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100% Uchiha through the multiverse / Chapter 10: Chapter 8

Capítulo 10: Chapter 8


Y'all are complaining about why I would write a fanfic about danmachi when I still haven't read the novel.

Well, guess what? I don't give a fuck. Go cry about it

No one wants your constant whining here. If you don't want to read this, then screw off.

I write because I want to.


[Shaun's POV]

After leaving the twilight manor, I've done nothing but walk around the bustling streets of Orario.

I've walked from the northern part of Orario to the eastern then finally to the Western. After that...

I honestly don't know what to do here anymore. Should I get a falna?

I don't know if Falnas are available to only the inhabitants of this world, but I'm pretty sure my perfect adaptability can cover it.

As for my clones who had gone down the dungeon tower... Since I am half-god, if I cancel their summon, the falna they collected should come back to me and make me stronger, right? I think?

I honestly don't know if that's the case...

I'll just try it out later once the clones are finished speaking with Loki.

But I do have to say... It's quite boring here... Oh well, I guess I'll head down the dungeon tower and fight some monsters to relieve my boredom


'I'm craving crab corn soup, are there any of those here? I should go and find out...'

Yep, I really want crab corn soup. Now... Are there any pubs here...


{That place looks like a pub}

A two-story building made of stone that has a depth of a neat inn. The front entrance has a set of double doors with wood carvings decorating the frame. Carvings can be seen in various places on the front of the pub

Seeing how many people are coming in and out, I can't be wrong.

I walked towards it casually and entered the establishment.

I was right! The smell of roasted meat is still visible in the air! But... Is there crab corn soup here? God damn, I'm addicted to that soup... I may have a problem

Walking inside, I saw a lot of people busy eating and drinking minding their own business. Laughter between friends are even heard

When they saw me wearing the Akatsuki's robe, half of the people eating went silent.

{Guess the Akatsuki's influence here really is big...}

I searched for an empty table and sat on it.

Now that I look at the establishment closely, there's a sign on the left side of the entrance, as well as an overhanging sign with a crossed fork and knife

'I feel like I've seen that sign before in the anime...'

Whatever. If this place was indeed shown in the anime, then that just means that the main character either dined here or an important event happened here. Anyways, I don't care. I just want to eat

Then, a girl with silver hair wearing a green above the knees dress with long puffed sleeves and a white collar. A white apron and headband, small orange now under the collar, black leggings, and finally Short brown ankle boots.

The girl was smiling was staring at me, then spoke

"Hello! What would you like to order?"

Should I use Tobi's persona and act childish? Sounds like a hassle but... Hah, whatever...

"Oh yeah! Can I see the menu~?"

I have to admit, that act alone made me cringe.

"Alright! Here you go"

The silver-haired woman said while handing me the menu

I took it and read all the contents inside of it.

'Noodles... Roasted meat... Soups! Oh, wait... There isn't any crab corn soup here...'

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.


I let out a sigh of pure disappointment.

The silver-haired woman noticed my sigh and asked

"Is there anything on the menu that you find unpleasing?"

"No no no! Everything here looks delicious! It's just that I didn't find the soup I was looking for... But it's okay! I'll leave now!"

Damn, doing Tobi's persona really takes a toll on my mind...

I then sat up from my seat and walked towards the exit

But, before I left the establishment... I heard something behind me


It was a low click on the tongue that can make any people not hear it. Of course, unless they have heightened senses like me

It was the silver-haired girl. Why would she click her tongue? Did I offend her in any way? I just said that I didn't find the soup I was looking for though... Or is it that my clones offend her, that's why she's angry seeing me wearing the Akatsuki's robe?

Hm? Now that I look at her closely... She seems to be giving off that 'I'm a secret boss' vibe. Weird...

I didn't pay any attention to her anymore and walked out of the establishment with disappointment.

Not knowing that the silver-haired girl inside was still looking at my back with maliciousness

- Outside the Dungeon Tower -

Many people are entering and exiting the dungeon tower... Some formed a party while some go down alone

As for me? I'm sitting on the ground with a tree behind me.

I'm so bored I don't know what to do

Of course, some would occasionally glance at me because of my robes but I didn't mind it.

'Should I really just jump to the next world? Hah...'

I contemplated whether I should really leave danmachi now or not. I mean, I feel like I still have a lot of things to do here... For example, I still haven't met the Xenos and I'm actually quite curious about Ouranos, better known as the one who keeps the monsters inside the dungeon tower. He uses his divinity to keep the monsters at bay.

I really want to meet the guy. But I know he's busy with his duty.

Oh well.


I jumped up from my lotus sitting position and walked towards the dungeon tower.

There's a rule saying Gods cannot enter the dungeon tower. Well, I'm not a complete God, just half. A demigod? I dunno

I then entered the dungeon tower.

