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0.54% Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic) / Chapter 1: 00. Alien's List
Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic) Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic) original

Alexander Benjamin Tennyson (Ben 10 Fanfic)

Autor: Zeckyll11

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: 00. Alien's List

Short List


001. Heatblast (Pyronite)

002. Four Arms (Tetramand)

003. Diamondhead (Petrosapien)

004. Grey Matter (Galvan)

005. Upgrade (Galvanic Mechamorph)

006. Wildmutt (Vulpimancer)

007. Stinkfly (Lepidopterran)

008. Ghostfreak (Ectonurite)

009. Ripjaws (Piscciss Volann)

010. XLR8 (Kineceleran)

011. Rath (Appoplexian)

012. Ditto (Splixson)

013. Jetray (Aerophibian)

014. Feedback (Conductoid)

015. Overflow (Cascan)

016. Slug (Limax)

017. Kraab (Piscciss Premann)

018. TenTen (Sotoraggian)

019. Buzzshock (Nosedeenian)

020. Sandman (Sandarian)

021. Icepick (Antarcsis)

022. Two Tails (Telemate)

023. Gax (Chimera Sui Generis)

024. Cannonbolt (Arburian Pelarota)

025. Cloak (Umbramant)

026. Vulcan (Detrovite)

027. Ultimos (T.K.)

028. Squid (Armacanian Squadon)

029. Swampfire - Methanosian

030. Big Chill - Necrofriggian

031. Brainstorm - Cerebrocrustacean

032. Chromastone - Crystalsapien

033. Echo Echo - Sonorosian

034. Goop - Polymorph

035. Lodestar - Biosovortian

036. Spidermonkey - Arachnichimp

037. Humungousaur - Vaxasaurian

038. Alien X - Celestialsapien

039. Chamalien - Merlinisapien

040. Upchuck - Murk Gourmand

041. Eatle - Oryctini

042. Fasttrack - Citrakayah

043. Juryrigg - Planchaküle

044. Terraspin - Geochelone Aerio

045. NRG - Prypiatosian-B

046. Water Hazard - Orishan

047. Armodrillo - Talpaedan

048. AmpFibian - Amperi

049. Andromed - Elemental Hybrid

050. Osmosian

051. Wildvine (Florauna)

To be Continued....


Full List



/////////001. Heatblast\\\\\\\


Species: Pyronite

Home World: Pyros

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Fiery Humanoid

Height: 6'0" (1.83 Meters)




Heatblast is a burning hot humanoid blue color alien with plates of black heated rock covering his torso, arms, and face.

His body is made of incredibly hot plasma energy. His uniform consists of specialized black and blue shorts. His feet have a slight oval-like design with only two toes and one back toe.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Pyrokinesis - Heatblast has the ability to produce and manipulate intense heat and fire from his body. He can form fire into any shape that he chooses, commonly fireballs, he is also capable of breathing fire and enhancing his punches with fire.


Heat Generation - Heatblast can generate enough heat to melt a tank, or melt the ground to trap his enemies.


Heat Absorption - Heatblast can absorb fire or heat that comes in contact with him.


Explosive Fire - Heatblast can make his fire more explosive for extra power and increases his area of attack.


Pyrokinetic Flight - Heatblast can release fire through his hands and feet to propel himself off the ground, like a jetpack.


Limited Pyroportation - Heatblast is capable of teleporting small distances by covering himself in a swirl of smoke, this is usually used to dodge incoming attacks.


Supernova Creation - When angered, Heatblast is able to reach supernova level temperatures that can amplify the heat to the point of vaporizing water and melt rocks.


Fire Immunity - Being made of solar plasma and hot rocks, Heatblast is immune to flames, magma, and other forms of heat.


Ice Immunity - Heatblast is also cold resistant and ice proof thanks to the heat he generates.


Enhanced Strength - Heatblast is noticeably much stronger than a human.


Enhanced Durability - Heatblast is very durable and can survive being thrown through multiple buildings at high speed, as well as laser blasts.


Limited Terrakinesis - Heatblast is capable of limited terrakinesis by channeling fire through the ground. He has the ability to surf through the air on a board of rock.




Extinguishment - When exposed to a substance that can extinguish fire, he won't die, but his fire abilities are suppressed.


Crabdozer - The Crabdozer is a Pyronite's natural predator.


/////////////////002. Four Arms\\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Tetramand

Home World: Khoros

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Four-Armed Humanoid

Height: 12'0" (3.66 Meters)




Four Arms is a humanoid alien that is approximately twelve feet tall, has well developed muscles, two pairs of arms with four-fingered hands, and red skin. A bald head, and he has four dark-blue eyes: a main pair, and a smaller pair below them.

Four Arms wears a blue T-shirt with a black line going down it, black pants, and gloves. Four Arms wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.




