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69.44% Pokemon: The Medieval Era / Chapter 23: Mission in the Wild

Capítulo 23: Mission in the Wild

Forest Entrance (Next Morning):

We were ready with our gear. Got a handful of oran berries and Antidote juice bottles so that there won't be any regrets.

"Okay let's do this!!" said Faulkner with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"According to the academy information, there are three initial advanced level Leavannys around the area. So which is our target? and why?" asked Logan turning towards Ethan, the makeshift captain.

Ethan took a look at the map in his hands and pointed,

"We will be attacking the one near the dream yard forest to our right and as for the reason....." said Ethan and turned his head towards me.

'Ah shit, I did not explain to them the reason for picking that particular target!!' I thought and coughed,


Logan and Faulkner turned towards me for an explanation,

"There are three particular reasons, the main reason is that Leavannys usually use up their silk to make the leafy clothes around Swadloons and Sewaddles. But this Leavanny is a male and likes to hunt instead of stitching for its underlings. So I can assume that the silk produced is just lying around in the nest, so more money for us. The other reason is that, because the Leavanny doesn't stitch much, the defences of its underlings are weak which makes our job easier," I said making them nod at me in understanding. (Pictures of the Pokemon in the comments, see it for better understanding)

"What's the third reason?" asked Ethan curiously.

"The third reason is simple, this part Leavanny group is the worst one around, they like to eat their prey as they wiggle. Normally Pokemon that hunt around here go for the kill and then eat but the patrol guards around here told that this Leavanny and its underlings eat them alive as the prey screams in pain," I said making Faulkner and Ethan gulp.

"But doesn't that mean they will be aggressive? they might even be highly versed in combat" said Logan thinking it through.

'Oh!! this guy can think!!' I thought in surprise.

"Yes, they might be good in combat and maybe even better than the other two groups. But.... as a responsible citizen of Kingdom of Wolks, I cannot sit still and not do anything. Psychotic Pokemon groups like these should be eliminated," I declared like a saint who stands for Justice.

Faulkner looked at me with awe giving me a thumbs up, Ethan was confused while Logan deadpanned,

"Are you serious?" asked Ethan and Logan at the same time.

I stopped kidding around and said back smiling,

"The plan we made yesterday only works if the Pokemons take the bait. The other two Leavanny groups are passive so this plan might not work. To make sure they take the bait, we have to go for the aggressive group. Also, remember they might have more silk stored in their nests and a bonus of weak defence as the Male Leavanny never stitches the leaves for its underlings."

"Hmm, fine!! your first two reasons are solid so let's go in," said Logan pointing in the right direction.

I nodded at him and then we all followed into the forest. I got my long sword today,

'it will get bloody for sure, as I will have to cut all the psychotic worms,' I thought.

Every one of us had arm guards to protect from razer leaf which is the most used attack by the Leavanny species.

We walked for around 25 minutes while eliminating random Pokemon that sneak attack. They were all just the beginner level ones, but as we go deeper the forest only got quieter.

Even a break of twig might be heard all around, but we did not care about the noise until we reach closer to the destination. Luckily the grass was not wet and we don't need to worry about accidental slips.

As we reached the periphery of our destination, the environment was dead silent but I could smell the blood around, the odour might be due to the night hunt of the Leavanny group.

We looked at the nesting area of the Leavanny gang, it was exactly 200 metres away from us. There were 20-30 nests spread all around the area of 50 square metres. All were similar to the penguin nests from Earth, Sewaddles most of the time hang to the branches using their web but sleep in the nests during the night.

On the back end of the nests was a leafy tent stitched with silk. It was huge and seemed almost similar to a Human tent. It might probably be the resting ground for the Leavanny.

We looked above us to make sure that there are no flying-type pokemon around. The Trees were much taller here but there was enough sunlight for us to see, the only problem is the uneven surface. It is tough to run around as we might get tripped by the roots that grew out of the soil. But the surface was pretty even near the nesting area.

"I think there are two swadloons guarding," said Faulkner pointing at the left and right ends.

"well, that was expected as other bugs are sleeping," said Logan while we nodded.

Currently, we gathered behind two huge trunked trees. As for the information, there are roughly 25 to 30 Pokemon: 1 Leavanny, 6 Swadloons and 12- 15 Sewaddles.

Everyone nodded and got to the business. I took out the face masks for covering our mouths and nose while Faulkner took out the three poison bottles.

Ethan immediately asked Munna to carry the poison bottles using telekinesis flying to the top of the nesting area. Munna can control small objects like bottles but anything bigger is just a burden. Logan handed Pecha berries to all our pokemon as they help in curing poison status.

