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58.28% The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima. / Chapter 183: Chapter 183 - A wild theory

Capítulo 183: Chapter 183 - A wild theory

Daichi's group.

Kakashi and his student bowed and followed the Daimyo's advisors out the room.

"This is your first time in the palace isn't it?" One of the advisors said to the two ninjas.

"Yes." Kakashi and his student nodded.

"Come. I'll show you around." The court member gave a small tour of the palace to the two ninjas.

Kakashi and Daichi were well aware that their every move was being observed by the guards hidden throughout the palace.

As Daichi looked around he met several people. One in particular caught his attention. It was a thin servant woman carrying out her duties. 'Her features… She seems…'

A picture came to his mind and Daichi compared that to the thin maid. He finally recognized who it was.. 'There's no way. That's Madam Shijimi or her counterpart from canon. So here she's a maid and not the wife of the Fire Lord. Another change… I need to find the reason behind it.'

Daichi was about to ask the advisor the history of the Fire Daimyo but decided against it. 'Its best I ask the Hokage for that information. And I also need to pay a visit to Kenichi and Hirohito. I have a feeling they'll have the answers I'm looking for. Their family would definitely have records of some sort.'

Soon their tour came to an end and at that time the Hokage came to meet them.

"We'll be here for a few days. The diplomats from other countries will arrive and I need you to prepare a detailed report Kakashi."

The Jonin nodded.


Kakashi and Daichi went their separate ways. Hiruzen looked at the disappearing form of Daichi Hekima. He sighed and went to his guest room.


Kenichi looked at the boy in front of him with a tired sigh. The events of the last few days were stressful for him. "What brings you here Daichi?"

"I want to know more about your great grandfather?"

The man was puzzled at that request. "Why?"

"Call it curiosity. And I don't have much else to do at the moment. I'm curious about the ordinary man who saved a Daimyo's life."

Kenichi was suspicious but he couldn't deny Daichi's request after everything that's happened. He took the Genin to his personal library and took a few worn out looking books from the shelf.

"These were his personal journals. These should help you learn more about him." The man handed the books to the boy.

"Have you read them?" Daichi asked Kenichi.

The man shook his head. "No. I have no interest in wasting time and reading something that happened almost a century ago." With that answer he left the room.

Daichi began going through each journal. He thought his chances of finding something unusual was slim but he was wrong. After just an hour he stumbled on a critical piece of information. Daichi's eyes carefully read the lines written in the book.

'An hour after I opened my shop a strange traveler came in. The only thing I could see was his eyes... Everything else was shrouded in black clothing. The Komugi clan and the Hyuga clan had a small battle not too far from here so I was wary of the stranger. Even though I was slightly scared, I served him without hesitation. At the end he gave me the needed coins and something else. It was a small pouch with a herb in it.'

"Thank you. This tea is indeed very good. So as a reward I'll give you something extra. This pouch contains a very special herb. It is the rarest medicinal herb in the world. It has the ability to defeat any poison, restore vitality and cure any disease. Use it wisely."

'Those were the words he said to me as he handed me the pouch. He didn't even give me his name. And I didn't believe him. But I didn't throw it away. What if he was telling the truth? That question rang in my head and it bothered me. So I kept the small pouch in a safe place. Two months later on a Saturday evening a man in wealthy clothing barged into my store. He was breathing hard, bleeding from his mouth and had a wound on his leg. He didn't tell me who he was but I could see that he was going to die. The next second I was rushing to take the pouch the stranger gave me and I gave the man the herb inside. The stranger was saved. I didn't know what prompted me to do what I did but I'm glad it happened. It was only later that I learned that he was the Daimyo of this nation. As a reward for saving his life, the Daimyo gave me wealth, land and a precious heirloom… But still, all this couldn't have been possible without that stranger. Whoever you are, thank you for giving me a new life.'

Daichi finished reading and leaned back in his chair. 'So that guy didn't have any secret knowledge about medicine or herbs. A customer gave it to him. But there is no way some guy would just hand over a herb that valuable to a tea stall owner without any reason… He must have known about the attack on the Daimyo. It's the only logical explanation. But how could he predict that the Daimyo would end up at that stall? Or that tea stall owner would help him? And why not warn the Daimyo or save him directly? Why use a random ordinary civilian as an intermediary?... Still it's clear now. Kenichi's great grandfather was just a pawn in someone else's plans… I'm sure of that. But who and for what purpose?... Whoever that person is, he must have some great knowledge about herbs to have something like that… '

Daichi closed the book and closed his eyes. Several theories went through his head but without evidence he couldn't make a final judgment. 'I need to see Hirohito as well. I have to know more about Kiyoto Inagi. And why did that man decide to burn something as valuable as that cloak.'

