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69.07% The Walking Dead, John Adler / Chapter 67: Chapter 67 Coming Back

Capítulo 67: Chapter 67 Coming Back

John woke up early in the morning, no one else was awake yet so John checked up on Kenny and saw he was looking much better. Seeing he was alone, John pulled out his mp3 played and began to listen to music. About an hour later Lily came out of her room clutching her head, she walked over to a case of water and grabbed a bottle, before she gulped it down.

Now thinking more clearly, she looked over and saw John who had his eyes closed listening to music, then she looked over at Kenny. She walked over to Kenny and felt his pulse, it was stronger than the day before, meaning he was recovering. She checked his wound before she wrapped it up again.

She walked into the kitchen and began to cook breakfast, it was corned beef, some canned potatoes that she made into a hash, and some baked beans. John opened his eyes when he smelt the food, he stood up and walked over to the kitchen. So used to walking sneakily, he made almost no noise. He stood beside Lily and looked at the food, Lily who had no idea he was there, turned to grabbed something.

She jolted slightly when she saw John standing there as she had no idea, he was awake. She recovered after a minute and said, "Can you grab me that salt over there?"

John nodded and grabbed the salt before he handed it to her. John then walked over to the table and sat down as he watched Lily cook. A couple minutes later, Tamara came out clutching her head and squinting her eyes, she had drunk a lot of last night, way more than Lily. She sat down at the table near John, she groaned and lay her head on the table.

She looked over at John and saw that he was perfectly fine. She said, "How are you still okay? You drank more than me yesterday."

John smirked and said, "I'm part Irish, we drink well."

Tamara groaned and said, "I wish I was Irish then." John laughed as Tamara groaned, her head was splitting.

Lily who was almost done in the kitchen asked Tamar, "Can you go wake up dad and Megan?" Tamara didn't answer and stood up before she walked off to the bedroom to wake them up.

Lily said, "Hey John can you carry Dad out here please?" John nodded and stood up before he walked over to her father's room. Tamara had already woken him up, so he was sitting up in bed, John walked over and picked him up before he walked back to the dining table. John set him down on a chair.

John then walked over to Kenny and smacked his face gently, apparently Lily saw this. She came barreling over and gave John an earful, shooing him away. John walked over to the table where both the father and Tamara were looking at him with pity. John then looked over at Kenny and saw that Lily was sweety shaking Kenny's shoulder. John put on a hurt face and everyone at the table thought it was funny, so they laughed.

Kenny woke up and looked up at Lily, he was still in a fog, so he called out, "Katjaa is that you?"

Lily crouched down and said, "It's Lily. Wake up, breakfast is ready." Kenny's head cleared up quickly and he sat up slowly. Lily then helped him walk over to the table, Kenny stumbled some but for the most part he was doing well.

Kenny sat down on a chair and looked over at John. John nodded at him, and Kenny nodded back. Kenny then looked over to the kitchen and smelled something wonderful, Kenny saw Lily fix six plates of food. She came walking over and placed a plate in front of everyone, when she was placing Kenny's plate she bent down a little further, her breast semi exposed in front of Kenny.

When everyone was served, she sat down, and they all began to eat. John ate everything quickly, then he said to Kenny, "You rest here for a while, I'll be back at 3 pm. I'll check some more buildings while I'm out there. I'll leave the car, too many supplies in there for some asshole to come along and take it."

Kenny said, "Alright, I'll keep an eye on the car." John nodded before he walked out of the room. John walked through the hallway while he loaded his revolver. Walking done the stairs John walked out of the house and started running.

He followed the road and arrived in front of a liquor store. John walked through the wooden door, looking around, John saw a normal looking bar, and nothing was out of the ordinary. The bar was completely empty, some liquor bottles were on shelves behind the bar. John walked over to the counter, then he jumped over it.

John looked around behind the counter and found a saw off pump shotgun. John picked it up and checked if it was loaded, it was fully loaded with 8 shells inside. John looked around a little and found some peanuts and some potato chips, he also a jar of olive and a jar of maraschino cherries. John took them and shoved them in a black duffle, John rapped the jars so they wouldn't break if he dropped the bag.

John walked out of the bar, shotgun in hand. John walked down the street and a walker came over to him, John lifted the shotgun single handed and shot. Blowing the walker's brains out the back of its head. John then continued walking, he came in front of a corner store and saw that the front windows had been. John walked through the broken glass door and looked around.

