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78.39% The Tale of Some Random Shinobi / Chapter 156: Chapter 154: Konoha is the land of geniuses?

Capítulo 156: Chapter 154: Konoha is the land of geniuses?

Homura, engulfed in the tranquil darkness of the early morning, a shroud that only intensifies his focus and determination.

With each throw of his kunai, he aims for precision and accuracy.

As time passes, the early morning light starts to seep through, revealing the training ground adorned with a multitude of stabbing markings, a testament to Homura's unwavering commitment.

Just as Homura is about to launch another kunai towards a target hidden amidst two poles, a realization dawns upon him— he only has one kunai in hand, and reaching the target seems impossible.


With lightning-fast reflexes, Homura's mind races to find a solution. He cannot let this obstacle hinder his progress.

Without a moment's hesitation, Homura propels himself skyward, his lithe body soaring through the air with a mixture of grace and purpose.

With a calculated flick of his wrist, he releases the lone kunai, propelling it towards a neighboring pole. The metal weapon becomes a fleeting extension of his will, tracing a mesmerizing trajectory through the air.

The kunai ricochets precisely off the first pole, its trajectory altered in perfect harmony with Homura's intentions. It continues its dance, propelled by each calculated collision, rebounding effortlessly off two additional poles.

In a breathtaking display of skill and coordination, the kunai finds its mark—a strategically placed companion kunai—sending it hurtling towards the elusive target with forceful determination.

All of this unfolds in a seamless sequence of events, a symphony of calculated movements and unwavering focus that Homura executes with practiced ease, his feet still airborne as he effortlessly completes the complex maneuver.

As Homura gracefully touches down on the ground, a sense of quiet satisfaction radiates from his composed demeanor. The training ground bears witness to his mastery, each stabbing marking a testament to his unwavering determination and tireless pursuit of perfection.

There was no need for Homura to confirm that the kunai had reached the center of the target, he had enough skill to know where a kunai would land just by perceiving its trajectory.

So as Homura calmed his mind and thought about what to practice next, his calm demeanor was interrupted by a nearby clapping sound.

As the early morning silence envelops the training ground, Homura focuses on his intensive training regimen. In the dim light, he skillfully hurls kunai after kunai at various targets, leaving behind a trail of piercing marks.

Suddenly, the rhythmic clapping sound interrupts the solitude, causing Homura to raise his head, his expression one of slight surprise. Standing nearby is Toshio, Homura's former roommate and fellow cadet from their days at the shinobi academy. A faint smile graces Toshio's face as he observes Homura's display of shurikenjutsu prowess.

Toshio: Homura, your shurikenjutsu is as impressive as always.

Homura, now donning an apathetic demeanor, dismisses Toshio's compliment with a wave of his hand.

Homura: It's nothing worth mentioning. I've been training for over five years... or more accurately, 2474 days.

Toshio's surprise becomes evident as he contemplates the specific number Homura provides.

Toshio: You keep track of each day you spend training?

Homura, his expression unchanged, responds with his characteristic solemnity.

Homura: Of course, I do. How else would I determine my progress? Keeping a record is essential.

Toshio, feeling defeated by Homura's unwavering dedication, admits defeat.

Toshio: Most people don't go to such lengths. They don't meticulously track every single day of their training.

Homura simply shrugs off Toshio's defeated tone, shifting his attention to a nearby target. He retrieves another kunai, maintaining his unwavering concentration.

Toshio: Do you train here often? I've noticed that sometimes the place is already occupied, with targets bearing the marks of previous training sessions.

Homura, without breaking his concentration, responds briefly.

Homura: Sometimes.

In his thoughts, Homura contemplates the advantages of practicing without relying on the Sharingan, finding solace in the additional effort it requires.

Homura (thoughts): Sometimes, it is good to practice without the Sharingan. It demands more effort, but it strengthens my skills.

The unyielding focus on his training permeates the air as Homura readies himself for another throw, a shuriken poised to leave his fingertips.

Meanwhile, Toshio prepares his own set of ninja tools, his curiosity, and concern for Homura's training routine evident.

As almost an hour goes by Toshio now seating on the ground dripping with sweat, couldn't help but feel shocked that Homura still pressed on training even though he looked visibly exhausted as well. However, he seemed to press on nonetheless.