- First Floor -

Done. Damn, the monsters here can't even touch me

- Fifth floor -

Done. No difference from the first floor

- Tenth floor -


- Twentieth Floor -

This gets boring FAST

- Thirtieth floor -

That pit stop on the 28th floor was great. I got to laze around on grass without any disturbance from monsters.

By the way...

Aren't these monsters supposed to be strong? Why are they so weak? Or am I just that strong? I think... It's the latter

Plus, the temperature on this floor... Seems to be rising? Damn it's hot

- Fiftieth Floor -

Damn, I only used 『Amaterasu』 once and they're all dead

And I seem to be heading towards... A labyrinth?

- Fifty-ninth floor -

I wonder why the clones took such a long time reaching here? I mean, those monsters are so damn weak against Jutsus.

Well, I did use Dust Release and Wood release against them so it's understandable that they'll die quickly.

Anyways, the 59th floor sure is depressing. A jungle with falling ashes from the leaves. Grey scenery from the eye can see

I have to admit. I'm creeped out.

This place is too damn eerie. Moreover, I don't know if I really am the only person here.

This gets mental FAST.

Well, gonna go back up I guess.

I used 『Flying Raijin』 and went back to the surface.

- Surface, 5pm -


Stretching my arms, I casually walked out of the dungeon tower with a pouch in my hand full of monster cores.

What am I gonna do to the monster cores? Well, I'll either give them to the clones, or give them to a blacksmith, and request an Odachi.

The latter choice seems a bit tempting, to be honest.

Then, the five clones appeared before me

"Where have you've been?"

Damn, that sounded like a wife asking where her husband went to. No homo, me

"Relax~ I just went down the dungeon..."

"Why? You could have just canceled us and gained the memories of going down the dungeon"

"That's no fun now, is it?"


"Anyways, do you five really want to be canceled that bad?"

"Yes. After all, the main body WILL benefit by absorbing our experiences"

"Hah... Fine..."

I then canceled their summon a and five of them disappeared with white smoke

"Uh oh... Here comes the headache..."


These damn clones! They sure did make a lot of memories in Danmachi! The bastards even had sex! God! Damn!

"Hah... Hah..."

Panting with sweat, I looked up and summoned five clones again

"You bastards..."

"Can't we at least enjoy ourselves? OwO"


"... Fine."

Now that I've received their memories... I actually gained a lot of new information.

For example, My clones already interacted with the Xenos, Piss Freya more than a hundred times (good job), and... Ways to pleasure a woman... Hehe. Good job. I'll make sure to use this new info very well.

Oh yeah, they also helped fund some important buildings here in Orario. For example, hospitals, the guild, some familias, and many more.

They made these fundings public so that people will know Akatsuki helped Orario.

This is actually beneficial when they need the voice of the people.

I looked at the five clones standing before me

"You five head back first, is till need to do something."

The clone didn't question anything and followed my orders.

As for me? I'm walking towards the red lights district. Tee-hee

After entering the red lights district, I was quickly surrounded by women.

Then, they all lead me in one direction.

Let's just say that it was a chaotic night with me not running out of stamina and women lying on the floor panting and sweating.

- Morning -

I walked out of the room leaving behind a messy room of erotic stench. Liquids all over the place and 12 sleeping women scattered around the floor. I also left some clothes and money for them

For my first night, I have to say... That was intense.

Well, anyway. I've done everything I could have done in danmachi. Well, some are done by my clones but that doesn't matter

I wanna fight stronger opponents... I don't know why I turned to a battle junkie all of a sudden but I don't mind it.

Now... Before I jump to the next world... I wanna gift the main character something...

It's not something overpowered like giving him some kind of item, no, just a simple gift.

Why would I do this knowing that I will get absolutely nothing from this? I don't know too. All of this sounds like a hassle but deep inside, I somehow want to do it.

Hypocrisy at its finest.

- Babel -


I was currently sitting, yes once again, under a tree.

I was waiting for Bell to come here so that I could impart a 'gift' to him.

Then, five blurry figures appeared before me.

It was the 5 clones

"You're leaving today, aren't you?"

"Yep. There's not that much excitement in Danmachi. And yes, although I could go down the dungeon tower and fight more monsters, what would I do once I'm down there? Gain fame? Recognition? Pass..."

"But are you sure? There would be a lot of events that will happen in the future. After all, the canon just started"

"I don't care. It mostly just revolves around Bell."

"Ha... Alright."

Then, the six of us lifted our heads when we saw a familiar white-haired kid running towards the dungeon tower.

Well, I guess this is it.