There were a couple dead walkers inside, but they had obviously been dead for a long time. John walked through the corner store and saw three rows of shelves, John walked through each row and looked around.

John walked through each row and picked up anything that was useful. When John finished, he walked out of the corner store, he had a blueberry in his left hand, and he was eating eat quickly. John finished it within seconds as he walked further. John ignored walked over to one of the many brick buildings in front of him.

John kicked the door down and blasted a walker that came lunging forward. John shot it in the throat, he didn't kill it, but it was thoroughly decapitated. The walls were stained with blood, and it slid down slowly.

Some walkers came shambling out of some doors. John walked forward as he blasted each of them. With each shot another walker would fall to the ground with a thud. John walked into the door on his left and he surveyed the area before he walked in. John moved a table in front of the door as he searched the rest of the room.

John looked through different cabinets and drawers, finding nothing too impressive. So, John walked out of the room and searched the rest of the rooms John didn't find anything too useful through the whole building. John only took some basic things like toilet paper he found in the bathrooms, pencils and pens, some nice books, and some random food he found lying around.

John walked out of the building and searched some of the other brick buildings that were literally everywhere. John walked further down the street and made a couple turns. Johns new shot gun was in the duffle, John summoned a katana when he was inside of one of the buildings he searched.

John was tired of walking up to walkers and stabbing them in the head, so he started to chop them up instead. The katana was made of a super durable and light metal, the blade was so sharp that when it sliced through the air it whistled.

Anyway, John turned down another street and passed by a church. John decided to search it because they could have been having a canned food drive. John walked up to the large wooden door and pulled slowly. The door creaked under its own weight, as it was opened.

John walked in and there were a couple walkers in the pews, they had started walking towards him slowly. John walked up to the altar, there was a small fountain filled with holy water and there was a giant wooden cross standing there. Behind the cross was a beautiful colored window, the window had many colors, and it was really a sight to behold, the sun was passing through the window and the window was shining making it even more attractive.

John stopped admiring the window and turned around while unsheathing his sword. John slashed at a walker slicing its head in half, the walker fell to the ground instantly. Seven other walkers that came towards John met the same end, being killed with no effort.

With all the walker dead John looked around the main prayer room and found nothing, so John walked into the Priests office and found some kids pictures on the walls. John killed a walker wearing a priest's uniform, John stabbed upwards, guiding his blade under the priest chin. He left the priests body intact out of respect. John then searched around the room; it was like a little office. John searched the priest desk and found a box filled with communion cups, they had a little cracker and some grape juice.

John put them in his bag, he knew Hershel would appreciate them. The old man took communion every day. In fact, the only thing the old man did was read his bible and supervise the farm. John then walked out of the priest's office and walked over to the only other door.

John opened it and walked inside, it was a simple bathroom, nothing out of the ordinary at all. John walked out of the room and exited the church, John made sure to close the door, so no more walkers came inside. John then walked for a while searching different buildings and eventually, he arrived at a Dollar General.

John walked over to the glass door and shattered the glass. Then he walked through the door, it was quite big. Bigger than most, that's for sure. There were 15 rows of shelves in the back and about ten cash registers in the front of the store.

John walked through the store, taking any food he found lying around. John cleared out the whole store, then he walked into the back room. Walking into the back room, John saw boxes and boxes of stuff. It seems no one thought to look in the back of the store. I guess when you are looting in a panic you don't think with your head, your body just moves.

John cut open of the boxes and saw that it was full of Doritos, John yelled, "Yes!" John then checked some other boxes and found a lot of food and also useful supplies, like paper towels, batteries, ext. John walked out of the back room and shut the door before he locked it with some chains and a lock.

John then started running back to the apartment complex, when he got there, he hopped into the big truck parked out front and hotwired it. John then went back to the dollar store, when he arrived, John got out and opened the back of the truck.

John looked down at his watch and saw that it was 2:30 pm, meaning he had thirty minutes to move all of the boxes into the truck. John looked at his map and saw that there were only red dots in the area. John then started to move all the boxes into the truck, when John finished moving everything, the truck was almost full. There was only a 3-foot by 7-foot area left in the back.

John then got in the driver seat and drove back to the apartment complex. He arrived exactly at 3:00 pm, John hopped out of the truck and walked into the building. John walked up the stairs and walked over to the Lily's apartment. John walked inside and saw Kenny sitting down at the table with Lily, Tamara, and Megan. John walked over to Kenny and asked for the situation quietly.

