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79.8% M no Monogatari / Chapter 328: Chapter 287: Lies?

Capítulo 328: Chapter 287: Lies?


The mission took place in the middle of the mountains, since here there was a terrorist organization that currently, I guess it was my fault since Tomeo told me it was because they are afraid of me, it was disappearing and now it is an extinct organization, the good thing about all this is that it was close to our country, close, although it is an island practically.... but that doesn't matter, they could speak our language anyway, that's what made me the happiest, finally I will be able to communicate without worries and tell them that I want to help them, because that has been my goal after all, to help, right? I want to help people, right? eh? it's not working, I have to mentalize myself more, but to get what I really want it is necessary to help, I want to help, so it's ok what I do and everything I say, because I can do it, do it? eh? and how it brings peace to the world.

We were coming back from the mission, we were getting away from the storm, but for sure it will reach us in a couple of hours, I was looking through the window of the metal bird, the rain was falling heavily, as well as finally the thunder was making big noises that could scare many, I was never afraid of storms or heavy rains, it is more, it is fun to go outside and play ball with your friends in the rain, how to say, it makes you live better the moment in a different and even extreme way. We did it many times when the opportunity came, the consequences were that we would get a cold, but that moment of fun was completely worth it.

『I guess I was already employing Mama Lucha's teachings without realizing it』.

Friends was something Cliston remembered, now that he thinks about it again, since he came back he hasn't met up with them again to play or do an activity together, there was never any time if he thinks about it, this whole problem of him having powers made him miss a lot of things that he used to see them normal and simple, that could happen on any given day, now just meeting up would even seem like a rare event if he makes it. He also thought about his friends as he saw the 3 idiots that Tomeo said, he even listed each one of them. Cliston turned to look at them and they did not stop talking to each other, at first they were afraid of what would happen to them, they spoke in whispers so that no one could hear them, right, they are in the same area with the soldiers, you know, up with the good guys and down with the bad guys. At first I wanted as always to be with them to be able to talk about various things and give them hope. But Tomeo doesn't like the idea of me spending time with bad people, he even told me that they were a bad influence, in all the time I have spent with Tomeo, now he seems to me like a renegade lady.

But he respects my decision, that would be one of his virtues, since I noticed many times how he would clench his fist and inhale a lot of air, instead of pulling me with him, he lets me do what I want, like watching me, we have to be at a distance or in a way that he can observe me. It wasn't even a few minutes that I was talking to everyone and Tomeo said the following.

『I can't stand being with these fuckers anymore, how can you make it Cliston? Doesn't it disgust you to be in the same place as these monsters? I feel like my righteousness might get tainted if I interact with them, you 4 go upstairs, I can't waste my time here either, I have a lot of things to do not like you』.

Yes....Tomeo since I finished the mission looked annoyed, is it because I'm still wearing the special suit? I should take it off? but I'm glad to use it, I look like someone more experienced and expert, although I'm not at all. Tomeo said 4, seeing that I mostly talk to the 3 idiots, I make the decision that only we will go upstairs to a room where he can keep an eye on me while he does his stuff. He doesn't take off that look of being upset, I want to be able to calm him down somehow.

And it is now the place where we are, there are windows to watch and also cameras, I wave my hand to greet Tomeo, but from there on, this is not like I imagined at first, being alone if it's boring, it's better to have friends and let them do their things, that's the same reason since we came in here, seeing that they don't stop talking, I wouldn't want to interrupt them.

『You stop looking at us as if you don't want to enter the conversation, I can see in your face that you want to, now let out your tongue and bark』.

The idiot 1, who was the smart one, was already annoyed that Cliston happened to look at them sideways and then he looked at the window, as expected from the Frenton, he does not know how to lie when he wants something. Cliston's joy was quickly noticed and as the tension was still felt in the atmosphere, the only thing they could ask him was.

『What's going to become of us when we land?』

『Well I told you, you will make a new life, I will give you a new chance』.

『You??? aha? you? are you seriously saying that, you are the strongest in the world and you let yourself be bullied by a fat guy in a suit? !!!! you are going to give us a second chance?』

The one who interrupted at the end was idiot 3, who was the most idiotic, his way of acting alone made his blood boil, he pointed his finger at Cliston without any qualms, but something was already clear about this guy, he doesn't like that there are people who can't keep their words and what they promise. Then he would interrupt the idiot 2, which was the girl.

『But if he says so it must be for something, although he doesn't give much confidence apart from seeming to know nothing at all, he's a God isn't he? Then there must be some truth to his words, besides if I can make a wish, take me to a place where there is a lot of money and cute guys, I don't want to work you know』.

