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85.51% M no Monogatari / Chapter 352: Chapter 311: Getting Up Early

Capítulo 352: Chapter 311: Getting Up Early


These days are progressing well, I do not have of why to be afraid nor there is nothing difficult in what I do, a small summary of what I have done in these days, as mostly is e ído to different countries to which I believe that only with a large investment of money on vacation, I have never planned to go anywhere, to the countryside or the beach, to visit certain touristic places in Japan, I would like to do that, but the truth is that I have never seen myself outside of what I do, I have never seen myself outside of what I do, but I have never seen myself outside of what I do, I have never seen myself outside of what I do, This is the second step and I feel that I already knew and learned more than I could have imagined, being outside helping in my own way with a good guide that I consider familiar, makes me feel happy, I hope that for the third step it will be the same way, I wonder who I will go with next time, I have already seen Asia and Europe, also the Middle East, as it calls my attention to go to places I know little about, the next time I would like to go with South America, as it is the place where there are tacos, and tacos. ...Messi!!! Machu Picchu too...and Spain brought Spanish to SouthAmerica? In one of Mikel's classes he told me about the history of Europe, in one part he commented that the Italian Christopher Columbus who made the discovery of America, something curious since they thought they were in the Indies in Asia, but without realizing it they discovered another continent, now I understand the one about I came looking for copper and I found gold xd. That left me impressed by such a feat, also I think I remember the 3 caravels, let me remember a little of my classes...Ah!!!! La Niña, La Pinta and the Santa Maria, well !!!! I am remembering a lot of things, up to that point it was all nice according to me, but then came the bad, now I also understand with that about them returning the gold, no doubt every story has its good parts as the bad, but what incredible guts even though they believed that the earth was flat and that at one end the sea fell into an abyss xd, they wanted to look beyond what they could see and discover new things, they were not satisfied with what they had and wanted more, but I didn't even have the idea of exploring the world and I had all the capabilities.


A new morning with the same routine, but for some reason this time I woke up early, I do not understand why, but it just happened, when I saw what time it was, it was exactly 5 am, I do not know if I'm the only one that happens, most likely not, I know I should continue sleeping but as there is no desire to fall asleep, why is it now that I think about it, is it because I have taken a little nap? I feel so fulfilled with what I'm doing? or maybe it's because Acel came again with a bottle of wine that smells like fruits, I don't remember more after drinking, I must have fallen asleep early? also I feel a slight head movement but nothing serious, it's not like I was falling suddenly because of some stupidity, I think.

『I guess I'll try to sleep again, I'd like to check my cell phone to entertain myself, but this thing doesn't have that, I've seen super technological and futuristic tools and gadgets, why this cell phone only has few functions, and if I try...』-『Loquendo you are awake』.

It came to his mind something that he would like to try, that everything is very useful let him think if perhaps this cell is also useful even if it does not seem so, so at his words, the cell answered and this made the Fatty happy, and he began to ask him several questions, about whether it has access to applications, about whether it has more functions and especially if it is that it is not limited only for work, the answer left him a little discouraged.

『Yes we have all those functions originally, but they were blocked for the good of the user, so you can not suffer from distractions or even all the time be with eyes on the cell phone, as far as entertainment and leisure, everything was blocked, but we have other functions for the work involved, if you want to know them just give the order to unlock them, I will proceed to release it and explain each one』.

This gave a lot of possibilities, the cell phone was really useful, everything you can imagine it could do, like an X-ray to see through everything, a taser implemented, search for information of all kinds just by talking, an ultraviolet light, being able to hack into different devices, it had a lot of other abilities that it seemed that the Loquendo was not going to stop, but Cliston's expression was sad.

『So I can't communicate with my friends?』

『No, just like social networks are banned, Line and other media are banned too, everything must be completely secure so that nothing is leaked out, I still have yet to say more about the unlocked functions』

『No, block them again, I don't feel they are useful to me』.

