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92% Essence Meta CYOA / Chapter 23: Essence Meta CYOA Part 5

Capítulo 23: Essence Meta CYOA Part 5

Authors: Bacqqc, GeneralChaos, KaizerRyu, LagoMoro, Birthday8080, Subrosian_Smithy, Firefang, Brightsilver8, Carthienes, and SirZed.

Link to the Orignal:

Essence META CYOA Part 5

You find yourself before a shrouded figure standing behind a table. On the table are many potions, choose as many as you want or none. The choice is yours. In addition pick additional CYOAs or none to add on to this if you want some adventure.

Each one infuses you with a variety of effects which cannot be taken from you unless you willingly allow it.

Note: exact effects in different ones such as perfect memory, intelligence, etc. do not stack. [fanwanking helps]

Optional Features

Essence META is designed with the assumption that there is one player that is the 'self insert.' There are of course other ways of playing but if you just want a few more options or suggestions. Feel free to do your own thing if none of these appeal to you. Not like I can stop you.

OC Doughnut Steel

You are not the star of the show, it is in fact some other poor schmuck or perhaps someone who dances to your tune. You are free to design this new person however you like with whatever history, background, occupation and whatever else as long as they are not significantly supernatural. You may use another CYOA before Essences are applied to facilitate this process.


It is not your self insert or an OC but an existing fictional character that receives their essences either by those you selected or them being presented the options as if they were playing the CYOA itself.

Mexican Standoff

Either as a Self Insert or OC Doughnut Steel option but you are not the only entity with Essences. There are in fact multiple Essence holders with a variable level of strength. The strongest Essences are barred from use from anyone as the cosmic energies would probably reduce existence back to null, that wouldn't be fun for anyone.

Oh God Its Another One

You have friends! You and at least one more person have access to the Essence META selection and also access to all of the Essences. This is probably a really dangerous option if you choose people who might not have your best interests in mind. You can for peace of mind require all participants have a mutual Geas placed on them that prevents any intentional harm to each other directly.

Essence Companions (Can take as many times as you want) (incompatible with Mexican Standoff and Oh God Its Another One)

You may use this option to create companions who are created based on the Essences you give them. Essences that offer companions can be instead given Essences as an upgrade while filling out your build. You can design your companions any way you want within the realm of what is possible for them. Note that you can give them Essences you do not have.


Essence of the Waifu App

Originally by Jus4532

By consuming this Essence, you are given a high-tech Device and all the following effects. The Device resembles a modern smartphone made entirely of clear glass and can be used for all of the things a smartphone, tablet, or computer can be used for, as well as for it's primary function: running the Waifu App.

The Device has a base dimension of approximately 170mm x 75mm x 9mm and may be freely expanded up to 20 times that height and width. Additionally, the processing power of the Device is well beyond anything currently existing on Earth and will automatically upgrade itself should Earth technology catch up or should you move to a multiverse with more advanced technology. Despite this, the Device can run any app, software, or program no matter what ecosystem it was designed for. The Device is always connected to the Waifu App, as well as the local internet (or equivalent) and any internet or equivalent previously connected to. These connections are entirely secure and cannot be traced, tracked, hacked, exploited, identified, or otherwise maliciously used in any fashion.

Additional upgrades, features, accessories, apps, and usages for the Device may be purchased in the Waifu App.

An app (the titular Waifu App) is installed in your Device, allowing you to meet all kinds of waifus that exist throughout the omniverse.

This app can never be deleted, hidden, or rendered non-functional. The only person that can see and use this app is you, although waifus may use the app with your explicit permission for any permitted purpose other than purchasing waifus. Additionally, the Device itself will not attract any unusual attention should it be inappropriate for your current time, location, or circumstances.

You gain one free opportunity to re-sculpt your body to your ideal desires. This is available upon first activation of the Waifu App and may be used at any time. Changes will, by default, be applied over the next time you sleep for more than 2 standard Earth hours.

Further transformations may be purchased in the Waifu App, as well as various powers of shape-shifting.

This transformation may, at your discretion, include the healing of any and all physical or mental injuries, ailments, diseases or sicknesses, and conditions, restoring you to the peak of health.

Your Device can be summoned at will, no matter its current multiversal location, and will always return to your side automatically if it is ever stolen or missing. The Device is indestructible, has an indefinite charge, and will never be rendered non-functional or non-operational.

The Waifu App gives you access to the Waifu Catalog: a massive catalog of the waifus from the infinite omniverse, strangely resembling the SwiftRosenthal Waifu Catalog CYOA, and representing waifus from all sorts of universes familiar and unfamiliar. Additionally, the Waifu Catalog includes all of the bonuses and extras for sale that exist in the CYOA and all of its official and unofficial expansions.

Anything or anyone missing from the Waifu Catalog can be entered in by the user and will automatically be appraised and purchasable for a fair value. Similarly, adjustments to waifus, powers, or any other purchasable entry can be requested and will always be made available for an appropriate purchase price. Adjustments, custom orders, or personalized items will not be priced differently than default entries solely on the basis of being customized orders.

Every week (168 standard Earth hours), you will be automatically granted 4,000 Waifu Points (WPs). These points will not only help you meet waifus from the catalog, but will also allow you buy perks, talents, defenses, lures, heritages, powers, bindings, and other purchasable abilities, items, and upgrades that exist in the official and unofficial Waifu Catalogs. You may convert 2,000 WP for a 11-tier ticket to either meet a 11-tier waifu or purchase a perk, item, or other entry that is equal to that ticket.

You may refund purchases of non-waifu entries such as powers, perks, and items, but you will only receive half of spent WPs from the refund. You can not refund waifus.

You may use bindings to capture waifus, but you will not get extra WPs for those captures, nor may you sell them. All bindings must be individually confirmed by you before the captured counts as one of your waifus. This includes confession based captures.

Additional points are available for completing tasks, missions, scenarios, and challenges throughout the omniverse. Such requests will be fully optional and are guaranteed to not cross any of your ethical or moral boundaries, though the actions taken in resolving any tasks are entirely in your hands. An updating list of such options will be available at all times through the Waifu App. Additionally, requests for specific or approximate unlisted scenarios may be made and will be elaborated on and appraised by the Waifu App, granting an appropriate WP reward for their completion.

The app allows you to meet waifus throughout the infinite omniverse. Unlike the CYOA, the waifus you summoned through this app are not clones or trafficking victims of the Company, but consenting waifus that are drawn from across the omniverse according to your desires and general Waifu App specifications. These are the guidelines for the waifus picked by the Waifu App:

They will always be personally, romantically, sexually, and otherwise compatible with you and will be highly likely to quickly and heavily fall for you.

Waifus selected will not judge or care about your physical appearance or mental condition, other than in a constructive and caring fashion.

They will always be loyal, respectful, and considerate towards you so long as you do not abuse or harm them and treat them reciprocally with respect and care.

They will never be physically or emotionally violent or abusive towards you. This does not extend to prohibiting self-defense or training/sparring.

They will always be very patient and understanding towards you, willing to compromise and cooperate to solve any issues that arise either inside or outside of your relationship.

They will be capable of feeling and expressing affection and love toward you, even if they are otherwise heartless and evil.

They will see you as a priority in their life and will focus on your safety and well-being, though maintaining individual goals, desires, priorities, and wishes so long as these do not conflict with your safety and well-being.

They will listen and obey your wishes so as long as such wishes are not stupid, inane, unreasonably harmful to them, or against their core values. No mental compulsion is enacted, outside of further purchased bindings, this is just a selected inclination.

They will not mind you having a harem, nor will they ever get jealous nor tired of you. Additionally they will be strongly open to and in favor of forming bonds of companionship, affection, and/or love with other waifus bonded to you, though such bonds will never be as strong as their bonds to you.

They will not mind leaving their origin universe forever for any reason.

They will be willing to accept that they are not the supreme authority in their relationship with you and other waifus, will be happy working for the well-being of the group, and will not attempt to usurp or work against the authority of you or other waifus bonded to you.

If your waifus is ever killed or erased from existence, the app will resurrect them in a safe location to full health in both mind and body after 24 hours. This is not a clone nor a multiverse duplicate but the same waifu fully restored and with the trauma of their death muted.

