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86.62% The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima. / Chapter 272: Chapter 272 - The Forbidden Scroll Incident 03

Capítulo 272: Chapter 272 - The Forbidden Scroll Incident 03

The smile on Naruto's face vanished as he saw his teacher's vicious and hateful expression. He certainly didn't expect Mizuki to attack him right out of the blue. The blond boy stood frozen in fear as the kunais were coming straight at him.

Sasuke, Shikamaru and the rest of the new graduates also didn't anticipate Mizuki to try and outright kill Naruto right then and there. Their eyes widened and they stood still in shock as well. But Sasuke was the only one who quickly snapped out of it and took action. He held several shuriken between his fingers and was about to throw them from his location but someone beat him to it. The Uchiha heard the distinct whistle of shurikens flying at a fast rate and his eyes moved in that direction. In moments he saw them and realized they were accurately going to intercept Mizuki's kunai.

A few feet in front of Naruto, Mizuki's kunai were hit by several shuriken that came from the darkness of the forest and they successfully deflected the weapons aimed to kill the boy.

"What the? Where did those come from?" Mizuki wondered seeing his attack fail.

A second later Iruka appeared and stood several feet in front of Naruto, looking at his colleague with narrowed eyes.

Shikamaru and the rest of the rookies let out relieved breaths as they saw their friend unharmed. 'Iruka sensei. He's here. Oh thank god.'

"That was too close. If Iruka sensei hadn't shown up or was even a second late, Naruto would have been a goner now." Kiba said in a low tone.

"No kidding…" Ino said and Sakura and Hinata nodded. Hinata's hands tightened and clenched into fists. She looked at Mizuki and for the first time the emotion of hatred appeared in her kind heart.

The rest of the rookies paid close attention to the interaction going on between the three and were getting ready to intervene.

Iruka glared at Mizuki silently for a few seconds before speaking. "What's the meaning of this Mizuki? Lord Hokage asked us to bring Naruto in unharmed for questioning. So why did you attack him with such lethal force?"

Mizuki gritted his teeth looking at the man. 'I wanted to make you suffer one last time by telling you what that brat did but I didn't expect you to actually find this place. I guess that's an oversight on my part.'

"I see you found my location. I have to admit. I didn't expect that." Mizuki looked down at Iruka and crossed his arms.

"Wha-what's going on? Why did you attack me? Is- is this part of the test?" Naruto asked, slightly stuttering from the shock of the sudden attack. Naruto looked at the two in confusion as he didn't know what was going on.

Iruka glanced at the boy behind him and was perplexed. "Test? What test? What are you talking about Naruto?"


Couple dozen meters away from them Shikamaru and his group stood, ready to help out their friend and Iruka sensei. "Shikamaru, now that Iruka sensei is here we can go help out. There is no point in hiding here anymore." Ino said in a low voice looking at the friend.

The Nara shook his head side to side. "If we go out there I'm sure we'll be able to capture Mizuki with Iruka sensei's help. But if Mizuki has anyone helping him then we lose the element of surprise. In a straight fight we might be in trouble."

"Why are you so sure Mizuki has someone to help him?" Sakura asked.

"Because it's what I'd do if I was in his shoes. Mizuki has been planning this for a long time. I'm sure of it. He'd be dumb to betray the village and expect to safely leave on his own. The odds of him seeking out someone to help him is high and if anyone has agreed then they'd no doubt be a strong chunin or possibly even Jonin. So we need to be careful."

"Is that why you asked me, Kiba and Hinata to keep a lookout even now? Are you anticipating the possibility of someone finding us here?" Shino Aburame slightly turned his head in the young Nara's direction.

"Yes. If Mizuki has someone helping him, I can't avoid the possibility that they might have some sensing abilities. If they get the drop on us, we'd become a liability. I don't want that to happen. So the second someone enters our vicinity I want to know."

Hearing Shikamaru's reasoning everyone nodded and turned their attention back to Naruto and the two teachers.


"Test? What test? What are you talking about Naruto?" Iruka was puzzled and looked at the boy from the corner of his eyes.