The look in the boy's eyes was somewhat scary.

As if he was picturing something or someone each time he threw a kunai at the target.

Toshio: (Whispering to himself) Man, Homura is pretty scary when it comes to training. He's always so focused and relentless.

He marveled at Homura's unwavering determination, admiring his commitment to honing his skills. However, he couldn't help but worry about the toll it might be taking on him.

Toshio: (Approaching Homura cautiously) Hey, Homura! You've been training non-stop. Don't you ever take a break?

Homura, with sweat glistening on his brow, turned to face Toshio. His eyes burned with a fiery intensity, as if he had been consumed by the rage in his heart.

Homura: (Irritated)Tch! Mind your own business!


Toshio: Jeez! Why are you so angry lately?


Homura: (Irritated) Of course I am angry! I have every right to be angry! I-I!


Toshio: ???

However, Homura soon realizes what he was about to say and closes his mouth in a hurry as he looks away from Toshio.

Leaving the latter quite confused by the sudden shift in Homura's behavior.

Homura has always been haunted by his suppressed anger. The memories of witnessing the Uchiha clan massacre and the cruel act of the anbu plucking out the eyes of people he knew still linger in his mind.

Even now, those vivid scenes refuse to fade away, leaving a lasting impact on Homura's soul.


Almost every month, he was haunted several times by his own personal demons.

His nightmares mercilessly transported him back to that fateful day, forcing him to relive the same horrifying scene repeatedly. No matter how much he wished for a different outcome, he was always left helpless, unable to alter a single thing.

His strength always fell short, and invariably, he was tardy in his actions.

Leaving the events to transpire as they did in real life, as if he was been forced to face his own sin all over again in some sick reenactment.

Though those said nightmares had largely a diminished effect on Homura as time went on, but the shame and guilt he felt having failed to accomplish to end the life of a enemy shinobi; proved to Homura that he did not have it within him to do what needs to be done.

He swore to himself that he would never hesitate to use his blade to kill his foes, but that last encounter proved that he did not have what it took to achieve his goals.


And he couldn't forgive himself for being unable to.

It felt as though he was trapped in an endless loop of animosity, finger-pointing, and self-deprecation.


It was sadly never ending.


Homura was faced with some tough questions about living with guilt, shame, and even hatred. These deep-seated emotions can be overwhelming and leave one searching for answers.

Especially now that he had put everything he had worked for at risk, he needed to make himself less suspicious and maintain his everyday workout regiment and other activities.

Homura:… I know what I'm doing… I don't need you worrying about me.


Toshio, taken aback by Homura's sharp response, decided it was best to give him some space. He understood that Homura had always done what he wanted it, was hardly one to listen to other but seeing Homura's attitude now was a far contrast to the friend he grew up with at the orphanage all those years ago.

If Saya was the closest thing Homura had to a sibling at that place, Toshio was the next closest thing.

They had been together since they were toddlers, and grew up relatively close to one another.

And had a childish rivalry since they were so similar in many aspects.

He believed that much was still true even after they entered the academy.

But perhaps, that was a thing of the past.


Toshio: (Backing off) *sigh* suit yourself Homura. I'll leave you to it…but you should pace yourself. You're obviously injured.


Homura:( Surprise) ???


Homura surprised by Toshio's words, immediately hid his left harm by pulling his sleeve so he could hide the bandages he used to cover his arm with.


Toshio: I don't know why you keep pretending you're not hurt, but anyone can clearly see that you're still recovering…

Toshio said before going to train as well, in his previous spot.

Leaving Homura to watch the back of the person he underestimated with a look of surprise, but he was more surprised to see that the boy had seemingly also gotten better as his shuriken throwing technique was becoming more like his.

Showing that the boy was able to somewhat either replicate his style just from seeing it just for an hour, or the boy had been also taking pointer from himself without him realizing it.

Despite having different teachers, Homura and Sasuke developed similar throwing techniques through their close training sessions. They learned from their respective mentors but used to practice together, which led them to adopt a comparable style of throwing.


But for Toshio to be able to replicate it from just seeing it, meant the boy was definitely not your average person.

