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15.43% M no Monogatari / Chapter 57: Chapter 56: Nekomata Case 8

Capítulo 57: Chapter 56: Nekomata Case 8

August 17, ****

What is it that one should do case, normally one does what one should do, although that does not explain many things but in my head that is how things work, one does what one should do in the moment, it depends on each person, the decision you make in the moment is purely up to you and only you, even a different facet than the one you thought you had. What I have always done is to just be myself, no matter where I am, I try to take the best position to even be of help, why? Because this way I can help those who I want to be well, I may not know anything, I may act like a fool, they may even tell me that I am a retard, but the truth is that I prefer to act this way because I feel that with that I support something, trusting at first instances for me is a sign of respect, why not lend a hand from the beginning? It doesn't cost us anything, there are many people in the world who are not able to do something even simple, talking is an example, come on! It costs you nothing to respond! You can initiate the conversation too! But of course, you can't do it because you are afraid, you distrust more than trust, do you know what I answer with that? Well, I am going to take you much more trusting! Let's go! Get up! Raise your hands! Or should I say paws? Wings? Claws? It always got complicated for me in the whole species thing, how should I refer to them? Eh? Why do I care about that now, why should I treat them differently, of course! They are the same as me, they always have been, whether they are ostriches, beast cats, crocodiles, or humans, for me they are the same living being with whom I can form a friendship in the future, eh? Form 100 friends? Have many friends? Not at all, why do you say that? Just because I trust everyone means we are friends? Stop your train for a moment, are you also one of those who confuse kindness with love? or this time, trust with friendship? Don't be an asshole!!!! You can't confuse the two, they are nothing until one says what they want to be for you!!!!! What happens to people drawing their own conclusions without first being able to check it out for themselves, I always said it, better go straight to what you want, just say it and see how the rest progresses, or you can go with the flow or look like an idiot in the end, for me both serve me and .... both serve me ... I had a very different thought to what I am now, and how long ago was that? How to forget it, but what can you do, before I had many options, there were thousands to choose, but of course, I always chose the one I wanted the most, we have to get along, it costs nothing, look, I can do you a favor, just like you can do me a favor, we have to support each other, stay together, and then you can confess to me to be friends or to be something else, and although there are many options, like in the end if you end up choosing what you want more at that moment, then it's my fault? So if it's my fault, it's mine? Or do I have to blame someone else for what happened, although doing that would be very silly of me, how can I blame someone who is no longer by my side, that would only make me look like a worse person than I already was, nothing is going to happen from now on, right?

If I continue to stand back and leave my thousands of options, everything will become calmer, I say that if it is working, I am human after all, I am one more living being after all, just as I was acting according to the circumstances, right now I am being true to myself....


We were heading to the festival that is being held near a shrine, I think I can't hide my desire to see what will happen there, I have somewhat high expectations for some reason, the truth is that I'm waiting for many things to happen that will make my friendship with Ron advance even a little more, if I told Kyto at this moment, he would surely tell me that I'm hallucinating a lot. But it's okay, I think it's already a great achievement from the start, I'm walking hand in hand together with Ron, and the truth surprises me, since knowing her she would have been on her way without delay, running and jumping from house to house until we reached our destination.

『Don't you think it's strange, Giji? 』 

『What's that? 』 

『Doesn't it sometimes happen to you that time just flies by? It's like you thought that the last time you looked at the clock or the date, and when you least realize it, it seems like a long time has gone by, how long has it been since we entered high school and met Ema, Jun and the cat for the first time, 4 months? 5 months? Isn't that too long for you?

『Too much? Now that you say it, I kind of feel like it went too fast, I feel like it was only yesterday that we were just strangers, and now...*blush*』

Giji couldn't help but blush and in getting nervous, he turned to look at Ron as he was calmly walking next to him holding his hand, or should I say wing, you know, that part like it's shaped like a palm o....ahhh!!! Yeah that!!!! Just thinking about it, this made Giji smile with joy, but he quickly put on that expression, Ron, because of his instincts, turned quickly to look at Giji, who, as Ron could see, the Harpy had quickly turned her head, her face to another direction, and she was even sweating as she was discovered by Ron at that moment. The cat just looked confused, but nothing more, continuing to walk beside her friends.

