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14.25% M no Monogatari / Chapter 52: Chapter 51: Nekomata Case 3

Capítulo 52: Chapter 51: Nekomata Case 3

19 July from ****

Right now I'm on a super important mission, it might seem like a game, but it really is a game, the kind of game that if I catch then I win. Jun is right, if only I could fly, our chances of winning would increase a lot, I've tried it before, I really have, but...I'm really afraid of the simple fact that when I'm too high, the simple fact that I'm flying and if there's a slip up there won't be something soft to hold me up...ahh...I'm really stretching it out a lot. I don't really have the confidence to depend on myself to fly, it's obvious but I'm embarrassed to say it. Normally people have more esteem for themselves than for someone else, that's how far they can go, the clear example of this has been my partner Jun, who despite all this time has been going after Nekomata Ron, despite seeing the difference in their skills with each other, this did not discourage her at all, on the contrary, she kind of gained strength and care that this silly Neko as she refers to Ron, could see him as she wants him to see her, someone incredible in her own way. 

It's been almost 4 months since we started this new stage, and just like Jun couldn't catch up with Ron, I couldn't catch up with him, and Kyto should have told them about my stupid confession that I made to Nekomata Ron, but seriously...that's not even considered a confession, I feel like it's just a mockery. ...But seriously...that's not even considered a confession, I feel it's more like a mockery, it's not serious at all, how can someone confess with his own stupid face and some ugly issues? Even the words that accompanied the image...I'm pretty sure Nekomata Ron isn't stupid, she must be able to tell when something is serious and when it's a joke, what she saw on the screen that day...What if maybe that's what scared her away from me?

I've been trying all this time to get closer to Ron to invite him to see the cherry trees that are still around the city, some parks and... ah!!!! Researching places to spend time with friends, I found that there is a really beautiful countryside a bit far from the prefecture where we are, by train it would take about 2 hours to get there, to me it's amazing how fast the train goes, it brings me more peace of mind that the speed depends on someone else more than me, they are fast for a reason, because they have confidence in themselves. Although I won't deny that every time I get on the train with Kyto, he always has to comment that if I get serious and start flying, I can easily overtake the speed of a train... This guy thinks we are Harpies? You know your friend, trying to out speed a car that passes you? Because every time he opens his mouth it's to say something stupid...*smiles* But I like this about him, because it makes it easier for me to chat and hang out with Kyto.

But back to the cherry trees, the place I am talking about is a lake called Tōi futarigumi or in translation "Distant Duo" although more specifically it is the name of 2 lakes that are connected by a river, actually as I researched more about Tōi futarigumi, I became more intrigued how despite the distance that separates them, there is a great connection keeping them together with each other. I'm not going to lie, that did make me a bit romantic. There are 2 lakes and together they are called Tōi futarigumi, the one in the north is called Tōi kita no futarigumi while the other part, the other lake and field in the south, is called Tōi minami no futarigumi.

Each is located in the meadows and mountains of their respective regions, and it is not at all difficult to get to them. In the spring when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, both lakes receive visitors to see the scenery of the countryside. It's amazing that the lake is surrounded by cherry trees which is the most striking thing about it, as it not only falls into the clean green field, but also falls on the same side, bathing it with a light pink tone...It would be amazing to go there, either with my family or with my friends and...!!!!!! Eh? Wait for it? Isn't that the same scenario that Kyto created? Eh?...did such a place really exist? And it's not just one, but 2 that are connected...!!!!!! But what is this, for some reason I'm getting more excited at the moment, I'm starting to pick up more speed, my legs are starting to run a lot faster. I'm really getting happier and happier!!!!!

The Tōi futarigumi lakes, both North and South have been connected by a river or stream that runs for a long distance through the same meadows and fields as much of the country of Japan, undisturbed even after becoming a popular spot for tourists to come and relax and enjoy a quiet moment, either alone or in company. Surrounded by a peaceful forest there is no danger, the animals living there are harmless as there are no wild predators. But most people understand that if there is a forest or wooded area somewhere on earth, it means that it has a guardian, a protector who looks after it, these creatures are called Driades, who are the ones who have more contact with nature and the duty not to disturb the peace. This land must have belonged to a Driade, although many theorise that both the Distant Duo to the North and the Distant Duo to the South were blessed by their respective Driades in their time, that they gave their all in caring for these places, that it was this very thing that brought them together and intertwined their desires, achieving in the same way the power to create a connection in the form of a stream that no matter the distance or how far away it is, those who are destined to be together, fate will unite them and keep them together because that is how strong their desires and love was for what surrounded them.

