"Oh no! Now they know we're going to Earth and not some other place in secret, what do we do? What do we do? Jules! Monkey! Ahhh! I don't want to cancel our trip to Earth! Nonono!" Jessica cried out in a strange tone that left everybody in the room either cringing or smirking.
Jul'Taras sighed.
Wu Kong sighed.
Aunt Hillary sighed.
And of course, singularly due to her inappropriate outburst and terrible acting, they had to cancel their plans to visit Earth.
For the time being.
"You're not allowed to go." Director Sands said sternly to Jessica Sands.
"GRAMPS!! Don't be so mean! We're going over to investigate the cause of Elliot's unnatural increase in strength. It would only bring benefits to us if we find out first!" Jessica argued.
"We Void Walkers are not lacking strength at the moment. You might have noticed that." Director Sands replied dryly.
Bonus chapter 1!
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