Enhanced Strength - Four Arms has immense strength that can lift objects several 50 tonnes.


Sonic Clap - Four Arms can smack his hands together to send a powerful shockwave in the direction of his choosing.


Enhanced Durability - Four Arms has high durability due to his tough and thorny skin.


Enhanced Reflexes - Four Arms has very strong reflexes, as is capable of catching missiles midair and redirecting them in a single motion.


Shockwaves - Four Arms can create shockwaves by smashing his fists onto the ground, which are strong enough to send his enemies flying.


Heat Resistance - Due to his tough and thorny skin, Four Arms is almost fire-proof and laser-proof.




Lack of Speed - Due to Four Arms' massive size, he can't run as fast as most of Lex's other transformations.




Sword of Tetramand - large two-handed sword, has a length of 220 cm and a weight of 360 kg. Crafted from Alamantium, which gives strength and durability, from Lamontius, which reduces weight and gives a good balance. and from Zontium, will give the sword an incredible sharpness. A cyber-crystal is inserted into the guard, thanks to which a laser edge can be created. The set includes a bracelet with which can return the sword to hands.


////////////003. Diamondhead\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Petrosapien

Home World: Petropia

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Crystalline Humanoid

Height: 7'0" (2.13 Meters)




Diamondhead is a crystalline humanoid alien with turquoise skin and blue eyes with two protruding crystal spikes off his back. Its head has a triangular nape.

He wears a dark blue bodysuit.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Crystallokinesis - Diamondhead's body, made nearly entirely of Taydenite, crystal-like material, can shape-shift in an assortment of methods. He can also grow additional crystals for weapons and tools, or at a faster rate for a projectile. He can also use this ability to regenerate injuries or lost limbs. He can also encase beings inside his crystals by touching them. He can also make his crystal projectiles have different effects such as exploding or encasing enemies in crystals.


Energy Redirection - Diamondhead's crystalline body allows him to both deflect and absorb energy and light.


Enhanced Physiology - Diamondhead's crystalline body is still incredibly strong, durable, and resistant to harmful substances like fire, acid, and the vacuum of space. He is also able to survive aging effects such as time rays.




Regeneration Limit - Diamondhead has a limit to how much he can regenerate.


Scatterable Body - Diamondhead might shatter if hit with enough force or with sonic waves.


Heat Resistance Limit - Diamondhead has a limit to how much heat he can withstand.


Sound Attacks - Diamondhead can be damaged if enough sonic power is dealt.


////////////04.Grey Matter\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Galvan

Home World: Galvan Prime

DNA Source: Azmuth

Body: Humanoid Frog

Height: 0'6" (15.25 centimeters)




Grey Matter is a small, frog-like humanoid with grey skin and big blue eyes. Grey Matter wears a blue, white, and black body suit.

Grey Matter, along with other Galvans, has two brains. One for basic activities and the other for knowledge and skills. Grey Matter blinks horizontally instead of vertically.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his back.




Enhanced Intelligence - Grey Matter has a very high intelligence, 1000 IQ, allowing Lex to think more critically and logically in this form. Grey Matter's brain capacity makes Lex smarter about things he's never even seen before.


Technological Skills - Grey Matter works very well with machines, and can dismantle and build things as he pleases.


Small Size - Grey Matter is small, which allows him to get through or inside places that most larger species cannot.


Wall Climbing - Grey Matter's microscopic pads on his skin allow him to climb walls.


Universal Translation - Grey Matter has been to understand complex and even foreign languages just by hearing them.


Underwater Breathing - Grey Matter is capable of surviving underwater.


Sharp Teeth - Grey Matter can cause a decent amount of damage with his teeth.




Small Size - Grey Matter's small size can make it hard for him to fight in certain situations, and making it easy for him to either be captured or put in a corner.


Omnivoracious - The Omnivoracious is a Galvan's natural predator.


Fragile Body - Grey Matter's body is not very durable, being weak to even the basics of attacks from most species larger than him.


/////////////005. Upgrade\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Galvanic Mechamorph

Home World: Galvan B

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Technological Humanoid

Height: 6'5" (1.95 meters)




Upgrade has a humanoid shape covered in shiny blue metal. Selective parts, including his head and back, are covered in a deep, reflective black. There are glowing blue circuitry patterns over the black sections. His one eye is detailed with a cricut-like pupal, with no other facial features.

Upgrade's body is made up of billions of small cell-like creatures called Nanites. The Nanites are what allow Upgrade to reshape and move like a liquid even though he's a solid being.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Technological Update - Upgrade can be merged with any type of technology, both electronic and non-electronic, control it and even update it at will. Upgrade can also fuse with sentient beings that are mechanical in nature, such as Chronosapiens.


Technological Manipulation - Upgrade is capable of shifting and controlling technology, such as the RV, into having armor and heavy weaponry.