『Agree 』

All the functions that previously with Fatty's curiosity were unlocked, seeing that he wouldn't have access to what he wanted anyway, this made him a little sad that he was re-blocking everything. The cell phone was given to him by Tomeo, who surely did not explain anything to him so that there would not be any distraction in the missions. Cliston went back to lying on his bed and looking at the ceiling, telling himself that he would like to talk to his friends, listen to their jokes, see what they do, just to know if they are well, and among all those memories and thoughts there was also Yushi. The last time he saw her I think it was at the Hospital when they visited Ozuru, the last image he had and the words she said were that they will be the 3 of them together again, that got Cliston thinking a bit, as he really hopes to fulfill those words.

『How is Yushi doing right now』.

He was going to sleep but with a bitter feeling, but he quickly listened, either because of the silence there or because he was more attentive thinking that nothing can be done. He could hear how a door opened near his room, this caught his attention because in all this time there was no one who wakes up at this time, maybe it's Mikel? But he wakes up at 4 am and doesn't leave his room until later.

『While you're changing I'll be making breakfast, don't forget anything, your homework, your notes and your projects, ah! I already ironed your uniform at night while you were sleeping, just like I folded your workshop clothes, check that everything is correct, but wait, before I leave you already checked if -----』

『That yes brother, I'm not forgetting anything, you better go get you and your stuff, let me do mine *smiles*』

『It's just that we have to get everything right or else』.

『It's okay if we don't get it right, let's just do our best like every day brother *smile*』.

It was the De Vos siblings coming out of their shared room, they were having a talk where Brother seems to be much more concerned and even cautious about things, while Sister just does what she can, it was a subtle but noticeable difference in both of them. You could see how the brother in his pajamas was going to the second floor to make breakfast for the two, in that Cliston managed to look at him from behind, and as there are few times when they have contact with each other, he decided to follow him to see what he does.

Arriving at the kitchen, the Brother started to look for the ingredients, you could see how he grabbed small things even though there were some big ones, surely he had already done it many times thinking that the best things should be left for the little ones. He quickly grabbed a little bit of everything while thinking that he could cook with what he had, but quickly you could see how he yawned and even rubbed his eyes, when he opened them again, he realized that he had Cliston in front of him.

『You should keep sleeping 』

It was what Brother De Vos said, where Cliston instead of the other being surprised, it was he who did it, as he could clearly understand what the brother said, as he told him earlier that this one would learn his language to be able to converse, it seems that in this time when they did not see each other product of missions and classes, Brother De Vos improved his ability to speak another language, but not to the point of perfecting it, but the truth is he speaks it very well, he should have put dedication, but anyway this made Cliston hopeful and the first thing he said to him was.

『It is necessary to talk at least, I am interested in just getting to know you 』.

This for Brother could understand little, but he could quickly complete what Cliston meant, may be because he said it simply or softly, but Brother was surprised by this and even happy, because in all this time no one has tried to just talk to him just because of who he is, or rather they even picked on him people who did not receive such good education in their homes, Cliston wanting to just spend time with him, made him happy.

『So until we leave, we can talk』.

Brother proceeded to cook with what there was, it seems that he has somewhat mastered the art of cooking, this Cliston surprised him by telling him if he learned to cook since he was little because of the skill he has.

『That's right, I started cooking not because I like it, but rather out of necessity, since I was little I was learning in the short time that Vie was teaching me, I saw it more as for the future what I learned, I knew I would have to wake up early and start my day, waking up the adults to make us food, it makes me a nuisance after all they do for us, in the early days Vie was the one who woke up early to make our meals, despite knowing that I was the one who wanted to do it, in the mornings my sister and I worked as newspaper boys, although it doesn't earn much in this day and age and is literally extinct, there are still people who prefer it, it's not much, but they are coins that will serve us later on, we do this since high school』.

Brother De Vos told how was his day and beginnings with this, which left Cliston even more surprised, he imagined how it would be to go out in the streets, in the houses to deliver the newspapers of the day, it is true that it is not profitable, but just doing it and being on the move made Cliston want to do it too. You could hear how something was boiling, the brother proceeded to lift the pot and see how his preparation was going.

『So that's what you were doing all this time, then the rest of the day you're going to study normally and in the evenings I understand you're going to work 』.

『We go to work, but it's also okay to say I go to work, there are days when the 2 of us go and others where only I go, that's because my sister is going to study in workshops to strengthen what she wants to be, her dream becomes bigger to me than what I want to be, in supporting her I'm more than satisfied』.