Any waifus whose powers come from an external source will have that connection permanently severed and their powers will be replicated as innate abilities. Any waifu with a crippling weakness will find themselves no more affected by it than an ordinary human. Any waifu who's power is innately self-destructive, uncontrollable, or presenting a pressing and unintentional danger to you or other waifus will have those aspects of their powers fixed.

Paying for the cost of a waifu will automatically select a version of that waifu from the omniverse that conforms to your stated and unconscious desires for that waifu and is naturally compatible with you on a personal level. By making the purchase you will be temporarily removed to pocket dimension to meet the selected waifu and come to a mutual agreement with them on whether you wish to be bound together. Both of your consent confirming the purchase will charge your account the stated number of WPs, apply any agreed upon bindings or other effects you have previously purchased, and return you to your previous dimension, place, and time.

Though exceedingly rare, occasionally an agreement with a waifu can not be reached. In such a case, you will both be returned to your respective previous dimensions, places, and times in the omniverse. You will not be charged WPs, but will have the option of refining your specified parameters for the waifu, selecting a different entry to purchase, or doing nothing.

Once returned to your place in the omniverse the waifu will be delivered by whatever method is selected. By default this is an instant, unpreventable, and harmless teleportation to your location.

Delivery of all other entries purchased will be immediate and directly to you, your device, your home, or your pocket dimension as may be applicable. Physical, spiritual, and mental changes to the user will default to delivery during the next sleeping period longer than 2 standard Earth hours unless otherwise requested.

All non-waifu purchases made from the Waifu App, including powers, heritages, lures, talents, defenses, abilities, items, locations, upgrades, knowledge, and more are guaranteed to not be harmful or inconvenient to you or any waifu they are applied to. This includes but is not limited to: unwanted transformative effects; mental, soul, or personality changes, compulsions, or alterations; physical harm, lifespan shortenings, disease, or degenerative effects; and conflicts between multiple purchased items. Additionally, powers typically relying on external sources (such as the warp, the force, a foreign soul, a god or faith, or other such sources) have that connection permanently severed and are replicated as completely innate, self-powered abilities with all the potential, efficiency, and power of the original ability. No purchase shall at any time serve as a vector, backdoor, or weakness for an external force (such as warp chaos gods, the dark side of the force, dark magic, the phoenix force, or others) to corrupt or harm you or any of your waifus. Harm done by you, the user, with any non-waifu entry purchased from the Waifu App to yourself or any others is not covered by this guarantee.

Unless you specifically draw attention to them, nothing purchased from the Waifu App will be noticed as abnormal or unnatural. This includes changes to your physical self, new people in your life, and your polygamous relation with those people. Supernatural talents or technological marvels (especially in worlds where those do not exist) will draw attention, as will skills, knowledge, or abilities you or your waifus may have or purchase, but the suddenness of acquisition of any such things will not be noticed.

Additional purchases within the Waifu App may have the primary effect of making the user completely unremarkable even when using obviously unnatural purchases or may make the user the center of attention even when nothing unusual is displayed, but all such entries will be clearly labeled and intended for such a purpose.

The Waifu App, unlike the CYOA it is based on and the Company therein, is guaranteed to not be working for any hidden or malicious purpose. No harm, inconvenience, or misfortune will come to any non-consenting inhabitant of the omniverse due your patronage of the Waifu App, purchases you make with the Waifu App, or the Waifu App's continued existence. Harm done by you, the user, with or to any waifu or other entry purchased is not covered by this guarantee, though no harm will be done solely from the act of purchasing.

The Waifu App and associated Device are provided to you free of any cost, liability, bargain, deal, contract, debt, responsibility, duty, or other drawback. Nothing is taken in exchange, including but not limited to your money, time, years of your life, purpose, or your soul. Additionally, accepting the Device and Waifu App is free of any hidden negative effects, penalties, and detriments including but not limited to legal penalty, bad luck, death, or eternal damnation. The Device, Waifu App access, and any non-waifu entry purchased are considered to be entirely your property and may not be repossessed, confiscated, or revoked by any entity at any time. Waifus are always considered their own person, despite any bonds to you, but will never be removed, released, or killed without their informed and unforced consent.

Any aspect of the usage of the Device, Waifu App, or entries purchased that is in dispute in a fashion not covered in this Essence will be resolved in favor of you, the user, in a reasonable fashion.

The Device, pre-loaded with the Waifu App, your starting 4,000 WPs, and an app to seamlessly migrate anything you wish from your current smartphone and/or other similar devices, will appear next to you immediately after consuming this essence.


Essence of the Killer

This essence looks like a bottle of blood and tastes coppery. By consuming it you become able to kill anyone.

You have a body just above peak of your species in ability, one sculped to your tastes.

You have supernatural mastery of many weapons and unarmed styles, even just plain old brawling.

You are always armed with whatever weapons you prefer. Your weapons never become non-functional, be it through lack of ammunition, misfire, mechanical jam, rust, dirtiness, damage, or anything else.

You can kill anything. Things which do not normally die of gross bodily injury do so when you inflict it.

Things which do not have bodies for you to injure will, when you intend to kill them, develop weaknesses which you can intuitively notice and take advantage of.

Your attacks have perfect defense penetration. Armor, supernaturally tough bodies, space-time anomalies and more cannot prevent you from hurting your targets.

The damage you inflict cannot be healed, repaired, reversed, or otherwise ameliorated. Crippling injuries cannot be compensated for by prosthetics.

Your attacks damage the body and the soul. You can strike immaterial creatures as though they were material. You can attack a hivemind by targeting any of the creatures making it up.

Those you kill cease to exist. They will not leave ghosts or go on to afterlives and cannot be resurrected or raised from the dead. When you destroy an avatar, you can force that death to pass through its connection to its greater self and thus kill it. When you kill someone, you can destroy any data describing them well enough to make a clone or fork and prevent that data from ever being recovered, even by post-cognition or time travel.

When you kill someone, their death will not leave any loose ends. Anything which depended on them will continue to exist, unaffected. Their allies will not seek revenge for their death. Their dead man's switches will fail to go off.

* Your ability to kill cannot be rendered irrelevant. This can grant you any power you need to still remain combat effective regardless of what's going on, but it doesn't go beyond keeping you combat effective.

* Your life is the story of you killing people, and any plot device necessary to give you an opportunity to kill those people is on the table.

You can decide to kill or not in an instant, making the choice you would have if you had time to think it over with all the relevant information available to you. In this instant, you can form your killing intent.

Your killing intent is a supernatural force which terrifies and suppresses your targets. Those afflicted by your killing intent feel like they are moving through molasses. Space and time around them are locked down, preventing them from fleeing by teleportation or time travel. Their ability to fight back is not wholly crippled, but they cannot avoid your attacks.

Your killing intent requires you to intend to kill someone. There is some flexibility here: saying "If you stand in my way, I will kill you." does express your (conditional) killing intent, even if the person who was standing in your way backs down and you don't kill them. You can use this conditional killing intent to make your threats believable, provided you actually do intend to follow through and the threat involves killing someone.

You can flavor your killing intent. A cold, utilitarian understanding that the world would be a better place without Voldemort in it will feel different to those around you than the burning rage at the man who just killed your wife. Your killing intent will feel protective to the people you are trying to save, even as it terrifies those threatening them.

Your murder story surpasses and your killing intent suppresses the plot armor and destiny of your targets. They do not get a last-second power up or breakthrough. Their burning willpower will fade into ineffectual embers. Anyone who wishes to save them will fail to act in time.

You can hide your killing intent. Although this prevents you from using it to lock down your targets, it does allow you to get close to them without them noticing that someone is trying to kill them.

You are psychologically well suited to the life of a killer. Blood and gore don't make you squeamish, guilt does not make you miserable, and pity will not make you spare someone you decided to kill. You are immune to PTSD. Your bloodlust will never overwhelm your reason and morality.


Essence of the Henshin Hero

By consuming the Essence of the Henshin Hero, you are granted several boons:

You get a one-time body remodel to the physique and appearance of your choice within human limits.

You become unaging unless you are under the age of 25, in which case you age until then, and if you are over 25, revert to the prime of your life. In addition, you gain perfect memory and are immune to the fog of ages.

You can call upon the powers of various Henshin Heroes such as Kamen Riders, Ultramen, Power Rangers, ect., even using multiple powers simultaneously.

