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92.87% M no Monogatari / Chapter 383: Chapter 342: Discovery

Capítulo 383: Chapter 342: Discovery


This had not gone as he expected, certainly that day when he met that young man, he knew from that moment that his plan was not going to work. But this situation did not let him get out of hand, he no longer had a single problem, now he would have 2 and he did not know how he planned to test them. He had to do it as fast as possible, procrastinating, the passing of time was affecting him, the quiet life he was having pleased him much more than his previous life, that is wrong, very wrong. He is not allowed to take another path in his life because that would be the greatest dishonor for both his father and himself. His purpose found him and that made him happy, it was the first and only thing he knew, to see others suffer was what his father liked very much, therefore he also liked to share that feeling in common with his father, to be happy for something that makes someone else happy, how could that be taken? affection? liking? love? Acel had a great emotional attachment to his father Rick, the only person who taught him everything and who took care of him until the last moment.

He wanted to be able to fulfill a promise that was too obvious in his father, and that was to always bring misfortune and a horrible life to Mikel, the boy who made him lose everything. The whole plan consisted of Mikel being the center, since he met the old man, the objective was to stain him in the end, he had already planned everything, the one who would confront him would be Mikel, the one who would fight him would be Mikel, and the one who would defeat him would be Mikel, and after his death, as if it were a curse, blood would fall on his shoulders, a man who dedicated himself to bring peace would be completely stained by a big mistake, no matter how many good deeds you did in your life, what will stand out the most about you will be the mistake you made, a mockery, a gossip, an embarrassing moment, a bad situation, just that, a mistake. Acel would take advantage of everything he had to destroy the old man's life, he had to pay with Karma after the good luck he had had until today.

But to his bad luck, all the weight of the curse would fall on someone who was not in the plans. Cliston turned out to be an immovable piece, and above all a very ignorant one. No matter how many times they talked together, no matter how many times he had been direct with him, it seemed that the young man trusted him because of his looks, his performance or simply because for Cliston, everyone had a good side over the bad.

The first time he tried to intoxicate him by bringing that alcoholic beverage, he wanted to know what the young man really thought about all this, maybe it was like him in life, an act, a role, a simple role that he had to fulfill, because you don't have to have a superpower to know that Cliston was forcing himself to fulfill with the world. But the answer he got after intoxicating the young man left him even more confused, that boy really did not seem to have malice about him, he did not seem to speak ill of anyone behind his back, there was nothing to reproach him with, an opinion, a doubt, nothing...Nothing according to Acel...Everything he was as much as he showed on the outside, as what he really was on the inside, was that, hope and illusion, or perhaps all of it was also deception. 

There was nothing more to do, really this boy is too good? he even seems to have come out of some quiet story, but that would be the opposite, maybe his dreams and desires to have hope in everyone is because he saw how horrible one can be with the world. Being kind is perhaps his way of paying for everything he did before? Not that he was ignorant...why do it, he told her one day when they were talking while having more of the drinks he brought, Cliston just wants to have a quiet and normal life. 

"If you really wanted that, it wouldn't even have occurred to you to use your power under any situation" I asked him that question because the truth was still intrigued, and the answer I heard left me even more confused "You're right, but I did it anyway, why did I do it, I didn't think about what it would cause all this xd". 

Really that answer he told me left me confused and above all angry, as you did not think that could cause ... were you so blind from long before ... you do not have to be so smart to realize that if one appears with skills like yours, you will cause a change in all. That night I left with an anger that I could hold back, while I was coming back I couldn't believe it, then what you are living and what you got into, maybe you didn't think it through when you accepted it? why are there people that don't think about their lives and their future, maybe they think that all life will be the same? maybe Cliston thought that the world would ignore him if he showed his powers? Did he think we were like him? From that moment on Acel began to hate young Cliston for being too blind around him, how could someone who is trying so hard to look at you ignore you at the same time? he didn't know that was possible.

The weeks continued and he had to do something soon, Acel had already had the explosive coins ready for a long time, they only needed to go into circulation, but for some reason he did not do it, this was because he did not dare to destroy everything he had built in his new life. What if the bombs explode close to him? what if the bombs end up killing families? what if the bombs end up killing children and old people? .... But...why did Acel care about this if he didn't care about any of this before, Acel had attacks of anger because he couldn't decide whether to continue or keep postponing the plan. 

