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69.1% The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima. / Chapter 217: Chapter 217 - Battle on the High Seas 01

Capítulo 217: Chapter 217 - Battle on the High Seas 01

The gamer ninja quickly looked through the details of the quest. Daichi was surprised as to what the conditions needed for success were.

[Quest Created - Back up Team Guy]

You and Kakashi are Team Guy's backup. Save the hostages, defeat the enemies and complete the mission your sensei has given you and successfully finish this quest.



Do not die.

Do not let your sensei or Team Guy get mortally injured or die.

Save every hostage.

Make sure all enemies are defeated or neutralized.

Retrieve at least 2 +Rare Ranked Items.



50000 Exp.

Weapon Blueprints.

Reputation increases with Leaf Ninjas and citizens of the Land of Sea.



Reputation decreases with Leaf Ninjas and citizens of the Land of Sea.

Possible death.

-35000 Exp.


[Accept - Y/N]

'So I need to make sure everyone from my side is safe and sound by the end of this and all my targets dead or captured? This is going to be tough but it's doable… Hmm… It seems I'll have to keep an eye on everyone during the battle. Regardless, the experience and blueprints are worth it. I'm going to do this mission anyway so might as well accept this.'

With that Daichi mentally accepted the quest and prepared himself. The Leaf Shinobi didn't have to wait long before they saw the first enemy ship.

Kakashi looked at the pirate ship sailing in the distance and spoke. "This is it. Daichi and I will handle that one and meet you guys at the rendezvous point."

"You got it. I know you don't need it but good luck Kakashi" Guy nodded with a smile. The Jonin turned to look at the ship which suddenly changed directions and was heading for them. "Looks like your target is coming straight for you. How nice of them. Neji, how many do you see in that ship? Give us their number and position."

The Hyuga Genin quickly used his Kekkei Genkai and retrieved the intel needed. "There are 8 people below deck, chained and in small cages. The hostages no doubt. There are 12 others who seem to be part of the pirate crew. Except for the captain none of them seems dangerous. Ordinary chakra reserves. They're looking to attack us. Mainly swords and a few have daggers as weapons… The Captain has Chunin level reserves and is wearing Armor similar to the other one."

Neji completed his report and shut off the Byakugan to conserve chakra. At that moment Daichi created a shadow clone and had it join Team Guy.

Kakashi looked at the incoming ship and let out a small breath of air. "It's time, Daichi. Let's go greet them. Good luck with your end, Guy." With those words Kakashi vanished from the boat in a swirl of leaves.

Daichi looked at the floating leaves and shook his head. 'Where did they even come from?... Eh. Whatever. I'm not going to question it.'

"Good luck Daichi. Show them the power of the Leaf Ninjas." Lee shouted with a smile.

The Gamer Genin nodded and following his teacher's example vanished from the ship the next second with a body flicker.

After the two ninjas left Might Guy turned to the man navigating the ship. "Alright Ishido. Time to head to the second location."

"You got it." Ishido looked at the other ship and prayed in his heart. 'Please let everything be alright.' He decided to trust the Leaf ninjas and just did as he was told.

With Team Kakashi.

The Pirate captain looked at the other ship changing course and was about to order his men to follow but stopped when two ninjas suddenly appeared in their midst. He recognized them as the ones he saw standing on the deck of the other ship a few moments ago.

"Wow, who are these guys?" "How'd they get here?" Murmurs came from the crew. The Captain was silent as he looked at the newcomers.

'Based on their attire and headband, they're Leaf ninjas. I can't believe the people on those islands called for help even with us holding their families here. They'll pay.' The pirate captain knew the strength of a high level ninja due to fighting the Lightning Twins. So he wasn't arrogant in front of them but he didn't show fear as well.

Just as the Captain was observing them, Kakashi and Daichi were also paying attention to their surroundings. The Genin's eyes swept across the deck and dismissed everyone except the man in charge. He looked at the man with the captain's coat and used his information gathering skill.


[LV.49] [Akamine Fumimaro]

Age: 33

HP: 5723 CP: 4980

Affiliation: Gladiator pirates

[Akamine Fumimaro used to be a Chunin from the Hidden waterfall village. During a mission he faked his death to disappear and became a lone bandit sailing the sea near the Land of Sea. Later he commanded his own crew before being defeated by the rogue ninja Mazui and began serving under him. He is now a pirate under the Gladiator Pirates led by the Lightning Twins. He is a shrewd merciless man who only cares for himself. He is wearing a Rare Rank armor made by Katsura Sadoshi.

