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90% Military Demon Lord / Chapter 7: Escort for a week. This city is actually challenging to conquer

Capítulo 7: Escort for a week. This city is actually challenging to conquer

To start things off. They left Town Beninea

Let's start day one of traveling

It only gonna take 1 week to reach to the capitol

Elisa and the others POV (Warning! First person view moght be mixed with third person view)

Day 1 (Ilyana)

It wasn't as exciting as Elisa and the others had thought

Kanemoto and the others aren't very talkative much either because they would just look outside as if there's something of a threat that caught their eye

Day 2 (Ilyana and Elisa)

Just like Yesterday it wasn't that exciting

There are some beasts that tried to attack us but they are just scared away

How in the world an A Rank Wolf get scared away like that?

I think it was one of those "Italians" that Kanemoto said. His class is "[Shotgunner]". I don't even know what it is or what's the purpose of the class [Shotgunner]

He said it's like an equivalent to a knight, berserk, or paladin but a mix with range classes

The "Italian" is equipped with an "Benelli Nova". I don't know whats "Benelli" means but the "Nova" one scared me

A spell that starts ir ends with "Nova" is always at S rank or above or even EX rank. This "Italian" might've be a Master Rank [Mage] or Master Rank [Sage] to hold such a weapon

Day 3 (Ilyana)

This has becoming a boring trip to the capitol

Even Ilyana was bored

I don't know how Kanemoto is not bored by this

One time I heard laughing in Kanemoto's Horseless carriage

Day 4

Ilyana and the others being shocked on what happened earlier

"This "too" interesting." Ilyana and Elisa said as they saw many dead and injured bandits


As they crossed "The Quiet Viaduct" they encounter some bridge bandits. About 20 of them

One of Kanemoto's men said "How Ironic that this bridge is called "Quiet" for no reason."

Elisa and her knight friends all unsheathed their swords while Ilyana stay behind the convoy for her own safety

Meanwhile Kanemoto

"RATTLE'EM, BOYS!" Kanemoto said in excitement

The german [Machinegunner] fired his MG-42. The MG's fire rate is at 1300 round per minute but due to the end of the second world war the people from NATO saw this gun as very good design but it needs some "nerfing". They change the fireing rate to 1000 round per minute. Hence the name MG-3 or "The modernized version of the MG-42"

All Elisa is hearing is the "BBRRTT" of the MG-42 and some "popping noises" from Kanemoto's men

It ended very quickly not even 5 minutes had passed

The Machinegunner saw they didn't find cover and they are bunched up so all of the 20 bandits are killed by him alone. The injured I mentioned all died by blood loss or got executed

When Elisa saw Kanemoto holding what looks like a black colored, L shaped objects that is pointed at a injured and pleading bandit


The bandit was dead. Instantly. Had a hole in the center of his forehead

Now they are concerned what Kanemoto's true colors are

Day 5

The fight was still fresh in their minds

Kanemoto and his men don't joke around in fighting

Why are they this scary the more we stay with them?

Day 6

They have arrived at the outer checkpoint of Dragonshear

This checkpoint is also a fort

The fort is called "Marshstorm Fortress"

When they saw Ilyana they knew they had to let in the "VIP Merchant"

But the only thing they are confused of is Kanemoto's convoy

As they are stopped Ilyana asked why

The guards said that newcomers suck as them should be checked thoroughly

Ilyana said back saying they are fine

Kanemoto ensired this is just their standard protocol for security purposes and reasons

Ilyana wanted to say back at Kanemoto but just shits her mouth

The guard was astonished that this commoner knows the protocol of security in this land. So he asked if he was a guard before being a escort mercenary

Kanemoto replied saying he once is. About 2 years. This part was when he was tasked to guard the Presidents building in the upcoming meeting between everybody in the UN talking about Afghanistan's current problem

Man it was a tough job they had to search through wave after wave of politicians

He doesn't know why it lastee over 2 years. He was 1st lieutenant since the first year before becoming a Captain

Also they had to pay

Kanemoto doesn't know why he had to pay very large sum of gold for the entrance fee because he was an adventurer

