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18.51% Roses Multiverse Power Unlocking System / Chapter 5: Dazzling and Scrap Metal

Capítulo 5: Dazzling and Scrap Metal

Using my semblance I quickly sped away from Tracer, leaving only a trail of rose petals behind.

Briefly turning around I could see Tracer trying to find where I disappeared to.

'Heh, she will have to just try and catch me tomorrow.' I thought as I began my light jog to Reinnes fashion store.

Jogging after awhile I passed the bakery that I had the deserts from the night before. Stopping mid jog I walked backwards and looked inside to see the delicious pastries just sitting there.

Staring at the pastries I thought 'Do I need it... Yes I do!' Quickly walking in the bakery I soon purchased around 20 different kinds of cookies. Exiting the bakery with a large paper bag I once more began my jog to Reinnes.

Running for about 8 minutes, I soon reached the front of the store. Seeing less of a line that normal due to it being night, I entered and started walking towards the back until I was stopped by a snobby looking employee.

"You there! Who do you think you are to try and see the best fashionista in London, Andrienne." The snobby looking employee said.

Stopping in my tracks I looked a the snobby man who looked similar to a rat due to his buckteeth and long nose, but I quickly shook away those thoughts.

"Well Rienne told me to come here tonight to come pick up some clothes that she made for me..." I said as I began to fiddle with my cloak.

Gasping the rat looking man quickly said "How dare you say Rienne? Not only do you disrespect her by not calling her by her full name, but you even say that you can afford clothes she personally makes? Hahaha!"

The snobby man started to laugh towards the end of his young master talk, and then did something that I did not expect he would do. He called security...

"Security, we have someone who is acting up. Please escort her out." The snobby man said into a radio that was attached to his waist. Having a smug look on his face as he watched two big goon like men come towards me.

"Wait! I swear I am actually here because Rienne told me to come back around this time." I shouted in protest as the two security guards walked towards me.

'Okay, that's it. I have put up with this because its Riennes store but if they are going to act like this then I am not going to be so nice.'

Looking at the two security guards walking towards me I said "Listen, if you just ask Rienne she will agree that I'm supposed to be here..."

The snobby man once again cut in and said "Ha you? Talk to Andrienne? Don't even waste our time. Security drag her out."

The snobby rat man grinned as he watched the security try to grab me to drag me out. Little did he know was that I had something up my sleeve.

"Touch me and you will really regret it, I have been understanding and compliant this whole time but if you try to grab me I'm going to get violent." I said in as threatening tone as a girl who looked like me could make.

The snobby man laughed and the two security guards shrugged their shoulders as they tried grabbing me.

'I warned them...' I thought as before they could grab me I began to reach for Crescent Rose until suddenly the back door burst open, stopping everyone from moving.

"What is happening here! Who told you to grab my masterpiece like this!" Andrienne exited the back room and looked at the two security guards making their way to grab me.

The two security guards quickly looked like they pissed themselves. Both guards stepped away from me and the snobby man quickly stopped his laughing to stare in disbelief.

"But miss Andrienne, this girl here dared to disrespect you and further said that you would make clothes for her! She was making a ruckus so I told the guards to take her out of the shop." The snobby man said in response to Andriennes question.

Andrienne quickly marched up towards the rat faced man and poked his chest multiple times while shouting "You! Who say's you can kick people out without my permission. Second of all you should have just asked me in the first place! This is the third time we have had this problem of you kicking people out! Now you get out! Your fired!"

"Bu-but miss! It was a mistake it won't happen again." The snobby faced man tried to rebut his misdoings by saying it wouldn't happen again.

"That's what you said last time. Pack your things, grab your paycheck, and leave. Don't come back to this store ever again." Andrienne said in a calm tone as she grabbed my shoulder and started to direct me towards the backroom.

'Heh, that's what you get for not listening.' I laughed inwardly as the face the man was making was priceless. Especially after he was so smug while disrespecting me.

