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54.63% M no Monogatari / Chapter 222: World 5: Ova 3: Different Events 3

Capítulo 222: World 5: Ova 3: Different Events 3

D͇e͇t͇r͇á͇s͇ ͇d͇e͇ ͇l͇a͇͇ ͇B͇a͇t͇a͇l͇l͇a͇ ͇2͇

Finally Hiro decided to collaborate with all of us, he asked for help, something he hasn't done for a long time, he took everyone's hand and made our miracle of defeating this difficult and impossible barrier that was put in front of us come true. I was falling and I saw how Hiro became today a true Super Hero, that little boy he once was, he never expected that this day so full of emotions would come and it would be the most remembered day of his whole life. I returned to my Base Form and closed my eyes as I fell into the void, we really flew far away.

『(I've done enough, it's time for me to rest)』.

M decided to disappear since his mission that he was entrusted with was over, where suddenly a voice that would become his own voice spoke to him telepathically.

『(I'm sorry but I don't think it's going to be possible, could you stay as long as you can with Hiro?)』

The real M who was in his Lucario Form half talking to the clone who had decided to disappear, the real one was with the rest of the gangs who were finally resting after the hard battle they had, they were really so exhausted that many were lying on the ground or just sitting down, they could barely exchange words, I on the other hand was standing there making rice eyes, trying to see where those 2 were.

『(I really think he was enthusiastic, I don't think he has enough strength to come back here, well, I don't even think he knows the way, give me a few minutes, I'll heal and go look for him, meanwhile keep him company, I don't know, do some of your nonsense to calm the situation, I'll take care of it)』.

Without further ado, he saw in the distance how a kind of opaque meteorite fell in the desert that was formed from the fight, it was Hiro who used his last strength to help the clone so that he wouldn't have a big fall. The real M already calmed down from the situation decided to throw himself on his back, where I was surprised since someone held me, when I looked up I noticed that Ailane put her arm to not let me fall, where she quickly but subtly put me on her lap, I kept looking at her where she was looking at the sky full of stars and all its radiance, those fine and sharp eyes, that face of seriousness that when it softens becomes really beautiful to me.

『Vez, in the end we won, I finally won a battle, it's a very strange feeling, I always believed that the best victory is where you come out intact humiliating your rival, but fighting with everything, having your body at the limit, screaming until your voice breaks, continuing even though you can't anymore, and that every effort was worth it, is much more gratifying now that I experienced it』-『What ends well ends well 』.

Those were the words of the little girl while looking at the cute space, to finish she happened to stare at me, and gave me a soft smile, where I also but painfully also responded to her in the same way.

『(Hahahahahaha, you likewise got the wrong phrase)』

『I'd like to celebrate, a victory is a victory, but I'll settle for enjoying this moment of calm that we've earned』-『¡¡? Hey, isn't that the constellation you showed me? Is that right? Hey Skeleton-chan』?

While looking at the sky, Ailane was reminded of what happened the day with M, that day where they turned off all the lights in the city and started to look at the stars while talking quietly the 2 of them. Ailane looking at M noticed that he was already sleeping while healing, there was a small glow in the place, Ailane was surprised by what suddenly appeared.

『A Melodisian』

That musical stone was floating, and without further ado it sank into M's chest, the small light that had ended up disappeared and now dwelt inside the boy, giving at last that it is recognized by this world and its inhabitants.

『*smile*I told you that on this day you would get your Melodisian, I hope you didn't doubt it』


A few minutes passed and finally M already felt stronger to be able to help Hiro come back, he got up and started to do some small warm-ups to feel more awake, while I was making my movements I heard a "Congratulations" from Ailane, where I turned to see her with a smile and then I turned back to her.

『(Eh? What happened? Is there something wrong with her? When I come back I'd better get to healing everyone else, otherwise they'll be crazy like Little-chan later)』 [・ヘ・?]