The guard said it's because the recent increase of Adventurers these days. They always hunt in groups and get rewarded very high making the people who are not adventurers lose their amount of salary when working. It even affected the guards in this checkpoint and some even think quitting. So the government offered and increase of entrance fee's "For Only Adventurers" and a decrease who are NOT adventurers. Jobs such as merchants or People who are high rank in the military that is off duty at the time will not pay entrance fee's

So Ilyana will not pay her entrance fee's

Elisa and her friends are not adventurers so they have to pay less

For Kanemoto they had to pay a very large sum of money

They continue the journey

Day 7

They had arrived. Finally

They arrived the southern part of the city because the west part of the gate needs some renovations and upgrades so they are moved to the south

They did their usula security checks as usual

Pay entrance fee's as usual

Basic Isekai'ish security protocol and stuff

They stopped in the district of "Upper South Twusseb". Where the merchant building is located

Ilyana thanked them but she said the bad news that she is gonna take about two or three days to sell all of these lruducts and items here.

Kanemoto said to her "don't worry" because he just wants to explore the capitol. For a "Random" reason they look serious

Ilyana just nodded and Kanemoto and his whole squad left Ilyana and the others alone

"Everyone split into three. Explore as much as possible here. Hiroshiba and Onayashi will come with me." (Kanemoto)

"Hai!" (Everyone)

Everyone left as they explore around the capitol

The three are gonna find a house to buy so Kanemoto will summon a [Portal] there so many of his men back at the base will be secretly stationed there

Before he left the base he craleated a 50 man platoon. Full of people equipped with only AS VALs

Because the AS VAL already had a fixed silencer on he want to sabotage this Empire to its knee's then attack

People with only AS VALs. Note of this because this will be important

His first goal is the slave hideouts here in this capitol

The government let the slavers sell their slaves here for money so the economy blow up very high just like old time when the Roman empire did absolutely that

So if they attack one of the major Slave Hideouts the empire's economy will crumbe. That's what Kanemoto had thought

They asked many people on where is the building that lets people buy houses

Until they arrived at the buidling where people get to buy houses

They entered and asked the receptionists there

Houses available

Price: 10,000

House size: Medium (Normal House)

Facilities (Bed room and Bathrooms): One Bedroom, No Bathrooms

Price: 12,000 Gold

House Size: Medium (Normal House)

Facilities: One Bedroom, One Bathroom

Price: 24,000 Gold

House Size: Large (Normal House)

Facilities: Two Bedrooms, One Bathroom

Price: 32,000 Gold

House Size: Large (Two floors house)

Facilities: Three Bedrooms, Two Bathrooms

Price: 45,000 Gold

House Size: Large (Once was a rich Merchants house)

Facilities: Four Bedrooms, Three Bathrooms, One luxury Living Room, Medium Size Garden

Price: 67,000 Gold

House Size: Very Large (Normal House)

Facilities: Five Bedrooms,.Tow Bathrooms, Luxury Kitchen, Luxury Living Room, Large Size Garden, One Indoor Bathing pool

Price: 108,000

House Size: Mansion Size

Facilities: Five Bedrooms, Three Bathrooms,.... ETC (Everything for a rich bastard)

The money that Kanemoto has

768,000 Gold

2,306,000 Silver

10,898,345 Coins

(These are all stored in bis spacial storage)

"So what are you going to buy today, sir?" The Female Receptionist asked

"The one mansion that is the price of 108,000 gold coins, ma'am." (Kanemoto)

"The one that is once a house of a noble? Sorry sir that price was very old and we forgit to add the new price. The new proce is 208,000 gold, sir. I'm sorry." The receptionist said as she bowed at him feeling bery sorry that they forgot to put up the new price

"Well don't feel very sorry. When I observe the paper that looks liek it has been up for like many years. I cna pay the new price. I have lots of money." (Kanemoto)

"Well, thank you for your cooperations, sir. A person will be waiting for you at the waiting room just over there." (Receptionist)

"Thank you." He thanked the receptionist

As the three goes to the waiting area. They found the person that the receptionist said

The person is a Female Neko? Tiger? Well Kanemoto can't tell because cat's also have stripes so maybe both

"Are you the Neko that the Receptionist is yalking about?" (Kanemoto)

"Huh? I am not a Cat! I am a great Tiger!" The Tiger girl said as she put her fist on her chest proud of being a great tiger

