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93.96% The Tale of Some Random Shinobi / Chapter 187: Chapter 185: Bell test (part 3)

Capítulo 187: Chapter 185: Bell test (part 3)


As the smoke thickened around Kakashi, he swiftly assessed the situation. Sensing multiple presences, he realized there were more than just clones. Five silhouettes emerged, and as the first Naruto lunged at him, Kakashi deftly evaded by grabbing the arm, using the momentum to throw the clone away. Simultaneously, he kicked another Naruto approaching from behind and twisted around to deal with two more wielding kunais from both sides.

Kakashi (thinking): Clever. They've started to coordinate their attempt.

Sensing more incoming, Kakashi leaped into the air, believing the smoke couldn't get denser with the exploding clones. However, he found himself surrounded by a barrage of shurikens. While deflecting them, he noticed a difference in the technique—distinct from Naruto's.

Kakashi (thinking): Different style. Sasuke?

Sasuke: Haaaa!!!!!

Using the sun as cover, Kakashi observed Sasuke descending with a crescent kick. Bracing himself, Kakashi crossed his arms to absorb the impact, sending him crashing towards the ground.

Kakashi (thinking): Kuh! They're working together.

As Kakashi regained his bearings, he witnessed Sasuke swiftly performing handseals. Recognizing the seals, Kakashi anticipated the incoming attack.

Sasuke: Katon! Hosenka no jutsu!

Sasuke inhaled and spat a volley of small fireballs toward Kakashi. Reacting quickly, Kakashi grabbed a kunai and skillfully cut through the fireballs, enhancing the weapon with chakra.

One after the other, Kakashi cut through each small fire projectile being thrown his way. The assault lasted several seconds, with the latter either cutting through each fireball or slightly able to dodge each one of them with small bruises forming and the clothes he was being grazed.

Sasuke: Tch!

Nonetheless, it was enough to allow him to avoid the worst of it as Sasuke stopped his onslaught.

Kakashi: *sigh*(To think a genin could already use nature transformation just after graduation…what a terrifying talent. He surely inherited the blood of his clan…a clan of prodigies.)

Ultimately, the tactic allowed Kakashi to land safely on the ground, narrowly avoiding the fiery assault.


Homura, observing the intense exchange between Kakashi and Naruto, felt a surge of determination coursing through him. As Kakashi turned his attention towards him with his trademark indifferent expression, Homura braced himself for the impending clash.

Kakashi: Are you finally ready to take your shot, or is your hesitation a reflection of your lack of skill?

Tired of waiting, Homura lunged towards Kakashi, brandishing a kunai. With lightning speed, he attempted to slash at Kakashi's neck, but the jounin effortlessly evaded, seizing Homura's arm and executing a throw, sending him tumbling through the air.

Homura: Dammit!

As he landed and caught his breath, Homura cursed inwardly, realizing the immense challenge Kakashi posed. The vast disparity in their speed and technique was glaringly apparent.

Kakashi, wearing a faint smile, remarked on Homura's performance, suggesting that perhaps the rumors of his genius were exaggerated.

Kakashi: Looks like the legends about you were a bit embellished.

Undeterred, Homura launched another assault, but each attempt was swiftly countered by Kakashi's precise strikes and evasions. Despite the brief duration, the exchange of blows was intense and relentless.

Homura (thinking to himself): He's too fast... I need to find an opening.

As the smoke began to dissipate, revealing their intertwined forms, Kakashi's keen observation led him to a realization. With a sudden shout, Homura seized the opportunity, immobilizing Kakashi by locking onto his navel.

With a grip made tighter due to desperation, homura caught Kakashi into a seemingly unbreakable waistlock.

Homura: Now, you morons!!!

In a split second, a barrage of kunai and shuriken surged towards them, ensnaring both Kakashi and Homura in a web of thin strings. The source of the attack was none other than Sasuke, emerging from the shadows.

Kakashi felt the coils constricting, restricting his movements with unforgiving force; though Homura was on the same boat, he instead felt relief instead of panicking.

"Sasuke!" Homura exclaimed, recognizing the source of the attack and with a tinge of joy in his voice.

Kakashi: (So that's what he was waiting for, huh?)

Kakashi who was now tied up together with Homura seemed more inconvenienced than annoyed. He seemed too calm for someone who had walked into a trap, he honestly saw several ways he could get out of his bindings, though Sasuke made it especially difficult to free himself since most of the wires were awfully close to his joints.

Which meant he could plausibly only get away after understanding what Sasuke's next move would be.

Nonetheless, as a seasoned shinobi, Kakashi could easily betray his inner thoughts and paint an entirely different picture concerning his inner thoughts.

Panic flickered in his eyes, to sell the farce that he was truly in danger, though it was quickly replaced by a calm determination as he pretended to determine his current predicament.