Even if I recovered I couldn't go back to all my other Full Forms, the Lucario Form in these circumstances is the one that will have the least wear and tear, so without further ado in my Lucario Incomplete Form I went on to raise my sensors, I was warning that I would be back soon bringing Hiro, I ran away as fast as I could since my clone that was keeping him company couldn't take it anymore and ended up disappearing.

I could see him already from far away as Hiro was running, he had a worried face, it seems that he was scared to know that he is alone, but in that.....¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!

『You won't take friends for the second time!!!!!! You won't take them from me again!!!!!!!』

With all my strength and in the nick of time I was able to grab Hiro's hand and pull him out before the Portal swallowed him, seeing him made me instantly remember that same moment where I met another Successor of God of Destruction who was my friend Cliston, the scenario was the same as this one, the danger passed, everything was calm and from one moment to another when I thought I could be with my friend, he just disappeared. I am very glad that I prevented this from happening again.

Hiro was lying on the ground while he was crying and asking for thanks, at that moment he did not mind showing me his weak side because he was really afraid, more afraid than ever since he came to this world, he never thought that there would be a possibility that it would happen a second time like that... I could not imagine it either. After telling him a Commandment that I create with my friends, I extended my hand to him where he took it without any hesitation.

『Eh? What are you doing here? I saw you disappear in front of me.

"Oh, that, it was a clone that I told him to hang out with you until I came, I hope you treated him well, you brat』.

Without further ado I replied matter-of-factly to the little boy, where his quick reaction was to stand like a statue to subsequently unleash his surprise.

『EEHHHHH????!!!!!!! A clone!!!!!!!! That's very crazy my crazy!!!!!!! So the one who reached out to me that time, the one who was fighting beside me against -A, the one who did the Kakai or that disappearing blowjob, the one whose arm was broken and I made him fall, the one who did all that was a clone!!!!!!!??????????』

Hiro was moving back and forth, but no longer with the speed he had before, but his gesture of surprise and admiration didn't disappear, while I witnessed his clumsiness something I'm getting used to, with every doubt he had I nodded my head proudly.

『That's right, I'm so badass that I leave the most important task to a clone, besides that it saved me from one since if it would have been ugly to have my arm hanging there...when -A broke his arm and left him hanging I felt a weird feeling and looked at my arm, at that moment was when I said "I don't regret my decision"』(・・・)『Also..... what's that about you made him fall?!!!!!!! No wonder I felt that something was loosened from my body!!!!!!』Σ(-`Д'-ノ;)ノ

I was upset and I squeezed hard with my finger on Hiro's cheek, where he asked for forgiveness and pardon many times, because although it doesn't seem like it but if it was something serious, if I had gone and lost my arm, I couldn't have recovered it, I am so tired that I don't think my healing can join it again, well.... I don't know either that it could only join it instantly or the moment I want, but it still bothered me a lot, it must have been difficult minutes for my clone, you tried very hard my self (ヾノ-᷅ ༬-᷄ ) Although I think that if anyway I ended up breaking it, when I lifted Hiro I felt a crunch in my arm, I hope it's not more than a scare.

『HAHAHAHAHAHA stop it, stop it....ya stop it..... I TOLD YOU TO STOP FUCKING FURRO!!!!!!!』

Hiro seemed to not take it anymore that I am suffocating him, where he moved on to counterattack, where it was me who was now being oppressed by Hiro.

『Do you think I didn't understand when you said "You can't cover the sun with one finger, you're already too burnt out" or something like that was it, at that moment you were mocking and making a criticism of me right? At this moment I will take justice for all the humble colored against the whitey like you!!!!!!!!』

Hiro had an even scarier face than he normally has, where I was first refusing his words and that it was pure chance what I said then, where Hiro didn't take my words, where disgustedly I snapped my mouth looking aside annoyed.

『*TSCH* He realized』( ̄ε(# ̄).

