As everybody sat down Fury said "Diana can you use the lasso of truth on Loki to figure his plan out?"
Diana went to the cage and everybody sat in their places to see what plans did Loki have with the Cube and how does he plan to bring the army to Earth. As soon as Diana went inside the cage Loki knew what Diana was here for.
"You must be really desperate to even use the Lasso on me." Loki said. Diana didn't utter a word and wrapped Loki in lasso as he didn't resist at all.
"What are your plans with the Tesseract?"
Loki tried stopping himself from uttering but no matter how he tried he couldn't stop himself from saying
"I just plan to bring the Chitauri to Earth. The other processes are handled by Erik as I don't understand Earth's science as it is too backward."
"How do you plan to bring the army?" Diana continued.
"I have no idea. I didn't ask. I knew that I might be caught and be used the lasso so I deliberately avoided the whole plan" Loki said and this time with a huge smile.
"Why did you let yourself get caught so easily?"
"So that I can manipulate all of you and break you all from inside. Well that was the plan but it seems it's out of the window now." Loki said. Diana just looked at him for few seconds and even tightened the rope around Loki but it result to anything. With a sigh Diana came back to the bridge.
"I tried, he knew I would use the lasso on him so he took measures against it."
"It seems like we need to depend on ourselves to find the Cube as fast as possible." Fury said with an exhaustion. Tony and Bruce both did their homework on the notes of Erik Selvig so they were ready to assist Banner in search of it. John decided to follow them to the laboratory and see even with the absence of influence of scepter if Banner transforms.
Banner and everybody started working on finding while Tony was being a little jumpy. John knew that Tony had already started hacking into the files of SHIELD about the Tesseract as he felt that Nick's theory of using clean energy from Tesseract to fuel the world was a lie.
As Tony was having fun with Banner by giving him a mild electric shock, Steve barged in. "Hey. Are you nuts? Is everything a joke to you?"
"Funny things are!" Tony replied.
"Threatening the lives of everybody on the ship isn't funny. Just focus on finding the Tessearct" Steve said
"You think I am not? We are already sweeping the entire planet to find the Tesseract. But Captain have you never doubted Fury? Why call us now? Not before? Jarvis is already running through the files of SHIELD. Don't believe me? Ask Wayne and Banner. Even John can say that something is wrong with Fury approaching us now."
Steve turned towards Bruce who was listening and working in his place beside. "Bruce what do you think?"
"A spy who doesn't have secrets isn't a good spy. There must always be a Plan B for organizations like this. I am just guessing if we are Plan A or Plan B?" Bruce said with a flat tone.
"Doctor what do you think?" Steve asked.
"Umm... Tony has been the forefront of clean energy for a time now. If they really wanted clean energy why not bring Tony before? What is he hiding?" Steve looked at John who was eating snacks provided by Tony. He just shrugged his shoulders stating that he accepts whatever they said.
"Just find the Tesseract" Steve left saying that but talking with the other three made him doubt and he went to find out if SHIELD was hiding something.
After half an hour SHIELD got to know that a virus had infiltrated the files of it and Fury knew instantly who was behind it. He went directly to the laboratory to confront Tony.
"What are you doing Mr. Stark?"
"Kind of wondering same thing about yourself" Tony replied.
"You are supposed on finding the Tesseract?"
"We are already searching the whole planet for it. When we get a hit we will have the location within half a mile."
"Yeah it will be soon. But tell me Fury. What is "phase 2'?" Tony asked looking at the screen.
"Phase 2 is using the Tesseract to make weapons." Steve said as he entered the laboratory and placed a weapon in front of them.
"SHIELD has made missiles and other kinds of weapons with the help of the Tesseract" It was Wayne who spoke this time.
"I would like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract for making weapons of mass destruction." Banner pointed out the screen. By this time Diana, Thor and even Natasha joined in.
"Because of him." Fury said as he pointed towards Thor.
A very boring chapter so the next chapter will be updated now.
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Fury pointed at Thor and said "Last year we had a visitor on earth. Their small match leveled a town..."