Which Homura was now forced to realize, that the boy he knew from his orphanage might not be so easily dismissed and was someone worth of respect.


Homura: (He's good. I might have to keep an eye on him after all.)


They say that imitation is the is the sincerest form of flattery, however, to a shinobi it is similar to having someone exposing or seeing right through your abilities.

Especially if they were able to adapt it so easily.

It shows one has greater talent than the one being copied, at least in the normal sense.

Mastering the art of adapting to your opponent's fighting style is crucial if you want to conquer them effortlessly. By understanding and learning from their techniques, you gain a significant advantage in combat. It's an effective approach that allows you to navigate any battle with ease.

It is for this very reason that shinobi often resort to eliminating anyone who gains knowledge of their techniques. This ensures that their adversaries in future encounters will not be equipped with the necessary preparedness to effectively counter them.


Not wanting to be outdone by his seemingly challenger, Homura went back to throwing shuriken stars at the targets set in place as well.

Which prompted Toshio to increase the speed and accuracy of his throws, in order to be out done by Homura.


The two boys now obviously competing with one another threw as many shurikens towards the targets.


But it wouldn't be long that Toshio would once again, begin to falter and ultimately fall from exhaustion as Homura continued pressing on.

He only had one goal in mind that alleviated all the fatigue he felt, or at least allowed him to ignore it somewhat.


As Homura relentlessly trained, his mind fixated on a different goal.

Many at the academy always assumed that Homura wanted to surpass Sasuke and it was why Homura always seemed to train so hard.

However, that couldn't be further from the truth.

If it was Sasuke Homura would have quit everything else he was busy with, to ensure he always remained number one cadet in his class. Nonetheless, that falsehood was the furthest thing from his mind, that is why he ultimately did not try to surpass Sasuke.

He could since he already had a sharingan, and he could try to come up with ways to use it without others noticing but that wasn't in Homura's mind.

It wasn't Sasuke he sought to surpass but rather Itachi, the older brother of Sasuke, who Homura considered his ultimate enemy. In his mind, he saw Itachi and Obito as his targets, driven by a deep-rooted desire for revenge.

As long as he could surpass him, he was sure that one day his blade might reach his foe's throat before he ultimately dies and ask him something he was burning to know.

Homura: (Thoughtfully) Itachi... One day, I will surpass you and Obito. I will avenge those who have suffered by their hands.

With each strike, each technique he practiced, Homura honed his skills, always with the vision of taking down his intended targets. The world around him faded into insignificance as his focus remained unwavering. Homura's training wasn't merely about strength; it was about preparing himself for the day when he could confront and defeat those who had caused immense pain.

Homura opened his hand, revealing a kunai. With a swift motion, he closed his hand and then opened it again, this time empty. Toshio's eyes widened in surprise.

Toshio: Whoa! How did you do that, Homura?

Homura, slightly taken aback by Toshio's reaction, replied with a calm but confused tone. If question marks were visible, on top of Homura's there would be several coupled with one annoyed angry mark to show that he was not content having been stopped.

Homura: Do what?

Toshio, excitement evident in his voice, pointed towards Homura's hand.

Toshio: The kunai! It appeared between your fingers! How did you make it happen? Ninjutsu?

Homura's lips curled into a faint smile as he realized Toshio's confusion.

Homura: …! Ah, that? It's just a simple trick I learned long ago. A bit of sleight of hand.

Toshio: …T-that doesn't explain anything…


Homura: Is that so?


Homura said it while pretending to be slightly confused.


???: (Curious tone) I'd like to know it too!


Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a new voice joining in. Tenten, a skilled kunoichi cadet, just dropped from a tree branch and then proceed to land right next to the two boys.


???: (Confident tone) Long time no see! Hehehe.

Said Tenten to Homura, which she then proceeded to smile towards.


Which Homura did not immediately recognize and had a hard time placing the curious character in front of him.

Though he had a great memory, everything that did not matter to him was seemingly tucked away and locked securely, but it also couldn't be helped the last time they spoke was a almost a year and half ago and the kunoichi in training had grown quite a lot since then.

She seemed to have had a slightly more impressive growth spur.

Even her face and hair were rather different, she seemed more feminine and overall taller.

Making Homura having a harder time placing her inside his mind, to him she was truly someone else he had never met.

