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100% Wolverine: Pain and Redemption / Chapter 3: Dead Man Walking

Capítulo 3: Dead Man Walking

Batman was the first to move as the Flash stared blankly at the air. "I wish 2 Brazilians super models that are huge flash fans would appear in swim-wear." A green construct appeared and flicked Flash on the back of the head. "Barry!"

Shayera deadpanned at Barry as she sprang from her chair mace in hand. "I'll be telling Irene about this." The flash paled at her words as he appeared at her feet in a second, begging position at the ready. "No please anything but that, I'll be on the couch for 3 months." Her only replied was a smirk, that made him pale further.

Though the two were distracted, the others in the room weren't as they looked at their new arrival, the Wolverine. His bloodied costume put both Superman and Wonder woman on edge as they prepared for a fight, even though their bodies didn't look like it, the tensing of their muscles indicated immanent action.

It was Wonder Woman in her warrior mindset that bark out to the two. "Focus." The body of one James Howlett had already started to move after the spectacular crash into the watch tower, though if one looked close and into his eyes they would see there was no cognitive function behind his eyes. With no thinking mind behind the wheel instinct took over as after Wolverines body impacted the ground it had already shifted and rolled off the side of the table to land on its feet.

His body running on pure instinct, a small growl wanting to break free but was clogged by the blood still in his lungs, even as his body attempted to heal his grievous injuries. That was why Batman was already across the room and behind him, not wanting to take any chances he had already moved across the room and locked his arms around his head putting him into a choke hold and that was when everything went wrong.

Before Batman had put his hand on the body it had not reacted, it had just been standing still starring into space, though tense for any stimuli. With the arms around its head the body moved on instinct and pulled upon Logan's vast knowledge of CQC combat to get out of the head lock in the most efficient manner possible. With a quick rock, he tipped forward his body using his heavier weight to get a small bit of room for head movement before slamming it back into Batman's face.

Also a master of CQC and other forms of martial arts batman was ready for this move, quickly noting the man's experience in that back of his mind. Bruce rocked with the body and pulled his head back at the approaching skull to smothered most of the damage, along with his reinforced cowl he had dealt with this situations too many ties to count and was already moving onto his next steps after the softened blow.

What he wasn't expecting was the almost metallic crack that rang out and the amount of weight and pressure that hit into his lower chin. With a resounding snap his neck rocketed back at the hit as a muscular elbow with an ever greater force used the small amount of give in his grip to slam into his midsection.

Once again there was a resounding crack as the Kevlar was impacted heavily from Wolverines elbow. As he quickly let go and rolled backwards to avoid another blow he shouted to the rest gaining their full attention, slipping into his leader persona of the Justice League.

"META! Flash!"

Knowing when to get serious Barry quickly responded as he rushed forward, his body blurring as it vibrated at a difference frequency. He hoped to use his momentum as well as the fact he could phase through the body to either rattle the brain and knock him out, something that wasn't dangerous for either of them; or to use his speed to flip his body after passing through. Once again another unexpected occurrence happened as Logan's body completely on auto pilot rocketed an attack at the incoming threat.

Though the attack would have never hit and was easily dodged, Barry felt like he slammed into a wall as he bounced backwards from the body he was trying to phase through. Winded he quickly called out as he caught his breath and retreated.

"He's got a reinforced body, I can't phase through his bones are a different density." Bruce's mind acted quickly as he assessed the situation and backed off again from the bloodied meta, who had turned back to attack him again.

"Martian." Knowing exactly what he wanted, J'onn put a hand to his head as he put his telepathic powers forth and it seemed to work. With no conscious mind Logan's body froze as the telepath tried to enter his mind. It was only a few seconds later though as he tried to delve deeper that he seemed to hit a wall, before something even greater lashed out right back at him.


J'onn's body slumped to the ground as he faced a psychic backlash. "J'onn!" Shayera shouted out as her wings unfurled and she rushed forward, her trusty mace at the ready. Sparking with power her arms tensed as she took a wide swing at the intruder, murder in her eyes.

Though Logan was fast, Shayera was faster and his body couldn't react in time to the perceived threat as the upper swing clubbed him into the air and sent him flying into one of the walls denting the titanium steel composite.


This time a growl did burst forth as his body fell out of the wall and back onto its feet, the wound from the head blow already healing, leaving more blood to drip to the floor. Batman's eyes narrowed as he noticed how quickly his healing factor worked.