『I didn't know you could turn your head like that, yes you are quite the ostrich my Giji *grin*』.

『*nervous** *red*』

『But how nice, ahhh!!!I wish I also know if what I feel is also true love, when one is completely decided and sure of what one feels, then there is no need to doubt!!!』-『That's why in moments of embarrassment, I find it hard to know if I'm really in love or it's just my insecurities *smiles* *blushes*』

『Eh? I think I can get an idea of it 』

『Seriously? Haber haber haber!!! Tell me Giji 』 

『Uhm...I think but I'm not sure, you told me before? you let me know before? someone? I'm not really sure...』

『Come on!!! Put that little head of yours to work!!!!! Although I don't remember if you already know what I'm talking about either 』.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, Giji was really trying to remember if he was ever told something similar to what his friend is referring to, like having her close but at the same time far away. The face he was making really was of thinking too much, where his friend Kyto improvised a sound of time ending and would give him the final answer.

『Pim!!! Pom!!! Time's up, but as a reward for your effort, I'll buy you a caramel apple when you get to the Festival *smiles*』-『The answer is too obvious, I think I'm in love with Ema.... *blushes* I don't know how to describe it, I don't know if I'm repetitive, I don't remember if I already said it before but here it goes again, at the beginning I only joked with Ema, seeing that she followed my games, it made me happy, so I continued doing it without noticing that every time my jokes became more and more serious, and I also didn't notice that at some point, Ema stopped noticing them as a simple joke, it makes me wonder if it was always going to be from the beginning, the thing is that with everything we have been through, with what happened with our date that she also saw it as a game, I am also wondering if it is really something serious. ...*confused*』

Kyto was opening up to his friend, whether it was to bring up the topic and talk about it again, but it seems that both friends who used to just play and joke with each other, are coming to another step in their lives, one where they have to make a firm decision about what they feel and want.

『But that's the problem, if you have doubts, it's because you're not completely decided on what you feel, maybe you're not really in love with Ema...』

At that moment when they were still walking towards the festival, Kyto's last words, kind of left Giji a bit confused, who Kyto realized seconds later, as he was advancing alone, when he looked back there was both Giji and Ron behind, to this Ron wanted to advance but he couldn't, first he was confused with this, he looked at Giji to his face that was thoughtful at that moment, as if looking at nothing straight ahead. Ron started to pull Giji because they were holding hands, but he only managed to pull on his wing, which did not make him move from his place.

『(Eh? If you have doubts, is it because you are not sure of what you feel? What does that have to do with it, Kyto must be confusing things, love, falling in love is not as simple as answering so easily, of course you have doubts because you are insecure... you don't know if that other person feels the same, you don't know if they are also ashamed of this kind of things, I know there is a process of falling in love and matching with one. ...that's exactly what I'm living and everybody is living it, you yourself are living it now Kyto, don't say that maybe you are not in love...I'm sure, very sure...the first time I saw Ron, I'm very sure what I felt at that moment, I like her...and now that I'm getting to know her and time goes by I can continue saying that...)』.

At that moment when Giji was in his thoughts because of his friend Kyto, at the end of all his reflection, he could feel that something had moved away at that moment, when he came to his senses and looked in front of him, Ron had already stopped trying to pull his wing to keep moving forward, but now he was moving forward alone, this must have had an impact on something? Well, it seems that yes, she tried at the last moment to raise her wing as if she wanted to reach Ron, but her expression was not so different, she did it purely because of that thought she had.

『Eh? Ah, I understand, don't worry, at times like these when he is still without knowing what to do, he will always need someone to give him a hand, who helps us without thinking, for me that's a sign of affection』.

At that moment quickly without Giji being able to feel it, Kyto was carrying him on his back, just with the movement he perceived, he could fully react himself, although his first reaction was of fright and trying to keep his balance as much as possible, where his first action to this was to stretch his wings quickly.

『*laughs* hahahaha You always do the same thing, I'll never get tired of this, it must be pure instinct that you spread your wings because you feel like you're in the air』

Giji at first looked like a doll, but when he noticed that his friend was laughing, he tried to smile with a sweat on his forehead. At this he could quickly feel something coming from above, as he looked up. 