Homura: Hehe! Not so tough now, huh?

Beside him, Homura's grin widened at the sight of Kakashi's struggle. The thrill of the impending victory surged through him, fueling his excitement. But beneath the bravado, a flicker of doubt lingered. Could they truly defeat Kakashi with this daring plan?

Kakashi: Kuh! So this is what you guys were planning…(No, both Homura and Sasuke haven't tried to get one of the belts, so this means…)

Homura: It is too soon to be surprised yet!

Kakashi: !?

Meanwhile, Homura seized the opportunity presented by Sasuke's distraction. With swift precision, he released his hands from their bindings around Kakashi's waist. His mind raced with calculations and strategies as he prepared to execute the next phase of their plan.

Homura: Now Homura!

Kakashi: !? (So that means-!)

Hearing Homura call out his own name, Kakashi's doubt finally revealed to be true. Homura's form soon shifted, morphing seamlessly into an exact replica of Naruto. Rather it was more accurate to say that Naruto had returned to his real appearance.

A surge of adrenaline coursed through Naruto as he summoned the two additional clones, each one a mirror image of the original. Who proceeded lock further both of Kakashi's arms in place.

Sasuke's eyes widened in realization as the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. If Naruto was the one fighting all along, then the Naruto who had fallen into the hole earlier must have been...

Sasuke: with realization "So that means..."

Before Sasuke could voice his revelation, Homura sprang from the hole with crackling lightning enveloping his left hand. The air hummed with energy as Homura unleashed the full force of his jutsu, a culmination of months of training and preparation.

Homura: with determination "You took too long, darn it!"


Kakashi's surprise mirrored Sasuke's as he witnessed Homura's mastery of a technique he had never taught. His mind raced with questions, but there was no time for doubt.

Kakashi: (That's the-!)

With lightning crackling around them, he braced himself for the impending impact.

With a thunderous roar, Homura's electrified hand collided with the ground near Kakashi and Naruto, unleashing a torrent of blinding light and crackling energy. "Chidori Shiraishi!" he shouted, his voice echoing through the chaos.

Sasuke, recognizing the danger, leaped away from the epicenter, releasing the metal-laced strings in his haste. Landing safely a distance away, he watched with a mixture of awe and trepidation as the lightning engulfed Kakashi and Naruto.

However, they soon had their entire world shatter as kakashi's worried face changed into a smile which confused Homura and the Naruto clones grabbing Kakashi's arms. As the latter vanishes, leaving behind a small cloud of smoke and sound, Naruto and his clones together with a descending Homura all shared the same thoughts.

Naruto/Homura: (A shadow clone?)


As the shock of Kakashi's disappearance settled in, leaving behind only the faint echo of a poof, Naruto's clones and Homura exchanged bewildered glances, their eyes widening in disbelief. Before they could fully comprehend the situation, a surge of electricity surged through them, enveloping them in a crackling, painful embrace that seemed to last an eternity.

Sasuke: (that jutsu…it's incomplete.)

Observing the makeshift insulation on Homura's arm, Sasuke's mind raced with questions and frustrations. Had they knowingly subjected themselves to this danger? Were they truly so reckless in their pursuit of victory?

As Naruto's clones dispersed in puffs of smoke, revealing the true extent of their failure, Kakashi materialized nearby, his expression unreadable behind his mask. With a casual ease, he stowed away his book, his disappointment palpable in the air.

Crouching beside the injured duo, Kakashi's voice was laced with a hint of admonition. "Honestly it wasn't a bad plan, nonetheless I still expected better for a team with two geniuses," he remarked, his tone firm but not unkind. "But at this rate, you're both headed back to the academy."

He said looking towards Homura and Naruto grimacing in pain on the floor.

Naruto/Homura: !!!

His words seemed to have brought them back to reality as their thoughts went back from being a jumbled mess due to pain, to fictitious images of them going back to the academy due to having failed.


Struggling against the pain coursing through their bodies, Homura and Naruto exchanged a determined glance, their resolve unbroken despite their defeat.


Homura: (grimacing in pain) (Damn it, I put all I had in that jutsu jutsu... but it wasn't supposed to backfire to this extent…I have to pass otherwise I won't be able to save anyone).

Naruto: (grimacing in pain)…(I can't go back to the academy…I would be a laughing stock. I…I promised…I promised to myself that I wouldn't stop advancing until I became Hokage. )

Nonetheless, both boys managed to get back up as they once again redefined their goals.

Despite their injuries, Naruto and Homura refused to yield, their determination shining through. Naruto clenched his fists, his resolve unwavering. "We're not done yet... We'll keep fighting until we win!"

