A question had been posed to Skullius that drew upon his brain power to think of a fitting answer. There was no escaping as he was within a Majestic Territory.
All he could do was fess up.
Sause was drawn to the fox's question as well, as he knew nothing about this creature he had made a Tie of Exchange with.
This didn't allow him to let down his guard though, as he was well aware of the fact that fox was very much knowledgeable of his presence.
Question after question roiled within his mind because of the appearance of the fox outside the Labyrinth.
'Did Fulgardt make a deal with this thing? Why would it even agree?'
From the looks of it, it was very well above the tenth Tier which was a very terrifying thing to face.
Unfortunately, he didn't get his answers by simply thinking about them in his dome.
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