The brother was stirring the pot, it seems that he was preparing a soup since it was the most profitable and quickest thing to do, in this Cliston thought about how it was to have a brother, it is to have someone who is with you since you were born, the brothers are already born loving each other or that appears when they get to know each other? as he is an only child he does not know, but he quickly remembered something and put a smile on the Fatty's face.

『Having a sister must be nice, I would also try very hard if I had one, or I would do my best to encourage her, although she is not my sister I think I still see her like that, her name is Yushi, she is tiny, she is expressive, it seems that she doesn't know how to smile or feel happy, I promised her that someday I would make her smile, when I finish all that, I will try very hard just like you do with your sister』.

『Hey, how can you call that girl your sister if you clearly have other intentions with her, I recommend you to take a good look at yourself and think about the situation』.

The brother was making the final touches for the plate while commenting, turning to look at Cliston he really didn't know what he was referring to, thing which this was a bad omen for the brother who realized, he just can't believe that really those are the true feelings and what he thinks about that girl.

『Hey Cliston, you really don't think differently? I don't doubt that you're in company and that your behavior is wrong, but what you say can be misinterpreted to what you think』.

The Brother turned off the pot because the food was ready, this Cliston to his words left him confused at first seconds, but quickly he did not start to think about Yushi, that is clear as he sees it, rather he started to think about everything he did with Tomeo, perhaps someone could misunderstand what he meant? Maybe there is someone who didn't understand what he meant, maybe there is someone who is doing the opposite of what he said, or to put it simply, maybe his promises that he told to all those people, are simply lies because they were never fulfilled.

『No, I hope those people understand my words and that they are not a lie, I have been clear about one thing from the beginning, that everyone can go home just like I can go home』.

『And when you get home, what will you do?』

『When I return home, I will resume my normal life and that includes keeping all the promises before I was involved in all this, if anything changes in that time, then I will say it loud and clear』.

Cliston said it in a general way in all that he is involved in, he saw that maybe in this trip something will change in him, which is the most likely thing, to try to resume his normal life, he will surely have changes, but he will do his best to accept them and move on. But for the Brother who was following up on Yushi's previous topic, he saw this as more of a forward looking statement, if something changes over time, maybe he will stop looking at her as a little sister and start to be something more. The brother was surprised by this since to him, this is what someone determined in life looks like.

『Then that girl you're talking about will be happy when all this is over *smiles*』.

『Sister when you came down 』

『You mean Yushi? Yes, that's right, I want to help her grow up too 』

Sister De Vos had come downstairs and listened to a bit of the topic, in her well-dressed and clean uniform, she had first eavesdropped behind the door, she was also learning Japanese so she could understand, when she heard Cliston's answer, she was very happy as she always wanted to talk about girl things for a long time.

『Talking about this sure is fun *smiles*』.

The Brother proceeded to serve his dish to his sister where he told her that he had once again cooked wonderfully, which the Brother appreciated but it wasn't what he would like to do, he didn't do it because he wanted to but out of necessity, doing what you want out of necessity to what you like are two completely different paths. Cliston wanted to talk more, but quickly he received a bowl of the soup that Brother made, thanked him and proceeded to eat, which was the first time he had ever eaten a bowl of it.

『(This is very tasty, if he doesn't like it why does it turn out so well)』.

He looked at the brothers and noticed that they were eating where the food was served, eating standing up without looking for another place, Cliston commented that it was better to sit on the chairs in the dining room, but they quickly denied him because those places belong to small children, and they should not take or use other people's things unless you ask for permission.

『But it's just chairs and a table, right now no one is using them, you can sit down』.

『I see you misunderstood us Cliston, we can't use things that don't belong to us, I know this orphanage gives us everything we need, food, a room, a bed, but in reality, all this doesn't belong to us, when we retire, other children will get what we had, we see it as a loan to pay back, when we get ahead we won't forget for all they did for us』

『My brother likes to romanticize certain things *smiles* Cliston do you know how old this orphanage is? I know you can't tell because of the support we received from El Soldadito, but before he came, all the furniture, the kitchen, the rooms and materials, were old and rotting, it was an orphanage that received nothing but support for the children chosen to study, and especially because of the attacks that took place here it got worse, so now that everything is decent, we don't want to spend it and let another child enjoy all these luxuries, which really are luxuries, we only use the minimum, when we have our own little things, we will spend it until we can't anymore *smile*』

The De Vos Brothers each in turn were giving an explanation to this, where Cliston at first didn't see much attention to it, but for the brothers who were here since they were little and saw the evolution of this place, grew up here, they see a greater meaning to it than just as an object.