It really is the theory, tale or story that has gained the most traction in recent times, so they mostly relate this 2 lakes as the symbolism of a couple who are destined to meet and be together. Although many commented that if one of the Driades, either the North or South, had decided to explore the outside, they would have managed to meet, and instead of having 2 separate lakes, they would have joined in the centre, creating a much purer landscape where nature and tranquillity would reign above all for all those who visit this place.

It really is amazing how people can imagine a lot of things from how small and simple they are. Although they might be right, who knows, these two lakes were here long before many of us were born. But I'll stick with it, that it's a perfect place to go with those you love and have a good time...Mostly it gets a lot of visitors in Spring, few people go in the other seasons, especially in Winter, nobody goes to the lakes as they practically freeze because they are at a higher altitude...But the landscape is really beautiful, all covered in snow, all covered in a pure white would also be really nice to be able to relate to that special person in such an environment *smiles*.

So as Spring is over, my goal is to be able to invite Ron to the Distant Duo of the North in the Winter!!! Since he is the quickest to be able to go!!!! Since going to the South isn't like it's very direct, the train would still leave us a long way away, it would be 3 hours by train from our original location, but it would be about 1 and a half hours walking to get there...Yes...But if we go to the North it would take us to get there adding the 2 hours by train, half an hour more walking. Yes, it's much more efficient! So we can spend more time in an amazing place with Ron!!!! Would I go alone though? I don't think so, most likely Kyto will join, and besides, wherever Ron goes, Jun will most likely follow him, and if Jun comes, so will Ema...Ahhh...For a romantic place it's perfect, for friends as boisterous and dramatic as them...I feel it wouldn't be the most appropriate and ....

Maybe the beach? there I feel it would be the perfect setting where we can all be together doing our antics. Remember I told you that the train to get to the Distant Duo of the South doesn't take you straight there? Well, on the contrary, it takes you directly and closer to the Beach that is in the said prefecture, so it happened many times that visitors far away from our position who want to see the Distant Duo of the South, end up one after the other on the beach. Although...seeing Ron in a swimsuit....*red* I feel that would be too much for my heart, ahh!!!! The 2!!! I want the 2 scenarios!!!! One where I get to see his purity in the snow!!!! And another where I can see her hotness on the beach!!!! Ahhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

『I'll catch up with you!!!! Nekomata Ron!!!!!』

All this time, Giji the Harpy has been running from place to place around the school, it looks like she was chasing someone, and it's clear to us who it is. At the beginning she was playing along, but it seems that now she has become more motivated because she wants to fulfil her dreams at this very moment, to be able to be next to Ron and to be able to live unimaginable moments with the person she likes.


A few days before the 19th of July, the four friends had gathered in their living room and only met each other, it was a normal day like any other, but it seems that this was no longer the case. In all these months that passed, it seems that they had the habit of running from one place to another, especially Nekomata Ron who was the most colorful in that subject, mostly a cat is curious about a lot of things, he goes from here to there with total freedom, everyone could understand very well with the appearance of this species Neko, that more than human was more like an animal, as if his wild instinct had more control over what he does, so if it is like a cat as such, why did he end up sticking to one thing? It's not that it doesn't happen, but it's a bit rare that it does... Normally to become close to these animals, you have to be the one to take the initiative, to show the feline that you want to be its friend, cats are compared to Tsunderes for a reason, you have to make a lot of effort on your part to please the other side. 

