.

Right now, it was going to be closing soon so he could give a little tour of the new guard his boss said would be coming today. They were going to close now because there is also the detail that, the children today seem to have messed up more than necessary.


A voice entered through his ear. He raised his head.

There he saw it.

"Oh, boss, hi," he was saying. "What's the matter?" The person behind his boss also noted. He pointed to it instantly. "Is that the new one?" he asked. "Doesn't seem like a suitable person for this job."

"Nobody looks like it," replied the manager. "But anyway, this person will be the person to whom you will give a little tour and explain what he has to do. It's…" He turned away because he had forgotten a detail. "What's your name?"

"Ah yes, I am..."

"Well, never mind." This made the person behind him slightly annoyed. Didn't his name matter? "I hope you explain everything to him."

"Yes, I will," the guard said then. "Come with me, I'll explain everything you have to do in which the boss will surely prepare your uniform for you." He began to walk to get out of there. He took a few steps. Then he turned to see the new one. His blonde hair and blue eyes somehow bothered him a bit. "Won't you come?" That blonde nodded and started walking behind him. "Well, follow me."

The blonde decided to follow him then and listen to the explanation of his new job.



An epic explanation later



"That's what you have to do. While you're in that little office where I was, you'll have to watch the cameras. There are two cameras in the two corridors leading to the office entrance. There are two cameras at each end of the main room, apart from having a camera both in the kitchen as well as in the back and one that also faces the stage, as well as in the bathrooms, is that clear?"

"Why do you have cameras in the bathroom?"

"Before we thought it was ugly to have in the bathrooms... but let's say some 12-year-olds thought it was funny to wreck it. Since then, we have had cameras in the bathrooms."


"But back to the subject, have you understood what you have to do?"

"You look at the cameras, make sure everything is in order." It was the most important thing he understood after all that explanation. "See that nothing is out of place, see that no one has decided to stay here to vandalize... yes, I think I have understood everything."

"Well," at that, the guard looked curiously at the blond. "Before you see the animatronics, I have a question," the blonde looked at him attentively. "Why did you take this shitty job?"

"I'm a desperate person," he pointed to himself with both hands. "I needed money, and I needed a job."

"There are better things than this."

"Even collecting shit from the animals at the zoo needs at least work experience." He sighed just remembering how he was rejected even at that. "... I needed a job. Taxes and bills for basic services won't pay themselves alone..."

"I understand... anyway, as desperate as I may be, I wouldn't accept this."

"Why do you work here then?"

"Contract," he blurted out quickly. "Besides, like you too, I need money. I have a family."

"..." He raised an eyebrow. "I think I can understand then."

"You don't have a family?"

"Like, kids and stuff? No. I have parents and uncles but no siblings, nothing. I live alone."

"And are you really a desperate person looking for work?" He denied. "You really seem like you don't know anything about life."

"I'm not here to argue whether or not I have a live, sir." He hadn't introduced himself. Nor would he in front of a man like him. "I just want to do my job and nothing else. Is that too much to ask or is it complicated for you?"

The guard looked him up and down. Soon, he had smiled a little. This unsettled the blonde.

"Great," he agreed. "In that case, come on, you have to meet Chica, Bonnie, and Fred."

After a few minutes, while people were cleaning the dirt from the place where the garbage was collected, and others, they reached the stage where they could then notice the animatronics in a static position, in which they are by default.

This is when the blonde, then, found them a bit shocking.

"... are these the animatronics that people praise so much?" He pointed to them with his eyes wide open.

"That's right," agreed the guard. "The bear's name is Freddy, Fred. Then we have a chicken, Chica. Lastly, the rabbit is Bonnie. What do you think?"

The guard said this with a lot of normality, to which the blond man looked with many doubts. He had to rub his eyes several times because he felt like he was hallucinating.

First of all, it was the first time he had seen an animatronic in his life. He had never seen a robot, and therefore the surprise on his face was enormous. Second, he wants to believe that this is not true. I mean, he wants to believe that they are not the real ones.

He was able to quickly recognize the bear. It was the same one that appeared on the sign of the name of the place, and now that he has it close, he saw that it was not a male bear, it was a female bear. Then you have a hen and also a rabbit.

He can swear in his 32 years of life that he has never seen robots that have a body so... perfect? As if they were models... no, that the so-called Chica, the one in yellow, had two huge... things that made her stand out... by far...