Shapeshifting - Upgrade can change the shape of his body, allowing him to stretch his body or mimic weaponry thanks to the nanoswarm that makes up his body.


Machinery Takeover - Upgrade can absorb and take over different machines, and use them later.


Enhanced Strength - Upgrade has immense strength capable of overpowering his enemies (this attribute can even be increased if he is fused with technology).


Plasma Beam - Upgrade is able to fire a plasma beam from his "eye" by energizing his bio-mechanical blood.


Weapon Mimicry - Upgrade is capable of shape shifting his arms as weapons, such as maces or hammers.


Electrokinesis - Upgrade is capable of discharging electrical currents to stun and immobilize his enemies.


Regeneration - Upgrade can constantly regenerate and repair himself with no pain.


Machinery Regeneration - Upgrade can repair damaged machinery easily.


Space Survivability - Due to being inorganic, Upgrade can survive in the vacuum of space.




Electromagnetic Pulses - An electromagnetic pulse can disrupt Upgrade's physical form.


Electricity - Electricity-based attacks can disrupt Upgrade's techno-organic body because he's living metal.


Techno-Organic Viruses - Since Upgrade is partially technology, he is susceptible to being corrupted by viruses.


Acid - Upgrade can be harmed by acid.




Improved Vilgax Gigantic Drone - Upgrade took over a Vilgax Gigantic Drone, and after improved it with a Plumbers' collection of alien guns.


Quinjet - Upgrade found old and broken Plumbers' quinjet and took over and improved it.


///////////006. Wildmutt\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Vulpimancer

Home World: Vulpin

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Dog-like

Height: 5'7" (1.70 Meters)




Wildmutt is an alien with an animalistic and dog-like body. He has no eyes, orange fur, and gills on the sides of his neck. He has a long orange tail with darker stripes at the end of it.

Wildmutt wears only black and blue shorts that cover his genitals.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Enhanced Sensing - Wildmutt's gills have enhanced senses to a point where he can smell or hear to find his opponents easily.


Enhanced Agility - Wildmutt has enhanced agility that allows him to run, jump and climb at an inhuman rate. He is highly acrobatic and gymnastic.


Enhanced Strength - Wildmutt has enough strength to rip off the hood of a car with his sharp claws or teeth.


Enhanced Speed/Quadrupedalism - Wildmutt can run in four legs which makes him much faster then most beings.


Sharp Teeth - Wildmutt's teeth are strong enough to rip metal and shatter rock.


Sharp Claws - Wildmutt's claws are sharp and strong enough to rip metal and other objects.


Enhanced Durability - Wildmutt has a high tolerance to hard impacts, such as falling right onto cars and denting them without serious injury.


Enhanced Reflexes - Wildmutt possesses reflexes similar to an ape, being able to move from side to side and dodge projectiles easily.


Enhanced Digging - Wildmutt is capable of digging through concrete at very fast speeds.


Wall Climbing - Wildmutt can use his claws to climb vertical surfaces.




Sensory Overwhelming - Wildmutt senses can be overwhelmed such as a high pitched sound or a strong smell.


Speech Incapability - Due to the Vulpimancer language being indecipherable by Universal translators in Omnitrix, Wildmutt can't speak English, putting Lex at a communication disadvantage whenever he turns into this alien.


/////////////007. Stinkfly\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Lepidopterran

Home World: Lepidopterra

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Winged Insectoid

Height: 7'2" (2.20 meters)




Stinkfly has an insect-like body with a blue exoskeleton. He wears a blue, black, and white bodysuit covering his torso and tail. Stinkfly has two insect wings, four legs, two arms, four eyes, and a sharp tail with a stinger-like.

Stinkfly's stink comes from the oils he secretes to keep his exoskeleton joints moving.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Flight - Stinkfly has two wings that can carry him at fast speeds and can change directions quickly.


Slime Projection - Stinkfly can shoot a green adhesive from his eyes and mouth. Along with its sticking properties, this adhesive is highly flammable, and can explode if it comes into contact with an open flame. Stinkfly's slime feels like a mix of rubber cement and warm oatmeal.


Sharp Tail - Stinkfly's tail is sharp with a stinger-like end that can pierce through substances such as steel.


Enhanced Durability - Stinkfly possesses an incredibly durable exoskeleton, able to withstand numerous attacks while still being light enough to not hinder his flight.


360° Vision - Stinkfly has 360 vision as he can move his four eyes in different directions.


Enhanced Agility - Stinkfly can move in the air with enough agility to dodge projectiles and attacks with ease.


Enhanced Reflexes - Stinkfly can dodge projectiles midair at fast speeds.


Enhanced Strength - Stinkfly has enough strength to lift people like Vilgax in the air.


Wall Crawling - Stinkfly is capable of crawling walls thanks to his insect-like biology.