It wasn't the worst out there but it was surprisingly fast. It must also be replenishing his blood somehow as the loss of blood shown should have already incapacitated him. As his mind whirled with thoughts, his eyes narrowed even further as something new happened.


Back on his feet and ready for blood 6 claws popped out of his hands at the same time as everyone's eyes widened. "Passive Healing Factor!" Shouting that out Bruce threw an exploding bat-a-rang forward, but as it went off nothing seemed to the happen to the intruder other than another growl escaping his lips.

Though his costume was damaged and more blood continued to drip down from his body, the ensuing wound quickly healed before their eyes. Shayera narrowed her eyes as she sprung forth again letting her battle lust out. With adrenaline pumping through his veins Logan also dashed forward, his non-seeing eyes locking onto his current target, his current prey.

Shayera's mace swung down and Logan's claws swung up as an ungodly noise rang out. Sparks flew and conducted along the metal as Logan's powerful muscles strained to oppose the seemingly slim arms of Hawk Woman, it was a losing battle though.

Although he pushed it back enough that he wasn't flung backwards, he was still staggered back. "Enough!" John spoke up his eyes glowing green as a green bubble sprang forth and covered Logan trapping him inside, the powers of the Green lantern ring on display.

He had taken the small gap as Logan was pushed back as a chance to trap him. That didn't help though as his eyes widened. Logan's claws ripped through the construct like butter as he rushed forth like a crazy animal.

This also surprised the rest in the room as Shayera was late to parry the crazy man. Bringing her mace that she had just lowered back up to defend herself, she was pushed back from the blow.

Wonder Woman was off to the side, the lasso of Hestia already in hand, softly humming in gold and ready for use. Though she should have already joined the fight she had stopped herself as she felt the strong emotions emitting from the man before them.

It wasn't a well-known fact that the Princess of Themyscira was an empath, an especially strong one when it came to animals as well. This was a blessing from Artemis the goddess of the hunt and an ability she had used many a time when hunting and what she currently felt from the man before them was a wounded animal that was fighting to survive.

The pain was palpable… the anguish… the torment that was radiating off him.

It was overwhelming!

This had been what was stopping her from joining the fight. Her eyes carried a conflicted look as she looked at the person that while dangerous was clearly on his last legs and more likely than not just defending himself.

In her distracted state Superman finally made his move. One second he was across the room, the next he was before their opponent. Though he was not as fast as the flash, he did have super speed. Hovering in front of their adversary, he kept his arms crossed as he watched in almost slow motion as the metallic claws of their adversary made their way closer and closer.

Having faced many a dangerous threat he was never one that jumped into a fight right away unless he was protecting someone, or something. He had learned over his long career to assess the situation before going in guns blazing, something that Batman had also long demonstrated was an ideal play.

That was the main reason he hadn't instantly jumped forward, the opponent also at first glance did not pose such an immense threat that he had to step in first so that the others could figure out a way to take them down. He had looked and assessed the opponent before him, and he, with his phenomenal eye sight could see that the eyes of their opponent were vacant; he was fighting purely on instinct.

It wasn't until Batman had actually made a move that he had attacked any of them. Even then, it was only when Hawkwoman had brandished her mace that his claws had appeared and he became more vicious, more like a wounded animal defending itself…

So he floated, he waited. The claws would deflect of his impervious skin as well as his Kryptonian fabric that was near indestructible, there had only been a few of his most powerful adversary's, such as Darkside and Doomsday that had ever actually damaged said fabric.

It was that thought that made his eyes widen as he watched slowly as the claws came slashing down at his crossed arms, before actually starting to sink in. Not only did it pass through the Kryptonian fabric he could also feel it as they started to inch their way into his impervious skin!

With widened eyes his body moved back with super speed, the only evidence that there was a problem, his surprised face and the small nicks in his suit. But it was enough for Batman to notice. His own eyes widened in shock as he shouted out, more serious than ever before.

"Code 'S' Level threat. Take down immediately."

Code 'S' was the code used by the league to describe any individual that had either a weapon or ability that could physically harm Superman without kryptonite. It was the second highest level of danger, even if that individual did not possess the speed, strength or any other super human ability that gave them God like feats. The fact they could harm superman put them at a level of danger above nearly any other.