You can even call upon the powers of more unconventional examples, such as the transforming Mega Men from Mega Man ZX, the various Hardshells from Joker Quest, the Boosted Gear & Divine Dividing from Highschool DxD, Iron Man Armors, or even the powers of Class Cards or Magical Girls.

You even gain the ability to create your own custom powers and abilities, such as creating a custom Kamen Rider Form or creating a Bio-Metal for one of the Mega Man Classic characters.

You also gain the ability to make solid manifestations of these powers that anyone can use. Take care not to let any of them get stolen… Additionally, if an item you create a solid manifestation of has an integrated consciousness, such as Boosted Gear or one of the Kaleidosticks, you can choose whether or not your copy has its consciousness. Copies that have no consciousness suffer no degradation of ability.

Essence of the Devil Trigger

By consuming the Essence of the Devil Trigger, you are granted several boons:

You become a Half-Devil, gaining the best attributes of both humans and devils, including an unaging body, immunity to the fog of ages, and incredible regenerative abilities.

You also gain a Devil Trigger of your own design, whether it be a wholly original design or a chimera of the powers of various other devils from fiction.

You also gain access to up to Four Devil Arms from the Devil May Cry series, the Devil Trigger CYOA or of your own original design.

You also gain access to the services of The God of Space and Time, whose avatars take the form of ornate statues holding hourglasses.

The God of Space and Time's services are many and varied, but mainly consist of enhancing one's abilities by unlocking one's inner potential by being traded Red Orbs.

Red Orbs are the crystallization of blood created by Devils and Half-Devils by slaying their foes. You, being a Half-Devil now, also have this ability, of course.

You also, with much time and training, can unlock your Sin Devil Trigger, a powered-up version of your regular Devil Trigger that is much more monstrous in appearance.

Essence of the Zombie Survival Protagonist

By consuming the Essence of the Zombie Survival Protagonist, you gain several boons:

You get a one-time body remodel to the physique and appearance of your choice within human limits.

You gain peerless accuracy with any type of firearm or other ranged weapon.

You gain physical strength enough to punch falling boulders apart.

You gain immunity to diseases including zombie viruses that can be shared with others via blood transfusion.

Your blood is now a universal donor-type and is free of pathogens of any kind.

You gain access to the services of The Merchant, a nameless but helpful individual who will be willing to sell guns to you any time you see him.

His wares include not just expertly customized real-life guns, but also guns and weapons from various fictional works or even stranger weapons whose designs appear to be ripped out of the contents of your own mind. He also sells body armor, medicine and food for those looking to take on a more administrative role.

When asked about where he gets these things, he will clam up and say nothing.

Also offers customization services for the weapons he peddles, which include mundane things such as firepower or range enhancements, but also stranger items such as mods that give your gun infinite ammo.

Essence of the Pokémon Trainer

By consuming the Essence of the Pokémon Trainer, you gain several boons:

You get a one-time body remodel to the age, gender and physique of your choice.

You gain the Blessing of Ho-Oh, which gives you eternal youth, immunity to the fog of ages, and resurrective immortality. You can also share this blessing with people of your choosing, and take it away if need be as well.

You gain access to a team of six Pokémon of your choice, with the caveat that you can only choose one Legendary, Mythical, or Ultra Beast for your team.

In addition, one Pokémon on your team becomes your Partner Pokémon, gaining enhanced stats, moves that it normally would not be able to learn, and potentially other powers, such as newly discovered Mega Evolutions, Gigantamaxes, or even powers such as the mythical Battle Bond.

Note, however, that if your team has a legendary on it, they cannot qualify to be your Partner Pokémon, as generally most Legendaries are powerful enough as is due to their high stats and other stated abilities.

You also gain the ability to open portals to and from the Pokémon World, as well as the Ultra Megalopolis and any of the Ultra Beasts homeworlds.

Essence of the Lord of Darkness

By consuming the Essence of the Lord of Darkness, you are granted several boons:

You become the incarnation of the Dark Lord, Dracula, of Castlevania fame, and gain access to all of his powers and abilities (Both from the Classic timeline and The Lord of Shadows timeline), along with all of his servants, and of course, Castlevania itself.

This includes the immortality of Dracula, making you capable of resurrecting yourself if you are slain and growing more powerful in the process by having certain conditions fulfilled. These conditions, of course, are decided by you yourself as you wait for resurrection in the Astral Plane.

What this essence does not include is Dracula's all-consuming desire to destroy humanity - Your mind is solely your own, and cannot be influenced by any outside powers.

Your minions, however, care not for your willingness to destroy humanity, seeing this as a welcome vacation, with many even taking up anachronistic hobbies, such as Death and his newfound love for daytime soap operas. As such, you have their perfect and unwavering loyalty.

However, should you find that humanity needs to be placed under the yoke of darkness once more, your minions will gladly respond. Be careful, however, as the light has a tendency to raise up unexpected champions, even if the accursed Belmont Clan is nowhere to be found…

Essence of Super Robot Wars

By consuming the Essence of Super Robot Wars, you are granted several boons:

You gain access to a Mecha of your own design to use as you please, or access to any previous existing Mecha if you can't think of a good enough design or don't care to make one.

You can bring up to 15 Mecha series into this world to experience your own Super Robot Wars adventure, with you being able to choose if the new world you create was always this way or if something happened to cause this.

However, the Protagonists of those Mecha Worlds will not judge you for this, seeing the event as out of your control as theoretically anyone could have been drawn in. Instead, their priority will be defending this world from the new threats that plague it.

This essence also has two alternate modes - Super Heroine Chronicles Mode, which has up to 15 series starring primarily female heroes such as Magical Girls and the like, and Super Tokusatsu Wars Mode, which has up to 15 series starring Live Action Heroes, such as Power Rangers, Kamen Riders or even things like the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

You can choose to have the effects of this essence applied up to three times to gain access to all of the effects.

Essence of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Protagonist

By consuming the Essence of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Protagonist, you gain access to several boons:

You gain a one-time body remodel to a physique and gender of your choice, crazy hairstyle that could never exist in real life optional, but highly encouraged.

You gain a supernatural ability to play any type of game, whether it be video games, board games, death games (survival guaranteed!), and of course, children's card games.

This supernatural ability also gives you the outlandish ability to do things like alter probability so that the card you want is always on top of the deck, you can create new cards wholesale, and you can even change the preexisting text of a card to say something completely different as long as it doesn't explicitly say "I win." on it, as the beings that now govern this universe frown quite highly on that kind of munchkinry. Also, people won't question any of it, strangely enough.

The world also sees a vast increase in gaming technology, with things like Duel Disks and Real Solid Vision becoming commonplace seemingly overnight.

In general, the world becomes more like the Yu-Gi-Oh! Anime, complete with nonsensical threats to life and existence that inexplicably want to play children's games for no adequately explained reason.

This includes, of course, things like ancient Egyptian Shadow Magic, rampant Duel Spirits, sinister, time-traveling duel cabals, interdimensional ghosts / aliens who settle things through Yu-Gi-Oh!, armies from other dimensions who want to use dueling to unite all dimensions under their banner, evil A.I.'s who see dueling as the next step in human evolution, and of course, the greatest evil of them all, Konami.

This essence can also be applied to other games of your choice, such as Mega Man Battle Network, Beyblade or even Medabots as long as it's something that would fit as the product placement of a children's anime.

Essence of the Super Smash Bros. Story Mode

By consuming the Essence of the Super Smash Bros. Story Mode, you gain access to several boons:

You gain the abilities and weapons of the three Mii Fighter classes, with you counting as THE Mii Fighter for the purposes of this essence. You also gain a one-time makeover to the physique, gender and appearance of your choice.

You gain the ability to open portals between our world and the world's contained within the Super Smash Bros. multiverse. In exchange, Master Hand, the creator god of the Super Smash Bros. universe, has decreed that you will represent your world as a member of the Super Smash Bros. in whatever manner you feel best suits you as you go up against the various enemies now plaguing your linked universes.

The universe of Super Smash Bros. consists of all of the series shown in the Super Smash Bros. games up to the end of Ultimate's DLC, plus all of the newcomers shown in Super Smash Flash, Super Smash Bros. Crusade, Super Smash Land, and any Project M Character mods you'd like to include.

In addition, you can also choose to include characters from up to 15 series of your choice in the roster of the Super Smash Bros. series. Whether it be anime, manga, video games, novels, comics or movies, you can include whoever you please. Everyone is here.

