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72.36% BROKEN FLOWER ( BL ) / Chapter 55: 54 : Unexpected…

Capítulo 55: 54 : Unexpected…

Haru was walking in the garden while Katsuki - Akihito's grandfather - and Alicia were gardening.

There were a few house domestics outside who were doing their own task and five bodyguards.

Haru was drinking a plain vegetable juice Alicia had forced on him for lunch. She said he was eating too much sweets and that it wasn't too good for his baby.

Haru's baby bump was showing up more now. He felt bloated and unsightly. But every day, Akihito would endlessly tell him how much he was beautiful and sexy. So Haru aas trying to not care much about it. Moreover, he seemed to gotten prettier since he was pregnant. Even Gisele told him he was too sparkling for her heart that its skipped a beat when she saw him last time.

Many domestics were coddling Haru everyday. And Alicia and Ren were so nice with him that he felt so blessed to be here with them. Plus, he was so happy to be able to talk with Katsuki whenever he wanted.

Earlier, Haru wanted to help them with the flowers, but Alicia had forbidden him to move around too much. Instead, he could just walk a bit and talk with the domestics while sipping on his weird tasting juice.

Haru chuckled when one of Alicia's kitten tried to catch a butterfly. He sat down on the garden chair and looked at the kitten. When suddenly he heard a camera shutter clicking. He turned his head to watch towards the tall bushes that separated the garden from the main courtyard.

Something small was gleaming in the fence of grass. Another clicking sound. He shot up from his chair, making Deborah - Akihito's loyal bodyguard - who was standing next to him slightly jump.

" - What is that ?" Haru asked as he started to let his pheromones leaked.

He didn't know what was it, but his instinct was telling to protect himself and his baby.

When Deborah noticed the gleam thing she didn't waste time and ran towards it. Suddenly, someone rose up from the bushes.

A man. A beta. Not too old but not too young. But Haru knew he wasn't a domestic from the Ogata mansion.

The man smiled creepily at Haru before running away.

"- Catch him! Right now!!" Deborah shouted at two other bodyguards.

Alerted, Alicia rushed to Haru's side and hugged him carefully.

"- It's good son, mom is here", tried Alicia to appease the omega who was shaking with fear.

" - Go back inside. I'm going with them," Katsuki instructed to Alicia.

" - Be careful," she replied back, before he followed the bodyguards.

Hours passed but they didn't manage to catch the man. Fortunately, there were cameras in the house so they knew he couldn't get pass the fense of bushes to enter the house. He had barely managed to slip in the courtyard cause of the flowers delivery. And he waited for three hours inside of this bushes to take pictures of Haru.

As soon as Akihito and Ren heard about the matter, they left work earlier to come back home.

" - My love !" Akihito called once he entered the house.

Haru got up from the couch and ran to his husband. Akihito embraced him protectively and kissed the top of his small head.

" - Did you he hurt you ?" Akihito asked then.

" - No… he just took pictures," Haru replied.

Akihito could tell that something were making Haru scared.

" - Let's get inside," Ren sighed behind the couple.

" - Father," Haru said happily.

" - Alicia told me you had protected yourself as soon as you had sensed the danger," Ren said to him.

Haru nodded. Ren gently foraged into the omega's soft hair and said with a smile :

" - Well done son."

Haru nodded more cheerful now he knew he did well.

He felt guilty for letting his pheromones leaked and making Alicia a bit uncomfortable while she was bringing him back in the house. But he was happy to know that his new parents were not angry but proud of him.

Akihito took his hand and kissed it to catch his attention.

" - You did well protecting our baby," he whispered tenderly against Haru's ear.

Haru blushed hard but smile nonetheless.

" - Let's join them before I eat you right here," Akihito chuckled when he saw his wife bright face.

In the living room, Deborah was already explaining how far she and her colleagues had been able to follow the intruder before he disappear in thin air.

"- Why take pictures of Haru ?" Alicia asked annoyed. " Do you think it's one of our competitor ?"

" - Maybe. Maybe not," Ren sighed. " But we never told publicly that Akihito was married. "

" - So it can only be someone close to us. Someone already in the confidence…" Katsuki said after a while.

" - Where is Zaizen ? " Alicia asked. " With his skills, he might be able to track this man. "

" - He's on the way. Gordon will be here too since they were together. " Akihito replied.

" - All the better ! I wanted to see Gordon, plus he could check on the baby since Haru has used his pheromones earlier." Alicia said.