"Dear, I am so sorry that this happened. Even after I told everyone that if you came in to immediately take you to me." Rienne said in a sorry tone as she opened the door to her sewing room.

Chuckling lightly I said "Heh, it's ok. They did no harm, and even if they did try I don't think they could do much, especially if I have Crescent Rose."

Rienne soon shook her head and said "I am still sorry that my employee did that. I should have fired him sooner due to how often this would happen. I only hired him in the first place because his father was a good customer of mine."

"Yeah..." I said awkwardly due to not knowing what to say. Walking with Rienne we soon entered a side room I didn't see before. In this side room was a bunch of clothing racks with a multitude of different outfits on them.

"Ok, let me quickly grab the sleep wear, the casual outfit, and the under garments for you." Rienne said as she grabbed a multitude of different clothes off the racks.

With a handful of hangars she shoved them to me and said "Alright well go try them on. Casual wear first, and then sleep wear."

Being shoved into a changing room as lightning speed with a handful of hangars I could only sigh in defeat as I began to try them on.

The first casual outfit was long button pants that went to my stomach, a belt with my rose insignia buckle, a loose fitting grey shirt, and a red scarf. If you looked closely at the scarf you could see a rose pattern running on the longside of the scarf, while the grey shirt had my insignia plastered in red on the front.

Putting on the outfit I was amazed at how well it fit. Looking in the mirror I saw a beautiful girl, albeit short, wearing a nice fall or spring outfit for cold weather.

'Wow I look really good, usually I'm wearing a combat dress because I don't like fashion but this is really cool.' I thought as I spun around to see all angles of myself.

"Come on Rose! We don't have all night now, I wish to see how my outfit looks on someone as beautiful as you." Rienne shouted outside of the dressing room.

Exiting the room I was instantly blinded by the flashing of camera lights. Hearing the distinct shutter of a camera I soon regained my bearing and watched as Rienne ran around me to take photos.

"Ok Ruby, I want you to lift you arm above your head and look to my left." Rienne said as she started to make me pose.

'Might as well follow along, she did make me these.' I thought as I was posed a couple times and then pushed back into the changing room to put on a new outfit.

'Lets do sleep wear and undergarments at the same time' I thought as I picked out the other two outfits.

The sleep wear outfit was just a basic red tank top, and black pajama pants with my rose insignia sewn on the thigh. Albeit simple, they were masterfully done so you could sleep perfectly in them. While the undergarments were just that, a simple black bra and panties.

Putting on the undergarments and then the sleep wear I walked out to hear a few photo clicks.

"Hmm simple but good. I didn't want to do anything provocative because you seem far to innocent." Rienne said as she posed me a couple times, and even managed to capture a photo when I was yawning.

"Ok Ruby, go change into your casual outfit, I'm going to need you to leave your combat outfit here so I can try to replicate the way its made for the new dress." Rienne said as she shoved me into the changing room.

Quickly changing and putting the other clothes away I put on the casual outfit and left the changing room. With my combat outfit in my hand and my other hand full with my sleep wear and garments, I exited the room.

Upon finding Rienne I saw she was sitting down at her sewing machine while forming something that seemed like a black dress.

Rienne saw me enter and said "Ok Ruby, hand me your combat out and I will hand everything back later tomorrow morning. Come by around late morning and I will return it back to you."

Rienne patted a spot on her table and I placed everything except my cloak on it. Rienne watched as I kept my cloak and gave me a questioning glance but shrugged it away.

"Ok Rienne, I will see you tomorrow morning. I am going to go get some sleep, after all it is pretty late. If you have a chance you should go rest as well." I said as I took my things from my combat dresses pockets.

Pulling out my headphones, scroll, and wallet, I put all of it away in my new outfit. Strapping Crescent Rose on the back of my belt I waved goodbye to Rienne. Seeing as she was busy and back at work, I exited the room.

Ignoring the stares of awe from a few customers who were left in the store I soon exited the building and began my trek to a common store to get a toothbrush and toothpaste.

