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46.15% Reincarnated: Life in Highschool DxD / Chapter 6: Stray.

Capítulo 6: Stray.

Chapter six.

"Mhn..." Waking up in the morning, now that was something I would never grow used to. Even more so now that I was feeling a rather strong headache, for whatever reason. There's also the fact I was feeling kind of dirty, especially on my face... But again, I was feeling too numb to be able to bring myself to care about it.

I rolled out of bed, and thanks to the numbness I was feeling it all ended up with me falling straight to the floor, a pained grunt escaping my lips.

"Fuck. My. Life." Yes, I hated mornings. You know what I hated even more than mornings? Waking up for school in the morning. Still, a man has to do what a man has to do, I suppose.

. . . . . . . .

I took slow and lazy steps towards the bathroom, finding it harder than normal to keep my balance, now that was strange. Yes, I was feeling sleepy, yes, I wanted to die, but this was quite a bit worse than usual.

'Oh well...' I thought, forcing open the door that lead to the bathroom. I needed a cold shower to both wake me up and get me clean, again, I was feeling like shit for some... '... Ah.'

I blinked, looking at the reflection on the mirror I was now able to understand the reason behind me feeling like shit. For starters, remember all that about feeling dirty? Well, that might have been due to the fact I had my entire face covered in dried blood.

In regards to the rest... Actually, I think it's safe to assume that the headache, the numbness I was feeling and all the other problems are due to the fact I had almost managed to split my skull in half last night.

Details were a little bit... Unclear. I was not able to remember how I had even gotten home. Did I end up falling asleep or just straight up went unconscious when reaching my bed? I had too many questions right now, and I was not sure I would like their answers.

'This is a good reminder.' I thought, picking up some bandages and medical tape from one of the medical kits that we had saved in the bathroom. 'This is a human body, I am a human, and I am fragile. One mistake and it's over.'

I repeated those words over and over in my head like some sort of mantra, making sure that from now on I took some important precautions.

'I should get clean first though, if Miss Aikawa sees...' A terrified scream behind me was all the hints I needed to realize that I had been a little bit too late on that realization. Should have locked the door. 'Damn it.'

. . . . . . . . . . . .

"You need to be more careful, Akemi!" For the first time since my arrival in this supernatural world, I had been forced to hold a prolonged conversation with the biological mother of this body. Yes, I was calling her that. "Seriously though, how do you fall from bed that hard...?"

Now listen here, it had required some serious convincing, so much so that I felt like my Persuasion skills had leveled up twice! But in the end, I had managed to make it look like I had fallen from bed, and somehow gone to sleep/fell unconscious sometime after.

"I'm not sure... I don't remember all that much." To be fair, that was more a half-truth than a straight up lie. If you asked me, the best way to lie is to camouflage right in between some truth, and given the body language of Miss Aikawa, it looked like might have legit been onto something.

"We should get an appointment with a doctor." She insisted for what had to be the third time, and if I was being honest I was a bit surprised she had not rushed me to the hospital the moment she saw me. I had just found out that she worked as a nurse, so that had both made some stuff easier and complicated some others. "Just to be sure."

For example, the first thing she had done after thanking a bath was cleaning and disinfecting the wound and now I had quite a nice and clean bandage work done around the injury in my head, tied up with medical tape; all in all, it looked quite professional.

"Nah mum, I'm good." No matter how much it irked me, I couldn't just avoid calling her 'mom' all the time, especially not in the situation at hand. "Auch!"

She pinched my cheek, and quite hard at that, though not nearly as hard as the glare she was directing at me, scanning my facial features in the search of some sort of lie, looking to find if his son was looking to fool her.

Spoiler alert, I was. I still felt like shit, and if I had to guess I would keep feeling like rubbish for the next few days.

"I'm good." I repeated once again, moving around in an attempt to convince her. "I really am! If I was feeling bad I sure as hell wouldn't be pretending that I was and end up forcing myself to go to school. Besides, isn't there a nursery in the school? I'll be just fine."

Another spoiler alert, I was literally doing that. Thing is, although I would love to skip school and rest for a day, I feared that if I did admit to feeling bad and wanting to skip school, she would send me to the hospital for sure.

Given how shit I was feeling I was sure the wound was quite harsh; a trip to the nearest hospital would all but confirm that, and I would be out for three or four days at the very least. And that I could not accept.

Half a week without doing some progress in training was not something I was prepared to do, so I did the best act I could and met her gaze with the best 'it's not that bad' face I could muster.

"... Alright." With a sigh and not looking all that convinced, she gave up. But not before adding some conditions. "But no gym class for you for a week at the very least! And I'll be checking that wound again whenever you are back."

I smiled, that sounded like a good deal to me.

. . . . . . . . .

"... Fuck, I am late." I didn't need a watch to know that much. There were no students around the entrance, first red flag. The other red flag came in the form of the student council vice president waiting for me with crossed arms... Yeah, maybe I should have started with that one?

"Indeed, late again." The vice president agreed with me, but she was sure to remind me this was not the first time I had arrived late to class. In fact, this little situation with us two was becoming almost a routine. "So what's the excu... Never mind."

It looked like for whatever reason she had failed to notice the bandages that went all around my forehead and through a good portion of the back of my head, though quite a few wild strands of hair had refused to remain hidden through the bandages.

I was not listening to her though, because once again I had become fixated with her eyes. One hazel, one violet, it was quite an unnatural combination, one that was not even possible in a biological sense back in my word.

I had forgotten to mention it, but the girl in front of me is Tsubaki Shinra, she' a devil and I do believe she ranks fourth amongst the most popular girls in school. Not that last one matters, but just so we all get an idea who I am dealing with.