『I see (so what for me is simple, for other people has another value)』.

They had no choice but to continue eating standing still so as not to disturb anyone, where the conversation would continue where it would go on to tell of why so much effort on the part of the brother towards his sister, whether because they are family and he wants to see her grow up, this brought curiosity to Cliston since with the uniform and even he was seen eating elegantly in various ways, almost always with a calm and quiet tone.

『Ah, that's because she wants to become a professional Ballet dancer』-『In the afternoons whenever she can, she goes to a Ballet workshop where they teach her everything』.

The sister had finished eating, so as since she took the subject, she would go on to give a little taste of what she has been teaching, she stood in the biggest space there was in the dining room, and started dancing, the way she moved gracefully and twirling, the way she moved her hands and raised them, left Cliston in wanting to look more, but quickly the brother covered his eyes so he wouldn't see.

『Even if you're a hero, there are things you can't look at』.

The sister had excised her leg all the way up, and since she was wearing falfa, her brother had already anticipated this, after seconds he would see her dancing again and find herself more incredible, but quickly the sister felt uncomfortable, so from one moment to the next with a jump and foot movement, she managed to take off her footwear and now she feels that she will be able to give a better performance. This seemed completely different from before, now she moves much better and even the movements were effective and straight to where they wanted. The twirling and leg movement, was so to speak flexible.

『If I became flexible like this, I would have better asked to be taught Ballet first than to have my legs removed』.

She was already about to finish by leaping and twirling several times gracefully on the floor, where she would proceed to fall on her toes as much as she could, at the end Cliston was applauding and praising the sister for such a performance she made.

『Yes, my sister tried hard for what she likes, my duty is to help her, so I must see to it that she doesn't suffer any...Aaaaahh!!!! You already soiled your socks!!!! And I told you to be careful!!!』

Quickly Brother De Vos from what he was happy, he would go on to realize that his sister just soiled the white socks she wears, you could see how the brother tried to clean the socks, obviously first taking them off his sister, this bothered him so much that he was looking for a solution, but the sister was satisfied and would have done better if she was wearing the half toe slippers.

『You can't show up for your classes like that today, ah!!!! Fine! Wear my stockings and I'll put yours on, quick what...what time is it Cliston?』

『5:45 am』

『5:45!!!!!! We are going to be late for work!!!! Now I'll bring you my white socks, you're not forgetting anything as I'm going to the room to change』

『As you see Cliston, my brother is too attentive to me *smiles*』-『And no, I'm not forgetting anything, I have everything in order 』.

Brother De Vos quickly went to change while the sister taking advantage of the fact that she was with her stockings off and her feet free, would make a little joke by telling Cliston if he wants her to touch them, where Cliston would quickly respond firmly.

『And no, that must be gross and weird』

『.....That did make me feel bad....』

『Ah, I'm sorry, but feet aren't something that catch my eye』

『Yes, that makes the most sense (I see my study was wrong)』.

Sister De Vos had researched a lot about Japan and not only the language, among those curiosities of study she came across, she realized that for some reason these people and also in other parts of the world, they really like paws, as it is usually called, she thought this would happen the same with Cliston to check if it is true, but in the end she saw that it is not, then we can know now that Cliston is not a supporter of paws.

A little later than 6 am, the brothers were finally leaving the orphanage to do their work and then to study, they said goodbye to Cliston waving his hand where he said to start waking up earlier if he can spend time with them, where the brothers were grateful but they did not want to be indebted to Cliston, since this conversation although it was simple, they saw it as a luxury that they had wanted to have for a long time. From this day on, Cliston tried to wake up early and even set an alarm, but there were few or rather rare days when he woke up early and shared a morning with the older orphans in the orphanage.