『When have you ever seen a God who lowers his gaze before someone weaker!!!! If that frenton is a God!!!! Then I am a jaguar!!!! Jaguar!!! I want a fucking cat!!!!』-『And by the way, what wish is that, you better order whores and ships I say』.

Pom!!! Again her friend gave her a smack for nothing else she started screaming her head off again, Cliston was looking for a way how to answer her question, but he couldn't find how, he looked like someone normal, again the thought that he can't deliver was flooding his mind.

『I am shocked that you decided to do this if you are not capable of doing it, you have power and strength, but you don't have the proper mentality, one when you decide something you have to know what you are facing, when I found out about this terrorism, first I was afraid, I thought of the bad things I would come to face, I know that being myself I couldn't bear it, that's why one has to mentalize strongly, when you see a dead body you don't have to be afraid or disgusted, you just have to see it and accept it』.

『But we have never seen a corpse, we were always sent to clean up or sent to the warehouse to watch over everything』.

『But let me play the cool beggar idiot, you already ruined my words that I've been thinking about this time』

『But I did see a dead body』.

Between idiot 1 and idiot 3, it seemed that they were going to generate an argument, but when her friend talked about seeing a dead body, the other 2 remained silent and turned to look at her, their attention that if it was true what she said caught their attention, idiot 2 told them that there was a time when they brought a corpse in a huge black sack. She doesn't know what they did with it or where they dumped it, but that she saw it she saw it, her 2 friends swallowed saliva and asked her what she felt when she looked at it.

『Well, I felt disgust for the smell, then I felt repulsion, also curiosity to know what face he made when he died, but when I got closer, what I felt the most....was IRA!!!! These assholes just killed someone very cute!!!! How dare they take the life of someone so handsome!!!!! When I heard about it made me want to take my gun and kill everyone!!!! Who knows, that guy and I would have become a couple!!!!! AAAHHH!!!』

Seeing their friend's reaction, for both of them, or rather for the 3 of them, their expression itself said it, at that moment they wanted to say that they became friends with a brainless crazy woman, but they better resorted to their classic 3's phrase.

『Sometimes I wonder how come I'm your friend....』

『I'm going to ask if there is a psicohotl psicogo pcigo, ahh!!! the one who checks you if you are crazy or not!!!! Don't worry amiga, you'll be cured』

They knew perfectly well, there was a day where there was a shooting fight with another small group of terrorists, the guy who will have seen that day that they brought him with black bags, must have been the boss, even knowing for sure she, how come she can say so much bullshit. Even Cliston who heard this, didn't know what to say to this situation.

『But let's not divert the topic, we'd better take advantage of it. You frenton, surely you saw a lot of corpses, how was your reaction when you looked at them』.

Now the question was for Cliston, who he did not know what to answer, he remained silent staring at the 3 idiots, at that moment they looked normal, as lost was the word, but Cliston again came to his mind, all the images of dead people he managed to see when he was possessed, how he killed them without mercy, how he killed them without him being able to do anything, just being a spectator, killing for so long had become something he did not want to remember again.

『Well, I didn't see any corpses, yes, I didn't see any』

『¿¿¿????How you didn't see any? you're lying aren't you? it's impossible!!!!! Why just look at you!!! You're crying』

Idiot 3 had once again faced him in the face, even though Cliston denied it even though he knew it, he just started to shed tears from his eyes, they just fell on the ground without the fatty noticing. Again, idiot 3 was going to complain again, but idiot 1 stopped him and told him not to bring up the subject again, it was very clear that this boy had seen things that they had not.

Cliston couldn't take it anymore with all that was happening, he ended up bending down to stop thinking about it, but at that very moment Tomeo was talking to him through the headphones and told him that they were about to land. Cliston wants this to be over so he can see his family again, he needs someone to give him some advice on what to do.

When they finally landed, again they made use of the technique of transporting them to a bus from the region and moving them to the agency they had here, and as always, the same law and authorities of the region are in charge of dictating the end they will have. The soldiers of the region happened to guide them to enter from one to tell them all their crimes and thus dictate their end they will have, all here are terrorists and ended the lives of at least 1 person, the least they will receive will be a confinement for several years.

『Anda frenton, weren't you going to help us?』

Idiot 1 spoke to Cliston before he was taken away, Cliston being lost in his mind realized that he was already alone on the bus, everyone had been taken off including the 3 idiots, whose faces showed that they will have an end that they least want to receive. Cliston wanted to run over but just at that moment he was stopped by Tomeo who asked him why he wanted to talk to the bad guys.