He needed a sign, he needed a chance, he needed a gap where he would not hesitate to do it, but even in the process he feels that it will not be like before at the beginning of the plan. But that opportunity to fulfill his role was given to Acel, knowing the news that both Mikel and Cliston will leave the country for a few hours, it was the right time, it was now or never. He prepared everything at the last minute where he circulated the coins thanks to his loyal followers, he had to play again the ruthless terrorist he was before, he had done it before, why be afraid now?

Without any fear he gave the coins to all the people he trusted, including the children, if necessary he would sacrifice them to show that he could not change, but he was giving himself the answer, the fake smile, the slowness in which he exploded the bombs, as if to say that he did not really want to do this.

But this is his rediscovery for him, he has to go back to the way he was before, he is obliged to do it, he is a bad person and he belongs to the same side as all those who do not appreciate life, you cannot just become good overnight, even if his time has been longer, he still does not feel that his world can be where the good ones are.

He arrived, finally someone had arrived, and to his surprise it was Cliston, this was not going the way he wanted, so he tried to buy time to see if Mikel would come, he told Cliston again this time being more sincere than ever. But in the middle of the fight he ended up giving him an answer that he didn't understand, like he doesn't know what I said? For Acel this didn't make sense, he hated Cliston more and more, it even seems that being nice is also an act that goes wrong for him.

Again this time being clearer than ever he was telling her about his situation, but again despite making things clear, he was giving her another chance. By this point nothing else mattered but being right, there were 2 positions here, the good guy and the bad guy, but Cliston only saw a good guy in front of him.

It made him sick that you would even force him to act as such, what do you have to do to make him understand that you are a bad person to Cliston, if words are not enough, then he wants actions? what? more actions than destroying a city? what do you want? do you want him to kill an innocent person so that you can make the right decision? Yes, that's the only thing that motivates you to act as such and finally look at me as it should, you don't like to see people die, do you? Well now I will show you that for me this means nothing.

There was no turning back, Acel wanted to do it, Cliston didn't know it but as a result of his insistence, he made Acel recover his desire to kill someone, it irritated him so much that he wants to be right this time. Acel is the bad guy and Cliston is the good guy.

The last thing Acel remembers is a strong pressure in his whole body, he could feel his shoulders shrink, his back as if resisting thousands of tons. He was being lifted to the skies at a great speed that would be impossible for any human to resist. And in front of him, a boy who was yelling at him and telling him what he should do then. You don't want to use your strength, your words don't reach people, and just because of that you already despair? It hurts you to lose out Cliston? I have never seen a face so confused and in tears knowing that your words and your good deeds are not reaching those who really care. But Cliston when you are staring at me right now, do you even realize that I am in pain? I am running out of air, my body is suffering from great pressure, my bones and my organs could collapse at any moment. 

You're killing someone and you don't even realize it? What are you wearing glasses for then? You think the role of a hero is to superimpose your ideals on others? because you have been doing it all this time Cliston,"I don't like to use my strength on others" how disgusting it is to have a conversation with you Cliston, I really feel that there is no one in the world that can understand you exactly, and if there is, it must be an innocent one so that I can have a silly conversation with you, but at the same time that understands the sense of leaving your hands with blood to make it clear that the world is not beautiful, and that person clearly does not exist.

I'm seriously going to die for a person who keeps ignoring me to the end...I would have liked my end to be in a big battle, that my opponent actually has the need to kill me to save more lives, but with you Cliston, you're killing me with your sick kindness, this certainly sucks.

『(I pray for you that the world will corrupt you and you will finally stop being an idealistic disease that you transmit everywhere you go)』


Down the tower of the city, Cliston was still asking Acel that together they could return home and that everything would get better from now on. But since long before Cliston was suffering from an anxiety attack, you could tell by the winds he was giving off, he was not feeling as he normally would. The person in front of him was going to kill not only the boy Étienne, but he was going to kill more people in the city, people who had a life ahead of them. His body felt cold, he felt weak, it was like carrying an empty weight in his arms.

