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50% POKEMON: DRACONIC / Chapter 6: Blast from the Past

Capítulo 6: Blast from the Past

The changes underwent by Feebas into a Milotic are drastic as not only did she change in form but also in her abilities. It's sad that swift swim and oblivious are gone but Milotic gained both Marvel scale and Competitive and in terms of hidden ability I'm still not sure if she had it when she was a Feebas but I can figure it out later on in battles as Cute charm has an easier effect to notice than Adaptability. Milotic is even able to levitate but so far I'm not too sure if she will still be affected by ground-type attacks like earthquakes but I doubt it.

It has only been a few minutes after Feebas Evolved but just seeing her swimming in the lake already shows the improvements that she underwent, Milotic was fast even with her larger body as her speed did not decrease one bit compared to when she was a Feebas. However, I know that speed is not where a Milotic shines as it's a highly defensive Pokémon with high sustain that can deal respectable damage.

(At this moment Milotic should have learned some new moves after evolution just like my mother said but I still need to check.)

"Hey Milotic, did you learn any new moves after evolution?"

'Milotic Mi!'

"Ohh more than one?! Then let's see it, use the middle of the lake as the target and show it consecutively"


'Sure, go all out"


'psssssssh' 'Blast of energy'




'psssssssh''Blast of energy'


.... 1 minute later ....

Milotic bombarded the center of the lake with a series of alternating blue and purple pulses of energy causing shockwaves of water to spread out into the area. Just judging by the color of the attacks, it was clear that she was successful in understanding and learning both the move Water pulse and Dragon pulse.

(Woah, a little bit of overkill but it's my fault for saying go all-out)

"That's amazing, I knew you would be able to do it"

"Milotic mi Milotic"

"Hmm, There's more?"

(Well that's a surprise but a welcome one. It's already amazing that Milotic was able to learn two attacks after her evolution but I did not expect anything more.)


'psssssssh''Blast of energy'

'Pak! Boom!"

While I was anticipating what the move Milotic is gonna use, she suddenly fired a water pulse on her tail dealing a bit of damage due to the close proximity of her attack.

"What are you doing!?"

Worried about what suddenly got in into her, I suddenly remembered that some Pokémon changes behavior after evolution and that made me think that it might be the reason for the self-mutilation.

(Oh, NOoooOoo!!! My humble fish became an M serpent and that M does not even stand for Modest)


While I was having an existential crisis, Milotic then started to radiate a green energy that covered her whole body and seems to rejuvenate her as after the green energy faded the damage done on her tail was fully healed and somehow looked healthier as it was even shinier than before.

"Isn't that Recover! Congrats Milotic you now have a more effective way to heal. You were high likely able to learn the move because you already have mastered the move Rest and that must have served as a foundation for it"

"Milotic, Mi Milotic"

"Yeah you were amazing but don't do that again, your gonna give me a heart attack."

'Milo Milotic'

"One more? My birthday is still 3 months away but it seems you are giving me presents early"


'Swooosh' 'flight'

'Wham' 'Impact'

In my state of happiness Milotic suddenly burst into speed towards me and wrapped around my body like a snake.

(So is this Wrap or Coil? no, it must be Wrap because it hurts!)


"Milotic I can't breathe, I get it you also learned wrap, and it's super effective in crushing my seven-year-old body ..... ahhh!"


"..... Thank you, so four moves huh. It's gonna take time to master those but it will be worth it but please remember that I'm not a target for your attacks."

'Mi Milotic!'

After witnessing Milotic's new moves and her improvements I realized that Milotic already fulfilled her goal as a Feebas and might be a good opportunity to set a new one as a Milotic to have something to look forward to in the future. As I was thinking of possible goals to go for, I remembered that there's a high probability that a couple of organizations will pop up and try to destroy the world, and as much as I don't want the world destroyed I'm not really feeling facing them at all well not at the moment as I don't even know if they have started yet.

(Maybe ill make my own organization in the future or something as I've already been taught by dad how to run a company which is typically an organization ... or I think so)

"Milotic let's make a new oath as you've already achieved the one in the past"

'Milotic mi'

"Good how about let's become one of the strongest in the world and make a team that will stand with us, how about that?"