'I think I know why the Russians and the other Allies since World War Two think that German Tiger tanks are very annoying. Very fucking prideful I think' Kanemoto thought as he gave a face of "I don't fucking care"

"Yeah, Yeah. So gonna show us the former nobles residence?" (Kanemoto)

"Please be patient! I will show you where." The Tiger Girl said

"Well thanks, miss?" (Kanemoto)

"Call me Aniyei! Aniyei Kiebra. Daighter of the Great "King" Tiger! Anu-yei Kiebra!" She said with pride

'Great, her father is a "King Tiger"? Is there anymore references that is in my world?' Kanemoto thought but just ignored the tiger girls pride. How in the world is she working here if her father is the King Tiger?

Ani(yei) showed them the mansion and for the love of God and Jesus. It is very big. In Kanemoto's little Otaku Persona this house was from a noble so maybe the noble's rank position might be Viscount or Duke? Well he couldn't tell because he visited several houses and buildings that are larger than this

"Here is the Keys of the house. The Papers that shows your ownerships and other junk you need." Aniyei gave the stuff to Kanemoto and she waved him goodbye. What a lightly rude person

As they entered the mansion they are next to a fountain because Onayashi and Hiroshiba said their feet are tire because if the walking snd standing

Kanemoto said yes and he also seated on the side of the fountain

He checked his system

"Sir, I have detected abnormal movement within the house. I can confirm, sir. That this is probably a house spirit" The system said and Kanemoto's eyebrows raised

'Holy Shit? You're not kidding right? If I remember a House spirit is like a, what you call it?... Ahah! Like free maids but the downside is that if a person shows at least malicious intent towards the House Spirit. The House Spirit itself will kill the person who showed Malicious intent. Well shit. I don't hate Ghosts but I am the type of person that are very fucking scared of them. Well shit.' Kanemoto thought

"Well sir, the bad news is that this particular House Spirit was killed by a rich noble and the incidents here that 24 nobles had died here. Reasons are showing the spirit malicious intent or the people who sent priests to "Purify" the hiuse from evil spirits. So it may difficult to handle this situation, sir." (System)

"Well fuck." He covered his face in dissatisfaction

He then stands up and looked at both Onayashi and Hiroshiba

"OK, You two should stay here. Maybe guard if anybody that trespass here. Got it?" (Kanemoto)

"Hai!" (Onayashi snd Hiroshiba)

Kanemoto nodded and goes inside the mansion

As he entered the mansion the double doors behind him "creepily" closes

"Ohhh~ spooky~. Ahh, fuck then." Kanemoto taunted


The north of him is two stairwells that bends. Classic princess castle for kids (imagine the disney princess dual thingy stairs room)

In between the curved stairs is a door. Looks ominous enough for a dare devil ghost hunter would do

The northwest of his is a room that leads to the dining hall and there are two other rooms that are in the dining hall

The Northeast of him lead to a room that basically looks like an office for the noble of some kind?

Well as someone who is scared shitless on horror games he should surely go to the dining hall but he must be quick before the sun sets

It's 9:37 AM so he has many hours to explore this house full so he can summon a gate to teleport the soldiers back at the base

He goes northwest

Entering Mansion's dining hall room

Kanemoto is surprised of the design of the interiors here in this room

Like British esc type of vibe

Is this what it looks like in the inside of the Buckingham palace?

He touched the very long table where it is used for the noble family and the guests to eat

He used his finger to check the table and it is bery old because the amount of dust it picked up

He ckecked the chairs and it has cushions. Very very high quality cushions. Too bad it is all covered in dust and maybe the feathers or cotton that is in the inside had been degraded over the years

There are some decorations like the candle holders and the three chandeliers that is on top of the ceiling. Very stunning sight

The two rooms lead to a Kitchen and for some reason everything looks very fine. Just the dust is covered but everything is well Placed and fixed so just cleaning the dust is the only thing to clean

He got out of the kitchen and to the dining room then goes back to where he started

He goes to the northeast

This noble moght be a general ir a high ranking official in the military because well if Kanemoto looks at it this is a planning room. They just left the map there?