The plan is simple: Step 1 is to spread the poison powder on sleeping pokemon when the swadloon guards get distracted by Elekid. Then, Elekid takes out one Swadloon by chucking him towards me while the other swadloon gets electrocuted immediately.

After that is simple, we go all out on the poisoned inflicted Pokemon. To confuse the Sewaddle group, each one of us attacks from a different direction with our Pokemon.

I go straight, Ethan comes from the right while Faulkner sneaks from the left. Logan attacks from behind as the leader is at the far end.

Each has a target of four to five while Logan and his Pokemon take care of Leavanny until all of us finish the underlings. We also have to make sure Piglet doesn't faint until all the underlings are dead.

Munna flew up with the three poison powder bottles to spread it around like the move 'Sweet scent'.

'Time to bait' I thought and took a tube of pokemon blood that we bought. I released Elekid out,

"Okay, time for acting. As practised, walk towards them like an almost dead Pokemon while building up Charge. Fall exactly 100 meters away from them," I instructed in a very low tone.

"Kid, Elekid." he nodded in understanding. All the bugs are asleep due to the late-night hunt.

I poured the blood over Elekid while we all took our position, it took some time for Logan to reach the back end, so we had to wait in positions for around two minutes.

The moment I saw Logan on the other End, Munna moved from the top to pour poison powder while Elekid started his acting. He crawled slowly as if injured towards the guards, it almost took 30 seconds for them to spot Elekid.

"Eleee.....kiddd..." he said and slowly fell startling two Swadloons.

They talked amongst each other for ten seconds and slowly walked towards Elekid in a very happy manner. It felt like they were almost grinning.....

"Swad? Dloon???" they said as they cautiously came closer.

They maintained some distance and walked around for 10 to 15 seconds to make sure Elekid is unconscious. One of the Gaurd slowly moved closer and tasted the blood,

"Swaaaaa, Swadloon," he said maniacally towards the other guard. The other one too came close...

"Swadloon, Swad....." it said and they both held Elekid hands.

'I think they are trying to drag Elekid back to the nest,' I thought deciphering the meaning.

I readied my sword while Munna started spreading poison powder on all the sleeping pokemon. She was also ready to go inside the Leaf tent of Leavanny, Munna would teleport directly to Ethan after that.

I held a tight grip while taking a good breath,

As both Swadloons held Elekid hands, Elekid immediately got up scaring both Pokemon.

"Swara" "Swaaaa"

without giving them the time to attack, he threw one Swadloon into the air towards me while giving a point-blank range shock wave to the other.


I sprinted straight towards the flying Swadloon with max speed and unleashed a full power horizontal slash cutting the Pokemon in two.

"Katcaaaa... Splash",

Greenish fluid splashed all over me, but I did not care as other sleeping pokemon woke up due to the poisoning and the noise.

Munna Teleported back to Ethan while Tepig immediately flame charged into the tent. Sawk jumped high from the right side with a rock smash while Munna Psy-shocked all the stunned pokemon. It was big chaos among the Leavanny gang as everything happened so fast.

" waddle?" "Swadlooooon" Seawaaaa"






The leaf tent was on fire and all Pokemon realized that they were getting invaded,

I ran towards a Sewaddle that had holes on the leaf of its head, noticing my sprinting approach, it immediately used string shot...


Next second, I saw a white thread of silk approach towards my head at a high speed,

I reacted quickly and slid on my knees with insane dodging speed. Because of my running momentum, I almost skid four metres forward, the floor was very even near the nesting area so it helped me.

As I slid closed enough, I gripped my sword tightly and gave a horizontal slash towards the bug's neck slitting it in one shot.

"Sling... Sling... Sling....."

I sensed a Razor leaf coming towards me so I immediately guarded my head in a boxing pose.

'Luckily we all had arm guards

I did not know who attacked but the force was strong enough to knock me back.

"Ahhhhhh" I whined in pain as I felt discomfort in my left arm.

'This is not an attack of intermediate pokemon' I thought and looked towards the attacker.

There!! I saw a 5 feet tall Leavanny looking at me with its creepy crimson eyes. It even smiled at me with blood lust,

Although it was invisible I could sense the pressure of an advanced pokemon. From the advanced stage, Pokemon start to emit oppressive pressure due to all the bloody battles they have gone through.

"Lea... Lea..... Leavanny," he said and released razor leaf again.

'Fuck!! what about Logan?' I thought and jumped sideways dodging the sharp leaves.