Daichi left Kenichi's home shortly after and headed to the hotel Hirohito was staying at.

"When will you be leaving?"

"Tomorrow. Is there something the Hokage needed?" Hirohito was unsure as to why Daichi had come to him.

"Don't worry. You're not in any trouble. I just came to see if you still had the books that were taken from your father's safe house."

The man nodded and led Daichi inside. During the recovery of items from the first location, Kakashi and Akai came across the Thief's personal notes and journals. They took it and after thorough examination determined that it didn't contain any relevant information. And thus returned them to his son.

Daichi went through the journals and notes and like Kakashi, didn't find anything of significance. At first.

'Wait. This guy used Atamagai's Cloak. That means there is a strong possibility that he could use Mana powers… Is it possible?'

Daichi concentrated Mana energy to his fingertips and placed them on top of the books. Nothing changed on the outside. But Daichi opened the book and saw new texts appear on the back of the book.

'I was right. He can use Mana. So that's how he hid it. He wrote mundane information in normal ink from the right and hid valuable secret info with Mana from the left side of the book. No one would get suspicious at that… Now time to find out what secrets you're hiding.'

Daichi read through the information and found several pieces of interest. 'During his childhood he met a strange man who taught him the ability to use Mana. And Kiyoto was given a book with clues that lead to the 3rd cloak. He was cunning but also a rebellious man and he hated his father. The Eternal Red Crane was the House Sigil of his mother. And when it was changed Kiyoto didn't want it to be forgotten and looked for a way to mark it forever. He solved the clues in the book and found the cloak. He used it not only for his robberies but also to spy on his competition and enemies…'

Daichi closely read the last few parts of the secret texts written by Kiyoto.

'This cloak is slowly killing me. Whenever I used it I felt a small pain in my head but now… I feel like I'm dying. If I use this again, I know I surely will… Since I've accomplished my goals I have no need for it. Now that I've completed the 40th mark I can rest…'

'That man Ichiro Garoya. He found out about my secret identity or at least found the location of my treasure. I don't know how that's possible. I was so careful. But it doesn't matter. His memory is failing him and he let slip that he knew the location of a treasure to his friends. They thought the disease was affecting his memories and didn't take him seriously but when I heard it I knew I couldn't take the risk. After his death I used the cloak one last time. I searched everywhere and made sure to throw off the ones who will look for me from my trail… I cannot use this cloak any further. It's time I destroyed it.'

Daichi then read the text below that addressed him.

'If you are reading this, then that means you have the ability to use this special energy. In all my life I haven't come across anyone that had this power other than the man who taught it to me. So if you are reading these words then you have that power too and you found out who I really am. I'm sorry I destroyed the cloak. I did it so that it wouldn't kill you. You have a unique power. Carve your mark on this world. Just like I did. Good luck.'

Daichi closed the book and let out a breath. 'So there was someone else who could use Mana… And he taught it to Kiyoto when he was young. But what could he possibly gain from this? What reason could he have had to teach Kiyoto about Mana?... Maybe someone asked him to? An obligation? Or did this person do it on a whim?'

Daichi thought about the two cases. The man who gave Kenichi's great grandfather the herb and about the unknown man who taught Mana to Kiyoto. 'In both incidents two unknown people helped them without seemingly getting anything in return… Strange… Very strange. Both incidents happened several decades apart. So I'm sure there is no connection between Kiyoto and the old tea stall owner… Hmm…'

Daichi stood from his chair and soon left Hirohito's place. He had one more person to see.


Hiruzen was enjoying a warm comfortable tea when someone knocked on his door. "Come in."

He was surprised to see that it was Daichi. "What do you need?" The old man smiled and asked.

"Do you know the history of the Fire capital?"

Hiruzen frowned upon hearing that question. "What exactly are you looking for?"

"I'm curious about the attack that happened to Lord Ryuga's ancestor. An attack on the Daimyo would definitely not be the work of some random person."