Before Zaizen and Gordon's arrival, Akihito took Haru to their bedroom. Once they were both alone, he let out his pheromones to soothe his wife.

Immediately, Haru relaxed and snuggled in his husband's embrace while closing his eyes. Akihito smiled lovingly and kissed Haru's forehead.

" - Were you afraid ?" He asked as he was stroking Haru's back.

" - A little. Something felt wrong about this man. "

He sat to face his husband.

" - He gave me a weird look and then he smiled as if he was about to… hurt me."

Akihito cupped Haru's face and pecked his full lips.

" - I shouldn't have let you alone today."

" - This meeting was important, right ?"

" - Right but you're more important to me," Akihito said.

" - I don't want a poor husband," Haru joked softly.

Akihito chuckled.

" - You became so mean," He said as he nibbled on Haru's neck.

" - You… know… I'm kidding," he moaned. " I love you too much,"

Akihito smiled victoriously.

" - But still, we need money to buy diapers," Haru joked again earning a earnest laugh from his husband.

" - Okay okay ! I promise to bring back a lot of money !" He laughed while hugging Haru who was also laughing.

Actually, Haru didn't care about that. He just wanted to put his husband's mind at ease. Nothing serious happened today. Moreover, it was not Akihito's fault. The man was staying with him most of the time except when there was a meeting like today. So he didn't want him to feel bad about this but…

" - Aki…"

" - Hum ?"

" - Actually… Can you stay close to me tomorrow? I know you have another meeting in the afternoon but…"

" - I'll stay." Akihito replied immediately. " If I can't, I'll bring you there with me. But I'm not letting you alone anymore."

" - Thank you," Haru smiled.

" - I love you," Akihito said before they exchanged a kiss.


" - Something happened at Akihito's," Gordon said to the phone.

Next to him, Zaizen was driving.

" - I think someone tried to enter the mansion. You could be of help," Gordon replied to his interlocutor. " … Your lover ? Of course ! I'll be happy to meet him ! Wait a minute,"

Gordon put his hand on his phone microhone and turned to face Zaizen.

" - Thomas wants us to meet his lover. Do you think aunty and uncle will be okay to receive another person ?"

" - Yes. It's good." Zaizen replied without taking his eyes off the road.

" - Zai says it's okay !" Gordon announced immediately to Thomas. " See you there ! Hm ! Bye !"

He hung up. It was almost 6pm and the sky was still clear with a tint of orangey. The city was busy at this time of the day.

" - Do you think Haru is okay ?" Gordon asked, worried.

" - He is. He's strong." Zaizen.

" - I guess he is… I don't know his story but, his eyes show how much he had suffered and how much he's grateful to Akihito. "

" - He's really cute in a way,"

" - Is he your type ?" Gordon joked.

" - My type is actually sitting next to me."

Gordon shut his mouth and turned towards the window when he felt his cheeks flush.

" - D-Do you think Thomas is serious with this one ?" Gordon tried to change the subject.

Though Zaizen understood it really well, he played along and replied naturally :

" - If he wants to bring him at the Ogata's. I think he is. Otherwise, he's crazy. "

" - Thomas… is a monster," Gordon sighed. " He might showed love and all, make you feel special but actually he just do it for himself. Playing game with people's heart… that's his thing. That's why it's better to be his friend and nothing more. "

" - Have you ever loved him ?"

" - Are you crazy ?!! " Gordon shouted, finally facing Zaizen.

The latter started to laugh and Gordon felt embarrassed.

" - With this strong deny I can't possibly doubt you," he said then with a smile.

" - Of course ! Do you know how many ex lovers of him I had to console ? He's a shitty man ! I'd rather die alone than date him ! I pray for the day he will fall in love so madly that he would know how stupid he is !"

" - Okay okay ! I'm sorry. Because he's your best friend I thought you had loved him once. "

" - Never !" Gordon insisted, making Zaizen laugh.

When they arrived at the mansion, Alicia merrily welcomed them, especially Gordon she didn't saw since he got married. So she was really glad to see him. The beta was as cute as in her memory with his long fluffy hair like a dog fur and his big eyes like a toddler.

" - I missed you so much ! " Alicia exclaimed.

" - I'm happy to see you too Aunty !" Gordon said very delighted by the unchanged warm smile from Alicia. " Uncle ! Grandpa ! " he said excited when he saw them.

Ren was his mentor when he was studying medical back in university and Katsuki had shown him the rope to manage his own office. Obviously, Gordon's moms and the Ogata had helped him open his clinic.

" - You're still small," Ren joked as he hugged Gordon.