'Milotic mi milotic'

"Well, I think you are already the prettiest Pokémon around but If you like to add it sure. So our goal will be to make you one of the strongest and the prettiest Pokémon in the world and make a team that can stand with us in the future to reach the top!"


When midnight came about I decided its time to sleep as there is a long day of explaining to do tomorrow and I already thought of an explanation but not really the best as I only thought of it on the spot and my mother has also gone on a business trip a few days ago and only my father is present in the mansion so I will still need to explain it to her when she comes back.

"Milotic do you want to rest in your Pokeball or stay in the lake?"

'Mi Milotic'

"Ohh, trying to get used to the new body huh. It's okay, but don't tire yourself too much as you have just evolved and even blasted the lake a few times so make sure to rest after."


.... A few hours later ....

Early in the morning, I invited my father to the lake on the premise of showing him the improvements I had with my Pokémon. Along with my father, I also called for Jess and Joseph to come along as well as I don't want them to miss out on the big reveal. It might get complicated as far as I know no one knows that Feebas evolves into Milotic except maybe some people in Hoenn as it is native there.

(Now that I think of it my parents must have given me Feebas not as a Pokémon to use for battle but more akin to a companion like what I've asked however, It can be considered my luck that they chose Feebas though or I wouldn't have an awesome friend that can shoot out beams of energy.)

"So Albert what this great improvement you had with your Feebas that you want us to see?"

"Well my Feebas evolved"

"I see so your Feebas evolve .... excuse me"

"My Feebas Evolved"

"Joseph, can you repeat what my Son has just said"

"Sir the Feebas had evolved"

"Can you repeat that joseph I think I'm still hearing things"

"The Feebas that you gave to young master Albert had evolved, Sir"

"Thank you, Joseph"

"At your service, Sir"

"Now where was I ... Your Feebas evolved !!?"

"Yeah she did, when we were training last night but it's better if I just show you, Hey come out!"

'Whosssssh' 'water surface breaking'


As I called for Milotic, She burst out of the middle of the lake to show her presence and what a sight it was to see as her scales shimmered along with the water due to the morning sun which further enhances the beauty of the moment. After showing itself Milotic immediately came to my side and stared towards my father and the staff in order to bask them in all her Scaly Glory. In the sight of Milotic, my father and the house staff had their mouths open which was an interesting sight to see and just might have given Milotic a confidence boost however even with all the attention she just shrugged as if saying 'Nothing much'.

After a year of getting Feebas, I've already tried to get as much info of what this world knows about its line which to my surprise, is almost nothing not even the fact that Feebas evolves into Milotic. However, there were a few records of the Milotic as it was depicted in a lot of works of art and is considered a very powerful Pokémon that is as rare as a wild Dratini. That may not sound much but Dratini is considered to be a myth by most people in this world at this time aside from dragon-type trainers and those hailing from Kanto and Johto, very few believe it exists. Even my mother told me that as a kid she did not believe in the existence of Dratini and only saw a real one once a few years ago.

"Everyone this is the evolved form of Feebas which I found out last night to be a ....."


"You already know about it Dad?"

"Joseph, make sure no information of this comes out, and if anyone asks how my son got a Milotic just tell them got it from a contact in Hoenn."

"I'll see to it, Sir"

"What's happening?"

After getting out of the trance after seeing Milotic, my father suddenly acted strangely which I understand Milotic is a rare Pokémon without a known pre-evolution but it's not like anyone will believe that a Feebas evolves into a Milotic.

"Albert, I'll have to contact your mother so stay here"





"Drasna come home quick it's important"

"Hmm? what's the matter, did anything happen back home?"

"Something did and it's better for you to see it yourself"

And just like that my father told my mother to return home which I guess is because of my Milotic. Best bet is that the first evolution is also celebrated in this world as much as giving the first Pokémon so we waited in the lake for my mother's arrival.

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Line break llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Drasna POV.

(In the sky)

It was already almost two years since my husband allowed me to choose Alberts Pokémon. At first, I wanted to give him one of my clan's main Dragon-type but when I saw how Albert raised his first Pokémon it's clear that he can handle something more, a Pokémon on par with my clan's my dragon-type in strength but is more volatile due to its unique typing.

However, that unique typing is what made me choose it in the first place as it gives it an edge over psychic types which are the only known type to match Dragon types in power but this Pokémon can dominate both Psychics and Dragons alike.