『So if you did it on purpose!!!!!』

Hiro without further ado started pecking me with his fingers on various parts of my body, where at first I laughed as they were quick tickles but very much of the moment, I laughed and wanted to cry, where without further ado the laughter turned to small pain that increased more and more as he pecked again and again.

『Ya para!!!!! Besides that doesn't matter!!!! That doesn't make us any different!!!!! Besides look at you motherfucker!!!!! Only your sun-exposed parts are burned!!!!! It's natural to burn if you get too much sun exposure!!!!! Just look at Á-----』

For reasons to keep the sensitive ones from complaining in their room, I won't finish the words but you get the point a lot, besides none of this is offensive, who is offended by skin color? What scares me is that if there are people who think that, and no doubt those who are offended by everything are the black sheep of the earth.....NOOOOOO!!!! PTM!!!!! see what they force me to say!!!! It is because of people like them that things as simple as saying those words are wrong!!!!! I really miss the time when everything was more free of expressions and you could say your opinion about it, everyone took it as it was, their opinion, a joke, mockery, but without offending anyone, rather they made known how the world really was at the time, now even the same truth is unbearable for them, for every step we take I feel that we involute...MONKEY IWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIWIUUAAA xd. *she spins around in a troco all cool*.

『Well, ya for my humble friend, the others are waiting for you so we can't leave them, they have things to do too, and of course I plan to avenge what you just did to me 』ヽ( ★ω★)ノ

Without further ado I took Hiro in my arms where he automatically as if he was a robot, deactivated and became all stiff, without further ado I lifted my sensors and was able to locate them quickly, without further ado in my Incomplete Lucario Form I was going back to the others. Already from afar I could see in the waiting place, as a screen of dust rose, where M came bringing Hiro with him.

『AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA¡!!!!!!! Where am I?!!!!!』-『And so, the fucking furro brought me and the little one poked me in the eyes!!!!!!!!』

When he remembered Ailane, Hiro quickly knew what he had to do, he looked around with his eyes where he could finally find them, Aion and Ailane were talking to each other, the pair of brothers had already solved the problems they had and again they were getting along like the family they were, where without further ado Hiro appeared running desperately bowing his head to the ground, where he managed to make a small crater by the power.


Hiro was shouting with loud that all of us present noticed what he was doing, he really felt sorry for the situations he went through with Ailane, he felt so bad that the guilt of wanting to kill her was spinning his head, Aion was confused at this where in a confused but gentle way he was asking Hiro to stop.

『Easy, already when I talked to Ailane she told me everything that happened, in the end you accepted that you were in the wrong and that's more than enough, although of course when I heard that you did all that to my little sister it made my blood boil』.

Ailane turned to see her brother blushing noticing that he does care a lot, Hiro was scared but anyway he doesn't plan to retreat, he knows he did something very wrong against someone who didn't do anything, see where you look at it, Hiro was the bad guy against Ailane.

『But I see you received enough punishment, losing your leg I think is more than enough, but if you put my little sister through that suffering again, I swear I will haunt you forever, even if we are friends』.

With that warning but forgiving Hiro, I conclude the words of the elder brother Aion, where Hiro raised his face looking at Aion determined, with the same look that Ailane would put when she says something, since whatever word she says, be sure that she will fulfill it, where Hiro softened his face and said.

『Right...we're friends *smiles*』-『But I want to repay you even more anyway!!!!! What do you want me to do!!!!! I can do it to you now!!!!! Hit me a thousand times!!!!! Bleed me dry!!!!!! Cut off my other leg!!!!! Gouge my eyes out!!!!! I must suffer more than what your sister went through!!!!!』

Hiro still wouldn't give up on wanting to pay back in a way what he did, the pair of brothers were looking at him weird and confused, it seems that he won't stop until he ordered something, where a footsteps were heard behind him. Where Aion covered his face with his hand.

