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Capítulo 7: A Strange Feeling...

(3rd Person Pov) 

Within the confines of his home was Rimuru who was cooking breakfast for himself at six am after meditating to replace his sleep as he pondered.

Rimuru: 'The training I underwent has caused me a massive issue. I slept for barely an hour, and then I woke up completely refreshed. Due to never getting physically tired, and my mental strength has grown alot stronger due to ten year's of torture at the hands of Actually Satan.'

Rimuru sighed before speaking to himself.

Rimuru: "Since I've got nothing better to do, maybe I'll just go out and patrol the area for the rest of the day."

Rimuru ate the breakfast he made, and changed his outfit to his Demon Lord one before leaving the house and casting a bounded field that makes it so that anyone that sees his home will simply ignore it. Rimuru entered his spirit form and began patrolling the city of Musutafu.

(several hours later) 

Rimuru sat atop the rooftop of an apartment with his legs dangling over the edge as he ate several sandwiches before washing them down with a bottle of water as he watched the rising sun whose light illuminated Rimuru's long bluish-silver hair. 

Rimuru: "*Sigh*How annoying. Because I'm not an actual servant I can't just sustain myself through magical energy. And due to the intense training I underwent, I now have quite the appetite that can't be satiated like it was during training. And yet somehow, even without being a proper heroic spirit that died and got access to the throne of Heroes, I still can enter spirit form. How weird. Oh well, I'll go home for now and change my outfit to something a bit more casual and maybe go to a nearby buffet to satiate my hunger."

Rimuru had spent the last several hours since six am till ten am patrolling the city of Musutafu. During his patrol, he had discovered several small time thugs, and had knocked them out and chained them to some street lamps for the police but not before "Permanently Borrowing" their money as he currently didn't have a single penny to his name.

He had managed to get a total of 72,880¥ or 500 USD from those thugs which made him quite glad. And soon enough, he returned home and changed into a casual hoodie and a pair of baggy sport pants. And just as he was about to leave, he remembered about the uniform and the license.

Rimuru: "Ah. Almost forgot about that. It's really difficult to choose, but the best option for me is to become a pro hero. Rather I decide to go pro in public or become an underground hero, at the very least I'll have a stable source of income. And with how curropted the Heroes Association is, taking some of the cash from the villains I capture shouldn't be too much of a hassle. In comparison to becoming a student the benefits don't really work as well for me in that situation."

Rimuru proceeded to grab the hero license. And the world's history was altered to fit the narrative of Rimuru's existence into the world. 

-(Scene Break!)-

(3rd Person Pov) 

Inside the Principals office of UA Highschool at 6 am was the Principal. Principal Nezu who frowned as he stared at his desktop and spoke to himself. 

Principal Nezu: "That's strange... There's no one in the entire Musutafu named Rimuru Tempest."

Principal Nezu increased the search to the entirety of Japan, and yet still no information. 

P.Nezu: "And I even widened the search to the entirety of Japan and still no signs of anyone that goes by the name of Rimuru Tempest. I wonder if he might be an illegal immigrant? What an intriguing mystery. I should be reporting this to the government, but I want to know more about this strange individual who if he is an illegal immigrant, how and when did he enter Japan's boarders? Let's search for more information on this individual through some slightly more shadier means."

Saying so, Principal Nezu went to the dark web in search of a more solid answer to this individual named Rimuru Tempest. And yet at the moment the clock struck 10 am. 

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(3rd Person Pov) 

Inside the Principals office of UA Highschool at 10 am was the Principal. Principal Nezu who hummed in interest reading the information about Rimuru Tempest. 

Principal Nezu: "Full name is Rimuru Tempest. Age 20 and apparently an orphan. That's quite sad to hear. But I must admit that despite his orphan status he still acquired a full fledged hero license."

Principal Nezu continued reading through Rimuru's Information.

P.Nezu: "Graduated from one of the lesser known hero high schools which has closed down a few years ago with passable grades. So he is pretty weak academically? That might be a bit of a problem. Meanwhile, his physical and combat abilities are beyond excellent. His situational awareness and planning during mock battles is the best amongst the entire student body.

So he's more of a tactical fighter than a scholar it seems. I'll have to assume that the best position for him if he joined the UA Staff would be as physical education, or quirk combat instructor. And it seems as though he just got his hero license the previous day. His Quirk is Projection? An interesting name for a quirks ability. He lives in Musutafu."

As principal Nezu continued reading the document of Rimuru Tempest, something caught his eye. 

P.Nezu: "He's an excellent marksman it seems, and prefers close quarter combat or striking his opponent's down from a distance. Proficient in Taekwondo, Karate, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, master of kyūdō, Kenjutsu, and even sōjutsu. It seems he's good both in armed and unarmed combat. He's also got excellent leadership skills and is very charismatic. He boasts the school's highest record of love confessions from both boys and girls. Having been confessed to by everybody in the entire highschool... That's an interesting piece of information to know. It's for that reason he tends to wear a mask wherever he goes. He also has a strange habit of cross dressing and toying with people's hearts as well but never took it too far. Just light teasing. And the staff never did anything because they were constantly charmed by his looks."

Principal Nezu rubbed his temple in bewilderment of what he's just come to learn.

P.Nezu: "Just what sort of report is this? I never expected to ever be caught off guard by a person's information. Although."

Principal Nezu's lips curled in sadistic delight as he spoke to himself. 

P.Nezu: "I'm sure with him around it'll be a more entertaining experience for everyone around U.A."