Kakashi: Hmm…


Kakashi seeing the two boys get on their feet said nothing as he merely watched them struggle to stand still

Naruto: Hey Homura!

Yelled Naruto with a tired look and heavy breathing.

Homura: ?!

Naruto: You said that it would just sting for a while…but that nearly put me out for good.

Homura: (gritting his teeth) Yeah, I... miscalculated. Since he moved out of the way I wasn't properly able to judge the area of intensity.

Naruto: (groaning)… Any more plans?


Naruto: Good. I wasn't planning to follow one anyway... I taking him out on my own terms.

Declared Naruto with a serious look on his face as he took out his last remaining kunai with his right hand.

Homura nodded in agreement, his eyes blazing with determination. "Yeah… I'm not going down without a fight as well."

Uttered Homura as he took out his short blade with his remaining good hand.

With gritted teeth and trembling limbs, they pushed themselves upright, determined to prove their worth despite the setback.

Kakashi: …I see.

Kakashi's sigh cut through the tension like a knife, his gaze unwavering as he addressed the three genin standing before him. "There's no reason for any of you to fail. As a Jonin of Konoha, it's my duty to ensure that you're all capable of handling yourselves in the field. Getting caught up in your own attacks won't cut it."



His eyes then shifted towards Sasuke, a glint of expectation evident in his gaze. "Sasuke, you've shown real potential. If you can defeat Naruto and Homura, you'll earn yourself a bell and pass the exam."

Sasuke's mind raced with conflicting thoughts, torn between his desire for vengeance and his own beliefs.

Sasuke's grip tightened around his weapon, his resolve firm despite the conflicting emotions swirling within him. Vengeance burned in his heart, but he couldn't ignore the nagging feeling that something wasn't right. This was a test, a trial orchestrated by Kakashi himself. Betraying even the two losers in front of him, would only bring him closer to the man he despised most

Yet his pride demanded that he face this challenge head-on. Raising his weapon towards Kakashi, he steeled himself for the battle ahead.

Naruto's smirk cut through the tension like a blade, his words dripping with taunt as he goaded Kakashi about his failed plan. But Kakashi remained silent, his expression unreadable as he observed the unfolding confrontation.

Internally, Homura couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards Naruto's seemingly faster recovery. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something special about Naruto's body, something beyond simple genetics.

As Kakashi's tone shifted from laidback to serious, the atmosphere grew even more tense. The genin braced themselves as Kakashi began weaving hand seals, a sense of foreboding washing over them as the weather around them began to change.

Kakashi's gaze shifted between Naruto, Homura, and Sasuke, his expression unreadable behind his mask. He let out a weary sigh, the weight of his responsibility as their sensei weighing heavily on him.

"As much as you brats think that you can have your ways by giving each other pep-talks, in the real world there's no excuse for failure," Kakashi began, his voice firm and authoritative. "As a Jonin of Konoha, it's my duty to ensure that only the best of the best graduate in order to sully the village's honor. Getting caught up in your own attacks is unacceptable. Both of you fail."

Kakashi hands sped up as he starts weaving hand seals faster than before, unfolding his jutsu, the dark clouds in the sky intensify, and lightning sparks thunder all around. The boys all gulp nervously, anticipation hanging thick in the air. Kakashi's expression remains inscrutable as he performs the final hand seal, his chakra swirling with ominous energy.

Kakashi: Well, boys, this is it. Time to see what you're made of.

As Kakashi performs the final hand seal, a blast of white light erupts, engulfing the entire area in a blinding glare. The boys shield their eyes, bracing themselves for whatever comes next. But as the light fades and they cautiously open their eyes, they find themselves staring at Kakashi in disbelief.

A blast of blinding white light engulfs the entire area, causing the boys to shield their eyes. But as the light fades and they cautiously open their eyes, they're met with a surprising sight.

Naruto's jaw drops in astonishment, his eyes wide with shock. "Name:" W-what just happened?" he stammers, unable to comprehend what he's seeing.



Naruto: "Whoa, what was that supposed to do?"

Homura and Sasuke exchange puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of the situation. Kakashi, hands still in his pockets, looks at them with a calm expression.

Kakashi: "Well, it seems like we've hit a bit of a snag. But no worries, boys, you all passed the test."

The boys stare at Kakashi in disbelief, trying to process what they just heard. Naruto, unable to contain his excitement, jumps for joy.

Naruto: W-we passed?

Asked Naruto in a dumbfounded look.

Kakashi: That's right.


Naruto: "Yes! I knew we could do it! Believe it!"

Homura, however, sits down immediately after his worries are dispelled, his expression unreadable as he contemplates the outcome of their training.

Homura: (Passed, huh?).. That's unexpected."

Sasuke, ever the composed one, simply relaxes against a nearby tree, his mind already racing with thoughts of what's to come.