"Why the sudden interest in an incident that happened almost a hundred years ago?"

"I have an inquisitive mind, Lord Hokage." Daichi replied with a smile.

Hiruzen chuckled when he heard that. 'It seems we both have similar inquisitive minds.'

"You're not the only one who thought that. When I heard about it I went through the Library here and found out the truth."

Daichi was excited. He wasn't sure the Hokage would have the answer he was looking for but it seems he was wrong.

"What was it?"

"Before I tell you, you must understand that this is information not known to many. Especially in today's time. Make sure to keep it that way." The Hokage's tone had a warning to it and Daichi nodded in seriousness.

"I'm only saying this because of your recent exploits… The Daimyo at that time had a younger brother. The brother grew jealous and wanted the position of Daimyo and sent assassins after his older brother. If the Daimyo had died his brother would have taken power. But the man survived the attack and soon found out his own flesh and blood was responsible for the attempt on his life. Saddened and enraged, he had his brother killed in secret and he made sure to erase this shameful family history from the public. But it's recorded in the private archives here."

"I see… Brother rising against brother and leaving desolation behind. How tragic." Daichi spoke in a low tone. At that moment the battle between Itachi and Sasuke came to his mind.

Hiruzen also agreed with that sentiment. "Yes. Indeed… Is there anything else?"

"No sir."

Hiruzen nodded and Daichi left the room with several thoughts swirling in his mind.

He went to the garden in the palace compound and sat in a meditative pose. 'Think Daichi. Do these incidents have anything in common? Or were they all just random coincidences? In the first case a stranger gave a herb to a random Tea Shop owner and a couple months later the Daimyo who was passing by was attacked and saved. The Daimyo must have also investigated the man who saved his life. He must have been suspicious that a random nobody could have saved him in the nick of time. So assuming that's the case and the fact that he rewarded the man means the Tea Shop owner wasn't involved or the Daimyo couldn't find anything.. I was right in my earlier assessment. He was a pawn. Someone wanted that Daimyo to stay in power. If I'm right the canon Daimyo must have been a descendant of the younger brother. Since he was killed, the canon counterpart was never born. Makes sense… But that doesn't explain the incident with Kiyoto.'

Daichi spent his time in the garden analyzing the information from different angles. 'Come on Daichi. Think outside the box. Find a different perspective…'

Daichi reviewed the incidents as if they were a play in a theater and he was the director. 'The ones who benefit from all these are Kenichi's great grandfather, Kiyoto, the Daimyo…. And me…'

Daichi's eyes snapped open and he took a deep breath. 'No way… A stranger who's knowledgeable in herbs. A stranger who can use Mana. And someone who's actions influenced the timeline… It can't be… Me…? Can it?'

Daichi let out a deep breath and focused. 'Up until now I've assumed the unknowns who helped were two different people. But what if it wasn't… What if it was one person. That's why his actions influenced the timeline. Because that person wasn't part of canon. Because it was me… Or there was someone else in this timeline like me… Someone from outside the story… but that probability is low…'

That monumental realization struck Daichi like thunder. '34 million is a lot of money. And there's much that I can accomplish with it… So sometime in the future I travel back and set events in motion that benefits me…? I can time travel…? Was it the dragon veins… Or was it something else?'

Daichi stood and walked to a nearby pond. He looked at his reflection and sighed. 'This is still all just a theory… Without any proof… Still, assuming I can time travel in the future, still a big if… What else did I do?'

Daichi sighed and slowly walked back to his room in the palace. 'Looks like I'll just have to trust that 'future me' didn't screw anything up for 'me' me... I hope.'


The diplomats arrived and negotiations were proceeding without any problems. The Hokage had to stay at the capital for a few more days but Daichi, Kakashi and Akai Hyuga returned to the village.

Daichi went to his room and looked in the mirror. 'For the moment, I'll focus on the here and now. Whatever I might do in the future regarding time travel stuff, that's not my concern right now…'


Author's Note.

Show of hands. How many of you saw this coming? And how many like it?

Just a reminder that it could also not be time travel and be all a huge coincidence… And Daichi's imagination was just running wild… IF it were time travel then that stuff won't come into play for a long time and if it does there won't be much of it.... Still, its a big if...

Who knows… well, I do… :)

MonkWithAPen MonkWithAPen

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