Principal Nezu began recording a holographic message to send to Rimuru's home, and once he was done, he froze as he suddenly got a strange feeling. 

P.Nezu: "What's this strange feeling I'm having? It's like something was changed?"

He took a look at the envelope in his paw before before shaking off the oddness he felt as he prepared to send it. 

-(Scene Break!)-

After a few minutes had passed, Rimuru's face turned scarlet in embarrassment as he was given the information of the new history that was created for him. 

Rimuru: "OH GOD! What kind of playboy lunatic is this world's version of myself?! Getting confessed to by every student and teacher in the entire highschool?! And then the whole cross dressing thing. I mean.... I definetly am interested in trying it out, but that's only because I look like Rimuru Tempest!"

Rimuru dejectedly placed his hero license in the pocket of his pants before wearing Shizue's mask and leaving the house. And as Rimuru began walking down the street's, his mask and hair colour caught the attention of several people, but he was ultimately ignored as he made asked some stranger's where he could find a buffet. After several minutes of asking around, he finally found it. A restaurant that's name was Viking. 


Worker: "Irasshaimase."

Rimuru: "Table for one please."

Worker: "Of course madam. However, you will have to take off the mask for security reasons."

Rimuru: "I'm actually- you know what, never mind. I'll do as asked miss?" 

Worker: "Haru. My name is Haru."

The worker whose name is Haru spoke with an amicable smile on her face. Rimuru just nodded his head before taking off his mask causing Haru to gasp in shock and her face to turn red. 

Rimuru: "Ano, Haru-San?" 

The female worker Haru jumped a bit before bowing respectfully as she replied. 

Haru: "Ah... My apologies, I shall guide you to your table. Please follow me."

Rimuru was guided by Haru towards a table. And the moment the other customers and staff member's witnessed Rimuru's face, they all froze in shock as they yelled. 

Customer 1: "A GODDESS!" 


Customer 2: "STEP ON ME!" 

Worker 2: "Dude... Your wife's right next to you..."

Customer 2: "Ah shit. Here we go again."

The second customer's wife gained a terrifying aura as she looked both disgusted and dissaspointed with her husband as she dragged him out of the store with the husband begging for help only to be ignored as everyone else was enamoured by Rimuru's looks. 

Rimuru: "Look, I know I'm gorgeous. But please understand that I'm here to eat and enjoy myself. So please don't take any pictures of me."


Rimuru's words were completely ignored as the other customers and staff began taking pictures of his face causing Rimuru to sigh incredulously as he walked to the counter and spoke to the staff member.

Rimuru: "Sumimasen. I'd like to pay for the buffet."

Cashier: "No need to! It's on the house!"

Rimuru: "Are you sure? What if you get in trouble if I eat too much?"

Cashier: "I'll take responsibility!"

Rimuru: "Then I'll take you up on your offer to eat for free. Thank You."

Rimuru gave the worker a polite smile that caused his heart to skip a beat. As he watched Rimuru grab a plate to begin grabbing his food.

Cashier: 'She doesn't look like the type to eat alot, so it's a pretty good deal on my end. I acted gentlemenly, and got a core memory saved in my brain for the rest of my life.'

And true to his thoughts, Rimuru grabbed several variety of meat's, and poured himself some rice and gravy into a bowl as well as pouring himself a glass of water. Rimuru sat at his seat and clasped his hands together.

Rimuru: 'Itadakimasu.'

And soon enough, Rimuru began digging into the meal with slow and steady bites and sips as he thought to himself. 

Rimuru: 'They cooked the meat in alot of butter. Although alot, it doesn't completely block out the taste of the meat. It's just like that irritating itch that you can't scratch.'

After finishing his first bowl of rice and meat, Rimuru grabbed another plate and another. Soon enough, he had gone through atleast ten plates and now the staff and customers watched in disbelief as Rimuru went on to take his eleventh plate of food. Causing some of the workers to gulp nervously as they watched Rimuru calmly eating and sipping from his glass of water as though he was far from being full.

And by the time Rimuru was on his twentieth plate, he had everyone gawking in disbelief. Even the manager looked horrified at the large number of plates that's stacking next to Rimuru. The manager almost fainted when he saw Rimuru get up to grab another plate with a pleased smile on his face.

Manager: "Excuse me madam. It's unwise to force yourself to eat more. You've already eaten twenty plates! Surely your full by now?!"

Rimuru: "I'm almost full don't worry. I've still got room for more food and even dessert. So don't worry about it."

Rimuru gave him a bright smile as he walked to the buffet corner and put more meat and rice before walking back to his table where he sat and ate peacefully. No meat sweat, no visible strain on his face, nothing. And as the manager watched in horror as Rimuru say down at his table for his twenty fifth plate, he was about to kick Rimuru out until.

Rimuru: "Hrrm?"

A strand of hair had tucked out from behind his ear as Rimuru gracefully tucked the strand of hair back causing the manager to freeze at the sight of the beauty of Rimuru before he walked to a corner and began sobbing in both joy and sadness as Rimuru finished his twenty fifth round of food. And as Rimuru got up everyone gulped nervously wondering if Rimuru was finally full. But when Rimuru's eyes glanced towards the window, he clicked his tounge as he yelled. 

Rimuru: "Everyone hide! Villains are approaching the buffet!"

Everyone blinked in confusion at Rimuru's word's. And then.


The sounds of glass being shattered, and the screams of horror was heard, before it was all died out by the sound of an individual screaming. 


A group of villain's had attacked the buffet.

(To Be Continued)

(An: "Exams almost done. So I should be fine going back to daily schedule.")

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