While walking to a store that I passed earlier, I began to think about my next goals.

'Well, first of all I need to get an apartment and a steady income. I doubt I can get either right now though because I don't have any ID'

Shaking my head due to the trouble of getting an ID I began to think of how to get one. 'Well I got my Huntress ID by working for Atlas, so I can probably receive an ID by joining Overwatch.'

Thinking about Overwatch I remembered my earlier meeting with Tracer at the pub.

'I can ask Tracer, but I don't think I want to join yet. It is said that if I look too desperate then they will think its suspicious, add on the fact that I can freely turn into a cloud of rose petals... I will probably turn into a science experiment.' I thought as I was walking down the street.

'I am going to have to show them that I am strong enough to back up all the inconsistencies with my person. If they know that I don't only have powers, but I'm a skilled fighter then I will probably be offered a position as a member instead as a science experiment.'

Unconsciously I found myself already standing in front of a modern Tesco. Being pulled from my thoughts on future goals I entered the Tesco and grabbed a basket.

Ignoring the hologram ads on some food brands, I made my way to the hygiene area and picked out a toothbrush, a brush, shampoo, soap, and strawberry toothpaste. Walking towards the fruit section of the store I picked out two cartons of strawberries.

Making my way towards the self checkout, I quickly payed for everything and exited the store. Beginning my walk to my hotel I decided on how to get into Overwatch even if they would be disbanded in a couple years.

'I will make a name for myself by messing with Tracer, and also by fighting some Null Sector groups that are preparing for hostile take over.' I thought as I cheerfully skipped down the street.

After a 10 minute walk I soon came across my hotel. Upon entering I made it to the stairwell and began walking up. Making it to my room I scanned my keycard and waited for the door to click open.


Hearing the door unlock I opened it and put my new clothes and shopping items on the counter. Taking my boots off I turned on the tv and jumped down onto the bed.


The sound of the mattress and pillow being crushed under me was the only sound I heard until the TV turned on. Screaming slightly in my pillow to release some stress I flipped around and stared at the TV.

'Oh wait forgot the strawberries!' I thought as I quickly used my semblance to dash across the room and back with two cartons of strawberries and a glass of juice that I bought at the store.

Scrolling through different news channels I soon got bored and decided to look for entertainment.

'Hmm nope, eww too romantic, boxing nah, oh wait here we go.' I thought to myself as I clicked quickly through different channels until I landed on a channel that just began playing a video on the God Programs.

*45 Minutes later and down two strawberry cartons*

Eating the last strawberry I hummed to myself and turned off the tv.

'I wonder if Penny could've been a God Program?' I thought but I quickly remembered that as soon as Penny became human by using the Relic of Creation, that she was killed.

Laughing bitterly I said "Heh guess she can't now can she..."

Getting sad suddenly I felt something drip from my eyes. Wiping it away I noticed I was crying.

'Man these memories really got me messed up, sometimes I just can't tell who I am anymore.' I thought as I wiped away more tears.

Flipping around I cried into my pillow as I started to remember all the hardships team RWBY went through only to fail at the end. Remembering how Penny and Pyrrha died made me cry harder. Having conflicting memories of either watching it as a spectator or experiencing it just made it that much worse.

Crying for a short while I soon stopped. Getting out of bed I took off my clothes and grabbed my sleep wear. Making my way to the shower I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. Putting on my sleep wear I made my way back to bed while still being upset.

Turning off the lights I tried going to sleep while still slightly crying. I soon drifted to sleep.


Be--p!, Beep, Beep!

Slowly I woke up to the alarm I set on my scroll. Getting up I grabbed my scroll and checked the time.

'What the 11am already!?' I thought as I quickly got out of bed. Taking off my sleep wear I quickly put on my casual outfit with my cloak and grabbed my scroll, wallet, headphones, and weapon from the table.