"Tell them the truth Fury." John said intercepting Fury.
John who had been silent all this time finally spoke out. Fury almost stumbled when John said that. Fury looked at John for a moment and said
"What truth?"
"The truth why you really wanted to make weapons from the Tesseract. The actual history of Pegasus Project." John said.
"You knew about this? You can look at past too?" Fury said now with apprehensiveness.
"I can look into many things Fury." John said.
"What truth are you speaking about?" Steve asked. John looked at Fury. Fury knew he couldn't hide it so he finally said
"In 1995, Earth was almost invaded by an hostile alien force. This was stopped by the help of someone. At that day I realized that we were hilariously out manned and out gunned." Fury said.
"Why didn't we ever know that it happened? There was no news about that." Tony asked.
"Because the person who helped us is way too powerful. The avengers initiative was born because of her. In addition now with the new world being merged the top people must be really scared. " John replied this time. Fury now was sure that John knew everything. John didn't mention about Skrulls because the agenda of secret invasion is on. He didn't want to expose too much to make the Skrulls more attentive to him. At this point Steve too knew about the new world. He was surprised at the beginning with this new world being merged but like aliens' presence Steve thought of them as aliens.
"Her? So this 'she' is really powerful enough to stop an invasion almost single handedly. But where is she now?" Bruce asked.
"Relocating and helping other planets in need. I can only contact her in case of emergency. This hasn't been the condition yet. That's why 'phase 2' was created along with the idea of 'Avengers'. I wanted a group of heroes powerful enough to stop any kind of invasion. But I can also understand one person can only be so much powerful so Phase 2 was the plan." Fury said.
"So now you know the whole story."
Everybody were silent as they heard it. As they were contemplating there was a huge explosion and the laboratory blew a hole in the middle. John and everybody were thrown away by the blast. Natasha and Banner fell down through the hole while others got disoriented.
After few seconds they finally got their bearings. Wayne saw all this and said while bringing out his mobile
"One engine is down. Tony and I will go check if we can repair the engine, if we lose another engine we won't be in air anymore. Steve and John you can stop any infiltration during this mayhem. I am sure the enemy will sneak into us. Thor and Diana go and stop Banner if he goes out of control. I have a feeling he might."
John followed what Wayne said and with Steve went out searching for any sneak attacks. John went to his room to wear the equipment he brought. The while hand gloves. Same as the Flame Alchemist Roy Mustang. Even though he could do flame alchemy without the gloves he needed a spark for that and only the gloves could provide that spark.
John after wearing the gloves went out searching. Banner did lose his control over Hulk after falling down. Thor and Diana had to fight it out with Hulk to keep him under control.
"Thor, we need to make him fall down and then you can keep Mjolnir over his chest. He won't be able to move if we did that. We don't want casualties here." Diana said.
"Good plan, you hold him down with the Lasso and I will make him fall down" Thor said.
Diana was able to wrap her Lasso around Hulk after exchanging some blows. Thor took his hammer and gave a huge blow to Hulk's legs. Hulk fell down spontaneously and Thor took his hammer and kept over the chest of Hulk.
"Banner we are not your enemies. Wake up. We need you" Thor said
On the other side Wayne and Stark were busy repairing the rotator of the engine. The only difference from the original plot was that Tony used iron alchemy to remove the big iron chunk that got stuck in the rotator. Wayne was attacked when he was going to restart the engine which led the Iron Man's damage to his armor while driving the rotator manually.
Steve went to the bridge to stop any suspicious person entering the control room. John who was nearby finally saw Clint with blue eyes pointing his bow and arrow from a concealed ramp. John knew he had to stop Clint before he does more damage to the helicarrier. John had let all the heroes follow their destined path but now it was time for change as the upcoming war would be dangerous.
John had planned for this war for a long time and it was time to execute this plan. The next moment John used his left hand to touch the floor. Everybody's eyes turned around by the shining blue sparky lightning. The lightning flowed towards the ramp where Clint was hiding. Then huge metal circular cones came out of the walls and floors.
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