『....I...I did it....』-『*smile* Hey Acel stop playing a joke on me, come on come on I know you are still alive, you can't die, I can't have killed you, get up, yes?....I may have gotten a little nervous...I got nervous...but it was necessary...I just wanted to stop you.... else you were going to kill .....-----』

Cliston's whole body was shaking from the event, he knows perfectly well, he wants to understand it, but at the same time he is rejecting and ignoring what is in front of him. He was justifying himself why he did it, it was obvious he was panicking he didn't want to see.But as he looked again at the face of the lifeless body, he had noticed something that left him even more shocked. Somehow the body he was carrying was no longer large, it was one equal to his size and even less, what was it, suddenly the floor became wet like a puddle of water. Cliston quickly dropped the body he was carrying and when it fell to the ground he could see it more clearly, it was not Acel who had just killed, it was Ozuru who was lifeless due to his uncontrolled onslaught.

Cliston didn't want to see him, he refused to this, he wanted to cover his eyes but quickly this one started to cry and scream because of all this, again he was suffering a panic attack.

『NO!!!! I didn't do it!!!!! I just wanted to save him!!!!! It's not my fault....I just wanted to save's just that he was going to kill....』

From what Cliston was backing away from the fear of having ended up with a person, he quickly felt that he hit something lying on the ground, when he turned his eyes he could see it clearly, also in the pool of water that was being stained by blood, he was lying with his chest pierced as if he had been hit with a blade, it was his friend Yushi, she was lifeless with empty eyes. Quickly Cliston would kneel down and scream for his friend, begging for her to be well, to be taken to an ambulance, picking her up with his arms to carry him running, but quickly when he looked around, he realized that people had appeared who would not give him a pass. Cliston with total desperation shouted not to give him a pass, but it turned out to be the opposite. The crowd took out their phones and began to take pictures of the situation, all the while whispering to each other about the situation.

『He killed his friend, what a horrible person』『He tried to stop the boy but also killed him in the process, he's just a murderer』『That's the so-called hero who will save us? he's just a murderer』『He hesitated to save his friend and got nervous, he's just a kid after all, we can't expect much』『He's a danger to everyone, we must make it clear to the world that this boy is a murderer』

The people between them were conversing where at the same time you could hear the sound of the notification, all the photos and postings were being uploaded to the internet that would be seen by the whole world. Cliston to this upon hearing and seeing what was going on, this did not matter much to him, rather he was saying get out of his way, but as if there was an invisible barrier, there was something that would not let him leave. People kept talking bad about Cliston while he was trying to do something, quickly because of the bad moment he started to expel wind from his body, he could not control himself, nor could he pass to his God Form, the wind was being imprisoned where they were locked up until at one point Cliston got so angry that he managed to break the invisible barrier and all the accumulated wind was expelled violently.

『Now I'm going to take you to a hospital Yu.....』

When she turned her gaze to look at her friend, she realized that she no longer felt any weight on her, but at the same time it was accompanied by a sound of something or many things falling into the pool of water. Cliston said nothing, his reaction was dumbfounded, there was no way to react or do anything about what he had just done. When he found Yushi's body he had a deep cut in his chest from a blade, it was not an ordinary attack. What caused that cut was a deadly wind that hit Yushi by accident causing his death, and right now for not controlling his wind power well, he ended up creating thousands of wind blades that by the violent expulsion, not only sliced the body of his friend Yushi, but when he looked around the people and the crowd were also sliced into several pieces, the pool of water became a pool of blood.

Cliston at this fell limply to his knees into the pool of blood, his crying wouldn't stop as he tried to roll himself into a ball to hide the fact that he did all this. But he would quickly hear the word again.


They were all the people that kept shouting and cursing him that he was a murderer even after his death, every piece of death told him what he had become, they would repeat it to him until the last day when he accepted what he always was, what he did now did not make him a murderer, but it is like Acel said, you cannot leave what you once were, Cliston wants it or not, but he is forced to understand that that day when he killed his first victim being a God, he was already a murderer and as always he has ignored it.