『I promised them I would help them, I have to go with them, I have to be with them』.

『But you know you can't enter the court, why don't you ask me to help them?』

『Tomeo, if I ask you to help them, are you really going to help them? Do you really intend to help them?』

At Cliston's serious question, Tomeo opened his eyes a little, perhaps he was already understanding the importance of himself as a hero of the world. This made Tomeo happy at Cliston's determination, but wait, how did he come to be like that? did he find out? did he find out that he has been lying to him? if he answered him truthfully, it would cause Cliston's distrust towards him, if that will happen, the justice he wants for the world would disappear, and he needs Cliston if he wants that peaceful world, that is to say now the truth or better to keep hiding it.

『Of course I intend to help them, remember my decision is worth a lot, if you tell me I will help them I will help them, about that don't worry, they will have a better life than they have had』.

『Then can I ask you for a favor? Can you take me with you to the courthouse, please?』

Cliston had in mind the words that the 3 fools said when they were in the mountains, he really observes and is present when he keeps his promises? This time Cliston wants to witness the destiny that all these people will have after having committed their misdeeds, this more than bothering Tomeo, made him feel very happy, he accepted with a smile that Cliston has all the access to be present in these moments. Besides that maybe this way he can realize by looking at the truth, by having them in front of him, his way of thinking how he should do good things may change, he will be able to judge the others too by knowing all the bad things he did.

『(I know you are a good boy, now I want to know if you would rather be a good person or someone who knows how to make decisions)』

Both Tomeo and Cliston were entering the courts with different mindsets. When Cliston entered Cliston saw it too simple, it was a room with only 2 doors, the one where they entered and the one at the other end of the room, on one side was a table with already the judge and his assistants, there were piles of papers on that table. It looked very normal, he thought it would be much more incredible, his head not knowing what it was, made him believe something it was not. At last the terrorists were going before the judge, and he began to check their backgrounds and started to say it out loud without any fear.

『Rape, murder, killing, kidnapping, swindling, fear among the population, has also collaborated with other murderers, drug addict-----』

The judge started to say lots of things, for Tomeo to hear this was normal, but for Cliston, this again he did not see coming, he was not mentally prepared for this. The person he had in front of him had committed and done things that could not be forgiven, he was one of those who had a high position in his organization, so his crimes also made him understand. Cliston didn't know what to do, he wanted to help him but how? is it right to want to help this kind of people? wouldn't it be better if they were locked up or better if they died? But .... that's what a hero should do? that's what he wants to do to change the world? Tomeo would comment the following.

『You see there are people who commit bad things, that's why even if you want to be good to everyone, you can't solve everything with it, you always have to make harder and fairer decisions depending on the level of the person, already the judge finished and will send him to life imprisonment which is one of the worst endings one can have along with lethal injection which would be the maximum execution in this country』-『Meanwhile my decision is Lethal Injection!!!! May this fucker!!!! Die for all his crimes!!!!』

Tomeo didn't hesitate to shout it at the top of his lungs, here he no longer hid himself at all, he has decided to let Cliston see him at this stage of the job, which upon hearing it, Cliston happened to look at Tomeo very scared, his hands were shaking, his throat kept doing the same, his mouth anyway even if he closed it, his teeth were shaking with fear. Before he opened his mouth, Tomeo again would speak.

『So well Cliston! You as God and Hero of the world! Your decision is also important and relevant! You have the last word!』

Now Cliston, his decision had the same importance as the other two, Tomeo was putting him to the test so that he could grow up suddenly, this was what he wanted in any opportunity that presented itself, and he would also observe Cliston in a situation like this. Since the first mission he was itching for that feeling, he could not forget it, how a hero could laugh and smile at people who do not deserve God's forgiveness, at that time he did not know of their misdeeds and atrocities of each one, but here is the opportunity to know them from head to toe, no longer the good, but only the bad. Tomeo anxiously awaited Cliston's response.

『I...I...(I want to help him...but is it ok to save a person like that? what if I release him and he doesn't change...what if I change him? will I achieve that? 3 said that they will die anyway in the hands of the remaining of their organization, then their destiny is to die? why Tomeo said lethal injection...that's die quickly, right? I can't save him...) I choose life imprisonment....』

With a voice unwilling to speak, with his eyes lowered as if not wanting to see his decision, he had already said it, usually as Tomeo's decision matters more than the judge's, many times more priority was given to what Tomeo said than the judge himself, good time if they both agreed, but already all judges in all Asian countries know it, Tomeo does not hold back with those who do wrongdoing. But this time there are 3 who decide, 2 in favor of life imprisonment and only 1 for lethal injection, although Tomeo's decision matters more, it cannot come to match the very decision of the Judge and Cliston.