I looked behind to see that he was being bombarded by two swadloon and a Sewaddle.

"Fuck!!!" I said in frustration gritting my teeth.

"Leavanny..." he said and gathered a green ball around his hand.

'No!! don't tell me...' I thought looking at the green ball as it formed. I could sense the power in it from 20 metres away,

'if I am hit by it there's no way I would live' I thought in panic.

I can't dodge the energy ball as I know how fast the pokemon ball moves are,

"Leaaaa Vannnyyyyy" he yelled and released it straight towards me like a bullet. I held my sword tight and blindly jabbed straight forward as I could not keep up with the speed.


before the ball hit my sword, an electric bolt went past my ear like a bullet.


"Ahhhh" I clutched my ear as the bolt grazed past my ear and hit the energy ball right at the centre.

I turned back to see Elekid holding the head of a Swadloon on his left while generating sparks with his right hand,

Elekid looked exhilarated by the battle as his facial expression had an enormous smile,

"Good job Elekid, now Light Screen," I said turning back.

He instantly jumped in between Leavanny and me throwing the chopped off head. Our light screen is not a team move as Elekid can only generate for himself.

"Kiddd Elekid," he said and put his hands forward generating an invisible barrier.

"Leavannyyyy," it said frustrated and generating one more energy ball. But it couldn't as the green skin gradually turned purple.

'Great!! the poison kicked in'

"Elekid we just need to hold on until others finish. So complete defence" I said making him nod.

"Kid Elekid"

I know Elekid attacks aren't that effective on grass types and this Leavanny is a level above. Instead of offence, it is better to stall time. I looked around in the Chaos and spotted everyone fighting their own battles,

'I just need to delay for a minute' I thought observing the situation.

"Elekid use Quick attack to dodge while maintaining distance with Shock wave," I said and turned towards a quiet Swadloon that's lurking from behind.





"You think I did not spot you?" I said and ran towards the swadloon without giving it a chance.

"Weeeeeee," it said whistling in a very low frequency using the leaf in front of its mouth.

'As expected!! Grass Whistle'

We were prepared for this, we already have cotton in our ears to make sure we don't hear. Grass whistle is a sound move that puts other Pokemon or humans to sleep, this is the technique they use to kill their prey. Luckily, Grass whistle is a barely audible sound so cotton can be used to protect ourselves.

"Dloonnn? " it tilted its head in confusion and shock as I closed on it with a high vertical slash.

"Katchhhhaaa", blood-splattered around again. Poor Swadloon died without knowing the reason for that Grass Whistle fail.

"4 down, my account is fulfilled," I said pulling the blade out. Then I heard a sudden voice from behind as it crashed,



Before I realized I was smashed by Elekid's body who flew due to the impact of Leavanny's Energy ball.

"Fuck!!!" I said out loud clutching my back.

[Sorry Dad, he is too powerful. Luckily, the light screen is helping, ] he said sending a Thunder shock towards Leavanny.

"Nahh, don't mind," I said clutching my back in pain. As I was rubbing my back, I noticed a small piglet sneaking towards Leavanny,

"Yooo!! Leavanny..... you are a BIG LOSER!!" I taunted even though I knew he couldn't understand. I just needed to divert him.

"Lea Leavanny," he said slashing his hands together trying to hit us with one final energy ball..... before he generated it, a flame ball-like object hit him from behind with full force.

"Booommmm", was what I heard while an immediate psychic attack followed it from the left.

Giving Leavanny no time to react, a big Rock smash came from the right side hitting on the back of its neck.

Leavanny couldn't even shout his name as he fell flat on the floor. Although Poison might have played a bigger part than all three attacks combined.

Everything happened in the span of two seconds,

" Sorry for the delay, did not expect two Swadloons inside the tent," said Logan scratching his orange hair.

"Nevermind!!! things can never go as planned. We made it anyway!!" I said sitting down with a sigh.

"Are you alright?" asked both Faulkner and Ethan.

"Yeah, the funny part is that I was hurt twice and both were by Elekid," I said chuckling and pointing towards my ear and back.

"Kid Elekidddd," he said defending himself.

I patted him on the head and said,

"Let's clean up fast, wild pokemon can smell the blood," I said throwing an un-contracted Pokeball towards the Leavanny.

--------Chapter End----------

Note: Hey guys I hope you are liking the chapter. This is one of the longest chapters so far and I hope you liked the whole thing.

You can give me a critical review of this chapter in the comments so that I can do better in the upcoming adventurous battles. If there were no issues then leave it.

Wild_Wine Wild_Wine

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