『Then go and protect the weak!!!!. That will be your eternal punishment for all your misdeeds and misdeeds!!!! In the end we will judge if your actions and life are worth it』.

Aion was pointing to his front, where Hiro turned around confused, when he saw him he knew, the ones taking small and fearful steps were the pair of little brothers, Balt and Nickel, who witnessed the fight from a distance sure not to get hurt, the danger was over but the brothers didn't know it, they went to their brother Titan where he told them that there was nothing to fear anymore, and the brothers answered.

『So where is Hiro-nii-chan?!!!! It's not right at all if the Hero doesn't say so!!!!!!』

They are little children who need the confirmation of their favorite Hero so that finally things are calm, to see the soft smile, and that he himself says that everything is ok now, after the hell they lived and saw, is the only thing they need. Balt and Nickel were in front of Hiro and asked him the question. "Is it all over now?...."

Where Hiro without further ado knelt down to be at their level and without further ado in a gentle way stroked the brothers' head.

『Yes, everything is fine now, everyone and the Hero Hiro finished with the villains!!! and on the other hand, the person named Hiro will comfort them when they are afraid *smiles*』

Hiro without further smiled in a gentle way to the brothers, where they also seeing the smile of Hero and then the person, they knew that their brother Hiro was back to how he used to be. Aion was watching, smiled for the good person and how much he believed in his friend Hiro, where Ailane in the same way saw how he could be kind that person who tried to kill him, although he does not like those memories because in those times she was humiliated. Where she heard some commotion in the background, out of curiosity and to know what was going on she turned to see, although she would not have wanted to do it.

『There's definitely nothing better than hugging a loli after a hard fight!!!!』""o(≧◇≦)o""

M was just plain hugging a loli who from before had already clocked him since he saw her.

『Oye!!!! You can't do those things without the other』's consent.

Whom I had seen that his companion was being harassed by a being who seemed to be good, where I quickly for his actions already branded him as someone dubious. Where I couldn't stop myself and kept hugging the loli I had met, hopefully I could take him home.....

『Hey Un!!!! Do something you too!!!』

『I can't! This guy won't let go of me, but if it weren't for him we wouldn't have been able to win, so I feel we must accept his demands even though we don't like him....』-『I don't like him!!!! I won't be able to get married anymore!』

I quickly let go of her and stepped aside, where they were equally still when they saw that I reacted quickly, I was confused, where without further ado I pointed to the little loli that I just hugged.

『Eh? Your name is Un? Your name is Un?.....』

Where Daru Dayu's little disciple shakily answered yes, out of curiosity and unique name of her, I was curious what her companion's name is called, where I also asked her the question of what her name is.

『Eh? So your name is Un, and your A, Un, A, A, Un, A, A, Una? (Ŏ艸Ŏ) nono, it can also be Aun...(*≧艸≦) Are they really called that? A, A? Un, A? hahahahahahahahahahaha, and then they say I give bad names』 ꉂ ꀞꀞꀞ(ᕑᗢूᓫ∗)˒˒

For some reason I started laughing at their names being taken, I already knew I would come across unusual names, but I never imagined this, sorry, I really resisted, but I couldn't as it really caused me to laugh too much. I heard some footsteps where Ailane stood next to me, where I addressed her.

『Listen Little-chan...⸌̷̻ ( ᷇๑ॢ˃̶͈̀ ꇴ ˂̶͈́๑ॢ) ⸌̷̻ She is called Un and the other A, Aun, Una, Un, A....Un, A.....』 ꉂ (๑¯ਊ¯)σ л̵ʱªʱªʱª

I was laughing just like that, where Ailane's face was "Sicko" as well as the ones I was laughing at, they were looking at me as if they were saying "Crazy". I don't know why I laughed so much, maybe it's because I've always been called bad names, and knowing that there are worse ones makes me laugh a little bit, it's wrong, I know it's wrong, but I can't stop...