The word kept repeating itself, making it very clear to Cliston what it was, while the young man only limited himself to cover his hatred while crying that they should not tell him that, that enough was enough and that he never wanted to do this. Until .....


The morning had arrived and Cliston again had to wake up, for a long time he has had similar dreams like this, since he killed Acel, Cliston has a bad image of him for his actions and now he understands perfectly the path he never left since he started it, trying to make up for it didn't work, he ended up going back to what he once was and that hurt him a lot. Cliston was with an empty gesture on his face, he raised his hand and you could see traces or faint purple energy coming out of his arm, he was trying to switch to his God Form, but it seems he ended up losing that ability temporarily.

『It's time to get up, you can't be depressed all fucking day you piece of shit, you have many problems to solve』.

『Good morning Loquendo....and yes...I'm a piece of shit right now』

『You weren't supposed to agree with me Cliston, although now I understand being agreed with and that itself pisses you off』.

It had been days since Cliston killed Acel due to his nerves and the mismanagement of his wind power. That extra power thanks to his training was the same thing that brought him to a bad end, he could not control himself, even though he tried to make it as light as possible, his new power was too much for a simple and ordinary human. 

Quickly on the stage came Acel's followers who did not participate until now, they appeared by Acel's orders and had him ready. They took out their phones and took pictures of it, quickly published them and in a few hours it had gone viral all over the world. The images were accompanied with words like:

『"Hero Cliston is a Killer! He killed Mayor Acel in a moment of uncontrol!』『"Young Cliston is a Racist! He killed Acel! a person of French nationality who only wanted to change what was known as the Heart of Terrorism!!!』『I can't believe it! I was running away from explosions and on the street I find that my mayor Acel has died at the hands of Cliston!!!!! He's a MURDERER!!!』『Many say that you shouldn't trust the bad guys and much less those who are good to you, Cliston no doubt tried to disguise himself as someone who does good things, but he turned out to be a terrorist murderer!!!! 』『It doesn't matter that it was an accident, things are done! Cliston hates us!!! MURDERER!!!』

Quickly the original publications were also shared with different opinions of all the people in the world who were talking about this. The images were clear, and as many say, if there are pictures there is video, several videos were also posted from different locations, everyone could see how Cliston rose to the skies and then violently descended to the ground, killing Acel on the spot. The opinions came from all corners, quickly the publications were filled with comments demigrating Cliston and throwing hatred, that many people were right that Cliston was a danger to all, thousands of insults, thousands of expectations against Cliston, thousands of negative amounts towards his person, quickly it was filling with tendency to distrust and hate Cliston. Of course there were also people who thought about it, maybe the person he killed was someone bad, but... The reputation that Acel earned was serving as a shield for anyone who doubted him, for the world that person called Acel was the good one, he literally took advantage of everything he had, those who were against racism that was a very strong and dense topic in Europe and North America, from here came more negative opinions towards Cliston. From one moment to the next the majority of the world turned against Cliston, while the .... continued to ignore him.

Cliston couldn't believe it, he really killed a person, quickly he wailed and hugged Acel's body weakly with all his strength while asking for forgiveness.

『I'm sorry....I'm sorry....I'm really sorry....I didn't mean to do it....I'm sorry....』

I hugged him as much as I could from Acel, I was shedding tears on him. At that moment Mikel had also come and he managed to see the scene, Cliston had killed Acel and that was the result, he could also see how the other people were posting the pictures, he quickly knew that this was wrong and went next to Cliston to tell him what happened, but as soon as Cliston looked at him he passed him to say.

『Mikel...I.... killed him....』

He accepted it, he just accepted that if he killed Acel himself with his own hands, Mikel at this managed to look into Cliston's eyes and see him more clearly, he did not do it because he wanted to, he was forced by the corpse itself to kill him, surely showing him in the process that this was necessary in life, in his life, a reminder of what he is and will be forever. Mikel would reach over to touch Cliston's shoulder while whispering to him not to say anything and remain silent. Mikel would go over to take Acel's body and apologize for not being able to be his target. He knows how things will move forward if he doesn't tell them clearly, right now the ones who have the word of truth are the crowd, Cliston is not able to defend himself, so.