"You know, the super secret special exam to become… real… Genin…" Naruto trailed off seeing Iruka sensei's confused expression. "Mizuki sensei told me about it. He told me where to get the scroll and everything…"

"Naruto, give me the scroll now!" Mizuki spoke in a menacing tone looking at the boy.

Iruka turned back to Mizuki and his brain quickly figured out what was going on. "You! Now it makes sense. You're behind this whole thing."

"Wh-What's going on sensei? Why is Mizuki sensei acting like that?"

The Grey haired Chunin couldn't help chuckle hearing that question. "You really are an utter idiot aren't you Naruto."

The blonde boy clenched his hands hearing that insult.

"Naruto, listen carefully. That scroll you have contains secret and forbidden jutsus created by the First and Second Hokages. If it got out, it could bring great danger to our village. There is no test. Mizuki used you to steal the scroll for himself. For his own selfish goals."

Hearing Iruka's words Naruto was immediately on guard against the grey haired enemy ninja up on the tree.

Iruka took a kunai from his leg pouch and held it in reverse grip. His eyes squarely fixed on his former friend. "Naruto. No matter what happens, don't let Mizuki have that scroll. Get out of here. Take it straight to Lord Hokage."

"Right!" Naruto nodded his head with determination and strapped the scroll to his back. He was about to jump and escape the place but several shuriken from Mizuki landed near him stopping him in his tracks.

"You two aren't going anywhere. That scroll is mine."


"Looks like they're about to fight."

"You're planning on having Iruka sensei battle Mizuki and all of us launch a surprise attack if any other enemies show up. Its not a bad plan but still… Are you sure about this?" Ino had her doubts as she looked at her friend.

At that moment Shino spoke up. "Your plan has a few flaws, Shikamaru. What if there is no one helping Mizuki? What if he's alone? And look… It doesn't seem like Mizuki intends to let them leave here. Iruka sensei will not be able to fight effectively if he has to protect Naruto at the same time."

Shikamaru intently gazed at the two Chunins. "I know. I thought about that. Look. If it looks like Iruka sensei and Naruto are in trouble then we'll intervene. But let's wait a couple more minutes. I just want to make sure that Mizuki is the only threat."

Shikamaru was on one knee and brought his hands together with his fingertips touching. He thought of the possibilities in front of him as he looked at the fight that's about to start between the two Leaf ninjas.

'We could all attack Mizuki right now and take him down with minimal injuries to ourselves. But if he has anyone helping him, they might not reveal themselves and then we might not be able to find that traitor. Or we could be ambushed. But with Hinata, Shino and Kiba that possibility is low. Still it doesn't solve our problem. I don't know the enemy strength to make a solid strategy or if there is more than one enemy we have to deal with… I just hope Lord Hokage sends some back up.'


Seeing Mizuki coming towards him, Iruka urged Naruto to leave. But the rogue ninja had other plans. He wanted to make sure Naruto stayed. Mizuki had been training the last several months in preparation for this day and thus he was a lot stronger and faster than Iruka anticipated.

Naruto tried to get away from there but the rogue Chunin threw a Windmill shuriken in his path stopping the boy even as he engaged in a fight with Iruka. Mizuki easily parried a fist and side stepped Iruka's kunai swipe. Seeing an opening he countered with a cross to the man's left cheek making the scarred Chunin take a few steps back.

"Do you really want to run away, Naruto? Especially before you know the truth about yourself?" Mizuki had a malicious grin as he looked at Iruka.

"Truth? What truth?"

"Don't listen to him Naruto! He's lying. Get out of here!" The Chunin yelled as he tried to keep his former friend at bay.

"That's rich Iruka. The whole village knows the truth except for him. It's the law after all. That we shouldn't tell Naruto." Even as Mizuki was fighting he glanced from the corner of his eyes and saw that he had Naruto's attention. 'Excellent. That fool is far more concerned with himself to make any sensible decision.'

"What truth? What are you hiding from me?" Naruto saw Iruka's tense face and he immediately knew that his teacher was hiding something. "What don't you want me to know, Iruka sensei?"