"It's rude to stare." Again, she had said that same sentence to me quite a few times since our first meeting, but much like the first time, Tsubaki didn't seem to be all that mad, if at all. She fixed her glasses, deciding to ask the question we both knew was coming. "... What in the world happened?"

"I fell." I decides to keep it short, this girl was a devil and I was not confident I could fool her like I had done to Miss Aikawa. The least she knew about what had transpired, the better. "Hard."

"That much I can tell." Tsubaki sighed, it looked like she had decided not to insist on the matter. She allowed her arms to fall down to her sides, making her breasts bounce ever so slightly, a fact that I couldn't help but notice. "Just... Try not to die inside the school grounds."

"Will do!" I promised, walking past her and heading towards my classroom. While I was walking though, I noticed the distinct feeling I had been growing used to more and more these past few weeks. The feeling of being watched.

. . . . . . . . . . .

"... That kid." Tsubaki sighed. Rias had naturally decided to inform her best friend Sona about the black haired teenager.

Both Saji and Tsubasa had been tasked with observing him and interacting with Akemi when possible given the fact that the three of them shared the same class, and although she had not been ordered to do so, she had not been ordered against approaching him either. "I can't figure him out... Not at all."

Akemi had proven difficult to decipher, but given the fact he was not showing signals of doing strange activities inside the school, it had been decided that it would be better not to antagonize him and leave him be outside school.

If he was aware of them or not was still a question that required answers, but if he was, then he sure was doing a good job with hiding it. Not every human could remain calm when surrounded by devils after all.

'Still.' Tsubaki looked at the back of Akemi's head, frowning at the sight of some new blood tainting the bandages on the back of his head crimson. 'That wound has to be recent... It can't have been more than twelve hours since he got it...'

The problem was he had been so vague with his response that she had nothing to work with. 'I fell, hard' could mean all sort of different things, from falling down the stairs to falling from the top of the Eiffel Tower.

"... Akemi Aikawa." She whispered. Intrigued as she might have been with the boy, it was not her place to decide what to do with him. 'I'll report this to Sona and head to class.'

. . . . . . . . .

"Fuck me..." It had been a stressful day at school for me, I was almost starting to regret convincing Miss Aikawa of not taking me to the doctor, almost. What was the problem now?

Well, Saji, Kiba and that blue haired chick... What was her name again? Tsubasa, that's right. Point is, the three of them had been rather discrete in the past about how they managed their interactions with me, but things had started to change a little.

Saji more so than the other two; he had started to interact with me like us two were good friends. Now this would have been all nice and cool in most situations, what's there not to like about making a new friend? Well, a lot. But I am not dumb, I know for a fact Rias and Sona had both ordered them to test the waters and find what the deal with me is.

Now don't get me wrong, I understand their thought process and given their position, it's logical that the two of them would at least do that much. However the fact that I understand them doesn't mean I have to like it. Especially not when I have a killer headache.

'Enough of that.' I told myself, now that school was over I was free... Well, for the most part. I needed to head back home and let Miss Aikawa check the wound, after that I could ask her to let me take a walk for some fresh air. It would require some convincing but I was confident I would succeed.

. . . . . . . . . .

It was late in the afternoon, the sun now starting to hide and the slightest hints of the silhouette of the moon had started to show themselves. I had made a deal to get back before the sun came down, but now I was not so sure I would be able to keep that deal.

Why, you ask? Well... We need to first establish the reason behind me heading out when we both know I am far from what one would call 'recovered'. I was still feeling a little numb and it was quite hard to focus.

So why indeed? What reason might I have for heading out? Well, I felt like doing it, so I did. But it was not just that, I promise! The main reason was I had heard some... Interesting news.

Remember I said Saji was interacting with me more and more these days? Well, he is a new devil so he does have a little bit of a loud mouth. It had kind of slipped past him the little detail that he was going to be busy tonight, and when I inquired him about it he had deflected the question.

Now I remember one thing for certain, devils perform contracts quite often and do other important tasks that often do include dealing with some problematic supernatural beings. I had no guarantees that this was the case this time, but something in me was telling me to trust my gut feeling.

I was in the search of something, I was not sure who it was or how it looked, but I was searching for it. I had just a slight image in mind of how these… Monsters? I swear there was an official name for them, but I wasn't able to remember it for the life of me.

The image was of a hot naked woman… Wait, stop, it will make sense in a second, I swear. Like I was saying, a hot naked woman with big breasts that shot magic laser beams from her nipples.

… I know it sounds like complete bullshit, but I swear I'm not making this shit up. This is relevant because although half of her was human, the other half was some kind of massive monster abomination.

Now, I know this is a bit of a stretch but if we assume most of these things are around that size, then that would mean walking around without being noticed would be straight up impossible. For their presence to go unnoticed, these monsters should be on a place big enough to hide them, not too crowded other than an occasional victim.

With that in mind, the one place I could think had all those requirements fulfilled was…

I looked up, a smirk that did little to hide the nervousness I was feeling from what I was about to do, I knew for a fact I was in for nothing short of a death experience, but this was a chance I had been waiting for weeks.

''So much for all that 'I am human, I am fragile' mantra I memorized…'' I chuckled, the fact that I had failed to stick to those words for no longer than eight hours was nothing short of hilarious.

It couldn't be helped, that was who I was. I do what I want to when I feel like doing it. I'll just have to deal with the consequences later.

''One step at a time, one step at a time.''

An abandoned building was what awaited me, the second floor having collapsed long ago made it the perfect place for a huge creature to hide if needed, and this had to be the place, I was certain of it.

''…'' I looked back one last time, no one was around the area, which confirmed I was alone in this little 'adventure'. Oh well, what was the worst that could happen? Why, a horrid death at the hands of some monster, no big deal!

End of chapter six.

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