But Nekomata Ron was the other way around, ever since he came he seemed to be attracted to this group of 4, more specifically Jun. Whenever he saw her, whether it was at entrance time, in the middle of the corridors, in the bathroom, at recess, on the playground, outside, on the sports field, studying, playing, doing anything else, but if he saw her, he would always raise his hand and shake her with a big smile on his face. He would always raise his hand and shake her hand with a big smile on his face. Of course Jun responded in kind, it was like a typical greeting between the two of them, but then why was Jun chasing after Ron? Because to get him to chase her again like before, she always had to take something of Jun's, whether it was her backpack, her pencil case, her obento, notebook, pens, her shoes, she would always have something in her mouth that would make Jun chase her from one place to another. And it ended up working, as this human runner if she got annoyed, annoyed and above all took it as a challenge of the day to day, to see if this time she is able to catch up with Nekomata Ron. As you can see, he hasn't been able to reach her at any time since that time, and all the things he stole from Jun were always returned by the intervention of Giji and Kyto, and Jun didn't know how his two friends managed to get Ron to give them back their things. But one thing was clear, Kyto's laughter and Giji's concern confessed it all, again he made a dirty move to end the day well....

『I've had enough!!!! You heard me right!!! Friends!!! Teachers!!! Colleagues!!!! School!!! NEKO FOOLS!!!!!! I've had enough!!!!!!!!!!!!』

At that moment Jun was all alone in the classroom, at that very moment Jun couldn't seem to stand it any longer he ended up shouting from all sorts of places, even ending up opening the window on the floor where they were to curse at the Neko species. She really was a girl who didn't hide anything when she had something on her mind, to this Giji quickly commented to Ema if she wasn't going to calm her down, but Ema simply replied that she'd better stay like this.

『Although she looks like she's upset, she's actually happy, it brings her a lot of joy to be able to have a challenge *smiles*』.

『Eh? Happy? Well, I can see that she's going to break a vein...』

『Easy, Jun is a determined person, you may have noticed that, but for a determined person to take something very seriously, that means how much she cares』- 『She's the kind of fool who thinks a little bit before she acts *smiles*』

『I like her, but Giji is more of a think-before-you-act kind of girl, I still think you're a special case Giji even though you're a Harpy *grins*』.

『Is it me or do you treat my kind like total idiots? I won't let you call my mother that too』.

『Your mother...uhm...I wonder if there is such a thing as a busty Harpy, mostly female Harpies look like little girls despite being of adult age, they are flat and...ah! You came out just like your father Giji, a real lolic------』

『Well, my kind is like that by default!!!! You'll see her as a girl! But my mother is a real lady!!!!!!』


It seems that again Kyto was making fun of his friend Giji who couldn't resist his friend, so he kind of felt that he offended his mother, this he wasn't going to let it go. Like again recreating the image of a chicken wanting to peck a dog, that was the image that Jun who was standing in front witnessing all this could see. He wasn't going to lie, he really believes that he grabbed the worst friends he could have had in high school. At that moment when they were fighting, Ema happened to look at her breasts, and really the one who was developing the most was her, while she couldn't hold back the comment of....

『I think I'm going to have to buy another bigger size soon...』

『Let's go together, I'll go with you *smiles*』

!!!!!! At that moment, Giji's harpy head finally reacted, and you can't believe that from one moment to the next, he was no longer fighting with Kyto, but that Kyto quickly went to Ema's side so that he could propose to her that they go together. If I tell Giji that he draws quick conclusions, the most adventurous and without missing a chance is Kyto, how is he going to tell her that? I'm sure she'll turn him down at once and....

『Okay, let's go together 』

『Well, then what day------------------』

『What!!!!!! But!!! But!!!!!! Hey!!!!!!』

This seems to have worked out well for Kyto, as he was able to make an outing with Ema out of the blue, which she didn't seem to be against. On the other hand, Giji's expression and reaction is noticeable, that being thrown like his friend ended up working out, he doesn't really understand how it worked out, it must be because it came out of nowhere and everything happened normally? Your friend is really learning to be what he is going to be in the future....

『Hey, will you listen to me?』

Jun complained a bit annoyed by this, she even crossed her arms and was stomping around the place where she was. At this everyone present took their respective seats to pay attention to their friend, although of course this did not prevent Ema and Kyto from whispering to agree on the day and time of their departure, she is surprised how her friend Kyto is not afraid, how is it that a pervert like him has so much good luck? Even the other day in his explanation of the species, he called himself Pure? His name was really Pure? My friend? My childhood friend who used to look at the English teacher in primary school in a weird way? My friend who's password is the top of a bra? My friend now who keeps staring at Ema's breasts? Hey !!!!!