STR - 58

AGI - 51

INT - 38

The physical stats maybe subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied. ]

Daichi read the info his system showed and he was far from impressed.

'Hmm… So that's his story huh. Just another spineless idiot who couldn't hack it. Nothing special about him except the armor. I need to see if sensei can take him down without damaging it much. Let's see what that thing can do. Observe.'

[Power Armor] [Rare Item: Rank C]

[The Power Armor is a Rare Ranked item created by Katsura Sadoshi. This item can increase the defense of the wearer by reducing the force of the incoming attack by at most 80%. This armor absorbs the chakra from the physical attacks and uses it to increase the defense and speed of the wearer. Chakra costs to activate the functions of this armor are minimum. The armor is strong enough to withstand ordinary attacks from shuriken and kunai weapons.

Note: Attacks with force above a certain threshold can break this armor.]

"What do you Leaf Ninjas want?" Akamine stepped forward and asked. His crew became quiet but the hold on their weapons tightened and their muscles tensed.

Kakashi gave the man an eye smile and replied. "Could you kindly release the prisoners you have here, lock yourselves up below deck and give us control of the ship?"

The whole crew including the captain looked incredulous at that statement. 'Is this guy for real?' That was the general thought among them.

Even Daichi looked sideways at his sensei and raised an eyebrow. 'He really knows how to fuck with people doesn't he.'

The pirate captain Akamine gritted his teeth hearing that. "You think this a joke? I was going to negotiate with you before… But now I'll deal with you myself." 'Even if he is strong, my armor will help me fight him on even terms. And this kid looks like he's a Genin. So when my men attack him, that Jonin's attention will be on his student. He'll be distracted and I'll take that opportunity to go for the kill.'

"Men! Kill that brat. I'll fight him." Akamine pointed to the Jonin and gave the order.

"Yes boss." "Get him…" Several members of the crew rushed at Daichi with their swords above their heads.

Looking at the incoming enemies Daichi spoke. "Sensei. Try to take him down without damaging that Armor. I want to study it." The Genin spoke in a low voice but his sensei clearly heard it.

"I'll see what I can do. Once you finish them off, head down stairs and free the hostages. Then lock these guys up in there. And make sure not to cause any damage to the ship."

Hearing Kakashi's reply Daichi nodded and without wasting another second rushed forward meeting the pirates halfway. The gamer ninjas used observe skill and saw that all of them were really strong for a civilian but they were nothing to a ninja like him.

The captain also rushed at the Leaf Jonin. His sword poised to cut Kakashi in half but was blocked by the Jonin's Kunai. Sparks flew as the captain tried to push his blade forward but his attempt was futile. He tried to kick Kakashi's knee and break his leg but his strike was redirected. Akamine pulled the sword and went for a horizontal slash with the intent to cut the Jonin's head off but Kakashi easily evaded it. And so the battle between the pirate captain and Kakashi began.

Meanwhile Daichi slid below a sword swing and grabbed the hand of the attacking pirate. With Daichi's great strength it was easy to take the pirate off his feet, spin him around and toss him towards his companions. Several pirates went flying backwards while the others tried their best to kill the boy. The Genin easily weaved through the sloppy attacks and sword swings. He took a dagger from his inventory and started slashing his enemy's tendons. Since there were only 11 people, Daichi easily sliced through them like a hot knife through butter.

With the first part of his task completed the Genin created a few clones and had them take the incapacitated crew downstairs while he freed the prisoners. He freed the hostages from their chains and led them out while he chained up the crew.

As the Genin was completing his assignment Kakashi was studying his opponent. 'His fighting style is that of the average Genin. His techniques are sloppy. But what he has is defense and speed. That armor certainly is incredible. To be able to reduce the power of my punches to such a degree and even augment the speed of the wearer. Whoever created this can change the balance of power between the 5 nations. He or she must be captured and if they're with the enemy then they need to be killed. This could become a big problem otherwise. Especially if the other nations find out.'

Kakashi side stepped and evaded the enemy blade and sent a powerful punch directly on top of the liver.

"Gha!" Spit and blood flew from the captain's mouth as he was sent flying backwards and hit the mast. His sword flew from his grasp and landed far away.

The Copycat ninja looked at the kneeling, coughing enemy and made a conclusion. 'So that Armor has a limit. Hmm.. time to finish this.'