The difference of a year between growing children seemed to be quite the important, especially the younger they are.

So not recognizing the taller girl than himself getting cozy with him, all he could do was let out a honest confused sound.

Homura: Huh?


Though that did not seemed to deter the girl infront of him which proceeded to further invade his personal space.

???: As the future greatest weapon master I must know how you did that! Will you teach me, please?

She pleaded with Homura as he proceeded to take a step back with each step she took forward.

Though Toshio, recognizing Tenten, called out to her in surprise.

Toshio: Tenten? What are you doing here so early?

Homura: (Tenten? This girl?…Cr*p! I'd better get out of here.)

A surprised Homura looked at Tenten who was now looking at Toshio instead, but did not leave Homura's side.

As if searching for a way out, his eyes began to wander until it landed on a log nearby.

Which prompted the former to start doing something with his hands as he then proceeded to slowly retreat, to the obliviousness of the other two.

Tenten smirked mischievously, her eyes narrowing playfully.

Tenten: "Hehehe I always come to the training ground around this time."

Homura remembered one of the reasons that he came to this field quite early was actually to avoid Tenten, in the past they met several times here but he always managed to giver the slip.

However, this time because of his mind being a jumbled mess and Toshio being here, it seemed that he was not paying track of time and got distracted.

Though that seemed to matter rather little at the moment.

Homura: You two… know each other?

Hearing Homura's question both Toshio and Tenten looked at him confused, it was unlikely that two people were friends, let alone know each other if they hadn't met or were friends prior going to the academy.


Toshio: Huh? I think it was last year. She helped me with my shurikenjutsu since she also practices here, wait, you know her too?


Tenten: Of course! He is a customer of my father's and he promised to be my friend, then he never came by again. Or at least is what I thought until I read my father's ledger.


Toshio: Huh? what?


Tenten: That's what I thought too, he actually comes by very frequently but somehow never when I am there and ran away every time we met in one of the training areas! Hmph!


Toshio looked at Homura who simply sneered as he looked away.


Toshio: That sounds about right.


Homura: Tch! Shut up! And you…

Homura then proceeded to look at Tenten who was slightly surprised by his sudden change in demeanor.


Homura: I never promised you anything. (Besides it was your father who told me to not get close to you or else, I don't really know what "or else" means in that context but it can't be good…if what he sold wasn't slightly cheaper than in the other stores I know, I'd never go there in the first.)


In fact, Homura was always obliged to make sure that Tenten wasn't around when he went to buy junk he needed.

But he also found Tenten to be quite annoying and weirdly interested in him for no reason.


Tenten: N-never mind that! You will teach me right?! Pretty plea-huh?




As Tenten reached out and grabbed Homura's hands, a dense cloud of smoke engulfed the surroundings, momentarily obscuring their view. When the smoke dissipated, they found Homura gone, replaced by a simple wooden log.

Toshio blinked in disbelief, struggling to comprehend what had just happened. Not because he didn't understand but because he was not expecting it.


Tenten: *Cough* *Cough* S-substitution?

Toshio: It seems like it. Didn't think he would do that to escape talking to someone though…Is he flexing?

Tenten: (Angry) Never mind that! He got away again!


Toshio: "Homura has been doing this disappearing act quite often lately. Vanishing in smoke and leaving behind a wooden log. It's becoming quite his trademark. ( When did he get that log though…Ah I see.)"

Toshio looked at the several previous log nearby that had been switched with new ones.

Though Tenten did not seem to like his response.

Tenten, frustrated by Homura's elusive antics, voiced her annoyance.

Tenten: "Argh! I wanted to finally become friends, but he always manages to slip away!"

Toshio crossed his arms and then proceeded to look at Tenten with a questioning gaze.

Toshio: Can't you ask someone else to train with you? In fact, I happen to be third best in my class in shurikenjutsu, if I say so myself. I could easily teach you the ropes.- Said Toshio while smiling.


Tenten: "Huh? Why would I ask you to do that? Especially when we've practiced for a long time? Besides, Can you throw 4 kunai at the same time and hit 4 different targets in opposite directions?"


Toshio: I mean, I haven't tried it yet (but could I do it?), r-right…what were you doing up there? Before you landed next to us. (Safe.)