『Pure...really Pure?...Humans are a perverse lot....』

『Alright, Ema, Kyto, Giji, please pay attention』

It looks like the meeting of the 4 friends is finally going to start. To this Jun really sat frustrated by everything that happened in these months, she openly commented her feeling and thinking that she has about Ron, that even though she looked annoyed which is what she appeared to be, like every time she saw Ron getting away with it, she called him silly Neko, it seems that ....

『I want to become her friend *would*』

She said it completely serious at that moment, to this Giji took more attention than usual and... wondered the same thing, like what friend? Aren't they friends then? Although that was obvious, Jun replied that they weren't, as they never gave each other the honours or legally declared themselves to each other. Or did they tell Ron to be friends? Or did Ron tell them to be friends? Of course not, so far it's just been a game of catching her every time she gets into mischief, can someone like considered a friend? At this Giji thought a little more about the situation's true, how can he want to become her partner if he's not even her friend, he doesn't consider him her friend, then how has she seen him all this time, maybe she doesn't even know who he is or she doesn't care about him...This made Giji think a little more and pay more attention to Jun.

『But one thing is clear, Nekomata Ron wants to be our friend』.

To this Jun said it loud and clear to everyone, where Giji was surprised and even a little hopeful. But it seems that Kyto and Ema had already realized this, since it was obvious, every time the 4 of them met, there was always Nekomata Ron either from far away or close by to watch them or even to accompany them from a distance, adding that he could hear him the times that the cat approached them in many situations. 

While Ema also added that she could notice something very concrete that Nekomata Ron did with her, she saw him as a kitten more than a companion, really the image of this girl is a bit worrying...She commented that as she has a cat at home, always to get her attention and spend time with her, her cat would meow at one time or another, this was clear, the cat would call her because he wanted to spend time with his owner, in this case Ema.

『I heard her meowing several times, whether it was going to school, at recess or even in the passageways, and when I look to see who it was, I could always notice Ron-chan peeked out looking at me, always with those cute little eyes he has, and when I want to get closer, he always have to run away from me』-『At that moment I said "Ah! He wants to play with me" 』.

To this what Ema said, Jun also added that he also heard Ron's meowing, that when he is chasing her and loses his location, Ron always ends up meowing as if to indicate where he is to continue with the game. Kyto also noticed that he heard Ron's meowing, either because his hearing is sensitive, but he always manages to locate her in most situations in order to give her a scare, surprise her, or to get what he stole from his companions. It even looks like the cat is purposely going towards Kyto as if to warn him that she's ready for his surprise.

『We've all heard her meowing』.

『.... I...I didn't hear her meowing...』 (இ﹏இ`。)

It seems that the only one in all this who didn't meow to Ron, was Giji who couldn't contain himself and wanted to shed a tear, he felt left out at that moment, it's like Ron has interest in others, but he doesn't pay any attention to him and has no intention to approach him....

『So every time you looked for her to ask her out, she always ran away from you, right Giji? 』 

『So she was telling me from the beginning that she wants nothing to do with me?』༼ ༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ༽ seems that this wasn't what they expected, instead of agreeing with something, this only made Giji even sadder to see his hopes destroyed from the start. To this and be it to make him feel good, Jun to this again made his voice straight in order to tell him....

『I don't think, in all our situations, maybe the meowing is a connection of interest to Ron, but that's not the only thing, there's also something else, that we're chasing her. I think when she starts running away from us, it's also a way of saying that she wants us to catch up with her, Nekomata Ron wants us to chase her to the end, and if we catch up with her, we will become friends *decided*』 -『So don't worry Giji, Nekomata Ron is also interested in you. 』 

..... This interruption from Jun and conclusion, really made Giji who thought it was all over here, feel better. Maybe he didn't pass the first requirement of being meowed, but at least he has a pass to be able to catch up with Ron so they can be friends. This made Giji even happier to give that little bit of hope to his friend Jun, who was smiling to see her mate no longer sad. So now with that decided, it was time to organise the plan.

