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78.66% Incomplete System in Marvel / Chapter 58: An Easy Disposal

Capítulo 58: An Easy Disposal

The man lying on the table is Silvermane, the head of the Manfredi family, and despite how disgusting the scene in the room looked, it appeared as if he was wide awake. Perhaps, or more like definitely, not for the whole procedure, but at least right now as his eyes were wide open, monitoring the screens positioned around him.

The people shuffling around him and the table all appeared to be extremely busy attaching new parts to his body or ensuring that everything already there was working as intended.

I pull back behind cover where I can't be seen and whisper to Rogue. "Hey, uh… maybe you wanna go help the others outside after all? I think I can deal with things here."

Seeing as even I nearly felt like vomiting upon looking at the room, I had no doubt Rogue would throw up at sight, so just to spare her that, I tried to send her away from here, but it turns out she had other ideas.

"No way, I already came this far with you. What's in there that you don't want me to see?" She says somewhat defiantly, but I can tell that if I really told her to get out again, she would follow my orders.

"As you can probably guess based on the smell, it's not what I would call a pretty sight…" I warn, but Rogue still seems to want to stay.

Well, whatever, I warned you.

I step aside slightly to let her pass by me. She pokes her head around the corner to take a look and almost immediately pulls back, putting her hand in front of her mouth while making silent gagging sounds.

"Oh yeah, should have listened to you…" She says, recovering unexpectedly quickly. "I've seen some stuff while in the X-men, but nothing like that…"

"So you going back or staying?" I ask again and get an immediate answer.

"Staying, of course."

I shrug. "If that's your choice, then be my guest. Alright, let's go deal with this now."

The two of us walk into the room with Rogue once again covering her mouth, almost gagging but managing the hold back.

"Hey guys," I greet everyone in the room, and they instantaneously stop working and all turn to look at us.

"Shit, the cops are already here? We're not finished yet!" One of the many operators shouts out in panic.

"Idiot! Those aren't cops. That's Spiderman and Spidergirl." Another says.

Did they just call Rogue Spidergirl? I poke Rogue's side with my elbow while laughing. "Looks like you've already been given a new nickname."

She furrows her brows and pouts while crossing her arms. "It's not that I dislike the name, but… why Spidergirl instead Spiderwoman?"

'I'm afraid that name is already reserved for someone else, Rogue' is what I want to say but isn't it the same for Spidergirl?

Rather than answering that question, I take a look at everyone in the room. "Do you want to try taking on that big robot guy? I'll clear out everyone else in the meanwhile."

I tell Rogue to try taking on Silvermane alone for a while as I remove the minions around him. I mostly just want to see how she deals with someone who is higher level compared to her. If things get bad, I'll hop in and take care of things.

Hearing me, Rogue nods and steps forward while Silvermane himself rips off all the wires and tubes connected to him as he stands up from the table. He looks slightly unsteady, standing up, perhaps not quite used to his new body.

"Boss, your body isn't completed, we haven't ran any tests. You shouldn't be getting up yet," The guy in a suit who we previously saw commanding the goons says, getting close to Silvermane and trying to get him to lie down again, but Silvermane just waves him off.

"As if you dimwits would be able to take care of these two. Get off me and let me deal with them myself. I don't need to be fully completed to take care of two kids who wandered too far from home."

Silvermane ignores the advice given to him and stands up anyways, pulling some monitors and other machinery down and breaking them as he steps away. With each wobbly step he takes, the ground shakes a little, showing just how heavy he currently is. If he has this much trouble just standing up, I doubt he will ever even manage to successfully hit Rouge once.

As Rogue and Silvermane stare each other down, I step forward to all the other goons in the room.

"Hmph, Spiderman, do you think you alone can take all of us on?" The leader of these guys says arrogantly.

"Yes," I say, shooting out webs at the speed of a machine gun sticking everyone's legs to the floor and attaching their hands and body to the furniture or walls nearest to them. The few who are unfortunate enough not to be near any walls or furniture get Mana Bolts thrown at them until they are within an inch of their life.

Alright now that they are dealt with time to watch the real fight… Oh, did the shooting in the courtyard stop? I guess the raid is over, which means Silvermane is the last enemy left.