『Listen carefully!!!!!』-『The person I am holding in my arms is my friend from many years ago already!!!! I am so sorry that it ended like this!!!! But if you still have doubts about what happened!!!! I want to make one thing clear! Acel is a respectable, honorable and above all realistic young man. He had a clear purpose! To rebuild his life in the best way, away from everything!!! Remember him as a great person! Remember him with his big smile! And remember him as an example that you can take another path in the middle of another one, that it's ok to wish for a change in your life, don't stagnate! Don't stay alone in what you know! The world is a huge place that when we first decide to explore it, we will realize how beautiful it can be. Acel had this ending because he could not decide what he really wanted, if he had been clear about it, right now we would be celebrating a party all together, I know he was a good person, please remember him as such, thank you very much』.

Mikel gave a speech towards what would soon be uploaded on the internet and seen by millions of people. He moved his chips well, he took control of the situation instead of the crowd, defending Cliston was not yet the time, the important thing was not to tarnish Acel's person and even to calm the situation a little by giving a simple concept, but this only served temporarily, he knew that people would want to know the truth of what happened, but it was obvious that Cliston had everything to lose. Mikel would turn to see Cliston and he was still shocked by how things ended, he could see it clearly, one is thanks to the support of others, Cliston let's say that the first thing he will receive from everyone is hate, the question would be, how he will manage to face everything that is coming and that was simple, ignorance will be from now on what Cliston will be identified with the most.


On that same day a lot of things happened, Mikel was quickly heading to the hospital to meet Vie and find out if the news he received was true or not. He quickly entered a room where he could find Vie lying on a bed while the nurses and the doctor were attending to her burned back, it seems that she suffered a level 2 burn, but there was no risk of her losing her life if she took the necessary measures. Listening as Vie moaned as she endured the pain, this only made Mikel want to cry with joy to see that his friend was still alive. Vie realizing that Mikel had already returned, tried to look at him and get up, but it was obvious that the sensitivity would not let her get up, quickly Mikel would approach her to hug her face while crying for her.

『You're alive!!! How nice...I...I was so scared when I got the news that you were dead Vie』.

『Dead? I'm able to handle another explosion and even more *smiles*』

『*smile*You sound just like Margaritte, but really, I'm glad you're still here』.

Vie was blushing as she heard and saw that Mikel kept hugging her face, it seems that the only way to receive such affection from her friend is to be in danger of her life, which is very reckless. Quickly the doctor and nurse were telling him to back off so they could leave the patient alone. Mikel, with a smile that did not disappear until he reached the door, told Vie that he would come to visit her in a while, which pleased the old woman. 

But this did not seem to be over, Mikel looked determinedly ahead because although they were able to stop all the catastrophe that Acel was causing, there was still a bigger problem than this. Cliston is innocent and he knows it, he tries to look around him, he knows that he is struggling, but like everyone else, it is when we are faced with refusal that we learn the most. Mikel told him to learn from his mistakes and that he will not always succeed, and if this had to happen, then there was no other way. Cliston has to learn to cope with this and Mikel will be the one to give him that last bit of support for the remainder of his stay with him. His speech at the EU is still to come.


As the days progressed and this event was making a mark on Cliston, his look became more empty, from what he always ate with a smile in the dining room, now he just ate in silence without talking to any child. And when he tried to cheer up the children, it was noticeable that he only pretended to smile, laugh or feel good. He first tried to do some missions he had, but as soon as he left the orphanage, as if he had been doxxed, a crowd was waiting for him outside and he quickly began to receive insults from everyone who hated him. Although there were times when he understood and times when he didn't, it wasn't necessary, he knew perfectly well that he was rejected and that seemed right to him. Cliston, every time they came to complain or insult him, what he did was to bow his head to the ground and apologize.

That people threw garbage or stones at him was normal, to receive free insults was normal too, every outsider, not outsider, product of the tendency that he killed someone good, many began to see him as the bad guy and the one who stops being a hero should stop, it would only harm everyone.

When he went to other countries it was the same, people would recognize him more easily from photos and videos and would throw in his face what a bad person he was. Cliston would just stand silently looking at the ground whenever he passed by.