"Hehe, everyone reacts like you when they see them for the first time." The guard spoke and pulled the blond out of his sudden shock. "It is normal. Nobody had ever seen some animatronics like these before," he agreed. "Before there were some that... they didn't have this shape to say." He looked at the blond who was looking at him with wide eyes, still. "They looked like these but... more animated, you know like they were toys."

"... are they real then?"

"Of course they are," the guard was saying as if the blonde was saying something forbidden. "This is why our establishment is the best of all in the state," he said with some pride even though he hates this job a bit. "Besides, they look pretty good, don't you think?"

"..." He had to look better. They really look great. No, you have to admit that they look too good. The hair, what would be the body, the clean feature of their faces, their eyes, everything looked enormously good. In addition, he now understands their fame very well. It was like having supermodels working for you! They look too good, yeah.

"Your job will be to take care of these and make sure they don't move."

"That they don't move?"

"It's silly, I know. The previous guard who worked here said something like these animatronics at night moved by themselves and he swears they tried to kill him," he denied. "Not everyone seems to be made to work at night in a place like this." In what he denied, he also remembered more. "Ah, he also said that if they didn't kill him, that they would rape him... you know how these people love to lie about this."

"... what happened to that guy?"

"After the first week, he quit," he blurted out. "He didn't want to know more about this job." He shrugged at the memory. "He had gone crazy... he was a good person..."

"..." He raised his eyebrows and then looked at the animatronics. "Did they want to kill and rape him?" he told himself. "If he was attacked by women with those bodies... um..." He couldn't help but think of such a reality. Although, then he thought carefully about this nightguard before him. "Did he go crazy, you say?"

"Too much. Almost made the name of Freddy Fazbear look bad," he'd say. "Luckily, everything has gone very well, and we are still one of the best fast food establishments."

"There are more?"

"Establishments like this? Yes, there are some competitors who use other animals. There was one of some cats and another that uses a bee as their main pet... I do not recommend going to either of those two."

He doesn't know those he mentions anyway.

"But once again, going back to what you have to do, you have to make sure everything is in order. For now, some girls will give you help with cleaning, but later, if you keep this job, you will have to take care of finishing the cleaning of the place, apart from doing other things, inventory, moving some things."

"Is that my job as a guard? Cool," it wasn't. "I thought it was to watch that everything is alright."

"During the night, you're the person in charge of making sure everything is okay, it's your job. I do mine during the day, more now when I explain everything to you."

"Yes, I understand, I understand, thanks for the explanation."

"Cool. The better you understand, the better you'll do your job," he has to pretend he's good and nice. Not for weird reasons, he just doesn't like the blonde, let's say, because the first impression was not the best. Still, he has to explain what he has to do. Whether he does a good job or not is up to him. "Now, do you have any questions?"

"I have one indeed," he recalled. "When you showed me all the places, there was something like a curtain and something that said, 'Out of order.' What was it?"

"That's a little extraneous show to those on stage. We talk about Foxy, a pirate who tells children about her magnificent adventures in the seas and how she got many treasures."

The blonde didn't want to say anything about how she might look. He can get an idea by looking at those on his side or rather the ones in front of him.

"She has some flaws. It was expected for her to be tested on during the week to be able to put her to work as soon as possible. I have no idea if you are interested, but you have to listen to her stories. I have no idea how they programmed that creature but, the stories she tells are interesting... and what's more," he remembered something. "Sometimes you can even interact with her. Sometimes is scary, but is not that big of a deal."

"..." With that, his doubts were settled. Although he can imagine what this robot also looks like. He can guess she looks better than the ones right here. "I have no more doubts."

"Hey, seriously, why did you take this job?"

"I already told you, I needed a job and money."

"... Nothing more than that?"

"Yes, nothing more than that."

"..." He looked at him suspiciously. But taking out that mistrust, he didn't seem to know much about the place. That is good for them. "Perfect then ... do you know how to use a truncheon?"

"Uh... at work?" He asked with some doubts.

"... have you used one before?"

"I can't say no to that, really. Yes, I have used some truncheons before... sticks... a bit of everything."

"Did you used to fight before?"

"When you are poor, somehow, you have to know how to keep yourself alive as long as you can," he replied. "That is the only thing that I can say."

"..." he agreed with satisfaction. He may have misjudged him for how he looks. "Then I don't need to tell you how to use it. Ah, I also imagine you know how to use a taser."