Their highest danger code was Omega, named after their deadliest enemy and one that could overpower Superman, Darkside himself. This code was reserved for foes such as Doomsday, or people such as Lobo. Thankfully this new threat was nowhere near such a level, with what seemed to be low level super strength, agility and a passive healing facto, he was squarely in the 'S' category. Though Superman was surprised he quickly responded to the words as a serious expression appeared on his face.

In a second he went forward and dismantled their attacker. It took less than two seconds for the man of steel to maneuver around Wolverine and land a blow to the head immediately ratteling his brain and knocking him out, he had put possibly too much force behind the hit, but with the healing factor he felt like he could take the risk.

It was at this moment that the other members of the Justice league came forward and surrounded the downed and bloodied man. John was helping J'onn get back up as he had just recovered from the mental backlash while the rest were frowning as the looked down at the body.

Shayera still held her mace with a tight grip ready for the opponent to get back up. Batman had taken a knee at the downed figure and was quietly observing the metal claws on one of the hands, picking up the hand and twisting it around, his thoughts picking up every detail.

'The hands heavier than usual, but the flesh feels normal, backs up Flash's bone density theory'.

Running his hand along where the claws appeared from the hand he was deliberating on whether the claws were surgically grated or an added addition to his physique when the claws started to slowly retract.

Bruce watched with riveted attention as they slowly shifted back into his hand and his knuckles healed over, only leaving a small amount of blood, once again he started to feel along the arm to find the placement, or rather the storage of the bones in his forearms.

While he was doing that Shayera spoke up, already going back over the fight in her head. "What was the metal? It could repel my Mace, and Hurt Superman." That was the thought that was on everyone's mind. Though one would think that hurting Superman might be more important than Hawkwoman's mace, the main thing to note was that said mace was made of Nth metal.

Though they hadn't discovered the exact properties of said metal, though it had been studied thoroughly by the world greatest minds, what they did know was that not just any metal could stand up to its assault and even stay completely intact.

"It didn't looked to be made of any godly metal." Wonder Woman spoke from the side, her mind still slightly distracted from what she felt earlier, her hand still on the rope of Hestia.

"It isn't made of the same material as my mace either." Nth Metal had a certain look and sheen to it that was very distinct unless it was covered by another type of material. As the blades did not look like they were covered as well as the scarcity of said metal, Shayera could confidently say this was the case, something that Batman also agreed with.

"We need to find out if there is more of it and who sent him here." Speaking up as he looked at the rest Batman's thoughts were already set on his course of action. First he would have to get the metal analyses, something that would have to be done in the med bay, or by Green lantern later on.

After that he would have to have its properties categorized as well as documented. Then he would have to find every last scrap of it on the earth. Whatever the metal was, if it was earth bound, had to be put under the gretest security.

Anything that could harm Superman like that, as well as cut right through Green lanterns constructs would be devastating if the wrong hands acquired it.

Secondly he wanted to know how this person was able to make it to the watch tower. Did someone know their exact position? How would they upgrade their defenses?

The portal that transported him into the base was unlike anything they had seen before. They already had defenses set up against zeta-beam technology as well as mother box technology, at the same time their own sorcerers had also put up wards that should have blocked any magical teleportation not regarded as friendly, or link into the ward for free access.

This, teleportation was something different, a mystery and Bruce didn't like mysteries, not when it jeopardized their organization.


It was at that moment that Martian Manhunter finally started to awake. After the psychic backlash that he had just received any untrained psychic might have gone into a coma, but with his experience and natural gifts J'onn was already up and ready to fight if needed, though he was unsteady on his feet.

Barry was the first to move forward and steady him. With one hand on his shoulder his voice was concearned as he spoke up. "J'onn what happened in there?" J'onn Shook his head once more to clear it as he looked at those around, he had the complete attention of the room.

"His mind, it was as if another powerful telepath had set up an impregnable fortress." There was a frown on his lips as he tried to explain what he had faced. Though it was easy to get into the outer reaches of his mind, basically the part of the mind that had surface thoughts that could be projected if needed, once he tried to go deeper he had run into one of the strongest mental barriers he had ever seen.

Having grown up on a planet where the species all talked through telepathy it was telling that he had never seen a barrier so strong. Not only that the barrier also had defenses that could lash out and even hurt someone that was trying to get inside.