"Shoot I have to go grab my clothes!" I said out loud as I quickly put everything in my pockets and made my way to the door. Stopping next to the door I put on my boots and looked at the mirror to see my hair messy again.

'Ohh not again!' I thought as I used the recently bought brush to comb my hair down.

Fixing my hair I decided to just get out of the building quickly. Looking at the window I decided to jump. Opening the window I stood on the ledge outside. Closing the window again I looked down at the 5 story drop.

'Well, I have trained for landing plans, and after all my training with my semblance I can just fly down towards the ground' I thought as I began to activate my semblance.

Some people looked up to see rose petals drifting towards the ground only to see a cloud of them quickly speed off from the top of the hotel. People watched as the cloud of rose petals quickly landed and sped off towards a random direction.

Not feeling the need to get a morning meal I sped off towards the fashion store that Rienne ran. Dodging and weaving people while in my semblance I soon made it about half way before I stopped and reformed into a person.

'Few, guess even I can't keep that up for too long even after getting double my previous aura.' I thought as I wiped some sweat from my head.

Beginning a speed walking pace towards the fashion store I soon made it to the entrance. Not bothering to look around I made my way back towards the back as the employees seemed to avoid me like the plague.

Knocking on the door I waited for Rienne to open it. Waiting for a moment I saw a tired looking Rienne with big bags under her eyes open the door.

'Did she not sleep?' I thought worriedly as Rienne ushered me in without saying anything.

Upon entering I saw a mannequin with a beautiful black and red dress on it. Eerily similar to my dress that I wore at Beacon, I began to notice the difference. Unlike my previous outfit, this one was designed with a whole lot more love.

'What the, this is too cool!' I thought as I looked at the dress. Looking closely you could see different colored black threads forming intricate thorn and rose patterns all around the dress.

From the skirt to the corset were thorn and vine designs which were slightly difficult to see unless you were standing at an angle. The corset was like the old one except using a more expensive red string. The chest area was molded perfectly for my size as the shoulders had two cross clasps for my cloak.

"A real masterpiece huh? I spent all night making this. I just couldn't stop myself as I thought about how great it would look on you." Rienne said as she smiled tiredly at the outfit.

Walking towards it I felt the dress and even saw that the skirt was a combat skirt with red thrills under it so no one could see my underwear.

Nodding gratefully towards Rienne I smiled widely and said "Thank you so much! This is really perfect!"

Rushing towards Rienne with a burst of my semblance I crashed into her and gave her a hug. Laughing happily Rienne patted my head.

"I knew you would like it, I based most of it off the pictures you showed me but I tried to add some more detail." Rienne said while patting my head.

The only thing that Rienne would notice at the time would be the smell of roses as Ruby clung to her.

After a few moments I let go and hurriedly said "Well lets try it! This will look great."

Rienne smirked and gained some energy.

Taking the dress off the mannequin and handed it to me. Taking the dress, I made my way towards the dressing room and began to put it on. Taking off my casual outfit I smiled and put on the stockings, dress, combat belt, and my trusty cloak.

Looking in the mirror I could see a lookalike Beacon Ruby Rose, but instead of having a pure black outfit, this one was designed masterfully. Everything fit perfectly while the small designs of roses, thorns, and vines help made the dress look like a master piece.

Putting on my boots I exited the room and smiled at Rienne who already had her camera. Rienne ushered me towards the pedestal in the center of the room where the mannequin used to be.

"Ok Ruby, I want you to pose for a couple photos, and then I want you to have your scythe out for the photos after that! We are doing a full photo shoot this time." Rienne said as I simply nodded.

'Right now this is the only thing I can do to repay her.' I thought as I happily posed as she wanted me to.

After a few photos she said "Ruby, I want you to pose with Crescent Rose however you feel like for these next photos, just do it different each time."

Smiling I said "I gotcha, I knew you would love my baby."

Pulling out Crescent Rose, I unfolded her into her snipe form first. Acting like I was about to shoot someone I waited for Rienne to take the photo.