Sasuke: hmph…(Well, I suppose that's one less thing to worry about.)

As the reality of their success sinks in, the boys share a moment of quiet relief, knowing that they've overcome yet another challenge on their journey to becoming true shinobi.



Naruto jumps in excitement, his voice ringing out jubilantly.

Naruto: Yes! I knew we could do it! We passed, guys!

Homura: And we've heard it as well.

Sasuke: shut up already.

Naruto: Why you… (these b*stards!)

Naruto clenches his right fist as he struggles to contain himself to not give them a piece of his mind though his fists.

Kakashi watches the boys' reactions with a hint of amusement in his visible eye, his posture relaxed as ever.

Kakashi takes a step closer to the boys, his tone serious as he begins to address them.

Kakashi: "Although you passed, you were very close to failing."

He looks at each of them in turn, his gaze piercing.

Kakashi: Sasuke, you mostly acted on your own even though you had an inkling of an idea what the true purpose of the test was about.


Sasuke remained silent and simply looked away from Kakashi.


Kakashi: *sigh*…Naruto…

Naruto: *gulp*

Kakashi: You rushed ahead without considering the consequences.

Then Kakashi turned to homura, whose left eyebrow barely twitched as he did so, to show his inner skeptic nature.

Kakashi: And Homura, you seemed to use your teammates' strengths for your own benefit rather than truly collaborating with them. Which indivertibly put them in more danger without fully sharing everything you knew.


Homura simply looked away instead of protesting, to some degree it was true. Naruto had an idea as to what Kakashi was capable of; though he had no way to explain how he knew so much, but it did not change the facts that he withheld some information.

Kakashi: "This test was not just about obtaining bells. It was about working together, even against all odds."

Sasuke narrows his eyes slightly, feeling a pang of guilt at Kakashi's words.


Naruto, ever the defiant one, raises an eyebrow.

Naruto: What's wrong with doing what we did? You told us that we had to get one of the bells in order to pass, right? We simply tried to complete the mission you gave us!

Kakashi nods, acknowledging Naruto's point.

Kakashi: "You're right, Naruto. To a ninja, a mission is everything.

Naruto: Huh?!

He gestures towards a stone monument nearby, his voice taking on a somber tone.

Kakashi: In the Ninja World, those who break the rules are scum, that's true... but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."

The boys are taken aback by Kakashi's words, their expressions shifting from confusion to understanding. Working in teams isn't just about completing missions; it's about protecting each other and overcoming the odds together.

Kakashi: That monument stone over there, the Memorial Stone, was dedicated to fallen shinobis from our village, heroes who gave their lives to protect their comrades and village at the cost of their own lives…some of them even at the cost of failing to fulfill their missions. Normally, such actions are shunned upon but even then we can't deny their sacrifices.

Kakashi's words hang in the air, leaving the boys to contemplate their own paths. He reminds them that ultimately, they are the ones who will determine what kind of ninja they want to be, and it's a decision they'll have to make for themselves.

Kakashi: At the end of the day, our actions define what kind of people we want to be. Each of you has your own path to walk. It's up to you to decide where that path leads.

The boys remain silent, each grappling with their own thoughts and emotions. For Naruto, Kakashi's words strike a chord.

He realizes that perhaps he did not take the test as seriously as he should. Never thought what being a ninja truly meant for him, it was just a stop gap at him trying to be hokage and a way to leave the village and explore the outside world. Thus he was lost at what to think.

Sasuke, on the other hand, is resolute in his determination to restore honor to his clan. He knows that his duty lies in avenging his family's name and bringing justice to those who wronged them. Being a ninja isn't just a choice for him; it's a responsibility he must fulfill to honor his heritage.

As for Homura, the decision isn't as clear-cut. He's conflicted, torn between his loyalty to his friends, his village, and his own sense of justice. The memory of the Uchiha clan massacre weighs heavily on him, casting doubt on his allegiance to the village. He had been taught from a young age to protect the village and accomplish his assignments above all else, even if he harbored complicated feelings towards the village itself, the people who mattered to him were part of the village and it was his home of many years, Still, those feelings lingered. The situation that led to the Uchiha clan massacre was not so simple. There were too many parties at play. Yet, he's unsure where else to turn.



Kakashi: Well, with that done, the bell test is now officially over. Tomorrow, our training begins promptly at 5 a.m.

Naruto raised an eyebrow skeptically. "You mean you'll actually be on time, right? You only showed up late because it was part of the test." he teased, earning a chuckle from Kakashi.

Kakashi: I'm still a professional shinobi, of course, I'll be there on time, Kakashi replied with a wink. "…maybe." he proceeded to add.


The next day, they would find out that their sensei being late for training was far from just a tactic he had employed during their graduation test.

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