Naruto's vulnerable expression made Iruka lose focus mid fight and Mizuki immediately capitalized on it. He punched Iruka in the face and kicked him hard, sending him crashing into a nearby tree. Several kunais instantly flew and pierced Iruka's arms and legs. "Aaarhhh!" The scarred Chunin gritted his teeth and tried to hold in his pain.

Iruka was bleeding from his nose and had multiple other flesh wounds. None of them were lethal and the loyal Leaf ninja was slowly removing the weapons that struck his body and was trying to stand back up.

"IRUKA SENSEI!" Naruto rushed to the wounded Chunin.

"How touching. You still care. But I doubt that'd be the case when you realize that deep down he hates you. That you're the reason his parents are dead." Mizuki's words halted Naruto's steps.

"What…? What are you talking about?" The boy turned to the traitorous ninja.

"Mi-Mizuki. Stop. Don't." Iruka took in a few deep breaths of air through his mouth and pleaded with the man.


It wasn't just Naruto who was paying close attention to Mizuki but the other graduates as well. Shikamaru's eyes widened as he knew what Mizuki was going on about. 'Don't tell me he's going to say what I think he's going to say.'

"Wait. Are they talking about the reason why people seem to hate him?"

Kiba nodded. "I think so, Ino. And did you hear what Mizuki said? There's some kind of law to stop Naruto from knowing the reason."

As his friends were having a quieted discussion, Shikamaru had several thoughts running through his mind. 'I know Naruto has some connection to the Nine tailed beast. But that's it. I couldn't get much more info on the subject after I asked my father about it… Do I want to know the truth? If there is a law preventing Naruto from learning the truth then should I allow it to break? How would he even react if he finds out?'

The Nara cautiously and discreetly glanced at everyone present near him. 'How would they react? Damn it. What should I do? Do I stop Mizuki or do I just stay here? What's the best decision I could make?'

"I… I think we should stop Mizuki." Shikamaru made his choice.

Ino was puzzled. "Weren't you the one who just told us to stay here till anyone else shows up."

Shino and Kiba narrowed their eyes and looked at their friend. They could see the worry on their friend's face. "You suddenly changed your decision and want us to attack. Why? Is it because of Iruka sensei's injuries or because of what Mizuki is saying?"

"Shikamaru, what's going on?... The secret. You know it, don't you? What is it?" Kiba asked.

At that time, as if to answer his question, Mizuki spoke revealing the long kept open secret.


In all the commotion and the revelation of Mizuki's betrayal Iruka completely forgot about Naruto's classmates. He had sensed Naruto's chakra when he came near the canyons and became solely focused on it. At that moment he didn't realize that it wouldn't just be Naruto learning the terrible secret the village hid for so long.

Mizuki looked at the boy's scared face and chuckled. "The whole village has been lying to you since you were born. Because of the decree made 12 years ago. Everyone knows about it. Everyone except you and those born around your time and since."


Iruka's desperate shout only made Naruto want to know more.

Mizuki looked at Naruto with a gleeful expression before he spoke. "The decree is… no one can tell you the Nine tailed fox is inside you."

Naruto stood still with widened eyes. His hands shook as he heard that. "What?"

"The fox spirit that destroyed the village and killed Iruka's parents twelve years ago. It's you. You are the nine tails."

Iruka looked at the shocked Naruto and he gritted his teeth. "That's enough Mizuki. Stop it." He yelled at Mizuki but it was for naught.

"They've been hiding this secret from you your whole life. Come on. Haven't you ever wondered why they hated you so much? Treated you like dirt your whole life. Like they hate you for just existing. Well now you know." The rogue ninja couldn't help but laugh seeing the distraught look on Naruto.

All the hidden Genins stood still as they too were shocked by this revelation. All except Shikamaru. 'Damn it. Now Naruto knows. How's he going to react?'

"No. You're lying. NO!" The more Naruto heard Mizuki speak the angrier he got. Blue chakra whisps began to appear in a whirl all around him.

Iruka sensed the chakra rising in his former student. 'Naruto. Don't lose control.'

"Do you understand now, demon! You will never be accepted in this village. Even your precious Iruka hates you." Mizuki looked at the traumatized boy and reached for the large windmill shuriken tied to his back. He unstrapped it and spun it in his hands.