『July 19 is coming soon, it's the last day before the Summer Vacation starts, we won't see Nekomata Ron again until next semester, we won't see her again until September, and tell you want that!!!!!!』 

『『『No!!!!』 』 』 

『That silly Neko!!!!! You want me to forget you!!!!』

『『『No!!!!』 』 』 

『Very playful, smiling and all the other silly things she does!!!! Are they going to let someone as unique and special as silly Neko!!!! go? I'm not!!!!! I want to have friends!!! I want them to be dumb and stupid ones that I can always count on at any time!!!!!!!!』 

『『『No!!!!』 』 』 

....??? At that moment the 3 friends felt a bit weird, did he tell each of them that they are stupid and stupid? But anyway Jun was 100% that he continued his motivational speech.

『So let's make an effort so that on the last day of school, that silly Neko has to understand where she got herself into and what kind of interest she has!!!! If she noticed some idiots like us!!!! That makes her not only an innate genius!!!! She's also stupid!!!! We're going to show her that this bunch of morons in front of me!!!! He's going to get her and make her part of our group!!!!!! Dumb Neko!!!!! You're going to be my friend if you're going to be my friend!!!!!!!!!!!! 』 

『『『No!!!!』 』 』 

『Why not!!!! It's yes this time!!!! Come on!!! Yes!!!!!! 』 

『No Jun!!!! Stupid you will be!!!! 』 『Yes true, I may not be very smart, but you were very stupid too!!!』 『Only a fool doesn't know when to give up, the stupid one here is the one who thinks he's smart 』 

『....Eh??!!!!! Hey!!! What's wrong with you people!!! I was just cheering you guys on in the best way!!!! Ahhh!!!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! Stupid you guys!!! Stupid fools!!!!』 

.... Is this really the little group that's going to catch the sneakiest girl in school? Just look at them, they're all fighting each other like animals. Even the one who claimed she has wild friends, she's one too... And even in those details it's what brings them together and their bonds, however silly, bring them fun and connection with each other. While they were discussing in the classroom, Nekomata Ron was sunbathing on the rooftop of the school that day, as he kept looking up at the sky, really looking forward to what was going to happen at the end of these days.


And that's how July 19, **** came to be.

Where the 4 friends, Jun, Ema, Kyto and Giji, were ready to put their plan into action in order to catch Nekomata Ron. Cats always tend to sleep a lot during a large part of the day, as they are very energetic and run out of energy much more quickly, so they always have to take breaks throughout the day, and they eat whenever they feel like it. At that moment of the break, it seems that after eating his obento, he first gave thanks and went on to stretch his whole body, to see how his two tails became erect and how his body elongated was a bit tender, but this would surely scare Ema a lot. Now she was taking a snooze on the roof, more specifically on top of the entrance to the roof, that is her favourite place to rest, as it receives all the warmth of the day that makes her feel much warmer.

At this point the 4 friends had already made their plan and were organised depending on where they were. It was their first and last chance as the summer holidays start tomorrow, and it seems that Jun is determined to catch Ron, it seems that if she succeeds, she has other plans for the future.

The day was as normal as usual, and the students were relaxed and happy as it was the last day, so it was a bit lonelier than usual because of the few students. The sun was high and the clouds occasionally cast their shadow over a large area where Ron was resting. Until ....

The door to the rooftop was being opened, where instinctively Ron's ears twitched to try and find out who it was, it's amazing how just by the sound they detect they know who it might be, Ema commented that every time she came home, always by the sounds she makes when she enters, she finds her cat waiting for her at the door as if welcoming her by knowing it's her and....

『Meow! Meow! Meow! 』 

Eh? What? Another cat came in? Nekomata Ron was curious about this too, so he stopped sleeping to see who it was, because the person who entered the rooftop started meowing out of nowhere? At this he peeked over the high place where he was to see who it was, where he could see that....

『Meow!!!! *smiles*』 

This even surprised Ron, his eyes went glass straight when he saw who it was that was meowing, it was Ema who was even making a cat's paw with her hands. She was meowing as if inviting Ron to follow her so they could be together. 

First and foremost in the organisation. If you want to catch Nekomata Ron, first you have to be smarter and more agile than her, taking her by surprise to catch her is no good, overcoming the reflexes of a Neko species is very complicated, besides Jun knows that, even if you take her by surprise, she will always have her next move in mind. So who could make his first move at that moment? The one who initiates all this and takes him by surprise? 

At this Ema raised her hand to propose to be the one to initiate the operation to catch the cat, at this Giji was not sure about this, as he feels that they need someone faster and more agile to ensure the first move. Ema on the other hand is a bit slow and always comes last in every chase, she gets tired very quickly, plus she's the softest of them all and ....