Hearing the photo I changed positions so that it was resting on my shoulder.


After a few more photos I unfurled her into a scythe and did another handful of photos with my dress. I even at one point began to use my semblance slightly to make rose petals fly off of me.

Click! Click! Click!

The camera flashed multiple times for the next hour until I started to feel hungry.

Hearing a grumble from my stomach we stopped the photoshoot.

Laughing out Rienne said "Ha, it seems you are hungry. Let's go to a nearby restaurant for lunch, I know a good place. After that I think I will take me much needed sleep."

"Oh yes and Ruby, here is a bag with your other combat outfit in it, put your casual outfit in it and we can go."

Nodding to her I strapped Crescent Rose back on my back and took the bag and packed it. Telling her I was ready we made our way out the door.

Walking out the door, a multitude of men and women alike watched as I exited the building. Many mumbling about how beautiful I looked as some even took photos, but I chose to just smile and ignore them.

"Well Ruby, it seems that my outfit as garnered the attention of the mases, how do you feel?" Rienne asked as we left the store and began our short trip to a hidden restaurant.

"Uhhh... I don't really know how to feel. As a huntress I'm used to a lot of attention but I try to just ignore it because it gets pretty weird sometimes." I responded to Rienne while walking next to her.

Rienne soon laughed and didnt say anything else. If someone payed attention they could see that people would actively stop to look at Ruby and Rienne walking down the streets of London.

During our walk I thought 'Rienne is a good person, she reminds me a lot of Coco. If she is ever in trouble I swear I'm going to repay her for helping me out'

Walking for about 5 minutes we soon entered an alley. Walking down it we soon took a turn and stood in front of a well hidden restaurant.

Reading the sign I thought 'Bailies? Never heard of... of course I never heard of it.'

Upon entering we were greeted by a waitress and led to a two person table. Sitting down we were handed two menus.

Reading it for a moment I chose what I would get to eat and waited for Rienne to choose as well.

The waitress came back and took our orders and left quickly. Sitting in silence Rienne started to make conversation with me.

"So Ruby, what did you do before coming to London?"

'Oh no she knows!' I thought as I looked surprised towards Rienne.

"Don't be daft, its obvious because you don't speak like a Brit. Now come on tell, I'm interested in where you learned all of those moves."

Thinking for a moment I chose to just say the truth, or part of it.

"Well I was a huntress, we normally fight beasts who threaten people. We would sometimes fight others but that was about it." I said as I proudly pulled out my scroll and showed her my Hunstress License.

Putting my scroll away I decided to just let her lead the conversation.

"You are very proficient in fighting, I never seen anything quite like it. Especially with your abilities you would make a perfect member of Overwatch." Rienne said as she began playing with her hair.

"Most of the people who go to me for combat outfits are from Overwatch, some from the military but I never saw someone who could move like you."

Laughing nervously I said "Heheh, well maybe. I think I might eventually try to join Overwatch but between you and me I am having some ID problems, so I have to get that solved before hand."

Rienne looked surprised and said "What's the matter? I have some friends who might be able to help you fix your ID?"

'Oh damnet, this will be awkward' I thought as I tried to formulate a way to explain it.

"Well... I would need an ID first? Hehe..." I laughed nervously as I waited for Rienne reaction.

Rienne blankly stared at me and sighed.

"Sadly, I can't help you with that. Not even my friends would be able to get you a whole ID. Im not going to question why you don't have one or where you come from because you are now my friend, but just don't do something you would later regret, ok?"

'Wow she is honestly really nice. I thought she would call the police or something...' I thought as I smiled greatly towards Rienne.

"Don't worry! I believe in helping those in need and those who cant help themselves. I would never do something bad." I said in a determined tone while smiling.

Our conversation was cut short as our food arrived. The waitress arrived with a tray holding two separate lunches. One a sandwich and one a large salad.

Rienne taking the salad, and me taking the sandwich began to eat our lunches.