Akamine slowly stood and gritted his teeth in anger as he looked at Kakashi. None of his attacks were getting through the Jonin's defenses. 'Shit! This guy is most probably a high level Jonin. Just like those blasted twins. Damn it. And it doesn't look like he'll let me go even if I surrender. My only choice is to kill him.'

Suddenly the man went through several seals. 'Genjutsu - Negative perception.'

The man slightly smirked as his chakra connected with the Jonin and put him under his control. 'This illusion will make you think I'm moving in one direction when I'm going in the opposite. A Genjutsu that shows the mirrored movements to those caught in it. You'll prepare for my attacks from right while I come from the left. Time to end this.'

Akamine rushed towards Kakashi from the left. He saw the Leaf ninja preparing to defend against an attack coming from the right and smirked. "Die." With all his might the pirate captain swung his sword at the Leaf Jonin's neck.

The next second he saw that he was flying and there was a person with his body and armor standing near him. He noticed that the body didn't have a head and he was confused. 'What the?' That was the last thought of Akamine Fumimaro as his head rolled on the deck of the ship.

Kakashi looked at the scene and sighed. 'Too bad.' As the pirate captain died the Jonin suddenly started hearing a hissing sound coming from the dead man's body. Due to his years living as a shinobi he knew exactly what that sound was. The Jonin rushed at the decapitated body and threw it towards the sea, far away from the ship.

The body flew dozens of meters away and sank beneath the waves. The next second a loud blast was heard along with the splash of water.

It was at this moment that Daichi came up to the deck with the reduced hostages. "What the hell was that?"

"That Armor was booby trapped. Once that man died the paper bombs in it activated. I had to toss the body before we all got caught in the explosion." Kakashi replied with a sigh.

Daichi nodded and turned to the decapitated head on the floor. "And this? Didn't think you'd chop his head off."

"I didn't. He did it to himself."

The Genin raised an eyebrow at that statement and quickly figured out the answer. "Genjutsu?"

"Yeah. I put him in an illusion where he would attack himself… What about the hostages? Any serious injuries?"

The Genin shook his head. "No. Nothing that can't be healed."

The Leaf Jonin nodded. "I know the route the third ship will take. Let's go."

Daichi nodded. He then created a shadow clone and dispelled it. Once he sent the message the medic ninja went to examine the people he just freed.

With Team Guy.

Daichi's clone opened his eyes as he got the new memories. "Kakashi sensei has taken control of the ship. All 8 people taken from the island are safe. They are exhausted but there are no permanent or serious injuries." He relayed the news to everyone.

"Haha. Way to go my rival. Just as expected of you." Guy said with a grin as he completed his pushup challenge.

At that moment Ishido came near Daichi. "Is there a woman named Kamika among them? She has brown hair and a tattoo of a deer on her right hand."

Daichi went through his memories and a couple seconds later shook his head. "I'm sorry. But she's not with the group we found. She must be on one of the other two ships."

Ishido looked down and clenched his fist.

"Who is she?" Tenten asked the man.

"She's my wife. We only got married a few months ago." Ishido replied.

"Don't worry. We'll get her." Daichi reassured the man. Ishido gave a weak smile as he walked back to his post.

"We're nearing the location the other ninja said. Their ship must be near here. Prepare yourself. We'll be within range soon." Ishido said.

Everyone nodded. At that moment Daichi spoke. "Guy sensei. There is something you should know. The pirate captain of the ship had high Chunin level combat speed and solid defense with that armor. It also had a failsafe. Once the person wearing it dies the armor explodes."

"If that's the case then why didn't the first one explode?" Tenten asked.

"My theory is that it's because Guy sensei damaged it. I think breaking that armor negates the failsafe. It's just a theory though. I'd still be careful around it." Daichi replied.

Guy nodded and he listened to the Genin. "Understood Daichi. Alright my dear Genins, listen up. I'm going to battle the captain. Lee, Tenten, you two will fight the other members of that crew and restrain them. Neji, you can help Daichi locate the prisoners and bring them to this ship. Lee, Tenten, once you subdue all the members put them on a life raft. I'm sure that ship will have one. We'll tie it to the back of this ship."

"Yes sensei." The reply came in unison.

"Ship in sight! North northeast of us!" Ishido alerted them.

"Neji, give us the rundown. What are we looking at?" Guy spoke.

The Hyuga nodded and made the seal to activate his Kekkei Genkai. "Byakugan!"

"The captain seems to be in his quarters. There are 8 prisoners on this ship as well. Aside from the captain there are 15 crewmen. I don't see anyone with any strong chakra aside from the captain. He has chunin level reserves."