It was already evening, they had dinner as they should all together, it was supposed to be time for other classes with Mikel, but he seemed to be a bit busy, as he told Cliston that he has some work to do as he has to review some documents, as he has just been informed that he received a notification or rather some words from the Country of President R, this has not happened for a long time since the whole confrontation started, that he received a notification, like a suggestion or a request, this had much more weight for Mikel since it could be the beginning of a cease fire to everything, he could have sent Cliston to stop all this, but to enter like this in a simple way, first without invitation, President R this would come him wrong that he would start to take other more brutal moves for everything, for this guy to do nothing, they must first get permission to be in their country, until that happens, they can't intervene if they don't want to make things worse, just like he has Mikel threatened, if he comes to help the country he is attacking, he won't hesitate to throw everything he has.

『So I don't have any classes today?』

Cliston was in his room lying on his bed, it was still very early and now he feels it is a waste not to take advantage of this time, but if he sleeps now maybe if he can wake up early so he can talk to De Vos Brothers in the morning, he was going to proceed to sleep, but he quickly heard someone knocking on his door and calling his name, which he could distinguish by how young he sounded.

『I am here at the request of Soldadito, you know that you have to respect the schedules, today you will receive study from me, so let's get started 』.

It was Brother De Vos who had appeared in Cliston's room, he had come with a government study book that he always gives to every student, as well as his notebook where he has everything he needs. Cliston wondered what he was going to teach him, as he had gotten used to the kind of teaching Mikel had been giving him all this time, when he asked the brother, it was like a nightmare he had forgotten was back.


Hearing him teach him that course, Cliston could tell his face that he didn't enjoy it so much since he wasn't very good in elementary school with numbers, he also remembers that the only one of his whole group of Los Tira Papelitos, was Brayan who stood out in the course, that's right, the same playful and annoying one who invented many techniques such as La Rascadita, was the one who got more passing grades and was better at numbers than all of us, it was even normal to see him among the top of our class, of course, always below Konomi and Menhera, but just being there with them, was to be surprised.

『But why math, he was fine with everything from history and literature 』(;~〓~).

『Because it's something that if I can teach you, math is the same no matter where you go』.

In that had a point Brother De Vos, that I teach him mathematics was something besides that domino, it has no change compared to other courses in different places, he brought with him his government mathematics book, in there you could clearly see the mathematical problems that anywhere else you would encounter them, it would also be the first time that Brother De Vos would teach someone, this is much easier, accompanied and translating to him what is in the book and in his notes, Cliston knew that at any moment he had to come back to this, so he tapped his cheeks and with encouragement he would study.

『Math is important, in elementary school I hated it, I can't go on with the same thought』.

Brother De Vos would go on to explain to him both the topics that there are that he can learn, such as logic and sets, fractions and decimals, polygons and remarkable lines of triangles, basic concepts of Geometry among others, he would first start with the logic one, but at the moment of wanting to teach and explain to him, Cliston would raise his hand as if he were in class and say that.

『What if I don't know the basics....』

『The basics? you don't know addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication』

『That's right...what I do you start to catch up if you forgot what you learned in elementary school, I didn't have middle school, these are high school subjects, but for me, they make things more difficult...』

Cliston said with total sincerity about his situation, and at least this had justification and not because he is a fool, it is simply because he does not know, this to the Brother could understand his situation, he thought that maybe he does know something about the subject but he also feels that it is his mistake for not having seen this before, in that he was telling Cliston to wait a moment, he will go to bring his notes from lower grades when he was. Cliston was giving thanks apologies for all he has to do.

『No need to apologize Cliston, the important thing is to be eager to study *smiles*』.

Brother De Vos was leaving with a cheerfulness as he was also excited to be able to study or at least review with a friend, which was not the case when he is studying, because even if he is striving for good grades, just because he is an orphan and lives in an orphanage, it makes other people start to move away just because of the way things are.

When he came back, Brother De Vos taught him the basics that you learn in high school, telling him and making him take notes on the situation as well, this for the brother was fun since he tried to do it with the kids here, but there was always something more fun that made them get out of his teachings, it's not that they are idiots or not interested in studying, just that the younger ones, still don't understand the true meaning of how important it is.