Many times they told him the same thing because the people who were being direct, felt that their criticism and their words did not reach Cliston because he always gave off that aura of ignoring everyone. Cliston when he heard this made him want to be sadder, it was not that he wanted to ignore them, he just wanted to stop receiving bad treatment from those he wanted to help or came to help. All those times Cliston did his job without saying a single word, only with an apology that was not enough to calm everyone down, he retired to do another job.

In the meetings it was the same, he received looks from the important people as if they doubted him, some of them even looked at him in a bad way. It could be seen that some of them broke their ties because they did not want to have any relationship with Cliston, this was also Mikel's decision not to harm others. Cliston felt that all the times he had tried so hard in the meetings to do a good job with everyone, now he was forced to distance himself from them. The same thing was happening as with his friends in his home country, for doing something he shouldn't have, they were all suffering from people. There were those who did not want to break ties with Cliston because of the friendship that was achieved, but Cliston insisted that he do it anyway because he did not want his misfortune to jump to them as well.

Little by little, this also accompanied by the countries of Europe that he helped several times, all of them dissociated themselves from Cliston so that they would not be harmed by the world. Until sometime before the end of August, Cliston had no more work to do, no more task or mission to do, no more talking, no more lifting a finger, what would he be able to do now? Cliston just stayed in his room with nothing else to do, training did not motivate him much either since he does not want to keep gaining more power if he is not going to know how to control it.

The De Vos Brothers were returning from their studies and it was daily to see how there were crowds outside their orphanage, quickly these same people would face them and ask them questions if they had any relation with Cliston or if they are complicit in more murders he was involved in. 

『I already told them to get the hell out of here!!!! A lot of children and elderly people live here! Don't they see that they are hurting them!!!!』

『Why did Cliston move here? Upon further investigation it was discovered that there are records of Cliston in Asia and the Middle East, is Cliston a terrorist and came to bring chaos to Europe? What is his next destination? South America? Oceania?』

『Where do you get this information from? But what do you care! Respect each other's personal lives, damn it!!!! Don't make up nonsense!!!』

『I also came up with a theory that the explosive coins were created by Cliston while he was in Asia and the Middle East, he was the ringleader along with the immigrant terrorists that the police arrested earlier?』


The De Vos Brothers were always bombarded with questions, it was a hassle to enter their home because of all the crowds and interviewers who showed up just to misinform people. As they entered they were calmer, Brother De Vos was the most tired and just wished it would be over, while Sister De Vos...

『It looks like someone groped my butt as we entered the home Brother』.


『*laughs* It was a joke Brother, or do you want them to really touch your riata?』

『Broma or not it's going to happen someday and I'm not going to forgive them!!!! Besides, they keep making a fuss and hurting all of us at the orphanage, we already have too many problems at school, it's getting too tiring!!!! If they like to lie, then let's play fire with fire!!!』

Brother De Vos was on fire as he rushed forward to meet the crowd with his whole body. The Sister who wanted to play a joke on her brother ended up urging him to defend the home. Or maybe that's just the fun of teasing her brother, he gets overprotective a lot of the time and she likes that about him.

It was strange to enter the home in the main hall, normally this would be full of children and just as full of life, but now it was completely empty. This was because the noise came up here and that annoyed the little ones, plus no matter how much the windows are covered, it seems that there are people who are able to listen behind the walls without respecting one's privacy. From what Sister De Vos walked, Mikel met her in the main hall, they greeted each other quietly but quickly Mikel asked her for a favor.

『Could you cheer up Giovane Cliston a little? what I try doesn't seem to help, he has been very depressed these days and that is bad for him, rather than coping he is consciously ignoring it *sigh* that young man is a special case, he doesn't want to leave the house, he doesn't want to play with the children, neither the games I make him like the study doesn't interest him, I don't know what I can do with the boy ....』

『You sound like a worried daddy, Soldadito』

『Maybe, I just want to make him happy right now, I don't like that look he has』.

Vie was not there because she was still in the hospital, Mikel is the one who is in charge of running the orphanage and all the children. Although he does his best to keep everything running smoothly, it seems that Cliston has become a big part of the household, the children too, no longer playing with Cliston or even chatting, are still trying to control themselves so as not to disturb Cliston. Sister De Vos saw the old man and he was tired from the strain he carried on his shoulders these past few days, he also seems to be affected by the unhappiness of others.