Quickly Ron gave a big jump to be on top of all his friends, who Giji was suffering because of how her friend was ramming her, but after a while she could notice that Ron was really light since she was already on his back. The only difficult thing was to be able to endure with the force that came every time she jumped.

The people who were also walking down the street were looking at what was happening, it was something rare to see, the children passing by were curious and even amused. A human who was carrying a Harpy that had its wings stretched, and at the bottom of the whole a Neko who sat proudly by the way he smiled, he even seemed to bring out sparkles around him.


『!!!!!(Eh???? Eh???? who just took our picture??!!!! Where!! Where!!!!)』

『Well!!! We're already running late!!!! Let's go all out for the Festival!!!!』

At that moment Kyto got ready to run away, while Giji was still looking for the person who took a picture of them, but quickly his sight was darkened, and this because Ron needed a way to hold on so he wouldn't fly away, giving us an image that was hard to see.


In the Festival that takes place this summer, it seems that I had to do it in a shrine that is on top of a hill, it was really very traditional to see, no doubt if you want it to be more memorable and with a greater meaning, this is one of the most visited Festivals, plus you can take the opportunity to make your wish to the gods giving your offering, or to see your luck in the same place. You could notice that it was the afternoon, the orange sky painted the city and especially the sanctuary, which for sure will get nicer when it is night and everything is illuminated by the Festivals stalls and the lights of the Festivals.

『They are taking too long, we said we would meet at 18:00 hours!!!』

『Time sure flies by Jun, I remember when you were a little girl like that when you were this tiny, and're still tiny *smiles*』

『Hey!!! What if I've grown up compared to when I was in Primary school!!!! You want me to prove it to you eh!!!...』

『Jun? *confused*』

To this Jun wanted to keep talking other, but if we talk about growth, just by looking at her friend Ema's breasts, if you could tell who had more growth at this time, to this Jun thought better of it, and even put her index finger on her nose to give a better answer.

『Yes, you're right, I'm still tiny, I still have time to keep growing, and I'm going to stop being a child!!!! *blushes*』

『*smile*Yes! Let's keep growing together Jun』 

『No, not you Ema, if you keep growing up...your cute little face should be overshadowed by your....*blush* 』 

『*happy* You're very cute too Jun, I hope when you grow up you'll keep your smallness *smiles*』 

『*smile*Thank you Ema, although I don't understand how I'm going to achieve that』. 

At that the friends were at the First Tori which would come to be the entrance to start climbing the stairs to get to the Festival. In that Ema who was looking in front, could manage to see Ron first, she quickly became happy to see that her friend was already coming, she raised her hand for him to see her while she didn't take off her smile, but then she saw something else that appeared, there was Giji with his wings stretched in a way that he wanted to fly? He was flapping them as if he was a...a chicken, this was already a little strange, and then at the last, he managed to look at Kyto who ....


He was coming running with all his might, the gesture he was putting on was really of someone who put all his effort into it, he was even red from overexerting himself too much. At this Jun turned around as he saw the changing expressions of his friend Ema.

『Ya until they finally arrived. Eh? But what....』 

At that moment Kyto couldn't take it anymore with the tiredness he had, that his legs faltered and he ended up falling down at that moment, but wait a minute!!!! All is not lost!!!! For something it is demonstrated that the Species are better than humans!!!! As the human gets tired and falls to the ground!!!!! The Harpy and the Neko are shot at the same time through the air, where again returned the Giji who tried to fly to see that he was in the air, but seeing that he could not and could only stay slightly in the air, this by purely looking at Ema and Jun, as it became stiff again and stopped flapping to fall from the heights. While Ron on the other hand, expert at this, ended up giving the best show by doing perfect somersaults in the air to both land together !!!! Giji with straight and stiff legs fell straight down, as if impaling a pole in the ground!!!! While Ron landed in a graceful way and even doing a salute as if he were a wizard.

『...But what did I just see...』 

『Ohhh!!! *surprised* Amazing guys *smiles* You look like you're from a circus 』- 『Take this, this is for your effort *smiles*』.