Satisfied with my own work with the enemies, I turn my sights to the fight between Silvermane and Rogue that is just starting. Disregarding me beating up his minions right behind him, Silvermane charges at Rogue, leaving behind minor dents into the floor wherever he steps.

He does a wide swing with his right arm as he gets closer to Rogue, but the attack is so slow that Rogue dodges it with ease by jumping back a little. Furthermore, the attack sends Silvermane, still unfamiliar with his body, out of balance and crashing to the ground.

Rogue continues to stay quick on her feat by quickly leaping onto the back of the fallen down Silvermane and webbing both his arms and legs to the ground. Done with that, she jumps off him and lands right beside me.

"That should be it." She says proudly, having dealt with the stronger enemy so quickly.

"Not so fast, you brat," Silvermane says, not willing to give up so quickly.

He attempts to pull his arms up and break the webs that bind him, but the webs don't break. What gives out first is the floor the webs are attached to as Silvermane pulls his arms with all his strength, cracks develop in the concrete floor, and two huge chunks are pulled up together with his arms.

Silvermane again gets up on his legs, but there is now lots of visible damage on his brand new body.

At the same time, I faintly hear the door on the other side of the hallway open and people walk through it. The cops have finally reached here.

"Hey Rogue, the others are coming. Mind if I finish this off quickly?" I ask, looking over at Rogue beside me, and she just shrugs, not seeming to mind me kill stealing.

Without delay, I charge 5400 of my mana into Venom Blast, one of the newest skills in my arsenal, as my hand starts to faintly glow.

"Hmph, so you need two of you to beat m-" Silvermane starts to say, but I don't care about hearing him out as I run forward and punch him right in the middle of his chest.

His chest arches backward, and soon after, his entire body follows as he flies and crashes into the wall behind him. What his minion said about his body not being completed yet is also apparent now as a lot of parts just fly off of him upon the impact.


[Gained 20% experience]

(PS: Enemies in dungeons give less XP than the ones in the real world. So hunting people here is more rewarding.)

Venom Blast is such a good skill. With the small damage Rogue already did, I was able to just one hit KO the guy. His HP has yet to hit zero, but I don't know how long he would survive with his body when parts keep just falling off…

While watching over the unconscious Silvermane, the running footsteps from the hallway finally reach us, and a familiar voice yells out.

"Freeze, hands up!" Yuri runs into the room, pointing a gun at us, and a couple officers following right behind her do the same, but upon seeing that it's just us two with all the threats already neutralized, they lower their guns.

"What the hell? Is that Silvio Manfredi, the boss of this maggia family?" Yuri asks as she walks close to Silvermane and crouches down to inspect him. "What did he do to himself."

"Turned himself into a giant killing robot," I say simply.

"Well, I'm glad I got you here. I don't think bullets would have had much effect on him." She stands back up, no longer interested in the crime boss. She spares a quick glance to all the other goons in the room before waving to the cops she brought down here with her.

"Men, take them all away. The prison trucks should have arrived by now, so just throw them in there. I'll have to make some calls if we want to carry Silvermane out of here, though... Spiderman, could you let them out of your webs, please?" She says, looking over at me while the cops behind her take out several pairs of handcuffs.

"Actually, no," I say, leaving her surprised at my rejection. "I also have some things I want to know, so could we just conduct a quick round of tortu- I mean interrogation here?"

Rather than let the police take all these guys away and most likely never let me question them myself, I asked Yuri nicely to let me interrogate them briefly myself. There are a few things I need to know from the maggia, and the right-hand man of Silvermane should probably know them.

Yuri thinks my request over while staring at me but eventually assents. "Fine, but I will remain here as well."

She turns around to face the others. "Go wait outside. Come back in 15 minutes."

"Oh, it won't even take that long," I say, and the policemen just nod and turn around to leave without a fuss.

"Alright, do your thing," Yuri says, stepping back to lean her back against the wall, all the while watching me with mild curiosity.

Not wasting any time, I will my webbing keeping the guy in the suit attached to the wall to dissolve, and he immediately falls to the floor face first. I pick him up by the back of the neck as if he weighs nothing and throw him onto the table Silvermane was just on.