And we do mean everyone, as you also gain the ability to add characters from preexisting series as members of the roster as well. Feeling like there aren't enough Kirby characters? Add whoever. Want to acknowledge Paper Mario when Shigeru Miyamoto won't? Go crazy!


Essence of the Monsterfucker

By drinking of this black Essence, you have become the pinnacle of monsterfuckers: you have the potential to seduce and have sex with pretty much anything!

You can now freely regulate your platonic, romantic, and sexual attraction: at any time, you can freely choose what you find attractive, and what you don't. This isn't just limited to gender; for example, you can make it so that you'll find certain kinds of physique, or certain facial features, or certain species. You can even make yourself attracted towards more "unusual" targets like works of art, or ideas. You can freely regulate each attraction from absolute hatred to total obsession. Even if you're somehow mentally impaired or your judgment is clouded, your attractions will automatically change in order to not cause you any trouble.

Your attractiveness receives a considerable boost. At the absolute minimum, everyone will consider you moderately attractive.

You gain a significant ability to seduce and pleasure anything. You start out as the equivalent of an excellent playboy and sex actor; you can increase your performance with study and practice.

Whenever you first meet someone (or something), it will not consider you a threat. However, this only applies for the first impression: depending on your actions, their attitude towards you can change. For example, if you meet SCP-682, it won't try to kill you unless you deliberately try to provoke it. If you do provoke it, then your protection is forfeit.

You can try to communicate with any potential partner via any possible method that you already possess, (like voice, smell and body language); likewise, you can understand their attempts to communicate with you. If the conversation is related to seduction or sex (for example: courting or complimenting the other, discussing fetishes, using a safeword, etc), you and your partner will ALWAYS understand each other perfectly, without any chance of misunderstanding or error; otherwise, you can use this ability only to communicate basic concepts.

You have the potential to learn and master any kind of skill, ability or power, as long as it's somehow related to seduction or sex, even just vaguely. The greater the relation, the faster you learn and improve. For example, if you try to learn alchemy, it'll be as difficult for you as it is for the average person; but if you're doing it to impress a girl, it'll be slightly easier. And if you try to learn how to make love potions specifically, you will learn really fast. As long as the skill you're training is somehow related to seduction or sex, you can improve it endlessly.

Since many partners are kinda dangerous to have sex with, you gain a peculiar form of invulnerability. If your suffer any form of damage (physical or otherwise), but the source of said damage does NOT actively and deliberately wish to cause you permanent harm, then you can reduce, negate and/or undo part or all of this damage at any time you want, even when you normally wouldn't be able to make such a decision. For example, you're capable of: hugging a fire elemental without burning, but still able to feel a pleasant warmth; allowing a vampire to endlessly suck your blood, instantly regenerating any blood that you lost; taking a giant's cock up your ass and harmlessly stretch, without any internal damage or discomfort (this essentially replicates the effects of porn physics); allowing a demon to annihilate your soul, and then resurrecting yourself a year later; etc.

You also gain the ability to reduce, negate and/or undo any damage that you cause – or would cause – to others. For example, you can: whip someone for hours without causing any actual damage, but letting them feel the pain of every hit; stab someone through the heart without any effect; penetrate an ant and have it stretch painlessly and harmlessly around your cock; killing someone and then resurrecting them a hour later; etc. You can grant this ability to others, temporarily or permanently.

You can reduce your fertility at will, from your normal state all the way down to zero. However, if a pregnancy has been conceived and the host wants to keep it, you won't be able to undo it.

If you want, you can make it so that any pregnancy that you cause (or that you're carrying) are painless, effortless, devoid of gestational problems, and/or undetectable from the outside.

Any romantic or sexual conquest you gain will not feel any jealousy towards you or any of your other partners, as long as you are honest with them.

Essence of the Stickmin

By drinking this Essence, you will gain all the abilities of the famous thief Henry Stickmin.

You gain the ability to transform yourself into a stick-figure version of yourself: the head and extremities are relatively big, while everything else is really thin. Besides the different proportions, this new body doesn't offer you any particular advantage or disadvantage. You can change forms at will.

You gain a huge amount of competence in any activity that can be considered "criminal" for your setting. In particular, you become a master at breaking in and out of places, and at stealing.

All your actions will follow moderate cartoon logic. For example, staying still and posing as a mannequin can actually fool most people. Keep in mind, however, that cartoon logic favors what is funny, so sometimes it will refuse to work – or even work against you – precisely because it's the funnier option in that situation.

Every time you're faced with a challenge, time will stop, and you will be presented with a choice of various tools, abilities and/or actions; the number of options available every time range from 2 to 8, but they're usually limited to 3-4. At least one of those options will help you achieve your IMMEDIATE goal. After selecting an option (or choosing to not select any option), time will resume. If you chose an option, you will immediately gain the ability/tool depicted in it; however, you will lose said ability/tool once you stop using it. This power can give you tools/abilities that you don't normally possess, or that are fantastical in nature.

One recurring option is a "teleporter", which has always the appearance of a small remote with various buttons on it. The teleporter will NEVER function as intended; not even the Archdeity of Eternity can change this constant. Sometimes it will just teleport you a few meters away from your intended destination, and sometimes it will smear your body across the entire universe.

If your choice causes you to "fail" your IMMEDIATE goal, time will stop, and you will be greeted by an humorous message. At that point, you can either go back in time and pick another option; or just accept your fate. Picking the same option again will always cause the same result.

You gain access to a trusty blue scooter that never runs out of fuel. You can easily modify it to add various accessories or to allow it to travel different environments, like the sea or space. If lost or destroyed, you will recover it after a few days.

Essence of Trading Card Games

By drinking this golden Essence, you will gain the ability to bring card games to life.

NOTE: The powers of this Essence only work on the cards obtained thanks to the Essence itself.

All the cards obtained through this Essence share the following properties. The cards are incorporeal and magical, and will never deteriorate. At will, you can summon them, move them around with your mind, and banish them into your personal collection/hammerspace (which has infinite capacity). If you want to, you can make them invisible to everyone except yourself.

Every card obtained through this Essence has a "price", depending on its rarity. If a single booster pack is guaranteed to contain X cards of that rarity, the price is 100 points divided by X; if there's only a 1-in-X chance that a booster pack contains a card of that rarity, the price is 100 points multiplied by X. A promotional card is always worth 10.000 points.

Upon drinking this essence, you will obtain ONE pre-constructed deck of any trading card game that is or was available in your world.

Once per day, you can obtain one booster pack of any TCG of your choice, present or past. You can choose the specific expansion.

You have the power to "play" a card and use its abilities, by paying its cost; unless otherwise noted, you must use the resources gathered by other cards. The specific effect of a played card depends on its type: for example, a creature card will summon the creature depicted, an artifact card will summon the item, and a sorcery card will cast itself as a spell. Every card you play will be loyal to you.

If you want, you can make it so that every damage caused by your cards will be non-lethal. Any person "killed" by one of your cards will instead fall in a coma that will last for several days; you can wake them up earlier than intended, if you want.

Every time you play a card, you can make minor alterations to it. For example, you can change a creature's color, or lewdify it; but their design will still be similar to the original picture (so no changing the creature's race, for example).

You have two different states: Free Mode, and Game Mode. Free Mode allows you to play cards directly from your collection, but makes them much weaker and limits the amount of cards that can be "in play" at the same time; while Game Mode makes the cards significantly stronger, but forces you to follow the rules of the game while it's active. You can switch between these states at any time. Switching to one mode will immediately de-summon all the cards that you played in the other mode.

During Free Mode, you can play any card in your collection at any time: your collection will act as both your deck and your hand. As a general rule, the cheapest non-free monster will posses strength equivalent to one average human.

To pay the cost of a card in Free Mode, you can either gain resources by using other cards; or you can supply the resource yourself (for example, you if you have your own reserves of magic energy, you can use them to pay the cost of a Magic The Gathering card).

During Free Mode, a "turn" lasts 5 minutes. However, with training, you can increase this limit indefinitely, or decrease it to six seconds.

When you play a card in Free Mode, you can choose to "put it in the discard pile". Doing so will transform it in a ghost version of itself. This still counts towards the limit of cards that you can play in Free Mode (see below). Likewise, if the card is destroyed/defeated/spent, you can choose to put it in this ghost state or return it to your collection.