Kenny said, "The old man died while you were gone. We didn't notice that he had passed and only noticed when he turned. He almost bit Megan, but I saved her in time."

John nodded and looked at the crying family, John said, "I'll carry him out and bury him in the yard. When I get back, let's talk about you coming with us back to our camp."

Lily and Tamara nodded as they looked at John with tears in their eyes. Megan was in shock and she was crying as she stared off into space. John walked towards her slowly and patted her head. She looked up at him and saw his smile. John handed her a piece of taffy, Megan looked at it for a second before she stared into space again.

John patted her one more time before he walked over to the corpse covered in a blanket and picked it up. John walked down the stairs and out of the building. Then using a shovel, he grabbed on the way, John dug a 6-foot hole and put the corpse inside. John then filled in the hole, he made a little wooden cross and stuck it in the ground.

John walked back to the building and walked up the stairs, he walked to Lily's apartment and entered. John saw that the women had stopped crying and were trying to comfort Megan. John sat down at the table and said, "So have you decided if you want to come with us?"

Tamara who was handling the situation a little better said, "Yeah dude, we can't stay here anymore. We can't survive on our own."

John nodded and said, "Alright then, I'll give you time to pack your essentials before we leave. The women then began to pack everything they needed; John tried to help cheer Megan up, but nothing was working. Kenny feeling bad for the kid patted her head gently and as if magic, the girl broke into tears and hugged him.

Kenny looked over at John in confusion, but John just shrugged and slouched further into his chair. Kenny rubbed Megan's back for a while, and she started to calm down. Lily and Tamara came out only to see Megan hugging Kenny, Lily had a sweet smile appear on her face as she came over.

Lily and Tamara said, "Alright we're ready." John nodded and had them pack up any of the food they had remaining. Then they walked out of the room, John was holding a couple bags and Kenny was holding a bag in his usable arm. They walked down the stair and out of the building, John brought them over to the food truck and opened the back door.

They were all shocked to see it was almost full, Kenny shouted, "Holy--" But Kenny caught himself before he could say the rest as he looked over at Megan.

Tamara said, "How did you get all of this food, bro?"

John answered, "I found it all in the back room of a dollar store. People must have forgotten to check there. The store front was also unbroken before I got there."

John then threw all the bags into the back of the truck. With that taken care of, John walked over to the truck door and started the truck. Kenny then got in, along with Lily and Megan. Tamara had decided to ride with John. John walked over to his car with Tamara and they both got in. John started the car and started driving back to the prison, Kenny was driving behind, following him.

When they got to the prison Tamara was shocked and she was amazed at what she was seeing. The virus had been taken care of, so the outside was lively, and many people were walking around. John and Kenny parked in the courtyard and got out, Rick and Daryl came over to him and weren't even surprised when they saw the new people.

John said, "I got a surprise for you." They tried to inquire but John ignored them. They sighed as they followed him to the back of the truck. John opened the back of the truck and both of them were speechless, they looked at John then the truck. They did this a couple times before they sighed, Rick said, "As expected of John." Daryl nodded.

While they were reacting, some people got curious and came walking over, there was a series of exclamations. John then walked away leaving Rick to deal with the aftermath. John walked around for a while but eventually found his family. They were sitting at a table smiling as they talked with some ladies.

John walked over and they immediately got up, John then received numerous hugs and kisses from his wives. John held little Joey who was starting to get bigger, Cassy also put her arms out for John to hold her. John grabbed her from Amy and kissed her little cheeks, causing her to giggle loudly.

John then sat down and began to talk with his family. He asked about what happened while he was away. Apparently, a group of guard that came from terminus took some guns and looked like they were leaving for good. John frowned heavily when he heard this, but he stopped when he saw their worried expressions. John then spent time with his family.

An hour later Kenny had come over, along with Lily who was practically glued to him. John winked at Kenny suggestively and Kenny squinted at him. Lily and Tamara talked to his wives, Tamara even tried to flirt with Victoria, but she soon found out that Victoria was John's wife also. It turned into quite a comedic scene when Lily and Tamara found out.

They then talked with each other for a while and his girls were happy to talk to new females. Alicia even suggested Tamara a target for her affection. A while later Kenny left with his new playmates and John spent more time with his family.

They went and had dinner together before they went back to their room. When the kids were asleep, John had some intimate time with each of his women. He was gentler with Amy and Maggie as they had just recovered from childbirth.

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