Me and my clones casually walked towards Bell at normal speed. Do we look suspicious? Absolutely. Do we look like a predator that is about to pounce on our prey? Yes, and it's weird. Do we look intimidating? Is that even a question?

Bell, who saw us walking in his direction, suddenly stopped running and looked at me wide-eyed

He then ran towards me with gleaming eyes

"Ooooh! Aren't you the Akatsuki group?! I'm a big fan! I've looked up to you guys ever since I arrived in Orario! Oh, I can't wait to tell the Goddesses that I met all of you! Wait why are you all here?"

At first, Bell was shouting at us with stars in his eyes as if he saw an idol online in real life. Then, he questioned us why we're here

{I guess I should hurry up my gift}

I spoke to him with a casual tone

"Hey kid, care to look at my eyes?"

For a moment, Bell flinched and looked dumbfounded. Then, he just followed my orders and looked at the one hole in my mask

I activated Shisui's Mangekyō, making the eye inside my mask change color and change the shape of the pupil to that of a rotating pin-wheel.


I activated 『Kotoamatsukami』 and gave Bell something I know for sure would help him in the future.

"Protect those around you."

That's it.

That's the gift. What did you expect me to give to him? My eye? Nope. I just gave him a single command using Shisui's Mangekyō that I know will help him.

I know that was cringe as hell, but I just had to do it. You know... For plot's sake

After that command, Bell looked at me and asked

"Umm, Sir? Why is your eye like that? Oh, wait! I didn't mean that like you look weird or anything!"


"Don't worry about it. Anyways, sorry for calling you. I just wanted to check something"

"O-Oh, okay"

Then, he left to go to the dungeon tower whole scratching his head

Then, I looked behind my clones who looked at me with worried expressions.

"You gonna go now?"

Asked one of my clones

"Yeah. You guys will take care of the Akatsuki affairs here."

"... Alright."

"Anyways, you guys can just do whatever the hell you want here. Who knows? I might return someday"

The clones nodded.

I looked towards the sky and smiled behind my mask.

I then used my fifth wish, which is the ability to go to other universes!

{So umm... How do I actually activate my fifth wish...?}

Then, I disappeared from the views of my clones, leaving them behind in the Danmachi world.

- Somewhere -

[General POV]

A white plane of existence. Nothing but endless white floor stretching for millions of miles. The sky is blue with some clouds occasionally passing by

Then, a figure wearing a robe with red clouds appeared out of nowhere

"The hell? That was a rude transportation..."

Complained the person

This person is naturally Shaun who just activated his fifth wish

He looked around the location he got sent to and can't help but admire it

"Whew~ This place looks nice~"

Then, a person with black rim glasses appeared out of nowhere holding a phone. He had dark hair and a nonchalant expression.

Seeing the person appear out of nowhere, Shaun asked

"Who're you?"

"Shush, I only have 5 minutes before ROB notices me"

"Huh? ROB—..."

Before Shaun could continue, the person appeared before Shauna and tapped his forehead

Then, blue light gathered on his fingertips and Shaun felt like something was taken from him. But at the next moment, a warm feeling appeared

"I'll only say this once, your 5th wish was trash. With this, you can at least talk to something. And don't worry, you still have a world-traveling option."

"W-What the hell do you mea—..."

Then, the person kicked Shaun and he disappeared from this white reality.

The person who had glasses who still had a nonchalant expression on his face looked at where Shaun was previously standing

Then, a white door appeared beside him and a white-haired shota came out

"Yo LOR, why are you here?"

Asked ROB

LOR, who had secretly broken off Shaun's wish with ROB and replaced it with another, looked at him

"Nothing, I was just strolling the different dimensions we have"

"Man~ you love doing that, can't you do something more productive? For example, do your job as the Lord of Reincarnation?"

"Daga Kotowaru"


"... Nothing."

"Well, anyway. Let's go back to the main God room. I found someone with interesting wishes"

"Huh? What kind of wishes?"

"The fella wished Kaneki's Kagune and be reincarnated in DC Comics. I checked his progress and for some reason, the guy turned edgy as hell haha. He kept announcing that he's 'The Ghoul King' to everyone and doesn't even cringe." Rob Chuckled

"Sounds rough."

"Alright, let's go back.'


Meanwhile, with Shaun...

{God damn, who was that guy? I didn't even get to say the world I want to go}

Anyways, Shaun is now in what seems like a wormhole. And he's being transported somewhere else

{I wonder where I'll go?}

Then, a bright light appeared in front of him and he successfully... Moved to another world


That's volume 1 for ya

I have to admit. I fucked up this novel. Picking Danmachi as the first world was a massive mistake.

And no, I'm not doing another rewrite

Well, anyway, the second world I picked is something I'm quite familiar with. And I'll try my best to avoid plot holes in that one

Well anyway, see ya

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