Free Mode has two limits regarding how many cards you have, Initially, you can only have 7 cards in play at the same time; this includes cards that are "in the discard pile". Additionally, every card that you summon will temporarily tire you out: summoning 14 cards within an hour will knock you unconscious for several hours. Both of these limits will increase as you grow in strength and experience, allowing you to sustain multiple cards at the same time and to summon more cards before fainting.

At any time during Free Mode, you can sell any card that you own for 1/10th of its price; the cards that you sell will disappear forever. You can also buy any card by paying its full price. Keep in mind, however, that the points that you gain from selling the cards of a certain TCG can only be spent to buy cards of that same TCG.

Game Mode forces you to play by following the rules of the game. When you activate Game Mode, you must choose which deck you want to play; the deck must be legal, so you cannot mix-and-match cards from different games. As long as Game Mode is active, you cannot access your collection unless a card allows you to.

A "turn" in Game Mode lasts a minimum of six seconds, but has no upper limit.

Cards played during Game Mode are significantly stronger compared to Free Mode. Their level of strength depends on your own level of power and/or experience. At the bare minimum, their level of power in Game Mode is 10x times their power in Free Mode OR is the same as canon, whichever is lower; at the maximum, they will be exactly as powerful as lore and canon says.

Since Game Mode forces you to follow the game's rules, you can ignore the "you can only have 7 cards in play" and the "playing cards tires you out" limitations of Free Mode. Instead, as you come closer and closer to defeat, you will lose progressively more stamina. For example, if you're playing a Magic The Gathering game, you will become weaker every time you draw or discard a card from your deck (since you lose if you must draw a card from your deck when you have no cards left) or you lose life points (since you lose if your life points drop to 0).

Initially, losing a game will knock you unconscious for several hours. Over time, as you grow in strength and experience, this drawback will decrease: losing a game will only drain one half of your stamina, then one third, one fourth, etc.

When you'll become strong enough, you will gain the ability to play multiple games at the same time, using multiple decks – even from different games. Your mind will always allow you to keep track of multiple games at the same time. Keep in mind, however, that if you lose multiple games, the damage that you'll suffer from each loss will be added together. (For example: when you are strong enough to play two decks at the same time, losing one game will sap 50% of your stamina, while losing both games will drain it completely and KO you.)

If you switch from Game Mode to Free Mode while your opponent is still standing and hasn't surrendered, it will count as a loss.


Essence of Dying Will

By Drinking this carbonated Rainbow Colored Drink you gain the following

Your body is now in perfect physical fitness and health and is the ideal appearance you desire. Right out the gate you are peak human and can continue to grow stronger to absurd Superhuman Levels without limit.

You now possess an unbreakable resolve, and great willpower. Ater you've set out to do something you will figure out how best to accomplish it. Not even your failing body can stop you in what it is you've set out to do.

You have healthy optimal Brain, Genius Level Intelligence, and a perfect memory and storage

You have lots of Vitality and a very strong Life force

You have the Ability to Utilize Dying Will Flames a high-density form of energy that is refined from one's own life-force powered by your Resolve and willpower and takes the form of Fire but of varying Colors, you can choose what and what not to burn. There are 2 Flame classes, and an outlier, 15 types of flames in total each with their own different properties.

Because of your great resolve and will power you can automatically emit a flame without a Ring.

You have the potential to use all 15 types of flames without detriment or risk to your life, can continually switch out what your main flame is, and all your flames are in their purest state.

If you don't want all 15 Flames then you can restrict yourself to one flame Class. If you Restrict yourself to the Dying will Flames of the Sky then your main Flame will be the Sky Flame, and you can have 2 optional other flames, and when combined with the Sky Flames Harmony Aspect it will create a powerful new flame, the Flame of Wrath, which is the combination of the Sky and Storm Flame is one example. If you Restrict yourself to Dying will Flames of the Earth your Main Flame will be the Earth Flame and you have 2 More optional Flames.

The Stronger you become the more flames you can output at base without a Ring

Whenever you have the Sky Flame as your main flame you can toggle the "Attraction" Aspect to attract 6 potential harem members as your Guardians those 6 individual will have a flame type

Your Offspring will have the potential to use dying will flames

You can skip Dying will mode and enter Hyper Dying will Mode at will as if it was second nature

At will you can enter the Minus State an inverted Dying Will Mode that allows you to neutralize damage

You know how to use Zero Point Breakthrough, a Technique that lets you create a type of Ice that can only be melted by yourself and other users of Dying will flames otherwise it is unmeltable, the Ice is also Unbreakable absorbing all forces of impact which in turn causes more Ice to appear

You can conjure rings of the various flame attributes to help you harness and control your Dying flames more easily as well as increase your flame output. In terms of power all the Rings that you conjure are on Par with the Vongola Rings, Mare Rings and Simon Rings.

You have the knowledge and capability to create box animals, and weapons you can even convert box Animals to Animal Rings if you choose to, meaning instead of your box animal residing in a box it now resides in a Ring. Box Animals Scale to your power the stronger you become the stronger they become.

You have Hyper Intuition, a form of Precog that is constantly active, it Allows you to predict an enemies next moves! Upcoming dangers, even if you don't realize what the danger actually is, allows you to see through illusions, You can also tell when someone is lying to you, and have a general sense of whether someone is trustable from a glance.

You also Possess the Ability to communicate with alternate versions of yourself from different parallel world's if there are no parallel versions of yourself within the local Multiverse you find yourself in you can instead Travel to Parallel Worlds instead.


Essence of One For All

By consuming this torch-bright essence, you become the beginning or the inheritor of a legacy.

You're capable of directly "stockpiling power" over time, impressing your own puissance upon a bottomless and intangible inner reserve. This isn't merely the ability to store accumulated energy, but the meta-ability to cultivate and safeguard a source of energy.

This stockpiled power can be drawn upon to magnify the physical parameters of your body - including strength, speed, durability, and more. Because this power stockpile accumulates without any obvious limit, refutes decay, and applies holistically, it indirectly serves to allow your physique to be trained without limit, prevents your physique from being functionally crippled, and allows all aspects of your physique to be improved simultaneously.

The rarefied aspect of your power stockpile lends even its basest expressions a degree of idealization, allowing the traits it enhances to be used in ways that shouldn't be physically possible. You could run and jump at superhuman speeds with blatantly physics-defying traction and leverage, create carefully and precisely shaped shockwaves with "brute force" alone, and flawlessly and seamlessly reinforce your body against the physical strain otherwise logically imposed by your own power.

As this power stockpile grows and you grow better at channeling it, it may even grow to encompass other aspects of yourself, flowing to reinforce your quirks - that is, your 'individualities', your most iconic attributes and abilities. You will always be able to express your quirks with at least as much potency as the stockpile bestows upon your more ordinary aspects.

Discrete personality-based powers, generic cape superpowers, one-off mutant abilities, and their ilk will always count as "quirks". Within a wider context, other forms of distinguishing ability may also be subsumed under the banner of the flame within you, such as a more static inherited bloodline or an ability to access a particular magic system.

You are capable of passing all of the benefits of this essence on to another - that is, the accumulated power stockpile, the ability to stockpile yet more power, the ability to choose another successor, and so on - by whatever method you find most fitting. You could pass this power on via a genetic transfusion, leave it as a literal inheritance in your last will and testament, or hurl it through the cosmos to exalt any hero who meets your standards.

As if to safeguard your power to choose, you can never transfer the benefits of this essence against your sincere will, and any influence that would compromise your judgement in this regard is flawlessly rejected. You may even have some uncanny resistance to mind control in general, shrugging off strictures with an outsized will.

Anyone who recieves this power stockpile in the future may draw out an echo of any quirk that the stockpile was able to grow to augment in a previous wielder, and wield all of those echoes as their own. Conversely, anyone who holds the power stockpile and passes it on will retain an echo of all of the benefits it gave them, for a time proportional to the strength of the stockpile at the time they released it.

Instead of fully passing this essence on to another, to see their newly inherited powers side-by-side with the echo you'll briefly retain, you may instead keep the nucleus of this power for yourself and pass the echo on to them. There is, technically, no limit to how many echoes you can pass on, save that they'll all still burn out in due time - a stockpile of a given size may only be able to emanate and sustain so many echoes at once.