『Life imprisonment for the defendant!!!! Next!!!!』

He had hit with his wooden hammer the table, where the security took the first terrorist, who upon seeing his decision, did not avoid looking at Cliston with wide eyes in surprise, it was even noticeable how he did not want to move forward, stopping his feet many times. Cliston was able to look at him, his expression was one of sorrow and enormous helplessness, for the first time in all this, Cliston was clenching his fists for not being able to do anything. Where Tomeo commented as if reminding him that this had just begun.

Cliston had been judging all the terrorists they had arrested, and in all of them there was not something in which you could say, with this they are saved, no, they were all murderers or committed the same or even worse crimes than the first one judged. All the decisions were either life imprisonment by the judge or lethal injection by Tomeo, he wondered many times why Tomeo decided the worst for these people, he also understands the bad things they did, but do they really need to die to pay for their crimes? He wants to free them somehow, but what if they do it again? what if they do bad things again? he has their files there, he has seen that many of them have been in prison before but he still doesn't understand, giving them a second chance, is it the right thing to do. At this point Cliston was choosing what seemed to him to be the least worst, and that was Life Imprisonment.

『Life imprisonment』『Life imprisonment』『Life imprisonment』『Life imprisonment』『Life imprisonment』『Life imprisonment』『Life imprisonment』『Life imprisonment』『Life imprisonment』『Life imprisonment』

He has repeated it so many times that he even already thinks that this will be his decision when a new terrorist comes in, is that simply nothing else can be done, this is the right thing to do, this is the worst thing they can come up with on their end. At least with his decision that Cliston is making, he wants to think that they will be able to live, at least they will no longer have a second chance, maybe they can no longer go back to their homes or see their families, but they are still living that is what is important, yes, that is what....

『Ahahahahaha!!! Come on Cliston! You're not going to stop me! If nothing else, try !!!! Look how I destroy another city as if it were nothing!!!! But how boring you are, you'd rather not watch and do nothing, you're already imprisoned somehow, how long have you been like this? 50? 80? years? ahhh, I don't really know, but I like this life, I can steal the strength of whoever I want, I'm getting stronger while you're getting weaker!!! ¿¿¿¿¿ Hey, ah, it must be because I'm a prototype, well, I'm not even a prototype, what would it be called? -A? right? But hey Cliston, stop thinking about your family and friends, I get your stupid memories too, I don't want to see your boring life, but say something, you keep quiet, but...AHH!!!! Stop sending me stupid memories to my mind!!!!! I'm not going to stop even if you ask me to!!!! If you want me to!!! Then you yourself fight to get your body back!!!! YOU USELESS PIECE OF SHIT!!!』

A memory came to him of when he talked to the parasite or rather it talked to him inside his mind, Cliston remembers it perfectly, everything was black, a huge black space, where after witnessing it a few times, he decided better to ignore the screen in front of him and never talk about it. While every time he talked to the parasite, it took his God Form, his screams, his complaints, he didn't like to listen to it and have it talk to him at all. At that moment he knew that even if he tried he would not be able to recover his body or his previous life.

Again Cliston entered his thoughts while the judge continued and continued to condemn all the terrorists, as there were not many of them, he was already coming to an end without Cliston's knowledge, his mouth and lips moved alone, saying only life imprisonment while everyone passed and passed. He no longer wants to remember again, he wants a simple and quiet life, Cliston was thinking about what he was told, how can he get into something if he is not mentally prepared, if he was not able to watch them before, right now he has his gaze down but straight ahead, no longer turning his back as before.


Idiot 1 had shouted with all his strength, when Cliston heard him he could recognize the voice and looked up to look at him, his gesture of that boy was of concern, he was very scared, his legs and arms were shaking. He had not realized that the boy had entered and that he had unconsciously said life imprisonment, which made the idiot 1 very angry, his claims did not hesitate too much. Cliston before not knowing what to do, no words came out of his mouth, he wanted to vocalize but could not, while idiot 1 did not stop giving battle against the security.

