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Capítulo 10: Principal Nezu.

(3rd Person Pov) 

Both Rimuru and All Might's fist collided with each other causing the ocean beneath them to part ways beneath them as All Might frowned witnessing Rimuru standing his ground in a battle of strength against himself even if All Might wasn't going all out.

Rimuru: "Goddammit Toshinori, stop your pointless attacks! You won't be able to beat me in a fight anyways!"

All Might: "You seem to underestimate my power Rimuru Tempest! Fine then, if you believe that you can beat me, then prove it!"

Rimuru cursed himself in his mind for provoking All Might as he spoke. 

Rimuru: "That's not what I meant! I mean you should stop attacking me and let us talk this out like proper heroes!"

All Might scoffed as he spoke. 

All Might: "We will have plenty of time to talk to one another when I drag you to the police station for your crimes of not just killing a villain, but manipulating the civilians memories and illegally using your quirk!"

Rimuru: "For the love of God!"

All Might: "From here on out, I'll be going all out!"

At the end of his words, All Might vanished from where he stood as Rimuru tilted his head sideways avoiding All Might's punch that parted the water behind Rimuru, as well as blowing several of the nearby trash farther away from their original location. 

Rimuru took notice of this as he clicked his tounge before he jumped and struck All Might's chin with a knee strike sending the number one hero flying away as Rimuru thought to himself. 

Rimuru: 'I'll have to take this fight farther away from the beach. If this fight continues, the tower for trash Midoriya-Kun has tiredly collected will crumble, and all his hardwork will have been for nothing.'

Rimuru tensed his body before shooting forward towards All Might who had already recovered from Rimuru's knee strike as he witness Rimuru cocking his fist back preparing to send what All Might assumed was a straight punch.

And as Rimuru entered All Might's line of reach, he sent a full powered punch only to his surprise, he saw Rimuru's leg pull down the arm he used to punch exposing himself. And in the split second of surprise that caught All Might off guard, Rimuru had used his free leg to send a knee strike to the side of All Might's head sending him flying.

Rimuru: "Renewal Taekwondo: Hoe Grab. Gotta admit, using a Renewal Taekwondo technique feels so epic. Not to mention, fighting without using a sword. Actually Satan might get a heart attack if he came to learn I fought like a Berserker instead of a Saber, Archer or even Lancer."

Rimuru sighed in annoyance as he saw All Might rushing him. So he projected a wodden bokken, and reinforced it before rushing All Might who spoke in surprise. 

All Might: "You believe a wodden stick can handle my punches?"

Rimuru: "Don't worry. To have your blade broken is a swordsmans greatest shame. So it's a great thing that a swordsmans pride means nothing to me."

Rimuru continued rushing towards All Might, his steps leaving ripples upon the water he ran on.

(Splash) (Ripple) (Splash) (Ripple) (Splash)

Rimuru forcefully stopped himself causing him to slide on the water's surface as he raised the wodden Bokken high into the air before overflowing it with magical energy causing cracks to form on the wodden blade as Rimuru took a slow deep breath, and slowly exhaled.

And then... He vanished from the waters surface. All Might's instincts warned him of danger as he looked left and right before he looked down and saw the reflection of Rimuru above him.

All Might: "From above?!"

All Might crossed his hands above him as Rimuru's blade crashed onto his muscular forearms as he grunted in surprise and exclaimed in his mind. 

All Might: 'Such a heavy attack!'

The blade then continued glowing brightly as cracks continued spreading throughout it as All Might's eye's widened at Rimuru's overjoyed word's.

Rimuru: "Get Patrick Star No Jutsu you seven foot bastard!"

All Might: "Patrick what now?!" 


A relatively small scale explosion took place that parted the waves underneath where All Might once floated when the sounds of coughing could be heard as All Might got off the sandy ground of the parted ocean floors with relatively small injuries as he rushed out of the smokescreen and froze.

For all around him were dozens of ordinary steel swords that aimed to turn him into a human porcupine as he watched Rimuru calmly approach him. Atleast, that's what he assumed from Rimuru's body language as his face was hidden behind his mask and spoke. 

Rimuru: "Have you calmed down enough to reason with Toshinori-San?"