After telling my husband about the Pokémon that I chose to get Albert for his 8th birthday, he became furious because what I picked was considered one of the most dangerous dragon-type lines that were even known in its region as the most brutal as tales of its destructive tendencies rivals that of the Gyarados. It also takes a very long time to raise compared to other dragons and the resources needed to raise one into an elite level are staggering. This is also the reason why it's not a mainly used Pokémon even by the dragon clan of Unova as only a few are able to successfully train one even after raising it since an egg.

My husband suggested getting something else but considering that Albert is still young which gives him all the time he needs and the resources, it's doubtful that Albert will ever run out of it, is reason enough to give one to Albert but I also reminded him what Albert had achieved with the Pokémon he gave him which then quickly shut him up.

I understood his perspective of it but I know for sure Albert can handle it as even though the Pokémon is hard to raise, my son was able to do with a Pokémon such as a Feebas, training it to the point of being able to go toe to toe with an ace to elite level Pokémon, it made me believe he can easily handle it.

After a year I've decided to go through with my decision and contacted my friend from Unova named Juanita and told her if her family can spare a hatchling of the Pokémon in two years' time. Juanita's family is the only one known to be able to successfully tame and even breed the Pokémon of that line which even the current generation of Unova's dragon clan failed to do.

Juanita messaged me that her family has agreed to spare one of the newly hatched ones in the future in exchange for allowing my Noivern Echo to breed with one of their dragon types. Their request was an understandable decision as Unova still has no elite four-level Dragon-type trainer so getting a brood in the Elite four or above level is quite rare as far as I know Kanto and Hoenn are the only regions that have a dragon type trainer in my level of strength that is active at this time that's why getting a Pokémon for it would usually be a low offer but I still accepted considering its rarity.

After a year's time, Juanita was able to get me a hatchling which made me ecstatic, and immediately set a date to meet which we agreed on about three months time before Albert's birthday. We also agreed to meet in Kalos as I'm still at work so we couldn't meet up in Unova as Kalos won't allow one of its Elite 4 to suddenly go off region while still on duty.

I arrived a day early at the location we agreed on and upon meeting with Juanita we immediately started with the terms of our agreement after showing me the Pokémon in question.

"So Drasna are you sure your okay with this one? I'm sorry I was only able to procure this small one because my family originally rejected the idea of letting an outsider get one of our broods but when I said that you're the one who requested it they finally caved in but only took the runt of the litter"

"It's fine, even though it's small it's still of that lineage right?"

"Yes! even though this little one is smaller than its peers it is still one of the broods of my Grandfather's prized Pokémon"

"Then I will send over Echo in two months time as we still have a few scheduled battles"

"That's all right, but make sure to send it as fast as you can as my Grandfather is really excited to have his prized Pokémon finally have a batch of eggs that's also from an Elite four-level dragon-type as it seems to be getting on age already."

(That's true as from what I was told the Pokémon was originally owned by the mother of Juanita's grandfather and Dragon types being a long-lived species are usually released after its trainer's death as it would not listen to anyone else but rarely some stays with the trainers family but the Pokémon would still not battle with any other trainer.)




While I was thanking Juanita, I suddenly got a call from my husband. He informed me about something in the lines of an emergency and that I would need to quickly return home and what's stranger is that he did not even go to the specifics which is very rare for him to ever leave out details in our conversations.

"Sorry but there seems to be something that needs my attention back home so ill need to go. Just send it over at the same time I send over my Noivern will that be good?"

"That's okay, careful on your way Drasna lets meet up again before I go back to Unova"

"For sure! See you later Juanita"

After saying goodbye, I immediately rode Echo back to the mansion in the outskirts of Lumiose city. Worry filled me as to what might have happened while I was gone but I calmed down after remembering my husband's voice which seems not to exude that of sadness but a combination of excitement and worry.

It took me three hours of continuous flight before I reached the mansion and while in the air I was able to make of a group of people's silhouette by the lake who I then recognized as my family and staff with a particularly familiar Pokémon. When I landed beside them I saw something I thought I can never gaze upon again.