『Your name is M, and it's not a very nice and creative name, you shouldn't laugh at others, and from what I understand, you gave it to yourself, that also says a lot about you』.

『Jajajajajajajajajajajajajja(๑ॢ˃̶͈̀ ꇴ ˂̶͈́๑ॢ) л̵ʱªʱªʱª Right...(・・・) Forgive me for making fun of your names』

If it wasn't for Ailane who made me open my eyes, for sure I would have made fun of their names for the rest of the day, I feel like I gave a bad impression to those 2 people, well, de ya I leave a bad impression to the lolis I see since when I see one I feel like hugging her, it's a very rare condition I have, but I don't regret it and I don't plan to cure it.

『How can you make fun of other people's names? I see that you didn't receive learning when you were little, and is it necessary that when you see a girl you rush to hug him? You know that you can be denounced for that, don't you?

I was walking with Ailane around, while passing a few clones to heal them all, that was the reason why the gangs still didn't retreat, I too am still exhausted and can't create so many clones for everyone and have them taken care of.

『In my world a random name, with a random picture and a random music too, got a lot of laughs out of me and also for sure out of others, that's the current mood of my world!!!!!』 o(〃^▽^〃)o

『Well, I'm worried about the humor you take there...but you still don't answer me about why you always hug the little girls you see?』

When Ailane realized, M was no longer by her side, she searched with her eyes and noticed that now the boy was now somewhere else, he was now hugging another loli she met and had clocked from before, hopefully she could take him home....xd.

『Oh, and this boy?...He may be strong but he's also weird』.

Was what Rararin said when he saw M's action, where Ailane finally arrived at the place too, and yes, M didn't want to let go of the loli he encountered, while blurting out words that I don't know if they are jokes or if he really says them.

『You are petite but not so petite, a modern, casual and futuristic style, flat-chested but not so flat, blue hair and you are slim, you are definitely my type』 ⸂⸂⸜(ೆ௰ೆ๑)⸝⸃⸃⸃.

I bluntly blurted out those words, where the girl I was hugging felt repulsion towards me that she couldn't even say anything, where her companion Sumomone intervened.

『Well good! This lucky time is over, if you want to hug her again it requires a lot of merits, including money and other things, if not better come back another time where we have an interaction event』.

Her companion objected to me continuing to harass her friend, she was going to pull me aside pushing me where in a quick way , Ailane beat her and pulled me from behind. She sighed at how tiring it is to deal with me.

『Seriously what are you up to with the girls? And to this one on top of that you say such things, sorry for the boy's behavior, it won't happen again』

Ailane looked at me very serious, giving me to understand that I have to apologize, I bowed apologizing for the behavior I showed towards unknown people, the gang seemed to accept my apology.

『Are you okay Uiui? I didn't grope you right?』

『No, although it was really weird...he just hugged me like he was taking care of me or protecting me from something....I don't know how you guys saw it, but he was gentle and at no time I thought he would do anything else....although then I got disgusted and it passed』.

Sumomone asked for her friend if this guy did something bad to her, he really doesn't deserve to be considered human in these situations, pinche M, you are very embarrassing when you put yourself like that, I hope the police get you one of these days. They were about to leave, but out of nowhere M stood still, where the girl he hugged gave him an answer.

『It would be wrong not to give you an answer after hearing your words, you made me happy for moments, thank you, but unfortunately I have to say no』.

Without further Uiui leaned back refusing what I said, I didn't mean it, maybe she understood it, but anyway don't take it seriously when this happens, somehow you would hurt that person who dared to say it, or that's what she thinks, it's better to give a quick but conscientious answer to every question you receive, that's how they work.

Without further ado I turned around with my eyes shining, Uiui was hesitant, from even before it sounded like someone wanted to laugh, someone was holding back laughter.

『Thanks for your answer, I really didn't expect it, but moving on to another page....seriously your name is Uiui? hahahahahahaha (*≧▽≦) Ui would be fine, but Uiui? It sounds like the little sound a little animal would make hahahahahah what's more, I think it does exist』(≧y≦*).