『Acel is also spoiling the children 』

Commented the brother since that's what it is for him, which Cliston was struck by since he doesn't understand why, in that Brother De Vos would explain that since Acel arrived, he has been helping the orphanage and he is grateful for that, but also every time he comes, he always comes with that big bag full of gifts, that scene every time he hears it from the adults, whether it is the director, Vie or Soldadito, he imagines it and feels that it is wrong.

『I'm not saying it's wrong for him to give them gifts, but I'm afraid he's getting them used to them receiving prizes without having to make an effort first, besides you know he's also used to and getting used to that every so often adopting a child and taking them to a family to have a better life, I'm glad, really I'm glad, but in the face of such generosity I feel it's not good』.

The brother was giving his opinion to this, where he has a completely different thought than any other person, as Cliston would be, since he saw everything that Acel does as something good, I mean, he has become the one in charge with more weight in Molenbeek, always supporting in his improvement, the inhabitants, the projects he did and is doing, Cliston could see how he is helping the people and has a good image, maybe if it is true that he is making it easy, but for him it is ok.

『Molenbeek is a place that suffered before, I think people get their help easily and for free, for me it's fine, what luck don't you think』.

『You've already expanded to the whole district, yes, I guess it's okay, and luck has to intervene, but it still strikes me as odd that the first thing Acel did when he arrived, was to head here, days after the attack』.

This was something that for Brother De Vos fit into something, the attack on this district was years ago, they received help from everyone, the country and important people, but among all those people there was also Acel, a complete stranger who appeared out of nowhere, who came here and quickly wanted to give his support, right now he knows that he is very loved by all the inhabitants, he can't help thinking that this could have been planned, in front of a destroyed place and people asking for help, someone comes to help them and in putting all his being just for them, clearly you would support and be grateful for that person. It was the expectation of a little boy at that time, who already knew the phrase of striving to receive a reward, he and others also received help, this made him happy, but that this tradition continues to endure for so long....

『You can't receive something without giving something first』-『Cliston, you should also know by now, Acel is good at having people's backing, that's the price we give for his help, but what does he want so many people for, why does he gather them all in what is known as the heart of Jihadism』.

The Brother was making all his thoughts clear, he also knew and it was obvious about Acel, that's why he was talking without hiding anything from Cliston, as surely he must also know, he was staring at him as he has the feeling that something like this could happen again, a terrorist attack from years ago that he lived through. Cliston looked at him and already had his answer since time.

『Because he wants to change it *smiles*』-『For me it's easy, he is just a person who seeks a change in a place that suffered, with nothing in return, only with what he can and his good faith, what he receives is the prize that he unconsciously earned, he can do what I can't, I am also an unknown to everyone who said to help the world, the only difference is that he does it well, I still lack more for my goal 』

『The one to go back home, right?』

『The one of returning home and having made a change, I just want this to be over』.

Cliston also made it clear what he thinks of Acel, for him he is still a person to trust and good, he doesn't suspect him, he doesn't think badly of him, he doesn't talk behind his back, only the image he gave him and how he knew him and still sees him, that's what he stays with, it's that simple, that easy, there's no need to give so much thought to what is obvious. To this Brother De Vos realized that he is very distracted Cliston with the obvious things, because he also knows that Mikel also suspects Acel.

『All right, if you stay there then you'll see, you're not someone who deserves protection and even less from a person like me, I'm afraid of conflict and war 』.

『I'm afraid of it too *smiles*』

『*laughs* Come on, I don't think I'll be able to understand you even if I study your language, but if it's the war, I wonder what life was like for those people who lived through that』.

『Well, if you want, I'll tell you』.

Before their conversation of the young men, the door had opened letting Mikel into the room, this because Brother De Vos forgot to close the door and just left it together, apparently he had already finished reviewing the notification that came to him, and it seems that they are planning for there to be a visit to that country in the next few days or weeks, if everything goes well, they may be able to go.

『It is not something nice but if you are curious, it is my time to tell the experiences of someone who lived the war himself or at least was involved in one, I know that you Giovane Cliston have been in many, but it does not compare to what this old man in front of you lived, and I am proud of it』.

Mikel was excited for some reason to tell his story, this was also a surprise for the 2 young men who were there, as it would be the first time they would hear the life of how the current Leader of Europe was, no doubt they were excited for such incredible things that lived this pile of bones and skin that for him will also be another trip to the past.

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