"Isn't that a Milotic" 'Shock'

"Drasna welcome back and that's the reason I called you, to clarify is what I'm seeing is really what I thought it was as I know your grandma Rosena was known for her Milotic"

In the past, my grandmother Rosena was able to hold the Champion position of Sinnoh as a master dragon-type trainer and was known as the Lady of the dancing dragons as she favor the use of the move dragon dance in her team. However, before she even got the champion position she was already famous for that title, and it's not even because of her ace Garchomp's but ironically the Milotic she has that's not even a dragon type. The sight of her Milotic dancing in the air put people in a state of awe and even her opponent doesn't dare interrupt it as if enraptured with the graceful creature.

It was a strong Pokémon comparable to her ace Garchomp's while it lacks the same offensive force its defensive strength is something to be respected. When I was a kid I remember seeing it in action standing alongside the many dragons of our clan as they too respected the serpent for its beauty and power.

My grandmother found her Milotic in one of the hidden pools in the winding tunnels and cave system of Mount Coronet in Sinnoh. There she battled it and was able to win and capture Milotic with the help of her Dragalge after her Garchomp was defeated. It was an enigma to most people of Sinnoh back in the day as no one knew what my grandmother caught but when she had traveled to Hoenn after hearing a rumor that the place holds information about it, she was finally able to learn a little more about the Pokémon. The finer detail she got is that it was said that Milotic is as rare as a Dratini and holds abilities similar to that of a Dragonair but has power comparable to a Gyarados.

The Milotic my grandmother caught was Male which left the hope of propagating the line in our clan to a dead-end. After retirement, she released Milotic back into the pools of mount Coronet in hopes that it can find a mate in the deep caverns.

The Milotic in front of me reminded me of my grandma Rosena's however, there are some key differences, most noticeable is the size and color, as this Milotic's size trump the one that even grandma trained and it was more regal with scales of gold and red instead of the blue and red which I clearly remember.

Until now I've only seen two Milotic with this one being the third and I can say with confidence that the former two can't hold a candle to this one's beauty. I was just looking at it and I'm already entranced as if hypnotized which is something that did not happen before.

"It's a bit different but it's indeed a Milotic! where did you find it"

"It is Albert's Pokémon"

"Albert caught it? how, when, where?"

"He did not catch it, he raised it"

"Raised it? Wait, you mean to tell me...."

"It is what you think, his Feebas evolved into a Milotic"

"That's not what I was thinking! I thought our son was secretly raising a Milotic in the lake and here your telling me his Feebas evolved into that"

"That's what Albert told me after asking us to go to the lake to show us his progress with his Feebas"


It is currently accepted that Milotic had no known pre-evolution as even My Grandma Rosena only caught hers when it's already a Milotic but it is known that Sootopolis of Hoenn know most of Milotic's secrets as they are able to train one in every generation.

"Albert is that true? your Feebas evolved into a Milotic"

"Umm, yeah! like what I explained to dad we were training last night when my Feebas suddenly began glowing and turned into a Milotic, Isn't that right Milotic"

'Milotic mi milotic'

"See, It just happened"

"How do you even know what a Milot ..... forget it considering you're quite a bookworm since when you were small ..... well small-er, I doubt you haven't seen a picture of it once in my family log in the archives as your grandma Rosena had one"

"We had a family log? Wait, I had a grandma? .... no not that .... I had a grandma that had a Milotic?"

"Grandma Rosena is technically your Great grandmother"

"Well considering she had a Milotic she really must be great and grand at the same time"

(As much as I like how smart my son is I just can't help but be sad that he took over my husband's quirky disposition which includes the lousy jokes)


After realizing that what my husband said was true I remembered one story that my Grandmother once told me in one of her journeys in Hoenn where she once visited Sootopolis to offer a family there that raises a female Milotic to allow hers to breed with theirs for a single egg. The family rejected her saying that she would just think they were scamming her after seeing what the egg hatches into like those before her. She tried to tell them that she will not and they just showed her an ugly brown Magikarp and said that it will evolve into a Milotic if she was able to make it strong and show its inner beauty which she just shrugged as a joke. However, when she saw that they were serious she realized that the family was unlikely to be only scammers but also a bunch of lunatics thinking that only a fool will believe that something so pitiful like the Pokémon they showed will ever turn into a Milotic so she just promptly left but sadly, the truth was stranger than fiction.