Taking a bite out of the sandwich of the day, which was roast beef, I frowned slightly.

'It's not nearly as good as that pubs but in the end its pretty good.' I thought as I quickly finished my lunch.

*One Lunch Eating Montage Later*

Both me and Rienne finished our lunches and waited for the waitress to come back.

"Rienne I will pay the bill, as a thanks for making such a beautiful outfit for me." I said happily as I took out my wallet. Putting the price and a tip for both meals I ignored Riennes protests and stood up.

"Well Rienne, I will see you again soon for some more clothes, sadly I don't have a phone right now so I will just come over every couple days or so. Would you like me to escort you back to the shop?"

Rienne stood up and smiled towards me and said "That would be really nice Ruby, also thank you for paying."

Upon exiting the building we had to maneuver our way through a couple of shady alleyways to get back to the main street.

After a couple minutes of walking we soon ran into trouble.

"Oi! You there, give me all of your money!" An omnic thug shouted towards us as he blocked our path.

"Rienne, get behind me I got this!" I said as I put my hand on Crescent Rose.

"Listen, I don't know why you are robbing us, but I really suggest you go rob someone else. You will really regret it if you don't." I said in a calm tone while staring at the omnic.

The omnic thug unfazed by my threat shouted "I warned you red!"

Pulling out a gun the thug quickly pointed it at Rienne.

Rienne seeing this quickly screamed in response.

'Oh no!' I thought as I quickly transformed Crescent Rose from her carrying state into that of a sniper.

Taking a mere second to aim I shot and blasted a hole straight through the omnics chest.

Bang! Cling!

An echo of my gunshot was heard throughout the alley as Rienne hid behind me. My shell casing fell to the floor as I stood ready for another assailant.

Watching as the omnic had a look of disbelief on his face he stared down at the massive hole in his chest. Sparks flying from protruding wires, he fell down and deactivated turning into a pile of Scrap Metal.

The sound of his metal body hitting the ground was deafening as the entire alley was silent.

Rienne gasped and put her hand over her mouth as she watched the omnic drop.

"Let's get out of here, police and other thugs might show up. And right now both are bad for us!" I said as I grabbed Rienne and activated my semblance.

"Ahhh!" Rienne shouted out as we both turned into a cloud of rose petals and flew away. Exiting the alley I made a light jog while dragging the extremely dizzy Rienne behind myself.

After a couple minutes we arrived in front of her store and entered. We quickly made it to the back door that she proceeded to open.

Rienne sat down on her chair and breathed heavily trying to regain her breath. Standing in front of her I said

"I don't think that was a simple thug. If it was he would have aimed his gun at me but instead he pointed it towards you with intent to kill you."

Rienne gathering her breath nodded and said "It might have been. I haven't told you this but I do have a couple of enemies. Mostly due to my connections with some important people, but some due to me taking over the fashion industry."

Watching as Rienne gathered her breath, I wiped some sweat from my head and thought 'Luckily its not a long term enemy, at the end of the day its just a few outliers because she is famous.'

Smiling slightly I said "Rienne if you need me this is where I am staying, feel free to send someone there or something similar to get contact of me. I suggest you stay indoors and away from people for a short while."

Handing her a piece of paper that I quickly wrote down the hotels address to and my room number, I soon gave her a hug.

Rienne hugged back and said "Thanks for helping me out there, without you I might have actually gotten shot. I will make sure to make you an even better dress for this."

Seeing as Rienne was feeling better I let go and waved goodbye but not before saying "Get some sleep also, I can't have my favorite fashion designer dying from overworking."

And with that I exited the store with a skip in my stride, completely ignoring that I just killed somebody.

GaZe_Zero GaZe_Zero

Some of you might be wondering why Ruby doesn't care if she killed the omnic right now and its because she doesn't truly view them as people yet. Not that she is against omnics but mostly due to the fact that she hasnt gotten to personally know them yet, and they also remind her of the Atlas Military Robots. Soo it will hit her, just not this chapter.

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