"... I'll take it as a yes. Well, that's just it. When you go to the office, be sure to have your uniform. There is a changing room for the workers. Not too far from the office."

"It's on the right, near the kitchen, I know."

"Very good," he congratulated him as if he were a child. "You can change there. For my part, I will mark my leave and go home."

"Goodbye and thank you for everything," he said politely. "Have a good night."

"Don't tell me what to do either..."

The day guard then turned around while the blonde looked at him very confused with what he had said. Had he said it in a bad way? Did he say something that he shouldn't?

While he was still wondering if he had said something wrong, he was walking in the direction of the office to find his uniform that they surely left him there and go and change to the changing room, the "staff room."

More details, fewer details, the animatronics that were above the stage, only moved their eyes to look precisely at the back of what seemed to be the new nightguard, not being able to describe what kind of emotion he was transmitting not only because they only moved their eyes and nothing more but because they were fucking robots and it is not known if they have any emotions.

But that they then looked in the direction of the new night guard, of course, they did. If someone, too, could be here and watch them, they will be able to clearly notice that they seemed... to smile?

It is not known exactly, but one thing is very certain: finally, they were not going to be alone... never again...



Almost midnight



It wasn't long before 12 o'clock. From there, he would start his new job.

He has his uniform on, he has already seen the whole establishment from top to bottom, taking advantage of the few personnel. The manager has already made some things clear to him and incidentally, made him sign the contract and thus be able to work immediately.

He was a little excited.

He had never worked as a guard before. Weird that they hire him, but right now he is not going to complain at all. He will simply do his job, nothing to worry about. He wants to be able to earn that extra money. He is somewhat greedy, yes, but also ambitious.

There was no one left but him.

As he was alone, in the office, he had seen some buttons on the side of the door. When you pressed one, it was a light that illuminated the somewhat dark hallway at its sides. After pressing the other, he got scared. The door of nowhere closed. The noise itself and the way it closed also made him jump back a little. He touched it again, and it opened.

Why would it close the door like this?

He found that confusing.

He found it even more confusing that on one of the screens in the office, there was a meter for the remaining energy, and, there was also a bar with the energy currently being used.

Out of curiosity, he closed one of the doors. He saw how the energy went down 1% and how the meter of the energy used was in two bars of six. When he opened the door, everything returned to normal.

He sat in front of the screens. He had to wait until it was 12 o'clock then. Minutes to go.

Patting his legs, bored, he looked around. It's funny that he didn't bring anything. Being until 6 am doing nothing except checking that everything is in order must be boring. Tomorrow he will bring something to not get bored.

As he looked around, he saw some drawers. He opened one of them and found what appeared to be a notebook. Maybe he could get rid of his boredom by drawing nonsense.

He took it. He closed the drawer. He rested on that chair as he climbed his feet up on the desk as if nothing had happened. As he began to look through the notebook, he found nothing out of the ordinary. They were all blank sheets.

He thought.

"..." At that, he saw something. "Eh?" He turned a few pages back. He found a title. "What does it say?" 'If you are reading this, you have decided to take the night shift as a guard in this hell' "Hell?" He sat up straight then. He flipped the page. 'You've been fooled.' He scoffed to read this a bit. Everyone is fooled with cute words for new jobs... which makes him wonder if that's what happened to him. 'This job will only kill you slowly and drive you insane... but... those things... they... will make you want to kill yourself at all times...' "Oh, is he talking about those robots?" 'Every night I worked here, they tried to do everything to me... but they can't, of course, they can't... they will never be able to do anything to me...' he paused. The rest was unreadable. He passed and turned the pages. Nothing was understood. Everything was shaky and blurry. He was going to give up, but he kept turning pages and pages. Then, there he found something else. "Ah, this can be read." 'Whatever happens, try not to leave the office whoever it is that reads this in the future. They... won't last long to do the worst things you can imagine...'

He raised an eyebrow.

He looked at this for a while.

In the end, after looking at it and pondering it, he grabbed the notebook and tried to make a little ball out of it. At one end of the office was a garbage can. He threw it.

He didn't score, so he had to get up and throw it like a normal person.

He is just about to start work, and he already has to read this nonsense.

While he was secretly shaking his head, the animatronics on the stage once again moved their eyes from side to side.

What a night awaited him.


I never thought you guys would like this. I guess everyone likes to read something new sometimes, right?

JustSomeone_69 JustSomeone_69

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