Ema approached Ron so she could give him his tip, or rather pay for the show he just saw, it was 10 thousand yen she gave him. At this Ron's eyes dilated like never before and in his mind he could imagine being able to eat a lot of squid from the stalls there, even with the tip his parents gave him, oh!!!! Even being able to catch fish in those games too and....

Ron was drooling at that moment, he quickly took Jun by the hand so he could go together with her to the Festival and start enjoying everything, at this Jun stopped as they had to help their friends first. 

『You guys really with your antics always, although I won't deny that it looked funny, if you were planning to do that it would have been me who would have run carrying you all over me 』.

『That would only make you look like a Gorilla Jun...』_ノフ○ 

『*annoyed* Give her a hit from me Ema 』

『All right, pom *smiles*』

Ema did give him a hit, a soft one but it hit him. At this Giji was still stiff where he was in T pose, again in T pose? This bird really likes to do that pose, so seeing that he was all uncovered, he quickly went on to tickle him under his wings to see if he would react, where quickly to this Giji woke up and started laughing at the tickling he was doing, where either because he wanted to keep doing it to tease him, Jun kept playing with his friend while enjoying this.

『Jun!!! That's enough, I've reacted!!! *laughs* I can move now *laughs*』

『This is also your punishment for making us wait too long *happy*』.

As they played, Ron watched this and could only tilt his head in confusion for some reason. While on the other hand, Kyto was very confident in his physical ability, he thought he could run with his friends on his back, but it seems he wasn't, he was lying on his head on the ground while he was pulling his butt out for some reason. He couldn't help but notice this Ema, who....

『I didn't know that you were showing your potito to the whole audience 』

『Ah, let me fix it 』

Like a machine, she quickly stretched her legs to please her friend. Where Ema to this smiled in joy, where she went on to carry Kyto in order to lift him, where to this Kyto disagreed, as with all that he had run and exerted himself, he was all sweaty and that would annoy Ema.

『No, it doesn't bother me at all *smiles* It's what I would expect from you 』.

She smiled at him while not taking her eyes off him, at this Kyto kind of found himself blushing at her friend's words, and quickly let herself be helped by her friend. 

『You think you can carry it by yourself to Kyto, Ema, if you want I can help you 』

『No, I'll be able to take him by myself, don't worry』

『But how unmanly you are Kyto, look at making my Ema carry you all the stairs, I hope you make it up to her somehow』.

『I keep my word, you'll see!!! ( wasn't a good idea, I didn't think about the consequences, and I know that Ema gets excited every time we go out...I hope my smell doesn't really bother her...)』

They were walking up the stairs that along the way there were more Tori door on them, also homemade candles placed in the corners of the path, really just walking up was an experience. At this Ron was very excited, she wanted to be at the festival the most, she kept pulling Jun to go as fast as possible, but it seems that Jun wasn't going to allow it.

『No!!! We all have to go together! But how anxious you are Ron, are you really looking forward to being at the Festival?』

Ron with eyes full of joy with sparkle, waved his face happily as if saying yes, to this Jun was tender and cheerful, where he would happen to look at Giji at that moment since.

『You must be really looking forward to this Festival too, aren't you Giji? Don't let it go to waste when you see that Ron is also very happy』.


At that moment Giji happened to look at Jun first, and then moved to look at Ron, where Ron quickly blushed not knowing how to respond, it's true, he's going to spend time with Ron, that's the idea after all. But...

『Yes, it would make me happy, but since we all came together, I think we'd have a better time if....*nervous*』.

At that moment when Giji wanted to answer her friend, at that moment she had not noticed something, she kept looking at her friend Jun who also stared at Giji, and .... At that moment Giji did not finish her words and after that exchange of glances, they continued walking without further ado, to this Jun was weird, he was about to say something to Giji, but quickly Ron again could not stand his excitement, that Jun had to give him a stop all the rest of the way.

As soon as they arrived to the Festival area, they could notice all the lively atmosphere, it was already dark with everything that happened, and as expected, the atmosphere at night is much more beautiful than in the morning or afternoon, to this quickly the first to express herself was Ron, her eyes were very dilated because she was so amazed, she was looking at the food stalls, the game stalls, the people having fun, the decorations, everything looked and....

Like a little girl she looked at Jun as if telling him without pulling anything, that she wanted to enjoy the Festival as much as possible. 