A few moments later, the people on the other ship saw them as well. They headed straight for Ishido's ship.

"All of you should hide. Neji, Daichi. You two will board the ship from the back. Lee, Tenten. You two will launch a surprise attack." Guy decided on the battle plan and the others agreed. The Genin blended into the shadows.

Once the pirate ship was near, the Genins jumped to the sea and under the cover of the night swiftly reached the other vessel. Now they were waiting for their sensei to draw the attention of the crew and it didn't take long. The moment the Pirate captain came out of his cabin, Guy jumped from his ship.

The Taijutsu master of the Leaf village flew towards his target with a flying kick.


The captain's eyes widened like dinner plates as he saw the fast incoming kick. He was too surprised at the sudden action to evade and Guy's foot collided right with his face sending him flying through his cabin. He collided with the walls of his cabin and landed on the other side.

The man moaned in pain as he laid on the floor. His crew came near him and looked in surprise and fear at what had just happened.

Lee and Tenten stealthily climbed the pirate ship from the other side at this moment while Neji and Daichi got on board from the back.

"Get that bastard." "Kill him." The crew took out their weapons and ran at Guy.

"Haha. Come on you sea bandits. Allow me to show you the burning spirit of the Green beast! Hiya!" Guy sprung into action and spin kicked the first opponent that got near him. The pirate lost consciousness on the first attack and flew away.

Guy dodged the swings of the swords and chopped their wrists making them drop their weapons. With a swift punch to the torso and a high kick to the chin he knocked them out and send them flying.

"Come on. Let's pile on him. He won't be able to attack all of us." One of the pirates said and all of them rushed at Guy. But the next second dozens of kunai rained down on them, wounding several. Tenten and Lee joined the battle as well.

"Leaf rising wind!" Lee appeared in front of an opponent and tripped him with a leg sweep before completing the move with a high kick that launched the pirate straight up into the air.

"Sensei, we'll take care of these guys. Go after the captain." Lee said to his teacher.

Guy nodded and gave his team a thumbs up. He headed towards the pirate captain who got up and was rubbing his broken chin. The man was furious as he looked at the incoming Jonin. The next moment he took a kunai from his pouch and shot off towards Guy and the battle between them began.

Meanwhile, with the help of Neji, Daichi easily found the prisoners on the ship.

"P-please… Help us…"

"Don't worry. We're Leaf ninjas. We're here to get you out." Neji said calming them down and giving them hope.

"Thankfully, there aren't any restraints on their person. But all the cages are locked and it would be easier if we had the keys." Daichi said to the Hyuga.

"Yes, but I don't see them anywhere. They must be kept in another location. We need to find it quickly." Neji replied as he looked around with his Byakugan.

"No. We don't have time for that. I can get them out." Daichi ushered the prisoners to get back and went through 4 seals. 'I really don't like using this jutsu. Leaves a weird taste in my mouth.'

'Water style - Corrosion liquid jutsu.'

Daichi spat some light acid on the cage's lock and in seconds it corroded away.

"What jutsu is that?" Neji asked.

"It's Water style Corrosion liquid. By manipulating the pH level of water I can increase its acidity. And just a small quantity of it is enough to get the job done." Daichi replied.

Neji opened the cage and slowly took the prisoners out. Daichi's clone created two more clones. And they carefully led the people of Land of Sea on to the deck. They saw that the battle was already over, with the pirates captured and Lee and Tenten securing them on a life raft.

Daichi looked to the other side and saw Guy sensei standing in front of a fallen man with his armor broken to several pieces and scattered near him.

The Genin took the hostages from the pirate ship and brought them to theirs. Ishido looked through each one that came on board and was saddened. "Do you know where Kamika is?" He asked one of them.

"She's… on the other ship."

Ishido was tense but that answer gave him some hope. He helped them lay down and got them something to eat and drink while Daichi examined them and healed any wounds.

Once everyone was safe and secure, Guy set fire to the pirate ship and returned to his. They slowly sailed away as the 2nd ship of the Gladiator Pirates was destroyed in the middle of the sea.

"Daichi, tell Kakashi that we are on our way to the location of the main ship. Tell him to inform us if there is any change." The Jonin told Daichi. When the additional shadow clones Daichi's clone created, dispelled, the memories of what happened went back to the original.

With Team Kakashi.

"They got the second ship, sensei. No casualties. They're headed to the main pirate ship. Guy sensei also asked me to confirm the route."