Again M was laughing because of that girl's name, he couldn't stop it, for some strange reason he found it very funny that she was called that name, just like in the previous case, the 3 girls were staring at him .... "This guy is sickly."

Ailane gave a sigh and looked at M, at this moment she is made the suckiest person ever for laughing at other people's names. Again we apologized to those girls, and it was not only me this time, but also Ailane was apologizing for my behavior, I looked again and it seems that the healing I am doing is already about to end.

『You really want to hug a little girl so badly?』-『All the ones you've met you've hugged without hesitation, because the only one you didn't hug is me----』

『There you are!!!!!!! Oh!!!! Chiquita is also with you!!!!』

Hiro without further ado appeared interrupting Ailane, where it seems that he has been looking for us, hearing what Hiro said, Ailane really felt annoyed and wanted to attack the little Hero any way she could.

『Chiquita?!!!!!!! Right now if I try my best, I could make you paraplegic forever, you better watch your words!』

『But that's what you are!!!!!! Or not?』

Ailane stopped herself before making any move, she simply turned around with her back to the little Hero.

『You're someone too little』.

At the end she said those words which were heard by Hiro, I was calm looking at the scenery, the only thing I was thinking at that moment was of who is now going to have to rebuild all this, because this can't be left just like that, PAM!!!! I felt a strong slap on my back, there was Hiro with a smile typical of him, where upon seeing him I grabbed his shoulder.

『We ordered you to do it』 (T▽T)

We chatted a bit, talking about what happened in the fight, and when I realized it felt like something was leaking, when I looked down I don't understand how I didn't notice, but Hiro's leg was bleeding, when I looked at Hiro already his eyes were rolling around as if wanting to go to the other world,

『Here I come Maradona』

I quickly treated her wound so that she would not leave us and produce excessive bleeding. When everything calmed down, Ailane approached us to make a comment.

"I don't know if it's the lolicon or the Hero who looks like he's on drugs, you guys really don't know anything』.

『EHHH?!!!! What do you mean I don't know anything?!!!!』

『Then tell me something intelligent and maybe my opinion of you will change』.

Ailane and Hiro were talking exchanging words in a rough and calm way, where Hiro before Ailane's proposition, he started to think like never before, when I saw him and it seems that Ailane was also curious, but the way he started to think was very similar to a famous statue.!!!!! Without further ado Hiro turned to look at Ailane.

『Did you know that if you say "Aaahhh" hot air comes out? And if you say "Fuuuu" cold air comes out, do it and you'll see that I'm not lying!!!!』

Ailane didn't understand what Hiro said, but the little boy was so confident and serious in his own way. Seconds passed and Ailane was curious about Hiro's words, where without further ado he tried.

『Ohh, that's right hahahaha *smiles*』.

Where Ailane just with that little simple but unknown fact to her, she got a few laughs and smiles out of him. Hiro quickly from what I was talking to him, completely ignored me and completely turned to the little girl.

『Ohhhhh!!!!!! It's the first time I've seen you like this!!!!! I hope you smile more in life!!!!!』

Without further ado he blurted out those words Hiro, where Ailane stared at him, the contrast of their gazes was more than clear, the bands were already recovered and with no more time to waste, they went to each other to finish what matters most to them.

『Sometimes I understand you and sometimes I don't, you are very complex but at the same time simple, don't deviate from your path again, that's all I'll tell you kid, I'll be waiting for you Skeleton-chan, don't forget』.

Ailane was also retreating with the others, where I turned to look at her, and I remembered what we have to do, what we have been striving so hard for a long time. And I could say the same thing about her, the same words she said to Hiro, I stood watching her from behind as she moved forward without any fear.

『After this I will have to say goodbye to another world again, this endless cycle is going to repeat itself again....』

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