『Again with the same expression!!!!! Is it that only your mouth is good for telling lies!!!!!! You promised me I would have a second life with my family!!!! What do you mean, life imprisonment whore motherfucker!!!!!! Did you just embellish our end so that we wouldn't be afraid....eres.....A FUCKING LIAR!!!!』

Idiot 1 screamed at the top of his lungs, though in all the transportation both with the bus and the ship, though he didn't say it nor did he show it, he actually trusted Cliston, he wanted to trust him. Because the simple fact that someone who has nothing, is going to cling even if it is a promise that can not be fulfilled as he said before, I wanted to believe, I wanted to trust in the promise that will become real, in the end Cliston showed that he is not capable of anything and is only the toy of others. At that time that idiot 1 was making a lot of fuss, one of the security was going to hit him with his baton to calm him down, but at that.

POMMM!!! Cliston had gone running, using himself as a shield to protect idiot 1 from the blow, where everyone quickly wanted to calm down the situation. Tomeo wanted to go to Cliston to stop his foolishness that he was doing according to him. Cliston could not speak well because of the strong blow, his breath was coming out, the one who hit him wanted to apologize to him, but Cliston finally recovered.

『No.... rather thank you for the if I am awake.... I want you to give me a moment, I feel I deserve it for the blow I was given....』-『Listen boy.... I am running out of air so I can only tell you this....』-『I will keep my promise』.

With those simple words, Cliston had made clear the clearest thing he had to say, he had not recovered from the blow and in that he would try to go to the judge all sore while in his mind he thought that an officer's baton could hurt so much. In that same he had asked permission to the Judge to tell him and while he review all the background that made the idiot 1. It had been a review that lasted maximum 2 min and with what the Judge told him, now he was going weakly towards Tomeo and asked him what was his decision of him, where without fear he answered him.

『Lethal Injection』

『*sigh*I don't even know why I ask you....hay...that guy sure hits hard, your men sure are well trained Tomeo』....but what I mean is.... learn to watch well Tomeo』

Cliston said it without hesitation in Tomeo's face, the latter didn't seem to react, but here Cliston's words wouldn't stay, he would adjust his glasses adding that he, a person who needs glasses to observe well, had beaten him, must be something he surely couldn't tolerate.

『This guy, who I finally know his name, and the truth, it brought me a lot of nostalgia, Azul, does not deserve the fate that you are giving him Tomeo, I just read his background and from the same judge his crimes, and the most that Azul did were barehanded assaults to steal food, there is no crime since he became a terrorist like the ones I previously heard, I can't say that he is a good person, but he is willing to change and he is just in time, my final decision for Azul is, that he goes to a juvenile reformatory, there he will learn and they will give him the education he never had, it will take him years but when he gets out he will have more opportunities to make a new life, I will propose the same with his other friends, they are his only family, I just realized that there are more options than they show me, I will try to save those that do have a chance』.

Cliston had shown something different from what he is normally, he just made tons of things clear, he even seemed to be growing up slowly but surely, his eyes no longer showed any fear or rather, they no longer slouched when looking at Tomeo, when Azul heard this, he remembered what Cliston told him just now, that he will keep his promise. This was so much that Azul was crying helplessly, Tomeo looked proudly at Cliston, finally showing a bit of personal decision and even maturity in all this, what he wanted at first was for him to see the truth, between good and evil, good and bad, but what he made him see is something else, between those who can be saved and those who cannot. It is a small breakthrough that he hopes Cliston will keep in mind. Tomeo would ask the judge again what his decision was, where the judge would answer that as he talked to Cliston, a reformatory would be fine for this boy.

『A reformatory eh....son 2 against 1, so they beat me this time』.

When Cliston heard this from Tomeo, he was very happy which he expressed with a smile and then asked for thanks by bowing respectfully. Cliston was going to go to Blue to shake his hand, but suddenly he would lose consciousness for a few minutes, the blow and everything that was going on in his head had brought him to this end.


When Cliston woke up about half an hour after he fainted, he was in the infirmary of the agency where Tomeo was keeping him company until he woke up. When Cliston woke up, the first thing he remembered is that he must continue with the court to be able to give his opinion, but Tomeo told him that he had already finished, that after Azul there were 2 other boys who were the ones who were missing.

『Then it's over』So the 2 missing ones must be Azul's friends』.

『So, the girl's name was Brown and the other boy's name was Green』.

When Tomeo finished speaking, Cliston started to look at him very worried, because with the attitude he had during the whole court, surely it would not be wrong to think that since Cliston was not present, Tomeo had decided to give a lethal injection to the other two, just thinking that he could not keep his promise, made Cliston want to get out of bed, he was already feeling better, but Tomeo told him that he was not going to be able to keep his promise.