『All right, I'll see what I can do』.

『*I smiled* Thank you very much, I'll owe you one』.

Sister De Vos was walking through the orphanage and just as Mikel told her, the children were in their rooms spread out in various groups, they were not making as much noise as they normally do, they were restraining themselves, their games were also simpler, it even seems far away those days when they were running from one place to another around the home. At that moment Sister De Vos arrived at Cliston's room where she knocked to see if he would answer, but there seemed to be no answer, he was in the room wasn't he? She knocked on the door several times hoping that Cliston would even answer her with something, but seeing that he was ignoring her too, made her pout.

『If you open the door for me Cliston, I'll give you permission to sleep on my thighs *smiles*』.

She said this cheerfully hoping that Cliston would accept this, but seconds passed and there was no response to this. This to Sister De Vos only made her doubt whether the information she sought from the Japanese was true or not. First he rejected her feet and now he ignored her thighs. This annoyed Sister who would again try again already away from everything she learned.

『If you don't open the door for me I'll tell your mom and have her tell you off-------』

『No, not to my can come in...』

『(Boy did it work, now that I look at it right, he's like a kid discovering the world)』

I don't expect Cliston to open the door for her by threatening him like that, many say they don't understand Cliston, but to her eyes that boy was simple to understand. Cliston ushered her in where Sister De Vos was looking around, there was nothing special, not even to make a joke to her that she has porn magazines, but she checked under the bed anyway in case there was.

『And why did you come here.... what are you doing under the bed?』

『Hey Cliston, do you really consider yourself Japanese or even a man? because you don't really look it』

『Well, my dad and mom are from Japan, Mom Lucha is also from Japan, while ....ah! where are my other relatives from?』

『You really do limit yourself to seeing what's necessary *smiles*』.

Sister De Vos sat next to Cliston as she played with her feet moving them back and forth, while Cliston was staring at the ground unable to react any longer and as if he had been delayed. Quickly Cliston would get up to bring her tea as is usually the tradition for guests. But at that Sister De Vos would take his hand in order to stop him, Cliston at this would look up asking him why he is doing it, which was.

『With that these are the hands that ended someone's life, they are cold』.

『Are they cold? I guess I'll make some hot tea for myself too』.

『I was expecting worse *smiles*』

『...¿? What?』

Cliston at this was left confused by the sister's words, who the latter was smiling for the situation. Now both of them were for some strange reason walking hand in hand through the passageway of the orphanage, this while still conversing about the situation.

『Why did you say you were expecting something worse?』

『But to have killed someone, it's too light and soft, your hand even has a pinkish hue, how envious』.

『Pink? you mean red, and I haven't killed a single person, I've killed thousands of lives before, I don't have to keep ignoring that the one who killed them was the parasite, I was there, it was my body, I was aware of what I was doing, to have ignored them is like having sentenced them to death』

『True true, tell me more about that, how does it feel to be controlled by another being? it feels weird? is there 2 you? is there another being inside you? i want to know *smiles*』

『Now that you say it, you're the first one to ask me, because it feels like yourself but being different at the same time』-『I could feel every action my body did even though I didn't control it, I could look at the same scenery my body saw even though I didn't control it, ignoring it was a measure of escape because I truly didn't want that』

『Were you fooling yourself then?』

『Yes, just like that』. -『The place where the parasite was talking to me was a dark scenario, I don't know if it was inside my mind but let's leave it at that, it was represented as a dark being and I was reprensented because like me, we had internal conversations where we were 2 separate beings, but on the outside it felt like we were 1, I guess that would be the reason why we both reacted the same way when we saw Yashiro, I fought against my friend, massacre cities, I had no mercy on anyone, I did but I shielded myself by ignoring him, I am more terrible than I thought』 

『And didn't you have moments when you wanted to take control of your body, you know, where you speak one part, and then the parasite comes again to take control, you go "HA!!!" or "YAAA" I don't know, your arm moving here you, and then your leg the other thing』 

『Revealing myself to possession? that never happened to me, but it would have been funny if it did, I would have revealed myself in the fight and used my arm to hit myself, that would have been funny *smiles*』 

『So if you already accepted what you were, why deny it right now at this point?』 


Now they were in the kitchen preparing the kettle to boil water, they were still holding hands that seemed to have no end. They would both stay watching the kettle until it boiled while their conversation seemed to go on.