Well at least he can summon a printer so he can copy then edit the so the soldiers will gonna use a map to know the directions of the world. But this map only focuses on this continent not the other continent where the Wuxia, cultivator, immortal shites are

He then summon his camera and pictured at least every part if the map. He then gets the map and stired it in his spacial storage

He wants to check everything here

There are unit pieces so if generals are to discuss they are gonna use unit pieces to determine what units should they go or use

But it's no use for Kanemoto because he also have unit pieces back in the base

There are some paper scrolls on soem shelfs but that will gonna be left by the investigation unit

Goes back to the first room

He then goes to the stairs and goes to the second floor

"Sir, this floor has. Nothing in particular of searching. It's just some bedrooms that is for the people or guests and some rooms for "entertainment"." (System)

Kanemoto uses [Mini Map] and the System is right. It is just some bedrooms and rooms for entertainment

He then goes down stairs and goes to the door that is on the center of the two curve stairs

Ince he got near to the door it has a lock

He tried to open it with his bare hands thinking it might've been unlocked but it fail because it is lock shut

He summons a crowbar and bashed the lock open

He hit the lock about 10 times for it to break open

He compliment on how tough the lock is

But he doesn't know whats on the other side of this door because he was this suspicious

He then summoned his HOWA Type 20 assault rifle and is ready to breach in



He kicked the door and large amount of dust exited making Kanemoto cough a bit

He then used his flashlight and to the looks of it. It leads to a stairwell that leads to the mansions basement

He then points his AR at the direction because he didn't encounter the House spirit yet.

Going down the staircase....... Location. Basement/Dungeon

To his surprise this looks like a prison. What kind of noble who lived here?

He checked several cell blocks and they are clean. He expected some skeletons or bones but they are all cleaned

Until he arrived at the last cell block

This particular cell block doesn't have any iron bars or anything. This is a solitary confinement cell block

It also has a lock in it

Not to waste he used his AR and shoot the lock

"{Commander, is everything alright?}" Onayashi radioed him because they besrd one gunshot

"{I'm fine. I just shot a lock on a room. Nothing life threatening.}" Kanemoto radioed back

Kanemoto opened a door and checked the surroundings

The the left of the room, nothing

To the right of the room, nothing

To the center of a room found a skeleton in a maid outfit that is leaning on the wall. She must've have starved to death here

He checked if anything that is worth to search and found one paper that is on the hand of the skeleton maid

He checked the letter and It says

"Stay or Perish"

"Huh?" Kanemoto was confused until a whisper was heard

"You should've just stay out." Thw faint voiceand then the "Ghost" Lift Kanemoto up to the air

The ghost slammed Kanemoto to every direction till it stopped

"Fuck! I didn't think that ghost fucking exist! Well of course this is a fucking fantasy world!" Kanemoto got up quickly and exited the cell block

"Sir, the ghost is powerful enough to make this whole basement different like the last one. You are now in the middle of a maze. The map is fully distorted and was desynchronized by the sudden change of the basement."

"Objective: Survive. Also please survive only 30 minutes. I can reboot the map so you can know where to go. But it looses signal so the rebooting process is gonna slow down. The nearest strongest signal is at the northeast of you. Please survive sir." (System)

"So it's like a horror survival game huh? Well ghost let's play catch!" Kanemoto ran to the northeast

25 minutes left

"Sir, I've picked up a strong signal. Please wait for teh rebooting process to finish. Also I sense one ghost that is about east of you. Only option is to go west and loose the signal or go north and outmaneuver the ghost." (System)

He ran north and suddenly the small part of the ceiling is falling down slowly. It's closing this section

Kanemoto ran at his fullest and slided down before it closes shut

"Sir, the signal is deteriorating fast. Next nearest signal is about south of you." (System)

Kanemoto ran to his south

A trap was triggered and the floor of Kanemoto is falling

He ran very fast and is now entered a new room

15 minutes left

This particular room looks like a storage area. Wait. A storage area for wine and beer because Kanemoto saw endless rows of Very Large Barrels of Wine and beer.