『Yes, just as I expected, it is a tradition of the country to go to the Hillside Festivals 』

『How are you feeling Kyto, are you better now?』

『Yes, I feel better already, it was weird, it must be because I was tired, but it was like I was floating *smiles*』

『To the next one where I am tired, please I hope you carry me on your back *smiles*』.

『I carry you?....』

Kyto could imagine this, who if the situation is given in reverse, with the breasts that Ema has, then...At this quickly Kyto's head exploded and began to smoke, even the red color of the beginning returned, he was really no longer tired that he stepped aside to avoid having impure thoughts with Ema.

At that moment Jun took out his phone to check the time, he was looking around as if he was looking for someone at that moment, but he couldn't seem to do it. At this Giji was thinking about something, that before Jun says any more words, the Crone blurted out something impromptu.

『We're missing something!!!!!!』

She raised her voice at that moment which caught everyone off guard, they went on to see him as to why she was reacting, where after a light breath and calming down so she could simply say it, Giji said.

『You look cute in the Jun Kimono...』

To this Giji said it calmly, with an honest expression on his face, where Jun didn't expect it at all, as they didn't say it at first since that's the first reaction they would expect from a woman, he thought that since they are her friends clueless, at least with her, Kyto notices Ema, and Giji notices Ron, so....

『Ah!...ah!!....*smile* Thank you very much Giji 』

When Jun thanked her for the compliment, to this to to say it, when he noticed when they were walking up the stairs, he could tell that that can't go unnoticed. 

『(Ah...I did forget about it...I hope Ema...)*sigh*』


『I'm sorry for not noticing first, but Ema, Jun, you both look cute this day』. 

『Thanks for the compliment Kyto *smiles*』 

『These things are said at the beginning guys, you really don't know anything right? *smiles* But anyway, thank you for your words *happy*』 

『Ah!!! I forgot too, you look cute too Ema, sorry...』 

『Thanks for the compliment Giji *smiles*』. 

『¿? But what a nerve don't you think? You guys brand us boys as know-nothings, but you guys forgot to compliment -----』 

At that Kyto felt this was unfair, where Ema and Jun didn't know what they meant by this, where Kyto and Giji had to point both of them to Ron, who the cat couldn't take it anymore, she was creating a waterfall with her drool that she couldn't resist eating all of the Festival. Because of their mistake that they themselves criticized, now the boys felt as if they had won the golden ball.

Ron didn't know it, but he was getting compliments and cuddles from his friends Jun and Ema for a good couple of minutes. 

Well, it was about time to have fun at the Festival, that to this the first one to plan the plans was Kyto, as he has to keep his words, plus he is worried that he must improve the experience with Ema, and find out if he is really decided in this of what he feels.

『Okay!!! Let's go for the candy stalls first!!!! Then to the Takoyaki!!!! ones. Want to catch fish? I'm really good at it!!! It's like catching bugs with the net!!!! It's decided!!!! Let's do a bunch of stuff and !!!!..*nervous*』 

At that moment when he was aiming to start with the enjoyment, at this Ema took him by that hand in order to reassure him, and with a simple smile looking at him fixedly she said.

『Let's take our time *smile*』. 

『!!!!....*smile*All right 』 

And with that, Ema and Kyto were the first to enter to enjoy the Festival, seeing that their friends were already going ahead, quickly Ron again was wanting to pull Jun to catch up with them, but she quickly commented not to be so anxious, but....

『I also want the same thing as Ron, let's go for a walk together for the Festival *smiles*』. 

Giji was suggesting that they do that, and you could tell she wanted to enjoy the festival a lot, the original plan as always is to spend time alone with Ron, but since that last date with Jun, she kind of wants to keep spending more time with her friend.

『I'm sorry, but I can't accept it 』. -『Ron is that she can't stand to enjoy the Festival, you also want to spend time with her right? Then enjoy the place please, then we'll text each other so we can meet and spend time all together』

At this Giji found her friend's answer strange, but why strange? If her friend was already giving her opportunities to spend time with Ron before, it must still be because of that? Or is there something else involved?

『Do you have something else to do Jun?』

『Yes, although it will only be a while, when I'm done I'll join you *smiles*』.