『I guess I got carried away too, sometimes I can't control myself or measure myself when I see people who did bad things, the first ones who came in made my blood boil, they deserve the fate we gave them, but with those 3 boys especially, thanks to you I started to review in more detail with the judge their background and yes, their crimes did not compare to the first ones, don't worry, we will send all 3 to the same reformatory』.

Cliston stopped before leaving the room and would go running to Tomeo upon hearing what he said to her, and the first thing he said to her was.

『Can I trust you?』

At that Tomeo remembered that Cliston seemed to doubt his trust before too, this made Tomeo think that whether he should tell the truth or not, again he thought about the consequences that telling Cliston the truth would bring, plus if this goes on it will help Cliston grow as a person, plus if it's true that it will help those 3 boys.

『Of course, we're a team right, although I'm glad you're already making your own decisions, you're going down a good path young Cliston』.

At this Cliston smiled in joy, you could even hear his sigh as again I repeat, he wants to trust Tomeo in all these cases. Tomeo would comment to him that if he wants to meet with the 3 boys, he should hurry before the bus sends them to the correctional facility, and he would also correct Cliston as a sign of joking.

『You have to study Cliston, reform schools is for minors, I will send them to a correctional facility, there they will be able to forge their second chance, it's all up to them whether they take it or not』.

Cliston laughed at how silly it sounded to say that earlier, but quickly ran to the outside where the only ones getting on the bus were the three friends, Blue, Brown and Green. Cliston didn't notice this at the time, but it means that the rest of the terrorists have suffered a Life Sentence or Lethal Injection, something he'd rather ignore for now for sure.


Green lunged to hug Cliston with all his might which seemed like a bear hug more than anything else, he was in tears singing his heart out thanking him for his help.

『THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I thought we were already pooped, but I'm so glad you kept your promise!!!! Although you missed to be present there, you have problems to be present or what?!!!? Next time you must be present when you fulfill another promise!!!!! 』-『By the way, I'll give you a leftover bomb, bust his balls!』

Green pulled another pump from his crotch, where Cliston took it without much questioning. Verde wanted to give Cliston another hug, but as Cliston was a little bit taller than him and had already used his strength for the first hug, he was squeezed by the Fatty without being able to avoid it, They quickly moved on to help him where Marron was now the one addressing Cliston.

『 many balls? ah...I'd better not say』-『And what do you mean, a correctional facility? And there are good looking guys there? although there are only thieves and then, we must not lose faith, although this is better than being locked up in the same place with them for life, at the end thanks for keeping your promise, but next time make an effort to give us something ----』

Marron at the end of his words received a blow on the head from Verde, while he commented that he had stopped saying idiotic things, and that now he doesn't know if he or she is the bigger idiot. Again another discussion was starting while they were getting on the bus. The last one to speak would be Azul, who formally thanked him, while commenting that he was able to observe what he wanted to see from the beginning.

『At the beginning I didn't trust you, but now you showed me the opposite, I hope you do the same with other people and situations, but the truth is impossible, thanks again for keeping your promise, since Marron and Verde told you a lot of bullshit I will compensate you with an advice, you know that I only look and say what I see, it's that simple, so, better stop being a hero, you are not made for this, you are just a normal person with power, not someone special』.

Azul's words were for sure Cliston's reward for helping the 3 friends, he thought he would tell him something nice or even intelligent or inspiring as Rino would do in several moments, but as he said, he only told him what he sees in him, when Cliston heard this, he took it with grace and in a good way, where a guard warned Azul that he should get on the bus. The latter extended his hand to Cliston and Cliston took his hand. The bus was leaving while the 3 friends were talking about what they will do when they finally leave the place reformed, Cliston said goodbye waving his hand, and commented the following.

『Stop being a hero? I'm too obvious, maybe, but I'm a normal person with powers, that's if I hadn't thought of it before, I wonder if Yashiro will think the same or have been told the same thing. But I can't stop this until I accomplish my goal, which is...which is ....¿¿¿¿?????...I need to continue with this even if it's until I'm a year old. But in the meantime, now if I can go visit my family, I'm already looking forward to seeing them』.

Cliston slapped his cheeks in order to wake up completely, but he quickly felt a pain in his arm, because of the hug that Verde gave him, the pain became a little stronger. Just at that moment Tomeo made a call to Cliston, and it was to talk about why he was in uniform, Cliston would not expect that he would have another confrontation with Tomeo, but now with another subject that he wants him to learn.

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