"He doesn't have any type of telepathic powers?" Batman was in front of J'onn in a second as the words registered. 'If he doesn't have any telepathic ability, it means that another telepath is out there and has enough –power to take down J'onn if they put their mind too it. This was not shaping up to be a good day. J'onn continued to answer even as he puzzled out his own thoughts.

"No, but whoever put in his defenses was strong, possibly stronger than me. Not just that there were multiple signatures that had layered onto the was one of them, some type of… fire bird that reacted and kicked me out. You all know my weakness to fire and how it extends to the mental landscape."

The rest of the group nodded at the words, though it didn't allay any of Batman's fears. It wasn't just one telepath, it was possibly multiple of them.

"What I could gather with my brief try was a deep sense of sadness and anguish." There was true sorrow behind his words as he thought back to the mental pain that was transmitted in their brief connection. Though he was distracted by the mental barrier and then the backlash from that fire bird, it didn't stop the strong emotions that were radiating out of the person before them.

The emotions would have actually been worse than he felt as the emotions should have been suppressed in their mind before spilling out in small parts when it became too much. At his words Diana also spoke up her eyes one of pity as they looked at the downed form of Wolverine.

"I could feel it too, my empathic abilities were almost screaming at me when he dropped into the room of his pain and suffering. It was what forced me to stay my hand... that type of pain.... whatever he has gone through is something I wish on no person."

Those words spoke to a few in the room who had also gone through a lot in their lives, though the person had just been lashing out and attacking them they were in the end heroes, and heroes had to have big hearts and compassion to do their line of work. Seeing the shift in the room, Batman shook his head, his voice hard.

"He's dangerous." Clark looked at his long time friend and knew where he was coming from, but also knew what he saw in the fight, speaking up for the first time since the fight ended, compassion in his voice.

"Though I agree, he was fighting on instinct I could tell by how responded to our attacks." Shayera though one of the most bloodthirsty of the group also nodded at his words, the fight playing back in her mind as well as a small voice in her head noting that the person before them was a warrior, an honorable one. Though she didn't know why she felt this way, her instincts could just tell.

"I concure, I could see he didn't know what he was doing. He is dangerous, but maybe not evil." Batman shifted his gaze to her for a few seconds as he also dissected the fight in his mind, no matter what though as he was an 'S' level threat they couldn't take the chance and he made this point known.

"We can't take that chance, I want him in med bay right away to get some scans. Then we should move him to the detention cells before we decide anything. With the scans we can get a meta collar to combat his abilities. It would also be good if Green Lantern could do a scan of his database about what material this is."

There were a few looks around the room at the words but no one directly disagreed with the leagues tactician. Though John did have something to say, he hadn't said much in the conversation and was instead looking at the small piece of metal that was hanging from Wolverines neck.

As a man of the military he could instantly tell the dog tags that rested gently near his neck. While the others were talking he had even bent down and looked at them, trying to get a name to their mysterious attacker.

Sadly the name had already faded out and been grinded down, nothing could be inferred from them. "That seems a bit hasty..." There was hesitance behind his voice as well as some sympathy for another soldier, seemingly lost.

But Bruce was having none of it. "He is dangerous and will be treated as such till we know more." He turned his eyes on Diana who also looked like she was about to say something, as Clark leaned down and picked up his body. Clark raised one eye at the unexpected weight, before cycling through the spectrum with his eyes before finally settling to have a look on his skeleton. What he saw surprised him, but it wasn't the strangest thing he had ever seen. Shifting his weight a little he moved to the door taking their unexpected visitor to the med bay.

Second Notes: I hope I won't have to do these again for chapters. But this information I think is important to answer a few questions.

Ok so I know this chapter will be controversial but here are some reasoning's why Logan is the way he is compared to the Dc Characters.

So as should be noted he basically can't actually overpower any of the justice league, they are shown to be stronger than him, but Logan is pretty strong because of his healing factor and the fact he lugs around a skeleton of adamantium.

Moving onto the adamantium in this story it will be up there with metals such as nth metal, but ok BUT adamantium has no magical channeling properties. So it is indestructible, but unlike nth metal does not have this property. I've done this so that *semi-Spoilers* Logan will be treated as a threat that is kept on the watch tower. If anyone can remember I have based this off another novel where the main premise is that Logan is on the watch tower and in one of the detention cells. So this is my reasoning. Also might come in handy down the track for this novel. Wink Wink.

Zevren Zevren

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Zevren out!

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