Naruto, seeing the large weapon, stumbled in fear and fell on his back.

"DIE YOU BEAST!" Mizuki threw the large shuriken at Naruto and the boy desperately scrambled to all fours and tried to escape.


Iruka sensei's shout made Naruto duck down with his head between his arms. He closed his eyes in fear and waited for the pain but it never came. Instead he heard the sounds of metal clashing against metal.

When Naruto opened his eyes a couple seconds later he saw Iruka sensei shielding him with his own body. He looked up at his teacher and saw that the man was looking around in shock.

Several Seconds Before Mizuki threw the Shuriken.

Kiba and Choji were the ones in front of the group and the two clenched their fists in anger as they looked at the grey haired ninja. The hateful words the man spoke made them furious.

"Fuck this shit! I'm not gonna just stay here and listen to this crap anymore. I'm going to help Naruto and Iruka sensei." "Arf." "You comin' Choji?"

"Hell yeah!" The Akimichi nodded with fire in his eyes.

"What about you guys?" Kiba turned to the others.

The rest of the team were angry as well and now with Kiba and Choji deciding to forgo stealth they made that choice as well.

"For once I'm looking forward to starting a fight. Let's go kick that traitor's ass." Ino spoke for them all and the 7 rookies rushed from their spot just as Mizuki threw the weapon.

The Genins saw Iruka rushing over to Naruto and trying to shield him with his own body.

The 7 new Genins immediately took their weapons and threw them at the large four legged spinning blade with as much force as they could muster. Their plan was to deflect the weapon off its path. Just then they also saw several small shuriken coming from the other side aimed for the weapon. They immediately saw Sasuke's figure appear and all the small weapons collided with Mizuki's blade.

Shikamaru and his group's weapons slowed the blade down. Sasuke's shuriken had ninja wire tied to them and the Uchiha manipulated his small weapons to grab the large Windmill Shuriken and force it off course. Mizuki's weapon hit a nearby tree trunk and was embedded all the way through.

Present time.

Iruka willed his body to move and made it just in time to shield Naruto's body with his own. He braced for the lethal impact but instead of pain he sensed several familiar presence coming towards them and then heard the sound of the large shuriken hitting a nearby tree.

Iruka looked up and saw his students appear nearby and walking towards them. It was then that he recalled the strange behaviors of some of them earlier and the conclusions he later came to.

"I can't believe you were dumb enough to think there was a test to steal an important scroll like that from the Hokage tower. You really are a dope."

Naruto couldn't see who but he instantly recognized that voice. 'Sasuke.'

"Oi oi. That's a bit too harsh, Sasuke." The lazy voice of Shikamaru Nara was heard next.

"But Sasuke is kinda right Shikamaru… But then again I can't exactly blame Naruto on this one. We're supposed to trust our teachers afterall." Sakura said as she looked at Mizuki with a frown on her face.

Kiba snorted. He glared at the Chunin. "Some teacher. Never did like him anyways. Iruka sensei was far better." "Arf arf." "See. Akamaru agrees."

"Yeah. We're gonna kick your ass for the stunt you just pulled." Ino tied a rubber band around her hair and glared at the enemy ninja.

Choji came near Iruka and stood with his arms crossed while Hinata stood ready with her Taijutsu Gentle Fist stance. They didn't say anything as they looked at Mizuki but their stern expression was more than enough to convey their feelings.

"Surrender Mizuki sensei. No. You do not deserve that title anymore. Surrender Mizuki. Why? Because you are outnumbered." The insects buzzing could be heard throughout the area as Shino looked at the Chunin with a calm face.

The rookies have entered the scene and all of them are ready for battle.


Author's Note.

Did you guys enjoy it? I had fun writing it. I hope I was able to capture the rookies' personalities accurately.

For some reason at the end of this chapter I envisioned two soundtracks playing in my mind. One piece's Overtaken and Shokugeki no soma's Isshiki's theme. What do you guys think?

The next chapter will be a battle.

MonkWithAPen MonkWithAPen

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See you in the next update... PEACE!

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