" - Aki already said it !" Gordon laughed.

" - Come here son ! Let me see how much you aged !" Katsuki kidded as well.

" - Grandpa ! I'm still younger than you !" Gordon whined with a smile.

Even though they saw each other just one time, for some reason, Gordon couldn't help but hug Haru who hugged him back. It felt so natural for the both of them. Usually, omegas were really suspicious of Alphas and Betas, but maybe because he was genuinely kind, omegas tended to flock around Gordon.

" - Are you okay ?" Gordon asked the little omega.

Haru nodded gently.

" - Let me examine you first and then we will talk, " Gordon said.

" - I prepared some stuffs of Pam for you just in case you don't have your tools with you. " Akihito said.

" - Thank you, " Gordon accepted.

True he did not have his tools because he was normally on his way to meet Thomas to discuss about the divorce file.

Gordon carefully took Haru's blood pressure and checked the state of the baby. After twenty minutes, he finally stated :

" - Your baby is strong. He didn't budge from your sudden increase of pheromones. He seemed to like it actually. But try to be careful next time. Using to much of pheromones can still be a problem even for a dominant omega. "

" - Haru is a dominant omega ?" Alicia asked surprised.

" - I forgot to tell you," Akihito simply said as he was tenderly rubbing his wife belly.

" - Did you know about dominant omega bringing luck ?" Alicia asked then.

All eyes went on her, excepted Katsuki and Gordon who were nodding.

" - Back in the time, it was rare to find dominant omegas. And it was more difficult to bond with them. So people were speculation saying that dominant omegas would bring luck to the one their loved one. It was just a rumor but maybe because people believed it so much it actually became true. " Katsuki explained.

" - That's why until today, dominant omegas are wanted. Not only they are beautiful like real angels but they are… like a fairy. Because of this, dominant omegas tend to mask their scent and imitate simple omegas or sometimes betas. " Gordon said.

Astonished by the story, Haru exchanged a look with his husband.

" - Now that you say it, my wife is the most beautiful human being I'd ever seen," Akihito said as if he was hypnotized, making Haru blushed.

" - He didn't hear anything I guess," Alicia chuckled while she affectionately watched the couple being lovey-dovey.

" - I find something," Zaizen suddenly said from the kitchen island.

So soon as he arrived, Zaizen joined Deborah right away and helped her to check the footages from cameras on the road and near the flower shop where Alicia had ordered roses and tulips,and some mysteries flowers seeds' package the shop prepared for his clients.

Zaizen came back in the living room with the laptop. He sat next to Haru to show him the file he had cracked on the police software.

" - Is it him ?"

Haru clenched his fists and started to tremble again.

" - Who is he ?" Alicia asked angry. " Have you ever met him son ?"

Haru's shook his head.

" - He seems to work in a cartel. The kind that deal with omegas trafficking and drugs trafficking. A real…"

" - Trash !" Akihito growled as he hugged Haru who seemed more afraid since he heard about omegas trafficking.

" - What does he wants with Haru ? How did he find him ? Is it because is a dominant omega ?" Alicia asked.

" - We need further investigation for that… " Zaizen sighed.

" - Call Thomas. He's working on this cartel case for years now," Akihito said.

" - Gordon already told him to come," Zaizen said. " We were about to see him to talk about Gordon's issues but you called me. So he said he would join us with his lover. "

" - His lover ???" Alicia, Katsuki and Akihito asked at the same time.

" - Is he even capable of love ?" Alicia asked while laughing, nonetheless happy from the news.

She was hoping that this time, Thomas had found his partner for life.

" - Maybe it's an omega ? Thomas is a dominant alpha, right ? He is so bad, I'm sure the only one who could tame him is his fated partner !"

" - Maybe," Gordon sighed. " Anyway, it can't be an alpha. He can't date them. He loathes them. "

As soon as Gordon finished his sentence, a maid announced Thomas' arrival with his mate.

Everyone looked towards the corridor. Haru had seen Thomas just one time and it was during his marriage at the city hall. The lawyer seemed gentle to his eyes so he couldn't believe how Alicia and the others were painting him.

When Thomas came, Haru stood up abruptly, not because of Thomas, but because of the alpha who was following him…

WndyButter WndyButter

Hello hello ! How are you ? I’m still sick o.o Feel like I will never get better T-T It was raining a lot these days, for sleeping it was great, though it did worsen my illness T.T

Anyway, here a chapter ! Have a good reading :3

PS : Sorry for the mistakes T-T

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