Back on the balcony, the female hunter let her bow clatter to the ground, gritting her teeth at the pain that stung her fingers. Blood dripped from them from the number of times she'd drawn back her bowstring and released it. If it hadn't been for the fast healing of her body, she wouldn't have been able to shoot a quarter as many arrows as she'd achieved that night…
"You should have worn some protecting gloves before doing something like that…"
"I'm fine, Gallant. It's only a scratch. It should heal up in no time," Katie cut the man off before he could continue stating the obvious.
"Is it over?" the man asked her.
"No, it's not… There is still one more rogue. He's different from the rest and he's not attacking. It's as though he wants us to go to him," she said, pointing in the enemy's direction.
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