(It all makes sense! Even why this Milotic is much more gorgeous than the ones I've seen in the past as my son was chugging Apicot berry at it for years even before it evolved and the size difference can be attributed to it gobbling down my Gyarados food every day. Even the difference in color can only be explained by its unusual color when it was a Feebas which must have continued on into it's evolution.)

"Drasna what should we do? I've already informed Joseph to make sure to keep the origins of Albert's Milotic a secret but I'm not sure if its the right decision"

"It's okay, even if we told them the truth its not like they will believe us just like those of Sootopolis as very few will accept ever training a Feebas with only a rumor such as it evolving into a Milotic"

"Sootopolis? That's right, the place has a lot of history with Milotic. I asked Joseph earlier to look into some information about Milotic and found that only two trainers are currently known to possess a Milotic aside from Albert and both of which are from Sootopolis and are quite famous with one being a gym leader."

At first, I was skeptical about how we would go with our son having a powerful Pokémon as a Milotic but it was a stupid thing to think about from the very beginning as we are a family of Dragon-type trainers in the first place and raising powerful Pokémon is what we do as even our son Albert is not even troubled by the situation.

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Albert POV.

(1 month later)

After my mother arrived she interviewed me on the situation in which Feebas evolved and after that, she then proceeded to tell me stories about my great grandmother Rosena. The information I got was a lot like I had a relative that was once a champion and had a Milotic that spams dragon dance which my mother also plan on teaching my Milotic.

I decided to close the penthouse for a month while I was organizing my plans for Milotic and so I met up with the trainers camping outside the estate and told them the sad news which they have surprisingly taken quite well as they are not really paying for the space or anything but they were glad that I was not planning to permanently close down the Lakeside battle house for good. I also asked Joseph to remove the poster and inform Nurse Joy about the momentary halt to the penthouse's operation in order to stop any more applicants for the time being.

(I really need to think of a better name for the place aside from Lakeside battle house)

In the first week, my mother already started teaching Milotic the move Dragon dance in her spare time, and learning the move was quite a task for Milotic as even though she already had experience grooving with Raindance, the process of initiating the move is quite different as it aims to increase a Pokémon speed and attack by making dragon type energy flow in the body or so my mother said.

Milotic floated in the air while spinning vertically and doing some swirling motion like a ribbon of a Rhythmic Gymnast. It was quite different from how my mother's Altaria Nimbus does it but it seems unlike Raindance the movement done in dragon dance depends on the Pokémon body shape and the movement of energy will remain inside the body of the Pokémon and not be dispersed in the environment like that of Raindance.

Aside from learning Dragon dance, we continued to train on the other moves that Milotic knows as the change in body shape also affected the way she initiates her attacks but for the most part it's still the same but the larger serpentine body really gives Milotic creative ways to use her moves. One such situation is with Iron tail where last time she just hits her opponent with her tail like a sword but now she can whip it with her tail making it both faster and stronger.

I also learned some new strategies from my mother's stories of my Great grandmother Rosena who I now call my GG mother as it seems when either her Garchomp or Milotic takes the stage in my mother's stories it's always game over for the opponent. One of her favorite tactics to use with her Milotic was to use Wrap and Surf combo to try and 'Teach the opposing Pokémon to swim' while dragging them underwater which is something I would like to try out in the future. On the topic of strategies I also plan to use those that I saw used in the anime which may be useful, well most of them.

(No way in the distortion world will thunder armor Swellow strategy will work with Milotic as first we don't have an electric type attack and second it either be the effect of Guts or just anime logic that it even worked in the first place.)

On one of our breaks, I tried riding Milotic in the water in order to get used to traveling on water using a Pokémon like in the games and what I found is that it's better to avoid diving when riding a Water-type Pokémon as I almost drowned several times on the ride and Milotic is quite fast even with someone riding on her while cruising in and above the water.

I kept on giving Milotic Apicot Poffins as it's her favorite snack as I've already tried making other kinds of Poffins but after getting a taste she just flat-out ignores it so it's clear that it's better to stick with the good stuff.

We also continued with our favorite pastime of singing and now that Milotic evolved she just got better at it, so good in fact that all the Magikarp in the lake started to gather, spectating the performance of the singing serpent while having a dazed expression. In one of our performances with the Magikarp audience, Milotic suddenly stopped singing and went into a state of stupor, and just kept staring at the lake.