"Sir watch out. There are some wines that are not dried up. So don't slip on the slippery steps." (System)

Kanemoto looks around him. It's quiet too quiet

He walked slowly as he doesn't want to make a noise

As walked about north he heard creaking sounds

Someone is walking on top of the large barrels

"Sir, I advise that you should be quiet. The ghost is above and has large vision around the ghost. So take cover and move." (System)

'shit.' Kanemoto thought

As he walked about east then north and hide between the barrels because the ghost maid is in the area near him

He hide under something and the maid is now near him

"Huhuhu~ Kikiki~. Come out come out~. The maid wants to "help" you." The maid said

As Kanemoto hide he saw the maid's appearance

Her outfit of course is a female fantasy version of a maid

Her hair is black, her skin looks very pale in fact it is very white. Her eyes are red and it glowed in the dark

As the thing she is carrying behind is a large mace that is suspended in chains that lead to her right arm (I don't like putting into details so imagine the angry Rem from Re:Zero)

The ghost maid passes by and the coast is clear

5 Minutes left

"Sir, the rebooting process is finally near but the signal is lost again. The final signal strength is at the center of the Wine storage room. Go there." (System)

"Yosh." Kanemoto nodded and he rushed to the center of the storage room

"Sir, for some reason the ghost is getting weaker and weaker. Even though it is very strong it has limits. Maybe put a few round on the ghost will do I think." (System)

Kanemoto summoned his Type 20 assault rifle and then does a defensive position

Until everything lights up

Torches, magice lights, everything that will light has been opened



Kanemoto tense up as he aimed whatever that will come out

He is in a bad position. The only cover he only got is three tables that used for cover, a very obviously planted knife. And some stuff that is no use

Everything around him is exposed. If it where a firefight he might get shot easily

He looks around every time. His enemy is only one and it's the ghost maid. She can attack at any time

A shadow appeared and Kanemoto shoots in one burst (Burst Fire - Three Rounds)

The shadow was an illusion and nothing came

Then a huge metal ball eith chains that tails it came at the back of Kanemoto. Hitting his back then was launch towards a barrle of wine

The barrel of wine had a full load and a very big splash ensues

Kanemoto is hurt but the pain quickly went away. He is now covered in sticky wine. The flavor is tasty too

In front of Kanemoto is the ghost maid

His gun is nowhere to be found

Kanemoto stands up and unsheathed his combat knife

"Hoh~? I didn't knew you could survive that attack. I think you are not a regular human. Kikiki~" The ghost maid said

Kanemoto didn't anything

Match is Starting

Adjusting Power Level.... complete

Location: Wine Cellar

Ghost maid


Kanemoto Momoru


Kanemoto was the first to charge and attack

He stabbed her in the stomach and several part of her

The Maid attacked and swinged her chain mace and hit Kanemoto on the left hip

Critical Hit

Kanemoto used martial arts but she was too quick and dodges every attack

She slammed her mace down but Kanemoto was quick to react and dodged it easily

This fight longer so lets skip the fight

Them both are still at it now Kanemoto is pissed off

He used light mahic on the ghost maid and jt actually worked

The maid is stunned

He then used [Holy Fists]. That sounds like a joke but it actually worked

Winner! Kanemoto Momoru!

"I-I can't believe you can actually beat me to the finish. No priest nor a person can stand that." The ghost maid said as she compliment Kanemoto

Kanemoto who literally is tired on that one hour fight leans against the wall panting heavily

"You not bad yourself. I don't usually believe in ghost but seing this now. I may halfy believe it." Kanemoto said as he panted and dropped because his legs felt sore

His powers that are adjusted is coming back to normal so his injuries and the fatigue is slowly fading away in a short time for a while

"Now. I don't know if this is a test or something BS. But in my years if realing light novels is this where the house spirit accepts the person who complete the test?" (Kanemoto)

"Well there's no other way so yeah. That's it." (Ghost Maid)

"What the fuck happen? Before you are literally have murderous intent and now you are chill." (Kanemoto)

"No. I'm just shocked that, no other priest even the stronger ones can defeat me. So you are the first to defeat me. What are you?" (Ghost maid)

"Well you are already dead so I can definitely tell my secret. Once upon a time a bookworm idiot is at a library reading his favorite book and finished it. Till two idiots came to disturb him. The party was OK and I had to return back to the library and suddenly some fucking Gods had to snatch him."

"So in short. I got kidnapped by the Gods and was placed here to fix their fucking problem." (Kanemoto)

The ghost maid was astonished. Well she didn't believe it at first but his tone of voice is serious as if the Deities really did kidnapped this guy and was forced to fix their problem that she doesn't know

Kanemoto stands up "Can you uhh..... Remove this illusion so I can get out?"