『I trust you Ema, I'm sure silly Neko won't even suspect it』. 

『Fine with me, then we'll let you make the first move Ema』 

Of course... if they tried to take her by surprise many times before and it didn't work, then the other way round, let her be careful and let her gradually lose the high guard that Ron always has. Giji also entrusted Ema to initiate the first step of the whole thing.

Ema kept meowing at Ron and making movements to get him to come closer, she wasn't really acting, she had experience with this, as at home she plays this way with her cat and although it sounds silly, it does end up working for her. It seems that Ron has his guard up, he is keeping space and was staring at Ema with his sharp eyes that he has, it seems that his arms and hands are of a human, that's a good sign, it seems that she is still not as serious as before to run away. 

『Meow! Meow meow meow meow!!! meow....meow!!! meowmeowmeowmeow...meow!!!...meow?? *laughs* meow!!!』 

Eh? He's trying to make Ron meow? Does he even know what he's saying? Is that even a language to understand? Since it's not a language even for cats, it's just the sound they make to communicate with each other, like a scream they have without any explanation behind it. It's not like they're saying "hello" or anything like that, it's just to try to show that they want something or are there, or how they feel and that you're aware of it but ....

『(Ron-chan has never spoken, maybe he doesn't understand us at all, maybe he doesn't know how to talk like a normal person, he's a cat, so cats communicate with!!!) Meow!!! meow meow meow meow!!!』 seems that the smartest Ema is not, to her head cat meow is feline speech, it's how they communicate with other living things and can be understood by others, but that's not difficult if that's so? Not at all according to Ema, if you can't understand each other when they talk, then you are not their best friend!!!! Y....

『Meow!!!! *smiles*』 (๑ↀᆺↀ๑)✧

Eh?...Really? Ron just answered him with another meow? At this when she could clearly see that those meowing she heard before, now she saw it as from her own little mouth came out Ron's meowing, this made Ema very happy, as if her heart had found peace at that moment. So again she went on to meow to Ron, who the Neko did answer her with different tones she took, you could notice how she complained, how she liked something, how she didn't like something, among many other things.

『(Perfect!) Meow meow meow meow? 』 

Ema was pointing towards the edge of the roof to look out over the whole school, it seemed that she was inviting Ron to look at the landscape together, to this the cat didn't seem to pay attention at first, Ema thought that maybe it was a bit sudden to invite her to be together. But when she tried to turn to look back to call her, she realized that Ron the cat was already by her side, and .... At that moment she realized something.

『(...She's very pretty...)』 

Maybe he had to see it up close to witness it but...He hadn't noticed how cute and unique Nekomata Ron was. He thought her hair and fur that she has was pure snow white, but was somewhat light greyish, both her hair and the cat paws she has, there was also something different about her, like her colour turned to a turquoise gradient at the end of her fur and hair, giving her a much prettier look. In addition to her face looking like a little girl, her kitten-shaped mouth, it really made her look very spectacular.

『(If she grew her hair long, she would be much prettier)』 

Nekomata Ron had short hair, not to Jun's degree that looks almost like a boy's, but Ron's hair reached her shoulder, if she had long hair, that turquoise gradient would surely spread out and she would look much cuter than she is.

『Meow meow meow meow meow meow』 

『 Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow!!!! 』 (=ↀωↀ=)✧

Uhm...what are they talking about, it's like they understand each other but we don't, really if it's a different language, they would have brought a translator to tell us what they are talking about. As they were talking and passing the time as normal, Ema happened to see Ron's 2 tails, and wondered how this was possible, normally it's only one tail, but doubt it's wonderful, plus it seems to give him a lot more grip and strength to have 2 tails. It looked fluffy and soft, that Ema as if she was with her house cat, she quietly tried to want to hug her so she could feel more the warmth and softness of that first time and ....

『 Meow meow』 (✿ヘᴥヘ)

To this Ron let himself be hugged at that moment, as he didn't feel that anything bad was going to happen to him, only that Ema wanted to hug her to snuggle into her, where Ron to this was happy and would also go on to with his hand to pat Ema's head, who she was by her own words, enjoying a great moment of her life.