You may leave an echo of your very self within the stockpile when and if you pass it on. This echo of your spirit will only be aware as it and you would want it to be, but it will be able to flawlessly weather the ages, tap into the knowledge of its successors, and give advice and counsel, as wanted or needed, to anyone who holds the stockpile. Your successors may also make the same choice when it comes time for them to pass the stockpile on.

As a one-time choice when you, personally, first take this essence, you may discover that you're not the first to hold it, and that this essence was actually the means by which your predecessor decided to pass their abilities on. The magnitude of the stockpile you've inherited, and any quirks it might hold, are up to you to discover.

Essence of All For One

By consuming this colorless and hollow essence, you bring all abilities under the authority of your own ego.

You are capable of stealing the quirks of others for yourself with but a single touch - that is, you're capable of stealing their 'individualities', their most iconic attributes and abilities. In return, you may also gift any of your quirks to another via physical contact, if you so choose.

Discrete personality-based powers, generic cape superpowers, one-off mutant abilities, and their ilk will always count as "quirks". Within a wider context, other forms of distinguishing ability may also be subjugated to your command, such as a more static inherited bloodline or an ability to access a particular magic system.

Transplanting a quirk by means of this essence never lessens it. Likewise, giving or taking a quirk by means of this essence never causes a donor or a recipient any direct damage; bodies, minds and souls will flawlessly adapt to fill in the gaps left behind stolen capabilities with lessened but healthy tissues, or integrate new capabilities without any risk of immune rejection or similar backlash.

By dint of your absolute authority over quirks, you are always guaranteed to be their master, and not the other way around. Quirks in your possession may have unacceptable drawbacks to their use, or otherwise impose strange burdens, but you are categorically immune to any form of compulsion or mental influence bound up within your quirks, and you always remain in full control of the faculties they give you.

There is no limit to the number of quirks you can possess at any one time, for they will interface harmoniously with each other in any eventuality short of gross morphological incompatibility - such as the combination of a quirk that transforms you into a living gravitational singularity with a quirk that renders you perfectly weightless. Even then, you may deactivate any quirks you don't want to use, shuffling them out for quirks you do want to engage.

You may also use the aforementioned ability at any time, for any reason, to seal quirks away or retrieve them at will. Deactivated quirks are undetectable; you are treated for all intents and purposes as if you didn't have them, at least until you withdraw them from the slumber of your private 'storage' once again.

When expressing multiple quirks simultaneously, strictly identical quirks will always 'overlap' with each other to no benefit, in much the same way that a swab of paint can't be mixed with itself to create something more. Similar but non-identical quirks may stack with each other, however - and especially so if their superficial similarities belie meaningful differences in form, function, or nature - creating a whole that's radically more than the sum of its parts.

When giving quirks to others, you are capable of leaving shards of yourself within those boons if you so choose, rooting into the recipients of your generosity. These shards, though unconscious, will subtly influence their holders. At their weakest, they could simply render their hosts more agreeable to you; at their strongest, they could completely strip their hosts of autonomy and higher awareness, slaving them as vessels to your will.

You are capable of targeting anyone who holds a shard of yourself in this way with any power you possess, regardless of distance or ordinary power vectors, as if they were directly by your side and vulnerable. You can use this ability to take quirks back, give orders, take a firmer hand, or punish disobedience as you so choose.

Because of the aforementioned entanglement of your consciousness within your powers, anyone who succeeds in recreating your powers creates a full copy of yourself, latent within its new host as if it were a particularly independent shard. Such full copies of yourself may self-destruct if you choose, depriving their hosts of your powers and averting a dominance contest between two iterations of yourself, or they may progressively take their hosts over, infecting their hosts over time with your own personality, memories, and values.

These shards will always take their hosts over if they're the only surviving copies of yourself, allowing any sufficiently functional copy of your powers to serve as a kind of phylactery.

Essence Of The Demon Slayer

By drinking this burning golden essence, you become a warrior against monsters and a sword-sage of the highest order.

You receive a strong and powerful body, hale and healthy as if honed to lethality in the prime of its life. Though this technically grants no lifespan extension or superhuman physique in itself, you will remain ready and fit to fight up until the very moment of your death.

You are a grandmaster of esoteric breathing techniques which allow you to push your body to extremes. Your cardiovascular and respiratory systems are tempered and overclocked to absorb and circulate far more oxygen than should otherwise be possible, greatly boosting your strength, speed, and stamina, and you know how to instinctively maintain optimal breathing patterns at all times.

Furthermore, you possess a 'Demon Slayer Crest' - a marking, unique to each individual, which signifies that they've attained and unlocked greater reserves of prowess. With your Crest on top of your breath techniques, you could easily fight at supersonic speeds and shatter buildings with ease. You suffer no penalties to your health and lifespan as a result of this crest, contrary to those who might think otherwise.

Your perception in particular is greatly elevated by your Crest, granting you immense prescience. You're always able to think even faster than your body can move, giving you an edge even in battles with other speedsters. Furthermore, your senses lay others bare with such force as to comprehensively expose their bodies and movements; you could react to the subtlest of internal muscle twitches as if by x-ray vision, or identify the anatomic vulnerabilities of grotesque monsters at a glance.

You possess sublime, peerless talent with an ordinary weapon of your choice, whether it's a traditional muscle-powered weapon like a sword, or a more modern tool of murder, such as a firearm. Your talent is so great that you could defeat grandmasters who have trained for countless lifetimes from the very first time you pick up your weapon of choice.

You may also accept a masterwork copy of your savant weapon, including everything you need to maintain it for the next century, if you didn't own such a thing and its accoutrements already.

You possess ideal harmony of thought and action on the battlefield. When executing specific, well-defined attack forms - with your savant weapon, or otherwise - you never make mistakes or errors without being deliberately forced, misled, or crippled, as if acting with perfect muscle memory and absolute focus.

Your weapons are likewise empowered in the course of your attacks, acting in ways less like material things and more like vectors of pure killing intent. You could split impenetrable boulders with the cheapest blades, without so much as chipping their edges, or hurl projectiles without regard for air resistance and gravity. In the hands of a Crest-bearer, weapons can even glow with cauterizing heat and power - or, in the hands of a master like you, leave scouring burns that scar on a level far beyond the physical.

You possess comprehensive expert knowledge not only of ordinary metalworking and the construction of your savant weapons, but of how to mystically imbue banes - like sunlight - into common materials such that they carry a measure of that bane's power. Your knowledge of weaponcraft will naturally expand to incorporate other forms of supernatural forging if you happen to encounter them and make even a token effort to learn them.

You are capable of passing on all of your knowledge as granted by this perk (whether for purposes of demon slaying or otherwise). However, you can't spark an equivalent to your talents within other people - most of your pupils will struggle just to learn reduced and rote forms of your effortless breath techniques, and you can only give them the opportunity to unlock a Demon Slayer Crest.


Essence of a Strange Real Ace

By imbibing this sky blue concoction you gain the countenance of an Ace of Aces.

- You gain supreme skill in piloting aircraft, one that only soars to new heights over time.

- The aircraft you pilot have their hardpoints, weapons bays and gun reserves greatly expanded.

- Your body can keep up with the extreme maneuvers your skills are capable of pulling off, even as they approach the limits of your aircraft and of absurdity.

- As the conflict you're engaged in progresses and you rack up kill after kill, you gain access to superior planes, whether they be newer variants or more modern aircraft.

- You are able to convey orders and other information over the radio, even if you're as mute as snow.

- Your identity begins to fade into an oxymoronic obscure legend, as most will remember you for your deeds and title instead of your actual self. Photographical records of you come out blurred and unidentifiable and neither investigative journalists nor government agents will be able to track you down if you so desire.


Essence of the Truth

Senses unbound

-You are unburdened by such things as limited senses. The range and potency start the same, but even that may be changed with effort.

-You experience the full benefits of synesthesia. You may substitute any sense for another, or just outright experience one through a different at will. This process is smoothed over such that gagging is lilely the worst side effect you could get.

-You are unlimited in what you can sense. Who cares if it exists or not. With effort hearing the distortion in lies, smelling relationships, seeing hidden truth, feeling the future. You may allow this to be a 6th sense instead at your leisure.


Essence of Selfism

By consuming this bland warmth, you are able to manifest the powers of a Selfist!