To this Ron if he was paying attention noticing that Jun won't be able to be with her, he looked at her with sad little eyes because Ron did want to spend time with his friend, but Jun by the attitude he had, as if he was a real cat, he carried Ron and put him next to Giji, and at the end he said.

『Have fun together *smile*』.

To this Jun seemed to keep waiting for someone else, where Ron to this did not seem normal , but Giji if he was determined to comply with this, especially with what his friend told him on the way. He looked at Ron who she was looking at Jun, so he said.

『Let's live together for the moment Ron, I won't be Jun, but I won't try too hard *smile*』.

At this Ron happened to look at Giji, who unlike before, this was much more sincere for some reason, where this if it caught Ron's attention, where Giji stretched his wing to hold Ron's hand, who seeing his initiative, Ron liked it, so at the slightest take Giji's wing, Ron happened to pull him who barely the Harpy could with the Neko, who really Ron was still motivated, this made Giji blush and be happy.

They quickly went to where they sold grilled squid, where Ron was happy about how they were cooking them and the smell they were transmitting, she was almost drooling at the grill for even climbing up the stand, where Giji placed her wing to be able to avoid it. 

『Sorry for the inconvenience, could I have 2 squid skewers please』.

『All right!!!』

Seeing how they served him, made Ron make happy faces at this, he even wiggled his ears, where at the end when he had his skewers ready and after paying, Ron quickly ate it without further ado, he liked it so much that he also wagged his tails in joy, where Giji was about to eat his, but Ron looked at him as if wanting his too, where Giji at this instead of blushing for the moment, just ended up giving it to him, he expected him to eat it all, but Ron only ate half of it. Where it looks like the rest was for Giji that....

『(The same bite that Ron had...)*nervous*』

Taking the first bite nervous about the how will it taste, to this was really amazing, it was really good that...looking back at Ron who again sneaked into the squid stand and almost again drooled on the grill, and also Giji with his wing avoids it.

『Could I have 5 skewers now please』.

『Order away!』

Ron was leaving happy with his 5 squid skewers who couldn't stop eating, and every time he took his bites his tails wagged with joy. He didn't expect it, but Ron quickly popped the last skewer into his mouth, which Giji ate with glee. Quickly as if never running out of energy, Ron quickly saw the candy shape game, where you had to get the piece of candy out intact.

Now that he thinks about it, how is Giji going to be able to pull it out with the needles they give you, he can't even hold it. For Ron it should be easy, he can take out his claws and with the skillfulness he is already for sure...

When she looked at Ron, the cat was licking the candy from the candy she was supposed to pull out, she was doing it with her tongue. I think she chose this game more to enjoy the candy than to pull out the figure. But even though Ron's goal was to finish the candy with his tongue, it somehow completed the figure. It just fell flat on the table. 

This was a surprise even for Ron, but it was something simple but curious at the same time, as the tongue of a normal cat has thorns, so did Ron, so with his licks he weakened the candy and with his thorns without realizing it he was scratching the edges that would make him get rid of the figure.

To this the owner of the Kata Nuki gave him one of the prizes he had. But when Ron noticed that this would be easy for her, she looked at the owner with eyes of not limiting herself with this, she would have finished with this stall by herself, but quickly Giji warned Ron of another stall that was nearby. Kingyo Sukui, the game of catching fish with a paper net. The moment she received the net to start the game, Giji realized something, that she was also having a hard time holding the net....

Ron was so enthusiastic about the game that he would try it if he could catch a fish, but quickly when he did so, it seemed to go wrong, as he ended up destroying his paper net because of the water and without catching any fish. This result did not please him, so he would try many times, but no matter how many times he did it, the result was the same. The Neko did not understand, how someone skilled and agile like her, could not handle something as simple as this. He took it personally where he was looking for a fish, the best and strongest fish there is, where his instinct called him and he found one, an orange fish, where this fish also felt Ron's aggressiveness, but instead of escaping he accepted the challenge, Ron's eyes were shining where he went all out with his paper net, while the strongest fish went all out towards the net, where in the final encounter, as if he was going through an Olympic race, the strongest fish ended up destroying Ron's paper net. The cat could not believe it when she saw this, a prey ended up winning.