Fragile Wings - Stinkfly's wings can be weakened if they are covered or wet.


Toxic Chemicals - Stinkfly can be damaged by various poisonous gasses and chemicals.


Buglizard - The Buglizard is the natural predator of Stinkfly and can cause Stinkfly a hard time to defeat him.


/////////////008. Ghostfreak\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Ectonurite

Home World: Anur Phaetos

DNA Source: Ze'Skayr

Body: Ghost-like

Height: 6'2" (1.88 Meters)




Ghostfreak is a phantom/ghost-like alien with a gaseous appearance and claw-like hands, and grey skin with black lines running all over him.

He has a single green eye, which can move along its black cracks. His skin is removable with black and white striped tentacles underneath it.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on one of his tentacles and can be seen in a crack on his left pec.




Intangibility - Ghostfreak can turn his molecules intangible and phase through objects.


Levitation - Ghostfreak can move about without needing to touch the ground, and can float as high as he chooses.


Body Possession - Ghostfreak can phase into anyone's nervous system and control their actions.


Tentacles - Ghostfreak can peel back the skin on his stomach and use his tentacles to scare his opponents.


Space Survivability - Ghostfreak can survive in the vacuum of space because he's alive in a more unconventional sense.


Night Vision - Ghostfreak has the ability to see in absolute darkness without any problem.


Sharp Claws - Ghostfreak's fingers are razor-sharp bones protruding out of his skin.


Invisibility - Ghostfreak can cloak himself to be undetectable by the naked eye.


Protective and Removable Skin - Ghostfreak can peel back his skin and show his true appearance underneath.


Mana Absorption Immunity - Ghostfreak cannot have his Mana absorbed as Ectonurites have no Mana due to not being alive in a conventional sense.


Corrodium Immunity - Ghostfreak is immune to the negative effects of Corrodium.




Ze'Skayr - The consciousness of the Ze'Skayr is still preserved in the DNA, which is constantly trying to take control of the host's body.


Brainless Opponents - Ghostfreak cannot possess bodies without a brain.


Intense Sunlight - If his inner layer of skin is exposed, he can be killed by intense sunlight.


Intangible Opponents - If a foe turns intangible, they can touch Ghostfreak while he is intangible.


/////////////009. Ripjaws\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Piscciss Volann

Home World: Piscciss

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Humanoid Angler Fish

Height: 6'5" (1.98 Meters)




Ripjaws is an Angler fish-like creature with a humanoid body, share a number of traits with Earth's aquatic life, such as an alligator, an eel, an anglerfish, and a shark. He can change between a fishtail with triangular lines or legs at will.

Ripjaws has grey skin, large blue fins, a blur anglerfish-like lure, two sets of two gill-like slits on her chest, and blue narrow eyes.

He wears a black and blue suit. He has two thin green lines on her loincloth with a zig-zag pattern that points upwards.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Glowing Lure - Like angler fish, Ripjaws has a bioluminescent lure to see in the dark, his eyes are also able to glow.


Tail Formation - Ripjaws' legs can morph into a tail fin for extra speed and mobility in the water.


Underwater Breathing - Ripjaws' gills allow him to breathe underwater.


Enhanced Swimming - Ripjaws' webbed feet and hands make him very suitable for swimming.


Enhanced Strength - Ripjaws have enhanced strength being able to easily punch a hole in a dock.


Strong Bite Force - Ripjaws have a very high bite force, allowing him to bite through substances like metal.


Razor Sharp Claws - His claws can tear apart even metal substances and can help him grab onto surfaces.


Mouth Expansion - Ripjaws is capable of expanding his mouth to fit objects and to bite more area.


Enhanced Speed - Ripjaws have enhanced speed in water, which is enough to follow a missile.




Dehydration - Ripjaws can't survive long without water on his own.


High Temperatures - Even when submerged in water, Ripjaws can be damaged by high temperatures.


////////////010. XLR8 \\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Kineceleran

Home World: Kinet

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Humanoid Velociraptor

Height: 5'6" (1.68 Meters)




XLR8 has a velociraptor humanoid body. He has blue skin and black markings around his body and eyes. XLR8 has a tail that is striped in blue and black.

He has three claw-like fingers and ball-shaped feet. He wears a black, blue, and white bodysuit. He has a visor that he can flip down when running to avoid getting bugs and debris in his eyes.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Extreme Speed - XLR8 is able to run at extremely fast speeds. The more he grows, the faster he gets. His top speeds can make him seem invisible to the human eye. He is fast enough to create vortexes and run on walls. He can dodge both lightning and laser blasts and patrol the entire planet Earth within a matter of seconds.


Enhanced Reflexes - XLR8 can dodge and counter attacks at incredibly fast speeds. He can casually dodge and evade both lightning-bolts and laser-blasts, and come to a complete stop while running almost instantly.