"What's wrong buddy, never seen you get so dazed after evolving"


"You figured out a new move?"

'Milotic mi milotic'

(A new move huh, from what I know learning new moves after evolution are quite hard and the only other ways a Pokémon can only possibly learn a new move is by accidentally using one while going through an intense battle or getting a sudden inspiration which rarely ever happens)

"Then show me, fire at the middle of the lake"

'Milotic mi'




Milotic shot out a sound-based attack that looked like a pink expanding water pulse but in the shape of a heart that spread in a cone in front of her. I immediately recognized it as Disarming voice, As it's an attack I've seen before in the anime but a first in this world as it's a move of a type not yet discovered.

"Congrats Milotic! you have learned how to use Disarming voice"

'Milotic mi milotic'

"True, it may not be as powerful as your other attacks like water pulse but it can be useful both offensively and defensively"


(I remember that in the anime the sound-based attack Screech can be used to stop a charging Pokémon and that attack does not even do damage but Disarming Voice may be used in a similar fashion as not only does it deal damage its emotional damage to boot)

"I'll show you in the future, but for now let's try and master it like your other moves"


"Ohh right today's a day off from training, then tomorrow it is"

It took three weeks for Milotic to finally learn Dragon dance and using the move successfully for the first time was an amazing sight but for some odd reason, she was also singing while using the move. It was then that I realized that Milotic must also feel awkward dancing without any music. The successful use of dragon dance was evident by the whirlwind that was generated and dispersed after using the move and the effect of the move was outstanding where Milotic was able to move faster even while floating in the air, her attack also got a boost that a single Iron on the lake was able to apply a massive force into the water causing a large wave to form.

In that time we also proceeded to try and master her newly learned attacks. Both of Water pulse and Dragon pulse had major improvements as not only were they able to reach a longer distance but they also got a power increase as Milotic started to increase the number of pulses released per second. As I wanted to use the wrap and surf combo in the future, we tried to improve the move Wrap by training it using the wooden pillars in the lake that we once use for tackle practice. The crushing power of wrap was evident during training as after which a long gash was left in the pillars she had used.

As the month has passed since evolving Feebas into Milotic, I reopened the Penthouse for challengers. Soon as news of our reopening spread, dozens of applicants came for a chance to stay in the penthouse which served as a good chance to test out Milotic's capabilities in different battles as we weren't able to because since the last month Cofo seemed to avoid Milotic like a plague. Considering that Milotic can now battle on land we also prepared a new arena in the banks of the Lake which is mainly composed of a cleared plot of land with specified marked boundaries.

The challengers were in awe after seeing Milotic, some even asking where I got such a Pokémon and only a couple who were curious about what happened to my Feebas but when I told the truth about her evolving in the Pokémon in front of them they just laughed which got them a cold serving of Surf from Milotic. However, even with Milotic's confirmation, not a single trainer believed that the Pokémon a few of them saw a month ago has turned into what everyone was currently seeing.

After realizing that there is no convincing them, I just decided to start battling and in the following days, Milotic was able to win most of her battles against ace level Pokémon and even got a few wins against elites which unlike before her evolution where she could only rap up a few victories against ace level Pokémon and barely able to last against elites before being defeated. Milotic used the new moves and strategies we trained in the last month which allowed us to get most of our wins especially with dragon dance where the opposing Pokémon and trainers did not even try to stop Milotic from stacking Dragon dances and only attacked after she finished which was so dumb at the moment but when I think about it in their perspective seeing a Milotic dance and sing for the first time must be a truly amazing sight.

However, what made me truly happy is when Milotic was able to successfully perform the Wrap and Surf combo on a Pangoro in the land arena because seeing Milotic drag a panda and causing it to faint through suffocation was something I did not though I would enjoy seeing but here I am.


Thesilentwooper Thesilentwooper

This chapter can be summerized as 'Ahh Milotic' and 'Guess that pokemon' which lets be honest every one reading this must already know by now. Once again feed back on mistakes and possible improvements are greatly appreciated.

One more thing don't over think anything in this story as its lacking logic in most casses with plot holes that I've yet covered up in a couple of places.

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