Any effect you affect, without the physical or material intervention of any other sentient being, you may replicate at will.

Physical intervention is any assistance beyond advice and guidance.

Material intervention is any substance that has been affected, even if only moved.

Unique to this essence, you may 'revert' substance, removing the effects of others to purify it to a usable state.

You may make use of skills learned from others, and use existing measures to calibrate your own, but that is the limit of intervention.

Conditional powers are those only partially affected by yourself, dependant upon outside intervention - these may not be replicated at will, but may be willed into being when the conditions are met.

Conditional powers must still result largely from your own effort: Selfism is not cooperative!

You are always, instinctually, aware of any mitigating factors that might result in a conditional power (or no power)

By guiding someone through the process of gaining their first Selfist power, you may awaken them to Selfism.

Essence of Azoth

By imbibing this elixir of cunning spirit, you gain a mastery of Spiritual Alchemy and Enchantment!

These powers are dependant upon your Azoth - the spiritual detritus of the Human Soul. Your soul constantly sheds Azoth without diminishing itself

You are aware of this, being able to sense and manipulate your own Azoth with ease.

You may sense, with contact and/or study, the spiritual properties of physical substances. This is the foundation of Alchemy.

This does not reveal their physical properties, however

You may create potions, by mixing substances into a liquid base with a trace of Azoth to catalyse their spiritual properties. This is Basic Alchemy.

Potions have the spiritual and physical properties of their ingredients, ignore either at your peril.

You may create Talismans, crystallised spells, by forming them from solid substances and catalysing Azoth. This is Advanced Alchemy.

Talismans my be turned from substance to spell, releasing their spiritual properties only, by any knowing the rudiments of Azoth.

You may determine the function and flows of active spirit with focus. This is the foundation of Enchantment.

For this means that you can see what you are doing.

You may bless items with power, by awakening and slowly shaping their spirit with layers of Azoth. This is Basic Enchantment.

This is a time-consuming task. expect to be working for hours, not seconds.

You may influence the living by stirring their spirit with trace flavours of Azoth. This is Advanced Alchemy.

As living spirits are constantly in flux, this influence will dissipate within a lunar month.

Finally, you may achieve a balanced combination of Alchemy and Enchantment, such as by firing Alchemical Potions from Enchanted Foci. This is Sorcery.

The art is also eminently teachable, but demands much patience from it's students.

Essence of Technomimetic Sorcery

A copper liquid tasting of steel sparks, this essence bestows upon you a mighty talent for Technomimetic Sorcery:

Technomimetic Sorcery allows it's user's to magically mimic technological might in a variety of ways.

By making use of a man-portable example of technology, you may develop the relevant technomimetic power.

To qualify as 'Man-Portable', the sorcerer must be able to carry the device in it's entirety (though not necessarily intact) without assistance.

A technomimetic power has the full functionality and limitations of the device it mimics, including cycle times, limited power and range.

If the device mimicked can be 'reloaded' in the field, then neglecting to use the power for as long as it would take to reload the device restores the power's capacity to full.

This can be done as many times per day as reloads are 'Man-Portable', a limit which can be refreshed with a good night's sleep.

In order to develop a Technomimetic Power, the sorcerer must repeatedly make use of the device it is based on.

The more complex or high-tech the device is, the longer the power takes to develop.

The better the sorcerer understands his sorcery, as well as the device and how/why it functions, the quicker the power will develop.

If a device is sufficiently similar to a power already developed, the sorcerer merely improves the versatility of that power rather than a different power.

As a special one-time gift, this essence will apply this 'development time' retroactively to all devices you have used in the past.

A skilled Technomietic Sorcerer can also develop spells:

A spell is an esoteric construct, formed of technomimetic credit and existing in the ever-present aether.

A spell can be based on any technology, singular or multiple, portable or not: Soldiers conjure artillery barrages, whilst scientists interrogate supercomputers.

A spell can either mimic a technological effect, or conjure a tecnological device. In the latter case, the spell will deliver it through apparently mundane means - such as an air drop or mail.

The sorcerer must intimately understand the technology he seeks to mimic with his spell before development can begin; how it works, why it works, how it is made, used, and more.

The sorcerer can then compose his spell, constructing it with his credit and assigning a password before releasing it into the aether. This is rarely a quick task.

Any Technomimetic Sorcerer can cast a spell, provided he has enough Technomimetic credit to fuel it.

To cast a spell, the sorcerer must acheive three things: he must recite the password, know (at least vaguely) what the spell is intended to do, and allow the spell to take sufficient credit in payment.

For this reason, passwords are often riddles that hint at their purpose without being entirely dense.

A sorcerer can abort a spell by preventing the flow of credit, allowing spells to be discussed without casting.

Technmimetic credit can be generated by using Technomimetic powers.

More credit is generated by more effective use. A single accurate shot, fired in battle, generates more than an hour at the target range.

Besides forming and casting spells, Technomimetic credit can also be traded amongst practitioners.

Trading credit to a non-sorcerer is an acknowledged, and accepted, way to awaken new technomimetic sorcerers.


Essence of the Elven Progenitor

By drinking this Essence that radiates a majestic forest aroma, you will gain multiple benefits:

Gain a one-time chance to change your appearance, must keep the unique feature of pointed ears.

As the Progenitor, all elves and half-elfs will feel a natural suppression.

Will gain all knowledge, be it magic, fighting, etc from every Elven civilization within the Omniverse.

Your soul, mind and body become immortal and nigh-indestructible. While your mindset will gradually become immune to boredom, mimetic, insanity, etc.

Your superior bloodline will assimilate any foreign bloodline within your body, while outright removing any and all weaknesses.

Gain a body 25x stronger than your average Elf. Can be increased with training.

Supernatural talent when it comes to armed and unarmed fighting. Unnatural and uncanny like grace whenever you move.

Become a walking Tree of Life gaining:

Nature becomes your domain, comes with Nature Manipulation, Plant Manipulation, etc.

Once every month can squeeze out a Drop of Life which can cure/heal anything, purify curses, bless any weapon/armor with Extreme Durability.

Your body will have so much vitality within your body, that any area you stay in will make everything slowly evolve. Any mutations will not harm you.

Gain the ability to travel the Omniverse with no problems, as the spiritual branches guide your path.

May create one Tree of Life per world that will fill the world with mana or any form of energy of your choosing. Able to use the Trees as a "Webway", teleporting between worlds, even universes.

May tweak and/or construct your own magical system with no risk of backlash.

Runes and Enchantments are your forte, creating them with just a thought.

You have high virility with the choice of which sex your baby will have and whether or not you will get pregnant.

Can choose 2 of the following sub-races that you can create using your mana(may choose of which sex your Elves will be):

Blood Elves

Dark Elves

High Elves

Moon Elves

Sun Elves

Deep Elves

Snow Elves

Wood Elves

Winged Elves


Essence of the Maker

A bottle shaped like an intricate hammer. Tastes like hard work and effort.

Through powers born from struggle and self reflection you become a Maker, a Pylon connected to the roots of creation itself.

Every time you perform an act of creation, a link towards that creation is connected from creator to it, and from it to its creator. The strength of this link is tied both to the effort the Maker took in the conception of the creation, as well as their own personal attachment to said creation. A shoe that was toiled on for a day's time but made with detachment will be about as strong as a special gift created in a few hours. A treasured artifact forged over the span of years would form a truly strong link.

A Maker's will is eternal. A link once created can never be uncreated through any means except by the wish of the Maker themselves. Likewise, the link will never weaken no matter how the Maker will come to feel about the creation later on.

A Maker is their creation. Every link bolsters the Maker's own abilities. How and what this effect is depends on the item that is linked. A winter glove would keep the Maker warm even if it is miles away. Sharp knives could confer their sharpness, making it so that the Maker could cut string with their own fingers. A link could be put into strengthening existing abilities or providing new abilities wholesale. The quality of the abilities granted depends on the quality of the item itself and magnified by the strength of the link the Maker has with that item.

A Maker's craft is their Maker. This link works both ways, and the Maker's own link can strengthen their creation in kind. This effect takes nothing from the Maker and can be turned on and off at will. A shadow of the Maker's power is connected through everything they are linked to, boosting their creation's abilities. The Maker has free reigns over how this boost works, and whether it would merely enhance the item itself or grant whole new powers altogether. If the Maker had a fire powers, a pair of gloves could either better protect their user against heat, or shoot fire from its fingertips. How much power the Maker can provide the item depends on their link.