Kakashi nodded. "It seems I'll have to interrogate the leader of this one too. Make sure that nothing's changed."

The two Leaf ninjas sailed for about 2 hours before they caught sight of the last subordinate ship.

"I'll deal with the captain. Can you handle the rest alone?"

"Yeah. I got it." Daichi nodded and created several shadow clones. The second their ships got close the ninjas made their move. Kakashi headed straight for the Leader of the pirate crew while Daichi took down the rest.

Kakashi had his Sharingan out for this and it wasn't long before the captain was under an illusion. As the Leaf Jonin interrogated and got the info needed, Daichi rescued the prisoners one by one and got them to the other ship.

He found a woman that had the matching features Ishido spoke of. "Are you Kamika?"

"Yeah. How do you know my name?" The tired woman asked as she laid on the floor.

"Your husband Ishido sent us. He was worried about you."

The woman hearing that name smiled with tears forming in her eyes. "Is he okay?"

"Yes. He's fine. He's with another team helping save the people from your Island." Daichi said while his hands glowed green as he examined her.

"That's just like him… Are you a doctor?"

"I'm a medic. Yes… It looks like you're just malnourished. Don't worry. You'll be fine after a week of healthy food." The young woman let out a breath of relief.

"Daichi!" At that moment Kakashi called out to him.

"What is it, sensei?"

"I have good news and bad news." The Jonin said, covering the Sharingan eye.

Daichi sighed hearing that. "I figured."

"The good news is, according to the information I got from him, the main ship is docked at the specified location. They have no prisoners on board. So we don't have to be careful. They're behind the island two dozen miles from here and they haven't moved. So there is the chance that they are not expecting us."

"So what's the problem?"

"Because it's not just a ship. It's a large warship. They have a long range weapon capable of taking out any ship. Even one that's almost a mile away. It's some sort of a cannon. A single blow from that and a ship like this would be blown to bits. If we get close and they spot us, there's a good chance they'll blast us apart. We can escape but the civilians… They'll be in danger. That's the bad news." Kakashi finished and leaned on the mast as they sailed away from the pirate ship burning down behind them.

"So what's our play?"

Kakashi was quiet and thought about his next move. A few moments later he spoke. "We need to take care of them. Otherwise they can do a lot of damage. So we stay the course but slightly adjust the rendezvous point. We'll meet with Guy's team about two miles away from the warship and then we travel through the ocean."

Kakashi took out a map and pointed at a specific spot. "Tell Ishido to bring the ship here. From there we'll move together with Team Guy and take them by surprise."

"Understood." Daichi memorized the location Kakashi showed. He created and dispelled a shadow clone informing the other party of the situation.

With Team Guy.

"So that's what Kakashi said huh. Very well then! Ishido. Change course. Since they have a weapon that can destroy ships, we need to be careful." Guy told the man.

Ishido nodded and then looked at the Genin. "So she's fine? They didn't hurt her or anything?"

Daichi shook his head and smiled. "Don't worry. She's tired but she'll be just fine."

"Thank you. All of you. I knew I made the right choice." Ishido bowed and quickly returned to his post with a big smile. He turned the rudder and adjusted the route.

Now only one more enemy ship remained and both Jonin and their students were making their way towards it.


Author's Note.

This one right here is the equivalent of 2 chapters. Enjoy the 4.6k word chap.. Now on to other stuff.

One of the things I'm concerned about is the P.O.V shift. I hope the transition from Team Kakashi to Team Guy to Team Kakashi to Team Guy isn't jarring or doesn't cause a big problem(annoyance) when reading.

Also I didn't want to write two Jonin beating up helpless sea bandits three times, so I showed different events each time. Only the pirate captain was somewhat strong but Kakashi and Guy are on a different level so it was a short battle. The other crew were just civilian bandits. So not much resistance on their part. Hope this chapter wasn't boring to read. Next chap will have a much more intense battle.

On an another note:


"Are you Kamika?"

"Yeah. How do you know my name?" The tired woman asked as he laid on the floor.

"Your husband Ishido sent us. He was worried about you."


After reading this, how many of you expected the woman's response to be like:


''What do you mean my husband? What are you talking about?''

''What? I'm talking about your husband. Ishido.''

''I don't have a husband.''


After writing Daichi's dialogue informing the woman that her husband sent them, It took some effort on my part not to write the above lines and make a pointless drama. I personally think that, that whole plot move has become kinda cliche at this point, but who am I to complain. I might use something like that in the future.

MonkWithAPen MonkWithAPen

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