Everybody soon got to see and know the weird situation that was happening right now. The Light Force was taking time to select its champion. And all they had to do was wait.
"This is going to be the doom for us if the Light Force doesn't choose someone soon. What if it doesn't choose anyone?" Reed asked as he saw the Ball was still floating and approaching every other to see if the person was worthy or not.
"Then we will have to face Knull with everything we have and destroy all the symbiotes present or just kill him."
"Why didn't it choose Eddie? You said before in the meeting that Eddie was the prophesied one."
"I don't know. According to the future which I know, Eddie should have been the One we have been promised. But it seems my indulgence has made many things change." John almost whispered when he said this. He wasn't really what would happen now.
"So that's what you always meant when you said that nothing is predictable when it comes to the future." Barry laughed with a hollow tone. He had a smile on his face as they all looked at the Ball which was floating to every other member of both the Avengers team.
They were looking at it with anxiety running through their veins. This was the most powerful weapon they had against Knull and they didn't want to lose sight of it. And after 10 minutes of silence and stress, the Light Ball finally chose someone.
Someone which nobody would have expected to take over the mantle of God of Light. If it was any other being, then it would have been understandable but the person whom Light had chosen was not something John would have imagined in the wildest of his dreams.
The Enigma Force had chosen Yhwach as his Champion in this war against Knull!!!
Yhwach, the God of Quincy was chosen as its new herald!!!
This made everybody's jaws drop on the ground. All this time, none of the members of the Avengers of both had a very good connection with him. John also had kept himself away from him. Since his story wasn't known to anyone, nobody believed a word of him. It was only because of John that he was even allowed to join them.
He was quite handy in dealing with Knull and in fact he had been the most efficient guy in the battlefield. But the Enigma Force choosing him was something that was not what anyone from the team had expected.
As the Light Ball entered the body of Yhwach, John got a notification.
A foreign unknown mater has entered the body of one of your summons.
Do you wish to block it?
"Will I lose control of the summon if I let Enigma Force enter its body or will the secret of the system be out?" John asked his system inside his mind.
Analysing the foreign source....
The source is found to be friendly and the source won't hamper the host's control over its summon.
Do you wish to temporarily enhance the summon with the foreign source?
"No problem with the control? Are you sure?"
"Fine. Allow the Enigma Force to take over. At least I can control how he acts."
Allowing the summon named 'Yhawch' to integrate it's power to the foreign source.
The summon now has a new power and is now the herald of Enigma Force, which is one of the oldest forces of this multiverse
"This is unprecedented..."
"This was not what I had ever thought. An unknown guy getting such a massive boost."
Such discussions were going on among all the members of the Avengers and X-men. An unknown guy who had just arrived from the multiverse getting such a massive boost.
"John is he trust-able?" Clark asked as John was bust checking the system and seeing what were the new powers of Yhwach.
"Huh... Oh yeah... I think he can be trusted in this regard. He did help us in the first attack, didn't he? And it's not like Enigma Force would be with him for all time. It would leave the moment Darkness is pushed away. So we can cooperate for this battle. If the Enigma Force stays with him we will see what we can do. A person chosen by Enigma Force can't be that bad. Can he?" John said as that was the only answer he could give them now.
He wasn't concerned about Yhwach as he was still under his control and at the end this arrangement was temporary. They just needed to wait it out and let the Enigma Force just leave later. Even if the Enigma Force stays, it won't actually matter.
The other members of the Avengers also thought about what John had said. Since he was chosen by the Enigma Force, he might not be bad after all.
Only time would answer if the trust they were providing now, would not back to bite them!!
Read 210+ more chapters in my p@treon.com/thelightedghost
There was a reason why Yhwach was chosen as the next Champion of Enigma Force. He had been sleeping for such a long time after giving away his soul, which in other words meant that he had been half dead from the understanding of the Enigma Force.
And from the start itself Yhwach himself was powered by bright light or at least that's how the color of his powers looked like. A bright shining white light. The Quincys always used a kind of light to use their bows and all other kinds of weapons.
Maybe if Yhwach was never summoned then Eddie would have been the God of Light, but one small change of past had changed the whole story from here. And on top of it, Eddie never faced death or at least near death situations. He never went through the horrors of his past thanks to getting a better version of Venom and him being the only superhero in New York when everything went to waste, thanks to the work of John.
Due to Venom and his antics, the city was safe from other villains. There was havoc for sure, but comparatively, it was better for him and he was hailed as a hero. He had never gone through the actual sacrifices that his other version would have gone through.
But it was different for Yhawch, he had sacrificed a part of his power. There was selfishness in this as he wanted to bring down Seireitei, but in the end he did sacrifice.
Many other factors played into this, as Yhwach was not the only one who fell in this criteria. Batman too had sacrificed a lot and he too had gone through numerous near death experiences. But Light chose him, because Yhwach had powers which belonged to the same spectrum as Light Force.
Bruce was much on the darker side. So there was that too!!
All in all, Yhwach was the new God of Light and there was nothing anybody could do about it and had to accept it. All came to Yhwach as he was checking himself out. He just got injected by one of the greater powers of the multiverse, he had to see what the whole party was all about.
"Feel good?" Clark asked.
"This is new for me. I feel like my soul is full of energy. Like I can burn the whole planet down if I wish to." Yhwach said slowly and that voice had no kind of empathy in it. This sounded terrifying to others. Such words brought silence to the whole team. Even John didn't expect that his own summon would say such words to terrify others.
"Did the Enigma Force really choose the right guy?" Tony whispered.
"I am just joking. I was just establishing the scale of my power. Not that I will use it here. I already said I have nowhere to go so I will have to stick to this place." Yhwach said as he gave a cheeky smile.
"Get serious people, the drones are detecting people running from out of the city here and they are 10 kms out. In a few minutes they will arrive and we will have to exorcise them of the symbiotes. It will be too much of a hassle." 616-Tony said as he looked at the notification GAIA had sent over.
"Yhwach can you feel the Darkness? Where is he?" John asked. Yhwach didn't answer and just looked up in a certain direction. He pointed there with his finger.
"Can you feel what he is doing?" Wayne asked. Yhwach shook his head but said.
"I don't know but whatever he is doing, it is giving him more power." Yhwach said in a little more grave tone as he squinted his eyes and looked in that direction.
"Then I guess, its time to bring the big guns." John said as he looked at his watch. He changed the dials of his watch and soon the dial of his omnitrix showed a long humanoid alien. Everybody who had seen him in this form knew what was going to come next.
Alien X!!
John pressed the side button and then he changed to its form. The person who looked like it was made of small stars. The 616-Avengers still have nightmares of this form of John. Only in this journey did they come to know that the watch was called omnitrix and it allowed John to change into any forms of aliens present or saved in the omnitrix.
"Who is joining me in this battle?" John asked. Many raised their arms eagerly. But John looked at Wayne to decide who would fight against this big guy.
"Yhwach, Clark and John would go and fight it and Tony of our universe will be the distant support. Me and others will stay here and try to get rid of the symbiotes plaguing the land and also seeing that the humans trying to come here would be stopped."
Read 210+ more chapters on my p@treon.com/thelightedghost
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