All Might: "I am calm Rimuru-Shonen."

Rimuru: "Attacking someone out of nowhere and not listening to a word they've been trying to say. It's impossible for you to claim you were calm in anyway shape or form."

All Might: "Alright fine. I wasn't calm, I was angry that you not only killed that villain, but even had the audacity to manipulate everyone's memories! And all that whilst illegally using your quirk might I add."

Rimuru: "Ughh. First things first. I killed him on accident. I was trained by a hunter to kill whatever poses the most stress and danger at the moment. And obviously seeing a bomb almost go off, I instinctively killed the moose villain to stop the bomb from going off."

All Might: "But you still-" 

Rimuru: "Be quiet! Let me finish giving my arguments first then you can talk back."

All Might pursed his lips, but ultimately nodded his head allowing Rimuru to speak as he sighed and continued his explanation.

Rimuru: "As for the whole memory manipulation thing, there's no way I could have been the one to do it. As you can clearly see, this is in no way shape or form a memory manipulation type quirk. And finally, I didn't illegally use my quirk. Now you may speak."

All Might: "I'll get to the other matters later. You said you didn't illegally use your quirk. Does that mean your a hero with a license sourced directly from the heroes association? If that's the case, do you have proof of your claims?"

Rimuru reached into his hoddies pocket and pulled out his license before handing over to All Might who didn't move because of the cage of swords he found himself trapped in.

Rimuru: "Ah. Almost forgot you were about to become a human porcupine."

Rimuru dismissed his projections as he handed the license over to All Might who looked at the license with some doubt before noticing the hero association symbol on the card as well as the date of retrieval as he muttered.

All Might: "It's actually real?"

Rimuru: "That should answer your question about me illegally using my quirk, and for the death of the moose villain."

All Might: "You just received your license and immediately have murder on your resume."

Rimuru: "Alright, that's enough. No need to keep repeating the same thing over and over again, it's getting overused and irritating that you find the need to constantly remind me of that ONE time event. What happend was merely an accident brought forth by the way I was raised. I am not cut out as a hero, but much rather a hunter or mercenary. I became a hero because I respect the law. This was the first time I've killed a villain. Can't you just lay that off me. If your trying to gaslight me into apologising and turning myself in for accidental killing the villain, then go to hell."

Rimuru spoke in annoyance and dissapointment even though he was lying. All Might sighed before he spoke.

All Might: "Then what is your excuse for manipulating the memories of everyone present?"

Rimuru: "Have you read my license quirk?"

All Might: "Rimuru-Shonen. Not a single individual from that restaurant remembered who you were, and unlike the other's who seems to have their memories erased, mine was merely altered. So I recall you being there at the time of the attack, and of everything that happened only up to the point of when you had killed the villain."

Rimuru: 'Fuck!'

Rimuru sighed as he spoke. 

Rimuru: "Ughh. Fine, I did alter your memories. But that was only because I didn't want to deal with the nuisance that is the police and other heroes pointless interrogation and lecture on how killing is wrong and blah blah blah."

All Might have the blue haired young man a deadpanned and disappointed gaze as he spoke. 

All Might: "So not only did you lie of manipulating innocent civilians memories, you also lied about the number of quirks in your possession."

Rimuru: "That's right. You happy now?"

All Might: "*Sigh*Happy would be an understatement. I'm very angry and disappointed at what's become of the younger generation. Too afraid to even take accountability of their action's."

Rimuru: "So what now?"

All Might: "Before I explain what is going to happen, first I must ask. Why did you send me flying so far away from the beach?"

Rimuru: "Are you blind? Did you not see the mountain of trash that laid nearby which Midoriya-Kun tiredly and painstakingly collected? It'd not only break his heart, but quite possibly also his spirit to see all his hard work was meaningless because some muscle headed gorilla was too angry to realise what he almost had done."

All Might: 'Well, it seems like the younger generation isn't AS bad as I credited them. They're just more... Unique I guess? Regardless, at the very least I know that he is still sympathetic.'

All Might sighed tiredly as Rimuru chirped in.

Rimuru: "Almost out of time?"

All Might spluttered and coughed in surprise being caught off guard by Rimuru's words as he spoke. 