Tenten: I was obviously going to catch Homura this time! He promised to play with me but never did! I wanted him to apologize and make it up to me, by training together! But then I saw that trick he showed you and wanted to know so badly.


Toshio: Forget it, he doesn't like training with anyone, much less share anything with others.


Tenten: *sigh* I was going to have a training session with a pretty younger boy, who knows that could be the blossoming of a pure romantic tale…


Toshio: O-Ok? (I am the same age as Homura too, and cooler… Am I ugly?)


Tenten:..That's right, there is Neji too… But a younger and cute boy with that cool look on his face…a bit wild…I didn't think of that kind of type.


Toshio:….Is that so? (Broody is better than cool for girls?...I don't get it. Do I need some kind of makeover? But I am pretty cool already.)

Toshio could only look slightly concerned about Tenten's current thought, but he then remembered that all the girls in class seem to be in love with Sasuke.


But unbeknown to the depressed Tenten and the nonchalant Toshio, Homura had heard everything they had said as he was perched on tree branch nearby.


Homura: *Sigh*(Just my luck. I can't run away, she will find me as soon as I move from this spot and chase after me.)


Surprising to Homura, Tenten almost managed to catch his hands before he had time to activate the substitution jutsu.

Not because Tenten was the fastest person he had met, far from it, but she was definitely no slouch.

The Konoha 11 did not become the strongest and youngest shinobi in the village, at least in the main story because they were weak.

They were rather powerful for their age, but one would not understand such fact from the manga alone. There were rather few genins in the story overall, and most genins either had abilities far beyond the rank of genin or were weaklings that could never hope to reach higher ranks.

At least, not through skills alone.

With the earlier surprise from Toshio and now Tenten, it seems to Homura that everyone is a genius.

Konohagakure was often called the village of geniuses, by the other villages. It was the birth place of many powerful shinobi after all, and the village of the first hokage Hashirama Senju.

The god of Shinobi.

If only a spec of his talent could be inherited by all habitants in the village, they would be a force to be reckon with. Far more than right now, after all even with all the tragic events that occurred in the past decade, Konohagakure was still the strongest village among all five great villages.

Still, Tenten's ability and speed were overall still commendable, from the little he saw. Homura could contrast it against some of the movements he had seen prior; though if he had activated his sharingan she would be no match for him.

Nonetheless, he could now see why Might Guy chose her in the original manga to be part of his team of genins if he had any say in that. Though he understood as to why he had a lot of confidence in her abilities.

However, the fact that Tenten got utterly humiliated during the chunin exams, was something that didn't sit too well with him.

So he never bothered to investigate her thoroughly and he thought she lacked ability to grow overall, but now he thought that it may have not been the key issue.

He didn't want to experience the same face, even if the sand siblings were excellent ninjas, Homura had to be stronger than them.

At least the older ones. He wasn't sure he could ever defeat Gaara after he just witnessed a tiny fraction of the nine tails. Shukaku was far weaker than the nine tails, but he was nonetheless a monster. 

And only a monster could defeat a monster, that much he now understood. 

If he wasn't among the chosen ones, he would carve his own path and make his own destiny. That goal was something that Homura did not forget. 

Rather it was etched within his mind.

Though seeing Tenten's movements and failing to pick up her presence, meant they weren't too far off from each other's in term of abilities. 

Thus, it was mind boggling as to how much strength he would need to achieve before the chunin exams. This would mean he might need to change his approach.

Homura: Why did she lose so badly to Temari, if she was this fast on her feet?… Is it because she is stupid or their abilities contrast each other?

Homura had no idea how Tenten had lost her match against Temari, the only piece of information he had of it was in the manga, in which she lost in one page.

The fight had been skipped over.

Though in the anime the details were much more vivid as Tenten lost rather severely, unfortunately, Homura was unaware of it all.

Homura (Thought): Whatever. I going to take a break and hope that they leave soon. I should also look for another shop for awhile...!? Right, that girl. Karin, that lives near the southern district, her father... her father owns a store. I wonder if they sell weapons too.

Thought Homura as he waited for Tenten and Toshio to finish with their talk, unfortunately he was too high up and far away to clearly hear their banter.

Chapter end

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