『It's cute when your cat shows you affection, that's why I understand that the greatest affection from a cat is to bite you for no apparent reason, good thing you didn't bite me, because I feel that there is another person who deserves such affection *smiles*』. 

『 Meow?』^ↀᴥↀ^

At that moment when she was hugging him, at that moment it seems that Ron couldn't see that much affection... At that moment when they were at the edge of the roof, Ema ended up turning around to finish pushing Ron so that he fell into the void where they were. At this the cat was surprised, but she didn't take off her tender face, where Ema was more than grateful for having let her hug her, that she had even pushed her into the void...if you could tell it hurt a bit...At this Ron was happy, so ....

『Shhhh *smile*』

Ron put his finger to his mouth so that with that sound to tell her not to tell anything, where Ema to this if she ended up being surprised and try to see what was going on at the end of it all. Where Ron was falling confidently with a smile on his face, where Jun seemed to be underneath it all ready to catch her.

『That's how you catch a cat!!!! Good job Ema!!! Silly Neko!!! You're going to fall into my arms!!!』

Jun was at the location where Nekomata Ron would fall, he was with his arms outstretched and you could feel the energy he had. If it all ends here in the first step, that means they will have saved a lot of plans. At this Ron was so happy that his eyes quickly widened from their normal state when he saw Jun, as if he was enjoying the moment. Then from one moment to the next he again went into Cat Spin to attack Jun, but the human was determined in everything.

『Come on!!! Let's see how soft you are!!!』

!!!!!!!!!!!! But at that moment it quickly seemed that it was not going to be like that, since Ron did not turn to attack nor to pick up speed, but he wanted to redirect himself to the building, quickly and surely while turning, he changed his human arms and hands to those of a feline. And quickly with his claws he clung to the building where he was losing speed, and in a moment thanks to the open windows, he managed to hold on in midair which ....

『What!!! Hey!!!! Don't defy the physics of gravity!!!』

But at that moment when Ron was holding on with one hand and looking down at Jun from above, he just stuck his tongue out at her as if mocking her. This really annoyed Jun who quickly moved on to the next phase, picking up his phone where he seemed to call someone.

『Fast!!!! He's on the first floor!!! It's your turn Kyto!!!』

At that moment Kyto of what was waiting for his turn, put his phone away so he could start his turn. Whereupon he confidently tapped his fingers and warmed up his feet, to start the phase of cornering the cat. 

The plan they have is easy. The school has 3 floors plus the rooftop. So these were divided by floors to catch Ron. Jun would be in charge of the first floor and all the free field that the school has, with his stamina he will cover the whole area. Kyto would be in charge of the whole first floor to catch Ron, Giji was on the third floor also with the same task, while Ema, would meet and stay on the rooftop to be able to catch Ron if he returns to the rooftop. Besides that they have communication through the phones, it will be easy to corner Ron with the information they will tell each other, except with Giji...since taking his phone with the little manoeuvrability he has, will be very complicated. ....

To this Kyto quickly managed to locate Ron in the passageway where he was, finding the cat in the middle of the window as if she had caught a thief. 

『Don't run!!! 』

Kyto to this he shouted at that moment, he didn't move at all, he only shouted, where Ron stayed staring at him with the big eyes that he has, he didn't move either, this Kyto was surprised that he had listened to him, but at the minimum to take the first step, he knew that there he would have to make his trajectory. Ron would pass to escape Kyto who the boy was chasing him, he was not so fast, so there would be difficulty, to this he quickly had to be fast, because when he noticed that Ron was going to go up or down to the floors, he would have to warn his companions to catch her. But...To this quickly Ron ended up turning around, catching Kyto off guard, he thought it was his chance to catch her, but quickly to this there was no explanation to what happened, as quickly and very agile, Ron climbed up the walls of the passageway, as if they were part of the floor he slipped out jumping, easily dodging Kyto who....

『What do you think? Spider cat? 』 

At this Ron laughed with his meowing, where Kyto also laughed to accompany the moment, quickly the human threw an eraser he had, where it was dodged by the cat at that moment. This didn't seem to end there, as in his hands he had piles of erasers that he...