All Might: "Whatever do you mean?"

Rimuru: "I'm not an idiot All Might. When the blade exploded, you covered the right side of your body to prevent any splinters from hitting that side specifically. That's not even mentioning how combining that bit of info with the fact that you aren't as active and tend to rush from one villain to the next in comparison to your past self. Then seeing you in that skeleton form of yours was more than enough for me to realise that your quirk is a transformation and emitter type. But you have a set limit for how long you can stay as the "Symbol Of Peace" before reverting back to Toshinori Yagi."

All Might looked at Rimuru impressed with his deduction skills as he sighed and began floating towards the beach once more. Upon arriving, All Might deflated as a veil of smoke hid him before out of the smoke veil was a skeleton. Who sat on the mostly clean beach and spoke.

Toshinori: "You right with your deduction. I indeed have a time limit to how long I can remain as "All Might" before I am forced to transform back to this state of mine. I hope I can trust you with this secret of mine young man."

Rimuru looked at Toshinori in awe as he spoke. 

Rimuru: "You know, I always assumed you were smarter than this. Turns out, my judgement proved wrong."

Toshinori: "H-Huh?"

Rimuru: "Please do remember that less than a few minutes ago you were attacking me as though I was a villain, and now your entrusting me with this big of a secret? How the hell are you even a teacher to Midoriya-Kun when your so idiotic?"

Toshinori suddenly seemed to remember something as he coughed in embarrassment at Rimuru's words as he spoke. 

Toshinori: "Speaking of teacher's, Principal Nezu of U.A. Highschool wants to see you in person."

Rimuru: "Nani?!"

Though on the outside, Rimuru's word's and body language looked surprised, Rimuru was actually far from it. He had already expected this kind of situation, and was merely acting surprised to not be seen as suspicious looking. 

Rimuru: "The principal of the number one hero school in all of Japan wants to meet me?"

Toshinori: "That's correct. So... I believe you can make it to the academy by yourself right? Here is a letter that if you show the security camera's, should allow you to enter the school ground's."

Rimuru: "*Sigh* Alright then. See you later Toshinori."

And with those. Word's, Rimuru had vanished from Toshinori's sight as he frowned and pondered. 

Toshinori: 'I wasn't dreaming back then. He was strong enough to fight toe to toe against me, and I'm sure if he wasn't using his quirk then he might have been able to fight evenly against me. Is that strength one he cultivated himself, or is it the use of another quirk? If it is because of a quirk, does he have any connection's to HIM?'

The thought of "Him" caused Toshinori' s expression to turn bitter and angry before he shook his head and comfort himself. 

Toshinori: "It's alright Toshinori. I killed him all those years ago, there's no way he can still be alive... Right?"

As All Might contemplated the death of the villain he hates the most, Rimuru had already arrived at the gates of U.A. Highschool as he waved the letter with the official UA stamp on it to the front of the camera, and the gates opened up to the sight of a hobo looking man that looks like he's been suffering from insomnia who crossed his arms and spoke.

Hobo: "Follow me. The principal is expecting you."

Rimuru: "Understood."

Rimuru followed who he knew was Aizawa Shota or Eraserhead around the school hallways for several minute's before they arrived at the front of the Principals office as Aizawa knocked on the door. And it was only when granted permission did Aizawa open the door.

Inside the office looked relatively normal, with the only abnormal thing being the chair that wasn't facing them where the principal is usually seated before they both heard principal Nezu speak.

Principal Nezu: "Eraserhead. You may take your leave now. Thank you for bringing over my guest."

Eraserhead: "No problem."

And with that the underground hero left the office and closed the door. Yet Rimuru was aware that Aizawa stood right outside preparing to attack Rimuru if the situation calls for it. Rimuru's attention was brought to the principals chair which swung around to reveal the sight of a mouse? bear? dog? Looking creature with white fur and a scar on his eye. This was none other than Principal Nezu who gave a bright smile as he spoke.

Principal Nezu: "It's a pleasure to finally meet you Rimuru Tempest. Please, have a seat and pour yourself a glass of Tea if you'd like. After all, we're in for quite the lengthy discussion."

-(Scene End)-

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