Enhanced Durability - XLR8 is physiologically adapted to withstand extremely fast speeds very easily, giving you great durability even if you hit very hard objects at high speed on purpose or by mistake, you will only be slightly stunned.


Enhanced Recovery - XLR8 recovers faster than the most aliens, recovering from negative effects such as stunning, fazing, poison, sleep, pain, flinching, being knocked down/backward losing balance, fatigue, overstretching, being knocked unconscious, etc, but not lost limbs or lost of flesh.


Accelerated Thinking - XLR8 can process information at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down.




Speed Prohibitors - XLR8's speed does not work on all surfaces such as ice and or strong adhesives.


Momentum - If XLR8 goes too fast, the momentum will overcome him and cause him to be unable to turn directions as well.

Vulnerable Tail- XLR8 can be restrained if someone or something holds his tail down.


Poor Strength - XLR8 has a normal human strength, which pales in comparison to his other abilities.


//////////011. Rath\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Appoplexian

Home World: Appoplexia

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Humanoid Tiger

Height: 9'1" (2.77 meters)




Rath is a tall, tiger with a humanoid body, He resembles an orange and white bipedal tiger, without a tail. He is also muscular and has blue eyes and black stripes on his shoulders, head, legs, and upper body as well as a white jaw, neck, chest, stomach, hands, and feet. Rath wears black pants with white tiger-esque stripes on the thighs with a white and blue design on the legs. He has two claws protruding from his knuckles that can expand in size.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Enhanced Strength - Rath is strong enough to lift large earth formations.


Sharp Claws - Rath's hands each have one large claw that can extend.


Combat Techniques - Rath is quite skilled in combat.


Increased Regeneration - Rath has increased regeneration, allowing him to recover at a faster rate. In a pinch, he is able to regrow a limb.


Anger Empowerment - The more Rath gets angry close around berserker rage the more his natural abilities will increase exponentially.


Enhanced Durability - Rath has great durability to the point that it can survive a drop of thousands of meters with only some pain.


Enhanced Senses - Rath's senses of smell and hearing are superior to humans.


Strong Teeth - Rath's teeth are strong enough to shatter metal.


Powerful Roar - Rath can release a powerful roar which can stun certain enemies when off guard.


Enhanced Speed/Quadrupedalism - Rath can run on all fours to improve his speed.




Hydrophobia - Being a feline-based transformation, Rath is highly afraid of water.


Feline Control - Being a feline-based alien, Rath can be controlled by people who have the ability to control the feline species.


Sensitive Hearing - Rath's hearing is very sensitive to some types of sonic frequencies.


////////////012. Ditto\\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Splixson

Home World: Hathor

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Humanoid

Height: 3'2" (1.00 meters)




Ditto is a small, rubbery alien. He has three fins protruding from the top of his head and both sides on his face. His body is covered in a black, blue, and white color scheme with three nodes on his stomach.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Self-Duplication - Ditto is capable of duplicating himself over and over again in a seemingly unlimited number of times and each clone is independent.


Telepathy (Clones) - Ditto has the ability to telepathically communicate with his clones.


Sensory Web - The white nodes on Ditto's stomach are extended sensor nodes that assist the sensory web that connected all of Ditto's clones. The sensory web allows clones to share senses and physical sensations, such as pain.


Underwater Breathing - Ditto can breathe underwater.


Enhanced Digging - Ditto can dig into the ground and come out like a mole.




Linked Nervous System - If one Ditto gets hurt or killed, all of them do.


Transformation Block - Ben can't change back into human form or into another alien if the clones aren't in the same area.


Panuncian - Panunicans are Ditto's natural predator and also possess self-duplication abilities.


//////////013. Jetray\\\\\\\\\


Species: Aerophibian

Home World: Aeropela

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Humanoid Manta Ray

Height: 7'0" (2.15 meters)




Jetray is a red, humanoid manta ray-like alien with blue eyes, tall tail, black outlines on his face, yellow horns extending from his nose, gills underneath his arms, yellow wings which he uses to fly and glide through water, and two black lightning bolt-like stripes coming down from his shoulders to the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

He wears black shorts and shoulder pads, with a blue pattern.




Flight - Jetray can extend his arms to allow him to fly, and can do so at great speeds with the help of energy propulsion. At times, Jetray can even hit hyper-speed while flying, but can only do so in space due to the wind resistance of most planets.


Hyperspace Entrance - Jetray's high-speed flight can allow him to go into hyperspace, which means he can travel across interstellar distances in moments.


Underwater and Land Survivability - Jetray has the ability to breathe underwater and on land.


Neuroshock Blasts - Jetray can shoot Neuroshock beams from his eyes and his tail.


Space Survivability - Jetray is able to hold enough air/water in his body to survive in space for a long while.