Looking to his side to see how Giji was doing, he found him in a strange pose, Giji was catching fish in a fast and agile way, to this Ron could not believe it, although the method was somewhat peculiar, as he could not take the net and the support to catch them with his wings, he took both with his bird feet, which has a great handling and.....

『Ufff, I did better on this one 』

At this Ron was excited and surprised by her friend Giji, who this to show her friend his affection, would offer her the fish he caught, where Ron was happy and without delay was removing the pita to take out the fish. Wait...what is he going to do...why is he opening the mouth? ....

Quickly Giji took away the gift she had just given him, where Ron was clearly upset, upset that the gift was taken away, or upset that he couldn't eat them? Either way, Giji will keep his prize in the end for the sake of the fish.

Again he got hungry, and instead of calamari, now Ron saw a fried chicken stall, he quickly went to order some to satisfy his hunger, and when he looked back, he ended up meeting Giji, but he had something different in his wings, they were potatoes with butter that he bought in a nearby stall. They kept walking where Giji was eating his fried chicken, but it seemed that Ron was just watching him eating without touching his fried chicken, at this Giji noticed, where....

『Eh? Do you want to? 』

Where Giji gave him his buttered potato, Ron to this was happy, but....for some reason Ron ended up giving all his fried chicken to Giji, who this confused ended up thinking he gave it to him in exchange. He would say thank you for this where he would go on to want to eat one, but now that Ron had the buttered potato and Giji had the fried chicken, now Ron looked at the fried chicken and wanted to eat it.

『Eh? Do you want it back?』

Again they exchanged meals but...Ron looked at Giji's buttered potato again, they were back to square one. Where without further ado the Crone gave him his potato without him receiving anything in exchange, where Ron was happy about this, and again he went on to eat it all, now yes, seeing her cheeks stuffed made her look like a happy squirrel. Where again without Giji expecting it, the last piece of fried chicken was stuffed into his mouth as compensation. 

And so they ended up spending the festival together. Going from stall to stall, playing games and eating as much as they could, it was just having a good time, not trying to make a forced conversation so to speak, but living in the moment where they were, and when Giji realized this, he didn't realize at what point he stopped being nervous.

『(Yeah...this time it was much more relaxing and calm than the other times, spending time like this with Ron, it's fun *smiles*)』

At this they were heading to rest for a while to the shrine, but just fell Jun's message to meet again, this was at the beginning of the Festival, and when Giji read the message, a smile could be marked on his face, and with joy he looked at Ron and said.

『Let's go meet everyone Ron *smiles*』.

She was also looking forward to this moment of being able to spend time together, but instead of rushing and pulling Giji, she took his wing and they would take their time until they arrived. 

The moment they arrived, they saw Jun standing with her back turned, as if she was saying goodbye to someone, as she was waving her hand. When they finally saw her, now if Ron didn't take long and went straight to his friend so he could hug her, he quickly jumped on who Jun was.

『How quickly you came back, did you guys have a good time too Giji, Ron?』

『Yes, we had a good time too, and I see you Jun, I'm glad you're okay *smiles*』.

Jun's expression was different, since they saw her again now, she's kind of more cheerful for some reason, she has red cheeks and a much more tender expression. Not that it's weird, but what was the reason why she's like this.

『Come on Ron, your cheeks are blotchy, I'll clean you up, I see I'm the only one attentive to you 』.

『Attentive she says, if you didn't even praise her a little while ago 』

『I missed it, guys how did it go, Ema, Kyto?』

『I had a good time, just like I imagined *smiles*』

To this both Jun, Giji and Ron, did not understand what Ema meant by this, where Kyto had to explain what they really did, besides eating at the food stalls, even Kyto is still with a roasted corn in his hand, and the other, why is he hiding it in his back? It was literally as Ema said, a leisurely stroll, I knew Kyto would surely get upset trying to prove he was the best at the games. So you mean he won them all? 

『No, he lost just the same, but it looked sparkling how plain and simple words made him nervous』.