"Don't worry, master. We can teleport bac lto the top." She then did hand gestures and the two are teleported back at the main floor

"There's a System that calls me "sir". Im OK with it but for someone to call me master is just too much. A classic maid hotel in Tokyo." (Kanemoto)

"Is there a problem Master/Sir?" Both the House Spirit maid and the System said

"NOTHING." (Kanemoto)

He quickly stands up and opens the door that leads the front lawn whereOnayashi and Hiroshiba is waiting

He checks the time

1:07 PM

"Huh? How long have I been gone? Well nevermind." He then walks towards the two

"Onayashi! Hiroshiba! Call the others to regroup and tell me what they find." (Kanemoto)

"Hai!" Onayashi and Hiroshiba said

He then goes back inside

The maid is still there

"So do you have a name or something?" (Kanemoto)

"I forgot my original name so you can name me whatever you want, Master" The Ghost Maid said

"Well I'm bad at naming so.... Your official name is now Ela." Kanemoto named her

"Hmm..... I like it. Thank you master" she bowed

"So what are you good at?" (Kanemoto)

"Everything" (Ela)


"Fighting, Defending, Cooking, Cleaning, and everything that a maid will do." (Ela)

"Well.... Please clean the house but this house is a mansion. Do you need help?" (Kanemoto)

"Why do you help a ghost? I cna clean this whole place in an hour top, Master. Don't worry. I'm already dead so exaustion has nothing to me." Ela said as she floated away starting cleaning the place

As she left Kanemoto was dumbfounded

'How fucked up isekai worlds are? How can generic MCs endured this?' Kanemoto thought as he goes outside waiting hos squad members to return

Time skip

Kanemoto's squad returned and they entered the house only to find a maid

They asked who she is

"Everyone! This is Ela. A House Spirit. You can order her around to get drinks, food, etc. Ela. This is Onayashi, Hiroshiba, Isabell Gerstacker, Julius, McMahon, Popy(rin), Levin, Elmo, McNeil, and lastly the Italian. This is my whole squad." Kanemoto introduced Ela to them

"Sir my name is Apollinare." The Italian said being a little annoyed but at the same time didn't care.

"Counterpoint: I'm in command and I order you to stop complaining." (Kanemoto)

Time skip 8:30 PM

At the meeting room of the mansion

"So what do you guys collect today? Did you find anything special?" (Kanemoto)

"We found several pubs and bars. Especially Brothels. I think if we want to collect enough information I know a brothel. It is a luxurious class 5 star brothel called "Viridian Meadows". It's at a district called "Midtown Vuppup". That brothel is full of people from crime families, Mafias, and gangsters." Popyrin said

"We explored some interesting spots. These tall towers are mage towers that creat this so called magic barrier." Schmied said

"Magic defense towers? If I heard from the Goddess of Magic. Blue color is t it's full strength and if it's red then it's weaken till it is destroyed. How many are there?" (Kanemoto)

"About 8? No, 10. The two biggest towers are between the capitol's castle where the emporor is. I think that is their second line of defense." (Schmied)

"Damn this city is well made. Like it's so organized. I know this city is a circle shape but how many gate entrances so the Tanks come in?" (Kanemoto)

"About 12 gates. They are big enough to fit a tank inside the capitol." (McMahon)

"Good. Any of you guys find any, you know. Major slave hideouts?" (Kanemoto)

His whole squad look at each other

"Alot sir." Everyone said to Kanemoto

"Uhuh. Well we strike these Slave hideouts tomorrow. I will create a portal to our base. Fifty of our guys will be coming here to steike these locations. More will come if we increase our safe houses. Is everyone ready for the big show?" (Kanemoto)

"Yes sir!" Everyone said in unison

"Good. Let's teach these cunts what modern weapons feel." Kanemoto dismissed them all and they all return to their quarters

As for Kanemoto, he created a portal and 50 from his base came out

As for the night they wore Black colored FBI combat uniforms. They are all equipped with AS VALs so their shots are quiet enough to not make a loud sound

He purchased a few more buildings as safe houses

The actions will gonna begin

To be continued

Daoistmaster Daoistmaster

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