Enhanced Strength - Jetray is strong enough to lift heavy objects or beings through the air without any signs of fatigue.


Enhanced Durability - Jetray is durable enough to withstand multiple blows from Vilgax and gunfire from a fighter jet.


Prehensile Feet and Tail - Jetray can use these limbs to grab objects or people with ease.


Radiation Immunity- Jetray is immune to the lethal effects of radiation.




Neuroshock Beam Reflection - Jetray can be damaged by his own Neuroshock blasts.


Restricted Land Movement - Jetray can't walk very well due to his body being more built for flying.


Ledgerdomain - Jetray cannot fly in Ledgerdomain.


//////////014. Feedback\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Conductoid

Home World: Teslavorr Nebula

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Humanoid

Height: 7'0" (2.15 meters)




Feedback has a black body with one blue eye in the middle of his head, two antennae, a tail with round plugs on their tips, four-fingered hands, and feet with only two front toes.

Feedback had a blur chest color and round plugs on the tips of his fingers.

Feedback wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.




Energy Absorption - Feedback can absorb various types of energy from the holes in his fingers to a limited extent.


Physical Ability Booster- Although Feedback already has enhanced physical abilities, he can improve all of his physical abilities by choosing to constantly absorb energy.


Electrical Charges - Feedback is able to release electrical charges in the form of ranged attacks or to empower his punches.


Elastic Tendrils - Feedback is capable of stretching the tendrils in his head for more range.


Energy Release - Feedback can release energy stored in his body from the plug-like tendrils on his head.


Radio Signal Sensing - Feedback is able to sense nearby radio signals using his tendrils.


Enhanced Agility - Feedback can quickly move out of the way of attacks & projectiles with great reflexes.


Enhanced Strength - Feedback has enough Strength to break a boulder.


Enhanced Durability - Feedback is shown to have great durability from giant Malware blast at close range & being thrown against wall with great force.


Enhanced Speed/Quadrupedalism - Feedback can run on all fours to improve his speed.


Immunity to Electricity/Electricity Immunity - Feedback's physiology is adapted to withstand large amounts of electricity, making it immune to the negative effects of electricity.


Space Survivability - Due to Feedback's home world being a nebula & not a planet, Feedback can survive in space.




Limited Energy - Feedback does not have limitless energy; though the Omnitrix automatically provides him with some energy, this can run out, in which case he will have to recharge because the energy within him will deplete with use.


Energy Absorption Limit - Feedback has a limit to how much energy he can hold at once. Absorbing more energy past this limit requires him to discharge some energy first.


Vulnerable Tendrils - Feedback's tendrils can be easily pulled on, causing him great discomfort and leaving him stuck in place.


///////////015. Overflow\\\\\\\\\


Species: Cascan

Home World: Cascareau

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Robotic Humanoid

Height: 5'6" (1.68 Meters)




Overflow is a red metallic alien. He has two containers filled with water on his head and has black mask-like markings around his green eyes. He has two tubes of water reaching from a respirator where his mouth should be to his back, and his forearms are filled with water. He has black three-fingered hands and two black toes on each foot.

Caskan's true appearance is that of a small water spirit, an incarcerated bio-robot suit.

Overflow wears the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.




Hydrokinesis - The water spirit inside the armor produces water, which is stored inside the containers on the alien's arms. This water, Cascan can use to attack and control it.


Water Absorption - Overflow can fill its containers with external water, and then use it in the same way as its own water.


Hydrokinetic Flight - By firing high-pressure water from his hands, Overflow is capable of limited flight.


Underwater Breathing/Speed Swimming - Overflow's construction allows him to breathe underwater. Using the same principle as for flight, Overflow is responsible for speed swimming.


Сreating Water Weapons - Overflow can create weapons out of his water, such as blades and whips.


Enhanced Strength - Overflow has a degree of enhanced strength, thanks to an armored exoskeleton.


Enhanced Durability - Overflow has enhanced durability thanks to an armored exoskeleton that protects his body from damage. His armor is made of Serpent Glass, which is virtually invincible. He can also withstand strong water pressure.


Enhanced Speed - Overflow also has amazing agility and speed. Especially underwater. And again, all thanks to the armored exoskeleton.


Limited Cryokinesis - Overflow has a small degree of cryokinesis, as he can create structures made of ice.




Vulnerability to Water-Conducted Electricity - If Overflow shoots water at an electric device, he can be shocked while shooting, since water conducts electricity.


Vulnerability to Magic - Overflow can be harmed by magic.


Flooding - Overflow can accidentally cause a flood in confined spaces if he releases too much water.


Durability Limit - Armored exoskeleton has a tensile strength and it is still possible to break it, which will harm the water spirit inside.


Stamina Limit - water production requires internal energy. If overdo it and use up all the energy, it will be impossible to build a fight and create more water.