A Maker is Creation untethered. And Creation grows. While A Maker's link cannot degrade, this does not mean it cannot grow. Quite the contrary, any link has the ability to grow without limits. The maker is able to increase the power of the link by using the item with satisfaction. On the other hand the Maker could also give the item to someone else. The Maker can harvest the satisfaction from anyone who uses their creation to grow the link. Should a creation improve itself, the abilities that it grant would also update and improve what it grants to the Maker. Abilities given through the link will never worsen, so even if the item were to be destroyed the link would still grant abilities as if the creation was at its peak.

This power is intrinsically linked towards its user and can never be taken away, stolen, copied, altered without consent, etc, etc. Even if mind controlled and their soul and will was stolen, the Maker will always be a Maker.

Essence of the Moonlit Manor

A bottle shaped like a key, it contains a dark red liquid. Tastes like blood and family.

You come into possession of an old Victorian era castle. Though it may look ancient the insides are in impeccable shape and is kept perpetually spotless.

You are in possession of a key that deems you as the castle's sole proprietor. This key also provides a host of benefits as befitting the castle's owner.

The castle is eternal, so too is their host. Just by being in the castle the owner is healed of all wounds they wished healed, this includes all ailments from magical to spiritual to even the wiles of age.

The castle is not landed, for it is everywhere and anywhere the owner wishes it to be. Just by calling its name, which you can choose, the castle's owner can cause the castle to appear at any place they will. This can be merely parts of the castle, such as a door or a room, or even the entire building. Furthermore, it is possible to manifest the castle on top of the owner's current location, causing the castle to swallow up anyone within the area.

The owner of the castle holds complete control over its interiors, able to shape and morph furniture and rooms to their content. The owner is able to expand and shrink rooms to any size they wish. It is within their right to make a trip to the kitchen a single step or to have each individual crack on the floor hosts to entire universes.

The castle holds a host of shades it considers servants. Shades are completely loyal towards the owner and will never go against their wishes, even involuntarily.

The owner is able to generate any number of shades they wish, following any makeup and design form personality to every cell that makes up their bodies.

The owner is undying, upon death they are able to be revived within the castle's walls as many times as they wish.

The castle holds an unlimited amount of any mundane resource that the owner could desire. Any that it does not hold can be added to its supply by sacrificing said resource to the castle. At which point that resource will be added to its infinite storeroom.

The owner is able to share the castle's benefits with anyone they wish, as well as take those benefits away at a whim.

The owner's hold of the castle is absolute, and can never give it up. Even under complete soul death and antihalation the castle will never leave its owner, and will bring them back until the day they wish it not to.

As an added bonus, should you ever separate from those you love, you will be assured that they will be well taken cared of, safe and sound until you return.

Essence of Essence of What and If

Two simple bottles filled with liquids of undescriptive color. Drinking one will drain both and fill you with the memory of choosing the other. Tastes like a hollow ache and agonizing indecision.

You are swiftly, painlessly and carefully taught a Lesson that was once learnt in a way that was quite the opposite.

As a consequence of this Lesson you gain completely and perfectly limitless multitasking. You are able to think as many thoughts as you want. You are able to process as much data as it is ever possible in just as quickly as said data is introduced.

Your mind is no longer confined to its meatflesh and is able to think even when half destroyed. You can store as much data as there ever will, would, can exist. This data can be, and is, accessed instantaneously, at all times. You can never forget anything, even if you want to.

As a considerate bonus you also gain perfect mental health. Your perception of time can be anything you will it to be without detriment to your actual processing speed. You can perceive at normal human pace yet still have a fast enough reflex to catch a bullet with a normal human body. You will never grow tired of life, ennui will never affect you, boredom does not exist unless you want it to. You have complete control over your mentality and can choose to enjoy anything, even if it is merely menial labor.

You gain mastery over the first half of the Lesson, mastery over What. This ability allows you to concentrate on an event and know every single action that led up to that event down to the movement of individual atoms if you wish. What can be used for any event, big or small, from the steps that led up to a war to the muscle movements that threw a ball through the goalpost.

The second half of the Lesson is yours to do with as you will. You gain the ability known as If. Any event that has a conceivable alternate path, you are able to create a branch off of it known as If. Your complete control over If means that you have free will over reality by implementing as many alternate If paths as you want. A path where where that ball did not hit the goal, a path where that soldier did not take the shot, a path where you chose to pack lunch that day.

Your mastery over the second Lesson means that you are able to reverse an If should you wish to.

While the Lesson is over it does not mean there is nothing left to learn. You gain additional mastery over a technique developed after thousands of years worth of effort, you learn the ability, If Only.

Due to the nature of reality, it was not possible to implement contradictory Ifs. After all, a person cannot choose to walk the right path and the left one at the same time. If Only lets you merge these Ifs in any way that you wish, gaining the benefit of multiple Ifs. A soldier can fire that bullet and miss, yet their target is still dead because you merged the If where they had hit. The ball missed the goal and the star player walks home with the trophy. You can choose not to bake a cake and yet still have it. You can eat the cake and yet it stays whole. This ability frays the fabric of reality and will not make any sense to those that are affected, except for you.

The Lesson is a brand and its existence testament. Nothing anyone can ever do will remove it from you. Any attempt to steal or copy it from you will relay a half taught Lesson, leaving the victim in eternal indecisiveness.


Essence of the「 」

By consuming this colourless, odourless, unobservable, and incomprehensible essence you will become a new「 」entity. A「 」entity is a「 」with it's own sense of self. The「 」is, a separate, but otherwise the same「 」as the one in the Nasuverse. It is the metaphysical "force/location" that exists beyond everything else in the entire Nasuverse, transcendent of reality, dualistic function, and all concepts. It stores and archives all possible information, and is both the origin and endpoint of everything in existence.

Though your「Akashic Record」comes with an archive of everything in the Nasuverse, it will also automatically record and archive any and all information of every other setting you visit.

This not only gives you access to every power and ability in the Nasuverse (ex: Authority, Noble Phantasm, Magecraft, True Magic, Skill, Reality Marble, Marble Phantasm, Knight Arm, Code Cast, Mystic Eye, etc.), but also all the powers and abilities of every other setting you visit and archive as well.

You also have administrative rights over all these powers, allowing you to customize them as you please: You can increase or decrease their rank, add or remove their limitation/side effect/requirement/restriction, combine multiple powers regardless of whether they're from the same verse or not, you can even jailbreak them to perform beyond what they were originally capable of (ex: increasing the range and potency of your power).

You can conjure a perfect recreation of anything and everything ever recorded by your「Akashic Record」, be it people, places, or things.

As a「 」entity you function identically to the「 」in Nasuverse with the exception of a few added bonuses.

Normally those who touch the「 」and become a new「 」would lose their sense of self, becoming completely apathetic to everything else. But you will be one of the few who are able to maintain their sense of self along with everything else (ex: personality, will, emotion, passion, etc.) and they are refer to as「 」 entities.

Like all other「 」and「 」entities, you can create your own setting contain within your now boundless inner world, you have complete control over everything from Origins, Concepts, and Laws to People, Places, Things, and Events.

You get to decide how things work in your setting like the nature of souls, the powers and abilities that can be learn/obtain/born with, the kinds of life that will arise, and so on so forth. You can also bring things out or toss things in as you please.

Essence of All CYOA

This Essence gives you access to an archive of every version of every CYOA that will ever exist, including the Meta Essence. They are [Disabled] by default, but you can choose to [Equip] and [Enable] anyone of them you like and fill them out. And if you didn't like the CYOA or your choices, you can just swap it out with a new one, or you can reset your points and redo them all over again anytime you want, as many time as you want.

At first you will only be able to [Equip] one CYOA at a time but that will change with each CYOA you complete. Once you've completed a CYOA, another slot will be rewarded to you, allowing you to [Equip] and [Enable] another CYOA from within your archive.

You can offer a copy of any CYOA you've completed to another person for them to fill out. You are able to edit the [Locations], [Options], and [Conditions] of the copy to suit your purposes. You are however obligated to hold up your end of the bargain to anyone who's held up their end. The only thing you can't do is offer a power greater than what the original already offered.

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