I calmly walk over to the table as the man looks scared shitless. He turns over from being on his stomach to his back and tries to stand up from the table, but I pull out one of my swords from my inventory and press it against his neck.

"Please lay back down in a comfortable position. I only have a few short questions that shouldn't take more than five minutes to answer, and you can be on your way. Of course, if you don't want to answer, you can just stay here." I say with a very 'friendly' smile, and he nervously lays back down, almost as if he was trying to indent his shape into the wood table below him.

Shakily he tries to talk, but the sword on his neck makes it a little hard. "Wait…umm, you already dealt with my boss, okay, no need for this… sword (where did it come from?) I'll honestly tell you everything I know…."

"Ah, I'm glad you are being so cooperative. No need to waste time when I'm gonna get everything I need out of you no matter what, right?" I say, and he just stares at me nervously. "Say 'Yes, Sir,' or I cut some of your fingers off."

"YES, SIR!" He shouts as if his life depends on it.

It does.

"Alright, you're learning. Now could you kindly tell me where the fuck you got all these weapons and Sable International tech from?" I pull the sword away from his throat just a little to make it easier for him to speak.

"Yes, yes, I know this, Sir, well, not everything but most of it." He nods rapidly. "Boss was the one personally doing most of the deals, but as far as I know, everything came from Norman Osborn."

"Osborn?" I ask, and he once again nods.

"Yes, the CEO of Oscorp Industries. Apparently, he wanted both Spiderman and the Black Cat eliminated from the city by all means." He says. "We aren't the only familia to get all these guns either. Apparently, he gave them out to all of the Maggia."

"WHAT? He gave this many guns and tech to all of the Maggia families?!?" Yuri cries out loudly upon hearing that information and immediately takes out her phone to do something. She is gonna have a lot of work to do in the coming weeks or months.

I'm more interested in something else, though. "Take out me and Black Cat?" I repeat what the man just said.

"Yeah, I'm not sure why but it seems he wasn't a big fan of you. I promise that's all I know about this deal." The man says, and to me, at least, it feels as if he really doesn't know more about it.

Could it be because Felicia and I stumbled upon the info about Osborn working with Kingpin, and he wants us wiped out for it? Seems a bit of an overreaction, though… what a crazy guy.

I should probably keep a closer eye on her to make sure she doesn't get killed suddenly. It shouldn't be all that hard to do as she lives in the flat right next to mine. As far as I can tell, she hasn't gone out as Black Cat recently either, perhaps sensing the danger or just being busy with something else.

"Alright," I say and watch as the man breathes a sigh of relief, thinking he is done with this interrogation. This, however, quickly fades away. "I just have one more question. What can you tell me about a girl named Keemia Marko?"

"Keemia Marko? I… I don't think I know anymore by that name." He sweats heavily, staring at the blade of my sword still close to his neck.

"You sure about that? Maybe you've heard of his father, Flint Marko, you know the physical manifestation of a huge sandcastle. I had some fun with him around town a little while ago."

His face turns into a look of realization as if he just remembered something. "Oh, Flint Marko's daughter? Yeah, now that name rings a bell… I think she was working for Hammerhead the last time I heard of her. Think the guy trained her into a loyal underling a long time ago."

I nod, putting the sword back into my inventory. I've finally got a lead on that mission involving Keemia. Now I just have to seek out Hammerhead to figure out the final piece.

"Alright, we're done here," I say to both Yuri and Rogue.

I shoot webs to attach the guy to the table so he wouldn't get any bright ideas about escaping.

"Wai-" I also web his mouth closed.

"So we are free to take them away now?" Yuri asks, and after I give a thumbs up, she calls the ones sent outside back in.

Rogue and I both left the premises of the raid shortly after. Rogue, of course, took the opportunity to stay over at my place and crash on my couch for the night instead of heading back to the mansion at this late hour.

Nothing happened. Don't ask.


Note: This 3k word chapter has been written over the course of like six days. I've only had a limited amount of time to write each day, so if things feel a bit weird or inconsistent, that is why. I apologize.

Also Marvel's Spiderman has released on PC so yay.

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