Inability to use External Water - To use hydrokinesis, Overflow needs to saturate the water with its energy. Without this, water management is impossible.


//////////016. Slug\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Limax

Home World: Limaxia

DNA Source: Limax from Aunt Vera's City

Body: Semi-Humanoid Blob

Height: 6'2" (1.88 Meters)




Slug is a semi-humanoid blob, mostly green in color with dirty pink colored organs. They have multiple eyes and they have no definite appearance, often having extra arms, fin-like protrusions or misshapen body parts.

Slug is wearing black pants with a blue pattern and the same boots.

The Omnitrix symbol wears on his chest.




Shapeshifting - Slug can take the form of any person, animal and alien, but without gaining unique abilities.


Enhanced Flexibility/Elasticity - Slug may alter form even while retaining a human-like appearance, giving them enhanced flexibility and the ability to stretch their limbs great distances.


Enhanced Strength - Slug is very strong and capable of lifting and throwing heavy objects, such as a car, with ease.


Enhanced Speed - Slug is able to run and keep pace with a golf cart at its maximum speed.


Wall Scaling - Slug is fairly agile and can cling to walls and ceilings with relative ease.


Pyro Immunity/Heat Empowerment - Slug gains strength from heat.


Regeneration - Slug can regenerate and return to normal, regardless of the damage received.




Hydrophobia/Vulnerability to Water - Limax are deathly afraid of water, as it is like acid to them and causes them to smolder and melt, though they can still recover unless repeatedly doused in it.


//////////017. Kraab\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Cybernetically Enhanced Piscciss Premann

Home World: Piscciss

DNA Source: Kraab - The Bounty Hunter

Body: Robotic Humanoid Crab

Height: 9'1" (2.77 meters)




Kraab resembled a fiddler crab with dark blue-colored armor, a sideways mouth, four scythe-like legs and a large, powerful pincer for a left hand. Within the pincer was a power blaster combined with a chemical sprayer.

95% of his body is mechanical and 5% is Piscciss Premann

The Omnitrix symbol wears on his chest.




Enhanced Strength - Cybernetic enhancements give Kraab great strength, allowing him to smash rocks to rubble.


Enhanced Durability - The armor gives Kraab increased durability, allowing him to take a lot of damage.


Laser/Electric Beams - Kraab is a big powerful claw, which he can fire laser and electric beams.


Gas Generation - From the same claw, Kraab can release chemical compounds as a gas, with different effects.


Rotating Legs/Enhanced Digging - Kraab can rotate his legs at high speed, and use them like a drill to dig into the ground.


Subterranean Mobility - Thanks to his previous ability, Kraab is able to travel long distances underground.


Thermal Vision/360-Degree Head Rotation - Kraab possesses thermographic vision, and is capable of turning his head around 360 degrees.




Powered Down - Kraab is more robotic than organic, meaning it is possible to tamper with his systems, causing him to lose control of himself and deactivate himself.


Vulnerable to Electricity - Kraab is vulnerable to electricity, because of the electronics in his body.




Arsenal - Kraab is armed to the teeth with state-of-the-art weapons.


//////////////018. TenTen\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Sotoraggian

Home World: Sotoragg

DNA Source: Six-Six - The Bounty Hunter

Body: Humanoid Mutant Horse




TenTen wears a suit of dark-blue armor. In his armor, TenTen's feet are hooved. He has blue pads covering his central joints, a belt, and four central lines on his helmet to provide outlines for his face, which are his eyes and mouth. When his black and blue mask is broken, it reveals an ugly, mutant, gray-yellow creature with pink and gray robotic eyes and four arms.

The Omnitrix symbol wears on his chest.




Guns/Weapon Proficiency - TenTen is a weapons expert. He is an excellent shooter.


Miniature Hands - TenTen has little arms on his shoulders that he uses to throw his pikes and grenades when using his blasters.


Enhanced Strength - TenTen has great strength, allowing you to tear metal with your bare hands.


Enhanced Agility - Tenten's agility and reaction, far superior to that of a human, is his main feature.


Enhanced Durability - Tenten's durability is boosted by his armor and allows him to take a lot of damage.


Space Survivability - TenTen's armor has built-in life support systems allowing him to survive in space.




Vulnerable to Electricity - TenTen is vulnerable to electricity, as this can harm the internal systems of the armor.


Vulnerable Jetpack - The jetpack can be damaged by the enemy, this can reduce TenTen's maneuverability.


Ammunition Limited - TenTen's arsenal may end in a protracted battle. To make up for the ammunition, Lex will have to transform again.




Arsenal - TenTen's armor has pouches which contain weapons like machine guns, twin blaster pistols, electric discs, an energy buzz saw, metal pikes, a whip, an energy sword, a sonic weapon, grenades, rockets and some mounted laser guns built into his jetpack. All this is somehow replenished by the Omnitrix.