『Well!!! Dodge all of these!!!』

Kyto would go on to throw the drafts he had to stun or distract Ron. Where the cat to this was fun where he was taking the challenge, it was incredible, even though many drafts were raining down on his forehead, he managed to dodge them with agility each one of them, where Ron was enjoying it and his pupils were still dilated. To this Kyto quickly knew what he was doing, as behind Ron's back he could tell that....

『(Good...I'm coming...)』

Jun came so he could corner Ron, who the broad was nervous and sweaty, as being cautious and subtle is not his. To this Kyto was pushing Ron back, the rain of drafts was for this, where for Jun to manage to catch her on her back. Seeing that his friend gave him the chance, Jun at this was worth it to her to be cautious, so she was running as fast as she could to catch Ron anyway, who the cat at this looked back and....

『I've got you now!!!!』

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But....At this point Ron used his paw, his pads to cover Jun's entire face which...It seems this distracted her by how soft it was, which when the light finally came back on, she ended up being met with a shower of erasers which....

『Ah!!! Jun!!!』

『....*spittle spit* Looks like...I've been shot....』

To this Jun quickly fell to the ground completely shot by drafts, where Kyto to this went to help her so that she would not fall to the ground. Ron then escaped to the next floor, where Jun then, as if it was his last breath, entrusted the task to Giji...

This takes us back to the back, where Giji was chasing someone who we know is Ron, his paws are very well trained, so if Jun is fast, Giji is much faster, it seems that they managed to corner Ron on the third floor, because on the roof by the communication they have Ema was waiting for him. Likewise Kyto with Jun were ready to catch Ron, the only one capable now of doing anything to catch Ron, was the Harpy Giji.

『Everyone tried their best...everyone gave their best...although I still can't believe that for everything we've been through...we're still not considered friends...I...I...I...don't want to be just your friend...I be someone special to you!!!! Ron!!!』

To this for the free pass that Giji had all over the third floor, he ended up getting so inspired that he ended up picking up more speed, his legs were running at a great speed that even by his own instinct, Giji without realizing it was slowly opening his wings and...he managed to locate it!!!! Ron was at the other end of where she was, Ron saw that a huge bird was coming for her, he didn't think much about it, so he would fight her too and .....

『(I.... I...want to be the be special to you!!!!)』

He kept opening his wings while running, where Ron at this his pupils were not dilated, they were normal, he was planning to dodge Giji by jumping at that moment, when he saw that Giji was running hunched over to pick up speed but he was running too fast. ....

At that moment Ron ended up jumping to avoid Giji, but...because he was running too fast and finally opened his wings, he ended up flying high enough to end up going in the same direction as Ron...and....


This somehow ended up with both of them flying out of the window, both of them were in the air, which took Ron by surprise, and the collision knocked him out for minutes. Giji was falling with her into the schoolyard, where he was trying to catch her but .... He stretched out his wings to try to catch her and protect her from falling, he really wanted to catch her...

『Ron...are you alright?』

To this Ron, who was puzzled and slowly opened his eyes, may have heard a male voice at the time, but when he woke up even more, the voice was completely different. She ended up being surprised to realize that she was in Jun's arms at that moment, who seems to be the one who caught her when he saw that she was falling from the heights, to this Ron was speechless, while Jun....

『Yeah!!!!!!!! I managed to catch Nekomata Ron!!!! We did it!!!!!!』

Jun shouted at the top of her lungs at that moment which made Ron blush and she couldn't believe it, she had him as a princess holding her arms around her. While Giji also let's say he was in the same position.

『Wake up sleepyhead, or do you want me to give you a kiss? *smiles*』

Kyto was holding his friend who was waking up too, he didn't get upset at all, rather he was asking if Ron was alright. Where Kyto to this was passing by to let him know that they have succeeded, that they managed to catch Nekomata Ron, Giji to this waking up passed by to look at the scene, where Jun could be seen happy about this, while Ron seemed not to say anything, but was blushing and....

『 nice...』

It seems that the blow was too much for him and he was going to pass out again. Ron wanted to curl into a ball at that moment, where Jun to this happened to stare at him happily to tell him.

『『Now we can finally be friends *smiles*』』

Who Jun said to Ron, while Giji said the same whispering before fainting, at this Ron's eyes didn't wait, they went from dilated as they were, to a much more casual one, you could see it on her face, she really was glad that they finally caught up with him. 

At last the five of them could become friends.

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