『It's that if I'm sensitive...』

『Well, since we're all here, let's all enjoy the Festival together now!!!!』


『 ]*ΦωΦ)ノ』

『Ah! Before you fill up on more, I hope I saved room for my caramel apple, here you go, just like I promised *smile*』

『Eh? Ah, so that's what you were hiding on your back』

『It was the first thing I bought, didn't you hear him say before...that we would go to a candy stall first, he was all this time with that apple in hand, I hope he does that with me too *smiles*』

『Eh?...*smile*Thank you very much Kyto』


To this the last hours that remained, all the friends spent together touring the whole Festival again, and the experience is completely different when they are all together, it could be fun and simple with Ron and Giji, it could be calm but at the same time nervous with Kyto and Ema, while with Jun it was something curious and even exciting, I certainly did not expect something like that.

But now that they are all together, it's really something else, it's funny, it's doubtful, it makes you angry, it makes you laugh, it even makes you cry, but at the same time it's fun. It feels like when you are in the company of your friends you show yourself as you really are and you know that they also know that side of you.

『 HAHAHAHAHHAA like that's how you catch fish!!!! Do you think you are a malavarista or what!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!』

『You are called a Kyto tightrope walker!!!!!!!』

『He is called contortionist you two....』

『I thought the one who swallowed the most was Ron...but I see that Ema....』

『Yeah...don't trust that innocent little face of hers, she swallows like.....ahh!!!! Out with impure thoughts!!!!!』

『Now I want a chocolate banana, buy me one Kyto *smiles*』

『You know, I think she knows exactly what she's saying, the situation got wrapped up or what!!!!』

『It's invested Kyto!!!!』

『I don't believe it!!!! You are very good at shooting Jun!!!!!』

『It's easy when you get the hang of it』

『Ema I can order these fish from you, don't give it to Ron』

『All right, hey Ron, do you want some little fishes?』

『But !!!!!!』

『Let's go get our fortunes told, that's called the occult right?』

『Ay!!! Kyto you didn't go to elementary school or what!!!! It's called Omikuji!!!!!!』

『AHHHHH!!! Sorry!!!! Sorry for spending every day talking crap with Giji and not learning anything!!!!!!!』

『Still silly I love him *smiles*』

『You see!!! Ema does understand me, she understands me.... eh what? *nervous* 』

It was different when you get away from the stalls and people, when you are in the nearby part of the sanctuary that also has its stalls, like different amulets and fortune. Firstly the friends were at the front of the shrine, they threw their offerings to finish with their 2 clapping their hands, each one closed their eyes to make their wishes, it was really peaceful, even more with this night.

『So, what did you guys wish for?』

『I asked to know more about everything and to have more confidence!!!! I'm tired of talking wrong』-『And you Ema, what did you ask for?

『I asked that we grow up together, safe and sound』.

『At the beginning I was going to ask that I look more feminine, but it won't be necessary anymore, now what I asked for, is that we can all be happy with our decisions*smile*』

『I asked...not to doubt anymore...I feel that not doubting is a way to grow...(Although I know that's very hard to achieve....)』

『I wish Ron would tell us her wish, but we have never heard her talk to us』.

Ron was happy with her wish, would it be time to talk? No, Ron decided to go on with his routine and let it all end as it always does with his friends. At the end if they asked for their lucky stick where each one placed their wishes on the rest with the others. Where the day was coming to an end and it was time to leave. It was too ephemeral but simple that time, at the end of the stairs, they found Ron's parents waiting for them, this was a surprise, Ron quickly as soon as he saw them, ran on all fours to throw himself into the arms of his parents, they were also dressed for the occasion, it seems that they also came to the Festival.

They greeted each other, chatted a bit and then said goodbye to everyone, where Nekomata Fuu commented if they had other plans with their daughter, where Giji commented.

『Yes, we still have many plans to enjoy together in the future』.

『*smile*I'm glad, please keep bringing happiness to my daughter, until next time guys』.

And with this the Nekomata Family said goodbye, Ron, because of how tired he was, ended up falling asleep on his father's back, while the rest, Giji, Kyto, Jun and Ema, went the other way, all with a nice memory of this day. But again at that moment...


Giji felt again that strange feeling from before, but when he turned to look at the sides or where he felt that, it really made him doubt a lot about what could be really happening.

-------------------------------------------→ Continuara


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