Jetpack - Tenten has a jetpack that allows him to fly at high speeds.


//////////019. Buzzshock\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Nosedeenian

Home World: Nosedeen Quasar

DNA Source: Sparksville Megawatt

Body: Humanoid Battery

Height: 1'64" (50 centimeters)




Buzzshock's appearance is similar to an Earth dry cell. He is black with blue eyes, a blue large lightning bolt-like stripe spanning from where his neck starts to where his legs start on his front and back sides, and a positive (+) symbol and negative (-) symbol on his back.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Electrokinesis - Buzzshock is able to release electricity from his body, as well as absorb it from outer sources.


Electrical Teleportation - He can travel through electrical power lines for light speed transport.


Technopathy - Buzzshock can inhabit electrical devices and control them from the inside.


Duplication- Buzzshock can duplicate himself after absorbing enough energy.


Enhanced Agility - Buzzshock has enhanced agility, augmented by electricity.


Flight - Buzzshock can use his powers to seamlessly fly, leaving an electric trail behind.


Enhanced Strength - Buzzshock is surprisingly strong for his size, being able to lift a human at least by their underwear.


Sonic Scream - Buzzshock can emit a sonic scream capable of shattering glass, as demonstrated by other Nosedeenians.




Limited Energy - Buzzshock can tire out and fall asleep after using too much energy.


//////////020. Sandman\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Sandarian

Home World: Sandora

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Sand Humanoid

Height: 8'2" (2.5 meters)




Sandman is a humanoid pile of yellow sand. On the chest, shoulders and face of the Sandman are black plates with a blue pattern, which help him to fully control his sandy body.

The Omnitrix symbol is located in his chest plate.




Sand Control - Sandman can control any sand. Both external and own.


Sand Tamping - The Sandman can change the density of his sand and make it harder than stone.


Body Change - Being a shapeless pile of sand, Sandman can freely control and change his own body.


Turning Earth into Sand - The Sandman can soften the nearest earth and turn it into sand.




Large Amount of Water - Water can wet the sand and the Sandman will lose control of it. Worst case scenario, it could kill him.


Huge Temperatures - Too much heat can melt the sand and turn it into glass, which is beyond the Sandman's control.


/////////////021. Icepick\\\\\\\\\\\


Species: Antarcsis

Home World: Frostibia

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Ice Humanoid

Height: 6'3" (1.92 meters)




Icepick's entire body was made of blue ice. There are spikes on the arms and back, and instead of hair, there is also solid ice on the head.

On the face was a mask, more like a respirator.

The Icepick is dressed in a black and white jumpsuit. The mark of the Omnitrix, as always, was in the center of his chest.




Cryokinesis - The Icepick is able to create and control very cold ice.


Regeneration - The Icepick is able to recover from damage due to his icy physiology.


Body Change/Body Change - The Icepick is able to change his hands and give them the shape of various weapons, from swords to maces.


Temperature Drop - Icepick can create an icy mist that can lower the temperature of the environment.


Ice Surfing - Icepick movement method. By creating an ice carpet under his feet, he is able to move at high speeds.


No Pain - He completely feels no pain, which can be a good advantage in battle.


Cold Virus - When touched, he can infect others with a cold virus, which first weakens, and then freezes enemies to death.


Enhanced Features - The Icepick is several times stronger, more agile and enduring than an ordinary person.




Huge Temperatures - The high heat can melt all of the Icepick's ice and kill it.




Species: Telemate

Home World: Omicron Ikarus Nova

DNA Source: Unknown

Body: Humanoid

Height: 3'2" (1 metres)




Two-Tails is a small, ape-like humanoid with two tails. Its coat is mostly yellow, but has black spots all over its body like a cheetah's.

Two-Tails wearing a black and blue bodysuit provided by the Omnitrix.

The Omnitrix symbol is located on his chest.




Teleportation - main ability of Telemates. For teleportation, the Two-Tails uses its internal energy. The ability allows him to move to any place where Lex has been before, just need to imagine where you need to go. The teleportation limit is the reserve of energy. At what distance is enough energy, for this he can move. In Lex's case, that limit is the entire solar system.


Long Tails - The tails of the Two-Tails can change size and stretch up to 5 meters. The tails themselves are flexible and tenacious and he can control his tails as well as his arms, so they act as extra limbs. The strength of the tails themselves is equal to the strength of the arms of the Two-Tails.


Enhanced Acrobatics - As an ape-like humanoid, the Two-Tails has a flexible and acrobatic body that allows him to move quickly and agilely.




Small Physical Characteristics - Initially, the bodies of Telemates are rather weak and fragile.


Portability Limit - Two-Tails can teleport with him, only what he can pick up.


Energy Limit - if the Two-Tails' internal energy runs out, he cannot teleport.


To be Continued....

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