『You said that you and the parasite were 1, then the issue is simple, what you did on the outside was what you both really wanted, but I guess the parasite being stronger is the one who must have influenced you more』. -『I don't think you were a good boy all your life, I really doubt it, you must have been naughty as a child, with mischief, playing pranks, you must have heard the phrase, "little imp" *smiles* that! a little mischief』 

『Little mischief?』 

『Yes, we all have negative thoughts, maybe the parasite just highlighted those emotions in an extreme way with no limits, because instead of denying that you didn't want to do it, at no time did you object when you could, and only did what you wanted to do』. 

What Sister De Vos was talking about seemed to make sense somehow, and Cliston was getting curious about the theory that was being created. Flashing back to when Ailane and the parasite were working together, one could notice how these had different thoughts despite being 1. And at the same time one could notice how they were coordinated but at the same time there were noticeable differences. Possession should serve almost equally for all, or perhaps there are different ways in which a parasite controls its host.

『So far the only example we have of a possession is you Cliston, that's what I base what I say, you what you really wanted at that time maybe it was just to get even for your little wickedness, at the time of the possession, how did you feel those days?』 

It wouldn't have been days, it must have been quite a while, since they heard the news that Yashiro had disappeared, this hit everyone in different ways, Cliston who loved his classmates and friends, missing one hurt him quite a lot, accompanied with more elementary school moments when they were still living together with Kanon, that might have also influenced his little meanness. 

『I see, if that provoked your little evil, how would it be the possession of someone who is truly evil and possesses a great deal of evil』. 

This may also be a reference to that parasite never being able to possess Hiro? Since the boy if we put him in this contesto, his little evil would be minimal or almost non-existent at that time. The kettle was already boiling where the tea was being prepared and all that was left was to wait for it to be ready.

『To conclude, your evilness Cliston is fine』. 


『Well, I'm not saying it was right the evil when you were possessed by the parasite, not at all, but the evil that you have now by itself, is what is needed in the world and you should use it correctly instead of ignoring it』. -『Mikel already told me about Acel, and I think it's good that he had that ending, because comparing the two of you, you're the one who has a chance to save himself』- 『You're a bad boy Cliston *smiles*』.

The tea was already ready where Sister De Vos would pass by to drink it eagerly, but that eagerness was gone as she rushed too fast and burned her tongue. Her gesture of being able to soothe her pain, was enough for Cliston to see it and also laugh at this. Sister this was telling him to calm down but seeing him laughing, she also smiled and was happy about the situation.

『You see, you laughed at my misfortune』

『I'm sorry *smile*』

『Don't reject your badness Cliston, that will make you make the right decisions and above all, women like that side of men *smiles*』-『Tell me more about Yushi, do you think if she found out you were a bad guy she would still be by your side?』

They stopped holding hands to finally be free and to each his own, Sister De Vos did not forget that she once told him about Yushi and wants to know more about the situation of these two, she looked excited and even happy for the result. Cliston to this was scratching his head while thinking what the answer could be.

『Well...I hope so *smiles*』

『So you've made up your mind!!!』

『Yushi is a great friend, I even see her as my little sister, I'm sure she would accept me if I were a bad boy, just like I would accept her if she were a bad girl』.

De Vos sister fell face first on the table when she heard that Cliston still has that image of Yushi, they both laughed for this accepting each other that at least they have a great relationship these 2. 

『Although I don't think so, Yushi is an innocent girl, the only meanness I can imagine from her is not offering a candy that she likes so much xd』

『(Not that you saw her fight in Big Tree Madness?...)』-『Bad girl and innocent at the same time? does that even exist? *laughs*』

They were both having a good time where Cliston would go on to drink his tea where as if it was karma, he too ended up burning his tongue.

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